• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

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Chapter 6: The Search for Pinkie, a Majin's Atonement!

Last Time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse,” Vegeta assembled the Crusher Corps and travelled to the planet Arlia. While during a Scouting Mission, he and Nappa allowed themselves to be captured by the local lifeforms. While in Prison, he and Nappa found two missing soldiers-the Rotund Saiyan Onio and his Saiyan Wife Honey! Having become bored with their games, Onio, Saiyan, Nappa, and Honey ended their ruse and wiped out most of the garrison and the King of the Palace they were trapped in! Unwittingly, these band of wicked mercs have freed the people of Arlia! Meanwhile, the Z-Fighters and the Elements of Harmony (and of course Spike) continue to prepare for the inevitable invasion! Just what are the Mane Seven up to now that their time of celebration is nearing an end and Pinkie snuck off to train with the Z-Warriors in Private? Find out all this and more! Coming up next onnnn…”My Little Pony: Xenoverse!”

“Whoo-wheee~!!! What a night!” AJ exclaimed as she, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle started to walk back to their quarters.
“I know! Even though Rarity was too obsessed with the clothes! I do admit some of the uniforms looked pretty cool! They even had the 20% Coolness and awesomeness needed to reflect how amazing I truly am!”

“Sigh...Celestia help me if we have to go ‘Mare-Do-Well’ again,” Twilight grumbled to herself.

“Darling! There is no shame in being properly accessorized! I wish you’d realize that!” Rarity fou-foued at her.

“Well, I was just happy to have some peace and quiet,” Fluttershy said in a near-whisper. “It was nice to just relax and to feed the fish.”

“Oh hey Spike!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash as she waved at the arriving Arcosian. “How was your night off?”

“Great! Pinkie and I got to meet a Squad of Patrollers called the Taino Force! They were just like the characters in my ‘Power Ponies’ Comics!” Spike said with a large smile.

“Speaking of Pinkie, man, did she chow down on those Pizzas!” Rainbow Dash replied with a grin, “I think she even ate more than Twi, Trunks, and I even with our new Saiyan metabolisms!”

“You know...now that you mention it, have any of you seen Pinkie?” Twilight asked. “I know she likes to disappear and to do stuff at random, but it’s been awhile since I last saw her. I’m a bit concerned. Normally I’d let it slide since she did this a lot in Equestria, but we are in a new place and we are more or less on constant call to take care of various emergencies in time.”

“Yeah, I remember being told during Wonderbolt training we have to be on constant readiness to deploy to take care of emergencies at a moment’s notice,. Rainbow Dash added in. “This could seriously affect our ability to do this if we can’t track her down.”

“You know, I’m not sure.” Spike said. “The last I saw her, she said she had to leave because she had ‘stuff to do.’”
“Hmmm,” Twi pondered as she looked down and put a hand under her chin, “Well, we could go looking around for her and still possibly not find her due to her ability to basically ‘poof’ to anywhere, but...I think I got a better way. C’mon girls, we need to go talk to the Supreme Kai of Time!”

“HEY!” exclaimed Trunks as she walked up behind the Supreme Kai of Time who was looking at a stack of papers. Interestingly enough, they were stack of blueprints instead of Time Scrolls for once.

“Trunks! You really need to stop doing that! It’s very rude to sneak up on and to scare people!” The short Kai scolded after she eeped in panic and turned around to see him.

“Oh yeah...uhm...sorry.” Trunks replied in embarrassment as he looked down, held a hand to the back of his head and a large sweatdrop formed on the back of his head.

“Kiii!!!! Kiiii!!!!” scolded TokiToki.

“Sigh, it’s all right. I’m just...busy right now.” The Supreme Kai of Time replied as she looked back on the blueprints she put on a table.

“Are those the blueprints from expanding TokiToki City?” Trunks asked.

“Yes, I have decided to rename our renovated Community ‘Conton City.’” she answered, “It will represent a new start for us while still remembering and maintaining some of the old buildings and artifacts. As befitting the history of our station amongst the Kais. The past and the future in the same city. The current staff shortages and lack of quarters for our present garrison have made me realize we have to do both major expansions in living space. And, that we need to do a major recruitment drive. In fact, I will need your help in doing some recruitment ads later.”

“Oh sure! I’d love to!” replied Trunks.

“In fact, I’m thinking of adding the Elder Kai to our staff.” The female Kai said.

“Hmmm...he’s a bit cantankerous,” Trunks pondered, “but he knows his stuff, so I agree that’s a good idea.”

“Kii! Kii!” responded TokiToki with a smile.

It was then that they heard a loud banging on the cyclopean doubled-doors that made up the Vault of Time.

“Trunks, you mind getting that?” The Supreme Kai of Time asked, “I need to put these scrolls away!”

“Sure!” Trunks said with a smile. As he walked off, the pint-size Kai and TokiToki grabbed and rolled up the various blueprints and started to carry them off.

“THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY AND SPIKE REQUEST PERMISSION TO ENTER!!!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the top of her lungs as she banged violently on the door.

“Shug, this seems a bit much.” Applejack replied with a deadpan voice and face.

“Look AJ. Which one of us has had actual military training? This is how it is done in the military. It seems a bit much, but it is. Unless you’re on the front or in simulated combat drills, for obvious safety reasons.”

“I’m coming over! Hold your horses!” yelled out Trunks from the other side, “Erm...no offense! And no need to be so formal! We’re not that sort of a military unit!”

Rainbow Dash merely nervously chuckled a bit as the rest of the group gave her strange looks. The large doors slowly creaked open and Trunks peeked his head through. “Hey girls! And erm...Arcosian!” Trunks stared, “I thought you had the night off! Still! Come in! We’ll talk about whatever it is you have on your mind.”

--Several Moments Later.--

“Hmmm, that is a problem.” the Kai of Time replied, “I can see why you came to see me.”

“Yeah, we could’ve went lookin’ fer ‘er,” AJ replied, “but we had a hard enough time tracking her down when she was just a pony. She seemed to have this ability to teleport just about anywhere when no one was looking!”

“I know! She once used the ability to even outpace MY speed! I can fly pretty fast, but how do you counter a pony that can teleport anywhere!?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “And she’s not even a unicorn or an alicorn!”

“Yes, she can even give me a run for my bits, even with my mastery and knowledge of magic.” Twi admitted, “And becoming an Alicorn greatly upped my magical reserves that I had stored within me before I came here. Now that she’s a ‘Majin’ as you call them, her abilities seemed to have expanded twentyfold at the very least. Maybe even more.”

“Yes, this is a problem,” the Kai admitted, “We need to know where she is at a moment’s notice so we can deploy her. Still, I think I know a way, but it’s going to be hard.”

“You don’t mean-!” Trunks exclaimed in horror.

“Yes, we’re going to have to examine all the scrolls in the Time Vault to see what happened to her during the night off.” Kai sighed with resignation.

“Oh no! This will be worse than that time I had to track down those two Saiyans! Throughout the entirety of history and pre-history! In multiple timelines!”

“Oooh! Did you say we get to read the scrolls!?” Twi replied with glee, “Study Partyyyy!!!!” Twilight then recomposed herself and asked, “But wait, didn’t you tell us not to read them earlier?”

“It is true I told you this...and for good reason.” the Kai admitted, “But we don’t have a choice now. Due to the sheer volume of events we will have to dig through; I no longer have a choice.”

“Ugh...this is going to be more painful than the nonstop PT Fest that was Final Pre-Grad Week of Wonderbolt Academy!” Rainbow Dash groaned as she rolled her eyes.

“Nonetheless, we don’t have a choice shug.” AJ countered, “Twi, Kai of Time, Trunks. You’re gonna have to take th’ lead on this, but we’ll help ya. And...you can do this Dash. Just remember what we taught ya when ya studied for yer Wonderbolt Exam.”
“Thanks AJ. I know I can do it. It’s just going to be a royal pain. But thanks.” said Rainbow Dash

“Shoor thing.” replied Applejack with a smirk as they both sis-hoofed each other.

“But...then again...” Gulped the Cyan Saiyan as she looked at the enormity and sheer volume of the Mountainous Basilica that was the Time Vault. Filled to the brim with lengthy scrolls.

“Don’t worry girls. It’s big, but Applejack is right. We can do this. The Kai and I know our way around a Library and how to research. And Trunks has done this before.” Twilight said as she put a hand on Dash’s shoulder. “Let’s get to it.”

Rainbow Dash then groaned, rolled her eyes, and grumbled through gritted teeth. “Fine! Let’s get this over with.”

“Right!” Replied the Kai. “Trunks, you take Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash and look through the scrolls on the East wing. I will take Twilight, Spike, and Fluttershy and go to the West Wing.”

The people around the Kai nodded in agreement, separated into their respective groups and walked off to different sides of the humongous dome structure.

“So, how long did it take you to find these ‘Bardock’ and ‘Broly’ fellows when they were sent to differing timelines?” Rainbow Dash asked as they started digging through scrolls.
“Erm...about five days. I think I got lucky though. And...it’s hard to tell in a world where space-time is constantly in flux.” Trunks grimly replied as he started to look through scrolls.

“F-five days!?” Rainbow Dash stammered in shock. “Uh...heh heh! Heh heh heh! HEH HEH HEH HAAAAHHHH!!!!” she started to laugh in near-shock at the sheer scale of the task ahead.

“Dash...erm...Dash, ya okay?” Applejack replied as she waved a hand in front of the now cackling Rainbow Dash. “So help me, if I have to slap ya to snap ya out of it…! Yeah, thanks for breaking her Trunks!”

“Uhhh...I didn’t mean to!” Trunks exclaimed in panic and embarrassment.

“Darling, I know you didn’t mean to.” Rarity replied. “Believe me, we know. It’s just that studying and research doesn’t quite mesh well with Dash’s...attention span.”

But after a quick nonchalant slap to the face (and a short but intense exchange of words between the Blonde Human and the Saiyan with the multi-hued Hairdo), the three went to work on looking through the various scrolls on the East Wing. Hours, days, weeks; no one was sure how much time passed while watching the events of time upon the various scrolls in the Library. It was hard to tell in a dimensional pocket where time was anything but constant nor steady. While Trunks was looking through another scroll nearby, Dash was snoring her head off on a nearby couch, and Rarity was off getting coffee, Applejack finally found what they were looking for. While reading and watching a scroll, he stumbled upon Pinkie Pie and Kid Gohan going on an adventure after they stumbled into a cave during one of their training sessions.

“Ah shoulda known.” Applejack half-growled half-grumbled under baited breath.

“Don’t worry Mr. Robot! We’ll save you! I’m not going to let you die like my brontosaurus friend I had that a T-Rex ate!” Gohan half-yelled and half cried as he helped Pinkie carry the hunk of metal out.

“I can’t ‘die!’ I’m an inorganic being, but I can be destroyed-!” the robot started to say.

“Now’s not the time for semesters!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she grunted under the strain.

“Erm...I think the term you are looking for is ‘semantics.’” the robot corrected.

“That’s what I said!” Pinkie Pie yelled.

“No you didn’t! You said-!” the robot started to correct Pinkie.

“I see it! The light’s ahead of us!” interrupted Gohan. “Now we just got to fly up the crack ahead and get out of here!”

“Remember Piccolo, Krillin, I, and the others have taught you!” Pinkie yelled as the dodged falling rocks, bats, and ran up to the entrance and looked at the sunlight above him. “Focus your Ki! If you do it correctly, you can fly out of here!”

“Right!” Yelled out Gohan. “AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!”

Pinkie in turn let out a massive yell as both released a massive burst of ki, blowing back many of the rocks that were falling towards them.

“NOW!” yelled out Pinkie as she and Gohan started to fly up the massive Ravine, carrying the bot in tow.

They saw a gigantic cloud of debris billowing towards them as they rushed up towards the sky.

“Keep going! Almost...there!” Pinkie yelled through gritted teeth.

“C’mon shug...you can do this...” Applejack said in a near-whisper as she saw the events unfold before her.
At near-blinding speed Pinkie, Gohan, and the robot were able to fly out of the ravine and into the sky. However, the massive cloud was faster and engulfed them.

Applejack gasped in terror and dropped the scroll to the floor. The scroll then unfurled upon the floor and allowed her to continue to see what happened next.

“Pinkie!” she yelled in shock.

Rainbow Dash snapped out of her slumber and jumped up into a fighting stance (combat training and instincts after all) and the others yelled out cries of shock and concern and rushed towards her.

“No...Pinkie. Please be okay. Ah...ah don’ know if we are related or not, but yer family to me.” Applejack said in a quietness that could rival that of Fluttershy. With teary eyes, she got down on one knee to get a better look upon the scroll on the floor.

As the cloud of debris slowly started to dissipate, two distinct coughs burst forth from it.

“A-are we alive?” Gohan sputtered out between coughing fits.

“If you are still talking; I’m sure that means you are still partially functional you illogical meatbag!” The robot replied with some degree of sarcasm and annoyance at what it considered a rather unintelligent question.

“Hey! Cut him some slack!” Pinkie chided as she was trying to stop herself from coughing up a lung (such things were uncomfortable for even Majins, after all). “We just saved your metallic hide!”

“It is impossible for hides to be made out of metal!” the robot countered, “But I do appreciate being allowed to continue to function. However, I am still very heavily damaged.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Bulma can fix you!” Gohan said as he started to dust himself off with his free hand.

“Bulma?” The robot replied in a state of surprise. “You don’t mean THE Bulma Briefs of Capsule Corps, so you?”

“Yup.” Gohan replied as he chuckled and smiled.

“The...the Maker herself?” the robot stuttered.

“Well, since you are a Capsule model, that would be her alright! You big silly!” Pinkie teased.

“I...I think I’m going to need to enter a shutdown cycle for a bit...ughhhh…” the robot stammered in shock.

Gohan and Pinkie just continued to laugh and smile at the comedic reaction of the otherwise stuffy and stoic robot.

“Pinkie Pie!” Applejack growled as she picked up and tightened her grip on the scroll, “Ahm gonna kill you for making me worry so much!”

“And that’s how we tracked you down.” Applejack finished as she, the rest of the Elements, Spike, Gohan’s Family, and the Z-Warriors sat around a table drinking various hot drinks.

“I’m sorry for making you worry girls...and erm...Spike.” Pinkie apologized. “But I made a promise to make amends with Gohan’s family. For...for...what happened so many months ago. I was planning to come back in time mere minutes after I left, but that obviously didn’t happen. I just don’t know what went wrong.”

You sound like a certain mailmare back home.” Rainbow Dash quipped.

“Wow...time travel. Fascinating.” Replied the nearby robot as it was being worked upon by Bulma.

“Yeah, it amazes me too, and my specialty is science!” Bulma added in as she continued soldering new circuitry into the robot.

“Look. I know you want to do the right thing.” Twilight replied. “but you had us worried sick, and we need to know where you are so we can deploy at a moment’s notice. Just...don’t pull a stunt like that to us again. Okay?”

“Okay Twi. I...I promise.” Pinkie said, “I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly! Stick a cupcake in my eye!” She did the various hand motions that accompany making said promise as she said it out aloud.

Twilight then got up to pour herself another mug of hot cocoa. After taking a sip, she then said. “Still, it is possibly serendipitous that we are here. If what Raditz said is true, we could harm others if Vegeta tries to use his technique to force the Ozaru transformation here on Earth. Rainbow Dash and I will have to train to use it along with Gohan.” She briefly looked over at Chi-Chi and continued. “While I have the same concerns as Chi-Chi, we will need this form to stack the deck in our favor if they choose to go this far.”

“Well, it seems training has gotten that much harder.” Raditz grumbled. “Not only will we need more spare set of clothes or blankets or some other covering to cover-up Sunlight Bangles and Rainbar Flash here when they change back.” He explained, ignoring the two glaring at him. “Piccolo and I will have to deal with fighting even more of you while you try to recompose yourself in your feral state. Bluma could theoretically develop extra suits by examining my suit and the suit I originally bought for Kakarot, but I don’t think we have enough time to pull it off. Plus, I was going to give it to Gohan. Before you ask, it’s a special mesh that is form fitting and changes to various sizes.”

“That is very interesting. It’s a shame Bulma and I don’t have enough time to mass-produce it.” Twilight commented. She then looked at Raditz with half-annoyance and her eyes half closed and corrected. “And the names are Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.”

Raditz merely looked back at the annoyed Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle with a knowing and arrogant smirk.

“If...if I may,” Fluttershy meekly interjected. “I could possibly use the Stare...if that’s okay.”

“The what now?” Raditz replied in a low and questioning grumble. Fluttershy ‘eeped’ slightly at having the hairy man look at her.

“It’s a technique that only she knows,” Twilight Sparkle replied. “She uses it to calm down animals or to freeze them in their tracks. It even works on some of the more sentient lifeforms such as dragons. It’s a bit of a long shot. But if worse comes to worse it’s worth taking a shot.”

“Hmmm...I find it hard to believe that such a meek creature could be so powerful.” Raditz stated. “but I have seen many odd things since I came to this rather primitive world.”

The various people around the table looked at him in slight annoyance at the possible insult.

“Well shug.” Applejack countered. “It’s like what my Granny Smith always said; ‘Don’t confuse meekness nor restraint fer weakness.’”

“Hmmm...perhaps. Perhaps.” Raditz pondered. Still the Full Moon is around the corner and we must prepare for it. Now, as the lead trainer, this is what I had in mind…”

What’s this!? Raditz and Piccolo will now have to deal with THREE enraged Ozaru!? Even with the ‘moral support’ of Gohan’s Family and Fluttershy’s Stare, the Namekian and Saiyan Mercenary will still be seriously outnumbered...and possibly outgunned! What will they do to increase their odds of survival, let alone success? And what will the rest of the Z-Warriors and Elements of Harmony be doing during this time? What sort of training have they been up to to prepare for the Saiyan Invasion? Find out all this and more in future episodes offfff…..
“My Little Pony: Xenoverse!”

Hey, that’s MY line!

Hehehe, Sorry!

Next time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse” events start kicking up into eighth gear! For Vegeta and band of mercenaries wrap up business on Arlia. And no matter how they chose to end things, the future looks bleak for the natives of Arlia indeed! Meanwhile, Raditz, Piccolo, Fluttershy, and Gohan’s Family will help Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Gohan to learn to control and harness the near-unstoppable rage of the Ozaru! As these other events are taking place, the other Elements of Harmony and Z-Fighters will be undergoing some special training under the guidance of Kami and Popo! Rest assured, things will most certainly not be boring! But to see it all you will have to come back to read the next Chapters of-My Little Pony: Xenoverse!