• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,639 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 2: Disastrous Distortions

Twilight braced herself as she flew through the voids of time alongside Rainbow Dash, to say she was more nervous than that time she'd been summoned by Celestia for her “test” would be an understatement. The fact that they were beginning their first mission to protect the timeline was nerve-wrecking…

“Finally, I get to ram my fist into someone's face!”

...for her anyway. ‘For someone who had several months earlier asked what hands were-despite forgetting that she used to use the term ‘out of hand’ several times prior to that-she sure seems eager to use them now!’ Twilight thought to herself.

As they continued to fly forward two portals opened before them, one on the left leading to Kame House and the one on the right leading to the dessert.

“OK Rainbow, I'll assist Goku and his friends, you go help Piccolo and Raditz.” Twilight stated as she flew towards the left portal.

“You got it!” Rainbow shouted before flying into the portal on the right. “Good luck, Twi!”

“You too Rainbow…” She said before flying into the portal...

“Aw, he's so adorable!” Bulma smiled as she watched Gohan playing with the Turtle on the beach.

“So, you planning on training the little guy?” Krillin asked Goku, who simply crossed his arms.

“Well I was planning to, but Chi-Chi-” Before he could continue he immediately flinched and turned his attention to the horizon. Not too far way he could sense four powerful energy sources headed towards them. “Bulma! Take Gohan and go inside NOW!”

The blue-haired inventor saw the look in Goku's eyes and knew there was no time for an argument, she quickly grabbed the young half-Saiyan and ran inside as the turtle dove underwater.

Goku, Krillin, and Master Roshi all got into their fighting stances as several blurry figures darted around them, tearing up the ground, ripping apart several trees and breaking a few small parts of Kame house.

The trio didn't let this unnerve them however and focused, making sure they were ready to counter the moment their enemies struck.

“...NOW!” Roshi shouted, immediately his former students blocked their assailants strikes, finally getting a good look at them.

Goku was holding back a muscular brown brute with long red hair and bull horns, Krillin was faced with red midget with a pointed hat, and a taller, grey, hulking brute with a similar hat (with horns added) had been stopped by Roshi’s staff blocking his punch.

‘Wait, I sensed four of them…’ Goku's eyes widened in realization. “Oh no, BULMA!”

Before anyone could react, there was a scream from inside Kame House before a figure was sent flying out the window of the top floor and into the sea, and almost immediately after that Twilight walked out of the front door cracking her knuckles. “Trying to kidnap a child, have you no shame?”

Taking advantage of the surprise attack, Roshi leaped into the air and slammed his staff into his opponent’s face, Krillin and Goku followed suit by blasting their opponents away.

Their leader flew out of the ocean with a livid look on his face, he had light blue skin, long pointy elf-like ears, and wore pink & purple armor. “You insolent wench! I'll make you pay for that!”

Goku gave Twilight a thankful glance before turning his attention back to their assailants, the three having regrouped with their leader. “Alright, just who are you guys and what do you want with us?” He asked.

Their leader smirked as he landed in front of his group. “Hmph, it won't matter since soon you’ll be dead by our hands.” He stated as his eyes glowed menacingly. “But if you must know, I am Spice.”

“The name’s Salt!” The short red stubby one announced.

The brown horned one stepped forward. “I am Mustard!”

“And I'm Vinegar!” The large, grey, brawny one finished.

“Together we are the Four Makyan Monarchs, under the command of Lord Garlic Jr.! We are the Spice Boys!” They all stated at once.

Roshi was trying to keep a straight face, Goku and Krillin were snickering, and Twilight arched a brow before shaking her head in disbelief. “Wow. Just wow. Even by Equestrian standards… those names are just stupid.”

THAT got them riled up as they immediately charged at the group, all of whom quickly took to the air. Twilight and Krillin charged towards Spice and Salt high up above while Goku and Roshi faced off against Vinegar and Mustard over the surface of the sea.

The two hulking members of the group quickly crossed their arms in an “X” formation, creating large red energy spheres, and proceeded to combine them two into one massive beam and fire it at their foes.

Goku and Roshi shared a look before swiftly drawing their hands back before thrusting them forward, launching a streaming, powerful beam of energy. "Ka-me-ha-me-HA!”

The two beams combined into one and clashed with the Makyans’ blast, resulting in a blinding explosion.

Up above, Krillin smirked as he easily dodged and blocked each of Salt’s relentless ki blasts as he pursued Krillin through the air. “Bring it on shorty!”

'Shorty'?! I'm just as tall as you!” Salt snarled as he continued to fire.

“That stupid hat doesn't count!”

Not too far from their aerial battle, Twilight had engaged Spice in close range combat, skillfully dodging and blocking every punch he threw.

“I must admit, you're quite skilled...for a woman.” Spice taunted.

“Says the guy who looks like a vampire wannabe!” Twilight retorted as she dodged a strike to her shoulder. “Tell me, did the real ones reject you because you were too sparkly?”

An angry vein made itself visible on his forehead is he immediately slammed his fist into her stomach causing her to double over before spinning around and kicking her in the face. She was sent spiraling for a few seconds before she quickly stabilized herself in mid-air, wiping the blood off her mouth she gave her adversary a smug look. “Oh? Did I touch a nerve, Sparkles?”

“I'm going to enjoy killing you, wench!” He stated as he charged two red energy balls in his hands.

Twilight smirked. “Bring it, pretty boy!”

“Vinegar huh? Whoo, you look like a big one!” Roshi exclaimed, as he deflected several ki-blasts with his staff. “Well, time to put my A-Game on!” Roshi then took a deep breath and when he exhaled he went from a skinny old man to bodybuilder in mere seconds, his chest and arms muscle mass expanded greatly causing his shirt to rip and pop off of his body. He then did a series of spinning and twirling moves with his walking stick. “Now then, where were we?”

“Huh, nice trick old man...” Vinegar replied with a smarmy smirk. “...let’s see if that improved muscle mass is the real deal or all show!” He then flew straight at Roshi full-tilt. Roshi dodged and parried Vinegar’s strikes with walking stick and even landed a few of his own.

“There’s nothing as precious as the love between a father and son isn’t there?” Mustard mused as he cracked his knuckles. “Well, let’s just see how much you love your dear little boy, shall we?”

“DON’T YOU DARE THREATEN MY SON!!” Goku yelled as he started to charge up his Ki.

In a vast desert, two warriors stood across from one another. One had a white cape billowing in the wind, revealing his green skin and purple gi. His name was Piccolo, son of the Demon King, and rival of Son Goku. And he wasn't about let such a cocky warrior get away with his earlier remarks.

Standing across from him was a man with extremely long spiky black hair going all the way down to his knees. He wore brown and black colored battle armor with long shoulder pads, armored gloves & boots. He had his tail wrapped around his waist, signifying his Saiyan heritage. Additionally he wore a blue scouter on left ear, a white band tightened around his left arm, and another on his left leg. He was one of the last living Saiyans and the elder brother of Son Goku- Raditz.

Raditz smirked as he raised his hand up in the air, creating a small blue and white energy sphere. "Keep Your Eye on the Birdie!" He crowed as he prepared to fire at Piccolo, only to be stopped by a cyan Saiyan that appeared behind him to deflect a energy shot aimed for his back.

“What the-!?” The two fighters said, looking at this newcomer. Raditz, however, noticed the trademark tail on this one.

‘Another Saiyan? And this one's a female…’ Raditz observed, only to be brought out of his thoughts when the deflected blast hit a nearby cliff. “Wait, where did that blast come from?!”

“Over there! On that cliff!” Piccolo exclaimed, glaring at their new, unwelcome enemies.

The Saiyan followed his line of sight to see three beings of various sizes, a large, gray, muscular creature, a taller one with dark brown skin and another had blue skin and white hair that stood straight up.

“Well, well, it looks like we've got another weakling to smack around.” The gray one chuckled.

“And just who the Hell are you three?!” Piccolo growled as he got into a fighting stance.

“Well, I suppose it’s only good manners and proper decorum that we should properly introduce ourselves...” Replied the one with the white spiky hair, pale grey skin and pointy ears. “I’m Nicky.”

“And who’s the Saibaman Reject in the cape!?” Growled Raditz as he pointed at the short green humanoid with pointed ears.

The green creature pulled down the cowl of his cape to reveal a rather large cranium, pointed ears, and red eyes. “Well, if you must know before your inevitable demise, the name is Ginger!”

“And the melonhead?” Asked Rainbow Dash while motioning to being that looked similar to the shorter one, but much larger, taller, and in spiked body armor.

“Well... that wasn’t very nice.” The Giant started to reply. “But I suppose I’ll still tell you. The name is Sansho.”

“And we are the Disciples of Garlic Jr.!” Nikki stated proudly.

Piccolo scowled, Raditz merely looked on unimpressed, and Rainbow Dash replied. “Garlic Jr.? What? Are you guys sous chefs being trained by him or something?”

“This is no joke.” Piccolo growled, cracking his knuckles. “If these guys are with Garlic Jr., then they’re bad news.”

“Yes, and we arrived as a courtesy call,” replied Nikki, “Our Master has told us to tell you to stay out of his way. All we want are the Dragonballs... and this planet. So, hand yours over.”

“What’s a Dragonball?” Raditz asked in confusion.

“I’ll have you know both this planet and its Dragonballs are mine, so both you and Garlic Jr. can go slithering back to whatever hole you crawled out of!”

“What’s a Dragonball!?” Raditz asked again, growing irritated that he was being ignored.

“Sorry, that’s out of the question.” Ginger countered in turn as the three started to surround Raditz, Rainbow Dash, and Piccolo, “But at least you know you won’t be killed...yet. However, you will wish you were by the time we’re done with you. Still, if you hand yours over it’ll be slightly less painful.”

“By Freiza’s albino tail, will someone tell me what a Dragonball is!?” Raditz fumed.

“All you have to know, Spiky, is that if they get all of them it’ll be bad news-for all of us,” Piccolo said as he tensed his arm muscles.

“Well, if you two are done arguing or whatever you were doing before I got here and saved Sonic The Hedgehog's life…” Rainbow Dash said, cracking her knuckles and ignoring Raditz’s glare. “I think it's combat time, and it looks like it's us against them!”

“Me? Fight with you two lesser warriors!? You must be joking! I am a Saiyan and I am more than capable of-” Before Raditz could continue his scouter started beeping rapidly as the trio before them was enveloped in a dark purple aura. It was then that his Scouter started to beep erratically, various symbols made up of light appeared on the lens, and Raditz tapped some buttons on it’s side.

‘What the?! Their power levels are increasing?!’ The Saiyan thought before glancing at the two beside him. “Fine!” he yelled, I’ll fight these pests with you! For now! But, I’m only doing this because I’m looking for my brother, and I'm not going to let these vermin get in my way!”

“Ok, I want the brown one. He looks like the leader of this freak show.” Rainbow Dash said, glaring at Ginger.

“Then I'll take the one with white hair. At least defeating him will make coming to this planet worth my time.” Raditz responded with an arrogant smirk, setting his sights on Nicky.

“And I guess that leaves me with the big, tough, stupid one,” Piccolo said while looking at Sansho.

“Hey, that’s kinda harsh man! Really!” Replied a slightly hurt Sansho.

“Alright, let's do this!” Rainbow Dash said as they flew towards their opponents.

Raditz flew towards Nicky and began to unleash a volley of kicks and punches. Nicky however, blocked all of them with ease. Raditz then put both of his hands together and sledge hammered him into a plateau, he then raised one hand in the air and charged up a purple ball of ki, aiming it towards where he launched nicky.

“Now begone!” Raditz shouted as he fired his fully powered ki wave, the beam obliterated the plateau, leaving a massive crater. “That’ll teach you for messing with an elite!” The Saiyan boasted arrogantly.

But just then Nicky appeared behind Raditz and judo chopped him in the neck sending him flying towards the ground. Nicky then fired his own blast at him as he fell, the green ki wave engulfed Raditz as he crashed, leaving a body-shaped crater with the unconscious Saiyan at the center.

“Oh, that shot was just fabuloussss~!” Exclaimed Nicky as he looked down at his handiwork.

Meanwhile Rainbow smirked as she dodged another punch from her opponent as she flew through a canyon. “Seriously, what kind of a name is Ginger?! Did your parents hate you?”

“Hahahaha! That’s rich coming from a lady with a hairdo that has multiple personality disorder!” He quipped back as he exchanged chain punches with her.

“At least I have hair!” She yelled back as she kneed him in face and sent him flipping into a cliff wall.

As he pulled himself out of the hole, Ginger roared in frustration at this strange... brat making a fool of him! “I’m gonna kill you!”

“You’ll have to catch me first!” Dash yelled back as she stuck her tongue out. She then flew towards him, tapped him on the forehead and said. “Tag! You’re it!” She then flew off at breakneck speed.

Back in the Time Vault, Trunks looked on from the scroll he had in his hand. He then nervously looked over to Toki Toki. “They seem to be doing okay for the most part.” Trunk mused to himself. "But their Ki is not as high and their they’re not as strong, fast, agile, or have the endurance they had in the Time Chamber! This doesn’t make any sense!”

“Trooo~?” TokiToki asked with both concern and worry.

“I know Toki Toki, but I think this goes beyond mere teamwork or friendship. I mean, I’ve seen Teams such as the Ginyus do well even when broken up into smaller teams or even as individual fighters! Something just doesn’t add up!”

“I’m afraid we have made a very big mistake!” The Time Kai said as she warped into the room with a Scroll in hand. “From what little time we both spent speaking with them I was able to track down their their home planet. And, well, it seems that Friendship is literally the main aspect of how their magic works. At least we can be relieved that it’s not something dark like the ones developed by Garlic, Bibbidy, or Bappity! Still, we have weakened them by separating them.”

“Let me see for myself please.” Trunks asked.

The Supreme Kai of Time handed over the scroll to him. He unfurled it and watched.

What he saw before him amazed him. While the ponies, humans, and other beings looked...different in this timeline and Galaxy, he still was able to recognize Twi and the other based on tells such as coat and skin color, the color of the their manes and hair, and their preferred hairstyle and mannerisms. These amongst other things. He saw Twi and the others go toe to toe with a Alicorn black as Night and somehow purging her of evil in the process. He then saw them defeat a Chimera that made the rules of space and time his mere play thing. Next, he saw how she used both brains and magical brawn to defeat a baby blue Unicorn empowered by a amulet with dark magic. It’s magic reminded him too much of the darkness developed by the Majin Wizards. As he watched further he observed in amazement as Twilight assumed a higher form of her own and later used that form to go toe-to-toe with a literal being from Tartarus.

“WHAT!? Tirek The Destroyer was defeated by them on that world!?” He exclaimed in horror. “I think even Goku in his Super Saiyan 3 form would’ve had a hard time fighting him!”

“Yes, and there’s more.” The Supreme Kai of Time chimed in as she watched Trunks start to figure out the entirety of the situation.

He then saw how she and her friends assumed a form not too different from that of a Super Saiyan and used it to banish him back to Hell. And most recently, he saw her lead a group from another world in defeating a trio of powerful Sirens!

“Good Kai...what have we done!?” Trunks exclaimed in the shock that arose from this horrific realization.

Meanwhile, within The Time Kai’s Time Chamber-

Oh hey Mr. Narrator Man, how are ya doin’!?

-HEY! Do you mind!? I’m trying to narrate the Story!

Oh sorry! It’s just I wanted to meet ya, you know? I always loved it when you’d get all uber-serious and go all ‘Laaassstttt Time on Dragon Ball Z’ or ‘Next Time on Dragon Ball Z!’ I just wanted to ask if you’ll be on more often, you know?

Yes, I’ll narrate more, ok!? Now if you don’t mind, I have a job to do! And you’re supposed to be training young lady!

Oh yeah! Hahahah~! Silly me! Continue!

Ahem, as I was saying! Meanwhile, Back at the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Spike and Applejack were relaxing from a fresh round of sparring. Rarity was patching Spike up while Fluttershy was attending to Applejack’s wounds. And Pinkie Pie was nearby fixing up a vegetarian variant of Okonomiyaki in the kitchen. Little did they know that their brief moment of relaxation was about to come to an end...

“Now, you better get good and ready!” Pinkie exclaimed as she got out a Chinese Chopping Knife. “For I, Chef Pinkie, shall cook a-plenty!”

“I’m afraid not.” Trunks interrupted as he walked in. “Twilight and Rainbow Dash need some serious reinforcements. While you were training, the Supreme Kai of Time and I looked up some info on your race and your world. I realize now that in our rush to get help sent out we made a huge mistake. We should’ve sent you out as a group due to how you are able to only work at full power when all the Elements of Harmony are together. No offense Spike.”

Spike glowered at Trunks in slight annoyance. “Ermmmm… as I was saying...” Trunks continued. “We made a big mistake by not sending all of you out in force. Only together as a team can you go to the full extent of your power. Even you Spike.”

“Thanks.” Spike replied with a smile that was now showing due his face protector was retracted back into his helm.

“Well, you could’ve asked us about it.” Fluttershy replied in her usual soft voice. While she was still the Element of Kindness, the lessons she’s had to learn about standing up for herself and putting her hoof down has come more to the fore due to the time she spent in the School of Hard-Knocks as a Majin.

“Even then shug.” Applejack countered, “We’re kinda banged up at the moment. You know I’d help Twi an’ Rainbow in a heartbeat, but we can barely stand up at the moment! Except fer Pinkie thar.” She continued as she thumbed behind her.

“Don’t worry, I got that covered!” Trunks replied as he passed out some capsules. “These Capsules have Senzu Bean extracts in them.” He explained. “As well as some various...ahem...health supplements… developed by the Saiyans and other beings while they worked for Frieza. They can either boost your ki, repair body damage, give a slow regeneration ability, or even wake up a knocked out ally, depending on type. The label will tell you which is which and gives instructions on proper usage and dosage.”

After reading the label, Applejack popped one of them in her mouth. Her bandages flew off and she did a few test kicks and punches. “Whoo-whee! I feel like I just got off of a extended stay at Aloe an’ Lotus’ spa!” she exclaimed.

“I’ll say!” Said Spike as he noticed that his formerly chipped and broken bits of armor had grown back.

Spike then passed the bag of the remaining Senzu Bean Extracts over to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, you were always the one in our group with a knack for healing. You should be the one in charge of these.”

Fluttershy nodded with a smile and closed eyes. “You got it!”

“Pinkie, as you seem to be the one in best condition at this time, I need you to get a head start and go find Twilight and Rainbow Dash. I’ll make sure the others catch-up to you as soon as possible! The Supreme Kai of Time will help you-” Trunks started.

“Oh, no need! I got it!” Pinkie said with a hand-waved as she reached into empty space, made a black hole appear from nowhere and stepped into it. The hole then disappeared with a slight “pop” sound and a poof of smoke.

“A-amazing! Why even Majin Buu had to use a lot of Ki to-!” Trunks started to stammer.

Applejack hand waived it and stated. “Shug. I’ve seen Twi and Pinkie do that multiple times. Don’t question it. It’ll just make ya go crazy. It’s fer th’ best. That path is just sheer madness.”

Back at Kame House the battle raged on.

“I’m not gonna lie, that was pretty fun.” Vinegar grunted as he wiped some blood off of his lip. “But it’s time to end this. We have some baby-sitting to do!” He cackled before backslapping Roshi into the backside of his house and started to charge up another ki blast

“Oh no, Master Roshi!” Exclaimed Krillin. As he started to fly towards the house however, he took a Ki Blast to the back and fell into the sea with a large splash. “Hah! Well it looks like you’re all...washed up!” Salt chuckled.

“Oh no! Krillin!” Twilight exclaimed. Learning from Krillin’s mistake, she gave Spice a quick Ki blast to the face and flew off to rescue Goku’s former rival.

After Spice recovered, he shouted to Salt. “Go after the kid with the Dragon Ball! I’ll help the others with the stragglers! Quickly now!” Salt nodded in agreement and flew towards Kame House while Spice flew towards Mustard and Goku.

Mustard was down on the ground, trying to pick himself up. Goku was nearby charging up the Turtle School’s most Famous Technique. “Kaaaa...meeee….haaaa...meee-!” He said aloud, only to be stopped mid-charge by a ki blast to his back.

Spice then helped Mustard up and hopped over to Vinegar. “Vinegar! Now!” He exclaimed, “SUGAR IGNITEEE!!!”

While still trying to get up, Goku was hit by a dual-blast from Vinegar and Spice and was sent flying into the sea. Salt dragged out a crying Gohan while he was getting beat upon by Bulma.

“Let go of him, you creep!” Bulma screamed as she kept kicking him. Salt simply growled at her and threw into a nearby sand dune, her legs comically sticking up into the air.

“Not gonna lie! That is priceless!” Salt chuckled.

“We got the kid Let’s go! While I want to finish these guys off, the longer we stay here, the more more likely we are to fail this mission!” Ordered Spice.

“Right!” Exclaimed the Spice Gang in unison as they quickly charged up and flew into the distance, a kicking, and screaming Gohan still in Salt’s Arms.

DAAADDDDYYYY!!!!” Gohan wailed as he flew into the distance.

Twilight swam underwater looking for Krillin and Goku. ‘From what I can tell, we’re on a shelf that the Island is a part of, which means that the water here is shallow….’ She thought as she swam.

For all of Rainbow Dash’s chiding, being an “egghead” had it’s perks. Still, “egghead” or not, she knew Goku and Krillin would drown-even in shallow water-if they were unconscious. It was then that she saw the sea giant turtle wave at her with one of his front flippers. In his beak he was carrying Krillin by his Gi, and under him was Goku on the seafloor. Alas, the turtle didn’t have fingers to carry him with.

‘Looks like not all creatures here have the magic Equestrian Ponies have in this world. In that sense, this Earth is a lot like the other one I’ve visited before.’ She mentally mused as she swam over, nodded to the turtle in understanding, grabbed both Krillin and Goku by their respective Gi’s, and swam towards the Island, she just hoped she could find a safe place to surface, for all their sakes.

Twilight dragged Krillin and Goku out of the water and onto the beach while Master Roshi helped pull out Bulma by... grabbing onto her...posterior. After Bulma dusted herself off, she proceeded to slap Master Roshi hard enough to send him flying into a coconut tree.

“Why couldn’t you grab me by the legs like most normal people you pervert!? Do you know how much it hurts to be pulled out by someone grabbing onto your butt!?” She fumed.

“Oww! I thought you were a lady! That really hurts you know!” Master Roshi yelled in pain as he picked himself up… only to get slapped by Bulma again.

Goku was on his hands and knees and still coughing up water. “Bulma...where’s...where’s Gohan?” He asked between gasps for air,.

“Goku...I’m...I’m sorry.” Bulma replied, shame evident in her tone. “The short one in the sombrero grabbed him from me...and I...I couldn’t stop him.”

“I’m...I’m going after him.” Goku replied as he started to get up.

“Not alone you’re not!” Krillin replied as he got up and started to wring his clothes out.
“But, how are we going to find him?”

“Well, you did put a Dragon Ball on his head, Goku.” Bulma replied. “Let me see if I can find the radar in what’s left of Kame House.”

“Hurry Bulma! I don’t know what they have planned for my son, but I it can’t be good!” Goku yelled as Bulma ran inside. Goku then looked over to the strange purple girl next to them as she shook herself off. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get to thank you earlier, let alone get your name. Who are you?”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.” The Lavender Saiyan replied. “I was brought here by Shenron to help you-”

She was interrupted by a series of yelps, yells, banging, and crashing noises, after which Bluma came out with a device that looked like a stopwatch. “Found it!”

“Yes! The Dragon Radar!” Goku exclaimed as he rushed over to grab it. “Krillin, you and Twilight are with me! Bluma, I need you and Roshi to head to Korin’s and get us some Senzu Beans! Niimmmbuuusss!!” Soon after he called that out, a flying cloud zoomed out of the sky and landed in front of him.

While he stepped onto Nimbus, Bluma got a capsule, threw it on the ground, and it disappeared in a poof of smoke. In its place appeared a airplane with a bulbous cockpit. Goku flew off on Nimbus with Krillin and Twilight Sparkle in tow and Roshi and Bulma loaded up onto the airplane.

As they flew off, the local giant turtle commented. “It sure never gets boring around here. I sure hope they don’t expect me to fix Kame House...” He mumbled as he saw the airplane, Twilight, Krillin, and Nimbus fly off over the horizon.

Meanwhile at the Plateau, the warrior trio was having their own share of problems.

“I’m...not gonna lie...” Rainbow Dash huffed. “I’ve done...better.”

“If you are a true Saiyan, then maintain some degree of composure like I and the Namekian are here!” Growled Raditz as he deflected another ki blast.

“I would ask you what those terms meant, but now isn’t exactly the right time.” Piccolo grunted in annoyance and pain as he blocked a punch.

“I’m kind of disappointed.” Replied Sansho as he and the other Disciples circled around the Namekian and the two Saiyans. “I was hoping for an actual challenge, man!”

“Well that’s life, you know?” Said Nikky, “Now, let’s take care of these fools and get the Dragon Ball!”

“Spinning Technique!” Shouted out Ginger.

The three of them then started to spin overhead and formed a massive tornado made out of Pink Ki.

“It’s...it’s gonna suck us in!” Fumed Raditz as he grabbed onto the ground below him.

‘I was a weathermare in Cloudsdale, but this is too strong even for me to control! I’ve never seen a pink tornado before! Let alone made of Ki!’ Rainbow Dash thought as she and Piccolo grabbed onto the ground for dear life.

However, the suction power was too much for them to handle and the tornado swallowed them in, before they were again thrown out. Rainbow Dash crashed into the side of a boulder while Raditz and Piccolo went hurtling down to Earth below. Afterwards, the Disciples of Garlic Jr. landed and examined their handywork.

“Nicceeee~!!!” exclaimed Sansho as he observed the destruction around him.

Nicky went and attempted to pick a Prickly Pear from a nearby Prickly Pear Cactus and poked himself in the process. “OWWW!” he yelled in pain as he shook his hand. Sansho proceeded to laugh at him.

“Glad to see you’re entertained.” glowered Nikky.

“Enough you two! Help me find the Dragonball!” Ginger yelled at them, he then pulled out a Dragon radar and after scanning around for a bit, and looked down at the unconscious Namekian. “Well, it’s our lucky day.” Ginger smiled with triumph as he dug around in Piccolo’s Gi. “Success! Lord Garlic Jr. will be pleased!” Ginger said as he fished out the Dragonball and held it up towards the sky, it was a thing of beauty as it glistened in the Noonday Sun. After putting the dragonball into his cloak he knelt down and put his fingers up against the Namekian’s Neck. “He still lives, for now.” He grumbled. “Still, as much as I’d like to stay around to off the other two, we’ve got to get a move on!”

“Right!” The other two replied in unison as they took off.

Back on Kami’s Lookout, Kami fell onto one knee and howled in pain. He dropped his cane due to his weakened state. PoPo rushed over to help him up. “Are you ok Master?” he asked in concern.

“Yes...Piccolo lives. For now,” Kami replied in relief. “But I have bad news. I’m afraid Garlic is getting his revenge from beyond the grave. His son, Garlic Jr., is here on Earth!” It was then that he heard a familiar sound, the distant roar of jet turbines. In particular, that of Bulma’s personal aircraft flying to Korin’s Tower below.

“PoPo! Fetch your carpet! We need to go below to visit Bulma!” Ordered Kami as he reached down to get his staff. “Of course Sir.” PoPo acquiesced as he rushed back into the Lookout.

“So, let me get this straight.” Bulma elaborated. “You want me to fetch the rest of the Z-Fighters, Ox King, Chi Chi, Puar, and Oolong; while you, Yajirobe, and Roshi take the Senzu Beans to wherever this Garlic Jr. is?”

“Precisely.” Said Kami. “Rest assured, if he has the Dragonballs, then he also has Goku’s son. Which means Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, and whoever these mysterious new fighters are will be there as well. And we’re going to need all the help we can get.”

“Uhm...I’m not exactly thrilled about the whole...fighting Garlic Jr….uhm...thing,” Yajirobe stammered in fear.

“There’s an old saying in the Western Country of Eagleland.” Replied Kami. “Those who do not hang together will be hung separately. Rest assured, if anyone holds back and runs from this fight, all of Earth will be dominated-and all human life on it will be driven to extinction. It should go without saying that your life would be forfeit as well in the process.”

“Ulp! I...I understand, Kami.” Yajirobe accented with a nervous bow. “C-c-count me in.”

“Good,” Kami nodded before turning to his assistant, “Popo, you and Korin take care of the place for us while we’re gone. And set up the traditional tea set for us, we’ll be back soon. Yajirobe, Master Roshi, grab a hold of my cape.”

“What for?” Yajirobe asked as he stuffed a sack of beans into his sash and proceeded to grab onto Kami’s Robe along with Master Roshi.

“We’re taking a shortcut,” Kami replied.

“What do you mean short-CUUUUTTTT!?” Yajirobe screamed in terror as he, Roshi, and Kami disappeared in a flash of light.

“Well, you don’t see that everyday.” Bulma said with shock evident in her eyes.

“I do.” PoPo replied with some degree of snark. “Byeeeeeee Kami~! I’ll get the special Peyote Blend for you!”

Back at the desert Plateau, Piccolo slowly got up and groaned. After straightening up his Gi and dusting himself off, he came to a horrific realization. He patted down a section of his upper Gi that felt lighter and emptier than usual (even though it was weighted!) and dug around in it.

“Son of a bitch!” He roared in outrage. “THEY TOOK MY DRAGONBALL!!!

Raditz slowly limped towards him and chuckled. “You’re a Namekian! You don’t have any balls to begin with!”

Rainbow Dash pulled herself off of the rock and slowly floated towards them. She then snarkily shot back, “Laugh it up all you want, you rotten dodoria! If that Garlic Jr. guy gets all of them there’s no telling what he’ll do with them!”

Raditz looked back at her and quipped. “One. I’m not Dodoria, that’s some other guy I work with. Two. What’s the worst he could do with them?”

“Well, if the runt is anything at all like his father...AGH! That hurts!” Piccolo exclaimed as he pulled his arm back into its proper joint, “He’ll probably use them to become immortal. And trust me, with his mastery over both Magic and Ki, he’s not the sort you want to become immortal.”

“Hmmm, an immortal tyrant that is good at both Ki and Magic usage would make fulfilling my contract here a bit...problematic. Very well then. I’ll continue to work with you two...for now.”

“Wait, what do you mean by contract?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh! Look, I found those three punks on my scanner!” Raditz deflected while tapping some buttons and making some beeping noises on said scanner, “We need to get a move on before they get out of range!” He then quickly charged up his Ki and flew off.

“I don’t trust that guy. We need to keep an eye on him,” Rainbow Dash replied as she started to charge up.

“No argument there ...whoever you are,” Piccolo agreed as he in turn charged up. They both then flew off to catch up with the shrinking dot on the horizon that was Raditz.

Later on...somewhere up in the sky-

Jeez Mr. Narrator, is that the best you can do!?

C’mon, cut me some slack, they’re friggin’ flying up in some part of the sky somewhere!!! It’s not like I have satellite coordinates!


Now, as I was saying, somewhere up in the sky, a most unorthodox of reunions was about to take place.

Raditz was flying towards the direction of the Ki Signatures that were stored in the memory of his Scouter. In tow were the Mysterious Rainbow-haired Saiyan and the Namekian. ‘While they were much weaker than me, I have to admit they’re pretty good at focusing and building up energy.’ He thought to himself. ‘Still, it would make sense that the locals of this world would develop that as a defensive and offensive technique to counter for the lack of physical powers in their bodies. And the Namekian would learn these techniques during his stay on this backwater planet.’ He was brought out of his thoughts as his scouter went off and he noticed three more signatures on it, the signatures were still not as powerful as his, but he knew they could be a threat in numbers. Still, they weren’t the same as the beings he fought earlier. But, the scanner also chimed and put up a pop-up stating two of them matched the traditional signature for a Saiyan. But like the Cyan one, the signature of this being was not in the Frieza Force’s Database. However, one of them matched the last bio-recordings of his Baby Brother, Kakarot.

'Kakarot...’ He thought to himself. ’You’re going to have a lot of explaining to do after this fight! Just as much as the Namekian. I still need to know what this ‘Dragonball’ Weapon is. And how it can help...or harm, Lord Frieza's Army.’

“Hey it’s Twilight!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with smile and a wave as Twilight Sparkle, Krillin, and Goku on Nimbus flew towards her. “So, what’s the Sitrep?” Rainbow Dash asked.

‘Hmmm, so the Second-Class Saiyan knows some proper military terminology.’ Raditz thought to himself. ‘Despite her lack of discipline and proper strength; she could be useful to me after all.’

“I’m afraid it’s pretty bad.” Twilight replied. “A band of thugs called the Spice Boys were able to beat us up pretty bad and ran off with Gohan and his Dragon Ball. They’re working for some guy named Garlic Jr.”

“I’m not proud to admit this, but we got beat pretty bad too Twi,” Rainbow Dash confessed in an ashamed tone. “And they got away with Piccolo’s Dragonball. I’m embarrassed to say this, but my Wonderbolt training would suggest calling in reinforcements for this one.”

Twilight nodded in agreement as she continued. “Dash, you have better military training than I do. I want you to call this one in.”

“I’m on it!” Dash agreed before tapping her scouter. “Trunks! Do you read? Trunks, this is Time Patrol Agent Romeo-Delta Twenty. Over!”

Trunks replied back on the comm. “Yes, I hear you! The Supreme Kai and I are watching from her Vault! I’m sorry, we should’ve done more research on you before sending you out! If we knew more about how your team was dependent on synergy to use the magic you had I would’ve used larger numbers. But, we were rushed by this emergency! I am so sorry!”

“Well, as my Wing Commander Spitfire would say: “It’s too late for apologizing now Officer! The mistake happened! So pull yourself together fix it!” Rainbow said while impersonating Spitfire’s “drill instructor” voice.

Trunks chuckled a bit and replied. “She sounds like on HFIL of a war leader… don’t worry, I’m actually one step ahead of you! When I saw things were starting to go South I got the other girls and Spike from the Time Chamber! I just need you to hold out long enough for reinforcements to arrive! You think you can do that?”

“Of course! We’ll make sure to leave a few for the others when they arrive.” Rainbow Dash said back with an arrogant smirk.

“Ugh! I’m asking the Supreme Kai of Time for a raise after this!” Trunks grumbled. “Look! Just keep yourselves alive and keep Garlic Jr. and his men busy for us while long enough for them to get there, okay? Trunks, over and out.”

“You got that Twilight?” Rainbow asked.

“Mmm-hmmm.” Twilight nodded back.

“Whoo boy! I’m glad you ladies and whoever this guy is are on our side!” Goku said with a grin,. “Erm...you are on our side, right?”

Twilight nervously replied. “Well...we can’t say too much about our mission. But let’s just say it’s in our own best interests to make sure that Garlic Jr. and his men are defeated. Long story short, it’s a bunch of overly-complicated space-time stuff that’s over your head.”

“Huh?” Goku asked as he scratched his head.

“What my egg-headed buddy here is trying to say.” Rainbow Dash continued while jokingly ribbing an annoyed Twilight. “Is that the world is basically screwed if Garlic Jr. wins! He’ll probably wish for something like immortality and take over the planet!”

She then noticed that the otherwise brave and dour warriors were now giving her rather skeptical looks, except for Twilight.

‘Nice save, RD.’ She thought.

“Not to hard to believe...” Piccolo sighed. “It wouldn’t be the first time someone’s tried to use them for something like that… we’d better hurry if we don’t want this Garlic Jr. getting whatever he wants with the balls.”

‘Hmmm… a wish for immortality? They were hinting at these Dragon Balls having the ability to do something similar to this earlier on. Now that might prove useful...’ Raditz thought as he tapped a button on his scouter, relaying the recorded conversation to his comrades as the gathered team of warriors flew towards the ominous Castle…

Uh-oh, Raditz seems to have some malicious agendas of his own concerning the Dragonballs! What could he possibly be planning next? It’s a race against the clock to stop Garlic Jr. from making his wish! Will Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and their Cabal of unlikely allies be able to work together to beat Garlic Jr. and his minions? Will reinforcements arrive in time?

Will Rainbow Dash’s ego combined with her newly found Saiyan Pride get her and the others into a world of trouble? And what about Twilight Sparkle? The former intellectual that has now started to develop a liking for the thrill of combat? Is this a possible side-effect of her being a Saiyan now as well?

All this and more will be revealed next time on MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!!!

Author's Note:

And the next chapter is finally up! Thinks to a new friend we have helping write out the story; Brother Malachai!