• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

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Hopes and Fears

Chapter 12: Hopes and Fears

Merriment echoed through the town, radiating hope and mirth to every ear that heard. It reached to the library, to the cottage still undergoing repairs... to Sugarcube Corner, the Carousel Boutique, and all the way to the Ponyville Clinic, where Fluttershy sat next to Whisper on the bed. Midway through her story about Angel being given flying lessons by a horde of irate chickens after sassing the venerable rooster presiding over the flock, she paused as the sounds came, faintly at first but growing in intensity as the taste testing continued. With one hoof to her chest and the other resting gently on Whisper’s cheek, she closed her eyes, savoring the sound.

“You hear that, Whisper? They’re all laughing for you. And don’t you worry, one of these days, we’ll find a way for you to laugh. You’ll laugh, and sing... hey, I know! When you wake up, let’s sing a song together! I mean, if you want to. I think it’d be fun. We don’t need an audience or anything, it could just be the two of us. Or maybe, later when you’re more comfortable with ponies, we could sing for the tavern? Oh, there’s so many things I want to show you, so hurry up and get better, ok?”

It was faint, nearly imperceptible, but Fluttershy’s squeal of glee prompted just a little more. The corners of his mouth, even in sleep, were edging towards a smile. Granted, it stopped half way and looked more like a faintly amused smirk, but for the comatose pony, it was a lot, and it was so much more to Fluttershy. After spending every spare moment of every day by his side, it was the first sign of life she had seen since the accident. The rise and fall of his chest was rhythmic, but weak. Where once his heartbeat would have brought her comfort, it now simply brought anxiety. So, to see him smile proved that he could hear her, and everypony else too.

“Oh, now where was I? Um... oh yes, so Angel marches right up to the rooster, demanding he come down from the roof. And then the rooster says...” Whisper heard every word, and treasured them, even if he couldn’t show it right then. Every story, every tearful plea: none of it was lost. Each passing day, she proved time and time again that maybe, just maybe, the pony world wasn’t as frightening as he thought it was. Or, at least, her world, filled with bunnies and foxes and raccoons and every other thing she found to be wonderful. Of course, this still didn’t ease his anxieties with unfamiliar voices were heard in the room, but he knew that he would be alright, as long as she was by his side.

Afternoon turned to evening, and his favorite gentle voice slowed to a stop. Fluttershy had fallen asleep beside him, one hoof draped across his bandaged chest. She stirred but did not wake as the door creaked open, and seeing her asleep, Rarity gently closed the door and trotted over, setting down a glass of Breezy Blush and a mug of chocolate mead by the bedside.

“I don’t suppose I’ll get much thanks for my generous contribution to your happiness, but it appears you have plenty, Fluttershy,” she murmured, examining the look of contentment written on the mare’s face even as she shared in the stallion’s brokenness. “I would... never have thought that you, of all ponies, would find somepony before myself. But... I can see why they’d want you. No amount of fashion could ever replace such a caring heart.” Too somber to pay much attention to his mane which, to be sure, hadn’t gotten any less fabulous, she pulled over a chair and sat beside the bed, staring at the stallion.

“I suppose that you really do have reason to be afraid of ponies. Just look at... well, you can’t really, but you’re very badly hurt. So is your friend Fluttershy, and it’s my fault. I simply wanted to look at your mane. I couldn’t have known you’d be so frightened, but...”

What is she talking about? My mane scares ponies, and here she’s calling it “the most splendid mane of all time since... her own?” That’s silly, I like Fluttershy’s mane more. I can’t run away, but she doesn’t sound so scary like this.

“I’m sorry, Jade. I do hope for a chance to fix this when you awake. And, if you’ll permit me, maybe a few moments to style your mane? Oh, but that is rude of me to ask...” He heard a door close and then there was silence for a while. Some time later he heard the door open once more, and he would have bolted if he were awake as he heard the voice of the scary blue stallion that had spooked him in the forest.

“Hey there, baby brother.”

Baby... brother? Wait, he said something like that in the forest, too. I don’t have any brothers or sisters though, do I? I don’t even know if I have parents somewhere. Cerulean glanced over at the alcohol on the nightstand, trotting over and examining the temperature. A small release of magic chilled them to an appropriate temperature, and he eased Fluttershy awake, offering her the mead to get her started.

“Oh, thank you, Cerulean. I was really thirsty.” She took a deep draft, gasping softly as she came back for air, bringing the mug to her lips once more before noticing the wine on the table. “Is that a new one?”

“Yeah, it’s an interesting one, to be sure. Tasty, though not very strong. I think you’ll really like it.” Curious, she made as if to rise, but Cerulean levitated the glass over to her hooves, where she took a tentative sip, beamed ear to ear, and drank the rest, relishing the taste though restraining herself from simply quaffing it down.

“Oh my goodness! That’s amazing!” she exclaimed, staring at her mane in wonder. It looked as if it were made entirely out of cherry blossoms, and fluttered gently on an unseen breeze. “Oh, I can’t wait to show this to Whisper when he wakes up. Thank you very much for bringing me some drinks. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the party.”

“It wasn’t me that brought them, Fluttershy. And don’t worry, everypony understands.” Noting Fluttershy’s mild confusion, he elaborated. “Fluttershy, I don’t know if you can pry yourself away, but when you get the chance, you should talk to Rarity. She blames herself for what happened, and as per usual she’s trying not to show how much it’s actually getting to her. I think it’d go a long way if you told her she was forgiven.”

“There’s nothing to forgive, and if she were here, I’d give her a piece of my mind for being so silly!”

Uh oh, she’s doing her scary voice again! Poor Rarity, whoever that is.

“Cerulean... if you don’t mind me asking, um... you said that Whisper is your brother, right?”

“Yes,” he murmured, trotting over and placing a hoof on his brother’s shoulder. “It was many years ago, around sixteen, I think. We were all down at the beach, a few hours away from Baltimare. Can’t remember the name of the place, but I remember most of the day. It was... a day that made me feel like there really was hope to be had.”

“I don’t mean to pry, but I’m really curious. What was he like? And how old was he?”

“It’s fine, Fluttershy. Let’s see, he was... five, I think? So that’d make him around twenty-one now. As to what he was like, think a small, green Pinkie Pie with semi-explainable magical powers that never stopped singing.”

“Pinkie Pie? Really?”

“Oh yeah,” Cerulean chuckled, grinning as the memories came back. They were still tinged with pain, but now having found him, they brought with them more joy than grief. “You were a right little terror, weren’t you?”

I don’t know you, but no, I wasn’t! I mean, unless you mean scaring ponies... I do that just by looking at them...

“Jade... or Whisper, as you call him, was very talented with magic, even at a young age. It was a little aggravating, I will admit. Fluttershy, I don’t know how much you know about unicorn magic, but Jade has a very deep attunement with matters of the soul. In fact, he taught me the Soul Song spell that I used to make my apology to Twilight in Canterlot.”

“I remember her telling me about that. It was really sweet, and a little sad.” He nodded, remembering the day Jade had first used the spell himself.

“‘Cerulean, Cerulean, I can make magic songs!’ I believed him too, my ears were ringing even before he started making music spring from nowhere, the way he shouted in his excitement.”

“Um, forgive me if this is silly, and maybe it’s because I’m not a unicorn, but if he could sing then, why can’t he talk now without...”

Causing disaster, the only thing I’ve ever seen my voice do? I’d like to know...

“One time, I saw Jade get really scared. I think he was being bullied or something, but before I even got the chance to step in, he shouted something at them, and his magic knocked them head over tail. He was even more terrified afterwards, he didn’t understand what had happened, and as he came running over, it started to rain a little, just where we were sitting. I didn’t fully understand either, but seeing what happened in the forest, I’d guess that he’s lost control of his magic.”

“But, Twilight always says that magic only happens when she wants it to happen.”

“That’s usually true, but as you probably know, my nightmares are out of my control. Fluttershy, magic based on emotional state is something that runs in my family, and Jade feels it the strongest. I think that he is unintentionally translating and displaying his emotions through magic, but he’s releasing far too much at once. Tell me, did he ever speak around you?”

“No. Well, not with his mouth. I could see his words in my vision, but he never said a word until Rarity busted in.”

“I see. Something must have happened that has made him scared to speak, and if I had to guess, it has something to do with his magic going haywire. If... he’s come to equate one with the other, then it’s little surprise he’s so terrified. I mean, if you knew the moment you got upset, you could destroy everything...”

Then you’d hide, just like I did. Because you’re kind and would never hurt anypony, Fluttershy.

“I would be very scared, and I’d want to hide... but I know my friends would help me through everything. They wouldn’t let me seal myself away. And, even if he’s afraid, I’m not going to let him hide. You hear me?” she giggled, not sounding the least bit commanding. “Friends don’t let friends hide. I’m going to stay by your side, and whether it’s fast or slow, it doesn’t matter. Little by little, I’ll show you that the world is a wonderful place to be.”

In light of Berry’s over-indulgence that night, Snowdrift’s heavy buzz wasn’t even comparable to the elated stupor of his fillyfriend, and more than a couple of times during the course of the trip home, which ended up taking about three times longer than normal, he found himself nearly toppled over as she suddenly leaned her full body weight against him, though not of her own accord. No, Berry had simply enjoyed Silver’s creations to their fullest, having a little of everything before satisfying herself with alternating between varying wines, alchemical or not. Ruby met the thud on the door with curiosity, and the tumbling in of her mother and coltfriend with knowing amusement, trotting over and standing next to the pair as Berry lay giggling up a storm and Snow simply gleaned what comfort he could from the floor.

“Wow... she’s pretty far gone, isn’t she.”

“Just a little, Ruby. Have you been here alone all night?”

“Oh, no, I just got done hanging out with Applebloom and the rest.” She would have continued to speak in further detail, but her mother clearly needed to be put the bed, seeing as how she found the spinning room and admittedly dull ceiling to be incredibly entertaining. That, and she would likely pass out soon anyways, and dragging dead weight is infinitely more difficult than even the slightest bit of added effort from her mother, as Ruby could attest to. Using some of her magic to set Berry on her hooves, Ruby led the way as Snow all but carried her to bed. It was strange, he would admit, how he could find such behavior endearing when anypony else he would have shook his head and walked away, but as the laughter slowly trailed off into snores, he felt little else but a desire to crawl in beside her. “You make mom really happy, you know.” Snow turned around, puzzlement stamped on his face at the interjection.

“I was under the impression that Berry was a fairly happy pony even before I came along.” Ruby didn’t respond immediately, but rather crawled onto the bed and sat down by her slumbering mother, motioning for Snow to do the same.

“Happiness when you’re totally bamboozled doesn’t really count as happiness, does it?” Snow pondered the question, though Ruby didn’t wait for an answer. “It was hard for me to tell at first, because mom always drinks. It was rare that I ever saw her without some kind of glass near her hoof. But... since you’ve come here, she’s actually drinking less, I think, even with uncle Shiny’s tavern so close by.” Snowdrift didn’t really mention anything about it, but Berry’s excess did worry him from time to time, but Ruby’s revelation alerted him that he wasn’t alone in that.

“Don’t worry, Ruby. I may not be good for a whole lot, but if I can keep making your mother happy, that’s good enough for me. Let’s do our best to take care of her, ok?”

“She’s not the only one...”


“Nothing. Night, Snow.” The filly hopped off the bed and scampered away, accidentally closing the door with a slam. Snowdrift stared at it for a time until the snores in the silence alerted him to more pressing needs: a good night’s sleep and a mare to hold. Muzzy though he was, sleep was a long time in coming, as thoughts of his new life filled his mind, and unspoken questions sought answers.

Ruby, I really, really hope that you meant... you’re starting to accept me as more than just your mother’s coltfriend. Hay, you’re probably smarter than me, but I still... I don’t want to just be seen as “that pony my mom is with.” I said I’d do my best for both of you, and I meant it. He clutched Berry to his chest, trying to glean some comfort from her warmth as his thoughts turned from hope to shame. Berry... am I really making you happy? It’s been months, and I... still haven’t been able to give you everything...

Even without soundproofed walls, the Quakehoof residence would have been quiet. While Flying Grace was easily given to playful teasing, the condition of her daughter-in-law and son when they entered that night bid her hold her tongue from anything other than encouragement, though it was received about the same. Storm closed the door and watched as his wife eased into bed, laying on her side and staring straight ahead, her mind no doubt anywhere but the present. She offered no resistance as he climbed in behind her, holding her close and sheltering her with a wing. Whether the happiness displayed in the tavern that night, or the week since the accident as a whole, had been an act, he couldn’t say for sure, but it was clear that underneath she was still hurting.

As good as I am at figuring out what to say, I just don’t know how to approach this. Dash is scared, clearly, and angry, and probably cut almost as deep as when she was wrongfully disqualified after the Wonderbolts tryouts. She hadn’t moved an inch, nor responded to his embrace in anyway, the only sign of activity the shallow, irregular breathing. Actually, I think... this is worse. I can’t fully understand, but she’s told me about how much she worries over Fluttershy, so to have the one she’s always tried to protect threaten a permanent rift...

Fluttershy, we’ve... we’ve been friends for, like, ever! So how can... how can you throw that away for somepony that you’ve barely known for days... Somepony who freaking put you in the hospital! Am I... really not that important to you... that you’d just trade it all away, just like that? “It’s not fair, Fluttershy...” Storm’s encouraging nuzzle and soft wing that covered most of her body only spurred the tears that had started to creep in to increase, and as comfortably as she could she rolled over and buried her face in his chest. Somehow, “It’s going to be ok” seemed a little too trite to be worth mentioning, so he chose instead to simply hold her, letting the tears run themselves dry. As her breathing began making its trek back to normalcy, he decided that a gentle though firm command was in order.

“Rainbow Dash, you’re going to talk to her tomorrow.” The tremors stopped as Dash summoned what strength she had to listen, desperate for direction or comfort. “I haven’t known Fluttershy that long, but I still remember the stories you’ve told me about when you were little. Dash, she’s a lot stronger than she was then, and if anything, this whole mess proves she doesn’t need anypony’s constant protection.”

Storm, you’re right, but... that’s not what scares me the most.

“What she does still need is her long-time friend. Dash, her learning to stand up for herself isn’t going to make her friends any less important to her. If anything, she’s just as hurt by this silence as you.”

“Stop... making sense.” Always eager to pitch in, the twins promptly followed their mother’s light rap to his chest with two bucks to his gut, though it had more of an effect on their mother and thus they didn’t give him any more. “It’s just not right, being so...”

“Smart? Sorry, you already missed your chance with Freefall.” Yes, laugh it all out, Dash. This depression... it isn’t you. And I’m not going to let it stick. Oh well, I guess I can sound cliché, just a little. “Don’t worry, Dash. It’s all going to be ok.” She nodded, accepting the meaning behind the words though teasing him for being so cheesy, a testament that she was beginning to move forward. Storm would never have guessed that one pony could affect so many, but Dash and all of her friends were learning that their shy, bashful friend was a more integral part of their lives than they had known. He just wished learning such things didn’t require the near-death experience of two ponies to figure it out.