• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,604 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

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Chapter 6: Caretaker

Without the arboreal canvas, the light of the moon painted the clearing with its soft, gentle glow. The waters were perfectly still, and as Whisper cautiously limped towards Fluttershy, who lay asleep on her side, he could see her coat glistening from the perspiration that hadn’t evaporated due to the cool of the evening. He had spent years fleeing from everypony, not letting any close, but that fear was no match for the shame that he felt at that moment, looking over at the mare who had reached out to him despite his efforts to push her away. So, rather than give it any say in the matter, he fought back violently against the rising doubt, quelling it into submission and making his way over as quietly as possible.

A glance at the surface of the water bid him freeze. Branches and leaves were stuck in his hair, blood had formed grotesque blotches of mud on the scratches near his hooves, and there was naught he could do to hide the raking welts from the thorns he had haphazardly torn through in his haste to try and find her.

How could she... see me as anything other than horrifying? I don’t even want to look at this, this... thing that I see peering back. But, if she can accept me... then... would it be ok, to be near just one pony? Whisper sat down beside her. He may have beaten back the fear of being around her, but he had no idea what to do next. Should he wake her? Hold her? Try to light a fire? For a time, he simply observed her as she slept, admiring how somepony so fragile and delicate would deign to speak to him. To wait, through the day and even into the night... Fluttershy, I’m sorry...

Hesitantly, he used his good hoof and gently placed it on her shoulder. She was freezing. Remembering the warmth he had felt accompanying the rush of magic when she had suckled his hoof, he swallowed hard and lay down beside her, blushing violently as the mere thought of the action caused his chest to catch fire. No, I can’t do that, there has to be another way. There were, but none without any kind of physical contact, and he closed his eyes as he scooted just a little closer and gently, cautiously, fearfully draped a hoof around her shoulder. The heat within grew as she pressed into his chest, nuzzling him briefly before laying still.

She’s so soft... It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time, these new sensations that were quickly taking control of his mind. Even with the slight stirring of the magic within, he couldn’t bring himself to run, not after she had waited so long just for him, but instead found himself exploring, in a sense. Not having spent any time around ponies since the last time his magic went off, Whisper had no way of knowing what was and was not proper between a male and female, and thus his hoof began to wander, guided solely by innocent curiosity and instinct.

Closing his eyes, he traced a path from her shoulder up to her hair, examining the soft rosen hue and stroking her mane. Her shivering stopped and she let out an airy sigh, pressing even closer and burying her face in his chest. Does that mean... she likes this? I do too. I don’t know why, but it feels nice. I want to make her happy, so if something this simple can help, then I’ll... I'll do it. The soft glow of his horn bathed her in a cool, emerald light, and curiosity guided his hoof down her hair and then onto her wings. They were soft too, and quite interesting to the unicorn who, to his knowledge, had never touched wings of any kind. Were he not so enraptured with the mare, he would have payed more attention to his own physiology which was reacting in more ways than just a slow build of magic.

However, there was something he couldn’t ignore. For some reason, when he stroked her wings, she made quiet little squeaking noises that were simply too endearing not to continue. His wonder turned to fascination as they slowly unfurled, and he grew even more nervous as he ran a hoof along the inside. I’m so glad that I found a way to make her happy, even in her sleep. Maybe, just maybe she can forgive me... Fueled by that singular, pure desire, he pressed closer and stroked the downy wing more firmly, pushing Fluttershy’s body to a point where sleep was no longer possible, and Whisper froze as her brilliant teal eyes snapped open.

Now, not having any idea that what he was doing was, by comparison, about what hornplay was for a unicorn, he didn’t do as would be proper and yank his hoof away, beg for forgiveness, and grovel to show the depth of his remorse. No, as Fluttershy awoke, warm, blushing, and far more aroused than she ever had been while being face to face with somepony that she was, quite assuredly, attracted to, neural activity was at minimal capacity as the sensation commanded her total attention.

Ohmyohmyohmy... what is... when did... why is... “W-w-whisper?” Any other pony would have received the full fury of angry Fluttershy for violating her in such a way, but she couldn’t possibly be angry at the unicorn who had, seeing her become so clearly uncomfortable, retracted his hoof and sat staring at her with fearful eyes.

Oh no, was I doing somthing wrong? “I’m... I’m sorry it took me so long to find you, Fluttershy. I searched for hours...”

Why won’t... my wings go back down? Oooh, this is so embarrassing! “W-why... were y-you t... touching me?”

I knew it, I knew I was doing something wrong! But... it made those feelings of sadness disappear. I can’t hear them anymore, so maybe... maybe she can... “You were... really cold when I got here. I just wanted to warm you up. I didn’t mean to make you mad!”

Calm down... calm down... He didn’t know any better, it was just an accident. Ok, well, not really an accident, but... Not wanting him to run and seeing the guilt clearly spelled on his face, she ignored the fire coursing through her veins and lightning shooting through her spine as she wrapped her hooves around his neck, holding him tightly for fear he would slip away. “Thank you, Whisper. Thank you for coming back. But, um, next time, try to be a little more punctual, if you can.” It feels... so nice to hold him. Thank you, Whisper. This was worth staying out in the cold. She attempted to run her hoof through his mane but ran into a rather large branch that was lodged quite deeply in the tangled mess. She pulled away and gasped in horror as she saw all of the welts, scratches and bruises that he had accumulated in his determination to find her.

No, please, don’t look at me like that, not like everypony else...

“Whisper, you’re hurt! What in Equestria did you do to yourself?”

“I was... scared you wouldn’t be here, so I ran. I ran as fast as I could to try and find this place, but I was lost until you led me here.” She looks really mad. I should probably just...

“Stand up.”


“I said stand up, Whisper. You’re in a lot of trouble.” Fluttershy’s stern expression fled as he painfully struggled to his hooves, whimpering as body wide muscle cramps compounded with having eaten next to nothing, and all this on top of rigorous exercise and a sprained hoof which Fluttershy immediately gave her full attention. It was swollen around the joint, turning violet against his green fur, and rather than shove him forcefully into the pond as she had originally intended, she lifted his hoof and put it around her shoulder, walking him down into the water and bidding him stand still. Despite his many wounds, as she stood beside him in the water, cleaning away the blood and grit, she couldn’t stop her wings from spreading once more.

For all his talk of being a monster and as scary as he could sometimes appear, she felt more at ease with the stallion than most of the mares in Ponyville. In spite of herself, a gentle smile grew as she cleaned his wounds, secretly treasuring not just the moment, but the time she had spent in his embrace, even if he had been moving very, very fast. This she could excuse on the basis of his innocent ignorance, and the simple fact that it was really nice. I think I’m going to have to have a talk with him about that soon. If he really doesn’t know anything about, um... that kind of thing, I should probably tell him about it, I guess. But if I don’t, maybe he’ll do it again? Oh my goodness, what am I thinking?

“Are you ok?”

“Whisper, I... think we need to talk about something.”

“What is it, Fluttershy?” He turned to face her, noting her blush with adoration and her wings with curiosity. I’m not touching them, so why are they doing that? “Are you going to go for a flight, or something? I can stay here and watch.”

I can’t do it. I just can’t do it. “I’d... like you to come back home with me,” she whispered, wrapping her hooves around his neck and squeezing him tightly. “I want to be with you. I want to take care of you. Could you, maybe, um, let me do that for you?”

“But, what if I...”

Ok, I tried to be nice about it, but if he’s going to be stubborn, so am I! “It doesn’t matter! I’m not going to let you spend the night alone in a forest when you’re clearly hurt! You’re coming home with me, and I’m going to take care of you, got it?”

How can a mare so gentle scare me so badly? But for her... I can make an exception. I’ve made it this far without hurting anypony but myself, so maybe... this will be all right. “Ok, but... it will be a long walk.” He couldn’t stop the tremor of excitement that coursed through him as Fluttershy released him, stooped down, and gently kissed the injured hoof before taking her place at his side, supporting him as best she could. He blinked back tears at her gentle words, pausing and nuzzling her just a bit as she spoke.

“If it’s with you, then I could walk all night, I think.”

It was indeed quite a trip, and nearly two in the morning by the time the cottage came into view. Fluttershy eased open the door and led him inside. Having been either glued to the ceiling or staring at Fluttershy, Whisper hadn’t really taken any time looking around the house, which felt almost as welcoming as the forest due to the sheer amount of stuff that was everywhere. Bird cages, bird houses, miniature stairways for critters, bookshelves, lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and flower filled vases replaced ferns, foliage, trees and creeper vines.

“I, um, I’m sorry it’s such a mess.”

“I like it.”

“You do?”

“It feels more natural. I was kind of nervous about coming over, but it’s not so bad.”

“I’m relieved to hear that, I was a little worried. Wait right here, we need to...” she started, stopping to heave a yawn as exhaustion caught up to her. “Need to, um, bandage your wounds and... and clean your mane.”

“Not tonight. You need sleep.” He paused as it became his turn to yawn, inhaling deep and growing incredibly drowsy. “And me too. Um... Where do I sleep? I normally just find a bush or something, but I don’t see any plants big enough for that.”

“You mean you’ve never slept in a bed?”

Bed? That word sounds familiar, like I should know what it means. Maybe it’s something from my past? “What is this ‘bed?’”

“You’ve never slept in a bed before?”

“I don’t know. I remember... words in my head, and I feel like I should know what they mean, but it’s like... there’s no picture to go with them. Like ‘candle,’ and ‘fork.’ Oh, but I know what a bathroom is! I figured that one out all by myself.” He looked quite proud of himself for a moment before growing somber again as the actual memory came back. “Well... I was hiding from some other ponies and ran inside, at which point I, um... saw it being used. The mare wasn’t very happy.” Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at the idea of somepony her age, or at least close to it, not knowing anything about something as simple as a bed or a bathroom, and she determined then and there to be the one to teach the stallion. She was about to speak when a muffled moan came from her own bed.

“What was that?” Crimson, having come to check on Fluttershy and not finding her, had grown quite worried and resolved to stay until she returned. Sleep had overcome her, but her friend's voice had roused her from slumber, and she gave a start as she spied Fluttershy standing next to... something else.

“Fluttershy? What is...” she started before Whisper spooked, forgetting his injury and attempting to run before falling to the ground with a small whimper of pain, scrambling to get away. Not wasting a second, Fluttershy instantly flew to him, wrapped him in her arms and began stroking his mane, disregarding the bits and pieces of foliage that still remained.

“Shhh, Whisper, it’s ok. Just calm down... calm down, it’s ok.” Fluttershy held out a hoof to halt Crimson’s approach, holding the stallion close as he contemplated fleeing the scene, sprain or no. Crimson was almost as frightened, not for herself but for Fluttershy. The pony, if that’s what it was, was truly frightening to behold, like a creature born purely of the forest itself, from the flora in his overgrown mane and tail to the wounds dotting his frame.

“Fluttershy... is that...”

“Yes, my forest friend. He’s very, very shy, so, um, stay there for now, ok?” She nodded and even took a few steps back, sitting down and watching with fascination as Fluttershy tended to him like a mother caring for a foal. “Whisper, it’s ok, there’s no need to be afraid. You aren’t in any danger, it’s safe here.”

No, it isn’t. Not with me here. But I... I want to believe you. “I’m scared.”

“I know. I’m sorry she startled you, but that’s just my friend Crimson. She’s very kind, so, um, don’t be afraid, ok?”

“I don’t want her to see my eyes.”

“Um...” Why would he ask that? I think his eyes are really pretty, but I couldn’t possibly argue with him, not with him this frightened. “Ok, Whisper, I understand. Is it ok if she comes closer?” She waited patiently for an answer while Crimson grew more confused by the second, trying to figure out what Fluttershy was even responding to.

“I’m sorry, I’m not ready to be around anypony else...”

“Ok then, don’t worry about it. Crimson?”

“Y-yes, Fluttershy?”

“Um, I really hate to ask you to leave so late, but you’re making Whisper very nervous. Could you possibly come back tomorrow? Or, later today, I guess.”

“Fluttershy, is it... really going to be all right, leaving you two here alone?”

“Yes. Whisper would never do anything to hurt me.”

Fluttershy, you’ve only known him a day or two now... Please, don’t let this just be a covering for your feelings for Big Mac... “I’ll trust you, Fluttershy. Just... be careful.” Chancing a glance out at the mare as she left, he caught a brief glimpse of her Cutie Mark before the door closed. He couldn’t put a hoof on why, but it disturbed him greatly. He stayed where he was, letting himself be held by the one pony who he could be near without being overcome by dread, her soothing words and gentle touch slowly dispelling what remained of anxiety.

“I’m sorry.”

“Oh, it’s ok. Come on, bed time for you. I mean, after I at least bandage your sprain.”

“Bed... time?”

A low, bass rumble welcomed Crimson back to her room as she lay down beside Big Mac who was quite contentedly snoring up a storm. However, his status as a heavy sleeper was revoked upon consistently sharing a bed with Crimson, and despite her best efforts, he awoke as she sidled in behind him. She was grateful, really, accepting his embrace and saying nothing, which was a rather alarming indicator that something was wrong.

“Somethin’ on yer mind?”

I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but... “I think... Fluttershy is making a mistake.”

“What kind o’ mistake?”

“Big Mac, I don’t think she’s over you yet, not completely. Tonight, when she came home, she was with some stallion. I’m not trying to say anything about Fluttershy, but I can’t help but fear she’s just finding something to ease the pain, like I have so many times.”

“Well, were they doin’ anythin’?”

“She was holding him like a child, Big Mac. For Fluttershy, that’s a lot. And she met him two days ago.” That was, indeed, a lot by her standards. Even with her closest friends, physical contact was usually shied away from, so for her to be moving that quickly was cause for worry. Unless...

“Was somethin’ wrong with ‘im?”

“Well... he seemed absolutely terrified of me. And he was covered in wounds, though nothing looked...”

“That explains everythin’. Crimson, Fluttershy may not get very close t’ other ponies, but she don’t have any rules ‘bout helpin’ others. Ah think you may be readin’ a little more into this than it needs.”

“But... he looked so frightening, Big Mac. I’m scared for her.”

“Crimson, ah wasn’t there, so ah can’t say anythin’ fer sure, but ask yerself this; does Fluttershy seem the type of pony t’ push somepony away fer lookin’ a little unkempt?”

“No, I suppose not...”

"Appearances can be deceivin', darlin'. I heard from Applejack that herself an’ her friends ran into an angry manticore in Everfree. It was a frightenin’ creature, ah hear, and it was roarin’ up a storm. Do you know why?” Crimson shook her head, waiting for him to continue. “It had a thorn stuck in its paw. Applejack and the rest were preparin’ t’ fight fer their lives when Fluttershy stepped in, pulled the thorn out, and gave the dang thing a pat on the head. Had it purrin’ like a kitten ‘fore she left. Crimson, that’s the kind o’ pony Fluttershy is, so don’t be too quick t’ judge.”

“I feel really bad, suspecting her like that... I just don’t want her to end up like me, trying to run from the pain.”

“Ah’m sure Fluttershy would fergive you even if you had said somethin’. Get some rest, an’ ah’m sure things will sort themselves out just fine.” She needed no second bidding, giving him a heartfelt kiss before drifting off, her worries melting under the heat of his chest and beating of his heart.

Whisper was the pinnacle of skittish, somepony who needed constant reassurance just to be in contact with one pony, even one that was, unless she was yelling, about as intimidating as a butterfly. For this reason, it made sense to have Whisper share her bed for the night. However, not because of any contrived social convention, but her own lack of experience with anything other than the occasional plutonic touch or a smack from Angel, she was also hesitant to attempt such a thing for fear of, well, her wings. And her hooves, for that matter. The thought of him leaving during the night, overcome by some worry was the thought that tipped the scales, and she couldn’t help but blush as she explained that the square object in the center of her room was called a bed, and it was used for sleeping. Just sleeping. Not any of the other things that were clouding her mind.

Whisper eyed the bed with curiosity, nudging it with his nose and finding it surprisingly giving. He raised his good hoof to test it further and fell face first, not having his other hoof to support him, though it accomplished the same task and quickly brought him to a simple conclusion: beds are much better than bushes. Wincing slightly as the motion jarred his hoof, he hopped onto the bed and lay down atop the covers, towards the end. He didn’t quite have the capacity to be indignant as Fluttershy laughed quietly at his ignorance, but simply tilted his head to the side, wondering what he had done wrong.

“I like this bed. It’s comfortable and soft, just like you.” I still haven’t quite figured that out. When her cheeks change color, is that good, or bad? Fluttershy wordlessly drew back the covers, instilling yet more wonder in the unicorn, and climbed in, motioning for him to do the same. She gave him wide berth, staying towards one edge while he examined the sheets, smelling faintly of lemon, and mimicked her, edging in up to his chin. “Thank you for letting me sleep in a bed. It’s wonderful.” She slowly rolled over to face him, hesitating a moment before giving in, drawing him close and sighing softly.

“You’re... very welcome, Whisper. Thank you for staying.” Her worries of an overactive mind ebbed away as sleep wrapped them both in its gentle embrace. Two ponies that were inexperienced in the such things as love and romance, and yet enjoying it at its simplest, purest form, held each other close, each grateful to the other for simply allowing the other to be near. Just before she lost consciousness, Fluttershy nuzzled his cheek and drifted off with a whisper. “I’ll take care of you, Whisper. I will, no matter what.”