• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 11: Earth's Decisive Battle! Crusher Corps vs Z-Warriors! (Part 1)

It is a dark time for the Mane Seven and the Dragon Gang [1], as present events really start to heat up! The day they had been training for over a year had at long last arrived! Prince Vegeta arrived with his personal Elite Force-The Crusher Corps! But they weren’t exactly subtle as Vegeta’s personal bodyguard, Nappa, blew up an entire city in less than a second! All though terrified, the brave heroes have agreed to redouble their efforts and face down the Saiyan invaders! Can the elite squad be stopped? And what about the Tree of Might? Is it too late to save the Earth? Find out next on-MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!

Earth's Decisive Battle! Crusher Corps vs Z-Warriors! (Part 1)

It was a scene of sheer chaos at Capsule Corps. Due to just about every Hospital, Doctor’s Clinic, Emergency Clinic, and Primary Care Clinic being overcrowded for miles around, Bulma had agreed to convert her main Headquarters into a primary Triage Unit. While originally intended to be more of a place to stabilize and hold patients until they could be moved to a proper medical facility, the overcrowding of the other facilities had forced it to become an improvised hospital. Bulma was hurriedly walking to the command center, hugging the side of hallway, and trying to stay out of the way of the medical staff. She was busy trying to read forms on her laptop and cutting through the red tape that was slowing down the care needed in this situation when she saw the double doors to the main entrance being kicked open.

In rushed a police officer that looked like he had walked directly out of hell, carrying another officer of the red-furred canine variety. “Help! Help ple-” the policeman was barely able to speak out as he started to fall over. A pair of medical robots rushed over, one helped him up while the other carefully removed from his shoulders the other victim of the attack. The robots then aided the oncoming staff as they proceeded to set up multiple IVs, various sensors to track medical signs, and to load them upon a pair of gurneys. Bulma wanted to intervene, but scientist or not, she was not a proper medical doctor. Instead, so she just stayed off to she side as they hurriedly were shoved off to the hurriedly assembled and overloaded surgery wing.

“Goku... Yamcha. I hope you and the others can stop those guys before things get any worse.” Bulma thought to herself as she walked off to yet another emergency meeting.

Launch had flown her personal bike up to a nearby Plateau. She had let off Puar and Oolong somewhere else nearby. They’d found what seemed to be the ship they used as their main transport about half a klick away.Their main plan was to cause trouble in the back-lines while she was setting up a sniper blind for herself on top of a one of the skinny-yet-tall plateau-like rock formations that made up the canyon.

She had decided to use a large boulder as a cover her and her bike and was setting up the stand for her large-caliber anti-tank sniper rifle. She wasn't remotely sure if her rifle would even do a thing to the Saiyans or any of the other aliens, but she hoped it would at least distract them a bit. She also had a large collection of rocket launchers, grenades, SAW weapons and other assorted gear in her near comically large bags strapped to her bike. While capsules would’ve made more sense for carrying her arsenal, but the attack was sudden and she was strapped for time, hell she'd barely had enough time to give Yamcha his old scimitar that he left behind at the Lookout.

“Hey, youze forgot this!” She ribbed Yamcha as she handed it over to him , along with a senzu bean.

“I was wondering where I left it! Thanks!” He replied with a smile as he got back up and strapped it onto his back.

Launch smirked at that memory, it really was a blast from the past to see him wearing that old sword, she wasn’t sure how well it was going to work on the Saiyans, but it was better than nothing she supposed. 'Well... this is it, no turning back now...' She thought to herself.

Puar and Oolong were on their stomachs and hiding in a nearby bush not far from the Crusher Corps ship. “I really wish we got a good look at what these aliens looked like.” Oolong whispered to his feline comrade.

“Tell me about it!” Puar whispered back. “Should we try to disguise ourselves as the local wildlife and sneak in?”

“I was considering that, but I’m afraid they’d shoo us off or kill us for being pests...” Oolong replied. It was then that they heard a slight “whoosh” as the paneled door connected to the ramp opened, as they stayed silent, a saddened Gure had flown out and was gathering samples of the weakened flora, fauna, and fungi in the surrounding area.

As Oolong observed this action, a wicked and knowing grin spread across his mug. “I think I just found our way in… tell me Puar, can you impersonate a regular house cat?”

Meanwhile abroad the ship, Turles was in the main control room watching the monitor with a smug grin, he would've gone out himself, but someone needed to stay behind and coordinate the action between his three teams: The Crusher Corps, Tarble, and Vegeta and Nappa. “Keep calling yourself the leader all you want ‘Prince’...’’ He mocked, barely hiding the malice in his voice. “But I’m the one that’s calling the shots and getting things done. Still, it would be nice to get out and take a more hands-on approach... perhaps I’ll ask Gure when she gets back how her Project with Yeti is going. He might be just the thing to protect our ship while the others and I are gone....”

He then pressed a few buttons on a panel and an image of Gohan popped up on the screen. “So, this is the boy, huh?” Turles pondered. “He's unusually strong for a being of mixed parentage. I’m glad even that stubborn brat Vegeta agreed to my request.” he mused to himself as he turned the screen off and tapped his Scouter. “Gure, you read me?”

“Yes, I hear you, Commander Turles.” Gure replied.

“Good, I need you to report to me directly when you get back from gathering your samples. I need an update on how your project with Yeti is going.”

“Understood Sir..”

“Make it so.[2] This is Turles, over and out.” The Saiyan told her as he cut off communications, slouched back into the command chair and began to ponder his next course of action, turning his attention to the Tree of Might. “Yes, my mysterious benefactor, things are shaping up quite nicely…” He said with a arrogant half-smile as he put a fist under his chin.

Back outside, Vegeta and Nappa flew alongside the Pod that Tarble was using to get around. It didn’t take them long to catch up with Vegeta’s younger brother, thought the Prince was less than thrilled about how his brother was using his pod to get around instead of using his own power to fly. 'This is why father exiled you. Because you're weak. Hopefully that Tree will fix this once and for all... but if it kills you in the process, so be it.' Vegeta thought to himself as he glowered at his brother’s pod.

“Pondering if the fruit will work?” Nappa asked Vegeta as they flew back to the Crusher Corps' ship.

“Heh, you know me so well.” Vegeta shrugged.

“I should. I am your bodyguard.” Nappa replied with a hint of pride in his voice.

Tarble didn’t didn't bother listening to the rest o their conversation as he was lost in his own thoughts, it was much easier to ponder things as his ship was on auto-pilot on and the comms temporarily muted, thus two less things to distract him from his thoughts. 'After eating the fruit...will I still be, me?' He thought sadly and nervously to himself as he looked upon a photo of Gure from their happier days. From before his brother found him forcefully recruited him to the their cuase and things changed forever. 'I hope so.' Tarble thought to himself, 'Kami, I sure hope so... I don't think I could ever face Gure again otherwise....'

The Crusher Corps chuckled wickedly as the Z Fighters landed upon one of the larger branches of the Tree of Might, Daiz was reclined upon a smaller branch tossing a pebble, to his right the fused version of the Beenz Twins; Lakasei & Rasin, was resting upon the shoulder of Amond, atop the branch to his lower left Onio had a smile upon his face and crossed arms that showed that he was confident in his odds of victory, Honey stood next to him with her own arms crossed and a frown upon her face, on the upper right branch Cacao stood as silent and still as a statue with only a slight puff of steam emanating from his cybernetics/war suit.

The Mane Seven and the Dragon Warriors in turn spread out in a line and gauged their opponents, some of Earth’s defender’s got in fighting stances, while others floated in place staring their opponents down.

The Ox King growled and gripped tightly onto his war axe. ChiChi, Goku, and Piccolo stood in a triangular formation around Gohan, ready to go at a moment’s notice.

“Their power level... it’s extraordinary,” Tien whispered, trying to remain composed. However right next to him, Chiaotzu was shivering in place, looking more than a little terrified.

“We can do this Tien! We spent over a year enduring Training Hell with Mr. Popo preparing for this!” Krillin said in an attempt to encourage him.

“Th-the things you guys drag me into!” Yajirobe said in a near-panicked and stumbling murmur, nervously thumbing the guard on his still sheathed sword.

Roshi merely looked upon his foes quietly with a neutral expression. His sunglasses hiding his true feelings. Even with Honey and the other ladies around he somehow restrained himself-for now.

“Is this all of them?” Twilight asked Raditz.

“No...it’s not.” He whispered back with some concern in his voice. “The worst three of the group and one other is still missing. Tarble, Nappa, Turles, and Prince Vegeta. Tarble should be a pushover, even more so than the minions. The others not so much. And when Vegeta shows up, don’t let his size fool you, he is the worst of the lot, the most powerful, skilled, and cruel. Even for Saiyan standards.”

“Well thank goodness those Brutes aren’t here yet then-” Rarity started to say only to be interrupted by a certain bald Saiyan.

“Yeahhh we are~!” Nappa said while he and Vegeta ffloated down to the gigantic tree branch below them, with Tarble’s pod floating nearby. “Hi.” Nappa greeted the assembled fighters with a mug grin. behind him Tarble jumped out of his pod and hesitantly followed as his pod then flew back the the main ship.

“How thoughtful. Both the Crusher Corps and the locals were kind enough to wait for us!” Vegeta added in with a smirk and crossed arms as they landed on the tree branch below. The Crusher Corps slowly backed away to give their ruler and his right hand some personal space. "And here I thought we'd miss the massacre!"

Krillin shuddered in a mixture of fear, tension and excitement as he balled up his fists. “Whoa! This is really happening!” he exclaimed.

“Can you feel those power levels!?" Fluttershy asked as she took a hesitant step back. "They’re even stronger than Garlic Jr.!”

Kid Gohan trembled in fear, but the Ox King, Piccolo, ChiChi, and Goku kept their stern faces of determination.

“Easy shug… easy. We can do this.” A knowing but stern Applejack comforted the frightened Fluttershy, Gohan, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, and Krillin, the others seemed much less frightened and more determined. Piccolo decided to take point and walk up with Rainbow Dash in tow, the others lined up and faced off against their opponents.

Pinkie on the other hand… seemed to be more distracted by her surroundings. “Y’know, it’s almost too bad you guys didn’t plant the tree later this year, it would’ve made one heck of a Hearth's Warming Tree!”

Vegeta blinked in confusion. “The fuck is Hearth's Warming?!”

Pinkie gave him a smile. “Basically my world’s version of Christmas.”

Vegeta’s eye twitched, now even more confused. “The fuck is Christmas?!”

“Does she mean Frieza Day?” Nappa chimed in. [3]

“For the 100th time Nappa, THAT’S NOT A REAL HOLIDAY!!” The prince snapped before taking a deep breath and adapting his smug demeanor once more. “So...we meet at last!” Vegeta said with a knowing smirk as Nappa chuckled, “Well, well, well! The lower-class disappointment survived after all! And brought a few friends to die alongside him!” He added as he glaring down at a growling Raditz... and turning his attention to Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “Not sure where you managed to find more Saiyans, let along ones who'd be stupid enough to side with you... but no matter. As the others shall soon see, we could grow soldiers just as strong as you!”

Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash gritted their teeth at this comment, but stood their ground.

“Ohhh, I suppose this is the initial "face-off phase"? Where we engage in petty mind games before finally going at it?” Pinkie casually asked as she exhaled steam from the holes all over her body. "Yeah ok! Hey Raditz, got a report for that?"

"Indeed I do..." Raditz replied back as he took a few steps forward. “Greetings… ’Prince’, I see you and ‘Commander’ Nappa are as charming as you’ve always been.” He scoffed, sarcasm dripping off of every word. "...about as charming as snake vomit, that is... but think for a second that all I've done is twiddle my thumbs while you and your group of misfit minions took their sweet time getting here. As you can see, I have a team of my own, ready to take you down... for good!"

“As much as I'd love to hear more of this riveting conversation..." Rainbow Dash interrupted, not bothering to hide her impatient tone. "I'd like to skip to the part where we cave their faces in! Right Piccolo?"

"Indeed, let's see if they can live up to the stories you’ve told us, Raditz.” Piccolo smirked as he removed his Turban and weighted shoulder pads and tossed them off the branch and threw them to the Earth below. Pinkie and Gohan followed suit and threw their shoulder pads off as well, after a few brief seconds several loud thuds could be heard from the Earth below. 'Good, their training is kicking in. I just hope it holds... especially Gohan.' Piccolo thought to himself. 'Knowing Goku, his weighted Gi will get damaged enough in the fight, so making him throw it off right now would be a moot point. Plus, that fool has always been the sort to not make things ‘too easy’ on himself....' The Namekian then continued. “As the future ruler of this world I’m telling you only once, leave this world now. This is your first and last chance to get out of this alive.”

Both the heroes and villains shot Piccolo with an angered look, not that the Namekian cared.

“That voice... I see... so you are one of the beings that fought alongside Raditz against that Garlic Jr. fellow over a year ago.” Vegeta replied with a bit of amusement in his voice.

“And a Namekian, no less...” Tarble whispered to himself, more intrigued by his presence than intimidated.... that privilege belonged to Spike. 'But why the heck is a member of Lord Frieza's race was here of all places? Judging by the reading on his scouter, he was nowhere near as powerful as him? Maybe he's a lower ranking Arcosian who wants the planet to himself?'

“Hmmm, a genuine Namekian AND an Arcosian, on this backwater planet of all places!” Nappa added with barely-restrained excitement. “Between these two, the traitor, his baby brother, the half-breed runt, the other traitor Saiyans, and the locals, this might actually be FUN Vegeta!”

“Once upon a time that comment might’ve shocked me...." Piccolo replied in a neutral tone. "My father forgot where he came from ages ago, but Raditz here has caught me up to speed. It was quite a shock to find out I’m more of a hybrid between a plant and a slug than an actual demon at first, but I got over it-”

“But why is your form humanoid?” Gohan asked.

“And why did you say you ate a fish as a kid if you are capable of photosynthesis?" A curious Twilight added. "Are you like a Pitcher Plant or Venus Fly Trap?”

“Not now you two nerds!” Piccolo hissed at them in annoyance.

“Heh... nerds.” The bald Saiyan chuckled. “Good one. Almost makes me sad we'll have to kill you... almost.”

“I also know from your voice that you have a connection to the Dragonballs! Now tell us, where are they!” Vegeta threatened with a knowing grin as he pointed at them.

“But no one knows where they are!” Krillin told them. “After they’re used they remain inactive for about a year!”

“Don’t lie to me, baldly!” Vegeta growled at Krillin as the bald human, Yajirobe, and Fluttershy ‘eeped’ in terror. “It’s been over a year and I heard about that fancy radar of yours!” He snapped before regaining his composure. “I have to admit, I’m impressed by the technology your backwater world has to be honest. I may have to take some of your scientists and engineers alive to be inducted into the Freeza Corps.”

“We know they’re here.” Nappa added as he tightened up his fist in front of him with a knowing smirk. “We’ll find them with or without you. And if you want to live a little longer you’ll lead us to them!”

“That’s all well and good, but this is my world not yours, we’re not here to meet your demands! We’re here... to fight! So if you think we’re going to bow to you, you’re sadly mistaken, o mighty prince!” Piccolo told them with a mocking grin, the Namekian then got into his fighting stance. The rest of the assembled Z-Warriors got into fighting stances in turn. Pinkie, Yamcha, and Yajirobe drew their swords, ChiChi her fan, Gohan chose to draw his staff, and Ok King his axe.

“Hmph, it looks like they all have a death wish Nappa!” Vegeta growled.

“You wanna bet!? All right! Let’s see how powerful you lowlifes really are!” Nappa grumbled in turn as he tapped his Scouter. “Let’s see-the ladies range from 500 to about a thousand, except the Pink, blue and purple ones. The Pink One is about seventeen-hundred, the blue one is about sixteen-hundred and the Purple one is about fourteen-hundred. The Arcosian is barely over thirteen-hundred. The kid is at about fourteen-hundred also. The Namekian isn't an even thousand and the native Earthlings seem to range between about 500 to twelve-hundred. The two brothers are also at about a thousand. Do these fools really think they can beat us with such puny power levels!?”

“Nappa, don’t you understand!? Remove your Scouter!” Vegeta commanded, shocking the rest of his team.

“Wha!?” Nappa asked in confusion.

“These locals have figured out how to lower and raise their energy levels somehow. The readings are worthless. They’re pretty much an over-glorified fashion accessory.” Vegeta added as he dropped his scouter.[4]

“Heh...you’re right! Good call!” Nappa agreed after having a good chuckle at the two spiky-haired saiyans as he removed his own Scouter. “Makes sense, that loser Raditz probably got fooled by them earlier!” as Nappa pointed and chuckled mockingly.

"I'll teach you to not look down on me!!" Raditz growled angrily as he balled up his fists.

“Easy Raditz... easy.” Fluttershy tried to comfort the Saiyan.

“Yeah, besides... I’m pretty sure some dumbass that looks like Shadow the Hedgehog wouldn't know anything about dressing in awesomeness or style.” [5] Rainbow Dash mocked with crossed arms and a smirk as Vegeta growled at her in annoyance. Rarity (after looking at the blue Saiyan with her jaw agape for a brief second) just smiled at Rainbow Dash having seen that she wasn’t a total luddite when it came to having some degree of fashion sense.

“Nappa....” Vegeta growled. “Get out those new Saibamen... NOW."

As Nappa got out the vial containing the seeds and a vial of liquid, Vegeta’s Scouter went off.

Vegeta grumbled at the inconvenience, got down on one knee and put it back on.

“Shug... why aren’t we fighting them while they’re distracted?” Applejack asked Raditz.

“Rrrgghhh... can’t you sense how powerful their power levels are!?” He growled back. “If you want to make the first move, then be my guest!”

Applejack got back into her fighting stance, unwilling to admit publicly that her own fear his holding her in place. She suspected that is was a mixture of fear in some and others who were foolish enough to want to fight these guys at full power that presently held the group in place. These Saiyans and their gang of aliens made the Timberwolves she was used to fighting back home look like mere child’s play. While they fought tougher foes on Equestria (mainly Nightmare Moon, Sombra, “Chrissie,” Tirek, and Discord), her and the other Elements still haven’t been able to figure out how to tap into the abilities they had before they gave up their jewels to the Tree of Harmony. 'If only we had our old Element powers, me and the girls could've probably stopped them by now! Heck, we still ain’t figured out how we unlocked those "Rainbow Forms" to defeat Tirek back in Equestria!' She thought to herself, nervously gritting her teeth.

While Twilight had used the knowledge she acquired while as a human to aid the others the best she could, but even she was at a loss to figure it out out how to solve this riddle wrapped up in an enigma which in turn was wrapped up in a mystery. The closest they got so far was Trunks figuring out they gave each other and their allies a passive boost of some sort when they fought together as a group.

As if they were all… linked...somehow.... [6]

Applejack was brought out of her thoughts upon hearing a beeping sound coming from the Saiyan's comm link.

“What is it Turles!?” Vegeta barked in annoyance.

“Lord Vegeta, could you hold off on the fight for a moment?” The voice on the comms replied. “I had Gure get some fruit for me. I tried them on Nappa’s ‘pet’ and the results were surprising, even better than expected. I think we should give them a test run on the Saibamen. I think you will be more than pleased with how they will turn out.”

“Tch! Fine, but hurry! Vegeta out!” The haughty Prince growled as he turned the communicator off. “Nappa, go on and plant the Saibamen! I’m sure they’ll do the job and convince these backwoods primitives to talk! Hopefully they’ll be fully grown by the time Turles gets here!”

“Heh heh heh... I think they can arrange that.” Nappa chuckled as he slammed his fist into the bark below him and started planting the seeds, several corrupt vines practically swallowing them up. “Hmmm...Gure cultivated about two dozen in total of these of various color seeds. This should be a good crop.” Nappa added as he poured the vial of green liquid on top of the seeds before the hole was covered up by more vines

“Heh heh heh heh heh... yes. Ever since we were very young we’ve had to separate the wheat from the chaff.” Vegeta chuckled cruelly and smirked in agreement. [7]

“Are they planting those Saibamen you warned us about?” Yamcha asked Raditz.

“Yes... yes they are.” Raditz told them. “Remember to especially be on the lookout for that special attack, they’ll use it as a last ditch desperation move if they are cornered or are out of options.”

Yamcha frowned and nodded in agreement.

And it was as he just finished his warning that the ground started to break and a group of horrific things crawled upwards and forth from the massive branches...

“Where’s Nick!?” A panicking rabbit in a police uniform yelled as she ran down the Hallway and zoomed past Bulma, who was hurriedly walking to yet another meeting in her attempts to better coordinate the mess that was a result of the recent destruction of the Saiyans.

“Ahh!” Bulma yelled out as they nearly crashed into each other, but the quick and agile bunny barely skimmed around her as she continued to zoom down the hallway.

“Ma’am... are you here for Officer Wylde and Kankashi? I can take you to them if you’ll just give me a moment-!” A nurse exclaimed as she quickly walked towards her and tried to calm down. Bulma would like to help her, but she had to make hard choices, and she had to prioritize trying to cut down on the red tape and bureaucracy that was killing the lives it was supposed to save and hope that the slap-dash assembled staff would be able to put out the bazillion proverbial brush fires she couldn’t get to. Sometimes one had to be cruel in order to be kind-such as when Piccolo and Raditz trained Gohan.

She tiredly sighed as she looked down upon the floor under her heeled shoes. She needed just a brief second to breathe and recompose her lost and straying thoughts. How long could she keep this up? She’d been running on a mixture of tobacco, caffeine, and the occasional shot of booze for about half a day now and she was concerned she would eventually crash from a combination of running on empty and sheer nerves. Just then there was yet another rumbling of the ground.

The Rabbit’s training kicked in as she rushed a nearby civilian to a nearby open door frame and told her to brace herself. It was then a root came up through the cracked tile floor and a worker in a NBC suit rushed up and gave it a quick spray of herbicide, only for another NBC suit wearing worker to show up with a chainsaw. The one with the chainsaw was covered in dust. Another NBC worker, this one a janitor, rushed over with a mop bucket to clean up the mess the herbicide and chainsaw would make from removing the roots and debris.

“They’re getting worse.” Bulma said to herself, thinking about her friends.“YGuys... we’re depending on you. Don’t let us down. Please... the Earth is at stake...” She then shook her head and started to continue her walk to yet another meeting. Maybe she was finally losing it, she’s talking to herself for crying out loud!

“Remember the plan! This lady seems to be looking for biological samples from this planet, right?” Oolong whispered to Puar from a nearby bush as they saw Gure gently put a live butterfly into glass vial. “She is a lady, right?”

Puar just shrugged his shoulders in confusion. After they both nodded at each other, then two poofs of clouds formed around each other, as they changed their forms. It was then that Gure started to walk up to the bush while trying to pick some berries off of it. As she did so, she heard a meowing and barking noise.

“Oh...what’s this?” She asked.

It was then that a blueish house-cat and a peach-colored dog walked out into the field, giving her the most heart-melting "innocent woodland creature" look they could muster up for good measure.

“Aww... how cute, what are your names?”

“Woof woof!” Replied the dog.

“Meow!” In turn replied the cat.

“I’m sorry. I don’t understand your language.” Gure replied before gesaturing to the ship. “Why don't you little ones come with me? It’s not safe out here. Maybe I can convince Prince Vegeta to spare you two.... but if I can’t, you’ll need to hide in my lab, ok? This planet... it isn’t safe anymore.” Gure frowned, sadness evident in her voice. She then resignedly sighed and started the walk back to the ship with her samples and the “dog” and “house cat” in tow, following her from behind....

The group could only watch in terror as various creatures crawled out of the various vines covering them and started to stretch and clean themselves off. They all had bulbous heads and an exoskeleton. They were an odd mix of humanoid, plant, and plant. The Majority were green, some were bigger than others and the bigger ones also had bits of rock plating on them as a sort of bio-armor. Some were red, some were blue, some were pink, and some were black. But the most intimidating of all were the unusually blue and bulky ones, they were even bigger than the ones with the stone armor.

And then there was one that stood out more than the others, judging by it's overall appearance and demeanor it seemed to be much more intelligent than it's more animalistic brethren. It had yellow horns, most of its body was a darker green tone, it wore a dark red cape similar to Piccolo's and the natural armor it wore was crimson in color. However unlike the others, this one had human-like hands with five fingers and his feet were black with three lime-green claws.

And then to the surprise of everyone... it spoke.

“Form up you saplings!” It barked out. "The Saibaking commands it!"

As the Saibamen formed up in a straight line in front of him and got down on one knee, the entity in the cape then barked out.“Saiba Rangers! Front and Center!”

Even Vegeta, Nappa, Tarble and the Crusher Corps seemed more than a bit taken aback by this unexpected development by the looks of shock, awe, and the bulging eyes and dropped jaws on their faces.

"Th-they can talk?!" Tarble gawked, voicing everyone's thoughts. "How!? Saibamen never talk!"

It was then that one red, one blue, one green, one yellow, and one pink Saibaman walked forth. As they lined up, some music from nowhere started to play…

“Hrrraggghhh! I’m Squash!” Barked out the yellow Saibaman as it stomped it’s foot into the branch under it and raised up a fist in front of his face.

“Hyaagghh! I am Eggplant!” The blue one yelled as he did a leg split and threw forward a straight punch.

“Ki-yah! Behold! The powerful Yam!” Yelled out the pink one as it did a high kick and then held it in place.

“Ah-ki-kiii! I’m Lieutenant Cayenne!” Bellowed the red one as he threw a series of chain punches and then got into a fighting stance.

“And I’mmm... Cap’n Wasabi!” Yelled out the Green one as he stood up straight and did a salute.

"And to-ge-ther we-are-a-force-to-be-reckoned-with!" They all yelled in unison while striking their own poses. "WE ARE... THE SAIBA TOKUSENTAI!!”

And then out of nowhere a series of explosions formed behind them and some rose petals flew by on a breeze in front of them.

Back in the Time Nest’s Library...

“WHAT!?” The Time Kai gasped in shock. “How did they get the Saiba Tokusentai and the Saibaking!? The Special Force Team was made by Gero and the Saibaking came about during a multiversal tournament! And both of those were in alternate timelines!”

Trunks growled in anger as sweat started to form on his forehead. “It must be the Time Breakers! They’re the only ones that could pull this off!”

“Hmm... refresh my memory, how bad were the Saiba Tokusentai and this Saibaking?” The Elder Kai asked.

“Well, they were relatively weak…" The Time Kai began. "...but only in comparison to the Z-Fighters after the incident on Namek! But for them to come in this early in the timeline…”

“They’re a much bigger threat, I understand....” Finished the Elder Kai as he put his hand under his chin and looked down upon the scroll on the table. “Let’s just hope the Equestrian Patrollers can pull this off. I know you had some very choice words with them earlier about letting time travel out of the bag before Trunks first encountered the Z-Warriors. Still, they had their hearts in the right place. But even then, HFIL’s roads are paved with good intentions and such.”

“C’mon Twi! I know you and your friends can do this!” Trunks yelled out as he looked upon the calm before fight that was about to start on in the scroll in front of them.

The Majority of the present assembled fighters, Crusher Corps,the remaining Saibamen (including the "King" himself), Time Patrollers, and Team Z just looked on in collective shock at the display as big sweat drops formed on the back of their collective heads.....

...except for Lakasei and Rasin, who simultaneously put their hands under their chins and pondered the forms of the stances (as if judging them).

Cacao simply made multiple beeping noises while his eyes lit up and flashed as he scanned them.

Nappa, (a temporarily non-Pinkamena) Pinkie Pie, and Spike clapped and cheered at the entertaining show.

And Prince Vegeta was holding one of his hands up to rub the upper ridge of his nose in the area right below his widow-peaked forehead.

“Good lord, it’s the Ginyu Tokusentai, Cooler’s Armored Squad, and the Twilight Twins all over again....." He grumbled as he tried to rub his hurting nasal ridge. "I swear the entire damn Galaxy is pulling a big horrid cosmic prank on me....”

“Oh...my.” Fluttershy nervously whispered at the odd sight.

“I do admit, some of them are...eccentric, but hopefully their improved strength, speed, and intelligence will help make up for it." Then someone spoke from above him, getting everyone's attention. "I did say Gure cultivated a special batch just for you after all.” Then the caped saiyan floated down next to Vegeta and Nappa and looked upon the Z-Fighters and Mane Seven with a shit-eating smirk that was almost as smug as Vegeta’s. They then gasped in shock as they saw the Saiyan was the spitting image of Goku.

"He looks... just like dad..." Gohan whispered.

"Yeah... the resemblance is just uncanny...."Rainbow Dash shivered as he observed the cold, cruel look on his face... it was made all the more unnerving that he had the exact same facial pattern as her friend. 'Is this what Goku would've turned out like if he'd never hit his head?'

"Uh, Raditz...." Goku began, turning his attention to his elder brother. "Are you one-hundred percent sure I don't have a second sibling you never told me about?"

"Trust me, there's no relation." Raditz muttered.

“I see you are shocked at my similarity of my appearance to Kakarot. Well, it makes sense, really.” Turles continued as he quickly used his scouter to examine Goku. “Yes, this Scouter confirms it. While we're not close relatives, we do share a common bloodline due to both of us being from the same class of Saiyans....'

"So... their similar appearance is the result of shared genetic heritage.....” Twilight whispered to herself.

“Well well well... if it isn’t my old friend, Turles.” Raditz growled.

“It's been a while Raditz. You know, isn’t too late for you and your kin to return to the fold... I’ll even spare your blood kin, In-Laws, and the others and allow them to join the Crusher Corps if they surrender now.” Turles offered as he put forth an open hand of “friendship". “Unlike the Prince, I see some potential in you, your brother and nephew. Join us. See the galaxy, blow up planets for fun and profit, have your name feared across the galaxy. What do you say?” The Prince merely harrumphed in annoyance at this act of “mercy” despite the practicality and logic of the offer.

'Please... just take the offer...' Tarble thought to himself, worried for their sakes. 'You don't know what they're capable of!'

Rainbow Dash and Twilight shared a look before glaring at the Saiyan. "Does the phrase "Go suck a lemon" hold any meaning for ya?" [8] Rainbow scoffed, outright insulted by the offer.

"Sorry, but we make it a rule not to partner up with anyone who's an evil version of our friend... or, you know, psychotic." [9] Twilight added, crossing her arms.

"Thanks girls, I'll take it from here..." Goku said as he stepped forward and angrily yelled. “For starters, my name is not Kakarot, it’s Son Goku! Earth is my home, and I won’t let you get away with what you've done to it for all the power in the universe!”

Turtles could only shake his head in disappointment. "Such a to lose a Saiyan, especially when they turn out as weak and kind-hearted as you four..." He sighed before turning his attention to Raditz, who'd remained silent. "And what of you, Raditz?"

“You left me for dead! So you've sealed your own fate... old friend.” Raditz growled.

“Well, so did you once upon a time... but I was willing to let bygone be bygones. I see that you won’t.” Turles growled in anger. “Oh well. So be it then...old friend.”

Irritated that things were going nowhere fast, Vegeta finally spoke. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Most of the Saibamen are as strong or stronger than Raditz! That’s right! Raditz was such a weakling we could grow our own Raditzes!”

“I’ve been training for this day Vegeta. Before this day is over, this low-class warrior will be making you eat those words…Prince. Raditz threatened the Saiyan Elite.

“Fool. You sealed your own fate.” Vegeta growled at him. “Turles, give our freshly-cultivated Saibamen the fruit and let them have some fun with this commoner trash, will you?”

“Of course, Prince Vegeta.” The caped Saiyan bowed as he tossed the Saibamen some fruit from the tree and they started to eat.

“Someone’s got to stop them from eating!” Raditz yelled out as he charged a ki-blast in each hand. “DOUBLE SUNDAE!!!” he shouted as he fired his ki blasts at the group of Saibamen. Only for Nappa and Turles rush down in front of him and deflect both shots.

“Tsk...tsk, that’s very rude! Interrupting our little experiment!” Turles scolded. “Very well, if you insist on getting serious…” he continued as he removed his cape and tossed it aside, which landed with a loud “thud.”

“Ah! So you train with weighted clothing too!” Goku exclaimed, “Well, if you’re going to take the kids gloves off…!” Goku continued as he removed his weighted top.

As this was going on however, a purple aura started to form around the Saibamen, their eyes began to glow in the same purple hue and they bulked up in muscle mass and overall size. Vegeta scanned them as they started to grow. “Hmm...impressive. Your experiments just might pay off Turles!”

“Why thank you!” Turles accepted with a smile and a bow. “Now. My good Nappa, I think we should step aside and let our Saibamen test out their new strength and power Show no restraint or mercy upon them Saibamen! I want to see what these beings are capable of!”

“Go, my boys! Go make daddy proud!” Nappa sniffled with tears of liquid pride and a smile as he flew off with Turles.

The Saibaking then made a flourish with his robe, pointed at the Time Patrollers and Z-Warriors and yelled. “Burn them to cinders! And then reduce those cinders to atoms! For the glory of the Crusher and Frieza Corps! THIS I COMMAND!!” [10] It was then that the Saibamen charged forward and then flew, leapt, and ran around the assembled band of heroes, occasionally destroying the odd piece of large stone and titanic branch in the process.

“They’re moving so fast! I can’t see them!” Gohan exclaimed.

“Remember your training! Try to detect their ki!” Goku told his son.

“Right!” Gohan acknowledged. “Wait...I can make them out...just barely, they’re so...blurry-!”

“It’s over for you! TOU!” Yam exclaimed as he appeared out of nowhere and kicked Gohan away from the others, he was then followed up by another of the Green Saibamen forming a giant crack in the middle of his cranium from which shot out a geyser of liquid.

“Ahh!” Gohan exclaimed in terror as he put his hands in front of him to block the liquid.

It was then that Pinkie jumped in front of him and took the blunt of the attack. "AAAAAGGGHHH!!" She yelled in terror and pain as parts of her body dissolved and melted away and fell upon the branch they were fighting upon in goopy chunks! It was acid! “Does anyone realize how much that STINGS!?” Pinkie fumed as her body slowly started to regenerate. She quickly died several ki blasts down towards the two Saibamen before turning her newly regenerated face back to Gohan. “Gohan! Get a move on! Find your parents! Now!”

“Right!” Gohan nodded and agreed as he ran off to find his parents.

“A good start. Yes, a very good start indeed!” The Saibaking smiled as it crossed it arms.

“Face the might of the Leftenant and Cap’n!” Cayenne exclaimed as he and Wasabi engaged Goku in hand to hand.

'Oh jeez, I’m getting pressured. I need to get myself some breathing room!' Goku thought to himself.

“Father! DODGE!” Gohan yelled out as he as he drew it out bo staff and aimed it at his opponent. “Power Pole! Extend!” He yelled out just as his father darted backwards.

“Power wha-OOF!” Wasabi exclaimed as he and Cayenne were knocked off their feet by a sweep of the extended power pole.

"Nice shot son!" Goku smiled, giving him a thumbs-up. Gohan simply gave him one in return before flying off the assist his family and friends.

“Hrrraggghhh!” The Ox King yelled out as he swung his axe at one large green armored Saibamen and one large blue one. “These guys are tough!”

“Yeah, a real bunch-of-of bruisers! They must be the muscle-woah-of the group!” Master Roshi in turn agreed as he blocked off blows with his walking stick. “Give me some space! I need to bulk up!”

“You got it!” The Ox King nodded as he charged the two brutish Saibamen in an attempt to bowl them over, only for them to push back with twice as much force.

“Hrrrrrrr...yaaaggghhh!” Muten Roshi exclaimed as he grew in size and muscle mass.

“Hang on, Grandpa!” Gohan exclaimed as he jumped onto the back of one of the armored Saibamen and attempted to pierce it’s armor with his sword, sadly it didn't seem to have any effect as the beast grunted at him in annoyance and tossed him off.

“Hang on! I got you!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she flew up behind him and caught him.

“Thanks Flutters!” Gohan exclaimed with a chuckle and a relieved smile.

Fluttershy simply smiled at him before turning her attention back to the Ox King, ho was trying his hardest to hold their enemies back. 'As much as I dislike fighting... this has to end now!' She thought to herself before flying down with Gohan to assist him.

Raditz and ChiChi were back-to-back with each other. Having spent over a year planning and training together, they both gotten a better feel for each other’s fighting styles.

“Keep your eye on the birdie!” Raditz shouted as he fired several ki blasts at some smaller and blue Saibamen that charged him. “Is this how you insult us Vegeta!? You send the petty scraps from the bottom of your barrel at me!?”

“Don’t...give him...ideas!” Chi-Chi growled at him as she blew away some yellow and brown Saibamen with her fan as they tried to attempt to dogpile them.

Raditz just smirked in grim satisfaction at the annoyance his Sister-In-Law felt as his goading of their opponents.
It was then that they saw a Black Saibamen being tossed down from above into part of the surrounding mob to give them breathing room, Spike floated down next to them, flourishing his tail. "Don’t worry guys, I’m here!” Spike exclaimed as he smacked away an attacking Saibaman with his tail.

“It’s good to see you Spike!" Raditz said as he elbowed a charging Saibaman. "I just wish your relatives were as cooperative as you!” He smirked as he tossed another Saibaman that was grappling him into another band of charging Saibamen.

"Ice Field!” Spike exclaimed before letting loose blast of ice upon several of the Saibaman, freezing them solid. "Cover me!" He shouted before flying over his frozen opponents while a few others fortunate enough to dodge tried to stop him.

"With pleasure!" Chi-Chi shouted as she leaped onto Raditz's shoulder and performed a spinning kick o the left Saibamen's face while Raditz proceeded to blast the one on the right, shattering some of the frozen Saibamen in the process.

“Eee! How did you get a sword!” Yajirobe screamed in terror as he was approached by a Black Saibamen that held what looked like an organic and chitinous blade. “Awww c’mon! There’s no need to be like that!” Yajirobe pleaded. “I mean, my roommate is very good at growing plants and I’m sure he knows where you can get some good fertliz-AAAHHHH!!!”

It was then that the Black Saibaman was sent flying away by a rocket-propelled grenade that crashed into its side and dragged it away with it.

“Thanks Launch!” Yajirobe yelled with a wave. “Wait...she fired a grenade at me! You crazy bitch! What's wrong with you-!?”

However, Launch was too busy digging around in the sacks loaded onto her bike for her to bother with him. She’d give Yajirobe a good whap on the head for cursing at her later... the ingrate. He would’ve been able to handle the explosion if it went off, like most of the Z-Fighters, she just hoped she could find that special kit Raditz found in his pod (that he forgot to use against Garlic Jr.) and that it wasn’t too old and that it still worked.

“I guess it’s time for me to get Raditz’s ‘Plan B.’ Let’s see... Yamcha’s spare baseball bats...AK-47 rounds, 12-gauge rounds, surplus pineapple grenades! Roshi's magazine-EW! No...no...no...ah! Dere’ it is!” Launch exclaimed as she dug various items out of one of her bags untill she found a metal box, after placing it carefully on the ground she slowly started to open the latches.

“Dis better work, Raditz.” She growled as she took some bottles out of the box.

“Dodon-paaa!!!” Chiaotzu, Twilight, and Tien yelled in unison as they pointed towards their foes and fired ki upon them. Around them was a small collection of knocked out, dead, and still standing green, red, and blue and pink Saibamen.

“Not sure...how much longer I can do this!” Chiaotzu exclaimed.

“They just keep...coming!” Tien replied between deep breaths.

“C’mon! We can do this...we’re finally starting to even up the number disadvantage!” Twilight growled through gritted teeth.

Elsewhere upon the tree, a injured Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash lurched over and panted in great fatigue and pain, a grey Saibaman that was also injured stumbled towards them...eager to take its prey down.

“Dis one’s...a bit tougher...than...the others.” AJ panted.

“Yeah...kinda...kinda...noticed.” Dash agreed.

"Well then, while it seem a bit uncouth, we'll just have to hit harder, won't we?" Rarity gasped before holding out her right hand and creating a purple blade of energy sound her arm, the started at her elbow and was twice as long as her arm. "Now take this! Energy Blade!" She shouted before charging forth as fast as she could, the Saibamen barely had time to dodged her strike, clutching the gaping wound one its right side with one of it’s claws as it screeched in pain.

"NOW APPLEJACK!" Rarity shouted before getting out of range.

“Got it!” Applejack nodded. “Spirit Ball!” She yelled as she threw a ball of ki and mentally directed it to fly around the Saibaman, striking it multiple times until the creature couldn't even stand properly. "You're up Dash!"

"Right!" The Cyan Saiyan shouted as she charged two blue energy spheres in both her hands before combining them together into one "Buster Cannon!" She shouted as she fired the energy wave at the opponent, mailing him in the chest and sending the Saibaman flying off the ledge they were upon and sent screeching towards the ground below.

“Ha haa... y-yeah... take that you-oh, there go my organs…” Applejack grunted as she fell over, exhausted from bombarding the creature with the Tri-Beam too many times.

“Applejack!” Rainbow Dash and Rarity exclaimed as they floated over towards her friend. Rarity quickly put her ear up the human’s mouth and checked her neck for a pulse.

"Is she-"

"She's hanging on, but just barely." Rarity said in a worried tone.

It was then however, that they heard a familiar voice....

“Girls, hang on!” Krillin shouted at them as he flew down towards them from above. “Oh man! I hope I’m not too late.” He then grabbed a pouch from his belt and drew out three familiar beans.

"Oh thank the Kais!" Rainbow sighed as Krillin tossed her one and proceeded to hand two to Rarity.

“Stay with me AJ...” Rarity whispered as she popped one of the beans into her mouth. “Stay awake now, eat!” She continued as she gave her a light smack on the cheek. Thankfully Applejack had enough energy left in her to stay awake and eat, swallowing her own bean.

"Whew, that was close..." Applejack gasped as she sat up. 'Mental note, plant some of these on the farm after I get home...' She thought to herself, watching as Rarity and Rainbow Dash ate their own beans. "Thanks for the assist Krillin." She smiled at the monk.

Krillin simply blushed. "Hehehe... no problem!"

“Of all the people I had to get stuck with…” Piccolo growled as he picked up a green Saibaman by the wrist and threw it towards Yamcha.

“Hey! I’m not that bad!” Yamcha yelled as he charged the Saibaman flying towards him. “Wolf Fang Fist!” The former bandit called out as he performed his famous move, unleashing a rapid combo swift strikes, tearing away at the creatures' skin before then finishing it off with a double palm strike, launching his opponent into a rock wall. "HA! Beat that!"

“No... but you’re... not that good... either!” Piccolo growled as he traded blows witha red Saibaman. “You’re cocky, careless, sloppy, and you have a bad habit of underestimate your foes while overestimating yourself!”

“What do you mean by that!?” Yamcha growled at him as he punched out another Saibaman.

“What I mean is… YAMCHA LOOK OUT!” Piccolo yelled in surprise as he glanced behind the martial artist.

“Huh?” Yamcha said in surprise and slight confusion as a slightly injured and very enraged green Saibaman leapt out from behind a nearby branch, flew up into the air briefly and then dived towards Yamcha in an attempt to grapple onto him....

Uh-oh! looks like Yamcha is in a bit of trouble! Perhaps Piccolo was onto something when it came to Yamcha being more than a bit careless! How many of the Saibamen are down? How many of them are still standing? And there’s still the Saibaking, his Tokusentai, and Vegeta and his Crusher Corps! And what have Launch, Bulma, Oolong, and Chiaotzu been up to during this time? Find out all this and more next time oooon… MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!

Next time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse-things are heating up at the Saibamen start showing more of their secret techniques and powers! And there’s still the Crusher Corps! Even now the Z-Fighters and Equestrian Patrollers seem more than a little banged up from this fight! But... do they to have a few tricks up their sleeves they have yet to show? And, will it be enough to win the day and save the world? Find out next time onnn...MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!

Author's Note:

[1]: Reference to what the Z-Fighters are called in Japan. Team Dragon or the Dragon Gang.
[2]: ST: TNG reference.
[3]: Christmas Tree of Might.
[4]: Weekly Tube Show reference.
[5]: Pre-G4 Rainbow Dash.
[6]: FighterZ reference.
[7]: Reference to the European Portugese Dub of Dragonball Z.
[8]: Reference to TMNT (1987) when Shredder made a "join me" offer to the Turtles.
[9]: Reference to Spectacular Spider-Man where the Green Goblin make a "join me" offer to Spidey.
[10]: Serpentor reference.

(And before anyone asks, yes the Saiba Rangers are a thing,)