• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 9: Goku’s Back! A True Saiyan Story!

Last time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse, Pinkie Buu and Bulma were searching for Dragon Balls! However, disaster struck as someone stole them while they are sleeping. However, Pinkie then reminded Bulma to use the Dragon Radar! Fortunately, the Radar was not stolen and they used it to track down the thieves, Pigero and his band of fellow orphans! However, they too were attacked by two new foes, the Time Breaker Twins Haru Haru and Shun Shun! But the timely arrival of Pinkie Pie and her army of clones forced them to fall back and forced the orphans to give back what they had stolen! As the authorities took the thieves away, Bulma asked for leniency and then offered to team up with Emperor Chiaotzu to build an orphanage for them after their debt to society was paid off! Now, only one thing remains--to bring back Goku! How will this go? And how will Pinkie Pie, Raditz, Chi Chi, Gohan, and the others react to his return? Find out next on My Little Pony: Xenoverse!

Chapter 9: Goku’s Back! A True Saiyan Story!

Bulma’s speeder approached Kami’s lookout. Upon landing, the side door opened up and Pinkie floated out with a bag full of Dragon Balls while Bulma stepped out in turn. Bulma then threw one of her capsules at the speeder and made it disappear in a puff of smoke.

“Welcome Pinkie, Bulma!” Kami told them as he hobbled up to them on his cane with Mr. Popo in tow. “I’m going to assume you found the Dragon Balls! But...why haven’t you notified the others?”

“Well~ we sort of wanted to surprise them, plus, they need all the time they can get training. And, I admit, I have some personal business to take care of with Goku too.” Pinkie confessed, her tentacles flopping down as she sadly looked at the ground and kicked the dust a bit.

“What you looking down at the ground for? There’s no discharge papers down there, trooper.” Mr. Popo told her. “Besides, you’ll be able to talk with Goku soon enough, yes?”

“Yes, I suppose so.” Pinkie sniffed as she handed the Dragon Balls over to Kami, “Since you made these, would you mind doing the honors?”

“Of course.” Kami replied as he handed the Dragon Balls over to Mr. Popo to set up on the ground. “I think you two should have a fair bit of time alone since Twilight and her group are off probably training in the wilderness somewhere while the others are training in the Time Chaimber. Except for Launch. She’s sleeping off her last training session. Took quite a bit out of her.”

“I see.” Pinkie replied back with a nod.

After Mr. Popo had laid the Dragon Balls down on the ground in a circular formation, but with one ball in the middle, Kami walked forth, handed his staff to Popo and raised his hands in the air. “Oh Eternal Dragon, the Guardian of Earth summons thee! Mighty Shenron, come forth!” Kami yelled out.

There was a bright flash of light as a Dragon larger than the lookout appeared and hovered above the magical artifacts. The dragon was an immense dark green creature, serpentine in appearance, each scale looking like it was the size of a human head, long flowing whiskers coming from the side of his face, teeth as long as swords and his eyes a solid glowing red. Shenron.


“Oh you know…” Popo replied. “Helping a buncha maggots to get stronger so the world won’t get destroyed, the usual. Now, please grant these maggots their wish.”


“Shenron, could you please bring Goku back to life? We need his help in attacking the Saiyans and their troops that are going to invade the planet!” Pinkie asked the giant dragon.


Pinkie then glared up at Shenron, her eyes a mixture of anger, frustration, and sadness and her tentacles flopped down to one side of her head. “Can’t you see I got an unresolved story arc involving a guilt complex? All that, plus the fact that they have a huge-ass ship now so they’d just blast their way out! Now, resurrect Goku, toute buckin’ suite!” [1]

“I DON’T THINK THEY’D SURVIVE BEING THROWN INTO A STAR EVEN IN THEIR SHIP, BUT-” The Eternal Dragon began only for his left eye to twitch as he looked upwards, sensing something, something dark....

In another dimension known as the Demon Realm, Haru Haru and Shun Shun knelled before a figure sitting atop a throne, behind her was huge tree trunk with several spikes sticking out of it with a glowing red core at the top. Energy seemed to be flowing out of the core and into a staff she was holding which was then sent flowing into a small orb the size of a baseball.

“Can either of you explain to me how you both failed to kill that loon of a Time Patroller and obtain the Dragon Balls!?” The figure growled in rage as her staff let loose a burst of energy, striking the two and forcing them to the ground, convulsing in pain.

“We-we underestimated her power! She managed to get the drop on us-AGH!” Haru Haru groaned as she was struck by another burst of energy.

“I don’t want excuses!” The figure snapped as the orb above her staff suddenly vanished. “Damn it, still not enough! We need more dark energy… and that upstart of a Kai is sending more of her pets to interfere!” She scowled as her staff summoned an larger orb that displayed the Crusher Corps ship in space. “I thought that exposing some of the Fruit of the Tree of Might to the effects our Demon Realm would amplify its effects… but we need to step up our game...”

With a wave of her staff, the entire ship was enveloped in a dark aura. She closed the viewing portal and glared down at the Haru-Shun duo, who were still cowering in fear. “You two are lucky I’m feeling merciful….” She scoffed as she snapped her fingers, a second later the Masked Saiyan appeared next to her. “Goku will be resurrected soon, the three of your are to delay him on his way to the Saiyan invasion as long as possible, understood?”

“Yes Master!” The duo replied.

“Don’t screw this up.” She snarled as she made her way back to her base; a huge tree with numerous towers at its top.


Shenron’s eyes then glowed red and then dissolved into golden light, the Dragon Balls then rising into the air, spinning faster and faster until they zipped off in seven different directions, inert for a year.

“Uhhhh, where’s Goku?” Pinkie asked after the Dragon Balls flew away.

“Well, you weren’t specific enough about the wish, my silly and wayward cuz’.” Popo replied. “You should’ve told him you wanted him brought back to life on this planet, at this particular spot.”

“Yeah, the Dragon Balls can be kind of like a Monkey’s Paw at times.” Bulma added. “You have to be very specific with the wording of the wishes. I’ve had to deal with similar incidents like that myself in the past.”

“NEEEEERRRRDDDDDD!!!” Echoed a familiar voice in the distance.

“Still, while not as fast as me, Goku is pretty fast. He should be able to sprint down Snake Way and back her in about few hours, or a few days. Either way, he’ll be here soon.” Mr. Popo replied.

“Urgh! This is gonna be worse than that time Twilight forced me to watch paint dry!” Pinkie fumed. “And I nearly got banished because of that! PERMANENTLY! Bulma, Popo, Kami, I’m going to go meditate under the coconut trees! You’ll know where to find me if you need me!” Pinkie then stomped off in a huff.

“Well duh! We’ll be able to SEE you!” Popo told her as she walked off.

Pinkie just growled and grumbled angrily as she walked away.

“Guys. If you don’t mind. I’m going to go check on Yamcha.” Bulma told Popo and Kami.

“Sure. Go ahead. Popo and I will join you if you don’t mind. We need to let the others take a short break anyway.” Kami added as he hobbled behind her with Mr. Popo in tow.

“Man, these suits are NICE!” Rainbow replied as she put on a set of Saiyan body armor as Twilight pulled out additional suits of armor out of a box connected to a parachute.

“I agree!” Twilight replied with a smile as she opened and closed her fist in a set of fingerless Saiyan gauntlets, trying to get a feel for them. “Remind me to thank our bosses when we get back for these! Best part is, they grow and shrink to fit our changing sizes!”

“Oh, well that’s very nice of them!” Fluttershy added as she tried on a colorful suit that had a big heart on the chest.

“May I ask where you got the aerial supply drop from?” Raditz inquired.

“Sorry, that’s classified.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Yeah, highly classified and complicated space-time stuff.” Twilight added. “I’m already concerned about our higher-ups chewing us out over what we’ve already told you.”

“Ugh! Fine, whatever!” Raditz growled at them. “Do you by chance have a spare suit in there, or some spare parts, or a repair kit?”

“Well, lemme see…” Twi replied as she started to dig through the box, only to be interrupted by an enraged Piccolo.

“NEEERRRRDDDDDD!!!” Piccolo yelled out aloud.

“What did we do now!?” Both Twilight and Gohan yelled at him in anger, only for both of them to look at each other in shock and surprise over yelling the exact same thing.

Rainbow and Raditz snickered. “The two eggheads aside, what just happened?” Rainbow added.

“Well, due to my ties with Kami and my hearing…” Piccolo explained. “I just found out Pinkie and Bulma wished back Goku!”

“D-d-daddy is...is back!?!?” Gohan exclaimed, with tears of joy forming in his eyes.

“Goku, Goku’s back?” Chi-Chi parroted in shock as she dropped a basket of laundry she’d been carrying.

“Hang on! We’ll get it!” Applejack replied as she rushed to help clean up the mess with the Ox King and Spike.

“Yeah, but they weren’t specific enough with the wish.” Piccolo added. “So Goku has to run back on Snake Way, he’ll be back in a few hours, or days.”

“Ugh! Those idiots!” Raditz fumed in irritation. “All right, you heard Big Green here! We have a small time window to finish our chores here on the farm, get ourselves and gear cleaned up, and get over to, where are we going!?”

“Kami’s Lookout.” Piccolo told him.

“Right! Kami’s Lookout! You heard the Namekian! Get a move on! I’ll help you out as soon as I call Baba and Oolong with the news! I don’t have to tell the others at the Lookout for obvious reasons! Now, why are you slack-jawed buffoons just standing there staring at me for!? MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!” he yelled at the assembled group.

Despite Raditz’s fuming, the group still had assembled smiles on their faces for obvious reasons

“YES SIR!” They yelled in unison (except for Piccolo, Chi-Chi, and Master Roshi) before they ran off to finish off the tasks of the day.

“Hey! My halo is gone!” Goku exclaimed to Grandpa Gohan, King Kai, Bubbles, and Gregory.

“Yes it is! It means you're alive again!” King Kai replied as his antennae twitched slightly. “I picked up the conversation with the Earth’s Dragon on my antennae.” He continued as he pointed to one of them. “However, they weren’t specific enough about this wish, so you’ll have to run back on Snake Way to King Yemma’s and then to the Lookout.”

“Oh, that’s fine!” Goku replied, “I do wonder if I can get an apology meal from Princess Snake though…”


“Oh yeah! Silly me! Sure thing King Kai!” Goku replied, but then a realization came upon him. “But, I guess this means goodbye, Grandpa.” Goku sad with a sudden tinge of sadness as he looked upon the elder Gohan.

“Oh, it’s alright!” Gohan assured his adopted son. “I’ll be waiting for you when you get back!”

“And, I forgive you. I still don’t understand, but I forgive you. I know you wouldn’t withhold something from me unless you had a good reason to do so.” Goku said as he gave his adopted Grandfather a goodbye hug.

“I’m afraid you’ll find out why soon enough.” Said the knowing Grandfather. “But that’s neither here nor there. Give my grandson a big ol’ hug for me when you get back, will ya?”

“Sure thing!” Goku said with a nod and a smile. He then waved and said. “Goodbye everyone! I’ll be seeing you again soon!” Right afterwards, Goku leapt off and landed on the end of Snake Way to begin his long trip home.

It was then that King Kai realized something. “AHH! I’M ALONE AGAIN!” he yelled in frustration.

“Well, I’m here.” said Gregory.

“Ooh-ooh-eek!” screeched out Bubbles.

“Yarr! As am I, me boyos!” yelled out Bojack.

“Well, I suppose I could stay for a while if you want…” Gohan started to say.

“WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!?” King Kai yelled at everyone else who were still on (and in one case in) the planet.

“Yeah, King Kai is going to be just fine!” Goku thought to himself with a smile as he ran down Snake Way.

“Hmmm, she seems so different from that carefree Majin I first ran into about a year ago.” Kami said to his genie attendant as he observed Pinkie gathering Ki while in meditation. A bright fiery pink aura formed around her body, which arced with the occasional bit of pink lightning. “While she seems much more responsible and mature, she also carries a great burden within her. I can only hope Goku’s return will help relieve the great pain she feels within her heart.” Kami then continued.

“Speaking of which, I think I can sense that knucklehead right now. He’s close. REAL close.” Popo commented. “Hmmm, he’s going to be here earlier than I thought. He’s actually giving mine and King Yemma’s speed old records a run for our Zenni. I was certain that he’d stop for a few dozen meals...

It was then that a familiar face dropped down from the sky and landed right in front of them.

“Hey guys! It’s been a while! How ya doin’!?” The revived Saiyan asked as he gave Kami and Mr. Popo a friendly wave.

It was around this time that Pinkie powered down and quietly got up. However, Kami, Mr. Popo, and Goku were too busy talking to each other to really notice her doing so.

“Oh, you know, same old same old.” Kami answered Goku with a thin smile. “Just helping your friends prepare themselves for the next threat to face our-!”

“GOKU!” Pinkie yelled as she leapt from the side and pounced on him.

“OOF! Oh hey there! It’s you again...pink...thing!” Goku nervously replied with a chuckle as he was being bear hugged by the now heavily sobbing Majin. Her eyes were geysers of tears.

“Oh Goku! I am so...so...sor-!” Pinkie started to stammer out before she broke out into another fit of sobbing hysterically.

“Shhh! It’s okay! I forgive you! The main thing is that it’s all over now! Not to mention that I’ve received special training from a really neat guy in the other dimension named King Kai! Now I’m back and stronger than ever and ready to help out in fighting these Saiyan invaders I kept hearing about from him!” Goku comforted her.

“I-I-I didn’t want to...hurt you.” Pinkie barely stammered out between sniffles, her crying had started to settle down, but her eyes were starting to water up again as she struggled to keep her emotions in long enough to continue to talk to Goku.

“It-it just that you happened to be in the way when I-!” She choked out. Goku however then put one of his hands under her chin and brought her face up to look at his; which was now looking down at her.

“You don’t need to say anything else…” Goku replied to Pinkie Pie. “I already told you that I forgive you, didn’t I? Now, how about drying up those tears and giving me a smile, huh?”

“Heh... that’s usually MY line!” Pinkie said with a slight sniffle as her hair do started to slowly return to it’s much happier and upright position and she struggled a bit to give Goku a smile despite still having a bit of the ol’ waterworks still within her.

“Say... how about showing me some of that training King Kai told me that you’ve been working on, hmmm?” Goku asked with a big smile as she slowly helped Pinkie get up. He then took a few steps back and got into a fighting stance.

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie said with a big smile on her face that went from ear tube to ear tube as she pulled out her two swords and got into a stance of her own.

“I swear Goku! We just got you back and you’re already picking fights with the new members of our group! Didn’t this King Kai fellow teach you anything about how to treat a lady!?” Yamcha teased Goku as he, Bulma, Launch, Yajirobe and the other human Z Warriors and Elements of Harmony (except for AJ obviously) walked out from within Kami’s Lookout.

“Hey guys!” Goku exclaimed as the others rushed towards him and he was overwhelmed in a giant group hug, “Ow! Easy guys! I just got back! I don’t want to make a return trip so soon!”

The group broke out into laughter as they slowly backed up to give Goku some breathing room.

It was then that they heard the familiar roar of jet engines and looked up into the sky. They saw two familiar flying vans flying towards them. Those vans then parked themselves next to Yamcha’s own PT Cruiser and some more familiar faces started to unload from them. Split between the two vehicles unloaded Master Roshi, Bulma, the Ox King and Chi-Chi. Soon afterwards, Baba, Piccolo and Raditz hovered down from the heavens above. Raditz carried on one shoulder a rather (almost comically) large crate, which he put down next to the assembled group. However, some familiar faces were missing.

As Raditz and Piccolo went to go talk to Goku, Popo, and Kami, Pinkie asked the others who had just arrived, “Hey, where are Twi, Dashie, Applejack, Spike, and Flutters?”

Raditz harrumphed. “I don’t know what happened exactly, but they said they got a urgent call they had to attend to before they just split off from our flight formation.”

Goku yelled over his shoulder. “Funny you should mention that. I actually ran into them on Snake Way earlier! I wonder if it’s interconnected somehow!”

“Well, knowing Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.” Rarity interjected. “It’s a distinct possibility they are connected somehow and Fluttershy and Spike were just dragged into whatever trouble they have gotten themselves into! Darling, please be a dear and tell us what happened.”

“Well sure!” Goku exclaimed. “You see! I was running along Snake Way and was making rather good time, and then…!”

“Hey! Who are you guys!?” Goku asked the people in front of him as she came to a screeching halt while speeding down Snake Way, his boots kicked up a decent cloud of dust as he stopped mere feet away from the people blocking his way.

“Well, since you asked so nicely.” One of the Majins in front of him replied as she struck a pose. “I’m HaruHaru!”

“And I’m ShunShun!” Replied the other Majin female as she struck a pose of her own before gesturing to the Masked Saiyan behind her. “And this quiet fellow next to us is a Time Breaker!”

“And together, we are-!” The two Majin Twins started to say until the were interrupted by a certain group of Time Patrollers.

“A royal pain in our buckin’ asses!” Growled Rainbow as she, Twilight , Fluttershy, Spike, and Applejack landed in between them and Goku.

“A royal pain in your ass!” The Haru-Shun Duo yelled in unison.

“Wait! That’s not the line!” HaruHaru yelled in frustration.

“Yeah! You totally ruined our intro!” ShunShun fumed in turn.

“Well, from the footage we got from Pinkie’s scouter, it wasn’t really that impressive to begin with.” Rainbow mocked the two Majins.

“Grrr! You’re going to pay for that!” ShunShun yelled at her as she shook her fist.

“But really, who are these guys?” Goku asked.

“All you need to know is that they are trouble.” Twilight told him. “Get going. We’ll take care of them.”

“But it sounded like they wanted to fight, and I was looking forward to fighting-!”

“GOKU! The fate of the Earth is at stake! Now is NOT the time for this! Get going!” Twilight Sparkle snapped at the rather thick-headed Saiyan.

“Yeesh! All right! I’m going Chi-Chi! I mean, Twilight! It is Twilight, right?” Goku nervously chuckled.

“Goku. Earth. You. NOW.” Twilight growled through gritted teeth.

“Okay, I’m going!” Goku nervously waved at the angered Saiyan as she flew up to the Sky and attempted to fly past the trio of Time Breakers.

“Agent Bravo, go get him.” ShunShun growled at the masked Time Breaker as he leapt into the air to chase after Goku.

“Oh no you don’t! GALACTIC DONUTS!” Rainbow yelled as she put her fists in front of her. A ring of Ki then appeared around the mysterious Time Breaker and held him place as he struggled to break free.

“You won’t stop us this time! Volcano Bomb!” HaruHaru yelled as she fired off a Ki Blast of her town towards Dash.

“Blizzard Bomb!” ShunShun yelled in turn as she fired off her own Ki Blast towards Dash.

“Crusher Volcano!” Twilight yelled out in turn as she threw a series of large Ki spheres towards the beam HaruHaru fired.

“Super Ice Ray!!” Spike yelled out in turn as he fired two turquoise beams from both eyes towards the frigid beam Shun Shun was firing.

“Not sure... how much longer... I can... hold him!” Dash grunted as the mysterious fighter struggled against her ring of constricting ki.

“Hang on!” Fluttershy in turn yelled out as she got down on one knee and her fingers inward next to her head. “Yaaa!” It was then that a mysterious purple cloud-like aura formed around the strange warrior and healed him in place.

“Yes! Telekinesis! Good job Flutters!” Rainbow yelled aloud.

“Now for the coup de gracie!” Applejack yelled in in turn she teleported behind the enemy group and charged her ki.

“That’s not how you pronounce-!” Twilight growled as she struggled to continue to throw Ki sphere’s at HaruHaru’s Beam.

“Not...now!” Dash in turn growled in the middle of her own beam struggle.

Applejack then leapt up in mid-air and did a flying kick towards the mysterious Saiyan being constrained. “APPLE BUUUUCK!” She hollered as she sent the previously paralyzed Time Breaker flying into the distance.

“Oh-!” HaruHaru exclaimed.

“-No!” ShunShun finished as they saw their Ace of Spades fly off over the horizon. Sure, he wasn’t defeated or seriously hurt, but he was sent flying off who knows how far away. And that was almost as bad in this situation.

Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack landed right next to Twilight and Spike and then fired off their own special attacks toward the Majin Twins.

“Spirit Ball!” Applejack yelled as she summoned a ball of ki in one hand and then sent it flying towards the twins in an erratic flight path.

Fluttershy put a hand up into the air and fired a bunch of ki blasts into the air, which arced down and struck the Time Breaker duo in a circular blast radius.

Rainbow put her hands next to her, charged up a purple ki blast, and let it loose, roaring out. “GALLIC GUN, FIRE!”

The combined ki blasts were more than enough to win them the fight, however, the resulting ki explosion from the victorious ki struggle was larger than they anticipated and they had to brace themselves and look away from the blinding blast.

“Hmmm... I hope that Goku fellow stops on the way back!” Princess Snake told one of her servants as they prepared a dinner spread on their dining room table. “I’ve been working so hard on making him this meal as an apology for... well, you know!”

“Well, he did seem to have a thing for food.” One of her servants added. “He didn’t seem to be the sort to skip out on a free meal…”

It was then that her servant was interrupted by the Masked Time Bandit crashing through one of the walls in the house and into the dining room table

“Hey! We were working on that!” Princess Snake fumed at the strange masked man as she shook a fist at him, “You better pay for the damages you did to my house and the food you ruined!”

The masked Saiyan merely ignored her, got up, shook and held his head for a moment, and then flew out of the hole he made in the side of her beloved palace. “Hey! Come back here! You friggin’ owe me for the damages you stinking brute!” Princess Snake continued to yell at him and shook her fist at him even more in anger as he flew away.

The Equestrian heroes just stood there, looking at the large crater they made on the path of Snake Way, waiting for the smoke to clear.

“Did we, did we, get them?” Spike huffed.

“I don’t, know…” Applejack in turn added between gasps for air.

“Oh, you got to be bucking, kidding!” Twilight struggled to say between breaths as the air finally cleared. In the still smoking (but now mostly cleared up) crater, stood a heavily injured HaruHaru and ShunShun. They were both covered in various bruises and burns on their bodies and their clothes were heavily burnt and torn.

“Is... that... all you... got?” HaruHaru asked in a mocking, but very tired tone.

“Yeah we... we’re... we’re just getting started!” ShunShun added, only for both her and her twin sister to collapse in sheer exhaustion.

“Is, is that it? Did we win?” Rainbow tiredly asked.

“Don’ count yer unhatched chickens yet, look!” A weary AJ pointed up to the sky.

“Oh. Buck.” Rainbow added as the Masked Time Breaker they kicked away earlier landed next to the two knocked out Majins. The Time Breaker and the assembled Time Patrollers got into their fighting stances, ready to fight again... until the Time Breaker got a message from his master.

“Let them go. This mission is a wash! Your handlers have screwed things up AGAIN! I’ve gathered what energy I could! Grab the two idiots and get them out of there!” Replied the feminine voice on his commset as a text message appeared on the corner of one of the mask’s lenses at the same time. The masked entity nodded and quietly picked up HaruHaru in one arm and ShunShun in the other and flew off into a portal that opened above him.

“Should... should we go after them?” Fluttershy nervously asked as the portal started to close.

“No, we are not in any condition to chase or fight them right now.” Rainbow gritted through her teeth in frustration, tiredness and pain evident in her voice. “As much as I want to... main thing is, they’re flying away from Goku. We need to regroup and go find Goku and make sure no one else is trying to slow him down or stop him.”

“I agree.” Twilight added with a nod. “Let’s get going.”

“No argument here. I’m feeling a bit roughed up at the moment.” Spike added as he inspected the cracks on the spikes on his facial ridges.

“Well, we better get goin’ then!” Applejack added. “Celestia’s daylight’s a burnin’!”

And with that, the assembled heroes leapt into the air and started to fly off towards the direction on Snake Way that they saw Goku head off to.

"...and that’s how Equestria was made!” Pinkie said in conclusion.

“But, Pinkie, you weren’t there.” Bulma replied.

“Yeah and how do you know about the stuff that happened after I left?” Goku asked.

“I read the script, of course.” Pinkie said with a huge smile.

“Okayyyyy…” Bulma replied, eyeing her with slight confusion. “Main thing is, you’re back Goku! We all missed you very much! Well, most of us anyway.” She continued as she looked off at Raditz and Piccolo in the distance.

“Oh Goku, I missed you so much!” Chi-Chi sniffled as she gripped tightly onto the gi of her recently returned husband. Gohan in turn grabbed onto one of Goku’s pants legs. Both were working very hard on not letting the waterworks loose upon seeing the return of someone they cared for very much.

“I missed you too Chi-Chi, Gohan.” Goku said as he hugged them back. He then got down on one knee and ruffled the top of Gohan’s head. “Heh! You’ve grown quite a bit in just one year!”

“Hmph. You’re welcome by the way, brother.” Raditz said to his younger brother with a slight smirk. “I’ll have you know that you have me, the walking slug, and the wad of gum to thank for helping Chi-Chi raise the kid while you were gone for a year.”

“Heh! That’s quite a story!” Goku chuckled as he got back up. “My brother, one of the new warriors, and my worst rival helped my wife take care of my son!”

“Well, drastic times causes desperate alliances and such.” Growled a cross-armed Piccolo. “And, since you did technically did die by my hand and for Gohan’s sake; consider your debt to me paid for. Unless you’re foolish enough to get in my way again, of course. My father’s passing has been avenged.”

“Well, that’s good to hear...I guess?” Goku replied with a slight degree of confusion on how to react and as he scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile and chuckle.

“I hope you fellers don’t mind us crashin’ th’ party.” Replied a voice from above the assembled group on Kami’s lookout.

“If that’s okay..” Added a much quieter voice. The assembly looked up to see a slightly banged up, but victorious Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike hovering above them.

“Oh darlings, your uniforms are in tatters and you lot are looking a bit rough too!” Rarity exclaimed with concern.

“Don’t worry, we took an all-energy cap on the way here. We’ll be okay.” Rainbow assured her. “No need to get the couch or anything.” She gently teased with a wink.

“Hey!” Rarity yelled at her in annoyance. The assembled group (sans Rarity herself) laughed at the joke made at the pale human’s expense, Spike being the only one who attempted hide his snickers.

“I hate to interrupt you guys, but if you’re done training up here, I need you to come visit me below for a bit.” Said Korin as he floated up from his house below.

“Uhm, are we done training?” Yamcha asked Kami.

“As a matter of fact, yes you are.” Kami replied.

“Whew! That’s a relief!” Yajirobe added. “Do we still have to wear these suits?”

“No, you may take them off if you wish.” Kami smiled. “Do you have any last words Mr. Popo?”

“You’re all going to die.” Mr. Popo replied with a straight face.

“Well, none of us live forever.” Raditz scoffed. “If you fellows don’t mind, I think we should go see what ‘Not-Puar’ here wants.”

“Hmph. I’ll have you know the name is Korin thank you very much. I swear! People nowadays! No manners!” Korin growled.

“Well, you heard him, let’s get going!” Krillin motioned after he put on the last piece of his old gi, now that he was free of his weighted suit.

As the assembled fighters and other people grouped together to go fly down to Korin’s Tower, Gohan tugged on Goku’s gi. “What is it, Gohan?” Goku asked his son with a smile.

“I believe this is yours,” Gohan replied as she handed over to Goku his old fighting staff.

“You keep it Gohan, it’s yours now. Take care of it and treat it well. It’s helped me on a lot of my own adventures, Gohan.” Goku told him back with a smile as he tussled Gohan’s spiky hair.

“Gee, thanks dad! I appreciate the confidence you have in me.” Gohan said with a huge beaming smile as he looked up at his dad, slinging his father's old staff onto his back.“With this and the sword Mr. Piccolo gave me, I'll have more options for close combat!” Gohan continued as he pointed to the sword and scabbard on his back.

“Now, that all of you are here.” Korin started as he walked out to the assembled warriors in his house carrying a tray with a tea kettle, a round jar, and cups on it. “I have decided that due to the situation that we are in, I will give everyone here, except for Yajirobe and Goku-and I will explain why shortly-two powerful items.”

“Are you serious... after all of these years!?” Piccolo asked.

“Yes,” Korin nodded. “As much as I despise the thought of giving some of you these items.” The white cat said as he looked over at the son of the Demon King and the infamous Space Pirate. “The time has come for me to give you martial artists the Sacred Water and the Ultra Divine Water.”

“But, why are you giving this to us in our plain tap-?” Pinkie started to exclaim, until her mouth was held shut by Piccolo.

“Have you not heard of a placebo!?” Piccolo whisper-growled into one of her ear tubes after getting down on one knee, “Not everyone here has our regenerative abilities! They’re going to need all the help they can get when they take the second cup, even if it’s purely psychological! As much as it pains me to say it, even my potential rivals are going to need the second cup if we’re going to stop the invaders. I don’t know how you know the truth about the first cup, but keep your yap shut! Even if Applejack is here! Got it!?”

“Mmm-mmmppphhh!” Pinkie said through her shut lips as she nodded.

“Good.” Piccolo replied as he dropped her on the floor.

“What are ya'll two yammerin’ on about?” Applejack asked.

“It’s nothing, continue.” Piccolo growled out as he looked back at Korin.

Pinkie merely bit on her lower lip with her upper teeth in an attempt to keep quiet.

“Ahem, as I was saying...” Korin replied, the first cup of Sacred Water shouldn’t affect you at all, other than improving your abilities as a martial artist. However, the main issue is the second cup.”

“And that would be?” Twilight asked curiously.

“This water is extremely powerful, many would say almost to the point of being poisonous. Such power has a price after all. And normally you’d have to fight your way through a maze to get it and fight a mysterious entity called Darkness. Not an imaginative nor original name I know, but still somewhat intimidating. But due to the invaders arriving soon, we’re going to skip that part. So far only sixteen mortals have survived imbibing this, including Yajirobe and Goku.”

“You want to feed me, my father, and my baby boy THAT!?” Chi-Chi fumed. “I know we need all the help we can get to win this upcoming fight, but, this!? Really!?”

“Do you think this is what Popo said when he mentioned we were all going to-*ulp!*-die?” Spike asked nervously.

“Or it could be just his big ol’ meany-pants idea of a cruel joke!” Pinkie added.

“Or he could be referring to later on in battle. He was always enigmatic like that. Still, Raditz is right about one thing. None of us can avoid the Reaper indefinitely. So, c’mon you apes, do you want to live forever!?” Dash replied with a devil may care smile as she grabbed the first cup of the initial Sacred Water.

“Not so fast-!” Twilight interrupted. “I may have a plan..."

"Now remember Bulma, after the last of us is finished drinking the Ultra Divine Water….” Twilight began after having already drank the initial cup of Sacred Water earlier. Pinkie was the last one to drink a cup down, sipping on the last of her drink as Twilight gave her instructions to Bulma.

“I throw the all-regeneration capsule at the group after pressing the button, right? And to use the all energy next and use the all senzu essence capsule if you go unconscious? And avoid using the all poison removal on except as a last resort?” Bulma continued in an understanding tone.

“Precisely, just like your regular capsules." Twilight nodded. "If we lose consciousness, use the senzu essence capsule. We both agreed that the poison removal one might undo the effects of the water which make the make the point of drinking it moot.”

“Wow, I still can't believe you figured out how to combine Saiyan and Earthling technology with Senzu Beans and other compounds.... fascinating.” Bulma said in rapt fascination as she looked at the capsules.

"R-right... the capsule I created..." Twilight coughed uncomfortably, feeling bad about lying to her.

“Shug, FOCUS. I know yer having a ‘Twi’ Moment’ there…” Applejack began, only to be interrupted by Rainbow’s snickering and a wicked look from Twilight.

The freckled human then continued. “But we need ya to activate those two capsules in order as soon as the last of us finished drinking the water.

Bulma nodded with a serious look in her eyes.

“Uhh, why are we d-d-drinking this?” A nervous Oolong asked on the behalf of himself and Puar.

“Because you may be called to use your skills again to aid us. And we need to make sure you can withstand whatever our foes throw at us.” Twilight told the two shape-shifters. “You can back out now if you want, but-”

“No! No! I speak for myself and I think for Puar. W-We’re all in.” Oolong said with a nod as Puar gave a comforting squeeze on his hand with his paw. Oolong looked down on the cat with a sad, scared, and consoling smile.

“Very well then. Alright, is everyone ready?” Twilight asked the assembled group of Z Warriors (except for Goku and Yajirobe), Elements of Harmony, Goku’s Family, Launch, Piccolo, Puar, and Oolong.

The assembled group just looked on in agreement and solemnly nodded.

“Right, on three.” Twilight told them. “Three!”

And just as quickly everyone around her drank down a cup of the Ultra Divine Water.

And then, as an old poet once said; “All Hell broke loose.”

“AGHHH! MOM!” Gohan yelled out in pain.

“SON! BE STRONG!” Chi-Chi shouted to her dear baby boy.

“CHI-CHI!” the Ox King exclaimed through bouts of groaning.

“TWILIGHT! RARITY!” Spike in turn yelled out.

“SPIKE!” Twi yelled back.

“SPIKEY...WIKEY!” Rarity barely managed to get out while wincing around on the floor.


“I REGRET EVERY BANK HEIST IZE EVER DONE!” Launch yelled out in turn.

“MY EVERYTHING HURTS! THIS IS THE WORST...PAIN!” Krillin grunted out as he grabbed onto his stomach in his prone form. And so on it went during those brief several seconds of terror as the assembled heroes struggled against the side effects of the super sacred water. For soon after drinking said water, the assembled martial artists and other volunteers keeled over at once in pain. Unfortunately, Bulma stood there dumbfounded and in shock at the sight.

It was then that Goku jumped in. He now knew that it was his Saiyan Strength that allowed him to survive the larger dose he took than Yajirobe, but not everyone had that ability.

“Bulma! HURRY! They need that medicine NOW!” Goku yelled at her.

“EEE! SORRY!” Bulma exclaimed in surprise as Goku’s yelling snapped her out of her momentary lapse of action. “I’m on it!” She then pressed one the buttons of the two capsules and threw the two in the order Twilight told her to into the assembled mass of warriors in pain. The Capsule then exploded into a dust cloud that temporarily hid Earth and Equestria’s Special Forces. However, during that time, the noise quickly stopped. When the cloud quickly dissipated, the assembled group was there lying on the ground, quiet as a grave.

“Do you think they’re-!?” Bulma asked.

“Only one way to find out.” Korin told her. “Bulma, you and the others help me find a pulse on these people!”

Bulma nodded in agreement as she rushed over to feel for a pulse on Yamcha’s neck.

Twilight was back in her old Alicorn form again. No, she was phasing back and forth at random intervals between her various Alicorn, Unicorn, Human, and Saiyan forms. It was hard to keep track of, but it wasn’t really too much of an issue as she was floating around instead of walking or flying. And without using ki or magic no less.

“Am I dead, or am I dreaming? Oh! I wish you were here right now Luna! You might be able to make sense of all of this!” She said aloud as she saw a collage and mish-mash of landscapes in front of her depicting various scenes. She saw scenes from her own past and from other places and possibly even her own future and the future of others.

She saw the Princess Sisters chuckling over a pile of poorly made pancakes, herself falling asleep into a pile of flapjacks, her first encounter with time travel when her future self accidentally made her panic over a future tragedy that didn’t happen, her Alicorn form travelling through space and time doing things similar to what her Time Patrol self was presently doing, but back in Equestria, her first visit to Ponyville and fighting Nightmare Moon, her transformation into an Alicorn, and other various events from other points in space-time. However, the one thing that really stood out was her future self teaching a light pinkish lavender unicorn in the ways of friendship and magic. But, when she tried to get a better look at the mysterious unicorn, her vision would go blurry instead. The more she tried to focus on the scene, the worse the vision would get.

“Nuh-uh-uhhh! No spoilers!” Uhided Discord as he appeared next to her in an effect similar to a certain teleporter (complete with sound effects) from one of his past adventures in a different life and under a different name. He was wearing flowing crimson robes and a rather large black, tall, and flowing cap with a very flat top and cloth flowing down it’s back and sides.

“Discord!? What are you doing here!?” Twilight yelled at him. "Is... is this all your doing?!"

“Oh! You wound me with your rushing to judgement!” Discord said, feigning mental injury while twirling around a gavel in his eagle claw hand. "Rest assured, this is not my doing, all though I do enjoy the decor of the place. No, this is merely a side effect of the water. You and your friends are presently going through hallucinations due to taking that icky water earlier! You’re going ‘like farrr outttt mareeee!’” Discord said in a slightly stoned voice as he put on a costume akin to what Tree Hugger or similar like-minded ponies and humans might wear.

“So this is all a bad trip? Merely hallucinogenic side effects of the chemical compounds in the water reacting to my body?” Twilight asked.

“I prefer to think of it more along the lines of a Shamanistic Vision Quest. Or a typical weekend for me, but you could call it that if you want to be a overly scientific and analytical killjoy I suppose.” Discord replied as he changed costumes from a hippie to a scientist in a lab coat. “Still, you have been given a brief glimpse into space-time. It’s a rare opportunity that I would suggest you try to take advantage of. At least with what little time you have left.”

“I just might-Heyyy! What do you gain from this?” Twilight started to question Discord. “What sort of games are you up to now?”

“No games I assure you.” Discord added. “I’m just looking out for Fluttershy is all. I have my concerns about how she’ll be able to handle what’s coming, even if she is a Majin."

“What do you mean ‘what’s coming?’” Twilight asked the Chaos Spirit.

It was then that Discord looked at a wind-up watch that poofed into his hand. “Well, look at the time! I really must grab the 4:20 PM Deep Space Nine Express back to Equestria! And you have a yellow Majin to help out! So if you’ll excuse me, ta-taa!” He said to Twilight as he waved his eagle claw hand and disappeared.

“Wait! You and I may not get along that well, but please, don’t leave me alone! Don’t leave me alone! Don’t leave me-!” Twilight yelled at the Draconequus in fear as the landscape around her started to fade away.

DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” Twilight yelled in fear as she shot up in shock in a bed.

“Twilight! Calm down! We’re here!” exclaimed Spike as he grabbed onto one of her arms. It was then that she noticed that she was in a bed back in Kami’s lookout and was surrounded by the Z-Fighters, The Equestrian Time Patrollers, and her other friends she had made during her missions on this version of Earth.

“Spike! You’re okay!” Twi cheered as she picked him up and gave him a big hug.

“Ack! Good to see you too!” Spike grunted as he was enveloped in a big bear hug. "But... could you kindly let go? I'm pretty sure your crushing me..."

“Sorry Spike! Ever since I became a Saiyan I’ve tended to underestimate my strength a bit.” Twilight said with a blush as he gently let him go.

“It’s okay, my bio-armor and exoskeleton can take it.” Spike said with a chuckle.

Kami hobbled over on his cane and replied. “It’s good to see you are okay. You had us worried for a bit, you all did. I think the whole lot of you may have been actually dead for a brief moment from the sacred water after you went quiet, at least until those capsules of yours kicked in. When I saw the regen capsule wasn’t quite working as it should, I went on and popped the all-senzu essence and all energy capsules right afterwards.”

“Told you.” Mr. Popo replied as he floated up behind Kami.

“But Discord said…!” Twilight started to say.

“Who?” Kami asked.

“Oh...nothing!” Twilight told him. “Speaking of which! I don’t know about the others, but I’m famished! I think it’s this Saiyan metabolism of mine trying to catch up from all the damage I took... I hope I at least get a decent Zenkai boost after all the garbage I had to go through! You think we could have something to eat!?”

“Well, considering all the times we’ve had to feed Goku and the others over the years, I think we can find something in the pantry, yes.” Kami answered back with a slight smile.

“Aaaah! That’s better!” Twilight said as she patted her stomach next to a large pile of plates and bowls.

“I’ll say!” Rainbow added as she, Gohan, Raditz, and Pinkie also finished off their own plate of grub next to their own respective piles of plates and bowls.

“Ugh! Saiyan and Majin eating habits, I don’t never get used to them!” Piccolo grumbled in disgust. Raditz just smirked at Piccolo knowing that he annoyed the Namekian, while a few bread crumbs fell off of one of his cheeks.

“Yeah. It wasn’t bad enough when Pinkie was the only big eater back in the group back in the day! She’d even put me, Big Mac, an’ Rainbow Dash to shame after a hard day of work!” Applejack added as she much more quietly munched on an apple cole slaw.

“Whoo! Now that was a feast!” Goku exclaimed. “It is good to be back! Chi-Chi, Gohan. I missed you both, very much. Krillin and the rest of you guys too. And Raditz, and even Piccolo. Also, I need to thank you both, Piccolo and Raditz.”

“Thanks? For what?” Piccolo growled at him.

“For watching over my son while I was gone.” Goku added.

“This changes nothing between us Goku. Nothing. Your debt is merely paid off to me and nothing more! I still want to rule this rock and you better not get in my way!” He grumbled at the Saiyan as he got up from drinking his fruit juice and walked out of the dining room; making his cape flap and flutter around a few times in the process for dramatic effect.

“He’s gone so far in some ways and yet has hardly changed in others.” Kami sighed with a shake of his head.

“He’s not that bad once you get to know him. He’s really not.” Gohan nervously added.

“You didn’t know him as we did back in the day Gohan.” Krillin corrected him. “But I do hope he has truly changed for the better. For all of our sakes. Even though I have my doubts on the matter.”

“So, what did you learn at King Kai’s?” Raditz asked Goku as he took a bite out of a rib.

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ll need one of you to get Piccolo later after he’s sulked for a bit and the rest of you to join me back at the farm.”

“What fer exactly?” Applejack asked.

“If we have enough time, I intend to teach you one of the techniques I learned. It’s called Kaioken.”

“Kaio-what?” Pinkie asked.

Goku chuckled and continued. “Just know that it’s a very dangerous, but powerful, technique. I’ll go into more details after we’ve all arrived there. In fact, it could push us enough to give this fancy armor you gave us to wear a proper test run!” Goku added as he looked at the armor unloaded from the box that Raditz carried in earlier. Most of it was similar to what Raditz wore, except for the two suits with the hearts on it that Pinkie and Fluttershy wore. Everyone in the Equestrian Patrol and the Z-Warriors were now wearing the suits except for the two Majins (whose own specially modified armor was mentioned earlier), Spike (who wore a variant of Arcosian bio-armor), and Piccolo, who insisted on still wearing his old armor which mainly consisted of hard materials in his weighted shoulder pieces and his turban.

“Hmmm? Something that could put a stress test on Saiyan Armor you say? That IS interesting!" Raditz exclaimed with a smirk. "I hope Twilight brought enough repair kits and spare parts!”

It was then that Twilight got a beep on her scouter. After tapping on it, she talked to the person on the other end. “Yeah, it’s Twi. Uh-huh, hmmm, I see. Yes, we’ll be right over. This is Twi, over and out. I’m sorry, but I and the other patrollers need to go back to HQ for a bit. It’s probably for a chew out session for letting you know Time Travel exists. As well as possibly a debrief and letting us know what our next mission will be in preparation for the oncoming invasion. We’ll come back as soon as we can to train with you some more in preparation for the battle to come.”

“Time to face the music, huh?” Rainbow Dash grimaced.

“Pretty much, yes.” Twilight replied. “Girls, it’s time for us to go. Farewell for now everyone.”

"T-T-F-N, ta-ta for now!" Pinkie saluted.

And a mere split second after that, Twi and the other patrollers disappeared in a bright flash of light.

“I don’t know who’s in charge of them, but I hope whoever it is must be kinder and more lenient than my old boss.” Raditz added.

“This Vegeta guy you keep talking about?” Goku asked.

“No, someone worse. I’ll tell you more about him at some point. Someday, if we survive the present mess we’re in.” Raditz said with an odd mixture of nonchalance and grim fatalism as he took a swig from a bottle of Kirin Ichiban.

Uh oh! Time for Twilight and the others to face the music for nearly letting info slip about Time Patrol! And what is the mysterious Kaioken Technique? What is so dangerous about it and how can it help the others win the upcoming war? And why can’t Goku teach the others the other secret techniques of King Kai? Will they even have enough time to even learn the basics of the Kaioken, let alone master it? Find out all this an more in the next episode of My Little Pony: Xenoverse!

Next time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse, the Z-Warriors are making last minute preparations for the arrival of the Saiyan Invaders! But will it be enough, or will the fruit and seeds of the Tree of Might and the mysterious energy that has enveloped their ship be enough to allow them to take the Dragon Balls for their own nefarious purposes? And what of our Equestrian Time Patrollers? Will they be seriously penalized for getting careless with the info of the Time Patrol? Find out as Kaioken clashes with the consuming of the corrupted fruit to see which is the better power-up next time onMy Little Pony: Xenoverse!

Next Time…

The Saiyan Invasion Begins! Rise of The Tree of Might!

Author's Note:

[1] Kong Skull Island.