• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 8.5: The Plight of The Children! Pinkie Buu VS the Haru-Shun Duo!

“So, how are you maggots doing, hmmm?” Popo asked his trainees as they teleported back from their last training exercise...elsewhere.

“I’ve... been... better.” Krillin huffed as he went down on one knee.

“I got three black eyes. Four if you count me getting kicked and punched in the gonads, a lot. What do you think!?” Tien replied as he limped over to grab a bag of ice from Kami.

“Hey, I got bitch-slapped through the side of a building, what’s your excuse?!” Krillin yelled at him.

“I got hit in the crotch multiple times!” Tien shot back at him as he put the bag up to the third eye on his forehead. “Aah!” Tien winced in a slight bit of pain.

“I got slapped into the side of a building!” Krillin repeated.

“I got hit in the crotch MULTIPLE times!” Tien yelled back.


As Krillin and Tien continued to argue, Applejack was deep in her own thoughts over the lack of a unified esprit de corps within the unit. “We’ve got a long ways t’ go...” Applejack grumbled as she dusted off her worn and torn Gi and listened to the continuing argument over who got beat up worse. “I wonder how the others are doin’?”

My Little Pony: Xenoverse Spotlight-Rainbow Dash

“Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty, although she doesn’t always act like it. Spcifically when she's desperate to win..." Said the narrator displayed a scene of Rainbow cheating during the running of the leaves, and then a scene of her flying off to Cloudsdale under Discord's manipulations. "...and especially when her emotions are toyed with."

“And while she may not always be as fashion conscious as Rarity, she is still a stickler when it comes to the art of cool!” The narrator added as a scene was shown of Rarity making a dress for Rainbow Dash back in Ponyville.

“Ehhh...it needs to be about twenty percent cooler.” Rainbow Dash told her.

“But, despite her faults, rest assured that when the chips are down and the tensions are high, you can count on this Wonderbolt and one of the Bearers of The Elements of Harmony to come through with a Sonic Rainboom!” The narrator continued on as he showed the scene of Rainbow Dash making her first Sonic Rainboom and the other Mane Six reacting to it, and then showing her second Rainboom from when she saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts.

“But what’s this, new foes are around the corner, possibly even more powerful than Tirek!?” the narrator asked as a scene was shown of Vegeta, Nappa, and their ship’s crew hidden in shadow.

“But no matter who she faces, she knows she’s not alone for she has allies amongst the other Elements of Harmony, the Arcosian Spike, and Team Dragon Ball Z[1] who will aid her in the defense of space and time!” The narrator continued as scenes were shown from the Garlic Jr. arc of them fighting off against the villains of those chapters.

“My Little Pony: Xenoverse! Read it here on Fimfiction.net! That’s Fimfiction.net!” The narrator said excitedly as the fimfiction logo and the show’s logo were put up on the screen.

Chapter 8.5: The Plight of The Children! Pinkie Pie Buu Vs. Haru Haru and Shun Shun!

Pinkie Buu landed in front of Capsule Corp and walked into the reception area. When she did, she was greeted by a security robot and a robot receptionist.

“Hello! Welcome to Capsule Corp! How may I help you today?” The receptionist asked.

“Oh hi! I’m Pinkie Pie and I’m very happy to meet you!” Pinkie Pie said in her usual hurried, somewhat loud, hyper, and cheerful voice.

“Erm...yes.” The robot receptionist replied back in slight confusion. “But, as I was asking, how may we help you?”

“Oh well, you see, I became friends with Bulma about a year ago when she was with us fighting this ickly short Garlic man and I wanted to ask her if I could borrow the Dragon Radar from her! It’s really, really, reeeaaalllyyyy super-duper-ooper important, because I need the Dragon Balls to wish for-!”

“Do you have an appointment?” The receptionist asked bluntly.

“Uhhh, nooo?” Pinkie replied.

“I’m sorry, but you will have to-” The receptionist started to say.

“Don’t worry, she’s with me, let her in.” Shouted a familiar voice.

The receptionist, nearby security guard, and Pinkie looked up to see Bulma walking towards them.

“Yeah, she’s fine. Let her come in.”

“Of course, Miss Briefs.” the secretary replied as she waved Pinkie on and Pinkie skipped towards Bulma in her usual cheerful manner. The pink Majin and the human with the teal hair were in turn accompanied by two robot security guards.

“Well, the year is nearly up and I was wondering…” Pinkie started to ask.

“I know Pinkie, the others called me earlier and I figured you’d either drop by here or Kame House in search of the radar.” Bulma answered her. “But, before we start on that, I have something to show you. Come on!”

“Ooh! A surprise! I just loooveeee surprises~!” Pinkie exclaimed as she jumped up and down in the air excitedly with a gigantic grin.

“Yes Pinkie. I know you do.” Bulma replied back with a smirk that she had to struggle to keep from breaking out into a full blown smile of her own.

“Hey daddy! How’re you doing?” Bulma asked a man with a large grey mustache and large grey hair, a white lab coat, glasses, a cigarette in his mouth, and a cat on his shoulder.

“Oh hey! We have company! Should I make some tea?” Asked a nearby blonde woman in a green tank top who was watering a bonsai tree in a pot.

“Oh, hello dear!” The man exclaimed as he put down on a lab table a small object he was using a screwdriver on, as well as mentioned screwdriver. “You caught me just in time! I just finished fixing the Scouter of that young man... Raditz was it? The one with the long, spiky hair? Well, this would’ve been easier if he hadn’t have smashed it to begin with! Still, you were a great help in getting this fixed. And the tech I’ll be able to reverse-engineer from this! It’s extraordinary! We’ll make a mint off of what we learned from it! As well as the ships that Goku and him used to get here in storage! Let alone the spare armor we found hid in a secret compartment in Goku’s own abandoned ship!”

“Thanks dad! I appreciate it!” Bulma replied back with a cheerful grin as she hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “And yes, mom, you can get some tea and tea cakes for our guest here, she’s rather fond of sweets.”

“Sure thing, sweetie!” The blonde lady replied as she walked off with her watering can. The kitty cat on the man’s shoulder meowed as Pinkie floated upside down in mid air and looked at it.

“My friend actually has has a younger sister named Sweetie.” Pinkie added in.

“Aww, that’s so cute~! I hope she’s as sweet as her name is!” The blonde woman cooed.

“Oh yeah, she is!” Pinkie assured her as she started chowing down.

“What a most unusual creature…” the man in the lab coat said aloud as he looked at Pinkie in fascination with his hand under his chin. “I wonder if you’d be willing to let me run a few tests on you, young lady?”

“DADDY!! You don’t do that to guests!” Bulma fumed at his father.

“What?” the scientist asked back in a bit of confusion.

“Mmmm! These are so fluffy and light!” Pinkie said with her mouth full as she had some of the tea cakes Bulma's mother brought over.

“PINKIE! MANNERS!” Bluma fumed at her, seeing the shameful display she was making of herself. “At least Goku had the excuse of growing up in the middle of nowhere! I don’t care if your friends say you were raised in a rock-storing barn! Applejack told me your parents at least had some decorum! Show some manners while having your tea and cake!”

“Oh, sorry!” Pinkie exclaimed as she made a big, bashful, cheshire grin and blushed a bi.

“That’s better.” Bulma replied before she took another sip of hot tea. After putting the cup back down, she looked over the scouter she and her dad had repaired. “I’m hoping that after the repairs we made that we can possibly listen in on the Saiyan invaders and find out what they’re up to.” she then replied. She then followed it up by saying. “But first things first, we need to see if its energy measuring feature is working. I particularly need to work on a new modification my father and I put in it. While we were working on the insides of it, we also worked on fine-tuning it since many martial artists on this planet are so good at hiding their ki. We wanted to add a Dragon Radar function, but we were afraid too many modifications would destroy it. We also added a few capacitors and resistors to the circuitry as we noticed that the device could potentially short circuit or even explode if it measures a power level that goes up too high too quickly. Pinkie, if you would do the honors.”

“Sure!” Pinkie replied after she got up from her seat, took a few steps back and got into a fighting stance.

“All right, let’s see, I need to push these buttons on the side…” Bulma replied as she tapped some buttons on the earpiece of the scouter that she just put on. She then heard a few beeps and saw some symbols flash up and change on the lens part over her eye. “Ah, here we go!” She exclaimed. “According to this, your present fighting level is slightly past three thousand, give or take a few hundred, the numbers are still flashing up and down a bit. I’m going to guess it’s because you’re one of the ‘Majins’ your friend Twilight keeps talking about. Now Pinkie, I want you to power up.”

Pinkie nodded, then let out a loud yell as a pink aura formed around her, surging with energy as she began to power up.

“Very slowly Pinkie, don’t blow the circuits! This is a TEST RUN! I don’t know if the fail safes will work or not!” Bulma exclaimed as she braced herself against the wind radiating from Pinkie Pie. Her poor old dad, mother, the tea table and the contents on the tea table were blown over however.

“Sorry!” Pinkie eeped as she then slowed down her power generation. She then grunted, “Just a bit more, there, I should be at my maximum power. What does it say now?”

Bulma took a quick glance at the lens and answered. “About five thousand, again, the numbers fluctuate a bit in the hundreds marker and lower. You can power down now Pinkie.”

“Whew! Don’t mind if I do!” Pinkie replied with relief as she relaxed, the wind and aura she was generating fading away.

Bulma’s mom was busy trying to clean up the mess with some robots, human, and anthropoid animal employees while Bulma’s dad walked up beside her with his dear cat riding on his shoulder. “Hmmm, it seems the initial tests were successful. Still, we need to know if the communications are working are not. Alas, Raditz is the one that had the passwords to that function and he’s not here. Plus, he would be useful in testing to see how the scouter will now react to different kinds of ki.”

“Don’t worry, I got that!” Pinkie replied as she tapped on the Scouter on her own face. She then proceeded to talk in a conversation that only her half could hear. “Y’ello!? Yes, it’s Pinkie! Yeah, I stopped by Bulma’s to pick up a dragon radar! Uh-huh, uh-hm, oh, that’s good to hear! Well, yes, I see. Yeah, can you do me a favor and tell Raditz that his Scouter is repaired and he needs to head to Capsule Corp for tests? Yes, the main office. And tell Mr. Grumpy-Wumpy-Spiky-Hair-Pants not to blow up the receptionist or the guards, ok? I know they’re bots, but still! Uh-huh, okay. Good! Yeah, I’m going to go get them as soon as I get the radar! Sure, I’ll keep in touch! Right! Save me one of the suits for when I get back! Pinkie Promise? How many times have I got to tell you!? Be careful about the ‘cupcake’ part! You’ll get a black eye! Uh-hm. Good. I’ll call you back after I get one or more of the Balls. Okie-dokie-lokie! Byeee~!” There was a beeping noise as the call ended.

“Don’t worry, Raditz is on his way over! He wanted to get a bit of time off to cool down anyway! I honestly do think he’s the one that’s trained the hardest since we started preparing. I’m assuming it’s probably because of all of us he knows best what’s coming towards us.” Pinkie said as she picked the turned over table back up. “Oh, um, sorry about the mess,” Pinkie apologized.

Bulma sighed and admitted, “I suppose I should’ve known better after all the times I’ve had Goku and the others over. All right, now to check the calibrations on this thing! Mom, Dad, if you’ll step in front of me please.”

“Oh yes, of course dear.” her father, Dr. Briefs, replied as the couple stood in front of her. More beeping came from the scouter as it scanned the two humans, ran its calculations, and then displayed the results. “Hmmm, well, what does it say?” Dr. Briefs inquired. “Well...sorry mom and dad,” Bulma admitted. “According to this, you dad are about 0.004 and mom is about 0.003. But then again, neither of you are athletes, military personnel, martial artists, or the like.”

“Oh, it’s alright deary!” Mrs. Briefs told his daughter as she helped the workers pick up debris. “The main thing is that the scouter seems to work!”

“Yeah. I suppose so mom.” Bulma admitted. “Dad, you’re going to have to take over the tests when Raditz shows up.”

“Well, you do know I’ve been looking forward to this, but I must ask why? You’re not the sort to pass up on a good experiment, after all.” Dr. Briefs inquired.

“Well, let’s just say I’m not merely going to give Pinkie the Radar. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a Dragon Ball Hunt. Pinkie, I’m going with you.”

“Well, you know what they say, the more the merrier~!” Pinkie said cheerfully... right before shivering a bit. "Why did saying that give me such a chill?"[2]

Twilight, a few of the Elements, Gohan, and the others had sat down after a long day of work and training around the dinner table as Chi-Chi, the Ox King, and Applejack worked on preparing a rather simplistic meal of rice and iced tea. They were too tired to make much else, even with the aid of the robot Gohan had found. She was grateful that Bulma was able to repair the new helper that never grew tired. It only needed the occasional bit of maintenance or recharge. Even now, the metallic being hummed as it went back and forth between two woks. One filled with a vegetarian stir-fry and the other filled with a Szechuan recipe for chicken. She wasn’t sure which recipe was used though. She only knew that the people of that region were known for cooking spicy food.

She was also pleasantly surprised when Applejack showed up again one day. She had simply stated that, like Pinkie, the others in the group were becoming too dependent upon her as well and they needed to “toughen up some more.” Yet, the pain she felt from her calisthenics and sparring was a good pain. Chi-Chi had forgotten the joys of training and had for too long focused on the downside of the martial arts and not the upsides. The discipline, the improvement upon health, being better able to face the slings and arrows life threw at you both physically and mentally.

Still, she was less than thrilled about her baby boy who was barely out of the cradle being forced to face the ugly side of life so early. Then again, she and Goku had to face the unpleasant side of life relatively early in their lives. Especially Goku upon the first death of his best friend, Krillin. She sensed that even though the Dragon Balls brought him back, he still felt some responsibility for not being there when he needed him, hidden somewhere under that smile of his. That that was one of the things that drove Goku until his relatively recent passing. But she had to face hard truths in the here and now too. That her son was part Saiyan and he could face things that most mere humans could not, even so young. She just wished she could give her dear baby boy a better and more peaceful and stable life. In that sense she felt she had failed.

Oh, how the mighty Princess of Fire Mountain had fallen.

“Goku, please come back to us.” She whispered to herself as she went to grab some chopsticks from a drawer. “You may not be the perfect husband, but I miss you.”

“Hm, ya say somethin’ Chi-Chi?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, it was nothing.” Chi-Chi said in turn as she continued to dig around her drawer, “Go check the rice cooker, will you?”

“Sure thing shug.” AJ agreed, letting the matter drop. “I hope ya know how good it is fer me t’ be on a farm again. It’s nice t’ be around something familiar again. Something that reminds me of home.”

“Applejack,” Chi-Chi replied. “I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t around. It’s been a rough year without Goku around to help work on the farm. Even then, between chores, regular farm work, making sure Gohan still studies between work and training sessions, and training myself, I don’t know how I can find the time and energy to…”

“We’ll make it work. We’ll find a way.” Applejack comforted her as she put a hand upon her shoulder. “We have to. We have so much at stake riding on the events yet t’ come.”


As the ad-hoc joint family of both blood relation, forced alliances, and choice gathered around the table and ate, there was small talk and laughter and joy. Such things were needed in uncertain times such as these. Even Piccolo would say something every once in awhile as he either drank a juice made of vegetables and/or fruit or a plain glass of water. It was then that Raditz decided to ask something. He didn’t know how well or badly it would go, but he had to ask.

“Tell me about Kakarott-erm, Goku.” He said in the typical blunt Saiyan manner, only to amend it by adding. “If you’re, up to it of course.”

“Yes, if you are up to it; the girls, Spike, and I would like to know more as well.” Twilight added in a bit more gently.

“Oh, my daddy was the best!” Gohan began. “He was the strongest man and the greatest martial artist in the entire world! He even beat Mr. Piccolo before.”

Piccolo growled and added. “Yeah yeah, it’s true he's beaten me on multiple occasions. But I give respect where it is due. He is a very honorable and just warrior, if a tad bit dense at times. He has paid his debt off to me. My father has been avenged. I do owe my student if nothing else. As long as his father doesn’t interfere in my plans again, of course.”

Chi-Chi glowered at the Namekian for a bit and then added. “Saber rattling aside, I do agree with Piccolo about one thing. My husband, he was a good man. He was ignorant in the ways of the farmer, the husband, and even the father, but he was still a good man. I just wish he was here to see how all of us have changed since he passed…”

“Don’t worry,” Applejack comforted Chi-Chi as she put her hand on top of Chi-Chi’s. “Ah know Pinkie, at least about as much as anypon-err... anyone can know her. She’ll find them Dragon Balls in time, ah promise.”

“Mysterious as the dark side of the moon~!!” Pinkie sang out loud as she looked upon the moon above, a Dragon Ball in one hand and a radar in the other.

“Pinkie, what the hell are you doing?” Bulma asked her as she stirred around the logs in a nearby campfire with a stick.

“A musical number, as is Equestrian tradition.” Pinkie said as she floated back over to Bulma.

“I sometimes think I’m too curious for my own good, scientist or not.” Bulma sighed in turn with a tinge of confusion and regret as Pinkie sat down and grabbed a bag of marshmallows, chocolate bars, graham crackers, and some more sticks from seemingly nowhere.

“You know, Twi says the exact same thing!” Pinkie answered with a smile as she passed the various items over to Bulma after fixing herself the things she needed for a s’more.

Bulma looked up at the sky and sighed. She then replied. “It almost feels like the old days. When I would go out with Goku and the others on adventures. Just me, Goku, sometimes Yamcha, Puar, and/or Oolong, and we’d just load up into one of my flying campers and search for the Dragon Balls. Things seemed so much simpler back then. But then again, nostalgia could be playing tricks on me. There was also Demon King Piccolo, as well as his children and other minions, the Murasaki Brothers, Monster Carrot, Master Crane and his brother Tao. Even some of our friends were enemies back then. But things never stay the same, do they?”

“Believe it or not, I know that feeling.” Pinkie admitted as she blew on the marshmallow she burnt and then put it on a layer of graham cracker and chocolate. “I miss the simpler life back home, even with the occasional fights with the proverbial villains of the season and the like. I often wonder what I’ve become-after recent actions. For better or for worse.” She then sighed as she put the other cracker on top of the other layers she made, “But, I suppose change is inevitable, even for those of us who jump around from mission to mission. Especially in our line of work. Despite this, time still seems to go forward for us, in it’s own sense.” After taking a bite from her s’more, she continued. “But it kinda has to, you know? *Ulp!* Things would’ve been very different if I had not saw Rainbow’s first Sonic Rainboom, or moved out of my parents farm, or inspired my friend Cheesy in turn, or even met Twilight. Who knows how bad things would’ve been if none of those events ever happened? I guess life is like a s’more sandwich you dropped on the ground for a brief moment and wiped off. Not that it has layers, or you never know what you’re going to get, or something silly like that. No, in the manner that you have to take the good with the bad.”

“So it’s like a shit-sandwhich?” Bulma asked bluntly.

“No, because there’s nothing good in that silly! Except maybe the bread.” Pinkie corrected. “That’s why I used the s'more analogy. It’s mostly good, just a bit soiled here and there in spots.”

"That's... surprisingly profound." Bulma said with a smile. “You never cease to amaze Pinkie, you know that?”

“Heh...Twi tells me that a lot too. I guess that’s among the reasons you remind me so much of her.” Pinkie admitted as she smiled back.

The Next Morning...

“AAHHHHH! THEY’RE GONE!” Bulma yelled in panic as the sun came up. Pinkie awoke with a yelp and came crashing into the ground as she was floating in the air while she was sleeping outside of the camper.

“Owie~!” Pinkie replied as she rubbed the rump she crashed landed on. "Why the wake-up call?! I was having a great dream about chocolate rain!"

“SOMEONE TOOK OUR DRAGON BALLS!” Bulma continued to yell as she saw the box that was holding the bag of Dragon Balls had been forced open, possibly by a crowbar or some similar tool. Bluma and Pinkie were both quite tired from their long search from the Dragonballs and had slept quite heavily that night.

“Yeah, that is a bit of a problem, isn’t it?” Pinkie said plainly with a shrug. "And rude. I mean, who just grabs someone's balls without asking permission?" The Majin then blinked as glared at the reader. "Don't laugh."

“Pinkie! Focus!” Bulma yelled at her. “We NEED those balls to bring back Goku.”

“Oh Bulma! You are just like Twi! You’re such a genius and yet you ignore the obvious!” Pinkie replied back, giving her a simple pat on the head. “Check to see if we still have the radar, you silly billy~!”

“Right right, the radar!” Bulma exclaimed as she dug around the camper. “How could I forget!? I told Goku the same thing at Kame House about a year ago! No, no, where is-oh thank Kami! Here it is!” She then activated the radar and looked on it. “It’s only several miles from here! We need to get a move on and get them back! And this may even work out in our favor! Whoever took them has the last ball! We need to hurry before they use them!”

“Well, no time like the present then!” Pinkie exclaimed as she rushed around the campsite gathering up items, throwing capsules at them and then throwing said capsules into a box in the camper. “Hurry up and help me get this stuff loaded up will you?”

“This is got to be our greatest haul yet!” Exclaimed the teenage boy who was surrounded by younger children that were both human and anthropomorphic animals (mainly of the canine variety). “With these, we’ll finally have it made! No more life on the run! No more going hungry! No more living out of boxes or lean-to’s made out of sticks!”

“Yeah, but... how do we use them Pigero?” Asked a young girl with her hair rolled up into two buns to the older teenaged boy. “These things didn’t exactly come with a manual.”

“Uhhhh…” Pigero paused as he put his finger under his chin “You know, I’m not sure.”

The other children fell over onto their backs at shock at his comment.

“Oh relax!” Pigero exclaimed confidently. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out somehow!”

“Oh, we know how to use it.” Said a mysterious figure from above, startling the children. “But, we’re not sharing. In fact, we’re going to need those. So hand them over now, before we have to get... rough.”

“Bulma! How close are we?” Pinkie asked as she looked out the window.

“According to my radar, we should nearly be on top of them by now!” Bulma shot back as she went back and forth between flying her camper van and checking the radar. She then started to circle around the area where the dragon radar scanned the balls, trying to see if she can locate them.

Pinkie however, decided to be a bit more proactive on the issue. “Right! I’m on it!” Pinkie yelled out as she opened the side door and leapt out.

“PINKIE! WAIT! WE NEED A PLAN-!” Bluma started to blurt out as the Majin leapt into the forest below. “Ugh! You’re just as impulsive as Goku!” She continued to fume as she looked for a clearing to land in.

“Hey! Hey! Let me go!” Exclaimed the young girl with hair buns as she was held aloft by a purple female Majin. Another green Majin of nearly identical appearance chuckled and smiled wickedly as she stared down at Pigero and the other children.

“So kiddies, what’s it going to be?” Asked the green female Majin as her purple compatriot formed a ball of ki in her free hand and held it to the young girl’s face. “Are you going to hand us those Dragon Balls or will we have to make things messy?”

“Chico!” Yelled out a teary-eyed young boy.

“Rom!” Yelled back the kidnapped girl who was crying hysterically. “Pigero! Don’t let them hurt me! Please!”

“Alright! You win!” Pigero exclaimed as she tossed the bag over to them. “Now let her go!”

“Are they the real things?” The purple Majin asked as the green one looked into the bag.

“Yeah, these kids weren’t stupid enough to double-cross us by replacing them with rocks or something.” The green Majin replied as she pulled one of the balls out of the bag.

“Good, but y'know... our boss did say something about no witnesses didn’t she?” The purple Majin replied back to the green one as she continued to charge up her ki blast.

“Yes...you do have a point. For a band of criminals, these kids are quite naive! But then again, they are just a bunch of annoying brats after all!” The green Majin replied back as she cracked her knuckles. “Well, time to take care of that loose end I guess-!”

It was then that they were interrupted as Pinkie hurtled down from above and stomped down into the top of the purple Majin’s head before slamming her fist into the green Majin's face. The surprise attack sent the ki blast flying off deeper into the forest where it exploded in the distance while the bag flew out of the other Majin’s grasp. Pinkie leapt off the caved-in mass that was her head and landed next to the kids, getting into a fighting stance as she drew out her two swords from the sides of her body.

A canine-like child grabbed the bag and ran off with it as the purple Majin was busy trying to reform her head into a solid mass and the green one recovered from being blind-sided and flew up next to her, getting into a fighting stance.

“Ah, a pair of fellow Majins, eh?”[3] Pinkie replied as she landed and stared them down. “I’m going to guess you’re the ones responsible for the recent events interrupting the timeline!”

“Heh heh heh, if only you knew!” The purple one growled at her as her face was nearly done reforming itself. “You are so dead! You don’t know the world of hurt you have brought upon yourself!”

“Yes sister! We shall make her pay dearly for what she’s done! But first, let us introduce ourselves!” The green one agreed.

“Right! Then, prepare for trouble!”[4] The purple one began.

“And you better make that double!” The green one added.

“To cause multiversal devastation!” The purple one continued.

“To unite all factions within our nation!” The green one stated.

“To denounce the errors of truth and love!” The purple one exclaimed

“To extend our reach to the stars above!” The green one finished.

And after they got into a back-to-back pose and put their hands out in a mirrored pose, the purple one yelled out. “Haru Haru!”

The green one added. “-and Shun Shun~!!!”

Haru Haru then yelled out. “The Time Breaker Twins take off at the speed of light!”

Shun Shun then threatened. “So surrender now or prepare to fight!”

They then yelled out in unison as they both threw out a sidekick. “HIYAH!!!! THAT’S RIGHT!!!”

“Ooh! Ooh! Again! Again!” Pinkie clapped and cheered.

Haru Haru and Shun Shun merely looked at her in sheer shock and confusion as large sweatdrops formed on the back of their heads. "Screw it, let's just kill her!" Shun Shun snapped, her sister nodded as they charged towards the pink Majin...

While this was going on, a humanoid dog child was wandering off with the bag, only to be picked up by the collar by Bulma. “I’ll be taking that! Thank you!” She added as she took the bag from him.

“Hey! We stole those fair and square!” Pigero fumed as she and the other kids started to chase after Bulma.

“Oh jeez!” Bulma exclaimed as she started to run from the kids. As she did she hurriedly took a controller​ out of her pocket and pressed a button...

“Not gonna... lie...” Pinkie huffed as she swayed a bit in exhaustion. “This is… a bit harder… than I thought.”

“Well, you should’ve known better!” Haru Haru said as she and Shun Shun did another team pose. “This is what you get when you mess with the-!” However, this was interrupted when Pinkie started to roll over onto her back, clutch her stomach and giggle incessantly. “HEY! WHAT’S SO FUNNY!?”

“Yeah, how dare you interrupt us in our moment of triumph!” Shun Shun agreed.

"Hehehe-ow! It hurts to laugh..." Pinkie giggled as she got up, wiped the tears out of her eyes and smirked at the Majin twins. “Heh heh-ow! Silly me-ow! I forgot to call back the other mes from the song number I did earlier!”

“She made COPIES of herself!?” Haru Haru shouted.

“And they AREN’T here!?” Shun Shun replied. “Then that means…”

“Crud. We’ve barely managed to rough her up and we haven’t been fighting her at full power!” Haru Haru concluded with horror. “And there’s more of her coming!”

“That’s right, The Big Gete Star has granted us-! Wait, wrong episode!” Said all the Majin Pinkies and the original in unison as extra Pinkies came out of the woods. “Ahem. As we were saying. Now that the gang’s all here, we can have some real, fun.

“You know what, forget this! I’d rather have our boss yell at us than deal with an army of Majin madwomen armed with swords!” Haru Haru exclaimed in anger and frustration.

“She who fights and runs away-!” Shun Shun added.

“The Time Breaker Twins are blasting off agaiiinnnn~!!!” The twin Majins yelled out as they flew up into the sky, vanishing into a dark portal...

“Oh no you don’t-!” The assembly of Pinkies started to yell in unison as they were about to take off, only to be distracted by Bulma’s yelling.

“Stay back! This isn't how you treat a woman!”

“Change of plans!” The lead Pinkie said aloud to the others. “Hang on Bulma, we’re coming!” She shouted as they all took off, leaving the portal to close...

“Eeek!” Bulma yelled as she clicked on a remote that summoned her ship which opened its side door, she quickly leaped inside and the door shut and locked behind her. The kids gathered around the camper and started to climb all over it and bang on it with their fists, feet, sticks, and rocks, desperate to get the Dragon Balls. “Hey! Get off of my camper you hooligans!” Bulma yelled.

“No way! Those things are our path to a better life!” Pigero yelled at her as he kicked the side door.

“But we need these to bring back a deceased friend of ours! One we need to help save the world!” The scientist yelled at him.

“I’m sorry, but we’re tired of being chased by cops and the child protective services!” Pigero yelled back at Bulma. “We’re going to get us some Zeni and food and that’s fin-!”

“ENOUGH!!!” Yelled the assembled army of Pinkie Pies as they emerged from the forest, all with their swords drawn, they quickly surrounded​ the mob of kids that were attacking the flying automobile.

“Oh, crud.” Said Pigero in shock upon seeing that they were surrounded by a veritable legion of sword-armed martial artists.

A Few Hours Later...

“I’m glad you found these kids for us.” The Police officer replied as the children were being taken away to various government vehicles, including a defeated Pigero. “They’ve been causing all sorts of minor crimes all over our city nearby. You’ve done us a great service.”

“Nonetheless, they’re just orphans,” Bulma added. “They just lack proper guidance and some good homes is all.”

“Yes, it’s sad isn’t it?” The officer agreed. “Rest assured, they will be taken off to good orphanages in the hopes of finding families for them after they do their time in juvie and community service paying their debt to society. Considering how young most of them are and the fact they mainly stole just for food, the terms should be rather short.”

“Officer, now that you mention it…” Bulma added. “I know Emperor Chiaotzu and I have been working on setting up an orphanage of our own in this area as part of our various philanthropy projects we do for the cities around here. You think you could have these kids transferred to it after we are finished with construction and get them properly staffed?”

“I don’t see why not.” The officer replied. “You and the young Emperor will have to talk to our Attorney General about that though, not me.”

“That’ll be great.” Bulma agreed with a smile. “Inform the Attorney General and whatever judge you have presiding over the Rico trial that I and/or Chiaotzu will be giving them a ring, text, or email in the near future.”

“Sure thing Ms. Briefs.” The officer agreed. “I’ll add that addendum to my report when I get back to the office. They’re both going to need to read it for the upcoming trial anyway.”

“All I wanted was to get these guys fed and to get them a better life!” Pigero told Pinkie from the back of a Police Van. “But you ruined it for us!”

“I’m sorry.” Pinkie said sadly. “But you guys were going down a dark road and I had to stop it…”

“We stole because we were HUNGRY!” Pigero yelled back at her. “Haven’t you ever done anything bad for a greater good? HAVEN'T​ YOU?!”

The van drove away, sirens blazing, before she could reply.

“More than you realize Pigero, more than you realize.” The now flat tentacled Pinkie sniffled as the van and other government vehicles drove down a dirt path back to the town proper. Bulma put a comforting hand on Pinkie’s shoulder, which quickly turned them hugging each other as Pinkie cried. “Me having to turn them in…” Pinkie struggled to say between sobs. “Was more difficult and painful than fighting the Majin Twins.”

“I know Pinkie. I know.” Bulma comforted her. “But what did you say earlier? About making the most out of bad situations? Don’t worry. Chiaotzu and I are having a construction company build an orphanage even as we speak. We’ll give them a nice place to live after they’re done with their brief stint in juvie and community service.”

“Promise?” Pinkie sniffed.

“I promise.” Bulma replied. “Cross my heart, and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye-OW!”

“You gotta be careful with the ‘cupcake’ part.” Pinkie giggled sadly, she then held up the bag with the Dragon Balls, looked at them intently and replied. “Now. Let’s go bring back Goku. I need something to cheer me up after nearly a year of hard work and hardship.”

“Yes, let’s.” Bulma agreed.

And at long last, Pinkie Pie and Bulma have been able to successfully gather the Dragonballs, but at a price! While it saddened Pinkie to turn in a bunch of starving kids to the police, she knew they had to be taken away from a life of crime! Will Bulma be able to fulfill her promise that she and Chiaotzu will set up a good home for the children? What are the other Z-Warriors and Elements of Harmony doing at this time? What was Pinkie talking about on the Scouter earlier? And what of Goku? Will his training be enough to turn the tide against the alien invaders? Find out all this and more, in future episodes of My Little Pony: Xenoverse!

Next time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse, at long last, Goku will be brought back to life with the Dragon Balls! A long overdue reunion will take place as Goku will be reunited with his long lost friends and family! But, how will he react to seeing his former foes Piccolo and Raditz? And what about Pinkie? Will she finally come to terms with the events of the past? And how much time do they have left until the Saiyan Invasion Force arrives? Will they have enough time to make last moment preparations? And will it be enough? Find out next time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse!

Next Chapter:

Chapter 9: Goku’s Back! A True Saiyan Story!

Author's Note:

[1] This commercial.
[2] Dr. Eggman's most irritating line.
[3] A joke based on Mikey's line from the 80's Live action TMNT.
[4] The old Team Rocket Motto.