• Published 2nd May 2015
  • 10,190 Views, 910 Comments

Seven Lights - Fresnor

The multiverse is just one grand experiment for many immortals as they try to explore its secrets. This is the story of one such experiment on what would happen if a new element was added to a universe that nearly exactly parallels the original.

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“Ugh, I hate having to come here every month. My wings always feel so weird for the rest of the day. Why do I have to do this so often?” Scootaloo glared at her wings as she fluttered them to try and get the odd combination of numbness and tingling out of them. She followed her sister out of the doctor's office and her latest medical appointment while Aegis Flare looked over her copy of the results that were given to her.

“Well you are always complaining about not being able to fly and this will help us find out why you can't.” On hearing this Scootaloo looks crestfallen as she looks away from her sister.

“I still don't know how all this is going to help. I'm starting to think that I'll never be able to fly.” Scootaloo trudged off away from her sister on her way to try and find her friends leaving Aegis Flare to look after her sadly. Looking down at the results she traced a hoof along a graph showing the was steady during most of it until it began to spike upwards at one point. Mentally comparing the time of when the changes started she realized that she may just know why it was happening.

“Don't worry, sis. One of these days you will fly and I know just who to talk to.”


“...So after going to talk with Twilight about what was wrong I came to you. We're going on a camping trip with Applejack and Rarity along with their sisters and I was wondering if you could join us as well.” Aegis Flare looked at both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as they looked at her sympathetically on hearing about Scootaloo's issues.

“Wow, I didn't realize that the little squirt had a problem like that. I thought she was just a late bloomer, I mean you've seen how she zooms around on that scooter of hers. I mean, hay, she's faster than some pegasii in the air using that thing of hers.” Rainbow Dash scuffs a hoof as she thinks about all the times she had seen her fan over the years.

“But how are we supposed to help? We don't know anything about how to fix something like that.” When the two look over at Fluttershy she let out an “eep!” at having the attention on her. Aegis Flare sigh as she looked out in the direction of the library.

“Well I talked with Twilight and she came up with a theory. You see with her being born premature she didn't have enough time to develop a stable system for her magic which is why her wings are still so small. It wouldn't be a problem normally if she was raised in Cloudsdale or somewhere with a lot of pegasii magic, but here in Ponyville that isn't as much. Twilight went into a whole lecture on sympathetic magic, but in the end what it basically comes down to is that for her magic to develop she needs to spend more time around mature pegasus ponies. From what the doctor reports have been showing her magic levels have actually started growing when she began spending more time around you two.” The two fliers looked at each other before turning back to the unicorn and nodding.

“Spend more time with my number one fan? Well sign me up then. But are you sure that Applejack and Miss Prissypants won't mind us coming along with you on this camping trip?” The unicorn stretched out as she levitated in a plate of cookies from the kitchen to rest it in between the three.

“I already talked to them and they said it was fine. Actually Rarity was happy to be able to share, how did she say it, her torture while having to deal with all the dirt out there, and Applejack was fine with it since she considers all of us family after everything that happened. Actually she wanted me to try and get Twilight and Pinkie to come as well but they had to go to Canterlot for something for the princess.” Grabbing one of the cookies the three converse about what they would need to bring as well as any other preparations they needed to make.


Applejack and Aegis Flare watch as Rarity finally arrives with Sweetie Belle carrying all the luggage causing them to shake their heads. As Applejack went over to talk to Rarity Aegis Flare went to unhook Sweetie Belle from the wagon and used her own magic to pull it. “Thank you. *gasp* Why does Rarity have to pack so much?”

As Sweetie Belle panted and moved over to collapse next to Applebloom, Scootaloo went over to her sister who was looking back towards town. “Everypony is here now sis, what are you looking for?”

Her question was answered when a rainbow streak landed in front of her revealing Rainbow Dash who was soon followed by Fluttershy. Scootaloo's jaw dropped in surprise when she saw her idol wearing her own set of bags much like hers. “Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here? Are you coming camping along with us as well?”

The cyan mare playfully ruffled the filly's mane before nodding. “Yup, your sister asked me and Fluttershy along to spend some time with you. Since your sister can't fly she came to the best to help you get off the ground for a bit and show you what it's like for a real pegasus to be!”

Hearing this Scootaloo became a bit excited as the cyan mare picked her off and took off ahead of the group towards their camping location with Fluttershy following behind. Aegis Flare watched the trio fly off ahead with a small smile as Applejack came up behind her. “Are you sure this is what you want, sugarcube? You know how Rainbow Dash is and ah doubt you will get much time with your sister which is what this trip is about.”

The orange unicorn just shook her head as she looked back at her friend and started pulling Rarity's wagon. “All I want is for my sister to be happy. If this is what it takes then so be it. Besides she wants to fly and that's something I can't give her down here. She needs another pegasus like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to show her what I can not.”

Applejack could only shake her head as her friend trotted off ahead of her as she watched after her with a look of sadness.


After a couple days travel the group managed to set up at Winsome Falls as the sun was setting and each member having taken care of their chosen chores in setting up. While Rarity and Rainbow Dash kept an eye on the fillies, though the alabaster unicorn was more lounging that watching, the other three older ponies were preparing everything for that night's dinner. Aegis Flare occasionally looked over her shoulder to where her sister was trying to impress Rainbow Dash before turning back to her work and sighing. Those looks didn't go unnoticed by her companions as Fluttershy eventually sidled up next to her. “Flare, are you all right?”

Flicking an eye over the unicorn could only sigh. “I'll be fine. As long as Scootaloo is happy I'll be fine.” Her friend didn't respond but kept a concerned eye on her friend as they worked.

Unbeknownst to the elder sister, Scootaloo had noticed some of the looks and was even shooting a few of her own back towards her when she wasn't looking. She tried to not let it affect her though she had to awkwardly catch herself in an attempt to impress Rainbow Dash when she said something to her. The night came to a close after she accepted sharing a tent with Rainbow Dash for the night though as she entered she stole a glance back to her sister hanging a hammock between two trees under the stars before sighing. Needless to say her sleep was not all that restful.


Scootaloo ran. She wasn't sure what it was that chased her but she ran knowing that if it caught her something bad would happen. So she ran, and ran, and ran. Through the darkness surrounding her, not being able to see what lay ahead of her. She knew not how long she ran, but run she did until her hoof caught something on the ground, sending her falling to her knees. She began to rise to run again, but a feeling behind her froze her in place and she knew that she had been caught.

The young filly's head turned to see what was chasing her and she gasped at what she saw. Behind her was her sister but she was caught in the grip of something that had been reaching for her. The orange unicorn stared at her sightlessly as the creature slowly pulled her back into the darkness causing the pegasus to cry out and reach for her as she disappeared. Tears began to fall from her eyes as she watched her sister be pulled away from her after protecting her. The creature then began to laugh menacingly from in the dark until a bright flash of light erupted from nowhere.


Scootaloo staggered back at the force of the voice before she looked up to see a winged shape before her that resolved into a form that she recognized. “Princess Luna? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Canterlot? Wait! Where did my sister go!?”

“Your sister is safe, for I am the princess of the night. Thus it is my duty to come into your dreams.” Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief at hearing that her sister was safe before a puzzled look came over her face.

“Wait, is this just a dream? But it feels so real!” The princess moved to lay next to the filly before laying a wing over her back.

“I assure you that you are asleep. But when you awake, your feelings that haunt you will still exist. Tell me young Scootaloo, what is it that bothers you?” The filly looked up at the princesses face and saw something there that she couldn't identify, but it made her want to trust her causing her to sigh.

“Well it's about my sister. Ever since our parents disappeared she has done so much for me. Yet for all she has done I have never seen her do anything for herself. Sometimes I feel as if she would be better off without me. Without me there is so much that she could have done without me holding her back.” As Scootaloo buries her face in her hooves the princess looks down on her sadly as she thinks about her own sister.

“Your sister, the Bearer of Courage, is the only on of my saviors that I could not find much about. My sister somehow managed to lose anything she had on her so I can only guess about much of your sister's reasons. I did learn some things from my sister from the few times she has met with yours. Before your parents disappeared I have heard that your sister was much like Fluttershy, the Bearer of Kindness.” She waved a hoof in from of her to reveal a scene of Aegis Flare when she was younger peeking out from behind her parents.

“Afterwards she went through an amazing change.” Waving her other hoof she drew up an image of the unicorn as she was now. “Where once she was a filly full of fear and doubts is now a brave mare that has been through things that most would run from. Yet if you were not there then would any of this have happened? What would she be like if you were not there?”

Scootaloo though back to how here sister used to be and how she used to act in the past before their parents had disappeared. She was often there to help her when she needed it yet she still had friends she met with. Afterwards she shut everyone else out of her life for her job to support her sister yet it left Scootaloo so lonely. It wasn't until the events with Nightmare Moon that it felt like she had her sister again from when she was younger. Yet through it all there were moments that stuck out to her where her sister went through things she normally wouldn't, yet came out stronger for it. Turning to the princess the filly nodded to her to show her understanding of the princess' words.

Luna smiled down at the filly before standing up. “Without you your sister would not be who she is today. In a way you could say that you, young Scootaloo, are your sister's courage. Without you she may not have had the drive to do what she has done as ponies will do more for others than they will do for themselves.”

Scootaloo feels a little better after their talk and the princess soon leaves her to help others throughout the night. The young filly woke up soon after to find that it was still late into the night and all the others were still asleep. Standing up she looks outside of the tent towards her sister and glances back at Rainbow Dash once more before sneaking out to where her sister was sleeping. Glancing around once more she climbs up onto the hammock and burrows into her sister's chest before falling back asleep.

Aegis Flare cracks and eye open before smiling and wraps a forelimb around her sister and dozing back off herself. A pair of cerise eyes also watched everything before the owner smiled and went back to her own bedroll for the night.


The next morning the group of ponies took in the view of the area that wasn't visible the night before when they arrived. “Are you sure you are fine with me spending today with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash? I mean we are supposed to be out here together.”

Aegis Flare just ruffled her sister's mane before nudging her towards the other two pegasii. “I'll be fine, now go on. It's not every day that you can take some time in the air like this. With their help I'll bet you'll be flying on your own some day.”

Aegis Flare watches as her sister joins Rainbow Dash who soon takes off with her into the air towards a cloud where Fluttershy was resting. The cyan mare flew the filly around it a few times and then did a lap of the various rainbows in the area before setting her down next to Fluttershy. Once there Rainbow Dash then began to show off while Fluttershy tried to explain some of the calmer points of being a pegasus that she remembered from school. Every once and a while the filly looked down towards her sister to wave and who waved back when she noticed.

“Seems like you are doing better. Did something happen that ah didn't notice?” The orange unicorn finished waving to her sister to look back at Applejack.

“Hmm? Not that I know of, but Scootaloo does seem much happier for some reason. I wish I could be up there helping her, but as I said before, as long as she's happy I'll be fine.” While she didn't say it, she actually was feeling better for some reason and just chalked it up to her sister being happy about being in the air where a pegasus should be.

Author's Note:

Bit of a spree, but I've just felt like writing heavily for this one. Actually may have to skip the next couple episodes as little will change due to involvement. Of course that means either Spike at your Service or Keep Calm and Flutter On will be the next chapter if nothing else pops up. Of course those two will have some big changes to them and will barely resemble the episodes at all.

This also means that the season three finale is coming up fast, but who knows what will happen there now. It'll be hard to predict and come up with good reasons to support those predictions. :pinkiecrazy::trollestia: