• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,604 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

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Extra: Door Frames

Extra Chapter: Door Frames

It was an unfounded hope to think that being surrounded by a myriad of ponies one doesn’t know well would somehow miraculously enhance articulation. Then again, Freefall wasn’t exactly known for his sentience, either. It was meant to be a first date of sorts, that night in the tavern, but even after sharing their first kiss, it hadn’t gotten much easier to talk to the rapturous beauty who had, by whatever unexplainable stroke of luck, agreed to be his fillyfriend. Bangles ate her food in silence, glancing across the table at her coltfriend who was, no doubt, wracking what brains he had in an attempt to start a conversation. Either that, or he hadn’t figured out that eating and drinking tends to result in a necessity for a restroom, and was simply trying to will them away; it was hard to tell simply by the squirming.

I know I told myself that simply having him around would be enough, that I could be content just having some company. But then why... do I want something more? She attempted to make eye contact, whereupon the pegasus immediately gave the utmost attention to his baked potato, studying it with such an air of professionalism that even Twilight would have approved. “Freefall? I would...” I don’t... have the right to ask anything... I won’t take anything for myself. Never again...

“Annoy me.” Bangles removed her gaze from the table and returned it to the stallion across from her who had, apparently, discovered all the mysteries of his potato and was now attempting to decipher the heart of an uncommon mare.


“I’ve said... barely two freaking words this whole bucking time. I can’t seem to think without some kind of pressure, so do... something to make me nervous, or agitated or... something!” Hey, that right there was pretty good, at least for me.

It’s not... selfish if he’s asking for it, right? Maybe, it would be all right if I... She glanced around the room, looking from face to face. Nopony was paying her the slightest attention, at least that’s what she thought, and thus she proceeded to fluster the stallion in the cruelest of ways. Adopting an utterly alluring half-lidded gaze, Bangles reached across the table towards the potato and scooped a small dollop of sour cream from the top, bringing it towards her mouth where she gave the stunned Freefall a meaningful look before daintily licking it off. “Oh, how rude of me...” Reaching across one more time, she dipped her hoof in ever so slightly before holding it out to the stunned stallion. “You know, I think you’ll find that I may be... tastier than your meal. Would you... like to find out?”

Oh, hay no... Bangles, stop it! I can’t handle that kind of... eat the hoof. What? Eat the hoof. No, I can’t... Eat the hoof! Frantic, overzealous, and completely unprepared for the physical and emotional arousal, he skipped the dainty licking and shoved a good portion of her hoof into his mouth, shocking Bangles and prompting several nearby ponies to relocate, lest the slobbery display somehow find its way towards their food. As the dawning realization of what it was he was actually doing slowly set in, he paused, staring up at the mares luminous green eyes and expression that clearly stated “what the buck are you doing?”

Bangles was similarly unprepared, and thus simply stared back for a time before a slow, unfamiliar feeling began to boil up from within. Freefall’s pacifier privileges were revoked as the mare fell from her seat, laughing uncontrollably and savoring every sweet second of mirth. Bangles couldn’t recall the last time she had laughed so hard, and even as she knew Freefall was likely mortified by his blunder, she couldn’t have been more thankful. Allowing what remained of dignity one final stand and enough time to have its last hurrah, she again adopted a sensual leer and stood.

While Snowdrift didn’t mind all of the work of the tavern, the extra hired hooves made it so he could relax every now and again, spending time with friends and more importantly, the plum colored mare beside him. Gale was about to draw a comparison with himself and Cloudburn, who were the definition of inseparable, before he saw Freefall’s sudden shift in diet and Bangles’ subsequent reaction to the attempted ingestion of her hoof.

“Ach, ah thought we were a strange couple, Cloudburn, but ah think the lad has us beat there too,” Gale chuckled, eyeing Freefall and Bangles from afar.

“You’re definitely... Oh wow, Snow, get a load of this,” Cloudburn snickered, trying to keep from falling over. Snowdrift and Berry turned in time to see Bangles climb up onto the table, whereupon Freefall immediately found his wings doing their very best to jab the imaginary ponies on either side of him.

“Huh, I thought Berry was the only mare that climbed over tables.”

“Snow! Come on, I’ve only done that... um... three times? And I was really, really drunk.” Berry responded hesitantly, blushing slightly and averting her muzzle.

“Aye, three by my count. Cloudburn likes the table plenty, though she normally keeps that locked up fer when we’re at home.”

“Gale! There’s a reason that stays at home. Now hush.”

“Easy, lass, I know my place. Heh, and Freefall is learnin’ his, by the look of it,” Gale chuckled, shaking his head and grinning as Bangles pressed her limits at Freefall’s request, standing over the stallion seemingly unashamed and leaning in close. It looked all the world like she was going for it, but then she paused just inches from his muzzle. “Ach, the maiden is going to abandon ship? That’s right disappointin’.”

“Come on, Freefall, go for it!” Cloudburn shrieked over the crowds, causing both ponies to notice that they were indeed being paid plenty of attention. The table burst into cheers and whistles as an overwhelmed Freefall caved to their demands and Bangles’ whispered encouragement, using his newfound strength to move his mouth just an inch closer and complete the action. “So, Snowdrift, how... are your wings doing?”

“Lad, ah don’t think you need to answer my bonny lass. The shinin’ in yer eyes speaks plenty,” Gale answered, matching the stallion’s smile.

“It still hurts like blazes, but... we’re finding ways to make it work,” Snowdrift replied, blushing a little as he recalled that special night’s jubilation. It was unfortunate, though. Berry would have to abstain from alcohol for a few weeks to make sure she hadn’t conceived, and Snowdrift had been warned and re-warned that she may become a fair bit more difficult to deal with in the coming days. The mare seemed happy enough now, but he saw the way she repeatedly glanced at the casks lined up behind her cousin, and knew that she spoke the truth. “Silver has this drink that eases the pain, but it’s in short supply. Zap Apple moonshine, the best, most delectable...”

“Snow, please, don’t make it any worse,” Berry pleaded, wiping her mouth as remembrance prompted an increase in salivation.

“Sorry, Berry. Anyways, he doesn’t have very much left. Originally, he gave it out by the mug, but since the harvest is only once per year, and a good amount of the crop is already spoken for, he has had to restrict its sale.”

“That’s got to be rough, Snow. I mean, my wings hurt pretty bad for a while, but they’ve gotten better slowly,” Cloudburn explained, her tone somber. “They’ll never completely heal, but I’ve been practicing my flight here and there. I can’t imagine what I’d do if the pain stayed. Honestly, I think you got it the worst.” Snowdrift shook his head, stretching his wings and ignoring the resulting throb as he draped one around Berry’s shoulders.

“I can’t agree, Cloudburn. I’ve got Berry, and that’s better than wings.”

While unconventional and, on all accounts, socially unacceptable, or at least awkward, Bangles’ advance had given Freefall the flood of adrenaline needed to formulate sentences and actually speak what was on his mind. This could be a problem in and of itself, but Bangles couldn't deny that she found his voice comforting, even if he had as much a way with words and she did an outgoing nature. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and a lull in the conversation allowed for the calming of the stallion’s mind, once again jarring neural operations in the face of his obsession. He heaved a sigh as he grew introspective, and slowly the night came to a close.

Amidst a sea of booze, high quality and varied cuisine, and more friendly ponies than, well, anyplace else in the entire town of Ponyville, there was one thing that nopony liked at the tavern: the dreaded last call. A necessary evil, Silver would admit, and as Quakehoof ushered the last drunken stragglers from the bar, he trotted over to the last two ponies that remained. Silver placed an encouraging hoof on Freefall's shoulder and prompted him to make the decision he had been avoiding thinking about all night.

“Freefall, I’m going to lock up for the night. You staying?”

“Staying? Like, here? Overnight?”

“Uh, yeah. If you’re not, then you need to come now. I have a mare waiting for me, a pregnant one at that, and she doesn’t like sleeping alone.”

“She’s not the only one,” Bangles offered, staring back at Freefall, her eyes neither assuming or pleading. I’m not going to pressure him on this one. Freefall, this is your choice to make, and I will accept it either way. I can’t... keep acting like I used to. As frightened as he is, with me pushing his actions, I can’t feel it’s mutual, and without that... I’m just reliving the past.

That look... dang it, why are you choosing now of all times not to give me the nudge I need? I want to, but... “Um... I’ll... I guess...” Just bucking say yes! “Yes.” Thank you! Geez...

“Good call, Freefall. I would have been very disappointed if you had followed me, and I’m sure I wouldn’t have been the only one. Good night, you two. Be safe.”

“B-be what? What the hay are you talking about?!?” Silver didn’t bother looking over his shoulder, waving as he left and locked the door, leaving the flustered pegasus to fend for himself and galloping towards the house he and Applejack shared on the Apple family property. Freefall continued staring at the door, the full weight of being in the building alone with the mare of his dreams hitting him like Applejack bucked trees. This is ridiculous...

“I’m tired. I’m going to head upstairs,” Bangles said quietly, standing slowly and trotting towards her room, the jingling of her jaden bracelets sounding much louder in the silence, echoing up the stairs before finally being muffled by the closing of the door, leaving Freefall to do some serious thinking.

She’s probably just being nice, but this seriously blows. I can’t do anything around her without having a bucking heart attack, and all I really want to do is make her happy. She almost never smiles, unless she’s faking seduction that totally works anyways, but I want it to be real. Dang it, I want her to... what is that... The sound of water running upstairs threatened to cause mental gridlock as he desperately tried to maintain control of his thoughts and wings. Bangles, that is so not helping! I guess I’ll just stay here until... He pried his eyes from the table and sat upright, staring straight ahead.

"What does she want?" he whispered to himself. It was earth-shattering. All the times he had let fear control his actions, he was focusing on his own discomfort rather than the needs of the mare who had suffered more than his mangled wings could ever hope to in a lifetime. She’s been shooting me signal after signal, giving me more chances than I thought I could ever blow, but can I really claim any victories? Every time I’ve acted, it’s been because she forced it, and given how quiet she is, there’s no way that’s normal for her. Buck it all, I’m an idiot! Standing upright and bolting for the stairs, he used his newfound confidence to make it all the way up the stairs and into the room, at which point he barreled into the bathroom and found himself staring at a startled, surprised, and temptingly blushing mare. The brain crash was instant, the wing-boner massive, and embarrassment complete.

Oh, I had so not planned on this! What was I thinking? No, stop, I’m just thinking about me again! Her, focus on that gorgeous, alluring, steamy... Freefall’s entrance into the bathroom was so unprecedented that Bangles found herself attempting to cover herself, face blushed crimson as she felt a strange feeling that she hadn’t ever thought she’d feel again: innocence. It was sweet, and even as she squirmed under his unintentional stare, she let the feeling flow, relishing every moment of it.

“Freefall, I...” You came. Of your own volition, you came... Thank you.

I can’t believe I’m here. She’s not screaming. She’s not yelling. She’s... smiling? What in Equestria is going on? I’m watching you shower, for crying out loud! Come on, this isn’t fair! I’m a stallion, I can’t hope to fight this! Push me! Please, I’m begging you! No, buck it, I made a choice! Come on, say something thoughtful or get out! “I’ve never...” Yes, yes! “Seen such...” Oh buck... “Beautiful...” Nonono, not flanks, not curves, and definitely don’t say... “Nostrils...” What... the... Shamed and humiliated, he turned and ran smack into the doorframe, hard enough to knock himself unconscious, and Bangles gave a small squeal as he fell to the floor. Bangles shut the flow of water off and cautiously made her way towards Freefall, kneeling beside him and gently stroking his mane.

“This makes the second time... I’ve had to carry you to bed. Honestly, making the mare do all the work...” Standing once more, she quickly toweled off and brought him to bed, drawing back the covers and setting him down gently with her magic. The swelling from the impact was starting already, and, retrieving some ice from downstairs, she wrapped the cubes in a cloth and set it on his forehead. The stallion stirred, offering a slight grown in lamentation for his smarting cranium.

“I should have just gone with flanks...”

“Um... I’m glad you think... I’m attractive.” What is... this feeling? When we first met, I’d have readily given my body to him if he had asked, but now...

I’m in bed. I’m in Bangles’ bed, her mane is wet, and I can feel her breath against my cheek. It feels so good... “Sorry for... watching.”

“It’s ok, it made me... feel innocent, if only for a moment. You did very well, and I think you deserve a reward.” Am I really going to do this? Freefall suddenly found Bangles standing over him, horn aglow and hesitancy in her eyes. This is... the only thing I can think of that I can give. But why... why does this seem so... She crammed the feeling down and leaned in to kiss him, but she pulled away again as her lips connected not with his muzzle, but his cheek.

“I’m not... ready for that.” Bangles quickly stepped away, sitting on the edge of the bed facing away with her hooves in her lap, a terrible fear churning her stomach into a frenzy, and a feeling similar to the one she had felt when she watch Spikeflail take Cerulean by force flooded through her.

I... did it again. I didn’t mean to, but I... I forced myself on somepony again... “I’m... I’m sorry, I just thought... that’s what you’d want.”

“I’ve never... taken a mare to bed. Shocked, right?” Freefall sat up, ignoring his wings and staring down at the blankets. “For as many times as I’ve had my wings touched, everypony knew I wasn’t for real. I just wanted to have fun, and that... well, nopony would even give me a second thought. And even if they had, I wasn’t ready to commit, and even I know you can’t just... sleep and leave. That’s just bucking messed up. There were a few that would have, but...” Bangles didn’t know what to make of the revelation, and as she prepared to face him she felt his hooves circle around her waist, drawing her close. “Bangles? Trust me, I want it. A lot. But... I mean...” Does it count for anything if I cut them off myself to make my mare feel better? It better. “I’m scared of it.”

“Don’t hate me...”

How the hay did she come to that conclusion? “Why the buck would I hate you?”

“I... I just nearly...”

“Nearly overloaded my brain with awesomeness I couldn’t begin to fathom? Bangles, I... don’t want it to be with anypony but you, but I also want to be able to... well, talk to you on a regular basis without having to knock myself unconscious and be cradled in bed just to squeak out a coherent thought.”

“So, you... don’t feel like I...” Bangles let the words linger in the air, hoping he would connect the dots, but as the silence dragged on she realized it wasn’t going to happen. She opened her mouth to speak when a sudden exclamation saved her the effort.

“Oh, hay no! No, I don't feel... violated, or whatever. I’m just surprised I managed to resist. You’re too freaking sexy, you know that?” He felt a hoof close over his own and squeeze tighter. “I meant that as a compliment...” The mare said nothing for a time before gently prying his hooves apart, pushing him onto his back, and laying down beside him.

“Thank you, Freefall,” she whispered, eyes shining with gratitude and a strange power that melted the stallion’s heart. “Although, next time, you really should just say flanks.”

“I bucking knew it...”