• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,640 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

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Chapter 5: Crusher Corps Assemble: The Battle For Planet Arlia!

Last Time on My Little Pony Xenoverse, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were dealing with the painful reality of having to deal with taking the lives of their foes. A far cry from what they were used to on the world of Equestria! However, due to the words and kindness of Trunks, The Supreme Kai of Time, and a mysterious entity who was recorded on a Time Scroll, they were able to come to terms with this new reality. After spending several months trying to recover in the Time Vault, they came back out and reaffirmed that they will help save Space and Time from the mysterious Entities who are trying to destabilize it! In an attempt to relax, Trunks threw them a celebratory party and they went to spend some well deserved R&R at Toki Toki City. While this was going on, the pony who would normally be the life of the party, Pinkie Pie, sneaked away and went back in time to Earth to train with Gohan and the other Z-Warriors! Raditz and Piccolo took a brief respite from their training to observe the progress of young Gohan. While he was improving, they knew another important part of his training was mere days away. For Raditz had informed Piccolo and the Z-Fighters of a very important bit of information! When exposed to a full moon, any person of Saiyan Heritage with a tail turns into the almighty Ozaru! A giant primate capable of wiping out life on entire planets! And worse still, if push came to shove, Vegeta and the Saiyans of the Crusher Corps would use that exact same form to win a battle and destroy all sentient life on Earth! Despite his mother’s objections, Gohan agreed to undergo the training to control this form! However, this was not all that was going on! Even as the Z-Warriors were planning for the trials to come, Vegeta’s Crusher Corps were making plans to raid Arlia! Just what nefarious deeds will they perform when they arrive at that world? Find out next on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse!”

“Turles, have you found my runt brother Tarble and his no-good wife!?” Vegeta grumbled into his Scouter as he and Nappa sat around a nearby campfire munching on the remains of one of the sentient insectoid humanoids that had formerly been the dominant lifeforms of this world. Now driven to extinction by Vegeta and his Crusher Corps. Vegeta had on green body armor with shoulder pads while Nappa’s was blue.

“Yes excellency.” Turles replied. “We just heard from them. His wife was off gathering seeds and saplings from a nearby jungle. Tarble insisted on going along to ‘protect her.’”

“Heh, isn’t that cute! The weakling trying to ‘protect’ someone!” Vegeta chuckled. “Very well. The sheer hilarity of it has amused me and they won’t be punished for wandering off. For now. Get the two midgets and send them off to pick them up! Now that we have most of our gear packed up on the ship; the sooner we leave the better!”

“Of course Prince Vegeta. Turles out.” replied the voice on the other end as he ended his talk with the Saiyan Prince.

“Well, that should settle that Nappa.” Vegeta replied as he got up. “I’ve notified that ingrate Lord Frieza that this planet has been pacified and we will be off to pacify other planets on his ‘to-conquer list’ shortly. Since Raditz and Kakarot both failed to take over E-arth or whatever that place is called; we are allowed to go over there. And Frieza shouldn’t be none the wiser; as Raditz was on a secure channel that only we use.

“You’re so smart Vegeta!” Nappa exclaimed as he put up his fist and tightened it, “Once we eat the fruit of the Tree of Might and have our immortality, no one will stand in our way! Even the pint-sized Tundra Gecko and his ilk!”

Vegeta laughed a bit, “I knew that would put you in rather high spirits Nappa. Let’s head over to the Crusher Corps ship.”

“Sounds good to me Vegeta!” Nappa said with a smile as he and Vegeta flew off.

Nappa and Vegeta landed in a large Crater in the middle of a jungle. Within it was a large pod-shaped spacecraft the size of a standard Frieza Corps Invasion Ship, Two much smaller scout pods, and a strange robot that looked like a metallic ball with spider legs, along with several humanoids of varying types.

“Attention!” yelled out Turles, “Prince Vegeta is in the facility! Formation!” The members of the Crusher Corps and Tarble and his wife formed into a line while Turles stood in front of them. Vegeta and Nappa landed behind him. Turles did a quick about face and bow to Prince Vegeta and then ran off to his position as the Leader of the line spread out before Vegeta.

“All right! Roll call!” barked out Vegeta.

“Turles!” replied the taller but lithe Saiyan.

“Tarble!” yelled out the shorter Saiyan.

“Guri!” said the strange short pink alien with the oval head.

“Amond!” shouted the tall, bulky, orange alien with the ponytail.

“Unit Designation: Cacao!” monotonically replied the Cyborg.

“Daiz!” yelled out another fair-skinned humanoid.

“Raisin and Lakesi! The Twilight Twins!” the two short purple twins with bulbous heads said in unison.

“Good. Everyone is accounted for,” replied Vegeta as he walked up and down the line, inspecting his troops. He then continued, “Good news is that this mission is a success. We only used and lost three Saibamen and the local sentient population has been wiped out. This planet is now ready for resale or colonization.”

“Poor Kermit, Lucky, and Bloo,” sniffed Nappa in sadness.

“Uhm...yes Nappa,” Vegeta replied in slight confusion, frustration, and sarcasm, “Poor them. We’ll...have a moment of silence for them later.” He then cleared his throat and continued, ”However, we now have a new mission. As you well know, as of approximately 1845 hours yesterday, Standard Frieza Space Time, we have received recordings from the Scouter of the now-deceased Raditz. It has informed us of these powerful artifacts called “Dragon Balls”, which apparently can grant wishes. Just think of the possibilities! We can wish for anything we want! Anything at all! Now, originally I was going to plant the Tree of Might here, but that has changed. We will plant it on this E-arth or whatever this other planet is called and use both the fruit and these Dragonballs to not only make ourselves stronger, but immortal! Think of it! Eternal life! We Saiyans shall become the Super Saiyans of ancient legend once again! And you, my non-Saiyan compatriots, you shall become the most powerful beings of your individual races! Frieza and his kin will never order us around again! Now, who’s with me!?”

“Hail Prince Vegeta, hail Prince Vegeta!” The assembled troops yelled in unison.

“That’s what I thought.” Prince Vegeta replied with an arrogant smirk. “Now, load up our scout bots and pods onto the Flagship! We got a long trip ahead of us and we need to conserve fuel. We will be making a pit stop on a backwater called Arlia on the way, since Frieza wanted that planet taken over or destroyed. It’s local tin pot dictator is hampering the trade routes in that sector of space and it will have just what we need to refuel for the rest of our trip. The previous trooper assigned to that world has gone MIA and it’s up to us to clean up the mess.”

“So...we’re going to another ‘bug planet?’” Nappa asked.

“Y-yes Nappa. We’re going to another…’bug planet.’” Vegeta replied with the slightest tinge of frustration, impatience, and a brief facepalm.

“Yaaayyy!~” Nappa cheered with child-like glee as he cracked his knuckles, “More locals to smash!”

Vegeta then cleared his throat and continued, “As I was saying earlier, you are to remember that our ‘official’ mission is to take over Arlia and E-arth for Frieza's Empire. Our true goals are to be Above Top Secret. Known only to us. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes Prince Vegeta!” The Corps yelled in unison.

“Good.” Vegeta replied with a nod. “Now get a move on! I want us ready for liftoff in twenty minutes! You are dismissed!”

“Hai!” the group yelled in unison before the flew off to move the pods and scout robot back into the ship.

“You know how to put on a good speech! Just like your father.” replied Nappa as he and Vegeta walked off to the bridge of the main ship.

“Yes, I can sense it Nappa!” Vegeta beamed with pride. “Soon we’ll be stronger than Frieza's entire family! We’ll wipe out his entire race and take over their Empire! They’ll soon learn the price for disrespecting our race! But first things first! We must take care of Arlia to keep that infernal lizard off our backs, throw off any suspicions he has, and to get the fuel we need to finish our trip.”

“Hmmm...still. Your brother. He wasn’t as cheerful as the others during your briefing. And he’s still holding back in battle.” Nappa growled.

“I know.” Vegeta growled. “If he wasn’t my kin and so respectful towards me, I would’ve offed him and his worthless wife ages ago.”

“Do you want me to do it for-!” Nappa started.

“No!” Vegeta interrupted as he held up a hand. “No Nappa, I have a bigger plan for Tarble. He shall serve as an ideal test subject for the fruit.”

He then went to sit down at the commander’s seat of the ship. This seat had originally been Turles’ when he met Prince Vegeta for the first time and offered to ally with him after the destruction of planet Vegeta. As a sign of respect for his royal sovereignty, he handed over the commander’s chair to him. It had been a serendipitous moment. Even after the downfall of his race, he still found a survivor to ally with and his own Squad to lead. One that would soon give Frieza and even his brother’s elite squadrons a run for their money!

And they didn’t do those stupid poses either (except for the two midget twins), that was a bonus!

Vegeta put up a fist to hold up his chin as he went into deep thought. “The tales about the fruit state that it not only increases power, but aggression as well. But then again, those are mere tales and rumors, and they can’t be confirmed… yet. And if he’s immortal, he won’t die upon consuming it. And, if he has to take the fruit before we can get our wish and he dies from it. Well, war has it’s risks after all.”

“You are so clever mighty Prince!” Nappa exclaimed as he rubbed his hands together.

“Yes, yes I am.” Vegeta nonchalantly agreed as he put his legs up on one of the armrests of the Command Chair and crossed them. “And don’t you ever forget it!”

“And once we are immortal and all powerful we shall have the coup of the century!” Vegeta continued. “The murkiest of scams! After decades of meticulous planning, tenacity spanning, and denial-I shall be King undisputed, respected, and saluted! Be seen for the wonder I am!”

He then quickly stood up upon his seat and held his fist up towards the ceiling.
“Yes! Our strength and ambitions shall be bared!” He shouted proudly.

“And we shall be prepared to carry them out, my Prince!” Nappa complimented with a curt bow.

[Several Months and Parsecs Later]

“First the Dragonballs, then the Tree of Might,...then...the bitches. I wonder if any of them have...green hair? Or...blue hair?.” Vegeta mumbled in his sleep as a strange mist started to pour out of the vents and from sprinklers that popped out of the ceiling.

[Prince Vegeta] announced an electronic sounding female voice. [I am initiating de-hibernation vapour bath. It is time to wake up now. I am now initiating wakeup procedures for the rest of the crew. We are now approximately one parsec from Planet Arlia.]

After the mist that had previously filled the room dissipated, the lights in the room turned on and a brief buzzer sounded off. Vegeta grumbled slightly as he slowly rose from his bed and opened his eyes. As he got up he grabbed a nearby bathrobe and put it on he yawned. “Computer, put Nappa and the rest of the crew on. I need to make sure they’re awake.”

[Of course, Prince Vegeta] Replied the disembodied voice. [Putting Nappa, Tarble and Gure, and the rest of the Crusher Corps on your personal room comm now.]

“Nappa? Tarble? Crusher Corps, are you all awake?” Vegeta called as he went to get a drying cloth and box of cleaning powder.

“I am now.” Yawned Nappa. “What’s going on?”

“I’m here, brother.” Answered Tarble.

“I’m awake, Prince Vegeta.” said Turles. “If you don’t want to wait on the others. I can brief them for you if you wish.”

“Very well then.” Agreed Vegeta. “Inform the crew that we are now nearing Arlia and to prepare for landing. Our immediate mission is that of conquest and to get the fuel we need to get to Earth. We will not be planting a Tree or any Saibamen there as that would take up too much time and resources.” He paused to let them register this before continuing “We need to acquire those Dragonballs before Frieza gets suspicious. Also, we have the secondary mission of finding out what happened to that missing warrior. It’s probably another of Frieza’s weaklings that’s dependant on a firearm since he can’t use his own power levels. Still, if we can pull it off; it might help keep us in Frieza’s good graces just a slight bit longer and help us avoid suspicion.”

“Very well then, Prince Vegeta.” Turles replied. “Is that all?”

“Yes, that will do. Have the crew on the bridge and ready to go in thirty minutes. Vegeta out.” Vegeta said as he went to go turn on the shower. “That blasted water heater better be working this time!” Vegeta murmured as he turned the hot water faucet to the shower on.

“Hm, fits like a glove.” He thought to himself as he on his new armor, a white and blue vest with gold shoulder pads. “Still. It’s going to make me stick out more than the previous camo pattern I had. Oh well, most of the lifeforms in this Galaxy aren’t a match for me any way. Soon, none of them will and camouflage will no longer be needed.”

“Prince Vegeta on the Bridge!” yelled Turles as Prince Vegeta and Nappa walked onto the bridge of the Crusher Corps ship. To contrast Vegeta’s new suit or armor, Nappa wore a new blue suit with white highlights and brown shoulder pads.

The various men on the bridge immediately got out of their seats and either took a bow or kneeled.

“As you were men.” Vegeta replied as he went to go take a seat in the command chair.
The various troops then went back to their positions on the bridge and Tarble walked up to the left side of Vegeta’s Seat, as his bodyguard Nappa was standing to his right with his arms crossed.

“So, can I get an ETA on when we will be able to land on Arlia?” Vegeta asked Turles.

“About twenty minutes or so. Give or take a few minutes mind you.” Replied Turles.

“Good. I’ve been wanting to stretch my legs after the long hibernation cycle we were on. We could use the exercise.” Commented Vegeta with a wicked smirk.

“That sounds good.” Nappa agreed with a nod. “I’ve been looking forward to wiping out the population on another ‘Bug Planet’. I hope these Arlians know how to fight! We haven’t had any real competition in a long time!”

“Hmmmph. Well, it sure beats hearing you constantly asking ‘Are we there yet?’ doesn’t it?” Chuckled Vegeta.

“Why, that’s very thoughtful of you Prince Vege--HEY!” Nappa exclaimed in annoyance as the rest of the crew laughed.

The mighty Crusher Corps ship crash-landed onto the surface of Arlia leaving a gigantic crater. Not that it made the landscape of Arlia look much worse than it already was. For its landscape was that of a world in decline. Nothing but dust and the ruins of once majestic and cyclopean architecture for miles around. A world devastated by war.

And yet, more war came to it, and this time it might even bring about its very end. A great and gigantic door opened on the side of the ship and it’s ramp came down upon the ground with a thunderous “thud!” Light poured forth from the ship showing the outline of Vegeta and his Crusher Corps.

“I would send the Scout Robot out...” Vegeta started. “But Nappa and I have been feeling a bit bored recently. We’ll scout the immediate area out. Turles, set up a guard and duty roster for the inside and outside perimeter of the ship and leave some floaters on standby for deployment. Nappa and I will call back when we find something of interest.”

“Of course, Prince Vegeta.” Turles replied with a short bow as Vegeta and Nappa walked off.

“Ah, what a mess!” Nappa grumbled as he and Vegeta walked out of the crater into a nearby ruined cityscape. “Not much to this place, is there? Makes me wonder if that missing soldier actually did have a bit of fun before we got here to be honest.”

“Yes...I was wondering the same thing. Though some of the damage around here isn't as recent...” Vegeta replied as he inspected the rubble. “Still, seeing the condition this world is in I can see why the locals started to raid the nearby interstellar trade routes.”

Nappa lightly touched a nearby pillar which immediately collapsed into rubble. “You sure we can get a high price for this world?” He asked.

“I doubt it.” Vegeta said. “But Frieza could still use this place to set up a defensive outpost to protect the trade lanes. Let’s check around a little more.”

It was then that Vegeta’s Scouter went off. He grunted in slight surprise and confusion as he turned around. The two Saiyans found themselves confronted by a pair of large centipedal creatures that rose up from out of the ground with two more insectoid beings riding on their backs. They were armed with rudimentary body armor, lances, and sheathed swords.

“Hey Vegeta! Look at that! It’s the locals!” Nappa exclaimed with a smile.

“It seems they brought a welcoming service!” Vegeta smirked as he cracked his knuckles.

“You are trespassing on Arlian Territory!” Growled one of the humanoid insects.

“Make one move and we’ll blast ya!” Yelled the other being. “It was a good day to go hunting after all!”

“Yeah! Let’s give them a proper welcome! Heh heh heh heh~!” Chuckled the other one as he put his lance into a nearby holder on his saddle and drew out his sword.

“So much for them treating us like royalty.” Scoffed Nappa. “Let me blast them!”

“Easy Nappa.” Murmured Vegeta with an amused tone. “Let's have some fun with them first…”

“Surrender now or face the consequences!” Shouted the first Arlian.

“No!” Vegeta mocked in a near childish manner with a smug grin.

“Have it your way then! You have left us no choice!” Threatened the lead Arlian. “Prepare to be destroyed!”

The strange creature then fired a crimson beam from his chitin-covered muzzle. The beams hit Nappa and Vegeta dead-on, engulfing them both in explosion and covering the area in a cloud of dust.

“That’s the end of them!” The lead bug creature gloated as the two jumped down onto the ground, hoping to salvage whatever was left of their armor… until they saw the dust clear.

“Wha!?” He exclaimed in shock as he saw Vegeta and Nappa standing there; completely unaffected by his beam attack! Not a single scratch, ding, or blemish showed either upon their bodies or their body armor!

Nappa and Vegeta merely smirked knowing how terrified their enemies were going to be upon realizing how outclassed they were.

“S-Surrender at once!” The lead bug nervously threatened as both he and the other soldier reached for their swords.

“YEAH?! MAKE ME!!!” Nappa yelled, itching for a fight.

“Nappa! Surrender to them!” Vegeta exclaimed. He then leaned over and whispered to him. “Let’s mess around with them a bit first, shall we?”

“Ugh! Fine!” Nappa relented as he and Vegeta put their hands in front of them to be cuffed.

“Ha! I guess we were too much for them!” The secondary soldier bragged as he cuffed them.

“Either way, they’ll be great entertainment for the king!” Replied the lead one.

Nappa and Vegeta were put into a cage that was dragged along by the two soldiers’ centipoid mounts towards a palace up upon a large hill. In the courtyard were various Arlian soldiers engaged in high-speed combat with swords. They noticed a male Arlian with a red cape and a pink female Arlian with a white tunic were watching the training from a pair of thrones on a dias. The male Arlian was eating fruit from a tray being held by a servant. It was then that they noticed that the one holding the tray was a female Saiyan with long and fair hair.

“Well.” Vegeta replied.

“Yeah.” Nappa agreed.

“Hmmm. I wonder what she’s up to?” Vegeta replied as he briefly checked her power level with his scouter. “According to this, she should be strong enough to take them out and at least run off for a bit if not outright wipe out this entire garrison.”

“You think she’s the missing soldier, Vegeta?” Nappa asked.

“You would think so, but something seems amiss...” Vegeta replied. “They must have some sort of leverage on her to force her to engage in such degrading behavior. I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I intend to find out.”

Vegeta and Nappa were then escorted out of their cage and downstairs past a pair of guards with halberds into an underground dungeon. There was much coughing, crying, wailing, and screaming from within as they were escorted to a communal cell and thrown inside.

“You’ll be happy to know there aren’t any rats down here as the prisoners ate them all!” Chuckled the guard that threw them in.

“Remind me to get that guy, okay?” Nappa requested of Vegeta as the chuckling bug jailer walked off. Vegeta chuckled briefly in turn.

“Look at those aliens!” Exclaimed one of the Arlians hiding in the shadows.

“Great, just what we need, more ugly mammals!” Replied another prisoner.

“Yeah, as if it wasn’t enough that we got two of them a while back!”

“Well! Maybe the mammals think we’re the ‘ugly’ ones!” Countered another Arlian.

“Hmmph! Speak for yourself!” barked back the other Arlian.

“Hey Vegeta?” replied Nappa as the various bugs hid in the shadows talking about them.

“What is it Nappa?” Vegeta asked.

“We’re in prison Vegeta.” Nappa said.

“Hey Vegeta?” Nappa asked again.

“What is it Nappa?” Vegeta asked yet again.

“Don’t drop the soap!” Nappa warned.

“I swear to deity these bugs worship I will shiv you!” Vegeta growled.

“Be quiet! All of you!” Replied yet another Arlian. “They’re stuck in here like the rest of us! Can’t you see that?” He then rubbed his shoulder briefly and continued. “I’m sorry, but you have come at a bad time. The King of Arlia uses prisoners for his own amusement. He even stole my wife Linmiel and is using another of your fellow mammals as a servant! And as you can see, we have many questionable people locked up in here.”

“Is that right?” Vegeta scoffed, somewhat insulted that he was considered as dangerous as these… insects.

“Welcome to Oz, bish!” A rather scarred and grizzled Arlian yelled and pointed at Vegeta. “That’s right! You! The short one with the spiky hair! I’m gonna trade you for a cigarette! But only after I-!”

“You know what? No.” Replied Vegeta as he quickly summoned up a Ki blast and aimed it at the trash-talking Arlian.

“What do you mean “no”, you bi-?!” Was all he could get out before he was blown to bits.

The other Arlians huddled around the pile of smoking ash that made up the remains of bug prisoner and whimpered and whispered in terror.

“Now that I finally got your attention.” Vegeta smiked. “According to my Scouter, the female servant upstairs is a Saiyan like I am. The files within it also indicate she’s a soldier by the name of ‘Honey.’ And, now that you’ve seen what my race is capable of, I’m still wondering why she hadn’t fought back against them.”

“I can explain, my prince.” Replied a new voice, a rather rotund Saiyan in body armor as he walked forth from the darkness. The Saiyan also had an very closely-shaved military standard mohawk going down the middle of his otherwise bald head.

“Onio!?” Vegeta exclaimed, “I thought you were dead! And the reports said only ONE soldier was sent out here to this world!”

“Well, the reports were wrong, Prince Vegeta.” Replied Onio as he took a brief bow. “Probably some screw up in the file management by a bureaucrat on Frieza World 419 or something. The folks that live there are outright moronic. Not that Frieza has ever been the sort to care about the amount of troops thrown into a grinder to begin with.”
The Arlians began to murmur more at the revelation that one of the Saiyan Mammals was an actual Prince.

“Quiet! The whole lot you!” Nappa yelled at the surrounding arthropods, “They’re talking! And if any of you let slip about who Vegeta is...” Nappa then summoned up a ball of ki on the tips of two of his fingers on one hand and continued, “I don’t think I have to tell you what will happen next.”

The other prisoners yelped in terror and fled back into the shadows.

“You should be ashamed of yourself Onio!” Vegeta fumed. “Even if you are a fat slob; you’re still a Saiyan! And allowing your wife to debase herself in such a manner on your behalf! Did these beings somehow turn you into a Namekian Eunuch or something!”

“Heh…Eunuchs.” Nappa chuckled.

“Shut up Nappa!” Vegeta fumed.

“Rest assured, I’m no Prison Bish Vegeta…”

“Heh...Prison Bish.” Nappa chuckled.

Onio growled at him and continued. “As I was saying. I’ve actually been earning quite a reputation for myself fighting in their gladiatorial and pit fighting games. I’m actually their champion now. And yes, it’s true my dear wife is a servant in their household, but she also serves as my eyes, ears, and unofficial manager. Plus, the locals taste like those delicious crabs imported from Namek. So, they rarely have to worry about a mess after one of my fights.” The nearby Arlians huddled and shivered in terror in the dark at the mention of his eating habits, Onio chuckled and continued. “But you are here now, so I guess the games are over now, huh?”

“Yes Onio. While I will admit we allowed ourselves to get caught to for a bit of sport; that still doesn’t change the fact that Frieza is getting impatient and the raiding on our trade routes has to stop.” Vegeta growled.

“Well, I don’t think that’ll be an issue for much longer.” Onio admitted. “Their ragtag fleet of craft is all gassed up, but they’re out of parts and tools for repairs. Their fleet is pretty much mothballed. Let us hope they don’t find whatever spacecraft you and Nappa came on.”

“Well, I’m sure the Crusher Corps can handle whatever comes their-” Vegeta began, but was interrupted by a loud scream from upstairs that was accompanied by a monstrous and echoing roar.

“It sounds like the loser of one of the fights is being fed to the King’s prized war beast. I’ve been wanting to take a crack at him myself.” Onio replied.

“Well perhaps it’s time we took care of that!” Vegeta smirked. “Where are they storing their ships?”

“Upstairs in the back outer courtyard.” Onio replied. “At least, that’s what Honey told me.”

“That’s all the info I need.” Vegeta said as he tapped the side of his scouter. “Turles, Turles! Do you read me, over!?” Sadly, static was all he heard. “Blast! The bedrock of this underground dungeon must be interfering with the signal! No matter! We’ll go exterminate the vermin upstairs and then call in the Crusher Corps to get the ships! And then we can head over to E-arth!”

“When did you find and take over the Crusher Corps!? And what is E-arth!?” Onio asked.

“Oh my dear Onio,” Vegeta chuckled, “Just wait until you find out what I got planned for the remaining members of the Saiyan Race! It is truly glorious!”

“I love ruling this planet with an iron first!” The Arlian king replied as he looked upon his queen. He then turned around and leaned upon one of the arms of his chair. “However, I am having a serious case of royal boredom!”

“Well, perhaps my good King...” A toga-clad Honey started to reply as she brought him a tray with a bottle of an unknown type of drink and two glasses on it. “You should bring my dear husband Onio out to entertain you? And those two new aliens you caught earlier?”

“Hmmm...perhaps.” He pondered. “Guards! Fetch me Onio and the-!” It was then a great explosion went off, shaking the entire palace. “What in the great Arlian Moon was THAT!?” The King exclaimed in shock as he got up.

“Oh you don’t have to worry about fetching us ‘mighty king’...we’re already here!” Mocked Vegeta as he, Nappa, and Onio walked forth.

“Hi!” Replied Nappa cheerfully with a smile.

“Oh, thank God!” Sighed Honey with a sense of relief.

“You’re welcome.” Vegeta smirked.

“What is the meaning of this!? Why don’t they have a guard escort!?” Fumed the King.

“I don’t know, my royal sire!” Exclaimed one of his nearby advisors.

“Oh, I am so sorry, ‘your majesty.’” Vegeta replied with a mock bow. “But your guards met an unfortunate ‘accident.’”

“You should’ve seen it!” Nappa exclaimed with joy. “His pancreas came right out of his tear duct!!”

“That’s not physically possible...”

“I found a way.” Vegeta said smugly.

“How dare you!?” Yelled the King angrily. “Soon it will be you that will face an ‘unfortunate accident!’”

“Heh! Well isn’t that cute?” Vegeta mocked. “The king is threatening me! Still, despite your bad manners, I think a proper introduction is in order! I’m Vegeta, the bald one of my right is Nappa, and of course you know the other bald one, Onio!”

“Yeah! He was a prison bitch!”

“Shaddup Nappa!” Fumed Onio. The surrounding guards and royal retinue snickered at the comment until the King gave them all an evil glare. They quieted themselves quickly afterwards.

Vegeta cleared his throat and continued. “Point is. Because Onio is a weakling and an idiot nearly as weak as Raditz-!”

“Hey!” Onio protested.

“We are here to stop your raiding on Lord Frieza’s Trade Routes! So how do you want it? Painful or sort of painful?” Vegeta asked.

“Now’s our chance to get out of here!” Replied the lead Arlian prisoner as he stumbled forward through the debris to grab a sword from one of the fallen guards. We must get to the throne room immediately!”

“Amazing!” Exclaimed another Arlian prisoner. “They blew up the cell doors as if they were mere toothpicks! Those guards didn’t stand a chance!”

“Still they have a great multitude of guards and troops upstairs...and the war beast!” Replied another Arlian with a shiver as he searched the guards for any gear they could use.

“Right! We need to get a move on!” Replied the leader of the prisoners.

“Maybe. Maybe I was wrong about those strange mammals after all,” said another certain Arlian.

“You can wax poetic later!” Replied the leader, “We need to get going!”

“Enough of this!” Fumed the King, “You may want to look away my dear! It’s going to get messy.”

“As you wish, my King.” Replied the Queen as she turned away her head meekly. “Esau! Kill the bald one! And if you finish off the other two afterwards; I will allow you to retire comfortably!”

“Which bald one am I supposed to kill first?” He asked.

“The muscular one you dolt!” The king yelled at him.

“Oh, very well. I’m on it then!” he exclaimed. He then yelled and charged forth. As he did so, Nappa nonchalantly pointed one hand towards him and fired a ki blast from the two fingers he held out. It cut a clean hole through his chest and he fell over, groaned briefly, and died.

“Well! I guess that makes me the new champion of this game of patty cake they call a fight!” Chuckled Nappa.

“Hey! That’s my title!” Onio whined.

“Well, if you want to be a champion of a game as silly as patty cake, go ahead!” Nappa mocked.

“I swear Nappa, you are makin’ me sooo mad!” Onio growled.

“Very well, if that’s how you want to play! I have thirteen elite guards that have mastered Ki techniques similar to yours! Finish them!” The King ordered.

“Interesting! I’d like to see them try!” Vegeta replied as he merely looked on with an arrogant smirk and his arms crossed.

“You will suffer for your insolence!” The King raged at them as the soldiers started to surround the three Saiyans.

“If you don’t mind, I think I’ll join in on the fun too! I guess the jig is up after all.” Honey shrugged as she jumped up high into the air, did a few flips mid-air, and then landed next to the other three Saiyans.

“Nobody had better had look up the skirt of my wife’s Toga.” Onio thought angrily to himself.

“Sure, the more the merrier when it comes to fighting this cricket brigade!” Nappa snarked with a evil smirk.

“You will pay for this traitor!” The King yelled at her. “Take a good look at my guards! They will be the last thing you ever see!” The King exclaimed as he put his fists up in the air in triumph, “Blast them!”

The guards the surrounded them then all fired red beams from their mouths at once. At first, it seemed like they won, for there was nothing seen in the cloud of dust. But after it cleared, it showed the four Saiyans surrounded by a spherical red shield of Ki.

“Is that it?” Vegeta asked. “It actually felt real good. A bit refreshing in fact.”

“You think I’m going to let you walk away after that!” the King yelled at them. “That’s it I’m done! We’ll see if you still have a pulse after you fight my thirteen elite guards!”

The aforementioned guards then surrounded them and drew their swords. “Kill them...slowly and painfully,. the King growled.

“Take care of this mess, will you Nappa?” Vegeta ordered. Nappa merely nodded and started to charge up his Ki. Lightning arced across his body and he screamed loudly as he gathered up power for his attack. The guards stood there, dumbfounded, shocked, confused, and afraid. They murmured to each other in nervousness and hesitation.

“Don’t just stand there you fools!” The King yelled at them. “Attack him before he-!”
It was then that Nappa lifted up two of his fingers on one hand, pointed them towards the sky and the ground surrounding the Saiyans exploded in a great inferno. When he was done, there was nothing left but a crater and the charred ashes of the atomized guards.

“Oh fuck me,” the King whispered in shock. “Hurry! Hurry! Summon the Yeti! We need him NOW!” The King exclaimed as some nearby works turned winches connected to chains.

“Would that make this a menage a trois?” Nappa asked.

“Ugh! Good Kai Nappa! That is disgusting!” Exclaimed Onio.

“What’s wrong? Having nasty prison flashbacks?” Nappa mocked.

“So help me, if there weren’t so few Saiyans left…” Onio growled at him.

And up from a nearby pit rose a gigantic Arlian-esque creature about 20 feet in height if not more. It clacked it’s claws and growled menacingly.

“Well, what do you know. It’s the old ‘giant bug in the ground trick.’ It’s a good thing Onio warned us about this. Not that it would’ve made much difference, but still.” Vegeta said with a smile. His arms were still crossed as he hadn’t needed to do anything at all in the fight. So far.

“Yeti! Destroy these creatures! They are bad! Very very BAD!” The king exclaimed as he pointed at the Saiyans.

“We’re bad?” Nappa asked.

“Well...a little,” Vegeta admitted.

“Say Vegeta, that little grasshopper is kind of cute!” Nappa said. “Can we keep it? Can we, huh huh?”

“Oh fine Nappa!” Vegeta agreed with slight annoyance. “Just catch it or something!”

“Yay!” Nappa cheered as the beast started to attack them. The Saiyans started to jump around and dodge the war beast as it ran around the building trying to stomp, slash, and shoot ki blasts at them. During one of his attempt to smash the saiyan with an open palm, Nappa grabbed onto one of his claws and engaged in a test of strength.

“That fool! Does he really think he can win a contest of strength?” The King exclaimed as he watched the struggle going on in front of him. Nappa and the beast grunted as they both tried to gain an edge or some leverage at each other.

“C’mere boy!” Nappa said to him cheerfully, “Shake!” Nappa then proceeded to rip one of his claws off. “Aww! Got your finger!” He mocked. He then licked some of the icor from the mutated Arlian off of his face. The gigantic creature tried to leap on top of him, but Nappa jumped out of the way.

“No! Bad boy!” Nappa replied as he flew above him and landed and hard elbow drop on his neck joint. “I really hope I didn’t kill him. He seemed to have been made out of something weak, like paper mache! Still, I really did want to take him onto the ship for a bit of fun.” He said sadly as he went down to feel along his neck for a pulse. “Thank goodness! He still has a pulse! Yay! The Crusher Corps has got a new playmate!” Nappa cheered.

“Yes, but we will have to have that joint with the missing finger looked at. Don’t want it to bleed out or to get infected after all.” Onio said.

“No! It can’t be!” The King replied in terror. “Please! We’ll do anything you want! I’ll give you riches! Women! Just please don’t hurt me!”

“Coward.” Vegeta grumbled as he walked up towards him.

“Please! Please! There’s gotta be something I can give you!” The creature continued to plead upon his knees.

“Oh there is,” Vegeta said.

“What is it? I’ll give you anything! ANYTHING!” The creature begged.

“Your life.” Vegeta said in a low voice and with a slight grin.

“Wait! NOOOO!!!!” Was all the creature could say as Vegeta grabbed him by the throat and snapped his neck in half.

What was left of the King’s troops and followers had fled in terror at the carnage before them. As they did so, they faced a terrible reckoning from the prisoners that came up from below. A great body count of bloody vengeance was claimed that day. “Leenlia! Where are you?” Exclaimed the lead prisoner as he looked around. “Leenlia!” As the lead prisoner looked around for his significant other, another prisoner walked up to the Saiyans.

It exclaimed. “You are now the greatest heroes our planet has ever known! In mere minutes you have undone centuries of bondage! This shall be the start of a new beginning for Arlia! You will never know how grateful we are! We shall raise up statues in your honor!”

“Well isn’t that nice of them Vegeta!” Nappa replied.

“Made out of our spit and dirt!” The insect continued.

“.....well isn’t that nice of them Vegeta!”

Vegeta cleared his throat and then said. “Well, if you really want to help us.Our ship is a bit low on fuel and we could use your aid in refueling it from the derelict ships you have in the back of your palace. And, we’d like back the scout vessel your late King commandeered from Onio and Honey.”

“Of course! Anything for the cause of our liberators!” Said the talking bug.

“Leenlia! Leenlia!” The leader of the freed Arlians continued to yell out as he looked around.

“Appa! Appa! I’m here!” Replied the queen as she ran forth.

“Leenlia!” He exclaimed as he ran forth, scooped her up in his arms and spun around. They laughed and embraced each other in great joy.

“May we never be apart again!” Replied Appa.

“Oh Appa! I missed you so!” Replied Leenlia as she hugged him tighter.

“All hail King Appa and Queen Leenlia! The new rulers of our realm!” Yelled one of the other Arlians.

“Hail King Appa! Hail King Appa!” They yelled in unison.

“Well, I never really wanted to rule.” He replied, “but she is still Queen of this realm. So, whether I wish it or not, I guess I will become co-ruler by default if I marry her.” He then took a deep breath, exhaled and replied. “I accept.”

“Hail King Appa and Queen Leenlia! Hail King Appa and Leenlia!” The Arlians continued to yell in unison.

“Ugh, being a hero to a bunch of bugs is overrated!” Vegeta murmured to the other Saiyans in disgust.

“Believe me, you don’t know the half of it.” Countered Onio.

Vegeta sighed and walked up to the new co-rulers. “I’m sorry to interrupt your celebration, but we do have a ship to refuel.”

“Ah yes, of course!” Replied Appa. “We will gladly help you with this! Vegeta, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Prince Vegeta in fact.” Vegeta admitted.

“Ah, a fellow member of royalty! Well I assure you the honor is all mine!” Appa replied as he went to shake Vegeta’s hand.

“Yes, yes it is.” Vegeta subtly snarked as he went to shake Appa’s in turn.

“Let this be the start of a new era of prosperity! Between our people and the peoples of Frieza’s Empire!” Appa said with cheer.

Meanwhile, Cacao noticed Turles sneaking off from the crowd. “Uh, Turles? Where-”

“Don’t mind me guys! I’ll go get the Scout Bot!” Shouted Turles as he flew away from the celebration. “It seems to have wandered into the local ruins! Keep trying to get Prince Vegeta and Nappa on the comms.”

“We’ll be here when you get back!” Replied Cacao as he did some patch welding on one of the thrusters under the ship. “‘Ey! Getta move on Tarble! We’re on a tight schedule ‘ere!” He yelled at Tarble who was rushing over with some scrap metal.

After finding the bot and reprogramming it to go back to the ship, Turles checked his scouter and took a quick look around.

“There's no one around. You can come out.” Turles said out aloud.

“If you don’t mind, I’d rather stay hidden for the time being.” Replied a sultry female voice from somewhere somewhere high up on one of the ruined high-rise buildings. “How goes your progress?”

“While he is arrogant, I do want to thank you for helping me to find Prince Vegeta. As well as Nappa, and Tarble.” Replied Turles. “They have helped give the Crusher Corps the legitimacy that we’ve been lacking for years. And, you are sure these seeds are more powerful?”

“Yes, of course.” Replied a mysterious female voice. “They have been infused with the energy of the Demon Realm. The fruit should be extremely powerful. It will make you and the others even more powerful than you would be with the original version.”

“Very well...” Replied Turles. “But I warn you, don't even think about betraying us. I don’t take kindly to those who are foolish enough to cross us.”

“Why, I’m hurt.” Replied the hidden woman in a tone that feigned injury. “After all I’ve done for you in both finding your new allies and further modifying the seeds for you! If anything you should be thanking me.”

“You’ll get your thanks when I see the results for myself.” Turles countered.

“Fair enough.” The stranger acceded.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must be going.” Turles said as he turned towards the direction of his ship. “If I stay out here much longer, folks will get suspicious.”

“Well then, you'd better get a move on little Saiyan.” The female voice mocked again. “We’ll be seeing each other again in the future. You can count on it.”

“Yes, we shall. And if you’re wise, you’ll be more respectful when you do. For when you next see me even Lord Frieza will envy my strength!” Turles growled before he flew off.

“You should reprogram him. He is not as respectful to us as he used to be. I fear the Time Breaker ‘enhancements’ are wearing off.” Replied a male voice that was hidden within a nearby ruined building.

“It’s only because he’s so impatient and wants to see results. I can admire that. Plus, you aren’t exactly the one to talk, are you?” Chided the mysterious woman.

She then sighed and continued. “No, we will only reprogram him if need be, my creation. Only if need be. No, we will bide our time and wait. For now.” Corrected the female voice.

Oh no! What is this!? Not all is as it seems with the mysterious Turles! Just what is his agenda? Does it line up with or go against that of the Saiyan Prince Vegeta? And who are the mysterious beings trying to manipulate things from behind the scenes? And what will happen to the inhabitants of Planet Arlia? Find out all this and more-in future episodes of...My Little Pony: Xenoverse!