• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,191 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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Most ponies were happy to live their lives with nothing exciting happening to them. Yet there were others that went out of their way to find action, either through exploring dangerous terrain or facing down hordes of monstrous creatures. The dark orange alicorn would consider herself one of the latter, yet she had one problem that she was willing to bet most others of that type didn't have.

“Fluttershy. I told you I'm fine! My magic is still a bit weak right now, but I can walk around on my own. I have a lot of work to catch up on.” Aegis Flare glared at her cousin from the wheelchair she was stuck in but was ignored by the other alicorn.

“Now now. You know that the doctor said that you are supposed to take it easy for the next week. Besides, your mother said that she would take care of everything until you are all better. Now open wide...” The seated alicorn grumbled as a spoonful of oatmeal was lift in front of her in a pink aura. The other alicorns chuckled at the interaction between the two cousins as they relaxed in the throne room of the newly grown crystal castle.

“Well darling, you have to admit that this is all your fault for worrying all of us as much as you did. While I can understand wanting to protect your mother and sister like that, it was still reckless to go off alone.” Rarity flipped her mane back as she examined her hoof while taking a file to it. Applejack lifted her hat to look over at the mare in her throne before glancing up at her own.

“Ah still can't believe that this here castle grew out of that box tha Tree of Harmony left us. Not that ah'm complaining, the extra space sure came in handy what with all the ponies who lost their homes because of tha fight with Tirek. It sure didn't help that much of that fight took place right in the center of town.” The farm mare's words caused Aegis Flare to frown and turn her head away from her.

“Yes, I know I shouldn't have fought him like that, but after seeing him with my mother like that I just... I only just got her back again, I didn't want to lose her so soon.” Everyone pauses for a moment as her words struck a chord in them all before she continued.

“Still, despite how out of place this building is, it is surprising how much space is in it. It could probably hold all of Ponyville, Canterlot, and Manehattan and still have room to spare, not that we could feed all of that though. There is something else odd going on though, I'm just not sure what.” She tried to look thoughtful, but it was ruined by Fluttershy as she brought the spoon back up to her mouth once again, causing her to bat her hooves at it. Twilight looked up from her own throne, away from the multitude of scrolls she was reading through, and looked around what they had come to call the throne room.

“That really is a good point. There is no way this building could hold even a tenth of what it does even with the best internal expansion spells we know of. I would love to figure out how this place is like it is, but honestly, I have no idea where to even start. At least ponies can start moving out again within the week as the least damaged buildings are repaired. We didn't need as much of this place as we could have with those with undamaged homes allowed others to stay with them until their homes were finished.” She gestured towards Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy as she said this, as their homes were far from the battle were relatively undamaged beyond random objects falling due to light tremors. The rest of them were less lucky as Rarity's and Aegis Flare's homes would need to be completely rebuilt, while Twilight's and Pinkie's had taken damage to their living areas leaving them unlivable, though the working area was still in decent condition.

All seven of them had decided to move into the crystal structure for the near future so others that were uncomfortable with living in the building had somewhere else to stay. With them moving in, they had a few deliveries of basic necessities from out of town so delivery ponies were constantly coming and going. Considering the Golden Oaks Library's living area was seriously damaged, and repairing it would take the tree years to do, Twilight decided to move her personal collection out of the tree and into what would become her new home. When she found that she had much more space to use than before, she also requested her collection that was still in Canterlot. So a stallion dragging in a large wagon of books wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

“So where do you want this load of books?” The room glanced up at the stallion as he made his presence known and Twilight waved her hoof to a nearby hall.

“There is a library down that hall on the right, just leave them in there.” The stallion was about to follow her directions before he was distracted by a book on top of the pile he was pulling.

“Even this one that is buzzing and glowing?” The princesses looked at him in confusion for a moment before they looked up at the pile to see what he was talking about. Twilight used her magic to pull the book down, waving him off as she did so, and opened it to see what was going on with it. The stallion left as she flipped through the book to find the cause of its magic, and when she reached the latest page her eyes widened.

“It looks like a message to Princess Celestia from my friends at Canterlot High.” A look of surprise spreads through the group as they thought the portal was closed.

“How is that even possible?” Twilight shakes her head at Rarity as she continues reading.

“I have no idea, but it sounds like they need my help. There seems to be a bunch of new girls causing a lot of chaos in the school. The way Sunset Shimmer described them, I think these new girls sound an awful lot like... the sirens.” Pinkie let out a gasp of horror at the new.

“Not the sirens!” More was said after Pinkie's exclamation, but Aegis Flare had tuned them out as something about the name seemed familiar. It was only after Twilight had started putting something together that it hit her.

“Wait, can I see that book for a second?” The other princesses looked at her, though Twilight was completely oblivious, before they shrugged and passed the book over. Looking at the last entries she had to roll her eyes as Twilight hadn't replied yet. She was about to look around for something to write with when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Looking up she was surprised to see her mother waiting behind her with a pen.

“Looking for something? Though with you being on a strict no-anything regimen until you've recovered I'm not sure what you expect to do.” The mare winced at the chastising tone in her mother's voice before she turned the book towards her.

“I just need to know what the names of the sirens are. If they are who I think they are then I may have something that could help out Sunset Shimmer.” Bella Donna's ears perked up at the name and a cruel grin crept onto her face.

“Wait, little Sunny is the owner of the other half of this communication journal? Give that here, I haven't messed with her in such a long time.” Without waiting for an agreement, the older mare snatched up the book and began writing in it.

“Dear Sunny, it is good to finally find out where you have been hidden all this time. Unfortunately, Celestia isn't nearby right now, and Twilight is busy building what looks like a portal so it is up to me to get more information. Did you happen to get the name of these sirens, or did you put as little thought into it as when you 'borrowed' Celestia's regalia and attempted to take over her court when you were five? Boy, you sure were adorable then. Still, knowing their names could be just what we need to have an edge on them before Twilight heads over there. Your old caretaker, Bella Donna.” The group, barring Twilight, looked at the elder mare, wondering just why she wrote what she did. The journal was silent for a few minutes before it started glowing once again as a new message came through.

Um, Mrs. Donna, this is Fluttershy. The others told me to tell you that the names of the sirens are Adagio, Aria, and Sonata and also to ask why Sunset is curled up behind the statue whimpering.

“Aww, she remembers me. And look, she did manage to get their name, do they mean anything to you?” Aegis Flare groaned at her mother's antics before she sighed and nodded her head.

“Yeah, but now I need to go back to our house for something.” She raised a hoof to forestall any complaints.

“No, I don't plan on doing any digging myself. There should be a few workers nearby that I can get to quickly dig out something. Also, mom, should you really be using those sticks to help you walk around again? Didn't they have a replacement cart for you at the hospital?” Her mother shook her head and stepped next to the wheelchair-bound alicorn before gesturing to Fluttershy to follow her.

“No, the storage area of the hospital was damaged and many of their supplies were ruined. They rarely need something like that and the only spare they had was lost. Besides, I used these things for years, sure they might be uncomfortable but at least they let me get around.” While the younger member of the family wanted to argue, she just shook her head and pouted as she was wheeled out of the castle and into Ponyville. While repairs were underway, there was still a lot of the town that needed work, though since it was Ponyville it was rapidly being returned to its previous state. Even Discord could be seen helping out, though the results of that help left much to be desired at times as the tools he animated ended up causing almost as much damage as they fixed.

While they were delayed a bit tracking down Discord to curb his mischief, they only managed to stall him a bit as they brought him with to help find what the three were looking for, with only minor complaints from him. Soon they were at the wreckage of Aegis Flare's home and holding a small pink seashell while Discord went back to 'helping out' around Ponyville.

“Is that what I think it is? I've seen the things that you've collected, but I never looked at them closely.” Aegis Flare nodded to her mother as she slipped her head into the necklace.

“Possibly. It was a gift from someone I helped, and if what she said is true then this may be just the thing that Twilight could use.” While Fluttershy was lost on what the other two were talking about, she did know that something that could help Twilight on the other side of the mirror was probably a good thing. They quickly made their way back to the castle without stopping for anything, just for the seated mare to end up nearly burying her hoof into her face.

“What do you mean that Twilight already left? Didn't any of you tell her that I left to get something that could help her out?” The others looked at each other in confusion before Applejack stepped forward.

“Ya mean that ya didn't go out and find Spike and send him back here ta help Twilight? We thought that that was what ya went out there ta do.” With a groan, Aegis Flare looked at the portal before reaching up to touch the shell on her necklace.

“No, I was out there to find this. It was a gift from someone I saved and, if I am right, is something that could have made her quest much easier. Well, knowing Spike if something truly goes wrong he'll be racing back here to get help and I'll head over there myself to help. Twilight may have mentioned meeting versions of the rest of you, but she hasn't seen one of me, yet. Though there are some things I wanted to talk with Sunset Shimmer about. I guess I'll wait to message her until after Twilight gets back.” With another sigh and shake of her head, the mare leaned back in her wheelchair to watch the portal, hoping that Twilight didn't need the extra help.


Twilight's adventure went off with few problems, Spike constantly corrected Twilight when she tried to leave them out of her store, and things progressed in Ponyville. After a couple weeks most everything had been put back the way it should, with a few upgrades to some things that hadn't been touched in years. This left the seven alicorns with a chance to rest before deciding what to do next, though one of them had other plans she had been waiting to get to.

“Good, looks like the coast is clear. Come on Spike.” Aegis Flare snuck through the castle towards the room the mirror portal was located, Spike in tow. While she had mostly recovered from her injuries, both physical and magical, she was still told to take it easy for a while longer. Despite how simple what she had planned was, she still doubted that her cousin would approve of her taking the trip.

“I still can't believe that you talked me into this. I don't even know why you didn't just go and ask Twilight either. At least I got you back with that little trip to Rarity's.” The young dragon poked at the manestyle the mare currently had, one that she had used back during the Grand Galloping Gala. She didn't know why he requested that style, but if it got him to help then she could put up with her mane being out of her usual braid.

“I just don't want them to know about what I'm going to do. I need to see how they react first and I'm not sure if the others will understand.” Spike may have been going with as an escort, but he still didn't know exactly what she wanted to do over there, though another who overheard wanted to know as well.

“Not sure if we'll understand what?” The two froze as they came face-to-face with Twilight as she stood in front of the mirror portal. Thinking quickly, Aegis Flare came up with the perfect distraction though she would probably pay for it later.

“Not understand fully how the portal works. I mean, if something like this can be used to travel between dimensions, then why couldn't something similar be used to link up Canterlot and the Crystal Empire with here?” Twilight was about to ask how she wouldn't understand something like that when her eyes lit up from the inspiration.

“That... That is genius! How has nopony thought of something like that before?! I mean, it can't be that much harder as it's only folding two points in the same dimension instead of trying to bridge two completely different ones. All I need is...” The mare quickly took off towards her lab to begin research on the idea right away, leaving the two to watch as she flew off.

“You do know that you'll never get her out of there until she finishes, right?” The alicorn looked a bit sheepish before nodding.

“Yeah, but that's future me's problem. Though it actually would be nice to just step through a door or mirror and be at the Crystal Empire. It's been a while since I've sparred with Shining Armor. Now quick, through the portal before anyone else shows.” Putting words to action, the mare jumped through the mirror, shortly followed by the young dragon, shaking his head as he did so.


The stature in front of Canterlot High stood as it had for years, and on this weekend it stood alone as students avoided the school for the day. That was soon changed as a figure fell out of the pedestal that it was standing on, followed soon after by a second, that one a touch more gracefully.

“Oof, that was a bit rougher than I expected.” Aegis Flare paused as she looked down at what were once her hooves but were now a pair of hands. Out of curiosity she leaned back onto her knees and brought her new hands up in front of her to examine.

“Kind of freaky, huh? I mean, it's not much different for me, but you should have seen Twilight when she first came over.” Looking up the mare-turned-woman saw a green haired, purple-skinned child who looked somewhat familiar to her.

“Spike? Is that you?” The spiky-haired child just grinned as he offered his hand to Aegis Flare and nodded.

“Yep, and it's a good thing, too. You should have seen the mess that Twilight almost made by trying to walk like she normally does here. Good thing I'm an expert in how humans walk, not much different from how I normally do it.” The woman looked over Spike and how he was standing before she glanced back at her own legs. Taking a breath, she slowly levered herself up with her hands onto her feet and wobbled as she slowly got her balance before turning back to the reflective surface of the portal.

“Huh, that was easy. Actually, this is much like how certain martial arts are done, but it feels more... natural somehow. Though, hmm. I'm actually kind of liking this look.” Looking at her reflection she found herself wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath it along with a black tie. Remembering something, she quickly patted herself down and found that the things she had brought were inside the pockets of the pants. She also found something else and when she pulled them out found them to be a pair of sunglasses, which she put on.

“Yeah, it does look really awesome. Kind of like a secret agent or super spy. Actually, I think you might even be a bit taller than Twilight was, maybe even older? Now, what did you need me here for again?” Standing up straight, the woman looked around to see if she recognized anything, shrugging at his last question.

“Well, first I need to find Sunset Shimmer. She's the one to most likely know where what I am looking for is.” Spike rubbed his chin with his hand as he looked around as well.

“Hmm, I'm not sure where she would be right now. Twilight and I mostly stuck around the school or... wait she might be able to help. Hey, Pinkie Pie!” The dragon-turned-boy waved toward a figure that had just came into view and ran towards her, followed soon after by Aegis Flare. The pink-haired Wondercolt looked around at being called and flinched when she saw Spike but it was quickly hidden by her usual smile.

“Spike! What are you doing here? Where's Princess Twilight? *gasp!* Is there another monster from Equestria here to take over our world and you need our help to stop them?!” The two Equestrians look at each other before shaking their heads at the familiar reaction.

“Actually, we just need to find Sunset Shimmer for something. I'm not sure what though since Flare here won't even tell me what it is.” Pinkie looked over at the other person nearby and looked at her with a thoughtful expression.

“Hmm, nope don't think I've seen you before, but any friend of Spike's is a friend of mine! Put her there.” Aegis Flare looked at the outstretched hand before she put her own in it causing the pink-haired teen to pump it up and down.

“Good to meet you. Twilight has told me a bit about you and her other friends over here.” Pinkie gasps once again as she starts bouncing around.

“You're also one of Twilight's friends from the other side of the portal!? Does that make us double friends then!? Ooh, I can't wait to tell the others about this, but they're all busy for a few hours and after we were all going to meet at Sugarcube Corner. Maybe you could come back then?” Her eyes started shifting around, though neither of the two noticed it. Aegis Flare looked thoughtful as she patter at one of her pockets and came up with an idea.

“Actually, that could be a good thing. Could you show us somewhere that we could trade valuables for whatever money is used here? I doubt that bits will be of much use on this side.” Pinkie tried to come up with an excuse, but after a few moments of nonsense she just sighed.

“Fine, but there is only one place in town and the owners aren't very nice.” The woman led the two Equestrian through the city of Canterlot until they came to an unassuming building with windows filled with various knick-knacks.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Inside the building Spike immediately recognized the two humans that were running the place and was immediately put on guard. Aegis Flare just took it all in stride and stepped up to the counter before pulling out a small cloth bag.

“Well, hello there ma'am, and welcome to our fine establishment. Can I interest you in some authentic antique tree brushes?” Aegis Flare quirked an eyebrow at Flim, the one at the counter, before glancing over at Flam who was elsewhere in the room. The woman only shook her head before setting four gold bits, worth a hundred bits each, and one platinum bit, worth five hundred, on the counter in front of the man.

“Actually, I was wondering if these were worth anything to you at all.” Flim frowned as he looked at the coins, before his eyes widened and he waved his brother over. His brother raised an eyebrow, but when he saw what was on the counter his own eyes widened before he quickly composed himself.

“Well now, what have we here. We've seen a lot of those come through here, yes we have, but we'll definitely give you a fair price for them. How does one fifty each for these four and a hundred for this one sound?” Aegis Flare frowned as she looked at the two and she immediately knew that something was off with the price they were giving. It was rather high from what she could tell by the prices of various items around her, yet the two seemed way too eager to acquire the coins for the price to be fair. Still, it wasn't like she was going to need the money beyond this trip and losing the coins wouldn't put much of a dent in her funds back home.

“Hmm, that sounds much less than fair.” The two men started trying to argue and backtrack a bit but she raised her hand up to forestall it.

“But you are lucky that I am in a hurry and don't feel like trying to investigate at this moment. Though I suggest that you start giving your next few customers a more than fair deal considering how much you've made from this one.” As Aegis Flare peers over the top of her sunglasses the two gulp as they only now realize what she looks like and began to sweat. Holding out her hand, they quickly gave her the promised money and subtly directed her towards the door.

“Wowie, I've never seen them look that nervous since the last time Applejack and Rarity came through and pointed out all the fake antiques they were selling. But what do you need all that money for?” The red-head flipped through the bills before pulling two of them out and handing them to Spike.

“Well it would be wrong to come here and not get Spike something for all of his help, maybe he can find something for his marefriends back home. It would also be nice to have a little something just in case I...” She stopped as they were walking down the street to look at a building in interest. There wasn't much that she had for hobbies or to use to relax, having to spend all her time taking care of her sister, but there was something that always made her pause.

“That actually looks interesting. You two go on ahead, I want to check this place out.” After waving the two ahead, Aegis Flare moved towards the shop she noticed that was covered in neon lights. Walking inside she frowned as she didn't see any records like she was expecting, but rows upon rows of smaller and shinier versions that looked too flat to work. Still, the store looked like a music shop so she went over to a pair of hanging headphones next to a display and attempted to figure out how it worked. It took her a few minutes of fumbling, but she eventually figured out how to work the touchscreen and started sampling a few of the songs.

“Um, eww. Definitely not.”

"Tartarus, no. Isn't there something that isn't going to make my ears bleed or excessively whiny?"

“Right, now this is what I was looking for.” Aegis Flare closed her eyes and started bobbing her head to the music as she listened to it. Just listening to the words she felt it was something that she would have listened to while working out in the Everfree Forest if she didn't need to be listening carefully to her surroundings. Still, she felt as if she was missing some context to the lyrics as it seemed to be alluding to something at times.

Browsing the songs, she found many that she liked, many she didn't like, and a few like the first couple that grated on her ears. While she was in a human form, her hearing was still much better than average so discordant sounds did hurt a bit. Soon she had a small sample size of music and looked around the store for someone who could help her, strangely enough, she somewhat recognized the person at the counter.

“I was wondering if you could help me out with something. You see, I've been out of touch with a while and want to put together a decent sized library of music to listen to. Would you happen to be able to get me a selection of songs, including those like this group and unlike this group, along with something to play them with? With however much this can get me.” Vinyl Scratch looked at the indicated tracks for a moment before looking up at her latest customer then down to the four hundreds that she held out to her. Bringing her hand to her chin for a moment in thought, she soon nodded and gave a thumbs-up before ducking behind the counter. Coming back up with a small box and earphones, she brought it over to the computer next to her and a half hour later Aegis Flare was out the door listening to her new music.

Outside once again, the red-head looked around as she considered the directions she was given to get to Sugarcube Corner. She knew she still had a while to wait until Sunset Shimmer was available so she wasn't in a hurry, but if her guess was right there was a faster way to reach her destination. Taking a moment to think it over she nodded as she took a shortcut through a nearby alley. As she traveled through it she gave no thought to the figures she saw in it and just lightly nodded her head to the beat.

“Well look here, boys. Look like the Diamond Boys have a new customer. What do you say we make her feel welcome? Hey! You there! How about you give us that pretty little music player there and whatever cash you have as well?” Aegis Flare continued walking down the alley as, with the music playing, she couldn't hear them. Her act of ignoring them annoyed the four Diamond Boys as they moved to stand in front of her.

“Hey! Do you hear me!? Give us your stuff, now!” Seeing the four in front of her, the woman could only roll her eyes and wave them off in a 'begone' gesture. This served to enrage them while a new song started up on her player.

One of the taller ones pulled back his fist to throw a punch, but instead of connecting with her she vanished from his sight.

“Butch! Watch out!” Before he could react an arm was pressing him backwards while a leg was slid behind him. Moments later the back of his head went crashing to the ground as the woman slammed him down.

“You bitch! You'll pay for that! Fido, Spot, sic her!” The other two burly ones followed the shorter one's orders as they split up to the sides of the woman. Glancing at the two, she only shook her head as she stepped into the charge of one and leveraged him over her shoulder into the head of the other. The impact sent the two sprawling backwards until the slammed into the edge of a dumpster before falling in.

While her back was turned the final one pulled a knife and came charging at her. With a quick flick of her wrist, she jabbed at the side of his hand, knocking the blade wide, before thrusting the back of her wrist sharply into his throat sending him down. Spinning away from him she looked around at the group with her arms held high before she sighed and pulled out one of her earphones.

“Really? That was it? Well, that was a waste of a good song.” The four could only groan from the positions that they ended up in as she started away. Before she left the alley she paused and looked down at her hands with a frown as she realized that those moves came to her much easier than they should have. She made a note to check up on the history of the unicorn martial arts when she got home as they seemed much more suited for a bipedal form than quadruped.

That was all for later though as she made her way to her destination which just happened to be where she thought it was. After crossing the street and making her way inside she saw Spike and Pinkie at a large booth in the back. She stopped by the counter to place a quick order before moving to join them as well.

“Well, you two look hungry.” Spike paused in his gorging to look up from his half a dozen plates of food, Pinkie having twice that.

“Mmffrmmfgrmph!” Aegis Flare rolled her eyes as Pinkie tried to speak with her mouth full as she took a seat next to her. While she waited for her food, she scrolled through the playlist of her music player, looking at all the names and wondering if there were counterparts to them in Equestria.

“Hey, Spike. I got your message from Pinkie, what did you want to... talk... about.” Aegis Flare looked up at the new arrival, just to freeze as she took notice of how they looked.

“Spike? Did you really have me change my mane-style just for this joke?” Aegis Flare and Sunset Shimmer both looked at each other as they took in their matching hairstyles. With a shake of her head the woman put away her music device as the food she ordered came and she looked over at the rest of the group that had entered before pausing.

Pinkie Pie came walking in behind the group along with Applejack. Yet she knew that couldn't be true as she was sitting right next to her and in fact could now hear her hiding under the table. There should not be two Pinkie Pies in the room, because if there were two Pinkie Pies then there was a serious problem which only could mean one thing.

“Pinkie? What are you doing here? Does Twilight know you've been messing with her portal?” The group of humans, that all looked a lot like all of her friends minus Rainbow Dash and Twilight, looked at Pinkie Pie then at the woman.

“Um, darling, but how do you know Pinkie Pie and why are you surprised that she is here?” Aegis Flare looked over to who she was sure was Rarity with a deadpan stare before she reached under the table. With a bit of a struggle, she managed to get ahold of a clump of pink hair before pulling Pinkie Pie into view.

“Because that would be my Pinkie Pie, this one is yours.” The group stared in horror as their gazes shifted between the two sheepish-looking Pinkies. They could not understand just how such a thing was possible, though Spike was the first to realize what was going on as he face-palmed.

“Pinkie Pie? Just how long have you two been switching places with each other through the portal?” The Equestrian Pinkie gave a guilty smile as she counted on her fingers.

“Um, about two days after Twilight helped beat the sirens?” This got a few groans from the others though there was one person that looked thoughtful.

“But how did you get away with it for that long? I'm sure somebody would have noticed if you were going around without wings or a horn.” Human Pinkie just tilted her head in confusion.

“But I did have wings and a horn. What, was I not supposed to or something?” By this point, Sunset Shimmer's brain had started to catch up with her and she realized just what was said.

“Wait, wait, wait. Pinkie Pie is an alicorn over there?! When did that happen?! And who are you anyways?!” Aegis Flare looked down and took a bite of her burger and carefully chewed as she savored the flavor. Seeing this Spike sighed as he set his drink down.

“Oh right, Twilight never did tell you about our friends on the other side. You see there are seven new alicorns and they all live in that new castle I was telling you about a couple weeks ago.” Sunset's eye started to twitch at hearing about not just one, but seven new alicorns, something she had been trying to earn for herself. She turned back to look at the woman blocking her Pinkie Pie in.

“That still doesn't explain... Wait, does that mean you're one of the seven new princesses as well?” Finishing off her first burger, Aegis Flare took a sip of her soda before sighing in contentment and turning to the bacon-haired teen.

“Yes, actually. In fact, you'd probably recognize the other five other than me and Twilight. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Though if your Pinkie turned into an alicorn going over there then that may cause issues in the future. Oh, and I'm Aegis Flare, the one you've been talking to the past week through your journal when Twilight wasn't around. My mother sends her regards.” Sunset shuddered at the mention of her mother when she recognized the name of the princess before her. Just the fact that she was told by the mare that she wouldn't come after her through the portal kept her from running away screaming.

“Oh right, you did say you were going to come pick up the information I found soon, didn't you. Unfortunately, most of it was listed as classified information so I could hardly find anything about them.” Sunset Shimmer frowned as she thought over what she had just learned as she pulled up the info on her phone.

“But seriously? Princess Celestia always told me about how alicorns are special and so many other things when I kept asking to be made one, how could she just ascend seven ponies like that?” She passed her phone over to the mare-turned-woman to look over what little she had gathered. Aegis Flare thought for a moment as she looked it over.

“Actually, she only intended to have Twilight ascend, the rest of us were a complete accident. We generally have to keep an eye on her when she starts her research and experiments so she doesn't blow anyone else up.” Those from the human side of the portal looked confused, though Sunset Shimmer was pouting about all the new alicorns. When Applejack put a hand on her shoulder, she looked up at her before giving a sheepish smile and a shake of her head.

“Though if your Pinkie is anything to go by, your entire group would probably be alicorns on that side now, too. After summoning a giant alicorn to defeat the sirens it makes some sense.” Sunset Shimmer froze up on hearing this as a dazed smile grew on her face. Aegis Flare eventually shook her head as she set the phone down on the table.

“Well, that doesn't tell me anything that I wanted to know. Still, thanks for at least trying Sunset.” Rarity looked down at the phone and an eyebrow rose as she recognized the article that was showing on it.

“Ambassadors Bella Donna and Vanator? Weren't those the famous ambassadors over twenty years back that tried to negotiate peace with the kingdoms of Transylmaneia? The ones that had a fatal vehicle accident on their way to take a vacation? I'm pretty sure I remember them from History class a couple years back.” Aegis Flare nods as she snacks on some fries.

“On the other side of the portal those are my adoptive parents. I was found by them being attacked by timberwolves when I was younger and I can't remember anything before that. The thing is, somehow they are also my real parents but we know that to be impossible. Considering most beings on our side seem to have a duplicate on this side, there was a chance that I was originally from here somehow.” None of the group knew what to say to that though as Rarity looked through what Sunset had found there was nothing about any surviving family anywhere. In fact, all she managed to find about them at all was what was publicly known.

“Wait, Transylmaneia? Isn't that where that big civil war is going on right now between the members of the ruling family? Even members that leave the country aren't safe from it.” Eyes turned towards Fluttershy as she spoke, causing her to cringe at the attention. She flinched even further back at the intense look on the strange woman's face.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” Aegis Flare just shook her head.

Not really, it's just on the other side you happen to be my cousin and your biological father was my Uncle Douchebag. Probably one of the only ponies where I'd prefer Zephyr Breeze's presence to his.” All this was said in a language none of the others understood but caused Fluttershy's eyes to widen in terror.

Please don't say anything to the others, nobody even knows that my dad isn't my real dad so please don't tell them.” Fluttershy looked pleading at her while the others looked at her in shock, not knowing that she knew another language, and not one they knew. She got a small nod in response as Aegis Flare said one last thing.

That would be for you to say, though there is one other thing. I'm not sure if she is here or not, but on the other side I have a sister named Scootaloo. I'm not sure if she is on this side or not, but if she is please look after her.” The pink-haired teen slightly nodded though she looked confused about the request.

They talk took an odd turn as the phones of all the humans gave off an odd tone, eliciting groans from some of the group. The grumpy looks the had deepened as well as their gazes turned towards Sunset Shimmer then to her phone that was still in Rarity's hands. Before any of them could say anything the door to Sugarcube Corner burst open, revealing the last member of the Rainbooms.

“Hey Applejack! Anon-A-Miss posted again! I can't believe that... Huh? What are you doing here Sunset?” The named mare quirked an eyebrow at the entering teen's comment.

“Why wouldn't I be here? Pinkie sent a message out to everyone calling us here saying someone wanted to meet me. Also, can I have my phone back, Rarity? Might as well see what was posted now.” Rainbow Dash looked from her to Pinkie to Pinkie and her mind shut down on seeing the second one. Shaking her head she frowned as she looked at her phone.

“Huh, I could have sworn that Anon-A-Miss was going to be you. I wonder who it could be then?” Sunset's eyes narrowed at the cyan teen's comment.

“What do you mean that you thought it was me? Haven't I already proven that I'm not that kind of person anymore?! You're all the first friends I've ever had, why would I do something as stupid as this and give it all up?!” Rainbow Dash rubbed at the back of her head as she looked down.

“Um, well, I mean who else could it have been? You were one of the few that knew about the secrets being posted on here, and some of the pictures were even directly off of your phone!” As an argument started up within the group, Spike, Aegis Flare, and the Equestrian Pinkie's eyes all met as they wondered what was going on.

“Hey, can I see that for a second?” The redhead's words drew the attention of Rainbow Dash, who took in her appearance and came up with a quick response.

“What is it to you, you Sunset look-a-like?! What are you, some kind of a spy?!” A hand came up as the woman was about to respond, before she paused and brought a finger to her chin in thought.

“Really Dash? Do ya have ta ask that about all strangers ya meet?” The jock and the farmer glared at each other as they got in each other's faces.

“Actually, yes, you could say that I am.” This answer caused the two to stop with the staring match as Rainbow Dash looked over in triumph.

“Ha! You see! I knew I would find one one of these days!” Applejack looked over at Aegis Flare with a frown while keeping an eye on her friend.

“Please don't encourage her. She's already hard enough ta deal with without her thinking she was right about that.” The Equestrian princess smirked as she reached into one of her pockets to pull an object out and set it on the table. She frowned as she looked at it as it was not the gemstone brooch she was expecting, but some sort of technological marvel that looked rather similar to it. In her confusion, she wasn't ready to stop it from being scooped up by Rainbow Dash.

“This looks so awesome! Is this your secret spy communicator or is it some other gadget?!” She pushed one of the buttons on it just to have it shine in various colors. Aegis Flare recognized it as the magic scanner as it was detecting the magic of the base pony types, alicorns, as well as something unknown. Not seeing it do anything obvious she started to mess with the other buttons on it.

“Well, it does have a communication function, though it's usually only used to report emergencies or mission problems. Then it has the magic scanner, a homing beacon, an emergency...” Her eyes widened as she remembered one of the functions just a fraction of a section too late as the teen vanished in a flash of light leaving a burnt spot on the ground. The witnesses to this event gasped while she could only shake her head in exasperation.

“Oh my gosh! Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy looked on in horror seeing one of her oldest and best friends be vaporized before her eyes.

“And that would be the emergency teleport that sends them to the nearest princess inside one of the castles. Not sure what will happen with it being used on this side of the portal though. Probably should contact Twilight through that journal. Now about this Anon-A-Miss?” Sighs of relief were released all around as they realized that their friend was safe. As a phone was passed over to the red-head, Sunset's journal started to glow and vibrate. The bacon-haired teen had to facepalm at what she read.

“Dear Sunset, can you please tell me why there is a human Rainbow Dash fight with a pony Rainbow Dash? From Twilight. Seriously Rainbow Dash? Fighting with yourself is the first thing you do over there?” Spike chuckles at her reaction as he chews on his fries.

“Yeah, that sounds about right for her, both of them. Granted ever since becoming an alicorn and princess our Rainbow Dash has calmed down a lot, especially when she started working with the Wonderbolts to improve them. But seeing something that looks like her? Yeah, she'll probably assume she's seeing a changeling or something.” The others joined in on the facepalming as they imagined what was happening on the other side between the two.

“Well, at least she should be all right over there, right? Though, if you don't mind I have to wonder why you look so much older than Twilight? She looks about our age and I was sure she mentioned something about all of her friends being about her age.” Aegis Flare looks at the gathered teens, then at Spike who nodded to her in agreement. She looked up in thought for a moment before focusing on Sunset Shimmer.

“Hey Sunset, just how long have you been in this world and were you older or younger than your age as a pony?” The teen looked surprised at the question before she thought about it.

“I think it's been about 5 years now so I should be about, 23 or 24 now over there? Why do you ask?” Aegis Flare groaned as she brought a hand up to her face.

“Oh great, that stupid portal has some sort of time dilation effect, or at the very least is inconsistent. I ask though because it sounds like you've been gone over twenty years now on the other side. I think the portal also does something that affects the user based on their self-image. I kind of had to grow up faster than my friends when my parents disappeared leaving only me and my sister so it could explain why I look older.” Sunset Shimmer's jaw dropped when she heard how long she was gone.

“T-twenty YEARS?! I've been gone for TWENTY years?! But... how?!” The others looked at the mare-turned-teen with pity at having the new broken to her like this. While they were consoling her, the Equestrians took time to eat more of their meals uninterrupted while Aegis Flare looked through the phone before she paused in her chewing and slammed her head into the table before swallowing.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” The girls looked at her in surprise over her actions while Spike's eyebrow rose.

“What, do you have an idea of what is going on? Because I sure don't.” The red-head just slid the phone over to him as she continued to rock her head back and forth in disbelief. Looking down at the phone, Spike tilted his head to the side as he started pawing at it.

“Huh, well it sure looks like Sunset did it.” His response caused the teen's head to whip around to look at him.

“What?! How could you say that?! I mean I might have done this before we met, but after everything that has happened?!” Her rant was cut off as Aegis Flare lifted her head up with a heavy sigh.

“Except that you wouldn't have done that and because it looks like you did it is why you didn't do it.” A round of 'huh?s' from the others greeted her causing her to shake her head.

“It's hard seeing all of you and having to remember that you aren't as experienced as your counterparts on the other side. I mean it's not like this was just like Sunset's plan to split you all up the first time, just with her as the target now.” The group looks between her and Sunset as the realization starts to set in and faces start to become tinged with red. Applejack recovered first as she looked at Sunset apologetically.

“Well if it ain't her, then who was it? Ah can't think of anybody else that could have gotten those photos other than us here.” Aegis Flare put her face in her hands for a moment before running then down it.

“Well I can't be sure, but this looks awfully familiar. Something very similar to this happened on the other side of the portal in Ponyville, except it happened in a school newspaper.” This meant nothing to most of them, but the Equestrian Pinkie and Spike's eyes widened in realization before the smaller one groaned.

“Wait, you don't mean it could be those three, do you? Ugh, even in this world they have to cause problems. Though how is your sister here if your parents on this side are... well...” Aegis Flare just shook her head in exasperation at her sister, even if it wasn't her sister, causing problems like this. His words did at least confirm that she had a counterpart over here somehow.

“It is a possibility, but she and her friends always seem to find ways of surprising us. I just wonder who is keeping Scootaloo safe and out of trouble if nobody has seen a counterpart of me over here and our parents on this side are gone.” The group was silent during this back and forth, but Fluttershy tilted her head as she recognized the name.

“Wait, Scootaloo is your sister on your side of the portal? But if we all have counterparts then why isn't she Rainbow's sister over there as well?” The woman paused as she looked over to the shy teen, causing her to duck back behind Rarity before she looked up thoughtfully.

“You know, I'm not sure. It could just be a coincidence and they really are sisters, or she could have been adopted. As Sunset found, everything she was looking for was classified so either could be true. As if the time issues between our worlds weren't bad enough.” She looked towards the ceiling in annoyance before she started in on another burger while Applejack was glaring at her.

“Ah don't know about all that, but ah sure don't appreciate what ya are insinuating there. Ah know Scootaloo as well and if what ya are saying is true then mah own sister is mixed up with this Anon-a-miss business as well.” Rarity nodded along with her as she remembered her own sister with the other two as well, though the mare-turned-woman just shrugged at them.

“It might be them, it might not be. That's all for you to figure out, but you just have to ask yourselves. Who else could have known about those secrets?” She paused for a moment to think before looking squarely at Sunset Shimmer.

“It could even be more likely if nothing was done about the aftereffects of all the mind control that was used around here.” Eyes moved to look at the confused teen before her eyes lit up in realization and she face-palmed.

“Ugh, basic magical saturation and contamination effects. I can't believe I completely forgot about that.” This earned her a few confused looks causing her to sigh.

“It was from one of my classes back with Princess Celestia. Casting any sort of magic will always leave a trace behind that can be found by those knowledgeable enough. Most of the time those traces fade quickly, but repeated use or more powerful magic takes a while to fade. For example, earth ponies can use their magic to help plants grow, but if they do so long enough in the same area it leaves an imprint on the land making it harder for that area to be used for doing anything but growing plants. Mind control spells of the level the sirens used would actually last for a while after they have left an area meaning those affected would still be aggressive for days, weeks, or evens months afterwards if nothing is done to correct the issue.” Applejack and Rarity looked at her for a moment before looking downcast. Fluttershy looked over her friend's shoulder at the older female with her head tilted in thought.

“So you mean even if it was them then there is a chance that it really wasn't their fault at all? People's feelings have really been getting hurt from this.” The red-head nodded in response, leaving the group to think about the implications of what they have learned. As they did this she picked up another one of her burgers and bit into it with a small sound of appreciation. Nobody had taken notice of anything odd at this point, but that soon changed when Rarity looked over at her for a moment with a frown as her eyes started to widen in realization.

“Um, darling? You do know that they have meat in those on this side, right?” Eyes quickly darted over to the seated Equestrian and began to widen as the rest of the group noticed what she was eating. Aegis Flare only raised an eyebrow at them questioningly as they remembered Twilight's reaction to finding out she had eaten meat.

“So?” They were taken aback for a moment, barring Spike and the Pinkies as they knew a bit of her eating habits on the other side. Sunset Shimmer then remembered something about her that she almost forgot about as it was her mother that stuck in her mind the most.

“Right, your father was a thestral so you would have been exposed to meat. But this kind is a bit different as it comes from cows.” The woman and child's chewing began to slow as they heard this before they slowly swallowed. Aegis Flare slowly looked at her burger before slowly lifting the bun up to peer inside.

“Do they talk here, too?” She looked over to Fluttershy who slowly shook her head in response. After looking between her and her burger a couple times, she just shrugged and bit into it once again, much to the shock of the others. An eyebrow went up at their looks as she chewed.

“What? It's good and I never waste food if I can avoid it. Especially something that tastes like this.” She got a couple of eye-rolls from her words, though a couple of the girls looked unsure.

“But, aren't ponies supposed to be herbivores, darling? Twilight sure went into a panic when she learned that she ate a part of a cow.” The others nodded along with Rarity's words, though there were also a couple frowns.

“Actually, horses and ponies tend to be more of a behavioral omnivore. While they normally only eat plants, they can digest some amount of meat and will actually go after convenient sources of it if hungry enough or it is available.” A few looks of surprise were shot over to Fluttershy, though not for her knowledge of animals but for the information itself. One of the group was nodding along with her though, knowingly.

“Eeyup. Ah've seen the horses back on tha farm when we forgot ta feed them a couple days. One of them broke inta tha chicken coop and ate our best egg layer. Applebloom couldn't sit for a week after that.” Applejack shook her head at the memory before frowning at the thought that her sister might be the one causing all the trouble lately. While she wanted to deny it, the reasoning that it could be her was sound, but there was only one way for her to be sure.

“Excuse me girls, but ah really have ta go. Ah don't want ta believe it is mah sister, but if it is then ah want ta be sure. Ah need ta go and talk with her just ta be sure.” Winces greeted her proclamations, though the others nodded as she made her way to the exit of Sugarcube Corner. Moments after they watched her leave a voice called out through the door as it opened once again.

“Hey girls, I'm back! But where is Applejack going?” Looking over, the group saw that Rainbow Dash had returned from her accidental trip disheveled, but unharmed. While the three seated and eating stayed focused on their food, the standing group turned to the approaching teen.

“Well Rainbow Dash, if you had just refrained from playing around with strange toys you would... Rainbow Dash! What in the world did you do with your bra!” Aegis Flare's eyebrow rose at this outburst as she looked up to see what was happening now. While the returned teen looked barely changed, she did notice her hair was out of place and her shirt seemed to be tented out at two points. She glanced over at Sunset Shimmer for explanation, but found her to be rolling her head side to side in her hand.

“What? It's not like I need it. Besides, she looked really cute wearing it after we had our fun. Just don't tell her I said that.” The mare-turned-woman joined the mare-turned-teen in her actions before she just sighed and reached out to tap the other on the elbow. Sunset Shimmer paused in her actions to look over with a quirked eyebrow at her as she lifted her head up with a sigh.

“If those two are like the ones I remember, I'm betting they'll be going on like this for a while.” The bacon-haired teen glanced over at the two arguing teens before she shook her head.

“Oh, you have no idea. Or maybe you do, I guess.” Aegis Flare grabbed a napkin to clean up around her mouth before she started reaching into a pocket.

“Then I guess I might as well ask you one last thing. You see there was another reason that I came here though if things were different I might not have even considered it.” Pulling her clenched hand out of her pocket the dark orange woman slowly opened it to reveal a seashell necklace which Sunset looked at curiously.

“I need you to tell me where the Dazzlings are. I have some business with them.”

Author's Note:

Yay, new chapter. Planned to be longer but this felt like a good spot to cut it in two as it was getting a tad long. As usual be sure to leave any questions, comments, or spelling screw-ups below. Bet most people forgot about that little item there, didn't they and didn't think of where I was going with it. :pinkiecrazy: