• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,643 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 12: Earth's Decisive Battle! Crusher Corps vs Z-Warriors! (Part 2)

Last Time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse” The Elements of Harmony and the Z-Fighters flew up the branches of the Tree of Might! There they met for the first time the Infamous Crusher Corps and their leaders Vegeta and Turles! After an initial exchange of some rather unpleasant “pleasantries” Vegeta ordered his bodyguard Nappa to plant some Saibamen seeds! It was then that our heroes learned that the average Saibamen was as strong as the warrior Raditz when he arrived on Earth! To make matters worse; Turles then fed them some fruit from the Tree of Might! Soon afterwards, the Saibamen then attacked the Z-Warriors! It was then that Launch decided to carry out some plan Raditz told her in secret! And look out Yamcha! One of those Saibamen is heading right for you!

What will happen to Yamcha!? And just what do Launch and Raditz have up their proverbial sleeves!? Find out all this and more next on MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!

Chapter 12: Earth's Decisive Battle! Crusher Corps vs Z-Warriors! (Part 2)

“Yamcha! LOOK OUT!” Piccolo yelled at him as a green Saibaman trooper leapt towards him.

“Huh?” Yamcha replied in slight confusion at Piccolo’s sudden change in tone.

“Guh-guh-gyaaaah!” The Saibamen in turn yelled as he leapt forward in an attempt to get a bear hug upon the famed Pro Athlete.

“Oh no you don’t!” Yamcha yelled at the creature as he quickly sheathed his sword and then charged forward. Before it could grapple him, he delivered a swift uppercut to it's chin before following it up with with a series of claw and palm strikes, with a crimson aura in the form of a feral wolf appearing around his body, it's movements mimicking Yamcha's as he ruthlessly struck his opponent, giving it no time to react of recover.

“WOLF FANG FIST!!” Yamcha yelled out as he preformed his most famous Kata on the strange creature, landing a final devastating blow on the battered and bruised Saibamen, with the wolf sure letting out mighty howl upon landing the final blow.


“Gaa-gaa-gyaaaooo!” The creature yelled out in pain as it was sent flying off the branch sent falling to the Earth below.

“I told ya dude, I totally got this!” Yamcha bragged as he flashed an arrogant smile.

"Ugh..." Piccolo merely rolled his eyes as he got back into a fighting stance. "Just focus an watch your back!"

It was around this time that each group heard a series of roaring noises from above, soon everyone noticed a group of helicopters and VTOL aircraft flying above them. The various news crews had finally arrived to see the fight go on below them and to investigate the strange and mountainous tree that was draining the world of life. “We’re reporting to you live from the mysterious tree that has been harming our world!” Yelled a reporter into his microphone over the din of whirling blades from one of the helicopters. “As you can see, a band of mysterious strangers are fighting against the alien invaders! We don’t know where the military is at this time but rumors are that a nearby naval fleet suffered horrendous casualties when-!”

“Rrrgh! These annoying flies bother me! May I get rid of them!?” Nappa growled to Vegeta while observing both the Saibamen fight and the nearby news crews flying overhead.

Tarble opened his mouth to protest, only for his brother to cut him off before he could get a word in. "Hmph, be my guest.” Vegeta agreed with a slight smirk, while Tarble meekly looked down at the branch they were standing on with a saddened frown.

“RRRAAGGGGHHHH!!” Nappa yelled as he threw a ki blast at a cargo robot flying overhead, the cargo robot was blown up in a violent conflagration and shower of metal and other debris. All of the fighters stopped for a brief second as combatants from both sides looked on in shock [and in the case of the Elements and Z-Fighters (with the exceptions of Piccolo and Raditz), horror] at this blatant snuffing out of human lives.

“He just blew up the cargo robot! And the cargo was a CAMERA CREW!” one of the reporters from a nearby vehicle exclaimed in terror.

“Let’s get outta here!” a nearby cameraman yelled as the vehicles flew away as quickly as they could.

“I am reporting to you live from one of the fleeing helicopters!” Yelled out the reporter on the TV screen. “In all my years I’ve never seen anything like this! This is quite possibly even worse than any attack ever launched by the Red Ribbon Army or the demon invasion lead by King Piccolo. We have been forced to flee from the fight due to-!”

In the conference room at Capsule Corp, Bulma watched the events transpiring on TV along with other business and government officials with mixed feelings. They were glad that the famed martial artist and professional (as well as Bulma’s Boyfriend) had survived being attacked by one of those strange green plant aliens, but they were also terrified by yet another blatant display of callous disregard for sentient life and abuse of power by the invading Saiyans.

Bulma collapsed into her chair and took a deep breath, trying to collate and emotionally reconcile all that she had just seen in the past 30 or so seconds. “Yes, it’s-it’s Bulma...get me...get me Baba… now!” Bulma stammered on her earbud as she now started to realize that the news would no longer be able to cover the fight.

“Please stand by.” Another reporter replied on the television, now at the main newsroom for this particular channel. “We have just received word that the King Furry will be soon be making a worldwide announcement-!”

“I sure hope that mutt knows what he’s doing!” One of the business men replied as he dug through some documents in a manila folder. “I didn’t vote for him, but I definitely hope whatever it is he has planned-”

“Yamcha… my friends, please be careful. We’re all counting on you....” Bulma whispered.

“All rise!” Replied a bailiff. “We shall now continue the court case of the People Vs.The Pilaf Gang on the charges of-!”

It was then that the courtroom was interrupted by a loud rumbling… and then a series of violent shakes. Then suddenly, several large roots erupted from the ground!

“YAAHH!” Pilaf yelled as she was swatted aside by one of the roots.

“AAHHH!” Chau yelped as he was knocked into the air by the ground exploding from beneath him.

Thinking quickly, Mai leaped to the side and hid under one of the tables to avoid the sheer chaos of flying furniture, roots, and people around her. After the chaos had subsided, she took a quick look around and spat out a key to her handcuff that she’d swiped and hidden in her mouth when the guards weren't looking. “Well guys, looks like lady luck decided to smile upon us today.” She smirked as she started to work on the cuffs… while ignoring the pained groans of her comrades….

“Lady luck has a bad sense of humor….” Pilaf grumbled from inside the trash can he’d been hurled into.

Not too far from the battlefield, Blonde Launch digging around the case. Suddenly she heard a vibrating and buzzing noise coming from one of her back pocket, she dug around and pulled out a cell phone and flipped it open. “Yeah, what is it?” She grumbled.

“Don’t use our little secret weapon just yet…” Rasped the all too familiar voice of Raditz. “I’ll let you know when it’s time. As much as I know you hate to hear it, our present losses are not… sufficient… enough to activate Plan B.”

“Yeah, if youze stay alive long enough.” She grumbled back.

“Why you insolent, little-!” He started to fume as she quickly slapped the flip-phone back shut.

“Youze better be shoor about dis...” She grumbled as she sealed the case back shut and propped the front kickstand for her large caliber rifle on top of a rock and reset her sniper post. “Now… which one of youze annoying lil’ gourds should I pop open foist?” she grumbled to herself as she looked down the scope.

“Rrgghh! Annoying little trollop!” Raditz grumbled as he turned off his scouter before punching a green Saibaman in the gut.

“What was that about?” Piccolo asked after he landed next to Raditz, then with a grunt he kicked a charging blue Saibaman away from him.

“Launch was about to activate Plan B.” Raditz grunted as he started to grapple with a larger green Saibaman with rock plates on its body. “I told her to… hold off! The time… isn’t right yet!”

“Yes… I know the importance… of sacrificing some troops while holding others… in reserve!” Piccolo was barely able grunt out as he stood in the middle of a circular mound of Saibamen that he killed. He then grunted in pain as he quickly grew out a new arm from where a stub used to be. Next to him was the black Saibamen with the self-grown sword that had took it… with a smoking crater in it’s chest. It may have taken his arm, but he took it’s life.

“Hahaha! Has anyone seen Piccolo’s arm!? You can’t miss it! It’s green!” Raditz chuckled aloud as he slammed the skulls of two green Saibamen together.

“Very funny… Makenkosappo!” Piccolo yelled out as he fired his trademark beam attack at a charging group of saibamen of various colors.

“Not cool Raditz!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she fired a barrage of ki blasts from the air at a band of Saibamen that were chasing her. “Even I wouldn’t make a joke like that!”
“Yeah… that’s low… even for me!” Pinkie Pie added as she was slowly reforming herself in the middle of a smoking crater, the burnt bits and pieces of a Saibaman scattered around her. “What a waste.” She added sadly as she stepped over the remains of the creature that had tried to kill her in a kamikaze inferno. She then sensed three more Saibamen slowly sneaking up behind her, she quickly drew out her twin blades from her body and glared over her shoulder at the creature. “You saw what happened to your compatriot, and I’ll just reform every time you try this. So tell me; are you lot going to fight me more honestly? Or will you continue to foolishly throw your lives away in a similar manner?”

“Graaah-graaaooowww?” One Saibamen asked the others two.

“Graah-graaahhh! Graaahhhhhooowww!” The other Saibamen told it. Upon hearing this, the surrounding Saibamen then attempted to dogpile Pinkie.

“Great… here we go again-!” Pinkie sighed as the plant warriors started to pile up upon her. “For the record, I gave you an out!

On the branches up above, Nappa watched the continuing fight with some concern. While it was true Saibamen were grown as disposable kamikaze troops, he still felt some pride (much like Gure) in the samples he grew in his past campaigns, and this one wasn’t any different. He looked on in some concern as his newest crop of customized soldier were struggling to defeat the defenders of Earth.

“Dammit Frogger! Keep your guard up!” He grumbled with a tightened fist. “Vegeta, should we intervene-!?”

“No!” Vegeta snapped back. “Stand down Nappa! You know the Saibamen are doing their duty. What they were literally grown for! You should know that more of most of us present!”

“Y-you’re right Vegeta!” Nappa acquiesced with a slight frown and more grunting.

“Turles… I think phase one of your little tests is a success…” Vegeta continued to say as he looked over to the lower-class Saiyan. “Go retrieve some more of the fruit for us, it’s time for a more… personal… field test.” Concluded the Prince as he crossed his arms and smirked at the thought of acquiring this new power, the other members of the Corps looked on with joy (which was unusual for such a hardened band of warriors) at the thought of trying out this new fruit. All except for Tarble; who looked down upon the root they stood upon with a frown and look of great sadness in his face.

“As you wish, Prince Vegeta.” Turles acquiesced with a nod just as he flew off.

“This is really getting out of hand!” The Elder Kai exclaimed as he watched the events transpire on the scroll before him, the Time Kai, Tokitokoi, and Trunks. “I remember when Goku himself told me about this fight... and it was NOTHING like this!”

“It wasn’t.” Time Kai stated grimly as she examined the scroll. “This has gone way beyond a mere matter of Raditz surviving his first fight with Goku and Piccolo! Perhaps we should get Pud-!”

NO! Don’t do that!” Trunks shouted, slamming his hands down on the table. The two Kais and the owl stared at him in shock, while he was never the sort to run from a fight, he tended to be a bit more reserved around them. He then cleared his throat and nervously continued. “I-I mean… well you see… look, I’ve spent some time training with them. And I’ve kept tabs on them after their return to the Earth of this timeline. I know you two were a bit cross with them leaking about the existence of time travel, but other than that they haven’t let us down yet… have they? I’m just saying, give them some time to regain their second wind is all! Plus, I thought we agreed that we’d only get those two Majins in only the most extreme of emergencies!”

“Yeah… I suppose you’re right.” The Elder Kai conceded. “Perhaps we should just give those whippersnappers a bit more time.”

“Very well Trunks.” The female Kai relented. “We’ll give them just a little bit longer. But if it keeps going south, we will have no choice but to get those two to help clean up this mess.”

“They can do this! I know they can!” Trunks yelled in encouragement as he continued watching the fight going on within the timeline. ‘C’mon guys! The multiverse is counting on you!’

“There ya go, you two! Now you two stay here while I go get some some water and some yummy rations to eat!” Gure exclaimed as she put Puar and Oolong (still in their canine and feline forms) in two seperate cages and shut the gate on both of them. It was then a loud roar echoed down a nearby hallway, causing Puar and Oolong to let out a terrified Eeep!”. The quickly covered their mouths, hoping the strange alien wouldn’t notice (or know) that those were not normal noises for such animals on this planet.

“Oh my, it must be feeding time for Mr.Yeti too!” Gure exclaimed. “Hang on big guy, I’ll feed you in just a moment! I’ve got to take care of our two new guests!” She then got up from locking them in their cages and made her way down hallway with a pep in her step.

“Good, she’s gone!” Oolong exclaimed in relief. “Now’s our chance!”

“To do what?” Puar shot back. “We’re trapped!”

Oolong gave him a blunt look before changing into a snake, easily slipping between the bars.

“Oh yeah… silly me! Heh heh heh!” Puar nervously chuckled before following suit.

“Now to see what we can dig up around here.” Oolong told Puar with a nod as the two ran in the opposite direction Gure had went to further explore the ship. “And hopefully avoid whatever was roaring in that room!”

Meanwhile...back at the Tree of Might…

“Power Pole extend!” Gohan yelled as he held onto one end of the power pole and extended the opposite end to his father. “Dad! Catapult me!”

“Right!” Goku yelled back as he caught the pole. His son let go and drew his sword, jumping atop his end right before Goku swung the power pole as hard as possible. The young half-Saiyan let out a mighty yell as he was propelled forward and stabbed the sword into the chest of a somewhat bulky white Saibaman, the creature barely had time to groan in pain as it was impaled right through its neck. Wasting no time, Gohan immediately kicked the dying Saibaman off of his sword before landing on one of the higher branches.

“Dad… hold onto it for me! I’ll get it later!” Gohan yelled back as he tossed his dad the scabbard for the famous bokken before running off. Goku nodded as he strapped it onto his back and flying off, intent on dwindling the enemy's numbers even further.

On one of the lower branches, Yajirobe gulped as Pinkie planted her swords deep into the branch and started to pull back… her arms stretching as she did so. “Are… are you sure this’ll work?” Yajirobe nervously asked as he grabbed onto her backside.

“Hehehe, I have no idea!” Pinkie grunted as she continued to pull herself back, slowly building up tension in her rubbery arms. [1]

“Wait… what do you mean by no ideAAAAAA?!” Yajirobe yelled out as he and Pinkie used her body like a slingshot to send them both flying across the tree towards an unsuspecting blue Saibaman.


“Graa-graa-AACK!?” The Saibamen started to ask as it was impaled by three very sharp swords.

“What’s the matter with you!? Have you lost your mind!?” Yajirobe yelled at Pinkie Pie as he started to get back up from the nasty tumble the two sword fighters had taken after such a rough landing. Fortunately, his years of training and Pinkie’s elastic body prevented either of them from suffering any cuts from their own weaponry.

“Nope! It’s still here!” Pinkie replied obliviously before reaching into her ear and digging around. “In fact, due to my Majin body, I can show you I still have it if you want-!”

“BLECH! Sorry I asked!” A now green-faced Yajirobe exclaimed in regret as he put his hands over his mouth and struggled to keep down his lunch.

“Wow… you’re almost as green as those Saibamen now.” A somewhat oblivious Pinkie said with some degree of confusion.

Meanwhile, Applejack was engaged in a test of strength against a bulky purple Saibamen about… and she was losing. They were locked in a grappling match, hand to claw and it was using it’s edge in strength to slowly push her back.

“Rrrggh… no choice now… gotta pull out…. the big guns!” She growled as she struggled to maintain her grip, it was then that a glowing red aura surrounded her body. “KAIOKEN!!”

“Kaio-WHAT!?” Vegeta exclaimed as he surrounding fighters from both sides of the combat braced themselves against the sudden boost in ki and power.

“I guess the cat’s out of the bag now!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Aww man, I wanted to do it first!” Goku quasi-pouted. “After all, I was the first one to learn it!”

“Kaio-whatever! Take that pathetic human out! ” Nappa yelled in anger. “Show these wimps who’s boss-!”


“GYAAAHHH!” The Saibamen screeched in pain as it’s claws were crushed by Applejack, who then followed it up with a headbutt to the creature’s face and then kicked it away while it was still dazed.

“Ooooh he knows who’s boss alright!” Applejack chuckled as she cracked her knuckles before rushing forward and giving the Saibaman a sharp uppercut to the chin, breaking its jaw and launching it skyward. “And now to make sure he doesn’t forget it! HEAT DOME ATTACK!!” She shouted as she raised her hands, charging a large dome of yellow energy around herself firing a massive beam up at the Saibaman, tearing apart most of its skin as it howled in agony.

“Ok, you’ve had your fun darling… but now it’s MY turn! “KAIOKEN!!” Rarity stated as she flew up past her friend with a similar aura surrounding her body, her right hand started to glow with a purplish-pink aura as a gigantic blade of pure ki sprung forth from it. “Now… face divine retribution for violating the natural order of time!” She yelled out as the Saibaman narrowly recovered in mid-air and, roaring in rage, flew down towards her with murderous intent. “DIVINE LASSO!” She shouted as she flourished the blade several times, and as she did so her blade released multiple ki blasts in the form of sharp needles. The Saibaman had no time to dodge and could only screech pain as the beams impaled its body.

“Divine Justice has been served.” Rarity smirked as she performed a final dance, mentally commanding the needles to detonate, blowing the Saibaman to bits.

“What… but… how?!” Vegeta growled in anger and disapproval.

“Oh… it’s nothing really. Just a little technique I learned from the Grand Kai while I was in otherworld.” Goku chuckled as he glanced up at the Prince. “And my grandpa convinced me to teach my friends how to do it. In other words...you attacked the wrong planet.” Goku finished with an angry frown.

“Turles… hurry up and get that fruit!” Vegeta barked into his scouter.

“I’m doing so now!” Turles yelled back. “Just buy me some time!”

“Rrrgh, we’ll talk about your insolent tone later! Just hurry up and get it! Vegeta out!” Vegeta barked back before shutting off his scouter.

‘Could it be…? Could this Kakarot... this Goku… could he be the one to finally stop my brother and maybe even... the Galactic Emperor and his father?’ Tarble dared to think to himself. It was a very slim hope… but it was hope nonetheless.

As the others around Applejack and Rarity stared at them somewhat dumbfounded, Rainbow Dash sprung into action, determined to not be shown up by her friend and rival.

“KAIO-KENNN!!!” Rainbow Dash yelled out, developing her own red aura. The other Z-Fighters and Elements started to do so in turn, each yelling out the attack as they started to power up.

-Remember… pace yourself!- She remembered Goku warning her during a sparring session. -This technique gives you a major power boost, but it damages your body over time, as it converts physical matter into ki. Stacking it only compounds it even worse.-

But then again, much like Goku and AJ, RD had always been the sort to push herself to the very edge of her abilities and even beyond. She then proceeded to pull off a Sonic Rainboom and slammed right into a grey Saibamen. “Time to even the odds!” She shouted as Rarity and Applejack followed behind her.

“AAHHH!!” Chiaotzu yelled out as ducked and dodged over and under the massive branches, desperately trying to escape the band of green, blue, and white Saibamen chasing him as they leaped. “Tien! Someone! ANYONE! HELP ME!!”

“Hang on Chiaotzu! Fly towards me!” Krillin shouted from one of the branches below him. “No matter what it looks like, keep flying towards me and do. NOT. dodge! Trust me!”

“O-Okay!” Chiaotzu towards him

“Kaioken!” Krillin yelled out as he was enveloped in a red aura before cupping his hands in a familiar motion. “Ka-mee-haaa…”

‘I really hope this isn’t payback for our fight at the Tenkaichi Budokai all those years ago…’ Chiaotzu thought to himself as he saw Krillin charge up his attack

“Meee… HAAAAA!!!” Krillin then yelled out as he let loose a ki blast towards Chiaotzu.

“AAAAHHHH!!!” Chiaotzu yelled out as he braced himself for the incoming beam… only to see the blast turn upwards mere inches away from him at the last split-second, shoot straight up into the air, break up into multiple ki blasts and then come flying down to strike the various Saibamen that were chasing him.

Chiaotzu then laughed and cheered. “Whew! Thanks Krillin!”

“Heh heh heh… sure thing!” Krillin smiled as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Rrrgghhh… rggghhh…” The Ox King growled as he engaged in a grappling match and a test of strength against a larger version of the green Sabiamen. “I...guess… I don’t… have a choice now!”

“Grrr-graaaooo!” The Super Saibaman snarled at him.

“Right… back at you! KAIOKEN!” Ox King yelled as he was engulfed in a red aura, he quickly used this new strength boost to toss the Saibamen away from him and close to the edge of the branch.

“CHI-CHI! NOW!” Ox King called out to his daughter.

“On it daddy!” Chi-Chi yelled as she released a great gust of wind with her Bansho Fan. “Take this!”

“Gyaaaaahhh-gyaaahhhoooowww-!!!” The Super Saibamen screamed as he was blown off the edge and straight towards to lower branch where Goku and Raditz had just finished off three more Saibamen.

“Goku! Raditz! Incoming!!” Chi-Chi shouted to her husband and brother-in-law.

“Got it Chi-Chi! Yo Raditz!” Goku yelled out to his brother as he flew up into the air. “Tag-team time!”

“Right!” Raditz agreed with a nod as he flew up next to him.

“Kaioken!” The Saiyan brothers both yelled in unison as they targeted Saibaman flying towards them.

“Kaaa-meee-haaaa-meee…” Goku chanted as he gathered ki into his cupped hands.

“Double-!” Raditz in turn yelled as he gathered two balls of ki in his palms.

“-HAAAA!!!” Goku yelled as he fired off his attack.

“SUNDAE!!!” Raditz yelled in turn as he fired off two beams.

The three beams surged forwards before forming together into one giant beam of ki, the Super Saibamen barely having time to yell out in pain as it was completely disintegrated.

“Kaioken! Hyagh!” Roshi shouted as he both activated the Kaioken and grew into his buff form. He then used his walking stick to perform a series of quick swings and jabs at a black Copyman, who in turn was parrying with a large bratch he tore off of a nearby branch from the Tree of Might.

“Gyaah-gyaah!” The Copyman yelled in frustration as it attempted to block, parry, and counter Master Roshi’s attacks.

“Yeah… not so fun having the splintered wooden sandal on the other foot now is it?” Master Roshi added as he whapped the creature on the head. He then followed up with a low sweep of his staff at it’s legs and a swift sidekick to it’s chest, knocking it off the branch to fall to the ground below.

“Have a nice trip, see you next fall.” Roshi quipped as he readjusted his sunglasses.

"LAME!" Pinkie called out.


“Tien! Princess Cadence Maneuver! Like we practiced!” Twilight called out to Tien as she charged towards him. Tien nodded as he slapped his open palms together and then put his arms out in a T-Pose, hands open, and yelled in pain. He then quickly crouched down, raised his arms slightly…. as two more arms erupted out of his upper back!

“Wait… that’s the-!” Krillin exclaimed.

“It’s the Shiyōken!” Chiaotzu finished as they watched from up above. “Yeah...go get ‘em Tien!” The Prince exclaimed as he joyfully leapt up into the air and raised a fist, cheering his friend on.

“Kaioken!” Tien yelled out as he was enveloped in a red aura. “I’m ready!”

Twilight then leapt up into the air, only to be caught mid-air by Tien, who then did a 180 degree spin and threw her using all four of his empowered arms. “Kaioken!” Twilight yelled out as she was enveloped in a red and purple aura and hurled towards a group of Saibamen. The Saibamen screeched out in shock and dismay as her flying headbutt attacked bowled the group over like a bunch of bowling pins!

“Way to go Twi! Nice shot!” Spike cheered as landed a few feet away from her.

“Thanks Spike…” Twilight smiled as she got up and dusted herself off…. only for her eyes widened as she pointed behind him. “Spike, LOOK OUT!”

“Huh?” Spike blinked as a large shadow loomed over him from behind, looking over his shoulder for a brief moment, his eyes went wide and he just barely leapt out of the way as a large muscular green Saibaman with grey rock armor that crashed down from above, leaving a large and splintered crater upon the gigantic branch. The large Saibaman growled at the Arcosian in anger, frustrated that it missed its target. “Fool me once, shame on me…” Spike growled as he flew up into the air and pointed his finger at the Saibamen. “-cuz you’ll never get a second chance! Death Beam!” He finished as fired several beams at it.

“Advanced Geometry!” Twilight yelled out as she flew up above the Saibaman and aided Spike with a Kikoho.

“How dare you attack my dear little Spikey-wikey! I WILL DESTROY YOU!” Rarity yelled at the Elite Saibamen as she flew up and threw several spheres of ki in an arc. “Bullet Ballet!”

The Saibamen growled as it put its arms up in front of his face and blocked the blasts…


...only to looked around in confusion after the blasts stopped.

Spike and Rarity in turn glanced at Twilight. “Darling...why did you order us to stop?” Rarity asked.

Twilight simply smiled.“You’ll see in about 3… 2… aaaaand 1!”

“Graoo?” The Elite Saibamen then asked, only for the branch to start cracking under his weight, he quickly attempted to move…


...only for the black Copyman Roshi had defeated to come crashing down on top of him, their combined weight resulting in the branch collapsing under them, sending them plummeting down to the Earth below.

“Huh… how convenient.” Rarity blinked while Twilight smirked proudly.... and Spike started snickering.

“Graoo-graaooo-graaooo!” The Green Saibaman growled out as it threw a ki blast at Fluttershy, who batted it aside with ease.

“Listen… please don’t make me hurt you!” Fluttershy said as she dodged another blast in mid-air. “Celestia forgive me… KAIOKEN!” She sadly whispered to herself as she was slowly engulfed in a red aura. “You know, there are two sides to nature… ”

“Graaoohhh?” The Saibaman asked in confusion.

“...one that nurtures life and makes it grow… and one that engages in predatory consumption and destroys.” Fluttershy said with an angry grimace as tears slowly went down her cheeks. “Guess which one you are forcing me to use? Don’t say I didn’t give you chance to walk away...”

“Graahhh! Graaahhh-graaaooohhh!” The Saibaman yelled out in panic as it sensed the great boost in ki and started to run off.

“Celestia forgive me for what I must do to restore the balance of time…” Fluttershy sadly said to herself as more tears formed in her eyes. “Damn you for making me do this!” The female Majin then formed a purple ki blade around her left hand (which was opened into the “sword hand” position to better shape the ki blade), slid forward and sliced through the Saibaman in one swift motion.

She didn’t look back, for she was too afraid to see her own handiwork… and too ashamed. At first, the Saibaman stood there in shock, only for a slight trickle of green to leak from it’s lower abdomen in a straight line, it barely had time to grunt in shock before his upper body fell off and then his lower torso fell over-no longer connected to a mind to control it.

“Damn you for making me do this… damn you…” Fluttershy sadly said to herself while still silently shedding tears. “Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance.” She kept trying to reassure herself as she walked off to go check on the others.

“Well I’ll be… dat crazy pile of yellow goo managed to take ‘em down… not bad kid.” Launch replied as she scanned the battlefield for fresh targets, even though she experimented with a new technique; transferring her ki into the tips of the bullets she was using. She didn’t know how much in the way of actual damage she was going to do to any of the aliens they were fighting, she honestly felt like her and the rest of the Dragon Gang were basically in a last stand scenario and these mooks were going to rip this planet a new one after her and her friends were planted six feet under.

Still… what choice did they have? Fight and die… or run and die? No.. .it’s better to be done with it now than to suffer and still wind up dead. Not even Demon King Piccolo was as bad as this lot in his prime Even with his large army of mutant… Nameks? Is that what they were calling them now? No matter. If they somehow survive this mess they can figure out that later.

Even if she was a mere gnat, at least her bites could keep the enemy distracted while the others rushed in to land the finishing blow. She scanned the battlefield with her anti-tank rifle she got “on loan” form Chiaotzu’s Empire and looked for fresh targets. It was then that she saw a good one, red Saibaman that was firing ki blasts at a fleeing Chiaotzu, who’d gotten separated from Krillin.

“Grr… I told Tien we should’ve kept him home.” Launch growled. Sure, she was technically “weaker” than him... and Chiaotzu used to be pretty sadistic (she’d seen enough of that side during their first fights at the Tenkaichi Budokai). But nowadays… she’d be hesitant in putting that psyker glass cannon in a battle. That was the downside of joining the others in her opinion, for better or for worse, it made them soft, and this was a fight in which they couldn’t pull punches. She then cleared her mind, exhaled her breath and gently squeezed the trigger...

“Aahhh! Get away from me!” Chiaotzu yelled as he attempted to fly away from the red Saibaman firing ki blasts at him.


It was then he heard the sharp and loud crack of a rifle and noticed the blasts stop, he turned around to notice the creature hold on of its eyes and curled over in pain.

Taking advantage of the situation, Chiaotzu pointed at the Saibaman and fired a beam at it. “DODON-PAAAA!”

The creature then yelled in agony as it disintegrated after being hit by the infamous technique of the Crane School.

“Or... maybe I was mistaken…” Launch admitted as she pulled the bolt on her rifle and loaded another round in the chamber.

“Gotta admit, I hadn’t had fun like this in ages!” Raditz exclaimed as he smashed the skulls of a grey Jinkouman and a brownish-yellow Kyuukoman together.

“Hey, who knows! We might actually survive this one!” Yaijirobe gasped as he leaned down and put his hands on his knees, huffing and puffing deeply. Raditz chuckled at the somewhat cowardly, but comedic human.

“Nappa… give me a quick scan of their power levels… NOW!” Vegeta growled at his bodyguard.

“But you said the scouters were worthless-!” The bald saiyan protested.

“DO IT!” the Prince yelled at the former commander of the Saiyan Armed Forces.

“All right, all right!” He conceded, pressing a few buttons on his earbud. “Well according to this, the Namekian and the half-saiyan runt are… 5000?!”

“And nearly all of our Saibamen are gone! We only got this ‘Saibaking’ and his ‘elite force’ left!” Vegeta growled before glaring at the Saibamen leader. ”Quit messing around and get rid of these nuisances… NOW!”

“Yes… yes… I understand Prince Vegeta...” the Saibaking shakily replied as he looked around and saw the remains of his once proud army strewn all about the branches upon which they fought. ‘No… my army… all gone!’ “Captain Wasabi...front and center!” He yelled out.

“Yes my Saibaking?” Captain Wasabi asked as he landed in front of his ruler and did a pose.

“Rrrgghhh. Now is not the time for poses! Rally the Tokusentai… NOW!” The Saibaking yelled at his top Officer as he saw the battle falling apart around him.

“Yes Sir!” The Captain replied with a quick bow, he then flew up into the air. “To me Tokusentai! We must reform and regroup to turn this mess around!”

“Yes Sir!” They all yelled in unison as they flew off from their opponents and landed around their Captain, each doing a pose.

“In for a penny… in for a pounding. Eh, brother?” Raditz smirked as he cracked his knuckles and neck.

“Yeah… I can’t wait to see what they’re going to try next!” Goku agreed as he got into a fighting stance

“Yeah… but who’s going to get pounded by who?” Applejack added with a deadpan tone.

The Saibaking then landed next to Captain Wasabi and pointed at his enemies. “My Tokusentai! Make the ruffians pay for what they did to our brethren! THIS I COMMAND!!!”

“You heard him! ATTACK!” Captain Wasabi yelled.

“Yes Sir!” The other Tokusentai said as they charged forth.

“Incoming guys!!” Twilight yelled out as she, the Time Patrollers, and the Dragon Gang all got into their respective fighting stances, ready for the next fight to come.

And so, our brave heroes have managed to defeat nearly all of the Saibamen army...all except for the Tokusentai and the Saibaking. And maybe... just maybe... one other. And what of the mysterious “Plan B” developed by Raditz? And what role does Launch play in it? How are Oolong and Puar doing with their secret mission aboard the Crusher Corps’ spaceship? And when do Vegeta, Nappa, and the rest of the Crusher Corps plan to join in the action? Find out all this and more next time on “MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!”

Next time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse” the action continues on nonstop! While the majority of the Saibamen are dead, The Saibaking and his elite band of warriors are still up and fighting! They may be down, but they certainly are not out! Also... what of Oolong and Puar’s secret mission upon the spaceship? And just what has Bulma been up to? Find out all this and more next time on “MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!!!”

Author's Note:

[1]: TF2 Meet The Medic reference.

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