• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 5,658 Views, 171 Comments

MLP: Xenoverse! - Alphamon_Ouryuken

Seven Heroes from Equestria are summoned to a far-away world to save it's past, present, and future...

  • ...

Chapter 7: Times Change

Last time on “My Little Pony: Xenoverse,” Twilight and her friends noticed that Pinkie Pie was missing! Knowing of her uncanny ability to disappear to just about anywhere, they went to the Supreme Kai of Time for help. It was then that the Supreme Kai of Time made a very uncomfortable proposal. Due to the shortage of options, she proposed searching the scrolls of the Time Vault to figure out where Pinkie Pie went to. During this search, Applejack found out that Pinkie Pie had went back to the past to help train Gohan. More than a little put off by her unannounced disappearance, the remained of the Mane Seven went to pay Pinkie a visit. After Pinkie explained her actions and the upcoming training session, the Girls and Spike agreed to stay with her and help the other Z-Warriors prepare for the arrival of the Saiyans. However, a perilous event is about to take place! Gohan, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash will have to learn to control the perilous Oozaru Form! How will they pull this off? And what have the Saiyans been up to during this time? Find out all this and more next on, “My Little Pony: Xenoverse!”

“Tarble, Turles, Nappa, it’s amazing what one can do in a few months, don’t you agree?” crowed Vegeta as the four Saiyans stood on the palace balcony looking at the village below. The sky was starting to clear up, crops were being grown, and buildings were being built and renovated, and then some. And yet, the locals were unhappy. For the majority (except for a few rabble-rousers in hiding) were now in chains and subjects of Freeza’s Empire. Lower-ranking aliens of the Frieza Force and loyalist Arlians that were promised limited freedom and food for loyalty were now patrolling the streets and elsewhere; enforcing Frieza's iron-fisted rule.

“Thanks to the reinforcements, we now have this planet under control and we can leave for Earth or whatever that other planet is called. They aren’t proper Saiyans, but the lower-ranking rabble do their part.” Vegeta continued with an arrogant smirk. “Let us go say farewell to our two puppet-rulers before we leave, shall we?”

Vegeta entered the Throne Room, accompanied by Tarble, Turles, and Nappa. Within it were the King and Queen, as well as a mixed band of The Crusher Corps (including their two newest members: Onio and Honey), Gure, some loyalist Arlian Royal Guards, and the Garrison sent by the Frieza Corps. Honey was no longer in her old toga, but back in her combat suit, which was a suit of light and small body armor that covered a black leotard. The leotard also covered up her hair in a manner akin to the protective headgear often used on Terran Scuba Diving Suits.

“Lord Vegeta.” Replied a member of the Frieza Corps who bowed before him. It was a green squid-like being in the standard Frieza Corps body armor and a cape that was bowing before him. “It is a pleasure to have you visit us one final time before you leave.”

“Oh no, the pleasure's all mine.” Vegeta replied in a manner where it was hard to tell if it was genuine or snarky sarcasm. This being always left a bad taste in the back of his throat, and not because it was some ink-squirting freak job! Nor that he was yet another one of Frieza's tail-kissing toadies. No, it was the rumors that surrounded him, that this creature either knows information about… or had a hand in his world’s destruction, along with Frieza.

’You better hope someone gets to you before I do if I find out those rumors are true.’ Vegeta thought to himself.

“We have mostly pacified the local population and reconstruction is months ahead of schedule. What was once a worthless rock will soon become a valuable trade hub and pit stop for troop transports in less than a year.” The green octopoid said. “It is fortunate that your brother talked you out of destroying this planet and the puppet monarchs we set up. It certainly didn’t look like much when you arrived, but he saw the potential this rock had.”

“Yes…potential.” Vegeta “agreed” with the Advisor now turned Majordomo for the ruling family.

’You always was a pathetic weakling, Tarble. If you weren’t kin and there wasn’t so few of us left, I would’ve killed you myself ages ago!’ Vegeta thought to himself in anger, ’For your sake; you better hope the Tree of Might fixes that!’

“Nonetheless, if you and your garrison have both the Royal Family and the locals in line; we need to get going. We have other planets to take over and you know how Lord Frieza gets if we are behind schedule.” Vegeta said with a low growl. He also tightened up his fist ever so slightly.

“Yes, of course!” The new royal advisor consented with a bow. “The last thing any of us want to acquire is Lord Frieza's wrath. Rest assured, between my brains and the Corps Brawn-” Nappa and Onio let out a brief chuckle at this, the invertebrate simply cleared his throat and continued. “We shall have the locals kept in line, and ensure the loyalty of our new monarchs, of course.”

The two insectoids upon the throne nervously nodded in agreement.

“You heard him!” Turles yelled out. “We’re done here! Form up! We’re leaving!”

A line up of troops were formed down the street leading to the newly-built landing pad the Crusher Corps Ship was on. The enslaved Arlians cheered for the leaving Crusher Corps, but it wasn’t out of joy. No, it was because there were additional Frieza Corps soldiers on the roof waiting to shoot them if they did not. Vegeta was in the lead, flanked by Turles and Nappa, they were in turn were followed by Tarble and his spouse, who in turn was followed by the behemoth Amond, Amond in turn was followed by the rest of the Crusher Corps. Finally, in the very rear, the mutant Arlian giant followed them, shackled in chains. It had a missing finger, but for the most part was well. A rumbling came forth from the cloudcast sky. It looked like it was going to rain.

’Lemlia... Atla... I’m so sorry….’ Tarble thought to himself as he hung his head in sadness and shame. ’It was either they let you live as puppet rulers and your subjects as slaves, or they were going to kill you and everyone else on this world. Vegeta might have just blown up the world out of spite, as vengeful as he is. There was no other way. And soon, Vegeta will be the most powerful being in the Galaxy, even stronger than Frieza. Good Kais, Kamis, if anyone is out there, hear my prayer...my plea! Please send someone to stop us! Even if I was strong enough… I can’t turn on my older brother….’

Gure could tell her kind-hearted husband was in pain and reached over to hold his hand. Her husband looked over briefly and gave her a sad but grateful smile as they continued to march to the ship...

“I got a clear shot. Should I take it?” Grumbled a Arlian that hid in the upper story of a nearby building. The creature was pointing a modified Frieza Corps Arm Blaster out of the corner of a nearby window.

“No, let them go.” Replied another. “Tarble tried to do for us what he could. And we stand no match against his cohorts. No, out of respect for him we shall not fire upon them or sabotage their ship. Let them leave. When the time is right; we shall strike.”

“And what then?” The sniper asked. “They might come back later on even if our rebellion is successful.”

“I will be honest with you old friend.” The other Arlian confessed. “I’m not sure. But I know we can’t defeat the Crusher Corps. No, we must wait things out and play it by antennae. Plan for the future, but know there’s no guarantee we’ll live to see it. Live life one day at a time. One day at a time.”

It was then that the heavy clouds finally broke and it started to rain. It was as if tears were coming down from heaven-saddened by what has become of Arlia. They were now “prosperous,” but at a price. Tarble was grateful for the rain, for it now hid the tears coming down his face. He along with the rest of the Crusher Corps followed Vegeta, Tarble and Nappa up the ramp of their ship, as they were being saluted by additional Frieza Corps Sentinels and Arlian Royal Guards that were on each side of the ramp.

“Well, I’m glad to see the minions at least have enough sense to guard our ship.” Vegeta grumbled. “Still, have Onio and the Twilight Twins do a quick inspection inside and outside before we take off. Even if I’m sure we would survive any attempt at sabotage I do want to keep out ship intact.”

“Of course Lord Vegeta.” Replied Turles as he, Vegeta, and Nappa reached the top of the ramp and went into the ship’s interior.

“Gee, thanks for going on the trip with us Spike!” Gohan said as they walked through a forest.

“Well, what are friends for? Besides, I couldn’t let Twilight do this alone.” Spike smiled as his face guard had retracted back into the sides of his helmet. “And well, I’ve had issues controlling my transformations, so I figured I could help Twi, you, and Dash out in a more empathic manner. Though I’m a little nervous about what I might do. I mean, when I grew as a dragon I…”

“Yeah, just what I need, you telling me horror stories about your own transformation going bad…” Gohan replied with a bit of uncharacteristic sarcasm.

“Oh yeah, sorry about that.” Spike said as he looked down at the ground.

“I’m sorry Spike, that was out of line.” Gohan apologized as he put his hand on Spike’s shoulder. “Whatever happens to either of us we’ll face it together. Okay?”

“Yeah, I should’ve been more thoughtful and realized that hearing about such bad experiences would-”

It was then that they were interrupted by some nearby rumbling in a patch of bushes.
Spike and Gohan turned and got into fighting stances, standing back to back to each other.

“R-r-r-raaa?” questioningly growled an unidentified creature from the bushes.

“Jeez, I wish Fluttershy was here right now!” Spike replied nervously.

“It’s...it’s okay Spike.” Comforted a rather spooked Gohan, “Uncle Raditz has assured me that a half-saiyan and an Arcosian can handle just about any wild animal on this planet, and most others for that matter. No matter what this is, we’ll face it together! You ready Spike?”

Spike solemnly nodded as his face guard went back over his mouth.

“Rrr-r-rrr-aaa?” questioned again the strange voice from the bush. A split-second later Spike and Gohan saw the source of the strange noise. A purplish head stuck out of the bush cautiously. It had an unusually friendly (but nervous) look on it’s face. It had purple scales, a pair of horns jutting out of the back of it’s head, and a beak.

Gohan and Spike let down their guard slightly and slowly started to walk towards the creature.

“Is...is that a...dragon?” Spike asked as they approached the creature.

“Yeah, I think it’s one of those European ones I’ve read about in my textbooks.” Gohan answered. “It sure is a long ways from Europe though. I wonder how it got here?”

“Alas, it doesn’t exactly seem sapient.” Spike replied with a slight tinge of sadness as the creature cautiously sniffed the ground around the two martial artists.

“But it seems to just be a baby. A rather big one though” said Gohan as he nervously brought his hand up to the creature to be sniffed.

“Yeah, well I was a baby dragon before I got this body and I was smart enough to do secretarial and office work.” Spike countered. “But then again, most other sapient races I’ve encountered aren’t usually able to do the things I could as a baby.”

“Rest assured, I know what it’s like to be buried under paperwork at such a young age.” Gohan chuckled nervously as the creature took a cautionary sniff of Gohan’s hand.

“Grrraaa-Graaa~!” The creature happily meeped as it started to rub it’s head against Gohan’s hand.

“I guess it’s safe to say that the creature is somewhat tame.” Gohan smiled, giving it a playful scratch behind its ears.

“Yeah, I just wonder where his parents are?” Spike asked as his face guard retracted back into the lower part of his frill, he then sadly looked away for a brief moment with some slightly moist eyes and continued. “I know what it’s like to not know what it’s like to have to live without parents and having to depend on others to take care of you. And he doesn’t seem to have either of those.”

“Yeah, considering how big he is, I would assume his parents would be rather large as well. I would think that they, or the paths they’d make in the forest when not flying would be rather hard to miss.” Gohan agreed as he put a comforting arm around both the shoulders of Spike and the dragon. “I know I can’t take every stray in and I already got a robot now, but I just remember what happened to that Apatosaurus. After going through that I… I just can’t leave him out here.”

“What did happen exactly?” Spike asked as Gohan started to walk back to their designated training site; their new friend and the Arcosian in tow.

“It’s a long and painful story. You see, it started several months ago. Pinkie had just arrived, but you and the others weren’t around at the time, as Piccolo and Uncle Raditz insisted I get some ‘tough love’ training and learn to ‘rough it’ out on my own.” Gohan began to explain. “They weren’t completely heartless though, Piccolo had given me a set of weighted, armored, clothes and a sword, and my uncle gave me the suit of armor that was meant for my dad when he first came to Earth. While seeking shelter from a rainstorm I went into a cave. It was there that I found and befriended a snoozing, but heavily injured Brontosaurus….”

“Hang on big guy! This is going to feel a lot better when it comes out!” Gohan replied as he gave a large tug upon the large branch stuck in the Apatosaurus’ side. The creature gave a loud earth-shaking roar as Gohan pulled the branch out, the gargantuan sauropod then let out a gigantic sigh of relief as he then proceeded to lie down on it’s uninjured side and sunbathed near mouth of the cave entrance.

“You just stay there Mr. Dinosaur!” Gohan exclaimed as he ran off. “I’m going to go get us some fruits, minerals, and berries to make bandages and medicine out of! You just stay there and I’ll be right back!”

[Half an hour later...]

While out in the woods, Gohan heard his new friend roar out in fear heard the sound of another creature. It was a sound he knew and was all too terrified of: The sound of one of the rarer varieties of frilled T-Rexes (sometimes called Paozusaurus) that inhabited this forest and the nearby river valley. “Oh no!” Gohan yelled out in shock and terror as he gathered up what he had into a sack of woven leaves he had and started to sprint back towards his new friend.

What he saw confirmed his worst fears; his new friend was fighting a losing battle against a gigantic and heavily scarred Alpha. While he wanted to charge in, he remembered Piccolo’s words of advice:

“Yes, combat instinct is important. It can save your life and that of others, and hesitancy can get you killed. But being rash at the wrong place at the wrong time can cost lives as well. Learn from your training, learn when to trust your instincts and reflexes and act, and learn when to stop and think.”

He wanted to jump in right then and there, but he knew that if he timed it wrong that both of them would be a carnivore’s lunch. He took a quick look around, trying to find something that would turn the odds in his favor. Using some survival and tracking training his Uncle taught him, he started to notice from the tracks what happened. From the freshness and the arrangement, he could tell that the battle had just started and that the Carnosaur had ambushed the Brontosaurus from the trees when the Brontosaurus approached a nearby brook. It had probably went there to satisfy its behemoth-sized thirst by getting a drink.

’C’mon Gohan! Think...THINK!!!’ He said to himself, his eyes darting around trying to find something that would turn the odds in his favor.

It was then that a solution showed itself.

“Of course!” He said aloud as he saw what to do, he quickly scampered up the cliff face that made up the cave entrance and went to a nearby pile of humongous boulders.

’Trigonometry, Physics, Geometry, and Calculus, don’t let me down now!’ He thought to himself as he quickly calculated the proper angle and force needed to bring the boulders down upon his foe, he stuck his sword within the pile to use as a lever and grabbed a smaller stone. “Hey ugly! Yes you! I’M TALKING TO YOU, YOU PEA-BRAINED OVERGROWN SCALY CHICKEN!!!” Gohan yelled as the threw the stone at one of the T-Rex’s eyes, he then got several small stones and threw them at his face. Eventually, one made contact and hit it in the eye, it growled in pain and then looked up at and roared at the pint-sized menace. The beast then rushed towards the Cliff Face and tried (and failed horribly) to climb up the side of it with it’s large legs and miniscule arms.

“Nyyyeeeehhhh!!!” Gohan mocked as he stuck his tongue out.

The Dinosaur then roared again in rage as he tried to go for the pint-sized child.

“C’mon! M-m-move!” Gohan grunted as he pushed down upon the sword.

The dinosaur continued to roar at Gohan as he struggled to push down upon the rocks.
“Rrrggghhh! Just a bit more...force!” Gohan growled as he tried to make the rocks give in to the laws of Newtonian Physics and Gravity.

It was then that tragedy struck, the T-Rex had slammed against the canyon wall that made up the cave entrance and the cliff face and Gohan lost his footing. Gohan yelled in terror as he continued to hold onto his sword, he felt his hands ache, tire, and burn in pain, but he grunted as he tried to tried regain his footing. Unfortunately, the part of the cliff his feet were on had partially given way and was gone. While the part the rocks were on was steady (for now), he wasn’t sure how much longer they would stay in one piece. He was constantly trying to pick up his squirming legs to prevent the carnivorous dinosaur from biting onto them.

The tired brontosaurus looked upon the scene in front of it and knew what it had to do, . in the time it had gotten to know Gohan, the creature had learned gratitude and had considered Gohan to be a member of its herd. It was a strange little creature, but he considered it a herd member nonetheless. The beast weakly dragged itself back up onto it’s feet, took a deep breath, let out a massive roar, and charged.

What happened next was pure pandemonium as all Gohan saw was a tumbling kaleidoscope of the earth, rocks, the canyon wall and cliffs, the cave entrance, and the sky.

A scene of surreal beauty coming forth from a moment of sheer carnage and tragedy.

The last thing he saw before he hit the ground and lost consciousness was the enraged Brontosaurus continuing to use the massive tonnage of his bulk to continually ram the T-Rex up against the side of the canyon, even as they were being buried and crushed by the boulders falling down upon them. The “lullaby” he received as he went to sleep in a coffin of stone was the rumbling of falling stones and the final roars of defiance of two creatures locked in a battle to the death.

Two creatures, one driven by hunger and rage, one driven by a desire to protect a loved one, who were more determined to kill their enemies than to live….

“Piccolo! Fetch me a senzu bean!,” Gohan heard Raditz yell as he slowly regained consciousness. “So help me, if ChiChi hears of this, it’ll be all three of our hides!

He also heard the rumbling of rocks and heavy breathing and indistinct yelling. “We can worry about ‘Pinkie Promises’ over oaths of silence later! Right now we got to dig Gohan out of here!” Pinkie yelled. “Celestia help me, don’t let me fail at a Pinkie Promise for the first time ever! Please let him be okay!”

After hearing some more rocks being thrown and moved about, the still somewhat lucid Gohan heard Pinkie yell. “Oh, thank Fausticorn! I found him! Hurry up with those beans! I don’t feel safe moving him!”

He then felt a gentle, but somewhat painful, pinch on a pressure point on his wrist. Probably done in an attempt to either see if his brain was still functioning and/or to wake him up. “C’mon! Wake up, wake up for your Uncle Raditz!” He heard his Uncle Raditz growled angrily as he then felt some very light slaps upon his cheeks.

“U-uncle...R-Raditz.” Gohan groaned painfully. “My… friend, how is he?”

“Not now Gohan. Eat.” Piccolo grumbled empirically as he placed a senzu bean into his mouth.

“Not long after eating that bean, I fell unconscious again.” Gohan told Spike as they continued to walk down the forest path. “The bean had patched me up, but I was still extremely fatigued from the time spent out in the bush and the battle. When I woke up, I learned that Uncle Raditz, Mr Piccolo, and Pinkie Pie had been taking shifts watching me as I spent time learning to survive outdoors. They just simply stayed hidden and watched me from a distance. Uncle Raditz was on the shift that was watching me at the time and Mr Piccolo and Pinkie Pie were on their way back from Korin’s after they picked up some senzu beans. Pinkie got a bad case of what she called…”

“The ‘Twitchy-Twitches’ I assume?” Spike speculated. “Yes, the gals and I are very familiar with them.”

“Yes...those.” Gohan sighed as he continued. “Since she knew it meant something bad was going on, she and Mr Piccolo flew over as quickly as they could, Uncle Raditz was all ready moving boulders when they arrived and he quickly informed of what happened as he continued to dig. They joined him as he worked as a team to find me.” The young half-Saiyan chuckled a little. “They were the most unlikely trio: two rivals for world domination and one… fun-loving eccentric. But they were able to get the job done. In fact, they seem to get along better now ever since that day. All though they try to keep up appearances through Mr Piccolo and Uncle Radtiz’s bickering and Pinkie’s general pestering.”

Gohan then stopped, sniffled and briefly wiped his eyes and his nose with the sleeve of the Demon Clan Clothes he wore under his Saiyan Armor. He took a deep breath and then continued his story. “When I finally woke up, they gave me some bad news. After they put the unconscious carnosaur out of his misery, they went to check on the Apatosaurus. He...he was too far...gone they told me. They think he lost too much blood from his previous wound and the new wounds he got during the battle with the Tyrannosaurus. The boulder merely finished the job. At...at least, we didn’t have to put him out of his misery. Uncle Raditz chopped off some of the T-Rex meat to be salted or smoked later, but left the Brontosaurus alone. I don’t think he’d ever admit it, but I think he did it in gratitude for it saving my life and for my sake. Soon afterwards, I carved some words in memory on top of one of the boulders in the pile and we re-buried the two dinosaurs. Pinkie was useful for that as she said she had a sister that was a mineralogist and that she used to work on a ‘rock farm’ of all things. After that point, we all agreed to never tell mom about this and cleaned up and repaired my clothes and armor. And from that day forward, one of them always stayed with me when I was training. At least until now, I have you guys to help them after all.”

“I’m very sorry for your loss.” Spike said as he put a comforting hand on Gohan’s shoulder.

“Thank you, I kind of lost what anger and resentment I may have had for Pinkie and Mr Piccolo on that day I think.” Gohan sniffled. “Seeing how far they went to make sure I stayed alive. And yet… that dinosaur dying. It was my fault, it was all my fault...”

“Hey, hey!” Spike chided as he turned Gohan to face towards him. “Things happen, I think Pinkie of all people would tell you that and understand better than most. For obvious reasons. Even then, you didn’t mean to do it! You didn’t make that T-Rex choose to go after that brontosaurus instead of something else for a meal that day, nor did you make the brontosaurus charge after him or leave the cave.”

“But… but he did it to save me!” Gohan yelled out, the proverbial dam had broken and a torrent of tears started to go down his face. Spike held onto and hugged the grieving child and the dragon gently nudged his head into his leg in concern.

“My dad, that dinosaur, I miss them both so much!” Gohan choked out.

“I know you do, I know.” Spike whispered as he held onto him. It was times like this he wished Fluttershy or Pinkie were here instead of him. They were better at these sort of things. But he did what he could, and what he could do was be a friend for a grieving child that needed an ear that would listen and a shoulder to cry on. “It’s okay, no one else is here. You don’t have to act strong around me. Let it all out, just let it all out.” Spike whispered to Gohan as he wept some more.

“It’s...it’s not fair!” Gohan sniffled. “That he had to die because of my screw-ups and to save my life!”

“I know it’s not fair Gohan. I know.” Spike comforted in turn as he gently patted him on the back. ’I know more than you may realize, or ever know...’ Spike thought to himself.

While Spike was helping the young Gohan to come to terms with both mortality and responsibility at a rather young age, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Puar, Launch, and the Human Z-Fighters were en route to Kami’s Lookout for special training.

“Whoo-whee! This sure is a fancy ride ya got thar Mr. Yamcha!” Applejack exclaimed as she and the others rode along in Yamcha’s newest “speedster” hovercar.

“What can I say? Pro Ball pays a lot of cash! I’m just glad we’re off-season at the moment. Gives me just enough time to catch up on my martial arts training.” Yamcha said with a prideful grin. “I was going to get a two or four-door street and air legal rice rocket, but I knew I needed something a bit larger to take my buds around in, so I arranged to get this new PT Cruiser suped-up and pimped-out! You normally wouldn’t expect a van to be sporty, but somehow Dodge pulled it off and even added a retro flair to it! Yeah, I have to admit, it’s pretty sweet!”

“I sure hope the others are okay.” Said an unusually sad Pinkie as she looked out a window. “I mean Twi and the others are going to go through a rough ordeal, and I’ve kinda grown attached to Gohan during our time training together. He’s the closest thing I’ve got to family out here other than what few of my fellow Equestrians we have on this world. No offense.”

“Well, I can speak for myself and I’m pretty sure for the others here that are from Earth that none are taken.” Krillin replied.

“Darling, that Raditz fellow may be a bit of a boor, but I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.” Rarity said as she put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I suppose that’s one of the few upsides there is to him being such a ruffian.”

“Ah hate t’ interrupt, but we’re nearin’ th’ Lookout.” AJ interjected as she pointed to the Lookout ahead of them.

“Well if we’re nearing the hideout; then buckle up and put your trays in the upright position, and thank you for flying with Air Yamcha!”

Yamcha’s joke got a bit of a light-hearted chuckle from the group as they flew down to the floating palace below.

“Things have changed so much in such a short period of time. Being around as long as I have, I usually prefer to be a long term planner, but recent events have throw a good chunk of them out the window.” Kami sighed as the small dot in the distance that was the hover van slowly got bigger. “I guess that’s where being a good improviser has to come in.”

“Hmmm...yes.” Replied Popo. “I am definitely looking forward to ‘meeting’ and training these new fighters along with the usual buncha maggots.”

“I swear you have no chill when you’re in drill sergeant mode.” Kami sighed with a facepalm. “But the thing that sticks out the most to me is Piccolo. Unlike his father, his beam attack didn’t destroy Goku nor Garlic Jr’s souls when he killed them. Even though some would argue Garlic Jr. would deserve it more than most (including yours truly).” He subtly added. “While I don’t want to jump to conclusions, I can only hope that he doesn’t turn out as wicked as his father. Or that the others are wearing off on him and he’s becoming a better person, even with the ties we share I can only tell so much about him at times. Say, have you heard from Roshi recently?”

“Last I heard, that old horndog went to see his Sister Baba to see if her Crystal Ball can track the Saiyans or not.” Popo replied with a yawn. “And that after visiting her, he was going back to help Raditz and the others to help train the Saiyans to control their alternate forms.”

“Oh hey guys!” Yajirobe said as he walked up behind them. “I came up here from Korin to train with the others! I hope you don’t mind.”

“Meh...more meat for the grinder I suppose.” Popo mumbled.

Yajirobe blinked. “What was that?”

“Nothing!” Popo answered as the hovervan proceeded to land in front of them.

“Hey there Kami!” Yamcha exclaimed as he and the others got out of his van. “We’ve come here to train under you!”

“Yeah, we want to receive the same training you gave Goku!” Krillin smiled as he followed. “Y’know, like when he was trying to bring me back to life with the Dragon Balls?”

“Well, you’re going to get a very...unpleasant surprise next season.” Popo whispered.

“Wait, what!?” Krillin asked.

“Krillin, it’s best you don’t know.” Pinkie said as she looked down upon the tile floor and shook her head.

“Ahem!” Kami interrupted as cleared his throat, getting everyone’s attention. “I know you are all eager to start your training, but Mr. Popo and I have some things to discuss and some last minute planning to do. Please wait for us while we arrange around some things and get some items from the Lookout. Yamcha, you may want to leave Puar in Korin’s Tower while we’re training. I’m sure Korin won’t mind, will he Yajirobe?”

“Well, I would’ve preferred we got a formal request first, but I’m sure Korrin would love to have another cat stay with him a while and talk about...erm...cat things.” Yajirobe said, scratching his head.

“Okay! You take care of yourself big guy!” Puar cheered as he flew over to Yamcha, gave him a quick last-minute hug and then flew down to Korin’s Tower.

“And what about you, Launch?” Asked Kami. “Do you want to go below to Korin’s Tower or the Village below?”

“No. I noticed that, try as I might, my weapons are failing to keep up with youze guys now.” She replied, holding back a groan. “Even in the old days, Krillin, Goku, and Roshi could take a shot from a pistol or a SMG rather well.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Shuddered Krillin.

“No.” Launch continued. “I want to train with youze guys! Learn to use Ki and stuffs!” She proclaimed, and then cleared her throat a bit as she kicked the dust on the ground. “Also...I kind of uhhh...burnt some bridges at the village at the base of your tower a few years back.” She sheepishly admitted, blushing a little.

“Figuratively, literally, or both?” Krillin asked.

Launch then growled at Krillin angrily.

“AAH! Sorry!” Krillin exclaimed in terror.

“Hmmm. This does complicate matters.” Kami replied, stroking his chin in thought. “Trying to teach both advanced and basic classes simultaneously. Popo and I will have to discuss this as well. Come along Popo, we’re burning daylight.”

“Of course Kami.” Popo replied with a respectful bow. He then turned around briefly, looked at the new trainees, waved and said in that terrifying tone that only he could convey. “Byyyyyeee~!”

He then turned around and followed Kami into the Lookout.

“What a strange fellow.” Pinkie said in slight confusion.

The rest of the group simply turned to her and gave her perplexed looks.

“What?” Pinkie asked with a smile and a shoulder shrug.

“You don’t know how happy I am to see you Grandpa! It was so kind of you to visit me while I was training!” Goku cheered in sheer joy as he stopped ever so briefly between bites while downing a bowl of Pepper Steak and fried rice that was bigger than his head (including his massive and spiky hairdo).

“Well, mah boy,” Grandpa Gohan said back as he paused briefly from drinking a cup of tea. “I had to come pay you a visit when I heard rumors that you were around and that you actually found out some more about your past.” He then took a deep breath, sighed in pain and regret and continued. “I wanted to tell you the truth, I really did. But, you were so young back then. I wanted to wait until you were a bit more mentally mature before I dropped the harsh truth on you. It’s just I didn’t get to live long enough to do so. You know, since that scary giant Moon Gorilla stomped on me and such. There were good…reasons I told you to stay in on the full moon, after all.”

Goku put down his mammoth bowl for a bit and looked at his adopted Grandfather with an unusually serious look, he then took a deep breath. “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit hurt by your withholding information on me, but...I understand. I will be honest, I’m not quite at the point of forgiving you Grandpa, but I do understand. I...I just need some time to nurse my wounds is all.”

His grandfather then took a deep sigh and conceded, “That is fair my dear boy. I understand.” After taking another sip of Oolong Tea, he force himself to smile and tried to change the subject. “Still, you must tell me more about your biological brother...this ‘Raditz’ fellow! Did he manage to tell you anything about your actual biological parents?”

“Unfortunately no.” Goku admitted sadly. “But I did manage to get a little bit of information out of him before I died. It seems that my race came from a planet called Vegeta and that…”

King Kai nervously watched from a nearby tree as Gregory and Bubbles attended to the young Saiyan and his adoptive grandparent. He was expecting company and he was hoping that the reunion and the large meal would be enough to keep Goku busy and distracted. But, well, he did find out that Goku wasn’t exactly the brightest of sorts, so pulling tricks on him that time wasn’t that hard. Still, he was such an inquisitive type.

Sometimes, too much for his own good.

It was then that another nuisance spoke up. “YARRRRR!! LET ME OUT!! I HEAR YE HAVING A COOKOUT UP THARRR!!” Yelled out a voice from the ground below.

“SHADDUP BOJACK! I’M BUSY!!” King Kai fumed as he stomped on the ground.

Fortunately, Goku and now his grandfather have gotten used to their shenanigans and pretty much ignored the real-life Manzai Sketch that was going on between them.

It was then that a particular short and red-headed Kai teleported next to King Kai.
“Oh, Supreme Kai of Time! Good to see you!” King Kai greeted her with a smile, a mutual bow between the two, and a handshake. “But I’m guessing this isn’t a leisure call.”

“You are correct.” The Time Kai replied in a near-whisper. “Are you sure Goku is...sufficiently distracted for the time being?”

“Oh yeah.” The short and rotund Kai whispered back as he put his palm to the side of his mouth. “He’s too busy trying to fill that bottomless void he calls a stomach and talking to his adoptive grandpa. Still, I’m told that’s always an issue when training a Saiyan. They’re constantly hungry.”

“Yes, it’s actually about what’s going on right now, including your training.” The short female Kai continued.

Just as King Kai gasped in shock, she waved her arms in front of her in defense as she continued. “Now now, don’t fret! Your present training is just fine. It’s just...time has changed. I do believe what was the original timeline is still out there somewhere due to the theory that there is an infinite number of timelines. It’s just that due to the changes that have taken place, that timeline has now become an alternate one and this is now the new main timeline. And well, I’m not sure if I can change it back. Or if I even should…. I mean, Raditz is now presently starting to change for the better as Piccolo did during the default timeline and is even helping to change Gohan.” She sighed. “I mean, I am ashamed to admit this, but part of me wants to leave things as is. And yet, I’m concerned about…”

“The proverbial ‘butterfly effect’, as well as your responsibility to maintain stability and the status quo within space-time.” King Kai finished off. “Yes, yes, I may not be as high on the totem pole as you and not know as much about you when it comes to wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff, but I am a still a Kai.

“It is a proverbial breath of fresh air to have someone I can talk to about things such as these.” The Time Kai admitted. “Trunks is useful and unusually kind for a being of Saiyan Heritage, but he’s a tad...dense at times. Then again, I did hire him to be the muscle of our team. Even if he is more-or-less leader now due to staff shortages. But staff shortages isn’t what I’m here to discuss. I just wanted your opinion on things. Part of me knows I probably should jump back in time again and try to reset events to as close as to the original timeline as possible, and yet, I let things go so far for so long and in some ways...it is better.... and yet…”

“It could get worse later.” King Kai nodded.

“Precisely.” The Supreme Kai of Time agreed. “But, I’m also afraid that if I try to ‘fix’ things now, it will just fray the stability of space-time even more than it already is.”

“You think ‘you know who’ is behind this?” King Kai asked.

“Think? I know those two are causing this.” The Time Kai scowled.

“Well, as for your present dilemma: Truth be told, I don’t know what to tell you.” King Kai admitted with a sigh. “But, I trust your judgement no matter what option you take. And I trust that your band of warriors from across time and space will be able to save the multiverse from collapsing, no matter the cost.”

“Thanks.” The female Kai said with a slight grin. “Please excuse me, I think your two guests are nearly done eating and I can’t afford for them to see me...yet. Farewell.”
She did a quick bow and teleported out before Goku turned to look at King Kai under the tree.

“Hey! King Kai, can we have some more eggrolls? I’m famished!” Goku yelled out.

“I swear, you’re going to eat me out of house and home!” King Kai fumed. “Gohan, how did you handle this walking bottomless pit!?”

“I’ll admit, he was a handful. Even back then.” the elder Gohan chuckled.

“Ugh! Fine, I’m on it! Gregory! Bubbles! Help me go look through the kitchen and the larder!” King Kai grumbled.

Meanwhile, back at Kami’s Lookout...

“Man, they sure have been taking a while in there.” Krillin replied as he was doing handstand pushups with Applejack.

“Tell me...about it...shug.” Applejack grunted as she struggled to keep up with Krillin.

“I respect your work ethic as you grew up on a farm, but you got a ways to go if you’re going to meet the training routine of a Xiaolin,” Krillin replied as the continued. “Still, you’re doing great, keep it up!”

“Whew! I think I’m gonna stop fer a second and meditate with Rarity and Tien thar if ya don’t mind!” Applejack conceded as she let her legs back down and rubbed her sore arms. “Still, ahm gonna have t’ see if you’re so eager t’ talk smack after workin’ a day pickin’ an’ moving apples at Sweet Apple Acres!” Applejack joked as she elbowed the still upside-down Krillin in the ribs.

“Heh, I suppose we will have to see at some point. This ‘Sweet Apple Acres’ you keep talking about sounds like a nice place to live." Krillin nodded as he let himself back down from his headstand. "Also, meditating is fine by me. I could use some cooldown time myself.”

“Pssst! Hey! Can I have one of those rice balls?” Pinkie asked Yajirobe who was eating some rice balls under a nearby tree.

Yajirobe shrugged as he tossed her one. “Yeah sure. I could always go back down to Korin’s if I want more.”

“So good! You must get Mr. Korin to tell me how he makes these later!” Pinkie smiled as she took a bite out of it.

Nearby in a different part of the courtyard, Yamcha was trying to teach Launch the basics of the Wolf Fang Fist. Launch was doing the best she could to copy the Kata that Yamcha was doing in slow motion. “So, what made you change your mind and decide to train with us?” Yamcha asked as he went through the motions of the move.

“It was after an argument iz had with Tien when I came home to him and Chiaotzu training after one of my robberies.” Launch admitted. “I used th’ loot Iz got from my latest haul t’ fix dem a fancy meal, but he was too deep into his training at the time to notice the hard work I putz into it. I asked him why he put so much work into his training. I mean, between my little ‘hobby’ and Chiaotzu bein’ an actual Emperor, we were set for life. He then countered that I didn’t have to steal, that I was just doing it for ‘sick kicks’ and dat Chiaotzu had put his own financial and political career at risk to ‘cover my hide’.... and he brought up that while the enemies that were coming were in it for da’ money, dey weren’t going to accept Zenni. All dey cared about was offing us for the sake of dere own paymasters.” She then yelled an enraged Kiai and did a few more strokes from the fist, taking a moment t rest she turned to face Yamcha. Her face was a mixture of sadness, anger, and regret, she'd tried her best, but her eyes were also a bit misty....

Something of a rarity for the blonde personality of Launch.

She then took a deep and calming breath and continued the telling of that painful memory. “Of course, me being me, I yelled a few choice woids at both of dem an’ gave dem both figurative and literal parting shots as they left the portable Capsule House (™) we were in at da time. Still, after dey left an’ I allowed the cooks I ‘hired’ to flee, I sat down to a meal for one and a whole keg of stolen bourbon. During that binge of food an’ booze, I somehow had an epiphany in my drunken and overstuffed stupor. I thought back to how the others have changed around Goku over the years. Especially you, Yamcha, you used to be a bandit like I was, a rogue, a ne’er-do-well, a woise guy. An’ I realized why things were getting strained between us. Folks around me were changing, while I was staying the same. An’, it was causing me to fall behind. An’ I knew, from what Raditz said, that if we were to survive I’m going to have to change too. So, after recovering on the porcelain altar from a nasty hangover and a quick hair of the dog, I went an’ talked to dem and dey agreed to start trainin’ me too and to bring me to Kami’s. Some other things happened too... but... nevermind, it’s nothing.” Launch concluded as she shook her head and went back to doing the Kata Yamcha taught her in slow motion.

“Erm...okayyy?” Yamcha agreed with some bewilderment at Launch hinting some something else happening between her and Tien. Yamcha then cleared his throat and continued. “Believe me, I know going straight is hard after being a criminal for so long. If it wasn’t for Bulma and my good throwing and batting arm, I don’t know what bind I’d be in right now.” Yamcha then put a comforting hand on Launch’s shoulder. “But I know you can do it, if you don’t do it for the world or for Tien, at least do it for yourself, okay? I’m sure Tien and Chiaotzu don’t want you dying in some horrid fight in a prison somewhere, ok? Even Chiaotzu's political sway and money won’t protect you forever, or your ‘nicer’ half feigning ignorance.”

“I’d normally be angry at yaz for calling the other half of me the ‘noicah’ half, but I know you’re tryin’ to help, so...thanks.” Launch said as she looked away in slight annoyance and admittance.

“Now see, is being nice really that hard?” Yamcha chuckled.

Launch growled at him as she tightened her fists. “Youze better consider yourself lucky that youze my Sensei!”

“Aw, c’mon! It was only a joke! Calm down!” Yamcha chuckled as he waved his hands in front of him.

“I’m glad to see Yamcha’s been able to reach her.” Tien admitted to Rarity as both of them and Chiaotzu got up from the lotus position to stretch their legs. “He’s done a far better job of reaching her than either I or Chiaotzu ever could. Maybe it’s because Yamcha’s been on the wrong side of the law? I can’t say for certain and yet-.”

“Darling, don’t tell me you’re jealous?” Rarity fou-foued, “I very seriously doubt Yamcha is interested in her that way. After all, he’s got Bluma, doesn’t he?”

'Oh, just wait until you find out who Bulma decides to be with later on.' Pinkie thought to herself as her ear tubes overheard the conversation.

“Yes, I suppose you're right.” Tien admitted as he looked down in shame. “I’m being almost as clingy as her; aren’t I?”

“Well, the main thing is that you realize it and you’re trying to correct it, right?” Rarity asked, before he could reply they noticed Applejack and Krillin walking towards them.

“Hey, you folks don’t mind if we join you in medita-” Krillin started to ask, only for him in turn to be interrupted by Kami and Popo teleporting into the Courtyard.

“So, are you going to train us Kami?” Yamcha asked as Kami and Popo walked towards them.

“Yeah, we want the same training you gave Goku when he was here!” Krillin added.

“I am sorry for the brutish replies of the others darling. But they are right, time is ticking away.” Rarity admitted.

“Yeah shug." Applejack added. "If you know something that can help us to defeat these Saiyans, ya only got a certain amount of time t’ train us.”

“Very well, listen carefully..." Kami replied. "I taught…”

Pinkie Buu gasped in anticipation.

“Goku…” Kami continued.

Applejack, Yamcha, and Tien growled in anticipation and impatience.

“NOTHING!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” Kami laughed out loud.

This caused the collected group of Z Fighters and Elements to fall over onto the ground with shock (except for Rarity, which grabbed a couch from nowhere to faint onto).

“Hey what the heck is he talking about!?” Yamcha fumed as Kami walked away laughing.

“Take good care of them, Mr. Popo. You know what to do.” Kami replied as he waved at them and walked back into the Lookout.

Upon hearing this Popo started to laugh aloud as well, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!”

“Beats me, the only reason I’m here is because it’s free.” Yajirobe admitted. “I just hope they’re going to feed us.”

“But you live downstairs.” Applejack replied.

“So?” Yajirobe shot back.

Yamcha cleared his throat and continued. “Mr. Popo, we know Goku has received training here before. Why can’t you tell us what it was?”

“C’mon! We’re only trying to get stronger! That’s all!” Krillin shouted in agreement as he balled up his fists in frustration.

“To be truly strong, you must know yourself and your enemy." Popo stated. "Once you know this, all will become clear.”

“What do you mean? Know myself?” Krillin asked in confusion.

“Don’t give us that rubbish!” Yamcha yelled at Mr. Popo, “How can we "not know ourselves"!? I know myself better than anybody!”

“Oh, is that a fact?” Mr. Popo snarkily shot back. “So, you know yourself. Do you? How come you don’t know that you are weak?”


"Gonna need a senzu bean for that one." Pinkie whispered to Yajirobe.

“Oh, would you like to prove that ‘Beach Ball’!?” Yamcha yelled as he walked up to him.

“Mmmm-mmm-mmm...” Mr. Popo mocked as he put a finger on Yamcha's nose and pushed him back. “Still, I suppose we shall see if you can truly cash those mouth checks you’re writing soon enough. If you must know the truth, it was not Kami that trained Goku, but I. He merely served as a goal for Goku to reach to, even though the spiky-haired meathead didn’t know it at the time. It was only after he endured the ordeal I put him through that he figured this out. Even then, Kami still had to break it down for him. And it took several hours. But then again he is Goku, big surprise and such.”

Mr. Popo then pulled out several sets of weighted clothing from the inside of his vest and threw them down on the ground with a thunderous crash. “Here, put these on. I will brief you on the ‘pecking order’ for our training regimen and we will begin soon afterwards.” Popo replied as he straightened his vest back out. “Now Listen up maggots! I’m about to school you on th’ pecking order! It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, my stool, Kami, then Popo. Now, are there any questions?”

“Uhm, yeah. I was wondering-” Krillin started to ask only to be unceremoniously kicked off of the tower by Popo.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!” Krillin yelled in terror as he flew over the horizon.

“Enjoy the climb back up, bee-yotch!” Popo cackled with glee.

The others just shivered in terror at finally getting a glimpse of what Popo was capable of. Chiaotzu and Tien had become so seriously shocked at this point they were nearly as wall-eyed as Derpy.

The Popo teleported in front of Yamcha and hovered up to eye level with him. “Let this be a lesson to you Yamcha, the first insult was a freebie.” He lowly growled. “Do it again and you go flying, understand?”

Yamcha nervously gulped and nodded.

“Now, any more questions?” Popo asked.

After a brief moment of silence he continued, “Good. Now we can begin.”

Nani!? What’s this!? It wasn’t Kami that trained Goku, but Popo!? Well, sure, those of you who watched Dragonball back in the day know this, but what a shock for the Z-Warriors and the remainder of the Elements of Harmony! And, it seems there’s a major tonal shift in Popo as well! While he has alternated between kindness and snark in the past, he’s ratcheted up the serious level to 11! What does Popo have in store for our brave warriors? And what has Raditz and Piccolo been up to? Find out in the next episode of My Little Pony: Xenoverse!

Next time of My Little Pony: Xenoverse, Popo starts his training of the Z-Fighters and some of the membership of the Main Seven! But I got to warn you, it’s going to be brutal, for Popo knows the Saiyans and their troops coming to Earth will be ruthless and without mercy! Therefore, Popo will have to kick things up a notch! What sort of nightmares are in store for our unfortunate trainees!? And what of Raditz and Piccolo’s training? Will they help Gohan and the others master the Oozaru form in time? Or are we in for some King Kong sized Monkey Business!? Find out next time on My Little Pony: Xenoverse!