• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Ultimate Wish...And Unexpected Assistance

Last Time on My Little Pony Xenoverse!
Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash were sent on their first Time Patrol mission. Their mission: To find Goku and Piccolo and to protect them from the machinations of Garlic Junior and his band of ne’er-do-wells! However, things didn’t go as planned! While they were able to save the lives of Goku and Piccolo, the Spice Gang and the Disciples of Garlic Jr., ran off with the Dragonballs and Gohan! During the battle, Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time realized they had made a horrid mistake! While doing research on Equestria, they learned that the Elements of Harmony were dependent on the Mane Six working as a team! Eager to fix this mistake, Trunks went to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and sent the remainder to go aid Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Meanwhile, Kami was making plans of his own and had Bluma go retrieve the Z Fighters! While all this was going on, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, and the mysterious new arrival, Raditz, were flying off to rescue Gohan! Will they be able to save Gohan? Will Garlic Jr. get his wish? Will reinforcements arrive in time? Will it even be enough? Find out all this and more in today’s chapter of MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!!

“Lord Garlic Jr., the mission was a success!” Nikky exclaimed as they entered the throne room. “We have the last of the Dragonballs!”

As they put the Dragon Balls down in front of Garlic Jr.’s throne dais, Spice continued. “I must say, these Dragon Radars that Ninja stole for us are quite useful!”

“Yes, very good indeed!” Garlic Jr. exclaimed, as he hopped down from his throne. “Speaking of which, where are those three?”

“Right here.” Said another short blue being as he walked into the throne room. He was accompanied by a Fox suited up in a Ninja Gi and armed with a Katana and a tall, and a lithe woman with long black hair and a green military uniform. She had a holstered pistol at her side. They were the Pilaf Gang; consisting of Mai, Shu, and Pilaf himself.

“You better remember the bargain you made for us!” He continued. “We went through a lot of trouble to get these radars from Capsule Corp. in Star City!”

“Yes...all in good time, Emperor Pilaf.” Replied Garlic Jr. as he walked down the steps of his dias and gave him a friendly pat on the back. “All in good time.”

“Ahahahah! This is my greatest plan yet!” Exclaimed Pilaf. “Between you and me, the very universe is our oyster! Thanks to you, world domination is but mere chump change now! The Minor Leagues!”

It was then that Shu noticed the child that was brought back and sitting next to the Dragonballs. ‘Wait, why does that child look familiar? Wait a minute!’ “Oh...no! No! IT CAN’T BE!” The Fox exclaimed in terror as he backed away, getting his boss’ attention.

Mai glanced at her comrade in confusion. “What’s your problem?” She glanced at the child curiously… and noticed the tail. “Oh grow up, will you? It’s probably just someone who looks like him!” She snapped as Mustard walked over and took the Dragonball off of Gohan’s hat.

“Hey! That’s mine ya big meanie!” The teary-eyed child sniffled.

“What do you think it is about the little kid that’s got him spooked?” Garlic Jr. asked Pilaf.

“I have no idea-wait…” Pilaf took a good long look at the boy before walking up to the child. “Tell me child, what is your name?”

“M-m-my name is Gohan.” He sniffed.

“Wait, y-y-you wouldn’t happen to know someone by the name Goku, would you?”

“You mean my daddy?” Gohan asked curiously..

“Your father...is Goku?” Emperor Pilaf asked, his eye twitching.

“Good Green Kami!” Mai yelled at the Spice Gang. “You guys kidnapped GOKU’S SON!? How could you kidnap GOKU’S SON!?”

Spice then explained, “Well you see, it wasn’t really that hard! First we beat up his friends and then we-~!”

“OH. MY. SHIT.” Emperor Pilaf mumbled as he stood there with a blank look on his face for a few seconds. As Spice continued to explain how this tragedy came to pass, horrible flashbacks flew through his mind. Memories of how even with firearms, katanas, and even giant mecha, Son Goku would constantly beat them-with his bare hands and a walking stick! And of the horror stories he heard about how he wiped out the entire Red Ribbon Army in one day and stood toe-to-toe with not only his former ally Demon King Piccolo, but also his minions, and his son in giant form!

“No...it’s...it’s not fair,” he muttered, “Chow...Mai. We were so close!” The Fox and woman stood there in shock as well, their knees and teeth chattering, muttering things such as, “No...not HIM again!” and “Green Kami...we’re done for!”

“And he’s gonna kick all your butts you big bullies!” Gohan yelled out as he started a new round of crying.

“Ugh...how annoying.” Garlic Junior grumbled, “Sansho! Grab the kid, throw him in one of our portable cages in the back. When our guests get closer, we’ll bring him and the cage back in here. And make sure he doesn’t hurt himself trying to get out! I want him kept alive for training!”

“Of course Sir,” Sansho nodded as he picked up a weeping Gohan and carried him off.

“We’re dead!” Pilaf started to yell in terror as he ran around the room. “WE. ARE. DEAD! ALL DEAD!! Dead men are we! We’re all going to die! Dead men be we! A cornucopia of pain and despair is coming our way to ensure our demise! We are so going to die! WHY!?

“Salt.” Garlic ordered. “Slap him.”


“OW!” he exclaimed in pain as he rubbed the side of his face.

“Now that you have come back to your senses,” Garlic Jr. growled, “Would you mind telling me who Goku is?”

“Goku is the most powerful martial artist on the face of the Earth!” Pilaf exclaimed in anger and terror, “He defeated an entire army by himself, my former ally Demon King Piccolo, his band of rowdies and his son!”

“Tell me, does he have a tail?” Garlic Jr. asked.

“He...he used to. But it’s gone now. I think his friends removed it for some reason,” Garlic Jr. pondered as he put his index finger under his chin and looked up at the ceiling.

“Well, at least we know his power has been greatly reduced and he can’t transform,” Garlic Jr. said as he paced the throne room, “While I’m grateful for the new student, why did you bring the child here with the Dragon Ball?” he asked the Spice Boys.

“Well, as you said,” replied Spice, “We figured he was at least part-Saiyan and that you’d be interested in having him as a new pupil. Plus, we thought we could use a hostage for leverage. Not to mention, his Mandarin Outfit looked quite regal and we figured it would look good on you. We would’ve finished them off, but we knew the longer we stayed the higher the odds of them running off with the Dragonball were. And we didn’t want to keep you waiting, Lord Pilaf.”

“Besides, I curb-stomped that runt’s Dad!” Mustard crowed as he cracked his knuckles, “Still, he had company and I’m sure they’re looking for the kid even now.”

“Yeah, and I’m sure Piccolo will be here at some point as well,” Ginger acceded, “But we did manage to make the others who were with him eat dirt. I have no doubt they’re dead from the nasty fall we gave them!”

“Hmm. This is quite the pickle we’re in. Still, the suit is quite fetching, isn’t it? So, fair enough,” Garlic Jr. agreed, “Very well! Pilaf, you, Mai, and Chow get your new weapon charged up, while the rest of my men will prepare a little Housewarming Party for our coming guests! While you keep them busy, I will prepare to summon the Eternal Dragon and wish for immortality! Once I have that, victory will be assured! And then all I will have to do is wait for the arrival of the Makyo Star to further empower us and steal the Black Water Mist from the Lookout to turn the people of Earth into our Army of Slaves once our foes are dead!”

“Right!” Everyone around yelled in unison as the ran off to various parts of the palace.

“The nerve of that guy, ordering around an Emperor! Who does my Court Wizard think he is!?” Pilaf yelled as he ran off into the distance.

“You’re lucky that I find you three Court Jesters so amusing.” Garlic Jr. smiled as he went to pick up one of the Dragonballs, “Otherwise I would’ve killed you ages ago! No matter. It’s a small price to pay-for immortality!”

Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Raditz, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash floated down and landed in what was possibly the front courtyard of the castle.

“It seems quiet, a little too quiet...” Twilight commented as she looked around.

“I was thinking the exact same thing.” Raditz agreed as he tapped on his Scouter. “The beings we fought earlier and four other entities are heading towards us. They seem to be taking their time though. I think they’re setting up an ambush for us. Or possibly biding their time and gauging us from a distance.” He explained before glancing at the top of the castle. “There’s another being with a high power level deeper within the fortress and four more lower level beings hidden inside. Hmmm...there also seems to be another-! Nope, it disappeared! Argh, the scouter must be glitching!” Raditz grumbled as he tapped it again in an attempt to get the bugs out.

“Hey Mister.” Goku asked. “Who are you anyway? You have a spiky hair style similar to mine but longer, and you have a tail like I used to have.”

“My name is Raditz.” He answered. “And I have some questions for you as well, Ka-!”
He was then interrupted by some his scouter beeping. “What!? More enemies!?”

“Wait…! I’d recognize that Ki anywhere!” Krillin cheered. He and the others then looked up into the sky to see some familiar faces. Those of their longtime friends; Tien Shinhan, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha. In tow was Bulma’s personal airplane.

“Never fear, the Cavalry’s here!” Yamcha bragged as he landed along with the others. As the various Z-Fighters reacquainted themselves with each other; the door to Bulma's aircraft opened. Out came Puar, Oolong, the Ox King, and ChiChi. The Ox King was wearing his old green armor and ChiChi was in her old Tournament Outfit and was even wearing her old pink bladed-helmet.

“All right! Where are the bastards that took my son!?” She fumed.

“ChiChi..” Goku started, nervously. “I did everything I could to stop-”

ChiChi stopped him, “Goku, I’m not mad at you. I know it’s hard for you to believe, but it’s true. Even I have a hard time believing I just said that. I think it’s because I know you’d do everything in your power to protect our son.” She said as she held his hand, looking him directly in the eyes. “We can do the blame game later if need be. For now, let’s go rescue our son!”

Goku soberly nodded in agreement before turning to his friends. “While I’m grateful for everyone here, why are Puar and Oolong here? I mean, no offense but they aren’t exactly fighters...”

Just as he asked that however, a bolt of light shot down from the sky, briefly blinding everyone upon impact.

“Ah! My eyes!” Twilight Sparkle yelped as she attempted to shield them. “Is my own teleport spell that painful on the eyes too!?”

“Yes Twi, yes it is!” Said Dash with her usual brutal and blunt honesty as she rubbed her own eyes.

When everyone’s vision recovered, they noticed that Yajirobe, Master Roshi, and Kami were standing where the bolt struck.
“It’s because I need them for my special plan.” Kami explained. “I don’t need them to fight, I simply need them to use their shape-shifting skills to cause confusion in our enemy's ranks.” He then turned to the two shape-shifters. “Do you two think you can do that? Remember, I don’t want any heroics from either of you. If your cover is blown, flee.”

“Well, I was never the brave type to begin with so I don’t think that’ll be an issue.” Oolong said. “Rest assured, I’ll do what I can!”

“Me too!” Puar chimed in.

“Good.” Kami replied, “Now, as I was saying- Wait! I sense more beings flying towards us!” He commented as he turned his attention to Rainbow Dash and Twilight. “Beings similar to your new friends over here, Goku.”

“Yes! It’s about time!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “Now our calvary’s arrived!”

Before the assembled band of Z-Fighters and other assorted beings landed most of the Elements of Harmony (sans Pinkie) and Spike.

“Spike! Girls! It is so good to see you!” Twilight cheered as she and Rainbow Dash rushed over to them and had a big group hug. Yajirobe and Fluttershy took advantage of the proverbial calm before the storm to pass out Senzu Beans and capsules to patch everyone up. It was around this time that Twilight noticed that a certain Pink Majin was missing.

“Girls...where’s Pinkie?” She asked.

“You mean she’s not with you?” Fluttershy asked, looking around in concern. “Oh dear, I hope she’s okay.”

It was around this time that Rainbow Dash’s Wonderbolt training kicked in. She knew that if the troops spent too much time mulling over “what if’s” involving ponies that went missing… or worse, they would start second-guessing themselves in combat, and that increased the odds of failure...and death. She quickly put on her usual act of bravado and feigned. “Oh, I’m sure she’s fine! You know how Pinkie is! I’m sure she has some big random surprise planned for us and our enemies!”

“Yes, I’m sure she’s just fine, darling!” Rarity added in. “I’ve seen her go through things back in Equestria that would seriously hurt most other ponies and she didn’t even get a scratch! And that was before she became a Majin!”

“Look, we really don’t have time for introductions right now people!” Piccolo grumbled in irritation. “Goku and ChiChi want to rescue their son and the rest of us have a wish to stop! The longer we spend here chit-chatting, the more time they’ll have to prepare!”

“As much as I hate to say this, he’s right,” Kami agreed. “We need to get a move-on if we’re to stop Garlic Jr. and his evil plans.”

Everyone around him nodded and followed him towards the entrance of the Castle.

“Good luck guys! I’ll just be back here keeping the engines warm for ya!” Bulma yelled and waved from the back of her aircraft.

“Well, hello there ladies and gentlemen!” Garlic Jr. replied as he watched from up upon his throne as the various beings walked in, to his left was a sniffling and crying Gohan in a cage and to his right was a dais with the Dragonballs upon it. “Welcome to your doom!” He yelled triumphantly.

“Pilaf! What are you doing here!? This is a new low, even for you!” Goku replied.

“He’s not Pilaf! He’s Garlic Jr.! I’m Emperor Pilaf you dolt!” Came a shout from behind him.

Goku and the others noticed that they were being surrounded by the Spice Gang, the Makyan Monarchs, along with the Pilaf Gang. The thing that stood out most of all though was that Pilaf was in a giant suit of Exo-armor. Not to mention, Garlic, Pilaf (along with his mech), Chow, and Mai were also enveloped in the same purple energy that was still enveloping the Disciples of Garlic Jr. and the Spice Gang.

Pilaf chuckled. “You know, at first. I was terrified at the thought of having to face you again Goku. But now I can’t wait to see you suffer for all the humiliation you’ve caused me all of these years! My new allies will succeed where Piccolo Senior and his gang failed! Vengeance is at last mine!” He laughed maniacally as the Makyan Royals proceeded to pull swords out of their very bodies while Mai & Chow drew their own weapons.

“Eww! That’s just nasty~!” Rarity exclaimed as she saw the bio-weapons being pulled out.

“Suck it up! If you are a true warrior, you are going to see much worse before this day is done!” Raditz growled at her.

“Those are some nice weapons an’ all.” AJ countered. “But we still have th’ advantage in numbers, so maybe ya’ll should just give up!”

“Oh, we have another means of levelling the playing field!” Garlic Jr. replied. “Show them what you got, my students!”

“Pumpkin Bread!” Spice yelled out.

“Gingerdead Men!” Ginger exclaimed.

“Fish And Chips!” Vinegar shouted.

“Stuffed Peppers!” Yelled Sansho.

“Hot dogs!” Shouted Mustard.

“Cinnamonnnn...Toast Crunch~!” exclaimed Nikky.

“Salted Pork!” Finished Salt.

“OK, this is just getting STUPID…” Rainbow groaned.

And after they were done yelling, they all proceeded to bulk up in size and mass, their muscles becoming ridiculously huge to the point where they rivaled Roshi’s advanced form.

“Ulp!” Swallowed Spike nervously.

“Stay calm.” Said Piccolo while looking down to him. “They may be getting a strength boost, but that extra mass is seriously going to slow them down. And they can’t hit what they can’t catch!”

“R-r-right...” Nodded Spike.

“Am I the only one wondering how their pants grew thirty times their size!?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Is this really the ideal time to be asking such eggheaded questions, Twi?” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“Man, all this talk of food sure is making me hungry!” Goku commented while his stomach rumbled.

“Look! I’ll fix you a linner after we rescue our son! Okay!?” Shouted ChiChi as she got into a fighting stance.

“Well, it looks like it’s the hard way then?” Applejack asked as she cracked her knuckles.

“More like the fun way if you ask me!” Replied Rainbow Dash as the various opponents started sizing each other up.

“Enough games!” Yelled Raditz. “Double Sundae!” He then threw out a sphere of Ki towards Sansho.

“Why, I didn’t know you cared!” Sansho ribbed as he deflected the shot with one of his hands.

“Can everyone quit talking about food!? Seriously, you’re making me hungry!” Goku whined.

And thus, the battle began in earnest. Yajirobe was engaged in a sword duel with Chow while Puar and Oolong were using their shape-shifting skills to aid them in dodging shots from Mai. The Ox King was engaged in a test of strength with the mecha that Pilaf was operating and the various other fighters went back and forth, teaming up and trading opponents at multiple times throughout the fight.

“I’ll...make you pay...for taking...my grandson!” The Ox King growled as he grappled with the mechanical monstrosity.

“I’d like to see you try old man! This is the best mechanical combat suit zenni can buy!” Pilaf countered as he pressed various buttons and pulled various levers.

Taking advantage of his sharp decrease in speed, Goku had grabbed onto Nikky’s left arm and Raditz his right arm. ChiChi had grabbed his left leg and Roshi his right.

“Let go of me you stinking mortals!” Vinegar fumed as he struggled to throw them off.

“This is you get for messing with a Saiyan warrior!” Raditz boasted as held onto the right arm.

“What’s a Saiyan?” Goku grunted as he struggled to keep one of the Makiyan’s left arm pinned down.

“I’ll tell you when the fight is over! Amongst other things!” Growled Raditz as he barely avoided getting thrown off.

“This isn’t...the best time for asking questions hun!” ChiChi yelled as she struggled to keep the leg she was holding from getting free.

“Just wait until I break free! Then I’m gonna stomp all of you flat! And then I’m gonna-!” Vinegar ranted out aloud. However, he never got to finish that sentence. Rainbow Dash flew towards him, giving him a full strength flying kick to the face. The whiplash caused his neck to break, killing him instantly.

’Is this what it feels like to kill?’ Rainbow Dash thought to herself upon realizing this was her first kill. However, as Vinegar’s lifeless body hit the ground, she didn’t feel much emotional pain or remorse at the time. At least as much as she thought she would. Was it the heat of combat? The adrenaline and other chemicals pumping through her body? Or was this the effect of being turned into a Saiyan? Was it because she knew how ruthless and merciless her foe was? She didn’t have much time to ponder this as she flew off to help the other Mane Seven and Z-Fighters. “One down, a bunch to go.” she said through gritted teeth.

Goku then rushed to help a bulked-up Master Roshi against Sansho. Both Master and Student used their staffs to block and parry the blows from Sansho’s dual swords.

“Two against one isn’t exactly fair!” Growled Sansho. “Let me even the odds again!” Sansho then kicked Goku away from him and used his newly found advantage by continuously jabbing and slashing at Master Roshi.

“Since when did Demons care about playing fair?” Rossi growled as he did his best to dodge and block every strike. “Last I checked, you and your friends played dirty pool both in this and the last battle we had!”

“You know, those comments are an unfair stereotype and more than a bit hurtful!” Sansho scoffed in a tone feigning fake mental injury as he continued to duel with Master Roshi. It was then that he was hit in the back by a sneak attack from both ChiChi’s helmet laser and Raditz’s dual ki blasts.

I’LL BURN YOU TO A CRISP!!!” ChiChi yelled.

WEEKEND!!!!” Shouted Raditz.

“Really, that kinda stings man!” Complained Sansho as he used one sword to block the blasts and continue to block the quarterstaff strikes from Roshi and a quickly returned Goku with the other sword.

“You know, I noticed you have the same color as Mustard! Just like my name!” Mustard said as he blocked a series of blows from Fluttershy. “You really should join us!”

“I could never join a group of big dumb meanies like you!” She yelled at him.

“Well, your loss.” He shrugged as he distanced himself from her while charging an ki-orb about twice his size. “Prepare to die!”

“Hang in thar Flutters! KIKKO-HOOOO!!” Applejack yelled as she, Krillin, and Tien Shinhan all fired a unified Tri-Beam attack.

“Kikko-wha-AHHHHH!!” Mustard yelled as he got blasted into the ground.

“Stay still you two!” Mai yelled as she fired off her pistol at the fleeing Puar and Oolong. “I’m gonna make game trophies out of you and nail both of your asses to my wall!” It was then that she felt cold metal on the back of her head and heard a “click” noise. “If you’re smart lady...” Smirked Launch. “You’ll put that pistol down!”

Mai very nervously bent down to slowly put down the pistol just as she was asked.

“I never thought I’d say this, but boy am I glad to see you!” Said a relieved Oolong.

“How did you find us?” Squeaked Puar.

“Let’s just say one of your new friends brought me along for the ride!” Smiled Launch, showing her infamous grin.

“Who!?” Asked Oolong.

“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough!” Launch chuckled. “She made me ‘Purple Promise’ or something along dose lines to be quiet about the surprise she has planned. Now go! I heard Kami had a secret mission for you two!”

“Right! Let’s go Puar!” Oolong nodded as he and Puar fled.

“Are you really going to shoot an unarmed woman?” Mai growled at Launch.

“It wouldn’t be the first time…” The blonde psycho commented. “But nah! I want to make it interesting…” She kicked the pistol away from her, kicked Mai away from her and started to reload her sub-machine guns. “Go get your little cap-gun and lock and load it!” Launch challenged. “Let’s see who the better markswoman here is!”

“Am I supposed to be scared!?” Salt complained as he dodged, block, and absorbed kicks and punches from Spike, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, and Twilight Sparkle. “My sister could hit harder than the whole lot of ya!”

After this latest round of mockery, both Twilight and Chiaotzu leapt back and thrusted their hands forward, Chiaotzu’s started to glow blue and Twilight’s glowed purple.

“Aw, that’s really cute an’ all.” Salt taunted as he fought against Spike and Yamcha. “But what’s that supposed to do against-!” He then noticed that he could no longer move. And then the frightening realization came upon him; he was at his enemies’ mercy!

“Ice Claw!” Spike shouted as he leapt forward with his claws now emitting a cold aura.

“No!” Salt managed to scream just before his head was grabbed, as Spike held on his icy iron grip on Salt’s face until his entire body was turned into an ice sculpture.

After his body froze, Yamcha charged forward and delivered the finishing blow. “Wolf Fang Fist!” He yelled as he struck his chest, shattering into many pieces.

“Chill out, Salty.” Spike replied with a smirk as he looked down at the crushed remains.

“Wow! Look at them go!” Trunks cheered as he watched the battle from the scroll he held.

“I know! It’s amazing!” The Time Kai agreed. “If the Z-Fighters had faced Garlic Jr. and his men this early on in their careers by themselves, they might’ve been killed. But, now that we have the entirety of the Elements of Harmony and Spike allying them, they’re actually winning!”

“I know!” Trunks said. “Their Ki and other abilities have improved astronomically now that they’re gathered together as a team!”

“I’m not sure.” The Time Kai continued. “But I think their ability is actually improving the combat abilities of the Z-Warriors as well!”

“Troo-Troo~! Kiii~!” Sang TokiToki.

“I know Toki Toki!” The Time Kai smiled. “It is incredible! Even with Garlic Jr.’s troops being empowered by this mysterious energy, the Time Patrollers are still able to turn the tide in our favor!”

“C’mon guys! You can do it! We’re depending on you!” Trunks cheered in encouragement.

“You’re not so tough any more! Are you, Ox King?” Pilaf said in triumph as his suit started to win the contest of strength and grappling. “How does it feel to know that you’re a has-been that’s over the hill!?”

“Aging is a part of...every man’s life!” He grunted in counter. “But I still have enough in the tank to take...you...out!”

“Ahahahah! You fool! Once I’m done with you, I’ll help Garlic Jr. get our revenge against your horrid son-in-law Go-what!?” He exclaimed in shock as he noticed that the arms of his mecha were now pinned to it’s body by a bundle of Namekian arms constricting around them and the hands at the end of the arms held a death grip upon a wooden staff locking them in place.

“Ox King! Now!” Yelled Kami who was stuck against the back of Pilaf’s Death Machine.

“You got it!” Ox King shouted in acknowledgement as he quickly cracked his knuckles and then charged forth with a series of chain punches. “You know, this’d be easier if I hadn’t forgotten my old battle axe! Figures I’d forget something in the rush to help my daughter and her family!” He growled while punching.

“You know, this is just like the old days, isn’t it!?” Chow yelled as he traded strikes, blocks, and parries with Yajirobe.

“What old days?” Yajirobe asked. “Our own past or the days when Ninjas and Samurai went at it in Feudal Japan?”

“I was going to say our own past,” Chow said as ducked a strike aimed for his neck and swung a counter-blow of his own, “but I suppose the other too.”

“I know, right!?” Yajirobe exclaimed as he gave a quick kick to Chow’s ribs. “We’re even fighting in a Castle!”

“It is nice, but the design seems more like a mixture of Mediaeval European and Middle Eastern Styles with a heavy Art Nouveau flourish added to it.” Chow critiqued as he stomped on Yajirobe’s sandalled toes while their blades were locked together.

OW! That really hurts you know!” Yajirobe yelled as he hopped around on one foot, still trying to dodge and block Chow’s sword strikes.

“We’re throwing everything we have at him and it’s still not enough!” ChiChi exclaimed as she took off her boomerang and threw it at Sansho. Sansho howled in pain as the bladed boomerang dug deep into his fleshy backside, only for her to fire another beam and send him flying through a wall.

“Keep it up!” Raditz exclaimed as he fired another ki blast to keep him down. “I have to say, you’re very brave, for an Earthling!”

“Thanks. Still, we need something else to take him down for the count!” ChiChi shouted as Sansho burst out of the wall with a less than happy look on his face.

“Let me be of aid, darling!” Rarity said as she flew over. She then threw a series of Ki blasts up into the air in an arc before shouting; “Energy Ballet!”

“Oh crud!” Were Sansho’s last words as he was overwhelmed with ki and laser blasts.

“Well, enough games!” Conceded Garlic Jr., who was up until that point watching the battle below with great interest. “It’s time for me to bring this charade to an end and get my-”

It was then that he noticed Spice grabbing the Dragonballs and Ginger trying to unlock the cage that held Gohan. “Hmmm, and what are you two doing?” Garlic Jr. asked in slight annoyance.

“Well, you see excellency,” Spice started to explain. “We noticed that things were starting to get a bit heated and we wanted to take the Dragonballs and the prisoner some place safe-”

“You’re fooling no one,” Garlic Jr. snarled. “I’d recognize the Ki of my students anywhere.” He scoffed as he summoned a ball of ki and aimed it at them. “And if you were smart, you’d get going before I get angry!”

It was then that the entities that appeared to be Spice and Ginger dropped their disguises and changed back into Oolong and Puar, who both ran away screaming.
“Ahh! I told Kami this was a bad idea!” Yelled Oolong as he ran off with Puar floating closely behind.

Garlic Jr. chuckled at the fleeing weaklings and powered down, there were bigger fish to fry and using his Ki blasts on weaklings like them would be a waste of valuable energy. He gathered the Dragonballs in front of his Throne and began to chant. “I summon thee, Eternal Dragon! Come forth and grant me my wish!”

“Oh no!” Fluttershy eeped as the stopped fighting as the eternal dragon erupted from the dragonballs and hovered at the top of the spacious vault that made up the ceiling.


The Heroes and Heroines (except Launch) stared on in abject horror while the villains cheered! His moment of triumph was at hand!

“Great and mighty Shenron!” Garlic yelled.

“Wait for it…” Said Launch.

“Wait for what?” Asked Twilight.

“You’ll see.” Launch said with a knowing smile and a wink.

“I come before you and wish for-!” Garlic Jr. started to yell.

“I want you to make me the world’s largest cupcake!” Yelled out Pinkie as she leapt down from the ceiling and onto Garlic Jr.’s head, pinning him face-down to the throne.

“NOOOO!!That’s not what I wanted to wish for!” Garlic Jr. cried out in panic, sadly his protests were muffled by Pinkie pushing his face against the threat pillow.


“Yup!” Said Pinkie as she gave him her best “Puppy Dog eyes”. “Puhleeeze?”

Shenron growled in annoyance for a brief moment. “FINE! I DON’T EVEN CARE ANYMORE! YOUR WISH IS GRANTED! FAREWELL! I swear, I’m not paid enough for the garbage I go through...”

The Dragon then disappeared in a brilliant corona of light that briefly engulfed the entire room and the Dragonballs floated up into the air before flying off in opposite directions. Pinkie slowly floated down to rejoin her friends in front of Garlic Jr’s. Throne.

“Wow, and I thought I was fast!” Rainbow Dash said in amazement as she saw the Dragonballs fly away.

“NOOOOO!!” both Emperor Pilaf and Garlic Jr. cried out in absolute terror at the loss of perfectly good wish. And to add insult to injury, a large cupcake appeared in the middle of the throne room.

“Whoo-eee~!!! It sure is good ta see ya Pinkie!” Cheered Applejack.

“Hahahahahah!” Oolong laughed out loud as he fell onto his back, holding his belly as he rolled around. “This is the most hilarious thing I’ve seen since that time I wished for Bulma’s Panties!”

“I know, right!?” Rainbow laughed in agreement as she leaned against a nearby pillar. “This has got to be the best Pinkie Pie Prank ever!”

Little did she know that in the years to come that Pinkie Pie would pull off even more outlandish and insane pranks upon her foes. And that future generations would refer to as “Pinkie Buu Kai The Trickster.” The Supreme Kai of Pranks and Antics...and Bakers.

“Awesome! We can have a linner early!” Goku cheered.

“Oh hey! I was thinking the same thing!” Pinkie beamed as she flew next to him. “Say, how do you keep your hair so Spikey!? It’s almost as wacky as mine!”

“I was going to ask you how you kept your...tentacles?... so poofy!” Goku chuckled at the strange pink creature.

“That’s it!” Garlic Jr. yelled in rage as he got up, his body surrounded by familiar dark aura. “I AM 110% DONE!!” He then bulked up into his own larger form, becoming a darker shade of green in the process.

“Seriously, how the Tartarus do they manage to not ruin their pants the same way they ruin their shirts!?” Twilight shouted.

“Oh...my!” Fluttershy said nervously.

“I swear I thought he was going to yell out “Spaghetti” or something,” snarked Rainbow.

Garlic Jr. roared out in rage and shot a double-handed Ki Blast directly at the mammoth cupcake, sending bits flying all over the throne room.

“NOOOOOOO!!” Pinkie Pie and Goku yelled out in shock and sadness.

“My...my super sweet...Tasty Surprise....Supreme!” Pinkie started to tear up. Then, she looked over at Garlic Jr. and her sadness turned into a look that aimed a legion of proverbial daggers upon Garlic Jr. “That was…MY DESERT!!” she yelled in fury as she flew towards him full hilt, her fists ready to land a haymaker.

Nikky then teleported in front of her and proceeded to block her series of blows with his swords.
“Hey kiddo, how ya doin’?” He taunted with an amused grin as he spin kicked her through a nearby wall and flew after her.

An enraged Garlic Jr. then roared and charged into the battle below.

The Ox King continued to pummel the outside of Lord Pilaf’s Mech.
“Hahahahaa! This is rich!” Pilaf laughed. “Even though I’m pinned down, you two old codgers still can’t take my lovely battle armor apart!”

“That’s it! I have had enough of you!” The Ox King yelled as he put his foot against the Pilaf ’s mech and started to pull on its arms.

“Really? You think that’s going to work on the latest in metallurgical tech-!” Pilaf started to brag. However, he never got to finish as the Ox King had succeeded in tearing off the mechanical arms with a triumphant yell, after which he picked up the suit.

“Hey! Put me down you big brute!” Pilaf yelled in protest..

“Kami, go help the others! I got special plans for the midget!”

Kami nodded in agreement as he flew off as the Ox King started to carry Pilaf away

“Hey, put me down you dolt!” Pilaf thrashed in rage.

“You aim like a drunk chode at a bar urinal!” Shouted Launch as she reloaded her twin sub-machine guns

“Looks who’s talking!” Mai shouted back as she shot off a few rounds and dived for cover behind a pillar. “We all know if you could aim as well as you bragged you could, you wouldn’t need to be a dual-wielding bullet farmer!”

“Oh that’s it! The kid gloves are off now!” Launch fumed as she took a pineapple grenade out of the satchel on her back, pulled the pin with her teeth and tossed along the ground. “I hope ya like snacks! Because you’re about to get a pineapple gift basket!”

Mai then “eeped” in terror as she jumped to get out of the blast radius just before the explosion went off.

“I swear, did Michael Neigh write this scene!?” Pinkie exclaimed as she saw the gunfight going on behind her. “And why is there a gunfight at all!? This is crossover with Dragonball Z, not Cowboy Bebop!”

“Quit ruining my fun for me Pinks!” Launch yelled back as she opened fire on Mai, who quicklt ducked behind another pillar. “I’m not end up on the bus again like in the default timeline!”

“Hi! Remember me Sweetie~?” Cackled Nikki as he grabbed Pinkie by the throat, (to which he got a squeaking noise from her), and slammed her through a pillar and into another room. Pinkie then stretched out her leg and gave Nikki a quick kick to the nose.

“Ow! My nose! My flawless face ruined!~” He yelled as he covered his face in pain.

Pinkie gave the place a quick look around, trying to find something she could use to her advantage. That was when she noticed a fruit tree full of delicious apples.

“Wow! That even looks more delicious than the ones at Sweet Apple Acres! Those look like just the thing to take the edge off.” Pinkie said as her tongue hit the ground and she started to drool.
“Wait! Don’t eat those! They’re my special stash!” Nikki yelled, still holding his nose.

Pinkie Pie then stretched out her arm and grabbed with a grunt and with a heave picked up the whole tree!

“ARE YOU MAD!? YOU’RE GOING TO EAT THE WHOLE TREE!?” Nikki screamed in terror.

“I’m gonna eat the tree!” She cheered with a big grin.

“Don’t eat that tree!” Nikki yelled.

“I’m gonna eat the yummy-nummy tree~!”

“Don’t eat that tree!”

“I’m gonna eat that tasty-looking tree!”

“DO. NOT. EAT. THAT. TR-!!” However, Nikky didn’t get to finish that sentence as Pinkie’s jaw dislocated itself, her mouth stretched and her head grew to an unusually large size and she swallowed the tree whole!

“Mmm, juicy!” Pinkie exclaimed as she patted her bloated stomach as it immediately shrunk.

“You idiot! Those aren’t ordinary apples!” Nikki exclaimed. “They have powerful hallucinogens in them! It’s even stronger than LSD!!”

“What!? Who grew these, Tree Hug-!?” Pinkie started to ask, but she stopped mid-sentence and froze in place. Her eyes started to seriously dilate and she started to drool, her face then went derp-eyed and her head tentacles flopped down to one side of her face.
“Heh, you must be higher than the stratosphere right now.” Nikky chuckled as he cracked his knuckles and then drew back out his organic swords. “Still, at least I’ll be able to get revenge on you for destroying my favorite tr-what!?”

It was then that the holes in Pinkie’s arms and head started to let off a high-pitched whistling noise and steam. The steam then enveloped her whole body...

“Thank you all so much for coming!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “It’ll mean so much to Goku and our new friends when they arrive!”

The Pink Earth Pony with a flat mane then trotted around her house passing out cupcakes to the various “guests.”

“May I have some more punch?” Asked a nearby bucket of beets with a party hat on top.

“Why of course you can!” Chimed in Pinkie as she poured a ladle of punch into the beet’s crystal cup.

Her face then made a nervous tick and she put the ladle back into the punch bowl. She then trotted over to the next “guest.”

“This is one great poitay!” Cheered a nearby pile of rocks w/ a festive pointy hat, “Youze really outdone yourself!”

“Why, thank you, Rocky!” said Pinkie with a slight bow.

“I’d say, I’m having a smashing time as well!” Said a ball of lint in a faux male Trottingham accent.

“I am so glad to hear it Sir Lint’s-A-Lot!” Pinkie replied back with a smile. One of her eyes bugged out for a brief second before returning back to normal size.

“Might I trouble you for anothair cupcake?” Asked Madame LeFlour in a faux female Prench accent.

“Now now!” Pinkie tutted as she waved her hoof side to side. ”Finish what you have first!”

“Iz just glad that joik Garlic Jr. and his band of mooks didn’t show up!” Rocky said.

“Oh! They’re not so bad!” Pinkie said as her eyes started to dart out in opposite directions of each other.

“Not so bad! Puh-leeze!” Rocky continued, “Dose wiseguys blew up your giant cupcake! Dey’s nothin’ but a buncha sore losers!”

“Aw c’mon now! Losers is kind of a harsh word, don’t ya think!?” Pinkie asked.

“After the way they treated you?” Lints-A-Lot countered, “I’d say losers is an understatement! You tried to throw a big party for everyone in an attempt to make peace! And this is how they repay you!?”

“Pretty rude?” LeFlour fumed, “It was downright despicable!”

“It was wasn’t it!?” Pinkie asked a slight bit of anger was starting to form in her voice.

“If I were you, I’d give them a piece of my mind!” said the bucket of beets.

“You know what!? I AM going to give them a piece of my mind!” Shouted Pinkie in a confident tone. “And I’m not inviting Garlic Jr. or any of his friends to any of my parties ever again! They don’t deserve to be invited to any of my parties! Not after the way they’ve been acting!” Pinkie then grimaced in pain for a brief second.

The various “guests” around her cheered in agreement, egging her on.

“Oh for crying out loud!” A familiar voice groaned, Pinkie looked towards the direction of the voice and saw a familiar face.

“Oh hey Discord!”

She smiled as she trotted up to the Spirit of Chaos, who was in a Orange Gi with a blue undershirt and had a spiky whitish-blue wig on.

“Look! As much fun as I’m having watching this acid trip-slash-sugar rush you’re having, I’ve got to wake you up!” Discord said as he crossed his arms with a hint of annoyance.

“Wake me up? What do you mean?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, my dear, you just ate an entire tree’s worth of hallucinogenic fruit. You do the math.” Discord sarcastically commented as he pulled out a chalkboard and chalk from somewhere off-screen, put on a graduate cap, and wrote:

Pinkie + hallucinogenic fruit = RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

“Hey, nopony said there’d be math-ohhhh…!” said Pinkie as the realization of what was going on dawned on her.

“I really need for you to wake up from the bad trip-slash-pity party you’re having and help protect Fluttershy. As much as I hate to admit it, I’d be more than a tad bit upset if something happened to her. Even if you do have those fancy Dragonballs to use in case of emergency...” He explained with a tinge of sadness in his voice. “Now, when I snap my fingers, you’re going to wake up from this and go help the others stop that Garlic Jr. fellow. Oh, and you might develop some sort of alternate form or something.” He then shrugged his shoulders.

“Wait, what do you mean alternate-?”

But Pinkie didn’t get to finish the question in time as Discord snapped his eagle-clawed hand.

When the steam cleared, Pinkie was still there. But now, she was slightly taller, slightly more bulky, with her tentacles still lying flat on the right side of her face, and her skin color was now a mixture of grey and pink. She let off another puff of steam with a high pitched whistling sound.

Then suddenly, she turned her head 360 degrees and glared at Nikky. “Knock knock.”

“U-u-uh, who’s there?” Asked Nikky nervously.

“Me. I kill you!” Pinkie cackled with a wicked and maniacal Cheshire Cat grin.

“Wow, and I thought Zebra had a wide-AHHHH!!” Nikki shouted in terror as he was enveloped in a rising mist of grey-pink goo from behind.

“Byeeeee~!” Giggled Pinkie Buu.

“Just wait...until I crawl...outta this hole.” Grunted a rather beaten up Mustard as he started to crawl out of a Pentagon-shaped hole in the ground.

“KIKKO-HOOOOOO!!!” Yelled out Krillin, Tien, and Applejack in unison as they fired off the Tri-Beam attack against him. Fluttershy shot a beam out of her mouth into the chasm as well.

“AHHH!!” Mustard yelled as he was pushed back down.. “Keep firin’ all you want! I can tell you’re tiring from your heavy breathing. But I still got some left in the tank! And I can’t wait to give you a piece of my mind once I crawl out of-!”

“KIKO-HOOOO!!” Tien, Krillin, and Applejack yelled again as they shot off another Tri-Beam and Fluttershy fired another mouth beam.

“BLARGHHULLL!!” Mustard yelled out in pain and discombobulation.

“Keep firing! We need to...keep him...in the pit!” Fluttershy huffed tiredly.

“Do your worst! I’ll just keep climbing back up!” Yelled Mustard as he charged back up.

“Maybe you’ll enjoy this present I have for you!” The Ox King yelled as he charged towards the fight holding Pilaf’s beaten Mecha above his head.

“Let that go! That’s my property!” Fumed an enraged Pilaf who was pounding on the door.

Ox King then threw the pod into the hole below. “NOW!!” He shouted as he ran off.

“EEEK!!” Pilaf screamed as he kicked the door open and scrambled out of the hole. “Shit, shit, shit!”

KIKKOOOO-HOOOOOO!!” yelled Krillin, Tien and Applejack again in final push to defeat Mustard. Fluttershy fired off another beam from her mouth.

“Urg! Just wait until I get out of here!” Mustard fumed as he tried to push the mecha off of him, Then I’ll show you-wha-!?” He groaned as he looked up… and saw several beams raining down upon him. “Oh-no-!”

The Ki Blasts set off a large explosion which knocked everyone off their feet for a brief moment, once the brief flash of light was gone, a large mushroom cloud came out of the crater below.

Krillin limped over to look in the pit below. “Well, it’s safe to say he’s not coming back. There’s pieces of him here...and there. In fact there’s bits of him everywhere!”

“You monster! TOO SOON!” yelled Spice as he flew forward and hit Krillin with a flying kick, sending him flying into the pit below.

“Kamehameha!” Yelled Applejack as he hit Spice in the back with a Ki attack, sending him crashing through a nearby wall.

Applejack fell to her knees and wheezed. “Flutters...go get...Krillin.”

Fluttershy nodded and flew down into the pit.

Back in the throne room, Spice, Ginger, Mai, and Chow gathered around Pilaf and Garlic.

“Your evil ends now!” Yelled Kami as he floated before him, behind him the rest of the fight ters began to gather.

“You can keep trying old man! But nothing will stop me from getting my revenge upon you!” Garlic Jr. retorted in anger.

“Kami, what is going on exactly?” Goku asked in confusion. “You mentioned he wanted to become immortal and to take over the world, but what happened between you two?”

“Yes...go on!” Garlic growled. “Tell these fools how you ruined my life!”

“Yes, I do suppose I owe you and the others that, Goku.” Admitted Kami before taking a deep breath. “You see, approximately three centuries ago, I competed against Garlic Jr.’s father for position of Guardian of Earth. He was a wicked demon who wanted to turn Earth into his own personal kingdom and all life upon it into his army of devils, demon-possessed, and undead slaves”

“Bet that looked bad on his resume.” Applejack whispered to Rainbow Dash.

“After beating him in a series of contests, I banished him into a dimension called the Dead Zone. And now, his son wants my position as Guardian of Earth.” As he finished explaining, he gave his opponent a harsh glare. ’Though I don’t know why he is attacking us now. If anything I figured he make his move when the Makyo Star was close enough… no matter, we must stop him before he goes after the Black Water Mist next!’ He thought to himself before firing a Ki blast. “And now I must put you down for good like I did your father, you miserable little-”

“I’ve had enough of your haughtiness! Time for you to learn your place!” Garlic Jr. shouted as he smacked away the Ki blast. He and his remaining followers then quickly held up their hands, causing Kami and Piccolo to wince in pain.

“Stop it...you fool!” Piccolo growled as he fell upon one knee. “If we die then the Dragon Balls will become inert!”

“Oh I don’t intend to kill you two!” Garlic Jr. admitted with a wicked grin. “At least, not yet. No, I just want to make the both of you suffer!”

“Stop it you monster!” Yelled Goku.

Fluttershy started to whimper silently at seeing them suffer. Applejack tried to comfort her while looking daggers upon Garlic Jr. Rainbow Dash growled while she tightened her fists.

“Only if you get me the Dragonballs, the Blackwater Mist from Kami’s Lookout, and don’t interfere with my wish!”

“What do you think we are, yer slaves!?” Growled Applejack.

“No, but I do know most of you genuinely care for Kami.” Garlic smirked deviously. “And that you hate to see him suffer!” Garlic and his surviving minions then tightened their fists and made Piccolo and Kami yell even louder. “Now get a move on! I don’t have all-!”

However, he never got to finish the sentence as a gigantic greyish-pink fist burst out of the wall behind them, bowling Garlic Jr., Pilaf, and their minions over.

“Strike!” yelled out Pinkie Buu as her arm retracted back to her body and she walked out from the smoke and dust cloud. The grey-pink Majin was now wearing the distinct spiked armor and cloth toga of Nikky.

“You little brat!” Garlic Jr. yelled as he got up. “What did you do to Nikky!?”

“Oh, I sent him to the other dimension, and I don’t mean the Dead Zone. Let’s just say I gave him a one-way ticket to ‘the undiscovered country’ and leave it at that shall we?” Pinkie Buu growled as she pulled two piles of goop out of her body that transformed into two swords. “Still, if you want a reunion with him, I can easily arrange it.”

“Why you little piece of used chewing gum! I’m going to make you-!” Garlic Jr. yelled, only for Pinkie Buu to teleport behind him and stuck he new swords into his back.

“You talk too much,” Pinkie mocked as he screamed in pain.

“Lord Garlic!” Spice and Ginger shouted in terror as the fired Ki Blasts at Pinkie Buu while Mai let loose a few rounds at her. However the Pink Majin disappeared and reappeared next to her friends.

“Ow! Watch where you’re aiming you fools!” Garlic Jr. yelled out as his backside got hit by Ki Blasts and bullets.

“Pinkie is that you?” Fluttershy nervously asked. “Are-are you still on...our side?”
Upon being asked this question, her skin turned back to it’s old Pink Hue and her hair poofed back up. She still was slightly taller, more muscular, and still wore Nikky’s armor. “Of course I am!” Pinkie exclaimed with a big smile as she gave Fluttershy a big hug.

“Pinkie...I’m...trying to...breathe!” Fluttershy gasped and choked.

“Oh, sorry!” Pinkie exclaimed with a slight blush as she put Fluttershy down.

“Wow! She really had me worried for a moment!” Trunks exclaimed.

“Me too.” The Time Kai nodded in agreement. “It’s always a toss-up as to what effect the technique of absorption will have upon a Majin. In some cases in can actually cause a Majin to become less wicked as it was upon the younger Majin Buu, but in others-”

“It can make them even more cruel and wicked.” Trunks concluded. “Something tells me we’ll have to keep a close eye on Pinkie Pie for a while. I sure hope the others can help keep her in check. In many ways, her unpredictability and ability to break the Laws of Physics makes her the most dangerous fighter in the group.”

“Yes, and you saw that Discord fellow on both this scroll and the one that showed the main timeline of Equestria’s History. He was a major catalyst in causing this change in Pinkie Pie.” The Time Kai continued. “Even though Fluttershy has been able to help him change, he still seems to be very much a wild card. Why, he even betrayed them to Tirek The Despoiler at one point! I just wonder what he’s up to?”

“Well, you could always just ask. All though my chances of giving a straight answer are highly...unlikely.” Replied a certain Draconequus from above them...

Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Roshi, and Yamcha were fighting alongside Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack against Spice, who was completely engulfed in a dark aura and easily dodging, blocking, and counter-striking against their barrage of kicks and punches.

“You will pay for what you have done to our Master Garlic!” Spice fumed.

“I dunno, Spice Rack.” Applejack quipped. “We seem to have quite the significant lead on ya!”

Pinkie giggled and snorted. “Spice Rack! Good one!”

“You’re not one to talk...Applesnack.” Spice shot back.

“It’s APPLEJACK, you elfen reject!” Applejack yelled back as she shot a barrage of ki blasts at him.

“Alright, which one of you wants to die first?” Ginger growled as he was being circled by Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

“You’re bluffing!” Rainbow Dash yelled back.“You’re on your last legs!”

“Am I?” Growled Ginger as he drew his swords back out. “You may have the numbers, but I still have these!”

“Well, let’s see how you like this for size!” Rarity yelled back as she and Rainbow Dash quickly charged up.

“Very well then! Let’s see you dodge this!” Rarity huffed and jumped up into the air, summoned several large balls of Ki and yelled. “CRUSHER VOLCANO!!”

“And now for the finisher!” Yelled out Rainbow Dash as she put her palms together and summoned a gigantic ball of Ki. “BIG BANG ATTACK!!”

While Ginger attempted to charge forward to use his swords, he had lost a good chunk of his speed due to fatigue and he ended up stuck in the crossfire of the dual ki attacks. “I can’t lose! Not to a bunch of weaklings-!” Was all Ginger could get out as he was disintegrated into a pool of goop and ash by Rainbow and Rarity’s Ki Blasts.

“This is looking bad!” Mai exclaimed.

“Ya think?!” Chow yelled out. “This is worse than our alliance with Demon King Piccolo!”

“Well, he who fights and runs away…!” Mused Emperor Pilaf. “Let’s get out of here!”

And our Trio of comedic bunglers ran away with Launch, Oolong, Puar, and Yajirobe in tow.

“Come back here! I’m not done filling ya mooks full of lead!” Yelled an enraged Launch as she fired her twin sub-machine guns at them.

“Hey...slow down!” Huffed Yajirobe. “I’m not a lightweight, ya know!?”

“Give me back my son!” Growled Goku as he, ChiChi, Ox King, Raditz, Piccolo, Kami, and Twilight Sparkle, and Spike stood across from Garlic Jr. “This is your last chance!

“Why should I? You and your new friends ruined EVERYTHING for me!” Garlic Jr. fumed.

“Because I’m giving you a chance to leave alive.” Goku replied back. “Most of the others here wouldn’t even give you that option here, including Kami. Despite being his FATHER I’m still giving you that option.”

’Your time here has made you weak Kakarot’ Raditz thought to himself. ’When this is done, I will find out what these horrid Earthlings have done to you!’

“No...I don’t think so!” Garlic Jr. growled as a dark aura surrounded him. “I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. And when I’m done killing all of you, sans the Namekians, I’m still going to get my wish, the Black Water Mist, and take over this planet! And while I’m at it, I think I’ll make your son my student too!”

“I don’t think so! I will never allow you to corrupt my son into a monster like you!” Exclaimed Goku.

“Besides. You ripped your shirt all ready. You don’t have any sleeves any more.” Mocked Twilight with a smirk that even Rainbow Dash would be proud of.

“You die first interloper!” Garlic Jr. yelled as he tackled Twilight with surprising speed.

“AHHH!!” Twilight yelled in surprise.

In the castle courtyard, Spice stood there huffing and covered in bruises. “Even if I die… Garlic Jr. will win the day, and he will bring me back! Mark my words, He and we, the Markiyan Monarchs and Disciples of Garlic Jr. WILL rule this planet! Even if we have to crawl out of Hell itself to make that happen!”

“And we’ll be here waiting for you if you are foolish enough to do so.” Pinkie replied as she summoned a large ball of Ki and held it over her head. “And say ‘hi’ to Tirek for us when you get there, will you?”

“Wait...you were the ones who defeated-?” Were the last words to come out of his mouth and Pinkie slammed the large ball of Ki on top of the large Makiyan, resulting in a large explosion.
When the dust cleared, the remains of a Makiyan split from head to haunches laid upon the ground.

“C’mon girls...and guys. Twi still needs us!” Pinkie replied as she floated off.

“Oh...my! I hope you’re still okay Pinkie,” Fluttershy whispered to herself as she and the others floated and ran after her.

“Discord! You have a lot of nerve showing up here!” Growled Trunks as he quickly drew out his sword.

“My-my, such atrocious manners! I would’ve expected so much better from the right hand of the Supreme Kai of Time!” Discord crooned as he snapped his fingers and replaced his Gi and wig with a top hat, a monocle, and a cup of tea.

“Well, after seeing the way you treat both your ‘friends’ and ‘enemies,’ I think we are well justified in being cautious around you!” Trunks growled.

“Well, I can see you live up to the Saiyans’ reputation for civility...or lack thereof.” Discord mocked. “Why, if Beerus was here instead of I, I’m pretty sure you would’ve rolled out the red carpet for him by now! No matter, I’ll do that myself.” With a snap of his eagle talon, Discord caused a red carpet to roll upon the floor from off-screen.

“We’ve seen enough of your ‘kindness’ Discord to know that we should be more than a tad bit weary of the Avatar of Chaos.” The Time Kai added in. “Now, state your business and tell us why we are here! And know we won’t take kindly to your games in our timeline and will be less lenient than the beings from Equestria!”

“Sheesh, and I thought Beerus, the Dark Dragons, and Popo were huffy when they would lose hands on Poker Night!” Discord said with slight annoyance. He then changed into the suit of a poker dealer, complete with billed cap. He started to do tricks involving making cards fly, float, and shuffling them with his claws and feet. “As much fun as I would have shuffling the proverbial deck of your ordered and neat timelines, I don’t really need to. There are others doing it for free. I don’t even have to lift a single claw or paw. I can just sit back and enjoy the fireworks! In fact, the things they have planned for you would make the shenanigans Tirek and I had done in Equestria look like a simple game of 52 Pick-Up.” He then sent the cards flying all over the library.

“Ki-kiii~!” Toki Toki chirped in annoyance.

“This is a LIBRARY, sir, not a Las Pegasus Casino!” The Time Kai fumed at him as she slowly floated up to eyeball level with him. “You will find me less tolerant of your games than even Celestia was. Now, tell us your purpose here and who is behind the altering of space-time.”

“Ah-poo! You’re no fun!” Discord pouted as he had the cards fly back to him and into a Card Box he pulled out of a vest pocket.

“Now for the reason I’m here.” He started. “Rest assured it’s not for your charming company. No, I am here to ensure the safety of Fluttershy. I genuinely feel absolutely horrible for what I did to her when I sided with Tirek. Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant.” He changed into another set of top hat and tails, this time in a bright and garish orange.He then crossed his arm and turned his back upon them with a huff. “Now for who’s causing this nonsense. I’m not telling you. You didn’t even show the slightest amount of manners or even say ‘please.’ Contrary to popular belief I’m not completely heartless though. Let’s just say they’re familiar faces from your past, Trunk’s past, and even Goku’s.”

He then changed again into a Zoot-Suit and swung a fob watch on a chain around. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m overdue for a Diplomatic Mixer that Celestia is having for Beerus! Taa-taaa!”

“Wait! How does Celestia know Be-!” The Time Kai asked. However, she didn’t get to finish the answer as Discord disappeared in a bright flash of light.

“I have a feeling that creature is going to be a lot of trouble for all of us! Possibly even worse than Beerus!” Trunks said as he put his sword back into its sheath.

“I have a bad feeling that you’re right.” Agreed the Supreme Kai of Time as she went back to the Scroll that was showing the battle back on Earth in the past.

“AHHHH!!” Twi yelled as she was tackled by Garlic Jr.

“Time to put the brakes on this steam train!” Spike yelled as he flew up behind Garlic Jr. and wrapped his tail around Garlic Jr.’s Throat,he then slowly floated up into the air with Garlic Jr. in tow. “It’s not so fun...being toyed around with...is it? Like you do...to other people?” Spike growled and strained. “You ever played...frisbee golf?”

Garlic Jr. was too busy struggling, wheezing, and gasping for air to reply.

“Well, there’s a first time...for everything!” Spike grunted as he spun around several times and threw Garlic Jr. into the roof. Goku quickly flew up and slammed his fist into his gut and Raditz followed up with massive Ki blast, sending him crashing through the roof and went further up into the sky above, Spike quickly landed and wheezed a bit. “Not gonna...lie. That man...was heavy!”

It was then that the building started to rumble and bits of debris, large and small, started to fall down from above.

“Uh-oh.” Goku chuckled. “I think we got a little bit carried away.”

“Celestia dangit you two!” Twilight growled. “Everyone out of the building! MOVE!!!!”

“What about our son!?” Yelled ChiChi.

“I’m on it!” Pinkie yelled back as she pumped up her arm muscles by blowing upon her thumbs. She then bent the bars to Gohan’s Cage open while remaining warriors ran towards the entrance of the Palace.

“This is why I HATE Tetris!!!” Pinkie yelled as she dodged various bits of wall and ceiling falling towards her and in her path.

“Crap crap crap crap crap! Crap crap crap crap crap crap!! Crap c-crap crap! Crap crap crap!” Krillin cursed as he ran away.

“Let us in!” Emperor Pilaf begged outside of Bulma's Speeder.

“No! You guys are nothing but trouble!” Bulma yelled back.

“But the place is falling apart!”

“Maybe we’ll let yas in if you give us your weapons!” Launch replied as she, Yajirobe, Puar, and Oolong came up behind him.

After Pilaf and his minions eeped in shock he replied and bowed. “Oh yes! Thank you! Thank you!”

“Oh and there's one more thing.” Launch added.

“Anything anything! Pilaf exclaimed. “Just save us!”

“All right. Youze asked for it!” Launch said with a wicked smile as she got out a roll of duct tape from her duffel bag.

Pilaf, Mai, and Chow whimpered. “W-w-what are you g-g-going to do with that?” Pilaf stammered.

“Oh, you’ll see. Heh heh heh.” Launch chuckled as she started to pull out a strip.

The Z-Fighters, Giras Gang, Raditz, Piccolo, and Mane Seven flew out of the collapsing Palace behind them, with Pinkie carrying Gohan in tow. A large dust cloud formed up behind them and a loud thundering noise came from the Palace’s remains as it came down like a house of cards.
“So much for turning this place into my new Capitol when I take over the world.” Piccolo said with a twinge of disappointment and anger.

“I believe this little guy is yours!” Pinkie exclaimed with a smile as he handed Gohan over to Goku and ChiChi.

“Daddy! Mommy! Grampa!” Gohan cried. “I was so scared! I thought I that they were--!” Gohan stuttered as he continued to cry.

ChiChi teared up a little bit as she, Goku, Gohan, and Ox King had a big group hug.
“Shhh! It’s okay son! It’s all over now!” Goku told his son in an attempt to comfort him.

“Not exactly.” Raditz countered.

“What do you mean by ‘not exactly?’” Goku asked as he slowly got out his quarterstaff.

“Now now.” Raditz mocked. “Is that any way to treat your brother!?”

Everyone gasped in shock at the revelation of the news while Piccolo simply smirked. “Well, this just got interesting...”

“What!? How can you be my brother!?” Goku exclaimed. “I was raised an only child by my grampa!”

“I don’t know who this ‘grampa’ of yours was.” Raditz continued. “But he’s not your biological kin. I am--RADITZ!” He yelled as he thumped his chest. “Like me, you came from another planet named Vegeta and you are a member of a race of warriors called Saiyans. I don’t know what happened exactly to our homeworld and most of our race, but the ‘official’ reports are that both were destroyed by a large comet that crashed into our world!” ‘I however, have my own suspicions. Even though I can’t confirm them at this time.’ He mentally added.

“But, how can I be from outer space!? I was born here!” Goku started.

“Goku, I’m sorry, but I have a confession to make.” Roshi stated. “Your grandfather actually found you as a baby boy while he was out one day walking out in a field. He found you in some sort of pod near a strange spacecraft of some sort. Seeing you out there all alone tugged at his heart strings and he decided to adopt you as one of his own.”

“Awww. That’s so sweet...” Fluttershy smiled while Piccolo just rolled his eyes.

“Wow! Goku! You’re really a super soldier from another world!? That’s mondo cool!” Krillin exclaimed. “It explains so much, the tail you used to have, the times you turned into-err, done other cool things! Things make so much more sense now!”

“Krillin do you mind!? I’ve just been told a good chunk of my life was either a falsehood, half-truth, or blatantly hid from me! I’m still coming to terms with it!” Goku yelled at him in a mix of sadness, and anger.

“Oh, sorry!” Krillin apologized before walking towards Raditz and greeting him by saying. “Hey there! The name’s Krillin, and I’m sure we’ll have lots of adventures togeth-AHHHHHHH!!” He was cut off as Raditz knocked him into a nearby pile of rubble.

“Oh no! Krillin!” Yelled out Yamcha and Fluttershy as they ran towards him.

“OW! What the hell was that for!?” He yelled as they picked him back up and brushed them off, only for Raditz to ignore him.

“Now first of all...” Raditz growled in anger. “What happened to your tail, Kakarot!?”

“For starters. My name is not Kakarot; it’s Goku!” Goku yelled at Raditz. “Secondly, you have no right to treat my friends that way, even if you are my brother! Third, I’m not exactly sure what happened, but it got cut off somehow.”

“You fool!” Raditz yelled back at Goku as he balled up one of his fists. “Our tails are our main source of power! You have been significantly weakened by losing it! And why haven’t you fulfilled your main mission here!?”

“Main mission? What do you mean?” Goku growled back as he gripped tighter onto his bo staff.

“As I said earlier, Kakarot, we are a race of warriors. We serve a large space empire that makes it’s money by clearing planets of sentient and sometimes non-sentient lifeforms so it can be sold to the highest bidder!”

Everyone again gasped in terror.

“OK, that’s just all sorts of messed up!” Applejack stated in disgust.

“H-how could I be made a member of such a cruel species!?” Twilight wondered in shock.

‘Wait...I’m now a member of a race that kills other races...for cash?!’ Rainbow thought to herself in horror.

“It’s obvious you failed in your mission...baby brother.” Raditz mocked. “Still, even as an infant you should’ve brought the primitive lifeforms here to their knees.” He then stopped to think a moment and then gasped. “Wait...did you suffer some sort of serious traumatic injury upon your head when you were younger!?”

“Yeah, I did. What’s your point!?” Goku snapped back.

“Figures, the knock to your head must’ve damaged the neural programming you received before we launched you into space!” Raditz growled.

“Hmmm. I guess this explains another mysterious aspect of your childhood.” Roshi started. “I remember your Grandpa Gohan telling me you used to be quite the Hellion as a child. You were constantly being violent and uncooperative. Then one day you had a nasty fall off of a tall cliff. Gohan felt so guilty when it happened, he was sure you were going to die. But after tending to you for several days, you woke up. You were a different person that day. He said from that point forward that you were the kindest boy a grandfather could ever ask for.”

“What are you a monster!?” Goku remembered Demon King Piccolo Sr. had asked him once.
“The only monster here is you!” The young Goku retorted.

Now hearing what his own people had done to him, and what had been undone by a quirk of fate, he wasn’t so sure any more.

“Nonetheless, contrary to what you may think, I’m not completely heartless!” Raditz mocked, “In fact I want to re-hire you back into the family business! Why, I’ll even allow your friends here to live and join the business as well. In return, I want all other life forms on this planet wiped out!”
Again there were more gasps of terror, followed by murmuring and growls.

“However.” Raditz continued as he put up his index finger, “I know this may take some getting used to. So we’ll start small. Let’s say you terminate about...one hundred of the primitive beings on this world and bring them to your Kame House by tomorrow to show that you’re willing to repent for your failures?”

“This guy is nuts if he thinks we’re gonna just let that happen!” Spike snapped as his tail slammed into the ground.

Piccolo nodded in agreement. ’If anyone’s dominating this dustball of a planet it’s me!’ He thought as he threw off his weighted armor.

“Failures? FAILURES!?” Goku yelled. “If that’s your definition of failure, then I don’t even want to know how you define success!”

“Right, I may be a heartless robber and may have killed some folks, but not even I would wipe out the entirety of humanity!” Yelled out Launch as she, Yajirobe, Puar, and Oolong were loading up a bound and gagged Pilaf, Mai, and Chow onto the back of Bulma’s Airplane.

“And if this is what you call ‘family duty’ then I want nothing to do with it! If this is your idea of ‘family values,’ then you're no brother of mine!” Goku shouted at him as he got into his fighting stance.“Monster or not, you are still way worse than me! I will never hurt my loved ones here on Earth!”

“Yeah, and it’s going to be hard for me to rule this planet if there’s no sentient life on it, so you’re going to have to go Pine Cone.” Piccolo growled in turn as he got into a fighting stance.

“You make me ashamed to be a Saiyan.” Twilight said in anger. “But there’s a way to fix that.”

“I’m glad to see you’re thinking doing about things my way for once.” Rainbow said with a grin as she too got into her own fighting stance.

“All of you? Against me?” Raditz chuckled. “Sounds fair!” He cracked his knuckles and summoned a ball of Ki in one upheld hand. “Keep your eye on th-!”

“CHOO-CHOOO!!” Shouted Garlic Jr. as he burst out of the ruble that was his castle and crashed down on top of Raditz. He then picked him up and threw him towards Goku and his family like a rag-doll and released an large explosion of energy, sending everyone flying.

“That’s it! I’m just going to kill ALL of you and go to Namek instead!” Garlic Jr. yelled in rage. “To the Deadzone with everyone! Maybe if I’m lucky, Piccolo and Kami will survive the banishment and I can still get my wish here on Earth!” He then focused his hands in front of him and opened a large rift in the sky, summoning a black swirling vortex above them. The Vortex started to lift up the nearby debris and suck it into its gigantic maw.

“Say hi to my father when you get there, you bastards!” Garlic Jr. laughed out as he saw more and more debris getting swallowed up by the portal, “Everyone gets a free one-way trip to the Dead Zone! God, Demon, Mortal, Namek, and Saiyan alike!”

“So is that how your father receives conjugal visits?!” Rainbow yelled out.

“EAT A DICK!!!” Garlic Jr. snapped back.

“Strap yourselves in boys and girls! We’re getting some chop!” Bulma yelled to Pilaf, Mai, Chau, Yajirobe, Puar, Oolong, and Launch in the back of her Speeder as she started to take off.

“Flutters, follow my lead!” Pinkie yelled out to Fluttershy as she sunk her fists into the ground, only for them to pop up again further away.

“Right!” Fluttershy nodded as she followed suit.

“Great thinking!” yelled out Goku, “You’ve anchored yourselves to the ground! Everyone grab hold of them!”

As the various fighters grabbed onto the stretched arms of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, both Pinkie and Flutters grabbed onto the Guardrail of Bulma’s aircraft.

“Hang on Bluma! We’ve got you!” Fluttershy yelled.

EEEEEEEE!! Don’t let go!!” Bulma yelped in terror as she fought to stabilize her aircraft in the turbulence.

Around this time, Raditz started to lose his grip on Pinkie Pie’s arm. He then started to fly towards the Dead Zone.

NOOOOOOO!!!” He yelled out only to realize Goku had used his free hand to grab onto Raditz’s leg!

“Hang on!” Goku yelled. “Even if I have disowned you; I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I knew I didn’t try to save you!”

“Goku, I got an idea!” Piccolo yelled at him. “I’ve developed a new attack, but it takes time to charge up! Pinkie! I need you and Fluttershy to grab Goku and Raditz with your free hands and to be a lifeline for them while they try to pin down Garlic Jr.! Then I’ll hit him with my attack!”

“You got it!” Pinkie yelled back.

Piccolo then started to charge up the attack on his free arm while Pinkie in turn started to charge up her main head tentacle.

“Doo doo dee doo~Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo~I’mma charging my attack!” Pinkie hummed to herself.

“You fools! You think you can stop me!?” Garlic Jr. yelled as Raditz and Goku started to fly towards him. “I’ve gone too far to stop you now!” He then knocked them aside with a crescent kick from his leg, while Pinkie and Flutters held onto them, they were still dazed for a moment.

Seeing the sight of his dad being so beaten up and at the mercy of the Dead Zone, something snapped in Gohan that day.

“LEAVE MY DADDY ALOOONNNNNEEEEEE!!!” Gohan yelled as he brokje free from her mother’s grasp and charged up towards Garlic Jr. in blind rage.

As Raditz started to recover from the knock to his head he read the power level on his scouter. “What!? The kid’s power level is over 1,350!” he exclaimed in shock, only for a small chunk of rock flew towards him and hit him in the face, knocking his scouter off as he grunted in pain.

Gohan rammed himself into Garlic Jr’s Chest with a vicious headbutt, temporarily knocking him off balance and weakening his grasp on the Dead Zone. Fluttershy then stretched out her own head tentacle and grabbed onto Gohan before the Dead Zone could swallow him up.

Taking advantage of this temporary distraction, Goku and Raditz grabbed onto and wrestled with Garlic Jr. The Deadzone continued to shrink and weaken as Garlic Jr. was distracted, but it was still a major threat.

“Piccolo, Pinkie, now! DO ITTTTT!!!” yelled out Goku.

“Special Beam Cannon!” Piccolo yelled out as he fired his one-handed beam.

“Special Party Cannon!” Pinkie Pie yelled out as she fired off her own pink ki Blast.

Just as the beams fired off, Goku used his free leg to shove Raditz out of the way and continued to grapple onto Garlic Jr. on his own.

“Goku! NO!!” yelled out ChiChi fro her father’s grasp as the beams went through the chests of both Goku and Garlic Jr.

Goku chuckled slightly as he let go of Garlic and floated like a Rag Doll in the maelstrom in the sky.

“Father...I’ve failed…” Garlic Jr. murmured as he breathed his last breath, in response to his death the Dead Zone started to weaken, shrink, and fade away. The various debris and warriors up in the air started to fall to the Earth below. Bulma's aircraft started to slowly hover down for a landing.

As everyone started to slowly walk up towards Goku’s and Garlic Jr’s remains, Raditz blasted off what was left of Garlic Jr’s head with his custom Ki Blast attack. “Just to be sure.” He said with a wicked smile as Garlic Jr’s headless body then started to shrink down to its original form. Raditz then fell down upon his knees in pain and exhaustion.

“I would say I’m sorry for hitting you.” Piccolo started. “but then I’d be lying.” The others merely looked upon him angrily except for Goku’s Family and Pinkie Pie who were overwhelmed with grief.

“Dear Celestia...What have I done!?” Pinkie gasped as the ramifications of her actions became clear, and she started to cry uncontrollably.

Goku then stretched his arm out and gently patted the tear-stained cheek of the strange creature. “Please...don’t be sad. Unlike Piccolo, you didn’t want to harm me. You...you had no choice. Garlic Jr. had to be held down for the attacks to hit. I just...I just wanted to give my brother...a second chance.”

“Goku, here take this senzu bean!” Yajirobe said as he was about to give Goku a bean from the sack he was carrying.

“I’m...I’m sorry. I don’t think a Senzu Bean is going to fix this. I kind of have two big...big gaping holes in my...chest. You’ll...you’ll need the Dragonballs for something this bad I’m afraid,” Goku replied with a cough. “Gohan, take care of your Grandpa and ChiChi for me...you’re the man of the house now.”

“D-dad? What do you mean?” Gohan sniffed.

“ChiChi...I’m sorry it has to be this way.” Goku grunted.

“Goku...please. Please don’t go…” ChiChi quietly wept.

“Still, there’s a chance. Get the Dragonballs. Summon Shenron. If that fails...then...farewell. I love...I love…” Goku said as he faded away and drifted into death.

GOKUUUU!!!!” ChiChi wept uncontrollably as she held onto Goku’s remains

DADDDYYYY!!!!” Gohan cried as he gripped tightly onto Goku’s Gi.

The Ox King bear hugged both of them in his mammoth arms in an attempt to console them.

“I will help look after and take care of your son during whatever time I have left as a Time Patroller, Goku.” Pinkie Pie said quietly as she watched from afar. “I Pinkie Promise.”
“Kakarot, maybe I was wrong about you...just maybe. . And I think you are too merciful towards others for your own good!” Raditz mumbled noticed his scouter and went to pick it up, then that he heard some comm chatter from it.

“He’s not responding, I think he’s dead Prince Vegeta!” Said a rather gruff voice.

“What do you know! That idiotic weakling Raditz screwed up another mission! It seems he was even a bigger failure than his infant brother or a Saibamen!” Replied one raspy and arrogant voice. “Still, it’s not a big loss! At least we know about these ‘Dragon Balls’ he was after! Nappa, Turles, Tarble, gather the rest of the Crusher Corps! We’re going to Earth! We’re getting our wish and planting the Tree there!”

“Of course, Prince Vegeta.” Continued the gruffer voice. “Still, how long do you think it will take for us to get there? We should probably make a quick pit stop for repairs, refuel… you know, the essentials.”

“Hmmm...according to the coordinates on his Scouter.” Vegeta started. “It should take a year or so. Give or take a few months and depending on if we do any side contracts on the way over there. Truth be told, we could probably use the extra credits for the long trip over. So yes, a pit stop seems reasonable. An unusually wise observation for you, Nappa.”

“And will we use the Dragonballs to bring back Raditz? There are so very few of us Saiyans left after all.”

“No! We’re not wishing that pathetic weakling back! If he can’t even do the job that a Saiyan infant or Saibaman could do as an adult, then he’s not worth saving! Even my runt brother is stronger than him!”

“All..of...my...hate.” Growled Raditz as he slowly started to tighten his first against the Scouter.

“Instead, I will use them to make us immortal! Between immortality and the Tree of Might, we will become unstoppable!” As Vegeta finished cheers arose from various other beings on the comm channel.

“So we’re not wishing for Cupcakes or Panties?” Asked Nappa.

“Ugh! Just get in the damn Ship, Nappa!” Yelled the Prince.

“‘Kay!” cheerfully replied Nappa.

“Vegeta, you treacherous dog!” Raditz growled as he crushed his Scouter in rage. “I’ll make you pay for this!” Raditz growled as he walked towards the group of mourners. “Is it true? Can the Dragonballs bring the dead back to life?” Raditz asked.

“Yes, yes they can.” Krillin replied as he sniffled a bit. “We were planning to use them to bring Goku back from the dead. However, they can only bring back one person from the dead per wish and can only be done once per person. So if anything happened to me, Tien, Giran, or Chiaotzu, we’re in trouble.”

“Why am I not surprised you four weaklings have already died once?” Raditz quipped.

“Hey!” Krillin yelled as Piccolo laughed uproariously.

“While I hate to break up this solemn occasion.” Raditz started. “Even if it is for my own newfound brother. I’ve got good news and bad news. Besides the fact he can be brought back with the Dragonballs.”

“W-what’s the good news?” Yamcha gulped.

“I’m not going to destroy this planet and I’m now going Freelance.” Raditz stated. “In fact, I will help defend this planet from now on.”

“Well, if yer tellin’ th’ truth shug.” Applejack enquired with some degree of doubt. “Though what made ya have a change of heart?”

“My own fellow Saiyans have decided to leave me for dead. They didn’t even bother considering the possibility of bringing me back to life!” Raditz growled in anger. “And, are on there way here to finish the job Kakarot and I was supposed to do.”

The group of assembled heroes and never-do-wells gasped in horror and murmured.

“And they plan to use the Dragonballs to make themselves immortal.” He added.

The group of heroes gasped again and Rarity grabbed herself a couch from nowhere to faint on top of.

“Where did she get a couch from!?” Raditz exclaimed.

“Trade secret.” Pinkie smiled.

“Nonetheless. We only have about a year, give or take a few months, to prepare for their arrival.” Raditz continued.

“Wait, why should we trust you!?” ChiChi fumed at him. “You were planning to kill my husband if he didn’t join you!”

“The situation has changed.” Raditz scoffed at her. “My old paymasters have betrayed me. I literally have no home or employer now! And, if we don’t win this upcoming battle against them, we will ALL die! You. Me. The rest of the sentient lifeforms on this backwater mudball. All...dead! So, if you want to still have a pulse a year from now, I’d suggest you start training immediately. As much as I hate to admit it, they’re right about one thing. All of them are stronger than me.” He then pointed at Gohan. “We will especially have to train my dear nephew here. I never seen such a power level from such a young child before!”

“Give it a few years...” Pinkie mumbled.

“M-m-me?” A teary-eyed Gohan sniffled and stammered.

“Oh no! You are not training my child to be another meathead-!” she started.

“What part of WE WILL ALL DIE if we don’t prepare now don’t you understand!?” Raditz yelled back. “Even if he doesn’t end up on the front line with the rest of us, he will still need to know how to defend himself if anything should happen to the rest of us! If all of us are dead, he will have NO ONE to protect him! So you can either take the lead in training him, follow and aid me in training him, or get the Hell outta my way!”

“I...I...don’t want to lose him.” ChiChi sniffed. “I just lost Goku.”

“Look...” Raditz calmly began as he put his hand upon her shoulder. “This whole compassion thing is not my strong suit obviously. But, you have to be practical with this. If we don’t train your son to defend himself, these people will find him and either gang press him into their personal pirate fleet OR kill him! As merciless and homicidal as I can be, the ones who are coming make me look outright saintly. A year will come and go very fast. We must prepare now while we still have a chance.”

“Very well, we will train him. Together.” ChiChi relented. “But if you do anything untowards him-!”

“I understand.” Raditz relented.

“I think we should all gather at my Lookout to further discuss out how we will train, plan, and prepare for the arrival of these other ‘Saiyans.’” Kami stated firmly. “And for what we will do with Goku’s remains while we look for the Dragon Balls. I will also try to use some of my contacts in the Otherworld to get an old friend of mine to train Goku. In fact, as painful as it may sound we may need to hold off on bringing him back to give them more time to train together. Do you think the rest of you are strong and rested enough to follow after us after this battle?”

“You can count on us!” Krillin replied confidently. “We may be worn out, but we’re not beat yet!”

“While we are not allies, we share a common foe. I will put aside our differences Kami...for now.” Piccolo growled.

“Yes, and do note we will have to make a pit stop at a police station to drop off our band of malcontents here.” Kami continued as he pointed to the taped-up and squirming Pilaf gang. “I don’t think Bulma would object, would you Bulma?”

Bulma shook her head.“No. I don’t mind at all! I just had the ship filled up this morning!”

“Oh yes! That reminds me! Twilight, are you and your friends coming?” Asked Kami, turning the towards the Time Patrollers. “I and the others here have a lot of questions to ask you. And, we would like to train with you and to have you join us in our battle plans for battling the Saiyan invaders.”

“I’m afraid we can’t...not yet.” Replied Twilight. “We have our own duties to attend to. However know this, we will be back to aid you again. No matter how many times it takes!” The rest of the Mane Seven nodded and spoke in agreement. “C’mon girls! Let’s go.”

As she finished, metal ring appeared overhead with a portal appeared within it, Twi and the others slowly floated away and disappeared into the portal...except for Pinkie., who looked upon Goku’s family with a mixture of sadness and seriousness, something that was unusual for her. While her tentacle hair wasn’t completely flat upon her head, they were a bit lower than usual.

“I will make amends for what I have done to you. Even if it wasn’t on purpose. I swear it.” she said with grim finality. She then flew into the portal just as it disappeared…

A brave hero has passed away this day, but new alliances have been forged! However, how long will these alliances of convenience and desperation hold up? Will they be able to put aside their differences to prepare for the Saiyans? Will Pinkie Pie be able to come to terms with what she had done to Goku? How about Goku’s Family? Will they be able to forgive her as well? And how will the training go? Will it be enough to stop the Saiyans that are now en-route to Earth? And who are the mysterious beings that are altering time? What plans do they have for the Saiyans and our heroes as well? Find out all this and more next time onnnn...MY LITTLE PONY: XENOVERSE!!!

Next Time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse--The Mane Seven get their first debriefing from Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time. The mission was a success but at a high price! The Mane Seven must deal with the hard reality of taking other beings lives. Especially Pinkie Pie as she not only absorbed another being, but accidentally killed another being she liked-the famed hero Goku! And despite their best efforts, the main timeline is still being altered! How will Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time help them to deal with the bitter realities of war? Find out all this and more next time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse!