• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,643 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Law of Unintended Consequences

Last Time on My Little Pony Xenoverse:
Garlic Jr.’s band of Henchmen had kidnapped Gohan and took the Dragonballs to his newly formed Palace upon Earth. But the Z-Fighters had unexpected help in the new warriors from Equestria, Piccolo Jr., and the mysterious warrior Raditz. However, Pinkie Pie was missing! Nonetheless, they had to put their worries to the side as they went forth to stop Garlic Jr.’s plans for world conquest! It was then that they ran into more old faces from their past-Garlic Jr. had allied himself with Emperor Pilaf, Mai, and Chow! Fortunately, the Z-Fighters also got help from old friends in the form of the mentally unstable bandit Launch! Yet, despite their best efforts of faces both old and new, Garlic Jr. was able to summon the eternal dragon! However, Garlic’s hopes were dashed by the surprise appearance of Majin Pinkie, who wished for-of all things-a giant cupcake!

As you can imagine, this enraged Garlic Jr. greatly. However, by destroying the cupcake Pinkie had wished for he inadvertently unleashed the rage of this unusual Majin! Even though it was a rough fight, the Mane Seven, Z Fighters, and their mixed band of allies were able to defeat Garlic Jr.’s minions and sent Garlic Jr. himself flying into the stratosphere.

During their downtime, Goku found out the truth about Raditz, and about himself. Both of them were Saiyans; a race of warriors from outer space, and Goku had originally been sent to this world to destroy the sentient life here on Earth, so the planet could be sold to the highest bidder! Goku then nearly ended up fighting Raditz only to be interrupted by the sudden return of Garlic Jr., who then tore open a portal to the Dead Zone in an attempt to banish all of his enemies!

Only the timely action of Piccolo, Goku, Raditz, Gohan, and Majin Pinkie were able to stop him from carrying out his crazed plan for revenge. However, it came at a high cost, for Goku was killed during the battle. While still recovering from the fight, Raditz had found out that he had been betrayed by his allies amongst the Saiyans and had been left for dead. Worse still, they were on there way to Earth to use the Dragonballs for themselves!

Having found out about this, the Z-Fighters and their new allies agreed to gather at Kami’s lookout to plan a means of defeating the Saiyans. However, the Mane Seven would have to pass on that offer as they were needed back at Toki Toki City. But, before they left, Pinkie made a promise to make things right with Gohan his family, as she felt guilty over Goku’s death.

What will this promise entail? What plans do the Z-Fighters have for taking on the new Saiyans threat? What will the Mane Seven do when they return to Toki Toki City? Find out all this and more in today’s Chapter of MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!!

With a brief flash of light, the girls and Spike had teleported into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Fluttershy and Pinkie collapsed onto a nearby couch and started to weep. Rarity and Applejack went to comfort them. Spike limped over to a nearby mirror to check the damage done to his helm. While they had enough Senzu extract to patch themselves up physically, the mental damage was a different matter. Except for the time that Twilight and Spike had helped bring about the demise of Sombra, this was the first time any of the Mane Seven had ever took sentient life. This was a far cry from “reforming” a past villain or taking down some timber wolves. While undoubtedly wicked, the beings they fought were sentient and had lives, dreams, thoughts, and aspirations of their own. Even if they were dark ones. Musing upon this, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash walked to the edge of the walkway that separated their temporary living quarters from the rest of the dimension they lived and trained in.

“All the training we went through in preparation for combat and dealing with the consequence of taking life. Both in the Wonderbolts and here. It… it couldn’t begin to cover the way I feel right now...” Rainbow Dash sniffed as she wiped her eyes.

“I know...” Twilight agreed. “I read many a book on psychological matters and dealing with the mental stress doing this line of work causes, but the reality…”

“Is horrific and can’t be put into words?” Rainbow finished for her.

“Y-yes. That...” Twilight continued. “But as awful as we’re feeling about it, I’m more concerned for Pinkie and Fluttershy. Especially Pinkie. The things she did in that battle and the guilt she feels over Goku. I’d be a bit concerned over Rarity and Spike, but they seem to be handling it better for the most part. Considering the circumstances.”

“Yeah I mean, what we did, it’s hitting Applejack and I pretty hard too.” Rainbow Dash added. “But well, she’s always been a tough pony being a farmer and she’s had to take down Timber Wolves before. And I had to be trained for this sort of thing in the Wonderbolts. I suppose I should be grateful that we’re not outright numb right now, I’m told soldiers often get that way after a fight.” She sighed as she sat down. “Still, is this the new normal? I may be a fighter, but I don’t want to be heartless Twi.” She then gave a bitter chuckle. “Despite what my neighsayers may say about me.”

“I know.” Twi replied, sitting next to her and giving her a comforting hug. “Me neither.”

Into the scene walked Trunks with a smile on his face. “Congratulations guys! You managed to stabilize the timestream-!” He stopped when he noticed how distraught the female fighters and the Arcosian were. It was then that he remembered of what he saw of the sentient life on their world. While their world was deadly and full of hostile life, the sentient life of this planet rarely ever traded violent blows with each other. Why, even one fight between a group of bison and ponies were fought with pies!

“Guys, I… I’m sorry… I should've realized that since this was your first time on the front lines-” The half-Saiyan apologized.

“We know Trunks, we know…” Rainbow Dash replied with a tired hand wave. “We know you meant well. It’s just... we’re not in a celebratory mood. Not after what we did.”

“Believe me. I know it’s hard to believe, but I understand...” Replied Trunks. “It was rough for me when I first took a life too. In fact, it should never become too easy to do. If it did, we’d be no better than the foes we fought. But, you did the right thing. The timeline is mostly intact and Earth has been saved.”

“But… but Goku...” Pinkie sniffed. “He was so nice and kind. And I… I…” She then started to weep some more as Rarity held her.

“I know it was painful Pinkie, but Goku was going to have to die in that battle to maintain the stability of the timeline.” Trunks continued. “Plus, remember the dragonballs? They will use them to bring him back to life later! Why, at this moment in the timeline he’s training with an entity called King Kai in the afterlife in techniques he’ll need to defeat the Saiyans. I know it’s not much comfort, but think over what I told you, ok?”

“I… I will...” Pinkie sadly replied.

“You and Trunks aren’t the only ones who had to deal with this sort of pain either.” The Time Kai said as she entered the Time Chamber holding a scroll. “I’ve gone through my share of painful choices in my long, long, life as a Kai…” She explained, momentarily wincing as if she’d recalled a bitter memory. “And yet, after all I’ve seen and been through over the countless eons, an Android put into words far better how to deal with a situation like this than I ever could.” She stated as she unfurled the scroll. ”Listen.”

“Gohan, let it go.” Said a bass but somewhat electronic voice from the scroll. “It is not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are those who words alone will not reach, Cell is such a being. I know how you feel, Gohan. You are gentle, you do not like to hurt. I know because I too have learned these feelings. But, it is because you cherish life that you must protect it.”

“Ugh, this sentimental downpour is killing me!” Replied a voice full of both charisma, arrogance, and wickedness, “It’s so nice of you to help 16, but I plan on doing this my way!”

“Please, drop your restraints. Protect the life I love, you have the strength. My scanners detect it. Just please, let it go.” Finished the deep voice.

It was then that Supreme Kai of Time closed the scroll. “I know this rings hollow right now, but I think that is the key to getting through pain like this. Something you taught often in your own world. The importance of forgiveness, not only of your foes, but of yourself.” The Time Kai explained. “You have to let those feelings go. Otherwise, they will destroy you from within. Like a Kaioken that’s too strong or being used for too long. I don’t know why Shenron chose you, but I trust his judgement. However, if you want to go home, I will gather the Dragonballs and arrange it. I will give you time to think it over. Come along Trunks, we need to give them some personal time alone.”

Trunks nodded and followed silently behind her as she exited the Chamber.

Several hours passed as they waited outside.

“Do you think they’ll stay?” Trunks asked.

“I...I really don’t know.” She replied hesitantly. “Their world, while filled with hostile wildlife, rarely had violent warfare. I mean, one of their ‘wars’ was fought with pies! Pies of all things! If they will be able to handle this or not even I cannot say. As I said, I trust Shenron’s Judgement, but I’m still at a loss concerning his choice in this case. This was even crazier than the time he summoned Dumplin!”

Trunks shuddered in horror at some of the things Dumplin did for the “good” of preserving time.

“Still, the recent changes in time disturb me,” the Supreme Kai of Time continued.

“Disturb you? How so Goku is still training with King Kai of Time and the Z-Fighters are preparing for the Saiyans.” Trunks asked.

“That may be true. But Raditz was supposed to die in that timeline, not join them. And we now have Launch, and possibly Chi Chi and the Ox King taking a more active role in affairs as well. I’m not sure how many more serious changes within the timeline reality can handle before it’s starts to fray.” She countered. “As a certain Demon Lord had tried to do before...” She added bitterly.

“Do you think he’s back?” Trunks asked in concern.

“No.” The Time Kai answered firmly. “I’ve searched the various timelines in the Library and I have yet to see anyone use the Dragonballs or anything else to resurrect him. And when I last talked to the Ogres they said his soul’s still locked up in HFIL.”

“So do you think it’s-” Trunks started.

“I hope not.” The Kai interrupted. “I certainly hope not.”

“I hope we get an answer soon from our new Patrollers if they’re going to stay or not.” Trunks thought aloud as he moved around the bangs hanging over his head. “They’ve been in there for the equivalent of several months already.”

“Trunks, they’ve been through a lot in a short amount of time. Don’t rush-” The Time Kai started to reply as the door opened.

“Supreme Kai of Time, Trunks, we’ve made a decision.” Twilight replied as she walked out of the Chamber with her friends. “We’re staying.”

“Yeah! And we’re going to do what we always do! Save the day!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“A lot of lives are at stake and even after what we’ve been through, we can’t stand the thought of what would happen to our own world if whoever was behind this got away.” replied Fluttershy.

“I’ll admit, we’re still coming to terms with the fact we may have to end the lives of some of our opponents.” Said Rarity. “But this isn’t like Equestria. And even there, I don’t think some of our old foes will ever change their ways….”

“Yes...and we did have to take out Sombra before.” Twilight sadly replied as she shook her head. “Permanently.”

Spike put a comforting claw on her shoulder. Twilight then took a deep breath and continued. “But we realize the stakes that are at hand and we’re willing to stay on. We’re all in.”

“Also...could we possibly have a pizza party now?” Pinkie asked while she leaned her head slightly to the side at an angle and with a big smile. “You were congratulating us about several months ago. Or several hours. Either way, it’s been a while.”

At first, Trunks was taken aback by the randomness of the comment and a large drop of sweat formed on the back of his head. But then, Trunks let out a slight snicker at the ridiculous and randomness of the comment, but then it burst out into full out and uproarious laughter. Then Spike started to laugh at it, then the Supreme Kai of Time herself, then the rest of the girls joined in at laughing at the sheer silliness of the way Pinkie broke the seriousness of the situation.

“Heh heh heh! Twilight Sparkle was right.” Trunks conceded as he wiped a tear from his eye. “You truly are the Element of Laughter. Sure, I’ll go call up pizza delivery right now! I’m going to assume since you started out as equines you’ll want vegetarian?”

The entire Mane Seven nodded and smiled.

“And I’ll go get the party cannon!” Pinkie replied.

“Party-what!?” Trunks asked.

“Trust me; it’s best not to ask.” Twilight replied. “I nearly had a mental breakdown trying to figure out how she does things once. It’s not worth it.”
“I warned him the exact same thing awhile back shug.” Applejack added in with a slight frown and crossed arms.

After a fun-filled evening out on the lawn of the Supreme Kai of Time’s Lawn, the Mane Seven decided to go out for a brief bit into Toki Toki City before retiring back to the guest rooms for the night. While they could go back to the Time Chamber, they had concerns about it aging them too fast. It was the classic Catch-22. You got more time to train, but you ended up aging faster as well due to the time distortion. Still, such weightier matters was for another day. For now, they would spend some time relaxing in town.

“Ooh! I just can’t wait to get to the Mixing Facility!” Twilight smiled in excitement.

“I’m looking forward to seeing what counts as the latest in Time Patroller Fashion myself.” Chimed in Rarity.

“Ehhh...I guess I’ll go to the clothing store with Rarity.” Rainbow Dash conceded, getting everyone's attention. “I heard some of the clothing they sell actually help improve your abilities in combat!”

“Ya three go on ahead. I think me an’ Fluttershy here are just going t’ walk around an’ enjoy the scenery.” Added Applejack.

“I do admit, I want to see the Koi pond. I wonder what they feed those goldfish to make them grow so big?” Fluttershy pondered aloud.

As the others started to walk off with Trunks and the Kai, Pinkie walked towards Spike.

“Say, Spike. Now that we got some time, do you wanna meet the Taino Force? I heard they’re much friendlier than the Renegade Force.” Pinkie asked.

“You bet! They remind me so much of the Power Ponies from my comics back home!” Spike said with a smile.

“Then let’s get going silly Billy!” Pinkie chuckled as she skipped along with a smile.

“Hmmm… so this is the formula for the rare Z-Soul ‘If I Can Only Achieve My Perfect Form!’...” Twilight Sparkle said as she read a lengthy scroll that was given to her by another patroller. “The stats are great, but it seems to make you a glass cannon. Several good hits and you get weakened pretty bad. I wonder if I’d be better off with ‘That Offer’s Expired’ even with its restrictions?”

“Remember. This Story. You.” Dumplin nonchalantly stated as she walked by Twilight, “Oh yeah, do that Dumplin Strut, do tha Dumplin Strut, do tha Dumplin Strut, everybody do tha Dumplin Strut!”

“What a strange creature.” Twilight said to herself as she scratched her head and watched Dumplin walk by. “I think he might even give Pinkie, Discord, and Cheese Sandwich a run for their money when it comes to sheer randomness!”

“Ooh! That Android 20 Hat is sooo adorable! How much is it!?” Rarity asked the vending robot as she looked through the e-display set up in front of the Clothing Store.

“Is that all you think about is looks?” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she was examining the statistics for the various clothing items that were in the store.

“Ahm glad t’ see that th’ trees around here are properly taken care of,” Applejack said to Fluttershy as she took in a deep breath of air and admired the scenery around her.

“Me too. But I’m enjoying feeding the fish more at the moment!” Fluttershy said with a smile as she broke off pieces of bread from a loaf the Time Kai had given her and fed the fish.

“Hi!” Pinkie exclaimed with a smile and a wave as she and Spike walked towards the Taino Force, “I’m…!”

“Pinkie Pie and Spike!” Taino exclaimed with a smile. “I’ve been so looking forward to meeting you!”

“You have?” Spike asked in surprise. “I mean, I’m used to getting a warm reception in the Crystal Kingdom, but here? I mean, we’re relatively new and-!”

“I know I know! But we’re sooo excited to meet you!” Taino exclaimed as she shook both their hands very vigorously.

“Yeah, we’re not on the best of terms with the Renegade Force.” Growled Pima. “Anyone who’s willing to stand up to them and their overgrown ego’s is on good terms with us!”

“Yes yes, we all know you got an axe to grind with them, Pima!” Taino giggled with a slight hand wave. “But I think proper introductions are in order. Formation Time!”

“Here we go again…” Spike sighed in amusement.

“Iaas!” Exclaimed a Frieza Clan Patroller as he leaned to one side and pointed his fingers.

“Ukatz!” Exclaimed another alien Patroller as he performed the famous “Burter” stance.

“Pima!” Growled the dark haired being who flexed his muscles.

“And I’m The Leader...Taino!” Cheered Taino as she got down on one knee.

And then they yelled in unison. “To-ge-ther! We are…THE TAINO FORCE!!!

Pinkie giggled and cheered while Spike clapped enthusiastically.

“Wow! That was great!” Spike said.

“Yeah, it was!” Pinkie said with a smile. “Sorry to cut and run, but I have some stuff I got to take care of. I have a promise I need to take care of. You know the way back to our guest rooms, don’t you Spike?”

“Of course Pinkie.” Spike nodded. “Even then, the city’s a giant circle. It’s kind of hard to get lost here.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie! Tell the girls I’ll be back soon, okay?” Pinkie said while giving Spike a big hug.

“Goodbye Spike, Taino, Pima, Ukatz, Iaas!!” Pinkie said with a handwave. “See ya!”

“I wonder what she’s up to?” Spike shrugged as she saw Pinkie walk off.

“Beats me silly!” Taino giggled. “She’s your friend, not mine!”

“I do admit, it’s a master stroke, Roshi.” Raditz said as he observed Gohan dig up a field barehanded. “By integrating farm work into his training and having him study ChiChi’s books during what little time he has off, we’ve managed to keep her off our backs...for now.”

“Hmmm...yes.” Roshi commented with a nod. “It’s been a hard sell, but I think you managed to get through to her. Far better than I, Goku, or anyone else ever could. I think it’s because you know the hard reality of what we’ll face far better than any of us. After all, you’ve lived it.”

“Yes, still, I hear she’s less than thrilled about having the Namekian along for the ride.” Raditz replied as he looked up towards Piccolo who was meditating and floating in mid-air. “You and the others have mentioned there was a lot of bad blood between him and my brother. He even killed some folks he cared about. All though they were brought back with your Dragon Balls. Even now, I’m sure his sharp Namekian ears hears us talking about him.”

“Yes. In fact, this version of Piccolo is actually his son, even though he has his father’s memories and techniques. So, to say there’s an axe to grind between them is a bit of an understatement.” Roshi continued as he checked the stopwatch he had in his hand.

“Welp, time for tilling the fields is over.” Roshi replied as he slowly pulled himself up from the Lotus position. “Piccolo should be thrilled. We’re going to be doing dodging training next.”

“Ooh, that sounds super-duper fun! Could I join in too!?” said a rather cheerful voice from behind them.

Raditz turned around, crossed his arms, and chuckled with an arrogant smirk. “Heh, I was wondering when you’d show up.”

Several Months Later:

“Hmmm...so if my brother’s friends are telling me the truth, he used to turn into what our race refers to as the ‘Ozaru’ but his friends had the tail cut off because he didn’t know how to control it? Well, makes sense considering he arrived as an infant and what his original mission was.” Raditz replied as he took a sip of morning coffee while looking down upon the Family Farm from a nearby cliff. “I am so glad both he and I technically failed. I’d have never got to drink this stuff you call coffee! The taste really gives you a kick.” He took another sip and continued. “While I’m not going to apologize for following orders, I am grateful that I was stopped in time. I have learned things both about this world and my former compatriots that have forced me to...reexamine things.”

“Yes, I still want to take this world over, but as much as I hate to admit it, the Gohan kid is growing on me.” Another voice replied. “I think I might care more for him than any of the minions I or my Father have ever grown.”

Piccolo was sitting on a nearby rock. Both him and Raditz looked down from the cliff face they were on the edge of and watched as Gohan was doing a supply run. He was carrying large bags of fertilizer while running from a singular of boars. He then engaged in a schadenfreude-filled chuckle and commented. “He does need to work on his dodging though.”

Raditz chuckled in turn and replied. “He does, but he can handle a few dings. Half-Saiyan or not, those little runts chasing him won’t bang him up too bad. He could probably take them apart even with a lack of proper training. If only he’d show a bit of courage.”

“Yes, we will have to toughen him up a bit, even with ChiChi’s constant interference,” Piccolo agreed. “You’re starting to get through to her, but she’s still very, VERY hesitant. Even with you and Muten Roshi trying to talk sense to her. Still, I’m told human mothers tend to be very protective of their children.”

“Yes, and we can turn that to our advantage. If we play our cards right.” Raditz replied. “She and my Father-In-Law have even started training both themselves and Gohan recently.”

“You’re so diabolical. I absolutely love it!” Piccolo said with a smile.

“I know! It still amazes me how different my new family is from me.” Raditz said with a frown, “I hope they won’t hold too many punches in the fight to come. If they do, we will all be done for.”

Piccolo and Raditz looked down again. Gohan had finally made it home where a slightly frantic ChiChi, along with Master Roshi, Krillin, and Tien, were taking Gohan inside to be bandaged up.

“You know the Full Moon is coming soon don’t you?” Piccolo replied.

“I do.” Raditz answered, “I will have to train the boy to control his form. It’s not going to be easy, but we don’t have much of a choice. I don’t want him to suffer the shame of losing his tail as his father did. One of our foes, Turles, developed an acupressure technique to make it grow back, but I never got to learn it. And I know if the fight goes south far enough for our foes they’ll use an artificial means to force us to go into Ozaru Form. If he can’t control it, he’ll put all of us in danger, ally and foe alike. But it’s too powerful to justify removing his tail either. No. He must be trained.”

“I wanted the child to learn to sense Ki and to track fast opponents, but that will have to wait it seems,” Piccolo said with a slight growl as he stood next to Raditz, “I can’t have the child destroy the planet before I can take command of it.”

“You assume too much,” Raditz growled back. “As far as you know, I might want to take this backwater for myself.”

“Consider yourself fortunate we are both allies!” Piccolo threatened with a glower and a scowl. “For the time be-”

“Hey guys! What you two grumpy pants up to!?” Pinkie replied as an upside down head on an extended neck floated down in front of them.

“We were discussing how to train Gohan before you so rudely interrupted! Amongst other things…” Raditz growled at the slightly annoying pink creature.

“Other things like what?” Pinkie Pie asked with a Cheshire Grin as she floated down and slowly turned herself right-side up.

“Other things like...none of your business!” Raditz yelled at her.

“Ooh~! A secret! That sounds so fun!” Pinkie exclaimed with glee. “There was like this one time where Twilight had to keep these super-duper-uber-big secrets for Rarity and Fluttershy! But she didn’t want to keep them! But I told her that she made a super-serious promise and that it was important to keep it FOREEEEEVVVVEEEEERRRRR~!! Unless the one’s who made her take it changed their mind! And she wanted them to change their mind, but they wouldn’t! And it was making her gooo allll sooo ‘Lesson Zero’ on us! And then she-!”

But Piccolo merely reached out his hand and held Pinkie’s lip shut in a cartoonic fashion. Her lips stuck out in a comedic manner and looked akin to duck lips. Pinkie Pie also let out a toyetic squeaking noise. “Ah, so that’s where the mute button is!” Piccolo replied with a smirk.”

“Hah! Good one!” Raditz laughed out loud.

“Yeah, that is kind of funny!” Pinkie snorted and chortled after Piccolo let the lips go.

“But...joking aside.” Raditz continued. “We need to talk to Gohan’s family and friends below. He’s going to need some help with the training he’s going to have next. It may be the toughest thing he’ll have to face so far. If not ever.”

“Trust me. It won’t be the worst thing he’ll ever have to face in training. I’ve read the script.” Pinkie said.

“Wait...what?” Piccolo asked in confusion. Raditz just looked at Pinkie slightly dumbstruck as he scratched the side of his face in confusion and a teardrop formed upon his large and spiky mane of hair.

“Oh nothing!” Pinkie replied with a knowing grin and a hand wave.
“Ugh, forget it you confusing and annoying pink creature! Let’s just go down below and talk to Gohan!” Raditz yelled at Pinkie in annoyance.

“Okie-Dokie-Loki!” Pinkie said with a smile as she started to float down to the Radish farm, with Piccolo and Raditz in tow.

“W-W-WHAAATTTT!?” ChiChi yelped in terror at the news.

“Yes. Like his father used to do, he will turn into a giant primate if he sees the full moon. Or if Vegeta uses his technique to create a fake version.” Raditz nonchalantly replied as he cleaned out his coffee mug. “However, it can be controlled. If he is trained properly. In fact, we will need you and the Ox King’s aid in doing this. He will need all the moral support he can get if he is to control his feral nature in his alternate form.”

“Are you serious!?” ChiChi fumed, “We should remove his tail immediately!

“That would not be wise.” Raditz continued as he put the coffee mug in a nearby wall cabinet, “I have little doubt Vegeta and the other accompanying Saiyans will use a similar technique if they are pushed far enough. Even with my aid in an Ozaru form, I will be outnumbered...and outgunned. We will need both Gohan’s Ozaru Form and Piccolo’s Giant Form if they attempt to do this.”

Krillin replied. “Well, I think Tien and I know someone who can help with the training.”

“Spit it out shorty.” Raditz growled.

“I swear, are all Saiyans this rude!?” Krillin snapped back. “But as I was saying, Tien and I know another martial artist who transforms under a full moon. He’s somehow able to maintain most of his sentience and restraint while in his own alternate form.”

“What? Is he one of these werewolves I see in one of your silly late night movies, Earth Man?” Raditz chuckled and mocked.

“As a matter of fact, he is. But he’s no laughing matter in his alternate form.” Tien countered with a look of slight annoyance.

“Hmmm. There’s one problem.” Roshi replied. “You two forgot that he’s not like your typical lycanthrope. Your old rival, Man-Wolf, stayed in his more canine form most of the time. He only turned normal under a full moon. Not vice versa.”

“Oh yeah...my mistake! Oops!” Krillin nervously chuckled as he scratched the back of his head and a large sweat drop formed on the side of his head.
“Well, I guess getting his help is out of the question then.” Raditz agreed. “Still, between me, the Namekian, and his mother and grandfather, I think we’ll be able to handle it. I guess that leaves us with figuring out where to train him. Any ideas?”

“Well, I thought Kame House at first.” Krillin said. “But it’s presently being rebuilt and the island is pretty small. I don’t think it’d be an ideal spot to-”

“And what makes you think I’m going to agree to having you do this!?” ChiChi fumed. “I already let you train Gohan in agreement for your aid in helping with the farm and his studies, but this is too far! You have a lot of nerve for-!”

“Trying to save your planet?” Raditz growled. “In case you have forgotten, while I may have been a former enemy I am presently trying to stop its destruction or conquest. Sister-In-Law or not; you are treading on very thin ice, lady. And besides, do you think you could stop me?” He then made a wicked grin and summoned a small ball of ki in his hand.

The surrounding group “eeped” in terror at his saber rattling, except for Piccolo who just growled in annoyance and Gohan, who had an unusually serious look for a child of his age.

“There’s no need Uncle Raditz. I’ll do it. I will have you train me how to control myself as an Ozaru.” Gohan agreed as he stepped forward. Uncle Raditz powered down his Ki Ball until it disappeared, and watched as Gohan walked up towards his mother.

“But Gohan, you’re only a little-” ChiChi started to reply in panic.

“Boy?” Gohan interrupted, “I know mom, but we don’t have a choice. Raditz knows the most likely plan of attack the Saiyans will use on us and if he says we need to do this to survive then we have to do this!”

He then walked up to his mother, grabbed onto the hem of her dress and looked up at her and said. “Mom. I don’t want you do die because I didn’t do what I could. Even Uncle Raditz said that Saiyans and half Saiyans could take on entire armies, even as a kid! Please mom! I love you, but I have to do this!”

“Oh, Gohan...” His mother sniffed as she got down on one knee and hugged him. “You remind me so much of your father. Always putting yourself before others, except when it comes to fighting. He always sought to be number one in that area. Very well, go. I don’t approve of this, but go. Just promise me you’ll be careful. If what my new Brother-In-Law said is true, then the beings we will be facing are much worse than the Red Ribbon Army your father fought so long ago.”

“I will...mom.” Gohan replied as he hugged her around the neck. “I promise.”

“It’s a Kodak moment.” Pinkie Pie sniffed as her eyes watered.

Everyone just started to stare at her oddly, but then one by one they started to chuckle and then laugh loudly.

“You truly are a random and strange creature, Pinkie Pie.” Krillin chuckled as he wiped a tear from his eye.

It was then that a brief flash of light appeared and several more beings teleported into the room. “You’ve got some explaining to do Pinkie Pie.” Grumbled a slightly annoyed Twilight Sparkle.

“Uh-oh~.” Gulped a nervous Pinkie Pie.

Uh-oh! The cat’s out of the bag Pinkie Pie! Your friends have found out you travelled back in time again without even saying a proper goodbye! Will Pinkie be able to keep her Pinkie Promise? And what of the mysterious Saiyans? What plans do they have in store for their world? Find out all this and more on future episodes of “My Little Pony: Xenoverse!”

Next time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse”, Vegeta and his Crusher Corps arrive at Planet Arlia! However, the locals give them a very cold reception! But then again, Vegeta and his troops have always preferred violence over diplomacy! What sinister plans does Vegeta and his elite band of warriors have in store for the natives of this world? Do the natives even stand a chance against them? Find out all this and more next time on: “My Little Pony: Xenoverse!!”