• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 13: Earth's Decisive Battle! Crusher Corps vs Z-Warriors! (Part 3)

Last time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse” it seemed as if the Dragon Gang and Time Patrollers were up against the ropes, but they still had an Ace up their sleeve! It was at this time that they decided to start using the technique of the Kaioken! It was just enough to help them turn the tide of battle and defeat most of the Saibamen. However, the Saibaking and his Tokusentai still remain.

And what of Vegeta and his Crusher Corps? What plans have yet to be unveiled regarding them, the Earth, and the Tree of Might? Find out next on MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!

Chapter 13: Earth's Decisive Battle! Crusher Corps vs Z-Warriors! (Part 3)

“Incoming guys!!” Twilight yelled out as she, the Time Patrollers, and the Dragon Gang all got into their respective fighting stances, ready for the next fight to come.

The defenders of Earth grouped up and got into their respective fighting stances as the Saiba Tokusentai charged forth. However their leader: the Saibaking, merely walked forward, fury and determination burning in his eyes. “You will all pay for what you've done to my loyal troopers…” He growled to himself as he slowly stormed towards the fray.

“SQUASH FRYER!” Squash yelled out as he leapt up into the air, putting his hands in front of him and firing out a golden beam of ki.

“KAIOKEN!” Goku, Krillin and Gohan yelled out in unison as they were enveloped in a red aura as they prepaired to fired off the famous Turtle School attack. "KAMEHAMEHAAA!!!"

“Bringit on!” Squash yelled out as his eyes and body glowed purple as his own beam clashed with his opponents'. "I’ll take on… all of you!" And amazingly enough... it seemed he was winning the beam struggle as his own beam slowly inched towards the three martial artists. "This is payback!" The Yellow Saibamen yelled at them. “Payback for all the-ARGGHH!” He stopped mid-sentence as he hit in the back by a bolt of lighting. Upon glancing over his shoulder he could see an electrical attack being fired by the buff and enlarged body of Master Roshi-his cane lying nearby as he used both hands for the technique.

Due to the stun, shock, and pain the technique caused, Squash was frozen in mid-air, barely able move as the beams closed in upon him. “NO! It can’t-!” Squash barely managed to get out as he was engulfed and consumed by multiple beams of the Kamehameha.

“NO!! Squash!” Eggplant yelled out in shock and horror. “You’ll pay for killing my friend… you… you bastards!” Eggplant growled, glaring daggers at his opponent.

“Uhhh... can we, erm... talk this over?” Yajirobe nervously stammered. “I-I mean! You did invade us, and-!”

“EGGPLANT PARMESAN!” The Saibaman yelled out before expelling a light purple beam from his mouth.

“EEAARRGGHHHH!!” Yajirobe screamed, desperately attempting to block it with his sword... only to realize he hadn’t been struck.

In front of him stood a badly burnt and battle damaged Ox King, breathing heavily as he fell on one knee.

“Daddy!” Chi-chi yelled out, rushing to her father's side while Pinkie leaped infront of them both, her own blade now drawn.

“Rgh... I’m gonna feel that one in the morning... if the Earth... and I... last that long!” The Ox King panted, coughing in pain as he struggled to stand.

“Chichi! You and Yajirobe get your pa out of here and give him a Senzu Bean! I got this!” Pinkie growled, staring down the Saibaman. Chi-Chi and Yajirobe simply nodded as the put themselves under the Ox King’s Mammoth arms and drag-carried him away.

"Sending them away was a mistake, you fool!" Eggplant smirked as he readied another attack. "You threw away your advantage in numbers and weakened your position of strength for the sake of compassion! That’s what makes you weak!” The Saibaman mocked as he fired more ki blasts at her.

“This coming from the guy who was weeping for a lost friend earlier!” Pinkie fired back as she deflected several blasts with her sword, only for on the shoot right through one of her hair-tentacles, slicing it off. "Who are you to judge me for feeling compassion for my comrades, you hypocrite?!" She continued to shout as the small peice of her started to slither away, hoping he was too angry to notice.

“That’s DIFFERENT!” He fumed at her as he fired more ki blasts at her. "He was my brother!"

“For what it's worth, I'm sorry for your loss, but you guys are leaving us no choice!" The Majin replied as she deflected more of the blasts with her sword. "But you... you still have a chance to walk away from this!" She continued, her tentacle slithering into position. "Just steal a pod and leave.”

“We both know that’s not an option." The Saibaman frowned, looking down for a moment. "I’m bound by duty like you are…”

“Then you leave me no choice." Pinkie sighed, her tentacles sagging a bit. "I’m sorry for this... I really am.”

“Sorry for wh-?” Eggplant started to ask... right before it was enveloped by a pink blob from behind.

He had no time to scream.

“Graaa?” Icarus nervously growled as he looked into the distance.

“Oh, what is it that has you distracted now you strange beast?” A certain robot asked as it carried a bag of seeds to a nearby granary.

“Graa, graa!” The creature yelped out as it continued to look into the far and deep horizon.

“Look, I know you’re concerned, but there’s nothing we can do for them right now." The robot said as he put the bag down, placing a comforting hand on the creature’s back (the purple reptile was a bit too tall to reach the shoulder after all). "If we get involved, we’ll just get in the way. The only reason they even let Chi-Chi, Roshi, the Ox King, and some of the others into this fight was because of that crash course Goku gave them.”

The dragon then sadly looked down at the mechanical being, knowing he was right.

“Now c’mon, let’s get back to work." The robot told the Dragon. "We still have to fix dinner for them after chores. And I’m gonna need your muscle and strong back if we’re going to get done in time.”

Icarus sighed, letting out a sad “graa” and followed his friend back to the granary...

Meanwhile at the orphanage. Some of the children were playing games, trying to get their minds off of what was going on. While others were being comforted by the older staff, some were eating their bento boxes from the cancelled trip, and a few others were watching the TV as King Furry was making an announcement.

“We presently have a team of elite fighters going to face off against these foul invaders…" The blueish dog explained, sitting down at his regal and aged mahogany desk. "...we have sent rescue choppers and ships to investigate and recover any survivors from the earlier sea battle at-”

“Pigero… Chico… do you think Gohan is ok?” Rom asked her fellow orphans.

“I… I don’t know…” Chico nervously replied. “I saw those mean men on the tv. They looked… really strong."

“He’s got to pull through, for all of us.” Pigero told them, attempting to sound confident despite his own worries. “He’s a good fighter. If anyone can beat those punks, it’s Gohan! Let’s cheer him on!”

“Yeah! Let’s!” Rom yelled in agreement. “Go Gohan! Go Gohan!”

At first it was just the three yelling at the tv as the other children and adults looked on in confusion, but soon the other children started to join in, and eventually the adults as well.

“Go Gohan! Go Gohan! Go Gohan!” The room yelled out in defiance against the encroaching darkness of a now much more hostile universe.

Back in the ruins of the city, Emperor Pilaf and Chau were on the lookout as Mai used some hairpins and attempted to open a locker in the Evidence Room.

“Hurry up Mai!" Pilaf fumed at his assistant. "It’s pure chaos out there right now, but it’s only a matter of time before the police show up!”

“Your yelling isn’t going to make me go faster…” She growled back at him. “Just a little bit more… aaand… there!” Mai cheered in success as the lock fell off and the locker door opened. Within the locker was all of their confiscated gear; Mai’s pistol, ammo, magazines, and Chau’s dual sheathed katanas. Along with the stolen Dragon Radar, which was still being held as evidence for the court case and had yet to be returned to Capsule Corps.

Pilaf tinkered with the radar as his two minions re-armed themselves, the moment it turned on it started to beep, displaying the locations of the Dragon Balls!

“Good! It still works!” Pilaf smirked. “C’mon you two! We've got Dragonballs to track down!”

“Yes Sir!” They both replied with a quick bow.

Back on the battlefield, Vegeta growled in irritation as he watched the fight with the rest of his Elite Cadre… excluding one individual.

The Prince sighed before tapping the side of his Scouter. “Turles! What’s the progress on that fruit?!”

“It’s going quite well actually.” Turles replied as he threw some fruit into a bag, wiping some juice away from his chin with a slight smirk, having decided to sample it ahead of the others.

The results were… extraordinary.

He tightened his fist and examined his now larger biceps-a considerable boost from the fruit he just ate. He was tempted to force his hand and just keep the fruit for himself and be done with the others, but no, he couldn’t overestimate his power. He didn’t live this long by being foolish and taking such risky chances.

'I can’t let myself get drunk on power now. No… further testing will be needed. I'm in no position to strike out on his own… not yet anyway.' He thought to himself as his eyes glowed red, a familiar dark aura briefly surrounding his body. 'Besides, that arrogant fool Vegeta is still too useful a pawn due to his royal bloodline-'

“Then hurry up! We’re losing Saibamen fast and we’re going to have to get our hands dirty soon!" Vegeta barked back on the Scouter, interrupting his train of thought. "So get a move on!”

“Of course. I’m on it.” Turles replied, bagging the last of the fruit “This is Turles, over and out.”

“What’s that?” Puar asked as he and Oolong walked up to a large computer screen.

“No idea, but we might be able to get some info out of it...” The pig told the cat as he started to tinker with a nearby keyboard.

“Do you even know what you’re doing?” Puar asked.

“Nope.” Oolong replied as he typed on the keyboard some more.

“Erm… okay.” Puar conceded with a shrug.

“Whew! Well that takes care of Yeti!" The two heard Gure exclaim as she walked up to the door. "Hopefully he’ll appreciate a full belly!”

“Quick! Hide!” Puar whispered to Oolong as they both shapeshifted into mice and ran under a chair.

Gure then walked into the room and wiped her brow. “I wonder how Tarble is doing?” She mused aloud to no one in particular and started typing on the keyboard, soon multiple shots of the battle taking place came up on the giant screen.

Oolong and Puar could only quietly whimper as Gure plopped down upon the chair they were hiding under...

“Hmmm...the battle seems to be going better now than it was earlier.” The Supreme Kai of Time admitted as she observed the Time Scroll.

“See? I told you they could do it.” Trunks told them in encouragement.

“Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched, you whipper snapper!” The Elder Kai corrected Trunks as he floated up and whacked him on the back of his head. “They still haven’t faced your father or his other minions yet! These are just the preliminary rounds!”

“Ow… right, of course Elder Kai!” Trunks admitted as he briefly rubbed his head.

“Kioo?” Toki-Toki nervously replied as he edged toward the scroll on the table.

“I know Toki-Toki… I know.” The Time Kai conceded. “Trunks...have them on standby for deployment. Just in case.”

“But Supreme Kai-!” Trunks stammered.

“Just do it, Trunks!” She fumed at the Saiyan.

“Erm… of-of course! As you command.” Trunks blurted out as he did a quick bow and rushed off.

“I really hope we don’t have to use those two… they can be a bit… rowdy.” the Elder Kai told the Time Kai as Trunks ran off.

“You and me both, elder. You and me both.” She conceded with a sigh as she watched Trunks run off…

“This battle is getting very intense!” King Kai told his compatriots as he watched the battle going on below from his planetoid. “It seems for now that Goku and his friends have the edge, but they're getting pretty roughed up, and Vegeta and his Crusher Squad haven’t even got into the fight yet!”

“I know Sir. I just hope they don’t abuse the Kaioken too much…" Gregory told the blue Kai. "Otherwise they might get too banged up before the main force starts attacking them.”

"That might just be what they're planning…" King Kai muttered, his eyes narrowing behind his glasses.

“You think they’re trying to do a rope-a-dope?" Grandpa Gohan asked him. "Sending in the pawns to soften up their opponents before they go in for the kill?”

King Kai merely nodded at him as his antennae waved back and forth, a bead of sweat formed on his forehead.

“C’mon boy! You can do it! You have the finest training that I, Muten Roshi, and King Kai could ever give you…" Gohan said as he then started to look down from the heavens as well. "I’m depending on you to protect my great-grandson and our world!”

Bubbles did his typical “eek-eek-ooks” in encouragement as he jumped back and forth from one leg to the other, while Gregory simply flew up and gave Grandpa Gohan a comforting pat on his shoulder.

“Feeling better dad?” Chi-Chi asked the Ox King as he ate on a Senzu Bean.

“Yeah... I just wish we didn’t have to use them as often." The Ox King told her as he stretched out his back in relief. "I fear we’re going through them too fast.”

“Yeah… it’s a good thing Twi insisted that we start storing these up for the invasion and go light on them during the training.” Yajirobe said back as he held up his bag of the mystical plant seeds.

It was then that Pinkie walked up. She still had her old armor and toga and was still Pink, but she had grown even more in height and ever so slightly in muscle and bulk. Her fingernails were also extended and curved to the extent of almost being claws, very similar in form to the claws that their foes had. Just another part to add to her collection along with her Time Patrol armor and the toga.

“Is it done?” Chi-Chi nervously asked her.

“It’s done.” She replied with a frown and a very slight nod. “Let’s go check on the others.”

On one of the lower branches, Spike and Twi were trading blows with the Pink Saibamen in a duel up in the air. While neither of them were as good as Rainbow Dash when it came to flight, they were beginning to catch up after all the time spent fighting and training.

“Tag-you’re it!” Yam yelled out as he grabbed Spike by the tail.

“Ahh-!” Spike barely got to yell out as the Saibaman swung him around, using his body as an improvised flail to strike Twi in the face.

“OOOFF!” Twi yelled out as she was knocked back.

“Why youze little punk-!” Launch grumbled out as she quickly chambered a round and took a cheap pot shot at the back of the Saibaman’s head.

It didn’t damage it much, but it got its attention.

“OW! All right! Which one of you punks did that-!” The Saibaman yelled out in a moment of distraction, only to remember too late that he was still grabbing onto Spike’s tail.

Spike took advantage of the temporary distraction to yank his tail out of his grasp before slugging the Saibaman across the face, sending flying towards Twilight, who immediately delivered an axe kick to his face, sending him flying down towards the gigantic tree below.

As Yam tried to stabilize himself in mid-air, it was then that the Saibaman started to slow down… and then came to a halt in mid-air. It then realized to its horror that it was incapable of moving at all.

“Hurry… guys!” Chiaotzu grunted as the young Emperor struggled to hold the Saibaman in place.

“Right!” Tien nodded as he finished charging up his attack. From above, Twilight and Spike had managed to charged up their own attacks, making sure there was no room for him to escape should he break free.

"Death Ball!" Spike shouted as he summoned a powerful, sparking ball of energy from the tip of his finger before flinging it down toward the immobilized Saibaman.

"Burning Attack!" Twilight called out, following up the attack with a series of hand movements before placing both of her arms in front of her and firing off a powerful burst of energy.

“KIKO-HOOOO!!!” Tien yelled as he put his hands together and fired a triangular beam of ki at the Saibaman.

'I will be joining you soon… my brethren…' The Saiba Ranger thought just before its body was consumed by a great light and it was reduced to ashes.

“So when are you going to teach me th’ Divine Lasso?” Applejack asked Rarity as both threw multiple blasts at the Saiba Ranger; Cayenne.

“Darling… this isn’t… the right time… to ask!” Rarity shot back as she tried to find an opening against the various dodges and blocks the Saibaman was using in an attempt to reduce the damage it was taking. "Besides, despite the name I doubt it would fit your style."

“Quit treating me like a joke, dammit!” The Saiba Ranger fumed at them as it leapt back and fired a ki blast out of each hand towards them, causing them both to yelp in shock as they leapt back to avoid the ki blasts.

It was then that Rainbow Dash flew in from the side and landed a flying kick on the Saibaman’s face. "SURPRISE SUKAH!" The blue Saiyan shouted as she flew past Cayenne, leaving it spinning in place.

Raditz then appeared behind him and charged up both of his hands. “Double Sundae!” He yelled out as he fired his preferred attack at the Saibaman at point blank.

"GYAAAHH!!" Cayenne barely had time to regain its senses as it screamed in pain, falling to his knees as the four fighters circled around. “But… but… I was told you were as weak as a regular Saiba-foot-foot-mann....” It sputtered out as it glared at Raditz over it's shoulder before it fell down face first on the giant branch, having breathed its last.

“So help me… I’m going to make Vegeta pay for treating ME like a joke after this…” Raditz growled as he gave the carcass a quick test kick in the ribs to make sure it was truly dead.

Saibaking and Captain Wasabi were back-to-back with each other as they were being circled and closed in upon by Yamcha, Piccolo, and Fluttershy.

“It… it doesn’t have to end in any more bloodshed." Fluttershy tried to tell the two Saibaman. "You can walk away from this.”

“No… you’re wrong.” Captain Wasabi told them. “A warrior’s duty is to fight and if need be die for their ruler. What we were grown for.”

The Saibaking nodded in agreement. “And not even I, a King, am above this.”

“I guess this is it.” Captain Wasabi told his monarch.

“It is.” The Saibaking told him back. “You know what to do… make our last moments count.”

Captain Wasabi just nodded back in grim acknowledgement.

Before the group could react, the two Saibamen then leapt forward. One towards Yamcha and another towards Fluttershy.

“Eep!” Was all Fluttershy could get out as Captain Wasabi leapt on her and grappled around her chest. However she quickly regained her composure and yanked her arms free, extending her arms forward and wrapping them around the Saibaking's waist, yanking him back seconds before he reached Yamcha.

"Even if you do explode, I'll simply reform my body!" She shouted, not wasting a second, she quickly retracted her arms, pulling the Saibaking towards her until she was pressed up against his back, with Captain Wasabi unfortunately sandwiched between them. "I'm sorry, but you've wasted your last move!"

“Fools! It doesn’t matter who we grab!" The Saibaking gloated as both of their bodies began to glow intensely. "Once both of us go off, the range of our combined explosion will wipe out Everything within a mile radius! Including all of you weaklings!”

"Everyone get back!" Yamcha yelled out as he rushed towards the trio. “Flutters! Whatever you do, don't loosen your grip!”

"What are you doing!?" Piccolo shouted as he backed away hesitantly.

"The best I can in this situation!" The former bandit replied before delivering a sharp kick to the Saibaking's gut, causing it to double over in pain. Not wasting another second, Yamcha quickly turned around and proceeded to fire a Kamehameha straight down at the branch they were on...

… but instead of damaging the brains, he instead used its Force to push himself right into the binded trio, sending them flying straight upwards, past the branches of the Tree of Might and straight into the upper atmosphere.

"That reckless idiot…" Piccolo grumbled as he watched them fly away. 'Take care Yamcha...'

"Yamcha! Are you crazy!?" Fluttershy shouted as she held on as tightly as possible. "I can regenerate! You won't survive the explosion!"

"No, but everyone else will! And right now that's all that matters!" He shouted back, pouring out as much power as he could into the beam in an attempt to push them even further out of range.

As they flew further and further upwards, the two Saibamen started to glow even brighter, a signal that by this point, there was no turning back.

"You bastard! You robbed us of our vengeance!" The Saibaking yelled at Yamcha. “From Hell’s Heart, I stab at thee! For hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee!”

“Yeah!? Well, right back at ya pal-!” Yamcha barely got to yell out as the two Saibamen exploded.


Both forces on the Tree of Might looked upwards as the sky was filled with a large sphere of bright light.

"What the hell was that!?" Rainbow Dash shouted in disbelief.

“A Kamikaze attack, just like Raditz warned…" Piccolo explained grimly as he landed next to the group. "Fluttershy managed to bind the last two together while Yamcha pushed them all out of range to save us… I'm… I'm sorry, there was just no other way to counter it.”

Rarity gasped in horror as Applejack stared back up at the explosion in horror, and Raditz could only look down in sorrow.

Rainbow felt her heart shatter upon hearing this. “Flutters… Yamcha… no…” she barely whispered out.

“Well, I guess we can call it a draw.” Vegeta mocked with a smirk.

“You… Son of a… BITCH!!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew towards Vegeta.

“Hi.” Nappa said with a cruel grin as he bolted in between the two and grabbed the leading foot Rainbow Dash was using in a flying kick and threw her back at the others. She flipped around in mid-air, landing just short of crashing into the others with a slight skid against the ground.

"You better make peace with whatever God you worship!" She growled angrily at Vegeta and the Crusher Corps. "Because when I get my hands in you you're DE-"

“Guys! Look!” Applejack told the Time Patrollers and Dragon Gang as she pointed up into the air.

Falling down from the sky above were bits of Saibaman, a yellow clay-like mass, and the heavily charred remains of Yamcha.
“AJ… with me!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew up into the air, Applejack quickly following behind her. The blue Saiyan grabbed onto the somewhat gelatinous remains of Fluttershy while Applejack caught Yamcha.

They both then slowly floated back down to the Tree of Might and put both of them down upon the branch as the rest of their friends gathered around them.

“Yajirobe! Senzu Beans, NOW!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the swordsman. The swordsman fumbled a bit with the bag in a near panic and then handed the Blue Saiyan two beans. “Twi… help me try to find a pulse and breath on these two!” Rainbow Dash then barked at the other Equestrian Saiyan. Twilight nodded in agreement as she put her ear up to Yamcha’s Mouth and felt around his neck.

It was around this time that Fluttershy was starting to reform back into a humanoid shape. “Y-Yamcha… how… how is-?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

“Not now!” Rainbow Dash silenced her. “Eat.” She told the Majin as she put a Senzu Bean in her mouth.

After chewing and swallowing, she slowly got up. “How… how is…?” Fluttershy started to ask.

“Girls… I can’t find a pulse on him.” Twilight said grimly. “Give me a hoof-er-hand, quickly!”

Rainbow Dash did chest compressions on Yamcha while Flutters did mouth to mouth and Twilight continued to check for a pulse. After trying for about several minutes, they realized it was in vain. Yamcha was gone.

Goku, the Ox King, and Tien could only clench their fists in anger as Krillin and Chioutsu started weeping as well. Chi-Chi bit her lip, trying to stay as composed as possible as her son hugged her, trying his best to hold back his own tears.

“Piccolo… I think it’s time.” Raditz told him.

Piccolo simply nodded in agreement as Raditz tapped his Scouter and called Launch. “Launch...start Plan B.”

“I… I’m on it.” Launch replied back, somewhat shaken by the events herself. “Launch out.”

“Yam...cha…” Fluttershy sadly whispered as she struggled to hold back tears as she held to herself the remains of the deceased Yamcha.

“And now the real battle begins.” Raditz said as he glared over at a smirking Vegeta and his Crusher Corps.

“Well well well… you all did much better than I originally anticipated!” Vegeta said with a smirk and his arms crossed. “But it’s time for this game to end. Crusher Corps! Take care of these-!"

“Not so fast.” Turles replied as he landed next to Vegeta with a bag of fruit in his arms.

“Hmmph, took you long enough.” Nappa grumbled.

“Oh, I do apologize, Nappa." Turles replied back to him in a manner that was filled with charisma. That sort of comment where one struggled to determine whether the person giving was being genuine or subtly mocking. "But as you can see, the wait was worth it… or rather, it will be." Turles added as he started to pass out the fruit to Vegeta and his warriors.

“Don’t let them eat that fruit!” Raditz yelled out. “Stop them now!”

“I’m on it!” Goku yelled out. “Everyone...on three!” He continued as he charged up a Kaioken Kamehameha.

“THREE!” The assembled group of heroes yelled as one (except for a gently weeping Fluttershy as she held the limp remains of Yamcha) as they fired a unified ki blast against the Crusher Corps.

Turles just smiled as he handed the bag over to Amond to hand off to the rest of the group. He leapt in front of the ki blast and outstretched his arms to embrace the attack with a smile as it flew towards him.

The battlefield was enveloped in a blindingly bright flash of light as the combined attack struck Turles.

“Did… did we get him?” Spike asked his friends and the Z-Fighters as he looked into the debris cloud where they last saw Turles.

“Let me give you a little guess, Arcosian.” Turles mocked as he walked out of the dust cloud, chuckled, and brushed his armor off. “And, by the way, the answer isn’t a 'yes".”

Turles then looked back at Vegeta as his body was slowly covered up by a purple haze. “I do apologize Vegeta, but I had to try the fruit out of myself first. As you can see, the results are most impressive.”

"Heh heh, good job Turles! This project of yours has finally paid dividends for us!" Vegeta then smirked as he cracked his knuckles. "Let us dig in and take care of these annoying pests once and for all!”

The group then joined in his laughter at the bruised and battered Z Fighters. “After all… one piece of trash down… several to go.” He added as he looked upon the remains of Yamcha.

And this was when Fluttershy looked up… she was still teary-eyed, but now those tears of sadness were mixed with a different type of tears… those of anger.




“MEANIE!!!”Fluttershy yelled out in rage as she looked upon the group of petty thugs who ended the life of the infamous Desert Bandit turned hero. “His name was...YAMCHAAA!!!”

And it was then that she yelled up towards the heavens in sadness and rage as she started to power up. Both groups grunted in pain and surprise as they braced themselves against the sudden burst of ki… and it was still rising.

“What in Tarnation is Fluttershy doing!?" Applejack asked in shock as she covered her eyes.

“I… I don’t know!!!” Twilight yelled back at her in turn as she braced against the blackblast of the ki explosion.

From deep within Fluttershy’s very essence came the most guttural and primal of roars, a roar that combined her sorrow, rage, regret, and ties to the feral side of nature into one mammoth expulsion of inner ki. The Z-Warriors and even the Crusher Corps covered their eyes and braced themselves against the blinding flash of light and the flying debris from the epicenter of the gigantic blast she caused. Yet somehow the tree branch they were on managed to hold up, even though cracks formed under her in the deep and gnarled bark she stood upon.

“She is on our side... right!?” Twilight asked the others, backing away in fear of the immense amount of power with her friend was putting out

“I don’t know! You and Gohan are the eggheads… not me!!” Rainbow Dash barely snapped back as she struggled against the blast.

A few of the Scouters the Crusher Corps were wearing exploded next to their faces. The few Scouters the Time Patrollers and Dragon Gang fared better due to the resistors and capacitors added into them to better handle the drastic increases in current, some of them still hissed and sparked though.

As the smoke started to clear from around her… a brief shadow of a silhouette showed in the dust, a thinner and shorter form, one that had pointed ears and webbed wings folded up on its back.

“Oh sweet Celestia… it can’t be-!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Something’s got the runts spooked!” Nappa whispered to the Saiyan Prince. “I know you said they can hide their power levels. But should I try to scan her anyway?”

Unfazed, Vegeta shrugged with a smirk. “Be my guest.”

Nappa reactivated his Scouter and read the numbers aloud. “One… two… five… WHAT… FIVE THOUSAND!? VEGETA… SHE’S OVER FIVE THOUSAND!”

“Five thousand!? That can’t be right!” Vegeta growled as he balled up a first. “No matter! Crusher Corps, fruit, NOW!” He barked at his soldiers.

“Yes Sir!” They yelled in unison, as everyone [except for Vegeta, Nappa, Turles, and (secretly) Tarble] took a bite out of their individual gourds of fruit, resulting in a purple aura forming around them.

As they did so, the last of the dust disappeared from around Fluttershy and showed her new form. She was shorter and skinnier, had pointed and tufted ears and a pair of Bat Wings on her back, a long pointed tail now came out from where her tailbone used to be. However, one feature that was covered by the dust clouds earlier were the set of long fangs that protruded down from her upper jaw. Her skin had also taken on a bit of a greyish hue as back when she was “Discorded”.

She had been previously looking down with her back slightly hunched over and looking down at the branch below her, but she now looked up at the Crusher Corps in front of her and let out an angry and defiant *hiss*!

Just as she looked up into the sky to let out another yell and beat her chest in a display of defiance and aggression, she noticed something up in the upper branches… some very tasty looking fruit. Her eyes widened in hunger and excitement and a bit of drool dangled down from her lower lip.

“Twi… we could use an explanation about now…” Gohan asked her.

“At first… I wasn’t sure what was going on…" Twilight whispered. "...but it looks like Flutterbat!”

“Ah was afraid of this.” Applejack sighed nervously.

“Flutter-what-now?” Goku asked as he scratched his head.

“You see Goku…” Twilight started to explain.

“...One of Twilight Sparkle’s spells backfired during an attempt to control an infestation of pests on Equestria called "Vampire Fruit Bats".” The Time Kai explained to Trunks and the Elder Kai as she showed them a scroll that played the events of that day before them. "They were able to change her mostly back to normal, but still parts of the transformation remained on her being.” She continued as she pointed out the fangs that were still on Fluttershy’s Pegasus form.

“And somehow… she brought this old form back to the fore when she went through something similar to the purified Majin form." The Elder Kai added as he put a hand under his chin and looked upon the scroll. "This fight just got a lot more interesting, and not in a good way. Believe me, I know from firsthand experience.”

“As if things couldn’t get any worse.” Trunks growled in sadness and frustration as he covered his eyes in a facepalm.

“Hey! Dummy! You gonna fight us or not!” Nappa yelled at Flutterbat in impatience and frustration. “I’m getting bored of this grandstanding!”

Flutterbat merely frowned at him in anger and annoyance, hissed and then flew off into the boughs above them.

“Fluttershy! Come back!” Applejack yelled as she started to fly after her.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Nappa asked Applejack as he bolted right in front of her and sent her flying back onto the gigantic branch below them with a powerful double axe-handle strike.

The Z-Fighters and Equestrian Patrollers ran up to her right as she crashed into the branch below. But Applejack simply got up using one hand and her legs, dusting herself off in annoyance. “Ahm fine! Ahm fine! But ahm ’fraid our present company doesn’t want us going after ‘er.”

“Don’t worry, even in her present form she’ll be able to take care of herself.” Raditz added, while he wasn’t sure about her mental state, she was still stronger than most other life on this planet and the Crusher Corps seemed to be focused on taking them apart for the time being. Divide and conquer. Then divide and rule-if anything was left after the tree had its way.

Our assembled band of heroes and heroines then formed up in a huddle around each other, covering each other's backs, and each in a fighting stance. Daiz was reclining on a boulder tossing his partially eaten fruit up and down and the other members of the Crusher Corps stood in front of it chuckling and cracking their knuckles.

It was then that Vegeta had a beeping and symbols appear on the side of his scouter. “Hmm?” He questioned as he tapped buttons on the side of it. “Onio... Honey. Go take care of that annoying sniper. I think she’s cooking up something. Tarble… go after the strange Bat-Girl-Blob… thing. The rest of the Crusher Corps, take care of this garbage, will you?”

“Sure thing your most Excellentness!” Daiz said in his oddly surfer-like accent.

“Urgh... just go?” Vegeta murmured in frustration as he rubbed his temples.

“Hai!” the combined Crusher Corps yelled as they leapt forward to attack. At the same time Tarble fled up to the northern branches to fulfill his “mission” and Onio and Honey flew off to a nearby plateau to fulfill theirs.

The allied defenders of Space and Time then also charged forward with a combined yell to face them. Vegeta, Nappa, and Turles just looked on with crossed arms and arrogant smirks and smiles on their faces.

“Baba… can you show us the fight?” Bulma nervously asked.

“Give me a moment, ya whipper-snapper! This isn’t a cable box you know!” the witch snapped back at her as she waved her hands over her crystal ball.

“Hmmm-hmmm-hmmm...yes...yes...there we go!” Baba continued as the clouds slowly started to part within the crystal ball and they got an overhead view of the battle below.

They slowly zoomed down upon one of the branches of the Tree of Might…

Bulma watched via Baba’s Crystal Ball as the masses of ki, and muscles crashed into each other with a bright and loud explosion. “Ah! She exclaimed as she covered her face from the bright flash of light that came forth from the crystal ball. Baba in turn had to cover her eyes and slightly grunt a bit as she too tried to shield her hurt eyes from the explosion.

“You better be careful brother. I fear you may finally be out of your depth on this one.” Baba grumbled as she waved her hands over the ball and tried to regain focus on the fight many miles away from them.

“Ms. Briefs! Your father needs you! He says he’s trying to work on a nast minute adjustment to one of your brand-name herbicides to fight back against the aggressive root growth! He wants a second opinion on the changes in the chemical compounds he wrote up on his chalkboard!” a panda in a business suit told Bulma as he handed her a file.
Bulma took a deep breath and took a drag from a cigarette in her hand. She then briefly exhaled a puff of smoke and told the bear. “I’ll… I’ll be right over… just give me a second.”

“Of course… Ms. Briefs.” the bear replied back with a curt bow as he walked off.

Bulma then shoved a phone into Baba’s hand. “I’m on speed dial." She quickly told the witch. "If anything major and/or new happens, call me immediately.”

Baba just gave her a curt nod with a serious and flat expression on her face as Bulma quickly walked off while reading her file.

“Wha-hah!?” Puar exclaimed in his mouse disguise as he rocked a bit from a sudden jarring sensation made upon the ship.

“Was...vwas that the tree or that horrid battle outside?” Oolong (who was still disguised as a dog) whispered to Puar as they quickly went behind a stack of boxes that somehow stayed upright in all the chaos.

“I don’t know… maybe both?” Puar asked back.

“Kitty? Puppy? Where are you!? I need to lock you two down! I may need to lift off to keep us safe!” Gure yelled out with both of her hands around her mouth as she went up and down the Hallway.

Puar and Oolong both held their hands to their mouths and then both disappeared in a puff of smoke only to reappear in the form of snakes (again), as they slipped into another wall grate that was near the floor.

“C’mon you two! This isn’t the time for games! I need to get us out of here to safety!” A misty-eyed Gure yelled again as she continued to look for her new animal “friends.”

“Wow… what a wreck this town has turned into!” Chow exclaimed as he took out his sword and hugged the corner of a partially damaged wall in an alleyway.

“Tell me about it!” As Mai pulled out her pistol and looked down the alleyway in the other direction. Her firearm was at the low ready. Standing by to fire at any petty thug or someone else ready to jump them.

“Shh! Silence you two! I’m trying to get a better read on the radar!” Pilaf briefly snapped at them as he used the zoom function on the dragon radar to fine tune the direction it was leading them. “Ah...that way!” Pilaf exclaimed as he pointed ahead to a ruined building with a partially damaged neon sign saying “Jewelry Store” on the ground in front of them. It was then that they noticed the yelling in front of them as looters were taking advantage of the chaos and running off and fighting over with various assorted valuables in the store.

Pilaf sighed. “It can never be easy...can it?”

His two accomplices just sighed, turned to look at him, and shook their heads. “No” in silent agreement.

Blonde Launch had her large rifle slung over her back as she was planting a bunch of seeds into the plateau she knelt upon. She was burying them and pouring a green compound over them just as she heard a slight “whoosh” behind her and felt someone not very far behind her. Even without ki detection, her basic combat instincts and training was enough to let her know she wasn’t alone. She leapt to the side and fired off a few shots from two dual pistols she had holstered on her side as two ki blasts zipped past her.

“Thank Kami those blasts didn’t hit the seeds I just planted!” she barely had time to think as she took a quick combat roll and aimed out her pistols at the man and woman in front of her.

“All right youze two mooks! Start talkin’!” she snapped off at the two saiyans as she slowly got up from one knee; her pistols were still pointed at them.

“Heh… the little wench thinks she can tell us what to do.” The female chuckled. “But I suppose it won’t matter since you’ll soon be dead anyway. I’m Honey, and this is my husband, Onio!” She told him at the rotund Saiyan flexed his more muscular arms. “And our Prince Vegeta has grown tired of your… meddling.” She growled as she and her husband started to glow in a purple aura.

“It can never be easy, can it?” Launch growled as she holstered back her pistols and got into a fighting stance.

“I just hope dese’ mooks sprout ‘n time…” she thought to herself. “I fear I’m outta my league ‘ere.”

Tarble landed in a leafy bough and nervously looked around while trying to use the leaves to give himself some degree of cover. As he heard the explosions and yells coming from below he took a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself.

'This is just another of brother and his lackeys rampages.' He thought to himself… however just once he wished they would fail. Just once. He was oh-so tired of this life. He just wanted some peace and quiet for him and his wife-unlike the other remaining Saiyans.

After looking around cautiously a few more times he leapt out of the bough and landed on a branch below, he tapped on his Scouter and looked around for power signatures. He got… two of them? Two? One was around five thousand… probably the bat creature. But the other one was constantly fluctuating.

It was very… chaotic.

He flew up to the coordinates and hid behind yet another bough. When he peeked from behind the leaves and branches he saw a most unusual sight. It was the sight of some strange creature that was a mish-mash of various animal parts mixed together conversing with the strange bat creature. The strange Franken-creature was wearing armor very similar to that of his brother and a pointed wig that seemed to be a mocking parody of his brother’s hair style, complete with a widow's peak.


“Really? Is that any way to greet an old friend?” The strange beast said, feigning being emotionally hurt while putting a paw up to his chest. “I know I’m wearing some armor similar to those mean ol’ Saiyans, but you know how I feel about theatrics…”

“HISS!” The Majin Flutterbat said as she crouched down and took a step back.

“I swear… you really are a pain to deal with at times.” Discord continued as he put a claw over his eyes in frustration. “Consider yourself fortunate that I happen to be a bit attached to you.” It was then that Discord pulled out a fruit from behind his back. One of the purple glowing fruits from behind the tree.

Tarble’s eyes expanded in shock and dismay as he realized what this strange being was planning! As if this new bat creature wasn’t unpredictable and strong enough as is!

“Now… I know you’d enjoy this new snack..." Discord started as he tossed the fruit up and down in the air, Fluttershy’s eyes rapt in wonder and fascination. “But it just won’t do in its present form… one second deary.” Discord then inhaled the purple aura from around the fruit into his own body. He then unceremoniously let out a slight belch and poof of purple smoke from his mouth and nose as he tapped his serpentine tummy that now had a slight bulge on it. The stomach then shrunk back down to its normal size as Discord let out a rather loud and rude belch.

“Oh, excuse me dearie.” Discord told Fluttershy as she let out a slight hiss at the loud noise, he then changed his costume into that of a bad stereotype of an Italian Chef, complete with a mustache. “Now that’s-uh spicy a-meat-uh-ballah! Here you go my little bambina! Mange Mange!” He said with a bad accent as he twirled his mustache with his claw and threw the fruit towards the hungry Flutterbat.

It was then that Tarble panicked and flew forward in mad panic. “NOOOOOO!!!” Only for Discord to put a paw up to the air and froze Tarble in place, unable to move!

“Nuh-uh-uh! No interrupting during Hearth’s Warming Eve Gift Exchange!” Discord mocked as he changed costume yet again, this time into a costume similar to that of a stereotypical Santa Claus. “Let us sit back and watch the results, shall we?”

“N-nooo… you… can’t…” Tarble barely grunted out as Flutterbat dug her jaws into the fresh fruit and started to suck the juices out…

“Raisin!” Yelled out the purple being with the cape and the bulbous head.

“Lakesi!” Yelled out the being that split from him.

“We're the Twilight Twins!” They both yelled in unison as they proceeded to do a silly pose.

Large sweat drops formed on the backs of the heads of Gohan and Chiaotzu.

“Oh brother… it looks like we’re stuck babysitting again!” Raisin sighed as he put his hand to his forehead and looked up to the sky in frustration.

“Yeah… I think these kids will need a spanking!” Lakesi growled.

“Don’t underestimate us!” Gohan yelled at them as they powered up.

“Yeah… at least we’re not midgets!” Chiaotzu yelled in turn.

“Why you little brats!” Raisin yelled back at them, an angry vein popping up on his forehead.

The Twilight Twins then yelled as they powered up, stood back to back and fired a combined ki blast.

“Ahh!” Gohan and Chiaotzu yelled out in unison as they leapt out of the way.

“So dat’s how you wanna play, do yaz?” Amond groaned, dusting off his spiked shoulder pads as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Spike, the Ox King, Tien, and Raditz circled around him. “Right! If that’s how ya wanwas play-!”

Rainbow Dash, Spike and Raditz quickly flew up in the air while Applejack, the Ox King, and Tien charged forth along the giant branch that Amond was standing on. Amond made a short and quick leap into the air and spun around very rapidly, summoning a dust tornado around his body.

“IT’S A TWISTER!” Applejack quickly barked out as the group of Z-Fighters was slowly being sucked towards it.

“Tien! I have an… idea!” Rainbow Dash called out as she fought against the pull of the attack. “I need you to do the Princess Cadence maneuver!!”

“Are you NUTS!?” Tien asked her as he braced against the wind.

“Just… trust me Tien!” Rainbow Dash barely got out as she continued to fight back against the pull of the dust devil.
Tien just nodded at her as he focused his chi and slapped his hands together.

“Kaioken… TIMES TWO! SHIYOKEN!!!” he yelled out as his body produced a red flaming arua, his muscle mass bulked up and he sprouted two more arms. As Rainbow Dash flew above him he grabbed onto her and launched her into the Twister. As she built up speed, she then performed a Sonic Rainboom as she flew right into the Twister!

“BRING IT LITTLE GIRL!” Amond yelled at her.

“CONSIDER IT BROUGHT!” she yelled back at him as she started flying in circles around her opponent as fast as possible. “Let’s see… how fast… you can handle… your own attack!” Rainbow Dash growled and grunted under her own breath as the twister converted into a light blue one with bits of other colors in it. “Everyone! Charge up your attacks… you’ll know when to fire them off!”

“On it!” Applejack said back on her Communicator.

“This is for Yamcha!” Applejack yelled out at the multi-colored twister in front of her as she charged up a ball of ki in a palm pointed up towards the sky. “Spirit Ball!”

“Double…” Raditz growled out as his hands started to glow.

“Eis…” Spike grunted as an ice cold sphere of blue ki formed on his chest and he did a T-Pose.

“Double Shinnnn…!” Tien yelled as he formed two triangles with his four hands.

“I hope I can get this right Master…” Ox King muttered under his breath as he put his hands together and beside him, “Kaaaa...meeee...haaaa...meeeee…”

“Hah! You think you can beat me with my own attack! You’re crazy!” Amond mocked Rainbow Dash as she circles him.

“Crazy… like a fox!” Rainbow Dash yelled back with an arrogant smik, right before charging right at him. “Double Rainboom… Kaioken… TIMES THREE!”

Back in the Otherworld, Bubbles ooked, eeked and bounced around in panic, while Gregory and Grandpa Gohan looked on with deep concern.

“Has she lost her mind!?” King Kai exclaimed. “She’s going to attempt a Double Rainboom STACKED on top of a triple Kaioken!? Saiyan Zenkai boosts or not, I’m not sure she can handle it!”

As she started to combine the moves, her rainbow colored aura took on a reddish tinge… and then… for a brief moment… the world seemed to go silent and time stood still. The assembled combatants, except for the ones charging their attacks, stopped to look on at what happened… only to brace themselves and cover their eyes to prevent them from being damaged by what happened next.

A colorful ring exploded from the twister, before the twister was consumed by a multicolored explosion of light-followed up by a gigantic multi-colored mushroom cloud.

“She… she didn’t blast herself into another dimension did she?” Pinkie asked nervously, her hair now even flatter than it was earlier, as she slowly got back up from the surrounding debris. “I-I mean… I think I can go get her back… as long as she’s not…”

“I… I don’t know.” Twilight replied nervously. “While she doesn’t do it as often as you do, she does sometimes seems to blatantly break the known laws of Equestrian Magical, Newtonian, and Einsteinian Physi-.”

“Don’t worry eggheads! I’m fine!” yelled out a familiar voice from the clearing dust. Within it was a shady outline of a short-haired Equestrian Saiyan holding above her head in one arm another gigantic humanoid. As the dust cleared to show Rainbow Dash holding up the beaten remains of a barely conscious Cacao, she threw him towards his friends and allies charging up their attacks and yelled. “NOW!!!”

“HAAAA!!!!” Yelled out the Ox King as he fired off a beam of concentrated energy.

“KIKOHOOO!!!” Tien yelled out as he fired out two triangular beams.

“BALL!” Applejack yelled out as he released her own attack.

“BEAM!” Spike yelled out as a beam of icy cold fired from his chest.

“SUNDAE!” Raditz yelled out as he let out two beams of ki from his hands.

“D-damn..y-” Amando barely got out as he was burnt to a crisp and left the mortal coil.

“Hmmm...it’s about time he got that attack down.” Roshi chuckled as he readjusted his sunglasses with his free hand, his other hand resting upon his staff.

“Come back and play you little runt!” Raisin fumed as he chased after Chiaotzu
“These fighters are good!”

“Yes, but they’re still not good enough to beat us!” Lakesi countered as he joined his twin brother in chasing after Chiaotzu.
“Oh not you don’t!” Gohan yelled at them from behind as he threw a ki blast at them.

Lakesi stopped to throw a ki blast of his own to counter it and a large explosion was caused when the two ki blasts collided in mid air, he then noticed the half-saiyan child had disappeared.

“While that blast was powerful… there’s no way it disintegrated him. Child or not he’s way too strong.” Lakesi thought out aloud while he scanned the area with his scouter. “Where did you go you brat?”

“Right behind you.” Gohan growled right before he threw a snap kick into the area where his kidney should be if his body was anything at all like a human.

Lakesi did a combination of a grunt and gasp in pain as he arched his back in pain from the snap kick.

“Lakesi!” Raisin yelled back as he noticed his brother was in trouble and flew back towards him.

“Hey! I’m here too! Come back!” Chiaotzu fumed at him as he flew off.

“Whatever! We all know the half-Saiyan is stronger than you clown!” Raisin shot back as he flew back towards his brother. “You’re just an annoyance!”

“Oh that tears it! How dare you ignore an Emperor!?” Chiaotzu fumed, as he briefly waved his hands in front of himself and enveloped himself in a blue aura.

“Ahh! What tha!?” Raisin exclaimed in surprise as he was frozen in place and lost the ability to move.

“Did you so easily forget about my telekinesis that I used upon your Saibamen earlier today?” Chiaotzu chuckled.

“Damn you… I’m stronger than a mere… Saibaman!” Raisin fumed as he tried to break free of the telekinetic grip.

“Hey Prune Face! Catch!” Gohan yelled at Raisin as he threw his brother at him.

It was then that both alien brothers smiled, but by the time Gohan and Chiaotzu noticed… it was too late.

It was then another explosion happened as the two brothers collided and after a brief explosion and a cloud of dust and smoke cleared that the refused version of Raisin and Lakesi appeared.

“It seems you two have a short memory too. Have you two so easily forgotten about my fusion technique?” the being mocked with a smirk as he knocked them back with an explosion of ki. They yelled in shock as they tumbled back away from the purple, wrinkly, and bulbous headed alien.

“I calculate your chances of victory are approximately less than ten percent.” Cacao said in a monotone voice as he scanned the fighters Twilight Sparkle, Krillin, Pinkie Buu, and Muten Roshi who had surrounded him. He had landed on one of the gigantic branches to conserve some of his power levels that he was trying to build up in his cybernetically installed generator.

“Not according to my analysis,” Twilight mocked. “We have the numbers AND can patch ourselves up during the fight.”

“Maybe… but you forgot one other thing.” Cacao countered in turn.

“And that is…” Twilight asked in turn, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“And that was when two thrusters popped out of his shoulderpads and two more popped out of the sides of his thighs. He then blasted backwards as the various fighters either braced against or dodged him as he blasted backwards away from them.

“My cybernetics.” The cyborg alien added. Somehow the group could sense he was smirking and oozing with sarcasm under his monotone drawl and the goopy folds that was his face.

Krillin then took advantage of the match of wits between the two talkers and put his hand up to his face. “SOLAR FLARE!” He yelled out as the group reflexively covered their faces and the Cyborg winced in pain. All of the group covered their eyes, that is… except one.

“How!? My special lenses should’ve blocked that!" he fumed in pain.

“Roshi! Short circuit him… NOW!” Krillin yelled out.

“Right!” Roshi said in agreement as he shock bolts of electricity out of his one free and uncaned hand at the cyborg.

The cyborg yelled and sputtered in pain as his smoking body fell down upon his knees in weakness, pain, and stun and electrical damage.

“Group Kamehameha… NOW! Even you Tien!”

Tien frowned and nodded in agreement, hoping Roshi had enough time to properly train him in the ways of the rival of the Crane School.

“Kaaaaa…” Master Roshi started as he put his cane down and started the famous sideways stance and cupped his hands together.

“Meeee…” Krillin followed, well-versed in the most famous technique of his master, mentor, and friend.

“Haaaaaa…” Tien followed with his four arms, trying his best to follow the Kata of his former rival school.

“Meeee…” Pinkie continued as she too joined in the Kata.”

“HAAAAA!!!!!” Twilight Sparkle in turn yelled as she and the others joined together to fire at the cyborg a unified Kamehameha beam.

“I calculate I should’ve turned myself in for Maintenance today.” Cacao barely got out as the upper half of his body was disintegrated by the Kamehameha blast.

“Could you guys and gals look away for a second please?” Pinkie said with a dejected, resigned, and saddened frown and a sigh afterwards as she walked towards the remains of Caocao. “I think you know what I’m about to do next.”

The slightly disgusted and irked group looked away as she proceeded to melt down and flow on top of the remains of the cyborg.

“Why didn't you just walk away you stupid robot!?” Pinkie thought angrily at herself and the fallen foe as she proceeded to absorb the remains.

“Not so tough any more, are you?” The fusion of Raisin and Lakesi growled as he held both up Gohan and Chiaotzu by the neck as he floated in mid-air. “Our leader was willing to spare your lives for the sake of adding more beings of Saiyan blood to our army. He then snarled and growled, “I won’t be so kind.”

Gohan and Chiaotzu tried to scream, but could barely sputter out a gurgle-growl as he tightened his hands around their throats.

It was then that he was forced to let go and was sent flying away from them as two fighters teleported in front of him and threw a dual-flying kick towards his face.

“GET AWAY-!” Goku yelled.

“FROM OUR SON!” Chi-Chi completed as the entity was sent flying away from them.
They then proceeded to fly after Chiaotzu and Gohan, Goku grabbing Chiaotzu by the arm and Chi-Chi flew below her son and caught him in her arms.

“Mom… you learned… how to fly?” Gohan barely got out while looking up at her in a slight haze, his eyes only partially open from the lack of oxygen.

“Not now Gohan. Explanations later. Can your throat handle eating a Senzu?” Chi-Chi asked her son with worried, concerned, and saddened expression.

Gohan barely nodded as she quickly put a Senzu Bean into his mouth. Goku did the same with Chiaotzu as both him and the injured Half-Saiyan were gently put down on a branch below.

“You rotten little pests!” Raikesi fumed at the Saiyan and his wife as he gently flew down upon the branch all four of the Z-Fighter landed upon. “I guess I'll have to take care of you two before I end the rotten little crotch goblins.”

“What did you say…” Goku growled.

“About our son!?” Chi-Chi finished, both of them glaring daggers at the wrinkly extraterrestrial dwarf.

“Did I stutter?” The alien crooned as he grinned wickedly at them.

“Goku… take the kids and get out of here.” Chi-Chi growled. “This one’s mine.”

“Chi-Chi, Gohan’s my child too-” Goku began until he saw the look of sheer rage and the slight traces of misting in Chi-Chi’s eyes.


Goku then just nodded and put Gohan over one shoulder and Chiaotzu under his other free arm. “Just know I’ll be nearby if you need me. Be careful. And know… that while I don't do the best job of showing at times, I do love you.” Goku said just before he flew off. 'Please stay alive Chi-Chi. Even with the Dragonballs we only get so much time in this dimension.'

“And then there was tw-URK!!!” Raikesi barely got out as Chichi landed a flying punch at him.

“Time for me to take you behind the shed with a chankla.” ChiChi growled at him with a frown as she cracked her knuckles. “Kaioken… times three.” She was then enveloped in a red aura as she slowly walked towards Raikesi as he got up.

“Why you damn little harpy! NYARRGGHHH!!!” He yelled as he put his hands together and fired a large ki blast at her, hitting her directly in the chest and and engulfing her in smoke.

However, despite taking a direct blast, she just walked out from the dust cloud and continued to walk towards him.

“Why. won’t. you. DIE!?” He continued to rant and rage as he started to throw a barrage of ki blasts towards her. She simply shrugged them off and kept walking towards him, and when she finally got up close, she then grabbed his hands and crushed them! She then forced them down towards the ground in a display of Kaio-Ken’s strength. Her opponent could only yell in pain and agony as he fell down to his knees.

“All I wanted was a quiet life you stupid thug.” She growled as she glared down at him, tears trailing down her face. “I just wanted to live on my farm in peace with my bone-headed husband, and teach my son to be a smart and wise man instead of a brutish delinquent. But, NO!” She yelled at him as she kneed him in his nose, earning another scream of pain as he was stuck in place by her grip on his hands and didn’t even have the mercy of full recoil as the knee dug into his nose and cranium.

“My...my goseh…” He gasped as blood trickled down his face. “Guh goke my go-!” He barely got out as Chi-Chi tossed him away in anger as if he was a piece of garbage.

“Whether it’s Pilaf, Demon King Piccolo l, Dao, Mercenary Tao, Master Crane, the Red Ribbon army… or even Piccolo Junior… NONE of you can EVER give us a moment of peace and quiet!” She continued to rant as she brought her foot slowly down upon the midget’s gut, crushing his lower organs and ribs. “Why can’t you bastards ever leave us ALONE!?” She then brought out her bansho fan. "I’m done playing games with the likes of you.”

She then unceremoniously brought the closed fan down full force upon his face like a giant Kanabo or European Mace and crushed his face and the rest of his cranium in like a watermelon, spraying it’s content upon the branch and some of the branches below it.

“Damn you… I just wanted to have a quiet life…” She fumed at his remains through the tears in her eyes as her Kaioken wore off and she fell down to her knees in front of the dead warrior.

Launch spat out some blood from her mouth onto the ground as she slowly got up from the crater she was lying in on top of plateau. Her rifle was next to her, a battered mess, twisted and bent into knots.

“Well, that takes care of the sniper rifle... now to take care of the sniper!” Onio said with a slight grin as he cracked his knuckles. Some blood dribbled from his mouth and down his chin and one of his teeth was chipped, but he didn’t seem phased at all.

“I know you are enjoying yourself dearie, but can we finish her off?" Honey fussed at him with a slight frown. "I’m sure the boss man is getting impatient.”

“Oh dearie...you know I only have eyes for you, but if it will cheer you up…” Onio chuckled as he walked towards Launch who was up but swaying slightly. Like a person that knocked a few too many back at the bar. She was punch drunk, and she knew it, but she had to hold the line. 'Just give those seeds a few more minutes…'

“Now… where were we?” Onio asked as he raised up his first to punch Launch, only to see a shadow overhead. “Wha-?”

“Banzaiiiii!” Yajirobe yelled as he came down from the sky towards him, his sword raised overhead.

“Oh please!” Onio mocked as he slapped his hands together and held the blade in place. He then brought Yajirobe down to his eye level. "Did you really think that was going to work?"

“Erm… I don’t suppose we could talk this over could we? Heh heh heh…” Yajirobe nervously chuckled as sweat drops flew off from his face.

“Honey, you mind smacking this fool?” Onio asked his significant other.

“With pleasure.” She said with a smirk as she raised up her hand and swung it towards him.

“Eeeeeee!!!” Yajirobe yelled in terror with closed eyes. Only to realize that even after several seconds it hadn't hit him. He slowly opened one eye to see what happened.

What he saw was a rather angry Piccolo holding it in place. “I know he can be the annoying sort...” Piccolo said with a low growI "...but can’t let you do that.”

“And who are you to tell my sweet Onio what to do-!” Honey fumed at the Namekian, only to be knocked aside with a flying kick to the side of her head from Rarity.

“I’m sorry, I know that wasn’t very ladylike.” Rarity said as she landed, examining her nails before turning her attention to her opponent. “But then again… you’re no lady.

Honey simply scoffed as she got back up and spat some blood out of her mouth.“Excuse me for a bit.” The female Saiyan told Onio. “I've got to have a little bit of girl talk with this hussy here.”

“WHO ARE YOU CALLING A HUSSY!?” Rarity fumed at Honey as they both stormed towards each other, giving each other stares that showed a full intent to kill.

And while this was going on, the ground upon which the seeds were planted into earlier started to crack...

“Rrrrghhh… Turles… would you care to explain why the entirety of the Crusher Corps are now dead except for you, me, my runt of a brother, Nappa, and the Honeymooners?” Vegeta growled at Turles.

“Well, I do admit I’m a bit...disappointed with the results of the fruit so far…” Turles started with only the slightest tinge of worry in his voice. “But they weren’t proper Saiyans either. No zenkai and such mind you. Nor the proper fighting spirit of our race.”

“Rrrrgh… I suppose so.” Vegeta relented, disappointment evident in his tone. “Still, I do admit I feel much stronger than I used to.” He continued as he tightened his first.

“We defeated most of your men.” Goku said as he and the rest of the Z-Fighters and Time Patrollers (except for Fluttershy, Launch, Rarity, Yajirobe, and Piccolo) flew toward Vegeta and his two minions, “But you still have the choice to withdraw. This is your last chance to leave alive." Goku said in a near pleading voice. "Don’t make us do this”

“Leave? What have these Earthlings done to you, Kakarrot!?” Vegeta fumed at him. “Where is your sense of Saiyan Pride!? Fights like these are the very things a true Saiyan STRIVES for! The very thrill of having your abilities pushed to the edge in fights to the death against a multitude of foes! It doesn’t matter how outnumbered OR outmatched you are! And you don’t know how much I’ve been looking forward to invading your planet and facing you! I can’t wait! Ha ha ha haa! This is going to be better than that ‘Big Show SIC’ I watched from your planet’s transmissions on the way over here!”

“That being said... it’s not too late for you and your friends to take my offer...” Turles added. “The three of us are more powerful than the entirety of the Crusher Corps combined. Especially after having some of our newly acquired fruit. Think of it my fellow Saiyans! Join us! Travel the Universe, have the finest food and the best liquor money could buy! See new worlds while wiping out their inhabitants for fun and profit!” Turles stated with a smirk as he put out an outstretched hand. "You’re being a fool, wasting your talents on this backwater world. Don’t throw it all away! What do you say? Hmmm?"

“I could care less about saving your lifestyle, but for Turles’ sake I will allow him to make his offer one last time. Join us or perish.” Vegeta said with a frown as he crossed his arms.

Every Saiyan present could only give him a look of pure disgust while Goku looked at them intently with a very angry and serious glare. "The answer is still no. I wouldn’t sacrifice this world and all the life on it even for the finest meal in the universe.”

“Oh well, what a pity. There’s so few of us Saiyans left... and you even turned Raditz against us. Very well, you have no one to blame but yourself." Turkey continued as he turned his open hand into a fist that slightly shook with tension and anger. His gauntlets creaked slightly as flesh tightened around leather. "Nappa...I know you outrank me as Vegeta’s Second in Command and the former Vizier and Commander of the combined forces of the Saiyan military, but would you do the honors?”

“Well, what do you say?” Nappa asked the Prince of The Saiyans.

“Go ahead. Be my guest.” Vegeta said with a shrug.

“Heh...you two are alright.” Nappa said as he took another bite out of another fruit from the Tree of Might and threw it behind him.

Vegeta frowned even more at Nappa at his wasteful use of such a powerful weapon.

“Heh heh...let’s see how long it’ll take to make them beg for mercy or for death...shall we?” Nappa chuckled with a wicked smirk as he cracked his knuckles and the assembled good guys (and gals) started to surround him.

As if things weren’t serious enough, after having to fight multiple Saibamen and the Crusher Squadron, Nappa steps into the ring! And what of Majin Flutterbat? What will happen to her now that she has consumed Fruit from the Tree of Might-that has been further altered by Discord? And what about Oolong and Puar? How much longer can they keep up their cat and mouse game? And what of the orphans and Bulma? How will they cope with the loss and insanity going on? Especially the loss of Yamcha? Find out all this and more next time on... "MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE"!

Next time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse! Nappa decides to get personally involved! Will his consuming of the Fruit of the Tree of Might be enough to tilt the fight in his favor or will Kaio-Ken save the day for the Z-Warriors and Time Patrollers? And just what have the Pilaf Gang been up to during the chaos? Find out next time on... "MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE"!

Author's Note:

Well this was a long time coming. Hope it was worth the wait!

Be sure to support the tropes page!

Comments ( 11 )

I’m not surprised anymore that RD is officially capable of spitting in the face of two laws of physics. Then again, Equestrian physics has a bit of cartoon logic innit. Also, Chi-chi’s decided to join... if only so she’s tired of all the idiots and villains in her life ruining her peace. I noticed that Pinkie has taken into herself to basically do the work no one wants: corpse disposal.

Yeah, we originally had a whole song number, but the site forced us to erase it due to Disney being Disney and they didn't want to deal w/ the legal bs. :-/

Nice, totally worth the wait :pinkiehappy:

Amazing so Far. :pinkiesmile: but can you please upload the next chapter

And here I thought Pinkie would eventually lean hard towards Super Buu level of Majin nightmare fuel. Fluttershy’s sudden development is giving me real Dumplin becoming the Demon God levels of “oh things are about to turn horribly wrong"

Keep going. I LOVE IT!!!

Sadly it's on hiatus for now.


Sadly one of the co-writers had to leave for other projects. And with all the other commissions and stories I'm working on, I felt it was best to at the very least limit how many stories I was working on at once to avoid burnout.

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