• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,180 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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“Ugh, I still can't believe that mom would do something like that. She knows how little I care for this title, and know that I'm not cut out for it.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes as she flew along next to her sister around Ponyville's airspace. She had finally convinced her sister to show up for a day of flight training just between them, but much of the time was spent listening to her complaining. With a sigh she circled around her sister, top to bottom, before replying.

“I know that, as if you haven't been saying the same thing about a dozen different ways now. But can we please just get back to what we are out here for? I don't get to spend enough time with you as it is.” Aegis Flare sighed as she cupped her wings to slow down and come in for a landing on a nearby cloud, followed soon by Scootaloo. Shaking her head, the elder mare came to the realization that she had been ignoring her sister again.

“Sorry, but when the time limit is up and Celestia is sent wherever for time-off that means that there will be almost no time for me to spend with you. It's already hard enough dealing with the few things that keep piling up because of these things, but to actually do Celestia's job as well?” She spread her wings out in emphasis before flopping her head down on the cloud. The pegasus filly rubbed a hoof at her ankle as she stood next to her sister.

“Actually that may not be that big of a problem really. You see mom signed me up for some event during that month that she found out about. I have no idea what it is, but it sounds like we wouldn't see much of each other anyways. Of course the fact that Diamond Tiara's mom isn't letting her go just makes it better.” The alicorn raised an eyebrow at her sister's words as she realized that this had been the first time in a while since she had heard about the other filly.

“How have things been going with her anyways? You haven't been complaining about her much lately and I don't think I've even seen her around lately either.” Scootaloo opened her mouth to respond, but paused before looking thoughtful.

“Huh. Actually I'm not sure. Diamond hasn't actually been doing anything to us these days. She, along with Silver Spoon, have just been avoiding us except for when we were trying to get help from Twilight. Dragged half of the class along with them as well, it was a surprise that we even found what we were looking for with them taking up Twilight's time. At least Spike knew where to find what we were looking for while she was busy with all of them.” Aegis Flare smirked as she watched her sister's wings flutter at the young dragon's name. She avoided saying anything for now as she pondered her words.

“You know, I've heard about her and her mother getting into a lot of arguments lately, I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Spoiled Rich sure hasn't been holding her tongue at all lately, and I think she has gotten worse about it.” The two look at each other before shrugging and standing up once again to flex their wings in preparation to begin flying once again.

“Still, it would be nice if mom would actually tell me what she is doing when it involves me before actually doing it. A month is way too little time to prepare for something like this, well, unless you're Twilight Sparkle then it's too much and too little at the same time. The library has been a mess since she heard. I guess it's a good thing that Pinkie's sister is going to be in town today, we could all use a distraction.” She looked thoughtful as her mind drifted to her cousin that had spent the last few weeks in a panic in her cottage, while Scootaloo shuddered.

“Pinkie Pie is strange enough most of the time, but what kind of mare is her sister going to be like?” The alicorn blinked and just shrugged.

“I have no idea, this is the sister I have not met yet, but if she's anything like the others then she is bound to be interesting.” Lifting a hoof to ruffle up her sister's mane, the elder mare took off into the sky, soon followed by the younger after swatting her hooves away.


Six ponies sat on a picnic blanket setting up for the arrival of their other fellow alicorn and her sister. They were all curious about just what Pinkie's sister Maud was like as they had only minimal inteeraction with her during their coronations, but Aegis Flare and Twilight had their suspicions as they had already met the other two of the three siblings of their close friend. So when the pronking pink piny princess arrived, they were rather excited to see just what this last pie quadruplet was like. Soon they saw a stone gray mare approaching, and after a small pause she moved to greet the group.

“Salutations.” Twilight and Aegis Flare blinked at hearing the emotionless tone once again that they remembered hearing once before. When they started chuckling the others looked at them in confusion before Twilight waved a wing at them in apology.

“Sorry, sorry. It's just... Flare and I, well we already met Pinkie's other sisters and were trying to guess what the last one was like based on what we knew. It's actually hard to believe that all of them are related, yet at the same time it makes a lot of sense in a nonsensical way.” As if her words were a summoning, laughter filled the air causing her to groan and shake her head.

“Sense? Oh but what fun is there in that?” In a flash Discord appeared between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with his arms draped over them.

“Ugh, Discord? What are you doing here? Can't you see that this is a private party?” Discord looks offended as he brings a claw to his chest.

“Oh, but Rainbow Dash. I was invited by my dear old friend Pinkie here personally to meet with her sister. Speaking of, here she is now, oh and what is this you have there? OW! It bit me!” Discord yanked his claw away from the rock that Maud was holding and stuck it in his mouth. Maud just blinked before holding the rock up to her ear.

“This is my pet rock, Boulder. He says he doesn't like you.” Discord glared at the rock as he sucked on his claw before bringing his paw up to rub his chin.

“Well as interesting as that thing is, though it does look familiar, I'm not sure I like it either.” He jerked away from the rock as it skipped out of Maud's hoof towards him.

Hmph, I see how it is. Well if this is how I'm going to be treated then I'm leaving!” Like that the draconequus disappeared as fact as he had appeared leaving the rest of the group confused. Maud was just as emotionless as ever as she reached down and picked Boulder back up once again and began to pet him.

“Aww, and I had so many fun things planned that I was sure he was going to like. How about you all get to know Maud while I go speak with him.” Pinkie Pie bounced off after Discord leaving the other alicorns alone with Maud. Turning towards them, Maud just raised an eyebrow as she waited for them to make the first move.

”Umm, so. That's an interesting wardrobe you have there...” Rarity attempted to start up a conversation with the gray mare, but as they were all about to find out, learning about the mare was easier said than done.


Aegis Flare and Maud stood staring at each other with matching expressions. The other alicorns, sans Pinkie, watched on as they stood outside of the bat-winged mare's home, heads turning from one to the other.

“Wow, it's almost like a mirror. No wonder Pinkie always seemed ta know how Flare was feeling before Twilight showed up.” Applejack's comment was met with nods followed by a glare from the pony in question. After a moment Aegis Flare just shook her head with a smirk before turning back to the stony mare.

“Whatever. Still, after watching the rest of the I think I know the perfect thing to show you Maud and I think you might enjoy it.” Waving a wing to her, the alicorn opened the door and led the mare along the various displays she had set up on the bottom floor. Finding the one she was looking for, she run a hoof along the bottom edge of it, tapping a few points, before opening up the case before steeping aside for Maud Pie.

“Your sister mentioned that you were studying for a Rocktorate, so I'm sure that these will be of interest to you even though I have no idea what they are exactly. I just found them to look interesting as I was traveling through the Everfree Forest.” Maud stepped forward to look into the case, in which she found a variety of rocks.

“This is an odd mixture to find in a forested area. This one is Pyroxenite and that one is Serpentinite. They are not found in an area like that normally and rarely near each other. Then there is Hyaloclastite, Llanite, Shonkinite, and...” The mare stopped with a small sound of indrawn breathe that most of the mares missed, but with her superior hearing Aegis Flare just managed to catch.

“Is something wrong?” Maud slowly lifted a hoof and pointed at a blueish gray stone that had a slight glow coming off of it near the center of the collection.

“That one is a very rare stone commonly known as star stone. There are very few raw samples to be found as it is the rare component used in making orichalcum.” Aegis Flare's eyebrow rose at hearing this as orichalcum was very rare and very expensive. A chunk of the material of that size was enough to buy a small town if you could get ahold of it, yet it was also a heavily controlled substance due to the many uses that it could be used for, many in a military setting. The alicorn looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding to herself.

“How about you take it then? I have no use for it, but I'm sure that you'll get much more use out of it in your studies. Of course if you need anything to go with it you can always come to me or your sister.” Maud's eyes widened ever so slightly as she slowly reached for the stone with a hoof. Once she had it clutched to her breast, she leaned slightly to the side until she came into contact with the alicorn. Aegis Flare wasn't sure, but she felt that she had definitely made an impact on the mare and smiled to herself. After seeing their interaction, Rarity realized that there was an opportunity to be had at the moment and she had an idea of what to talk with the earth pony about.

“Excuse me Maud. I have a small request.” The stony mare turned and looked at her but said nothing. Rarity took this as acceptance and continued.

“Well, your sister Limestone helped me out a bit with improving the gems I use and I was wondering if you could help me out a bit by looking over what I have done so far?” Maud stood there for a moment before nodding slightly the the former unicorn. Soon the group headed over towards Canterlot Boutique down into the basement of the building. Yet that wasn't their final destination as they found that there was another floor below that which they didn't know of before.

“Um, Rarity? Since when was there a room below your basement? If you don't mind my asking, I mean.” The white alicorn looked to Fluttershy beforeblushing.

“Well when I talked with Limestone I found that many of the gems the grew are done in dark areas, most while still inside rocks. I managed to... convince... a few diamond dogs to dig this area out for me as an alternative to that.” The others nodded at the explanation while Rarity opened the final barrier, revealing the collection of gemstones that she had crafted. Maud moved over and peered at them before tapping at one with a hoof.

“Hmm, these are not bad. They are not the same quality as what is found at home, but there are few places you can find gems better.” Rarity hummed to herself as she thought on the mare's words. While the Pie Family farm was held in high esteem for the quality of their gems, which she had learned after researching it when she was given some tips by Limestone, she didn't expect for her work to match them yet. She looked over the various gems she had sitting rooted in the soil before her eyes landed on the chest she had hidden in a corner.

“Actually, I have one other that is completed, but it is rathher odd. All these gems I worked on using only my hooves as Limestone suggested, but this one I made on accident.” Opening the chest she revealed a solitary gem, but of an odd coloration. While at first it appeared to by a dark grey stone, the colors in it flickered occasionally as if lighting arced across it. On seeing it, Maud's eyes widened slightly as she reached out a hoof and lay it atop it.

“This. This is very rare. I have never heard of a storm gem being grown, only found on mountains that are struck by rare magical storms and even then they are never of this size. How did you make this?” Rarity looked down at the gem before tilting her head.

“I'm still not sure myself, darling. I was worn out after a long days of work and fell asleep down here. When I awoke I found that my wings were wrapped around it with my horn leaning against it.” Maud hummed in thought as she continued to examine the gemstone closely. While the explanation wasn't enough to tell her how it was created, she had some theories but had no real way to test it out herself. Still, to have a chance to examine two rare minerals in one day, one of which was given to her, was not a chance she was going to waste.


“So Celly, how do you like your new home away from home for the next month?” Princess Celestia looked around at all the trees that surrounded her before her eyes settled on one that looked scratched up at first. On closer inspection she noticed that it was intentionally carved into to like like that shape of a pony, a bat-winged one to be precise. It was only then that she realized just where the were and she looked down sadly.

“This is where she was stranded for all those years, isn't it? Fitting that she chose this as the place to send me as punishment for my failures.” With a sigh the alicorn turned away, causing Discord to chuckle.

“Oh don't be like that. It's not like you are going to be alone here. How would you ever relax if you tortured yourself the entire time. Of course I don't mean me, I'll be too busy watching the chaos your replacement spread in Canterlot while you are gone. Speaking of, it's about time I go check in on them now.” Celestia's head shot around to stare at him, but he had vanished before she could lock eyes on him.

“What do you mean by that!? Discord!? DISCORD!?” She stomped her hoof and was about to fly off when she felt something poke at her knee. Snorting angrily she looked down only to see a small colt standing next to her, her retreated under her fiery gaze which dimmed when she saw him.

“Umm, pwincess? Can we go pway on the wollew coastew now? The stwange mawe said you wouwd let us pway on them when you got hewe.” Celestia was confused about the presence of the colt and his words until she looked behind him and noticed a break in the trees behind the colt. Taking a few steps past the colt she found that she was on the very edge of the jungle and right next to where she was left was a giant fair grounds.

“Right, Discord created this island so of course there would be something like this here.” Rubbing a hoof at her head she looked down at the colt who was smiling hopefully up at her, causing her to nod. The colt's smile grew even wider as he dashed ahead, and when the alicorn's eyes followed him she spotted more colts and fillies ahead of them.

“Maybe this will not be as bad as I thought. Who know, I might actually be able to have some fun for once.” Her hopes were darkened a bit as a familiar cry rang out through the amusement park, one that she had heard much about from her student.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS AMUSEMENT PARK GUIDES! YAY!” She blinked warily as the voices reached her, causing her to rub a hoof at her head once again.

“Or maybe things may be even more stressful if those three are here. Well they can not be any worse than the majority of the nobles that wander through my throne room.” With one more shake of her head she calmly made her way towards the group waiting for her to begin her tour of the island that was once Discord's playground.

Author's Note:

And that's another one done. Hmm, I need to take quick inventory quickly of what's to come before the big bad shows up. Still need to find Pinkie's, AJ's, and Twilight's keys. Then I have three episodes that are pretty much dead leaving those, along with Equestria Games and Trade Ya. Those last two will probably be short chapters and pretty heavily changed, while the key episodes? No idea what do to yet for AJ, but expect a lot of tears for Pinkie's. :pinkiesad2: