• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,191 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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Aegis Flare yawned as she returned from her latest foray into the Everfree forest to check on the changes within. She was relieved to find nothing overly complicated, yet it was still a lot of work traveling out there and back, even with her experience. Her tail even managed to keep up with her for most of it to her surprise as most of them seemed to get lost not far past the castle in the forest.

While she had been through much worse, she was still weary and wanted to get home yet her wishes were denied when she heard a yell ring out through the Everfree. “Of course, my trip out here can never be simple. Wonder who got lost out here this time.”

Picking up her pace she soon heard the sound of timberwolves along with another familiar voice. “Help!” Recognizing the shout as Spike's the mare quickly took off running before climbing over a large rock and leaping down to land in front of the cringing dragon where she tossed up a shield around the two. With a sigh she turned back to the young dragon as the wooden wolves relentlessly beat themselves against her shield in rage.

“Spike? What are you doing out here?” The dragon slowly opens his eyes to see that he is safe before looking up at his savior.

“Flare! You saved me! I didn't mean to come out here but Cherry Berry's balloon got free and...” He detailed the small adventure that he just went through after finishing his chores for the day causing the mare to sigh.

“Well that is certainly interesting, but why didn't you drive them off yourself? Timberwolves shouldn't be all that tough for you to drive off.” She looked curiously down at the dragon as he looked at her with worry.

“What do you mean? What can I do to something like that?” He gestures towards the beasts trying to break through the barrier in various ways. Rolling her eyes, the unicorn pointed her horn at one of the wolves before opening the shield in front of it and unleashing a torrent of fire at it in a manner that looked much like the young dragon's. As the wooden wolf was sent howling off she quickly sealed the wall once again before raising an eyebrow at the dragon. “Oh right, that.”

At his sad tone of voice the mare looked down at him more closely before she sighed. “All right, what's wrong?”

The dragon was silent for a moment before he winced at the burning wolf letting out another yelp until he sighed. “It's just, you see what I am? I mean sure Ponyville has been pretty nice, but all many of the ponies in Canterlot saw was a monstrous beast. I had to be careful with my claws and flames because if I ever hurt anypony then they might have taken me away from Twilight. Just the thought of it terrifies me.”

Aegis Flares gaze became one of sympathy as she looked over the saddened dragon having known a bit of how he felt. “I know a little of how you feel. My parents drilled into me how dangerous my fire magic was and told me what could happen if I hurt others with it. Even so, I learned that there are time where you have to use it to hurt others to protect those you care about. Timberwolves were always good practice for it since it takes much more than that to kill them, in fact I still don't know how to do that.”

She unleashed another torrent of fire on another wolf, but this time not letting up until its body was burnt to ash. Spike watched as a green glow rose from the body and appeared to glare at the mare for a moment before being sucked deeper into the forest. “Wait, are you saying these things are some kind of ghost or something!?”

The mare glares at the fleeing energy for a moment before unleashing her flames on the rest of the wooden wolves. “Something like that. Ever since I was young these things have been after me and I'm sure it's the same pack. There is something in their den in the forest that keeps them going yet it's too dangerous to find out what since they come back as soon as you destroy their body that close to it. That was a really tiring day.”

With the timberwolves cleared away the unicorn dropped the shield and knelt down so that the dragon could climb up on her back. As they prepared to head back to town she looked up and noticed Applejack up on a nearby ridge who nodded to her before turning back towards town herself. Aegis Flare and Spike slowly made their way back to town, with the dragon deep in thought.

As they exited the Everfree forest the young dragon finally spoke up on his thoughts. “Hey, Flare? How do you know when you should use your powers to hurt others?”

The mare didn't answer right away as she thought on the answer. In the end she couldn't come up with a complete answer so just told him how she felt. “Usually I don't use my fire since I have other things that I can use first. The timberwolves are one of the few exceptions since it is the only sure way to stop them for a while. I did use it against the changelings, but even with them I had a non-lethal variant that targeted their magic instead of their body.”

The two were quiet for a minute thinking again when the unicorn remembered somewhere that could help that she hadn't been to in a long time. “Though I may know someone that can help. I think they are still in town, but it has been years since I last visited them.”

The dragon looked curious as the mare changed directions and started heading towards a part of Ponyville he hadn't been to before. The dragon never had a reason to come to this side as it was in the opposite direction of Sweet Apple Acres from the Library and he couldn't think of what would even be out here. Soon the duo came to a small building hidden by a row of trees while an old gray-maned, gray earth pony was watering some flowers around the building. On hearing the sound of approaching hoofsteps the mare looked up and spotted the approaching pair.

“Well if it isn't young Aegis Flare. Why I haven't seen you since your father visited all those years ago. Have you come to ask for advice from the Night Mother again after all these years? And who is this young one? I haven't seen many dragons before so I don't know much about their gods but I'm sure there is much I can do to help.” Spike looked confused as he examined the mare and glanced at her flank to see what appeared to be a necklace of round objects which told him little about her. He was surprised then to see Aegis Flare step forward and give a small bow to the elder mare.

“Hello again, Mother Rapture. This is Spike and he was needing some guidance with something personal to him.” Kneeling down she allowed the dragon to hop off her back and step forward warily.

“Hi, what is this place? I've never been somewhere like this before and I didn't even know there even was somewhere like this in Ponyville.” The elder mare tilted her head before giving the youngling a kind smile before waving the two towards the entrance of the building.

“Well I'd like to say that there was some grand name for it but this just a humble shrine to the divine beings of Equestria, unlike some places such as the Temple of Divine Light in Canterlot. I am Mother Joyous Rapture, the sole proprietor of this humble building and I help all those that come to seek aid from their deity of choice. Ponyville has little use for separate places for each so all are welcome here.” Spike paused as one of his eyebrows rose while he looked around the inside of the building to see three simple pillars with the cutie mark of one of the three princesses atop each.

“Wait, this is a church? How will somewhere like this help? Princess Celestia never talked much about these places but the few times she did it was usually to complain.” He glanced back to Aegis Flare who was rolling her eyes but his attention was pulled back when the older pony started to chuckle.

“Yes young one, I've heard of the Lady of Light's opinion of us yet she also does nothing to stop us from worshiping her or the other alicorns. The Lady of Love tried to stop any worship of her when she revealed herself but that only drove it underground until she gave up and allowed it. They still watch over us but mostly to prevent any conflict to be caused in their names. The Night Mother's return was a surprise to many of the clergy and it almost came to blows until the Lady of Light stepped in.” The two looked at her in surprise causing her to just wave a hoof at them.

“Oh don't look at me like that. Just because this shrine is small doesn't mean I don't hear things. Canterlot isn't that far from here. And most of us make at least one pilgrimage in our lives to gaze on the Divine Ladies. I've come to enjoy taking tea with the Lady of Light over the years and try to make it at least once a year if I can. Now we aren't here to talk about me, so how is it that I can help you young one?” Spike twiddles his thumbs as he glances back at the orange unicorn who just nods add him to encourage him. After a moment he begins to explain to the elder mare his concerns as well as a few stories of what happened to him when he was younger. She listened intently through it all with the occasional nod when she heard something interesting until the young dragon finally finished his story.

“Well now that is a difficult question to answer yet, at the same time, is rather simple as well. In fact every unicorn has to answer this question whenever they use their magic against others. Have you heard of the book called, 'The Ethics and Responsibilities of Unicorn Magic'?” Thinking for a moment the dragon eventually nods.

“Yeah, Twilight talks about it sometimes yet I haven't read it and never saw a reason to.” The elder mare chuckles as she pulls out a rag and starts wiping down one of the pillars casually.

“That would be a good start for finding your answers as many of your questions match up with those in the book. You could also talk with a member of the local guard since they have to deal with more violent incidents which can end up with others being injured. In the end it is up to you to decide when and where you should use your abilities and you need to learn to trust yourself to do what is best at the time.” This advice caused the dragon to be lost in thought leaving Aegis Flare time to speak with the older mare about the years that had passed since she was last here. Much of the focus though was on the recent years involving the Nightmare Moon incident and the period afterwards. Eventually Aegis Flare departed the building with a wave, carrying the dragon back towards his home.

As they neared the library the dragon let out a sigh. “Why couldn't this be something simple? Even the Dragon Code that I learned about from a couple other dragons that the princess helped me get in contact with doesn't have anything about it.”

Aegis Flare could only cat him on the back as he dismounted outside of the library. “Deciding to hurt others should never be a simple thing. Yet you should always know when you need to do so since you may have to protect others in the future. Especially with how much time you have been spending with my sister and Sweetie Belle. It wouldn't do to hear that they got hurt because you didn't protect them because you were scared to hurt something that was a threat.”

While she said the last in a serious tone, she let enough of a teasing tone to enter her voice that the dragon could only blush in response before rushing into the library.

Author's Note:

Wow I've been on a roll lately with this story. Also after seeing the season finale, well I'm not sure how much of season six is even going to be in this story. Also two more chapters at most until the season three finale, so not much time to get in your predictions. :pinkiecrazy: