• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

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Chapter 10: The Saiyan Invasion Begins! Rise of The Tree of Might!

Last time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse, Pinkie Pie and Bulma arrived at Kami’s Lookout with the Dragonballs. However, all did not go as planned! For a mysterious woman with blue skin, pointed ears, and nice… *ahem* assets attempted to delay Goku's trip down Snake Way. However, several members of the Equestrian Patrol moved in, just in time to stop her minions, the Haru-Shun Duo and a mysterious Masked Time Breaker from interrupting his return. After a rough fight, the intruders were ordered to fall back by their still unnamed leader. After a reunion mixed with tension and cheer, Goku announced that they had to use what little time they had left to instruct his friends in a mysterious technique called Kaioken! Just what is it? And will it be enough to defeat the coming invaders? Find out next on My Little Pony: Xenoverse!

Chapter 10: The Saiyan Invasion Begins! The Rise of The Tree of Might!

Age 762:

In the vast desert, several massive roots and vines burst out of the ground, completely overtaking the landscape, any nearby trees or animals unfortunate enough to be in its range were either crushed or completely drained of their life-force.

On the battlefield below, Goku and Raditz both gasped in pain as they struggled to stand, despite him being covered in several cuts, bruises, and lacking his tail. Behind them were the bodies of their comrades and old friends; the Z-Warriors. Each of them having given their all in the battle to protect the Earth, but in the end fell to the invading forces.

Standing before them with a air of superiority were the Crusher Corps, each one surrounded by a dark aura as they hovered over the battered and beaten Saiyan brothers. Their own Saiyan commander; Vegeta, stood atop one of the trees roots alongside Turles, Nappa, Onio, and a devastated looking Tarble, all five of them holding a red spherical fruit covered with spikes.

Vegeta smirked as he summoned a ball of Ki from his hand and threw it up into the air, once it was high enough it expanded and shined brightly, each of the Saiyans took a large bite out of the fruit just as the transformation began, with the youngest one shedding a single tear...

The two brothers could only watch in horror they grew in size, growing hair all over their bodies, and their teeth becoming fangs.

Soon five Great Apes, covered in their own dark auras, towered over them both.

The group let out a massive roar before expelling several beams at the weakened Saiyans, annihilating them in one shot...

“Wow, this is really bad!” Trunks exclaimed as he examined the scroll.

“Yes.” The Supreme Kai of Time agreed. “The Z Fighters were barely able to stand toe-to-toe with Nappa, Vegeta, and their Saibamen in the default timeline, but dealing with them, the Crusher Corps, and several others, along with them consuming the fruit of the Tree of Might-!” The Time Kai took a deep breath as she nervously curled a bang of her hair on the side of her head with a free hand.

“Yes… this is quite the pickle, isn’t it? First day on the job and we’re all ready in the thick of it, eh? Figures....” Mused a new voice, the two turned to see the Elder Kai walking up to them. "And yes, before you ask, I finished reading the Equestrian scrolls you gave me. I do admit, they are unusually powerful for beings from such a pacifistic species. Even the ‘militant’ pegasi are a bit tame compared the sort of enemies we have to deal with. They sort of remind me of the Yardrats in a sense..." He continued to ponder as he put a finger to his chin and looked up at the ceiling. “That being said, even counting all those nasty creatures they have to constantly deal with, are you sure they'll be up to the task? This whole situation seems a little... out of their element....”

"Shenron choose these specific girls for a reason." The Time Kai replied firmly. "I have the utmost faith that they're up to the task."

"Even so..." The Elder Kai mused. “We’ll need to keep an eye on Twilight’s Team during this mission, and hope they succeed.”

“And if they don’t?” Trunks asked, not hiding the uncertainty evident in his voice.

“If they don’t, well…” The Time Kai sighed. “I may have to take more extreme measures…”

“Y-You don’t mean them... do you!?” The Elder Kai exclaimed nervously.

“Only if Twi and the others can’t pull it off.” The Time Kai added. “But… desperate times do call for desperate measures. Still, let’s hope we don't need to get them. After all, when those two go to war, the cure is often worse than the disease itself...”

Back on Earth, it was a lovely spring day at the newly built orphanage. The children were gathering up at various supplies to go outside for the annual viewing of the Cherry Blossoms. While the adults were busy gathering up the proverbial herd of cats, Pigero was talking to Gohan while the Z Warriors and the Equestrian Patrollers were helping with chores and getting ready for the Festival to come.

“Wow, did you really poke a Sabertooth cat in the face!?” Pigero asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, I’m just glad mom wasn’t around to see me do it! She’d flip out and ground me for life!” Gohan chuckled.

“You know… those two seem to have hit it off very well. Despite his… checkered past, he doesn’t seem that bad a kid. He was just trying to feed his friends.” Chi-Chi told Goku in a near whisper as she saw the two young boys laugh at each other. “He just needs better influences in his life. You know, we do have a tad bit of financial issues between Gohan and his new pet, but the robot is helping to keep our expenses down…”

However, it was then that Chi-Chi was interrupted by Pinkie barging out of the orphanage with a tall stack of bento boxes in her hands. “Alright kids! Line up and come get your lunches!” Pinkie cheered with a big smile. Upon hearing this, the kids rushed towards her and practically mobbed her, each one trying to get one of the lunch kits. “Ha haha~! Easy guys! I've got plenty more in the back!” Pinkie chuckled aloud.

“It’s good to see Pinkie actually happy again.” Twilight said as she took a sip of ice cold lemonade.

“Yeah, she was in a bit of a rough spot fer a while... maybe more so than th’ rest of us...." Applejack replied as she took a sip from a carton of apple juice before continuing. "She kind of had to carry the burden for th’ various things she’s done. That’s not good fer anypony...." 'Although I’ve been more than guilty of that mahself.' She added mentally.

It was then that they heard a clattering noise and turned to see Raditz, who had a look of genuine fear on his face, an expression that he rarely ever displayed. His can of Kirin Ichiban then splattered onto the parking lot asphalt below. The ‘tinking’ of the aluminum can hitting the parking lot and the ‘gurgling’ noise of the beer pouring out was the only thing breaking the silence of that brief moment in time that felt like an eternity.

“They’re here…” Raditz muttered. “We need to get going… NOW.”

“I can sense them too…” Piccolo added. “So many powerful signatures coming from multiple people! All in one spot! Even from so far away... it’s enormous!”

“Don’t worry, me and my staff will take care of the kids, you guys get going! And, be careful.” Bulma said as her hired hands and robots went about running the festivities and cleaning up the mess Raditz made.

“We will. Keep an eye out for us on the TV and Baba’s Crystal Ball will ya?” Goku said with an overconfident smirk and nod as he and the other warriors, soldiers, and martial artists went off to prepare in the brief calm before the coming storm….

Twilight and Applejack shared a look, this was going to be big.... bigger than their encounter with Garlic Jr...

Meanwhile, the infamous Ship of the Crusher Corps hovered in Earth’s orbit. Aboard said ship, Vegeta, Nappa, and Turles were finalizing their plans for the invasion of Earth. “Ah, what a pretty blue pearl amongst the three dozen or so planets left that are suitable for colonization.” Vegeta half-mocked with a smirk as he looked down upon the Earth, now being shown on the large screen at the front of the ship’s bridge.

"Still hard to believe this is the only one in this solar system that can sustain life... it’s almost a shame we’ll have to destroy it with the Tree considering how few planets there are in such prime condition.” Nappa added in a cocky tone. “Lord Frieza could probably make a mint on this. Supply and demand and such.”

Vegeta nodded and continued. “Turles, launch the probe. See if we can find a good spot to plant the Tree of Might, I think Nappa and I will go warm up our personal pods and look around a bit too. It’ll take more than a fair bit of time to find an ideal spot for either the tree or for our main attack ship to land.” He demanded as he got up from his throne and made his way past the rest of the crew who were all standing at attention. “Keep us updated on the probe, and I in turn will update you on what we find. Have the crew armored up and ready for the invasion. I want you all ready to plant that tree and attack whatever forces they have on this mudball of a planet the instant the main ship lands. Everyone is to be ready to attack for this. Including Nappa’s new ‘pet’ and you too Tarble.” Vegeta glared angrily at his weedy disappointment of a brother, who in turn gulped nervously as his wife hid behind him. “Leave your runt of a wife behind, she wouldn't even make a good meat-shield.”

“Erm… Prince Vegeta? What am I supposed to wear?” Honey asked innocently. “I mean, I still have my body suit, but my armor kind of got trashed during Frieza's last campaign, and I never got a new one.”

“I see.” Vegeta grumbled in irritation. “Turles, do we still have that spare armor we stole from that one Galactic Patrolman we roughed up for supplies? What was his name… Taco… Paco?”

“I think it was Jaco or something along those lines.” Turles in turn added. “And yes, we do. Should only take a few minutes to grab.”

“There ya go! Give her that suit.” Vegeta answered. “Now if you don’t mind, Nappa and I have a planet to explore.”

“Understood Prince Vegeta.” Turles acquiesced with a bow of his head as Vegeta and Nappa then walked off the bridge.

“Well, this is it, isn’t it?” Nappa said as they walked up to their pods.

“Yes it is. And you can stop asking me ‘are we there yet’ now.” Vegeta growled as the hallway door that connected the bridge to the hangar closed behind them.

“I swear, you have no sense of humor at times.” Nappa bemoaned Vegeta.

“I do… it’s just more advanced than yours.” Vegeta mocked back as he entered his pod.

“Bah, whatever! I just hope you’ll let me catch some of the locals! Like that ‘pokemon’ show that was blaring out on their signals on the way up to their planet.”

“Nappa, you already have a pet! We can’t take every stray you find on every planet we conquer or destroy!” Vegeta fumed at him as his pod shut closed.

“Still, it had a catchy theme song. Am I right?” Nappa stated. “I mean, the lyrics are kinda similar to your goals. About being the very best… like no one ever was?”

“Rrrrrh! Fine! It has a catchy tune. Now zip it already!” Vegeta angrily relented as the pods warmed up for release from the ship and entry into Earth’s Atmosphere.

Meanwhile, back upon the Earth, while Vegeta and Nappa were still getting their personal pods ready for landing...

It was a quiet day in the forests upon the outskirts of South City. However, that quiet was broken by the roar of engines overhead. The birds, deer, and other animals fled upon hearing the roaring of the engines coming closer and closer. Overhead flew Yamcha’s personal Aerocar. This time he used a more sporty model than his PT Cruiser; a classic 80’s era Ferrari Testarossa with a Hot 80’s Pink paint job. Flying alongside the car were the rest of the Z-Warriors and Elements of Harmony who were arranged around him in a loose arrowhead formation. Puar, Oolong, and a very uncomfortable Ox King were inside the four-door model with Yamcha. Chi-Chi flew on Nimbus, Roshi road atop spinning tortoise that spewed flames out of where his legs, tail, and head should be, while the rest of the Z-Fighters and Time Patrollers were using their own ki-based abilities to fly.

“Where’s Yajirobe again?” Pinkie asked Piccolo as they were flying around looking for the invaders. “We may need his Senzu Beans during the fight.”

“He and Korin are making last minute preparations on them.” Piccolo added. “Goku sent Launch to go check up on them. Yajirobe said Kami would teleport them to the battlefield when they were ready.... that or Launch would just drag him here. Either way he’ll get here.”

“I just hope he’s not chickening out!” Rainbow Dash growled in irritation. “He’s not exactly the bravest guy in our bunch. Despite his skill, even Oolong and Puar show more courage than him at times!”

“They’ll be here. They both will. They know we’re counting on them.” Goku replied as they continued to fly over the horizon. “They haven’t let us down before, I don’t think they will now.”

“I wish I had your degree of confidence in him. Launch, sure...in spite of her issues. Him...not so much.” Rainbow Dash answered in turn.

It was then that they saw an object zoom across the sky and crash somewhere beyond the horizon, leaving a large flash of light and a booming explosion. Yamcha brought his car screeching to a near halt and the other stopped in its tracks. The assembled warriors covered their eyes in pain from the bright flash.

“Jeez! What in the hay was that!?” Applejack shouted.

“Hmmm… nothing is showing on my scanner… and I don’t sense any Ki.” Raditz replied as he pressed a few buttons on his repaired scanner. “It might be a Scout Robot…. it shouldn’t be much of a challenge for us, but we need to destroy it quickly to keep the enemy in the dark as much as possible. We need to keep them guessing as much as we can as to the power and composition of our force.”

Piccolo, Goku, and the others nodded in agreement. “You heard the man! We got a robot to hunt!” Piccolo yelled out as he and the others flew towards where they saw the explosion mere moments ago.

“Not the most glorious of jobs, but rest assured, it’ll be scrap by the time we’re done!” Rainbow Dash smirked as she pounded one of her fists into her other open hand.

Meanwhile, deeper in the forest was a giant smoking crater, various animals had slowly creeped up to it, sniffing in curiosity, however they all let out shrieks of terror and quickly fled for their lives as a series of metallic spidery legs reached out of the smoking crater. Those legs lifted up a metallic sphere with a crimson lens in the middle of it and various antennae sticking out of the top, the mechanical entity walked into the forest, it’s mission was simple… find a suitable site for the main ship to land and plant the seed. However, it failed to notice that it left behind a few embers on the outskirts of the crash site, and said embers then proceeded to set a loose pile of leaves alight...

Gohan flew alongside with Pinkie, Raditz, and Piccolo while the others split up and went looking for the Probe in other directions, it was while they were flying that Piccolo’s ears started to twitch ever so slightly. He put his hand up to motion for everyone to stop. “Hold on, I think... I think I hear something.” He stated as the others came to a screeching halt. “You got any of those... twitches, Pinkie?” He asked, he was not calling it ”Pinkie-Sense”.

“I do have a pinchy knee and my tentacle-hair feels a bit off…” She admitted as she scratched her head. “But I’m not sure if it’s that icky probe… or something else.”

Raditz looked around at the ground below while he pressed some buttons on his scanner. “I think I’m picking up a signal.” He replied as he looked around. “Aha! Found it! Let’s hurry before it gets away!” He stated as he flew towards the ground with the others following in pursuit.

The probe was going about it’s business, scanning the trees, the ground, and other organic and inorganic objects while it searched for an ideal place for the tree to be planted. It was then that it heard some sort of whooshing from behind and above it. It barely had time to turn its bulbous head around and get a quick look at the source of the noise when one of them fired a ki blast at it.

“MASENKOOOO!!!” Gohan yelled as he fired a ki blast toward the robot, blowing it to bits.

After this happened, Raditz pressed a button on his scanner and replied. “Raditz here. Yeah, the target has been neutralized. Unfortunately, I think the Crusher Corps know we’re here now. Do I know for certain? No… but I think the odds are really high. Yeah, round up the others and return to our meeting point we agreed upon. And tell Bulma back at Capsule Corp. to turn on that experimental jammer she’s been working on as soon as we’re gathered back together. Stat. Raditz out.”

“All right group, we need to hurry up. I don’t know how much time we have before the Crusher Corps comes a-knockin’!” Raditz barked at the others.

Pinkie and Gohan nodded in agreement, while Piccolo looked on in annoyance and with his arms crossed at being ordered around. After this brief moment, the group flew past the treeline into the blue sky above.

As Raditz suspected, Gohan was indeed too late to prevent the robot from forwarding a quick image to the main ship, along with a split second scan. Turles looked at the scan with fascination, along with the rest of the Crusher Corps. “Send the picture and the scan information forward to Vegeta’s and Nappa’s individual pods.” Turles replied as he sat in the command throne with the others standing around him.

“Sir, we can’t reach them, we’re getting some sort of interference.” Amond in turn answered as he pressed some buttons on a nearby console.

“Great.” Turles grumbled as he got up and went over and handed a small Tablet over to Tarble, “Warm up your pod, track your brother and Nappa down, and give this to them. And inform them that our suspicions have been confirmed. That boy from the earlier footage is indeed Kakarot's child. Also, it has a proposal for what I have planned for the little crumb snatcher. It’s for his eyes only. No one else. You got that?”

“I...I understand, Sir.” he curtly nodded as he rushed off.

“Husband...here...you’ll need this.” Gure in turn told her husband as she rushed after him and handed him a vial with some beads in them and another vial with some sort of liquid in it. It’s the special batch your older brother wanted me to work on.”

“Right, thank you deary. Be safe.” Tarble said with some degree of sadness as he quickly bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips before he ran off again.

“You too.” She replied with some degree of sadness as she saw her husband run off.....

Meanwhile, back at the forest…

“Well, we better get Ready!” Raditz told the others as he tightened one of his fists while giving his personal finger-less gauntlet a last minute check and fit check. “It’s going to be us or them!”

“Bulma, is everything okay back at Capsule Corp?” Twi asked on her personal scanner.

“Yeah, I’m just going back and forth between checking our personal security systems, the jammer, Baba’s Ball, and our TV. So far, all I’ve seen is a passing report on a ‘meteor crash’ near South City. I’m assuming it’s referring to the probe you guys were chasing around.”

“Right, and-” The lavender Saiyan began until she saw Pinkie bouncing up and down in place. 'Uh-oh...' “....I’m gonna have to call you back.” She told her as she hung up and rushed off to check on the Pink Majin. “Pinkie, what’s going on!?” Twilight asked her as her friend continued to bounce up and down in place uncontrollably.

“Twitchy twitch! Twitchy Twitch!” Pinkie yelled in near panic, “Bouncing up and down! Flappy head tentacles! Both pinchy knees! Pinchy elbows! Steam coming out of head holes!” She gasped, listing out as the various things happened to her body.

“Are they here!?” Twilight asked aloud. “Is this a ‘doozy!?’”

“I-it-it’s a ‘doozy!’” The Majin sputtered out. “But it’s not that doozy!”

“Then what is it!?” Twilight asked as she tried to hold Pinkie in place.

“Did... someone set up a campfire?” Goku asked, “I mean, I would like a meal. But still!”

Everyone shook their heads no and/or said “no” in turn.

“Then, why do I smell burning firewood…. and bacon... and pork sausage-?” Goku started to ask only to be interrupted by Oolong running past them in complete panic, his rear covered in flames.

“AHHH!! My bacon is burning!” He yelled in pain and terror.

“Oh no! The forest!” Fluttershy yelled in shock as she looked off to see the nearby trees burning, “That probe must’ve started a fire when it crash landed here!”

“Fluttershy! Oolong!” Twilight fussed at her over her slightly misplaced priorities as Spike rushed after Oolong and zapped his flaming porcine posterior with a ice beam.

“Eep!” Fluttershy exclaimed in embarrassment.

“Fluttershy! You take care of Oolong with the medkit in the car! We need to save the beans we’ve gathered up for the past year and the caps for later! The rest of us will try to put out this fire!” Twilight ordered to the group.

“I’m on it! Oh, you poor dear…” Fluttershy replied as she floated towards the sports car's rather small trunk while carrying Oolong on her shoulder.

“Say, are you taken by chance?” An injured Oolong asked Fluttershy, hoping the sympathy card might pay off... only to yell in pain later as Fluttershy slapped him, for she heard about the large collection of “wives” he used to have in his personal mansion back in the day.

“Why did I forget our Bansho Fan!?” Chi-Chi exclaimed as she used her beam to cut down some trees in an attempt to deny the forest fire some fuel while her father chopped down another tree.

“If only... we could go get it in a quick manner!” Spike in turn exclaimed as he fired one of his ice beams at the oncoming flames.

“Oh, silly me!” Pinkie exclaimed in near-embarrassment as she slapped her forehead with one of her hands. “I’m on it!” The Pink Majin then reaced into her poofy tentacle hair and started digging around. "Let's see… a Chaos Emerald… no, that’s not it... an empty PokeBall? How’d that get in there?” She continued to search until she pulled out a familiar animal. “Wait, Gummy?! What are you doing here!? Go back to our dimension you big silly-billy!” She giggled as she put him back. “Now let’s see…, Buster Sword, nah, Digivice, nope, Keyblade, na-ah…. AHA, here it is!” Pinkie smiled as she pulled out fan. “Is this what you’re looking for?”

“Yes, thank you!” Chi-Chi exclaimed as she grabbed the fan and ran towards the raging flames. "Dad! Gimme a boost!" Chi-Chi shouted. Her father nodded in response and held out his hand, his daughter leaped onto his palm, allowing him to hurl her high up into the air. The Princess of Fire Mountain gave the fan a mighty swing, letting loose several powerful gusts of wind that snuffed out the great fire. “Well... that should... take care of the fire.” Chi-Chi huffed as she landed back on the ground and sheathed the fan into her waist sash.

“Yes... but all of these poor animals... where will they go now?” Fluttershy sniffled with teary eyes as she knelt down on one knee and picked up a white fluffy bunny, it reminded her so much of Angel back home...

“Well, we can use the Dragonballs to undo this. It’d be a waste of a wish if you ask me…” Piccolo started to say, only to see everyone (except Raditz) eyeball him angrily, including Fluttershy who was dangerously close to giving him "the stare". “BUT, it can still be done nonetheless!” Piccolo exclaimed in a near panic.

“But still, we need to make sure this world survives first, or the wish will be wasted. Defeat the invaders first. Wish afterwards.” Raditz added to save his sometimes partner in crime.

“I guess... I guess you have a point.” Fluttershy admitted with great sadness. “Sorry, little bunny, you will have to wait a bit longer. Don’t worry, we’ll make you a new home eventually, I promise.” She continued as she put the rabbit down, gently patted it on the head, and got back up. “Let’s go find these Saiyans... they will pay for their carelessness.” Fluttershy angrily stated as she wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes.

Meanwhile, over in Kameari Park in Katsushika Ward of Orange Star City…

It was just another day in Orange Star City (despite being a Sunday[1]), as people and other sentient beings were off either working on business or just enjoying their time off from work before the start of the work week, just another typical weekend in another typical metropolis.

“Daddy, I’m hungry... can we eat now?” Asked a little girl who was walking down the street with his father.

The father looked at his watch. It was 11:53 AM. “Well, it is nearly lunchtime. I suppose we could start a bit early and see how bad the early crowds are-.”

It was then that this typical Sunday was interrupted by the arrival of a couple of strange spherical and metallic objects. The young girl whimpered in fear and grabbed onto her dad as the objects zoomed overhead, both blasting through an apartment complex and crashing into the middle of a four-lane street. People, animals and bots fled in terror as the as the two large orb-like objects came crashing into the earth below, causing a loud explosion sending debris flying everywhere, left in its wake was scattered chunks of metal, plastic, rubber, and other detritus around two large smoking craters. After the locals thought it was somewhat safe, some of them started to walk up to the craters, only to see that the objects that caused them were intact-not a single scratch or scuff mark on either of them! It was then some cops showed up and shooed them away.

“All right, get back! We’re not sure if it’s safe yet! Someone send in a call to the Koban to contact the Governor and the JSDF! See if we can get some troops, tanks, and planes over here! Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not meant for public eyes! I just hope it’s one of ours...whatever it is.” Barked out Officer Ryotsu Kankichi as he got off of his personal bike.

“Oh great, here comes the press!” Grumbled a nearby fox-like cop as a news van drove up to the perimeter.

“I swear, we don’t have time for this mess! It’s only 11:54 in the morning and I was about to get off for lunch break before this mess started!” Officer Kankichi started to complain.

“Yeah, it rains all around, bud. In case you forgot I just had an argument with my girlfriend Judy last night-[2]” The fox in a shirt and tie started to counter back when the pods’ hatches opened with a “hiss” and some air came streaming out from within.

It was then that Vegeta and Nappa slowly started to stand up and step out of their pods.

“Hey! I hope you guys know that parking in the middle of the street is illegal! And that you’re looking at some very heavy fines and a LOT of jail time for vandalism, destroying public property, noise complaints, and disturbing the peace, among other charges!” Kankichi yelled as Vegeta and Nappa started to float up from their craters.

“Uhhh... I think we got bigger problems right now than booking them with charges.” The canine detective with red fur replied back to him. “I don’t even think they’re from around here... and they look like pretty rough customers.” He then turned his attention to the cops gathering behind them. “Get those civilians back...NOW!”

“Heh, look at that Vegeta! More locals from yet another planet! I bet these are those ‘humans’ we’ve heard so much about!” Nappa told his Prince with a smirk that could send shivers down the spine of even the most jaded and toughened of Earthlings.

Right afterwards a smirking and cross-armed Vegeta and Nappa landed onto the roadway right in front of the craters. “So, you want me to take care of these yapping pests?” Nappa asked Vegeta.

“Be my guest.” Vegeta replied.

“Gr-greetings!” Nick the fox detective nervously said with a shaky hand wave, “Uhh...are you guys from outer-?”

It was then that Nappa pointed his first and second finger up into the sky and the entire neighborhood was engulfed in a bright light...

It was then that she entire collection if Z Fighters and Equestrians stopped what they were doing and gasped in sheer terror, having sensed what had just happened.

“W-w-what was THAT!?” Fluttershy exclaimed in sheer terror.

“It... it was as if millions of voices cried out in agony and anguish... and then were suddenly silenced!” Tien answered in a grimace.

“The invasion... had begun.” Raditz slowly realized in a mix of anger and horror. “We got to get a move on! We don’t have much time!”

“He’s right,” Piccolo added. “We can use the Dragonballs to bring back those people, but we've got to stop these Saiyans first.”

“You heard Piccolo and Raditz, let’s get a move on!” Goku agreed, the others nodded before gathering up their supplies into their vehicles and prepared to take off.

Back with the Saiyan duo, Nappa and Vegeta floated above the massive crater of what was once a prominent neighborhood of Orange Star City. What was once a sprawling metropolis of humanity, robots, and other animal-like sapient life was now a flattened ruin of brown dirt and stone. There was the odd piece of a partially standing light and electric posts, and the bits and pieces of still standing segments of parts of buildings here and there, but it was now mostly flatland... as far as the eye could see. On the remains of some of the buildings and larger rocks were blackened outlines of people and other lifeforms stuck in mid-motion of what they were doing prior to death. Charred remains of macabre art that showed what those persons had done in the final split-seconds of their lives...

“Hahhaa! Do you think I was trying too hard to impress them Vegeta?” Nappa laughed maliciously as he looked upon his handiwork.

“There isn’t ANYONE left to impress, Nappa!” Vegeta grumbled before smaking him upside the head “And for the love of Beerus think before you act! What if one of the Dragonballs were down there!? You may have just destroyed our chance at immortality!”

“But Vegeta! You gave me permission to-!”

It was then that they were interrupted by an arrival of another descending pod that came to a quick halt and hovered right in front of them, the hatch opened up to reveal Tarble. “Erm... big bro-uhh I mean...Prince Vegeta. My wife made you some new Saibamen samples and Turles wanted me to hand this document over to you... f-for your eyes only. He would’ve called you in person, but someone is trying to jam our comms. We were lucky to get what intel we could from the scout bot before the jammers kicked in.” Tarble nervously explained as he handed Vegeta the two new vials and the Tablet, trying his best to not to pay attention to the city ruins.

“Grrr, figures the locals would try to avoid making things too easy for us! Nappa, here, take this.” Vegeta gruffly replied as he handed over the vials to his bodyguard and started to read the tablet.... before scowling and handing it back to his brother. “Tell Turles he has my go ahead. But that half-breed is going to be his responsibility. If the weakling turns out to be a waste of time, it’s going to be on his head...got it?”

“I-I... I'll give him your reply Prince Vegeta. May...may I go now?”

“Yes...go. We have other things to do right now other than babysit you.” Vegeta growled at him as he shooed him away with his hand.

“I...I understand.” Tarble sadly told him as he bowed his head, closed his pod, and flew off.

“All right... now let’s go find Karate!” Nappa replied with a smile as they watched Tarble’s Pod fly off.

“It’s Kakarot you damn moron!” Vegeta growled in frustration as he rubbed his temples in frustration.

Meanwhile, back at Kami’s Tower...

Launch, Kami, Yajirobe, and even Popo gasped in shock as they saw the distant mushroom cloud and felt the massive loss of life as a great multitude of ki signatures were snuffed out. Kami fell down on one knee from the shock, desperately trying to prop himself up on his staff.

“Hang in there old timer... you've still have a few good years left in you.” Mr. Popo comforted Kami as he tried to help him back to his feet.

“Dere…’ere!” Launch growled out as she tightened her fists in anger after the initial shock wore off. “‘ey, Yajirobe! Youze got those beans ready or not!?”

“Uhhh... yeah, I do.” Yajirobe stammered as he held up the bag. “B-but I just realized I left the stove on downstairs and Puar’s taking a nap-!”

“No excuses! Youze comin’ with me, ya mook!” Launch yelled at him as she quickly grabbed his small bag of beans, stuffed them in one of the pockets on her Daisy Duke shorts before dragging Yajirobe off to her nearby hover-bike, which was heavily loaded with guns, rockets, and other sorts of other serious explosives and dakka stored in various satchels and bags tied onto it.

“EEEEE!! N-No! Please! I’m too young to dieeee!!” Yajirobe wailed as he fought to break himself free from the determined madwoman.

Meanwhile, the Crusher Corps landed their main ship near a canyon carved by the river, having found the ideal site for planting the seed. The area was not far from the forest their probe burned down. In an ironic twist, the burnt plant and animal matter helped to enrich the soil even further for their tree.

“Ah yes! This place is perfect for growing the Tree of Might, Master Turles!” Amond exclaimed as he walked down the ship’s ramp and observed the canyon river before him. Following him was Turles, the rest of the Crusher Corps, Tarble, Onio, and Honey. The assembled group walked up to a cliff face and looked down at the river bank below, with Turles merely nodding at Amond and Daiz his approval.

“It is time to plant... the tree!” Amond proclaimed.

A breeze blew by and picked up a wisp of dust in the moment of pregnant pause, stillness, and silence.

“Of Might.” Amond added.

Another awkward moment went by.

“The Tree of Might!” Amond then answered.

“Daiz, quit messing around with him and throw the infernal seed down there will you?” Turles growled at Daiz in annoyance.

“All right, all right dude, chill!” Daiz responded in turn, trying to get some heat off of him after his little prank. He then dug into a bag he had tied to his belt, pulling out the seed and flippantly flipping it into the ravine below, as if he was doing a coin toss for the start of a outdoors sporting event.

Turles smirked as he watched the seed fall into the ravine . “Excellent, with the combined power of the Tree of Might and the Dragonballs, even Lord Frieza himself won't be able to stop us!”

Meanwhile, the Z-Warriors and the Defenders of Equestria were closing in upon the invaders, both hopeful and fearful about the events to come. Yamcha zoomed through the skies of Earth in his personal sports hovercar, carrying Puar, Oolong, and the Ox King. Roshi was flying behind them on his spinning turtle, Chi-Chi on Nimbus, and the other Z-Fighters and Equestrian Time Patrollers propelled themselves through the sky with their own ki. They were flying towards the most recent spike of ki, they part-hoped and part-dreaded that this would be the final lead they would need to track down the invasion force.

Launch and Yajirobe flew up to them on her personal hover-bike. “Weez got da goods!” She told the assembled martial artists as she flew alongside them and quickly held up a bag before she put it back in her short shorts pocket. Yajirobe was clinging tightly to her and closed his eyes; his fear stopping from looking look down below.

“Good, the rest of them have been given to Fluttershy! She... uh, doesn’t want to tell us how she’s carrying them, but she’s ensured us she has them.” Twi yelled back.

“Somethin’ tells me I don’t want t’ kn-” Launch started to say, only for the world to change into a blinding flash of light, flying metal, and loud explosions.

“INCOMING!!!” Rainbow Dash barely had time to yell out as she quickly flew away from the barrage of ki blasts, all of the assembled fighters were busy dodging, blocking, striking, shooting (in the case of Launch), and blasting pieces of debris away. Rainbow Dash herself was able to recovering fast enough to dodge the debris due to her superior speed and maneuverability, in a mere split second she had realized that the explosion came from Yamcha’s Car and that it was hurtling towards Earth! At near Sonic Rainboom speeds she darted towards the car, put herself in front of it and tried to slow it down. She yelled and strained as she tried to stop both herself and the hunk of metal from crashing into the ground below. And yet, she could barely slow it down. While she knew she, and possibly Yamcha, could survive the collision, she wasn’t so sure about the Ox King, Puar, and Oolong. Not to mention even if they survived the crash, they'd have to use the senzu beans they were saving to patch them up!

Just when she thought she was going to be pancaked flat between the ground and the burnt hunk of metal, the car came to a complete halt. It was then that she looked around, only to see Applejack right next to her pushing against the fender and Spike at the back of the car. Spike had wrapped his tail around one of the rudders in the back and was straining hard to keep the car from crashing to the ground. After the three of them slowly brought the car to the ground, they struggled a bit to rip the roof off and tenderly remove the passengers from within. After removing them from the car, Fluttershy, Yajirobe, and Launch proceeded to give the injured passengers some Senzu Beans.

“Great, we’re down several beans and the fight hasn’t even begun yet!” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she looked into the surrounding burnt treeline; cautious of more enemy attacks.

“This is a problem, but there is a reason we’ve been storing this stuff up for over a year.” Twilight Sparkle added.

“I’m... going... to kill... whoever...trashed my car!” Yamcha struggled to speak as he was propped up on a nearby rock.

“Not now... just eat.” Launch replied as she put a senzu bean up to his mouth.

“Yeah, just be grateful you an’ the others are gonna be ok.” Applejack replied. “For the time being anyway.” she added as she nervously looked around.

“You holding up OK, dad?” Chi-Chi concernedly asked the Ox King as he ate a Senzu Bean.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine Chi-Chi.” the Ox King comforted her as he slowly got up. “These clothes are probably not going to see the end of this fight though. So, that’s less laundry for us, even if we have to buy some new ones, sorry sweetie.”

“Dad... you’re okay. That’s the main thing, don’t worry about it, okay?” Chi-Chi said through teary eyes as she hugged him, her father simply nodded in agreement with a knowing smile.

Meanwhile, Twilight gathered together with Rainbow Dash, Goku, Raditz, and Piccolo to discuss what to do next. “I know this is a bit of an oxymoron, but I think it’s safe to say that we’re getting close to the enemy.”

“Well duh.” Rainbow Dash agreed with rolled eyes and a bit of snark. “But the million bit or zenni question is where are they exactly?”

“Maybe they’re hanging out at the really, really, really, REALLY, big tree over there!” Pinkie yelled out as she pointed to a mountainous tree climbing skywards from a river canyon in the distance.

“What the heck is that thing!?” Goku exclaimed as the rest of the group looked at it in shock. "Raditz, you worked with these guys, care to fill us in?"

“I... I was afraid of this.” Raditz answered. “This must be that Tree of Might Turles kept talking about! He... he actually planted that thing!”

“The sheer amount of magic and ki I can sense from it... it’s incredible!” Twilight exclaimed. “I can feel it draining away the very nutrients from the surrounding soil and the very ki from the surrounding life forms. And it’s nowhere near even being ‘half-full’ yet! If this keeps up the Earth could very well be turned into a lifeless desert!”

“Then we’ll just have to stop it from happening! Who’s with me!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in an attempt to fire the group up.

“The harming of the wildlife and the land stops... NOW!” Fluttershy stated firmly, brimming with determination.

“A lot of good farmers would be out of business and folks would starve if we run out of water and the soil becomes poor. Ahm in.” Applejack agreed.

“These brutes need to be taught some manners!” Rarity in turn answered.

“This situation calls for extreme measures... Pinkie Pie Style!” Pinkie added to the conversation.

“The magic they’ve infused this tree with is a very dark sort. I haven’t felt the like since fighting Sombra or Tirek. For the sake of the people of this world it must be stopped.” Twilight said after a split second of pondering the new information they had.

“I think it’s safe to say that I speak for the other members of my family. We’ve gone too far to stop now! As long as we have breath, there’s a means to win this!” Goku replied, with the rest of his family nodding in agreement, including a smirking Raditz.

“I’m glad to see that some of the old Saiyan fire is still in you, brother.” Raditz complimented Goku as he gave him a pat on the shoulder, Goku just chuckled and gave his older brother a smile.

“I think I can also safely speak for the rest of your friends, we’re with you, Goku and Twi.” Master Roshi said with a nod. The rest of the Z-Fighters nodded in agreement. Yajirobe, Puar, and Oolong all nervously ‘ulped’ while nodding and quite possibly signing their proverbial death warrant.

“You’re my best bud, Goku. I’m not going to leave you high and dry now!” Krillin added with a big toothy grin.

“I’m going to make those punks pay for ruining my car... and the Earth!” Yamcha growled angrily as he balled up his fists.

“Once I considered taking over the world for myself... nowadays... I don’t know any more.” Piccolo started to say. “But I do know this, no matter where I came from, Earth is my home now, and I’m not letting anyone destroy it without a fight!” He then did a dramatic flourish with his cape and crossed his arms. “We may not exactly be friends, but we do have a common enemy. I will join you on this endeavor.”

“Well, now that we got this somewhat redundant but morale boosting reaffirming of our earlier agreement out of the way; let’s quit wasting any more time and go stop that tree and the invaders that planted it!” Twilight concluded with a nod as she flew off towards it in a manner that was unusually brash for her. The others, impressed by this unusual show of bravado, proceeded to fly off after her.

Minutes Later at the edge of the river canyon that held the Tree of Might.

The assembled Z-Warriors and Equestrian Patrollers landed in a somewhat stretched out line at the edge of the canyon and faced the mountainous tree.

“So... what do we do now darlings?” Rarity asked as she looked at the others.

“Well, we could try to shoot at the base of the root system with a combined ki attack…” Twilight started to say; only to be interrupted by a certain Pink Majin.

“Or we could ask it to leave!” Pinkie said aloud in her usual obliviously cheerful manner.

“Uh... Pinkie... this isn’t like the Tree our Elements came from.” Twilight started to reply. “The Tree may be magical, but-”

“HEY TREE!” Pinkie yelled at it while looking upwards. “If you don’t leave now, we’re gonna beat you up!” [3]

“Uh Pinkie... I'm pretty sure the tree can't talk-” Goku tried to add to the conversation only to be interrupted by more of Pinkie’s silly threatening.

“You’re a bad tree! A very bad tree! You’re draining the Earth of the energy the life here needs to survive! You don’t do stuff like that!” She continued to yell. [4]

Piccolo could only growled in annoyance while Raditz facepalmed at her antics.

“Oh, youze mooks assume that we care! Why don’t you come up here and make us!” Said a rough and bass voice with a bowrey drouge.

“Wut in tarnation!?” Applejack exclaimed as the others (again, except for Pinkie) looked up in shock in from whence the voice came-higher up in the tree.

“You know what? Buck it. I’m too buckin’ tired and frustrated mentally to analyze this stuff right now.” Twilight said in annoyance as she flew up to where the voice came from. The others flew up in tow, not certain what awaited for them. All except for a certain Raditz, that dreaded and knew that voice, and was anxious for what was to come.

At long last! After over a year of training the hour has come! It is up to the Z-Fighters, the Elements of Harmony, and a certain dragon turned Arcosian to stop the alien invaders! But can they pull it off? Can they destroy the Tree of Might, let alone undo the damage? Find out all this and more, next time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse!”

Next time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse,” the wait is over! Vegeta and his Crusher Corps goes head to head with the Z-Warriors and their allies in the Equestrian Time Patrol! Watch as the fate of the world unfurls during the upcoming battle! Will the year they spent training be enough? Or is the enemy still too strong for them? And what new tricks and techniques do both sides have up their sleeves (at least among those that have sleeves!)? Find out all this and more next time oooon…”MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!”

Next Time…

Earth's Decisive Battle! Crusher Corps vs Z-Warriors!

Author's Note:

[1]: Joke referring to the Saban English Dub.
[2]: A reference to a somewhat controversial pro-life fan comic made about Zootopia that has become a joke/meme on the net.
[3]: Reference to TFS Tree of Might.
[4]: Reference to Alternate Reality Dragon Ball Z (ARDBZ)