• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

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Blind Faith

Chapter 16: Blind Faith

Fluttershy felt little strength to resist the flood that soaked the green coat where she lay her head. She would never have imagined that two weeks could seem so long, but as she once more found solace in Whisper’s heartbeat and comfort in his hooves, it really felt like time was moving once more.

“Thank you for helping me come back, Fluttershy. I was... safe there, but I couldn’t let you cry anymore. But, now you’re crying again... I’m sorry, Fluttershy. Tell me how I can fix it. I want to see you happy...”

“You silly, silly Whisper...” she giggled, pulling away slightly and beaming as she beheld his scarlet eyes. “I’m crying because I’m happy you’re awake. I really, really missed you.” Whisper was both ecstatic and confused by this, not ever having had a reason to cry happy tears, but unable to deny the authenticity of her smile.

I didn’t realize that I meant so much to her. I mean, I knew she liked me, but this feeling... He slowly moved one of his hooves over his heart and closed his eyes. This is something... I’ve never felt. And it’s not just mine, I can feel it coming from her, too. I just wish I had some way to describe it...

“Whisper, um, are you ok? Does your chest hurt?” Fluttershy asked, gently placing her hoof over his own. He hadn’t even been thinking about it, but there was still some pain in his chest and stomach, as well as a throbbing behind his eyes that was having a grand time tickling its friend “nausea.” Fluttershy gave a start as he yanked his hooves away and tried to hide, quickly pulling a pillow over his head. “Whisper, what’s wrong? Please don’t... hide from me.” Peeling back the pillow, show found that the crimson eyes she adored so much had filled with tears, and she chanced a glance above her to find a small rain cloud had formed.

“I... you got hurt... You got hurt, and it was my fault. I remember the tree falling, and then...” Tiny droplets began to fall as he feebly reached out and tried to pull the pillow back down, but when Fluttershy let him, it only made it hurt worse. Fluttershy, I’m not... strong enough on my own. I wanted you to stop me. Something soft that wasn’t a pillow brushed his snout, and he cracked open his eyes to find that Fluttershy had snuggled in underneath, her muzzle touching his ever so slightly. As if reading deeper than his desire to be forbidden an escape, she loosely, gently wrapped her hooves around his neck and spoke softly.

“Whisper... I’m not upset. I was, well, really... oh, how do I say this? You made me feel... really special, trying to protect me like that.”

“How can you... not be angry at me? Didn’t you get hurt?” Water began to seep through the now soaked pillow as the storm above intensified, the image of Fluttershy laying helpless on the ground seared into his memory and filling him with more pain than any broken ribs could ever hope to. “Doesn’t it just prove... that I really am just a...” Hooves retracted, the pillow flew into the wall with a splat, and a more terrifying beast than himself rose from the depths of firm kindness.

“Don’t... you... dare!” He was going to say it, even after I told him not to! That just... just... “Listen here, Whisper! I didn’t spend nearly every moment of every day laying in this uncomfortable bed, singing you songs and sharing stories with you just to have you wake up and call yourself a m... mo...” Oh dear, I think I’m going to... “You’re not a bucking monster!” I did... I said a naughty word. I should say I’m sorry... No, no I won’t. I’m not sorry! He needs to learn! While she maintained her resolve on the issue, prudence bid her calm down, as Whisper had stopped crying completely due to an inability to do anything other than fear for his mortal well-being. “I’d... let another tree fall on me, if that’s what it took to make you stay...” Whisper resumed breathing, searching for the truth first with his eyes and then with his heart, but he found no lies. “I want to be... your special somepony. The one who stays with you, always.” Cold and soaked as a result of his own inner turmoil, the strange, indescribable warmth from within grew a little stronger as he dared to imagine the idea.

Somepony... to stay with me... always? “Fluttershy, you’d...” Even after what happened... I can’t run from this anymore, I... I’ve wanted... somepony to be with for so long... “Would you really stay with me? You know I might...”

“Whisper, I have a very dear friend who taught me a very important lesson. Sometimes, bad things happen. Sometimes we hurt ponies on accident. But friendship isn’t just for when it’s fun, and loyalty doesn’t fade when things are hard. So... please stay.” To commit to overcoming a mountain of fears, to allow himself to be seen at his best and worst... to eventually come to terms with his past, both what was remembered and what had been lost with time... It wasn’t as simple as just saying the words. If loyalty and friendship really were eternal, then her request would decide the course of his life, and with this in mind he raised his eyes and looked up at the one who had given him so much.

“I...” I want to say yes, Fluttershy. I really do, but... “How can... how can you be so sure, Fluttershy? You don’t know what’s going to happen... what kind of things I might do...” She slowly shook her head, laying down atop his chest, her body heat fighting the chill without and within. She reached out a hoof and gathered a tuft of his mane to her chest, holding it tightly. Fluttershy, you... you really aren’t afraid... There was no longer any reason to ponder, nor to question what was flaring within. Words or not, what he felt was true, and if this gentle mare could find it in herself to face him at his worst, then she deserved anything he could possibly have to give. “I might make mistakes. I may even... hurt you again, but I...” He slowly brought his hooves around her, ignoring the ache in his chest as a relief deeper than the physical washed through him, yielding to his desire for an end of solitude. “I don’t want to leave you, Fluttershy. Please, can I... stay with you?”

Pinkie Pie wasn’t exactly sure how tasting Whisper had affected Rarity so much, but she was really letting herself go. This wasn’t any cause for concern for the local party mare, as she rather enjoyed tipsy Rarity, what with all of her silly comments, the way she’d willingly prance on the table, and how at that particular moment she was extremely energized and entranced with a single spilled drop of cider, which she gave her utmost attention. However, as her frown alarm went off, she noticed Twilight sitting alone in the dining area, and leaving the rest to watch over Rarity, she bounded over to the dejected lavender unicorn, snuck under the table, and sprang up directly in front of her.

“Huh... Normally when I pop out like that, most ponies are at least a little surprised. What’s up, Twilight?”

“Pinkie, I’m really not in the mood for fun right now. I’ve got some serious thinking to do, and...”

“What, about Spike?” Giggling at her studious friend’s surprise, she rolled her eyes and explained. “Twilight, you hardly ever bring him here, Cerulean’s not with you, and you’re sitting by yourself. Now, what’s going on?”

How come you didn’t use that kind of deductive reasoning on the train? I’m really glad I gave up trying to figure you out. “I just...” I’ve got to wonder how much of this is going to sink in, but maybe it’ll help just letting it out. “Spike’s been getting distant. I know he probably just needs more attention, but it’s so hard making time for everything. I’ve got studying, magic practice, taking care of Dawn and Cerulean, writing letters... It’s exhausting!”

“Well, if you’re already gonna be tired, why not just add one more thing to the list?”

“It’s not that simple, Pinkie,” Twilight replied, sighing as she massaged her head with both hooves.

“Oh, oh, I know! I know the answer, and it’s really really simple!” Skepticism ran high, but with nothing to lose, Twilight turned her attention back to the bubbly mare who was currently disregarding every rule of table etiquette, standing atop the table on her hind legs and towering over Twilight. “Ok, so you know you need to make time, but are afraid that even if you do it won’t be enough, right? So what you need to do his have Spike make some friends to help him smile, like we do for you!”

Some friends of his own? That’s so simple... it’s genius! Why don’t I ever think of these things? Her excitement shone brightly for a moment, but with the solution came its own set of consequences. “If I send him to make friends, that means... I’ll get to see him even less... It’ll be like he’s gone completely. I don’t... want to let him go, Pinkie. But if he stays, he may just end up more unhappy...”

“You know, Twilight, I bet Celestia felt the same way when she sent you to Ponyville.” It was a rare moment of lucidity, and it quickly devolved into chortles of glee as the mare bounced back to her friends on the other side, but the parallels were startling. As little as they actually spent time together, just the thought of having him be absent so much felt like she was willingly tearing out a piece of her heart, but if she bid him stay, then she’d effectively be pushing that pain onto him. As a mother, the need of the child always, regardless of personal cost, has to be first. And so, as she watched him laughing and chatting with Applebloom and her friends, she came to a painful, necessary conclusion; it may be time for Spike to move on. And if it was... it was going to hurt.

“What now...” Redheart muttered as her body’s attempts to nod off at the front desk were interrupted by an extremely loud shout of exhilaration, coming from near the emergency room and resounding throughout the halls. Rising, she went room to room, assuring the startled patients that everything was alright before approaching the source, which she correctly surmised to be the room of the comatose unicorn. Throwing open the door, she strode in and confronted the mare laying across the chest of a pony she thought to be in a coma, but quickly found her assumption very incorrect.

One would think that spending a month unconscious and hearing nothing but comforting words and cute little songs would ease a pony’s misgivings about close proximity to others. In fact, Fluttershy had rather been hoping for this, but when the once comforting hooves around her suddenly tightened as Nurse Redheart entered, it became apparent that he was still equating a new pony sighting approximately the same way one might receive having a manticore in their house.

“Fluttershy, I know that you want...”

“Ahhh!” Too startled to stop it from slipping out, Whisper gave a short cry of alarm that released a small burst of magic, knocking everything but Fluttershy back and ripping the IV from his foreleg. The medical equipment nearby shut down, glass cracked, and Whisper’s eyes teared over as he saw the fear rise within the nurse laying on the ground, dazed and completely unable to comprehend what had just occurred.

“Whisper, calm down! It’s ok!” Fluttershy said quickly, wincing as his hooves squeezed tighter. “Redheart, Whisper is very frightened of other ponies, so could you, maybe, not come any closer?” she managed, straining a little to give herself some breathing room. You know, for being about the same size as me, you sure are strong, Whisper. “Whisper, um, could you ease up just a teeny bit? It’s kind of hard to breathe.” Taking the opposite extreme, he yanked his hooves and away and screwed his eyes shut, trembling slightly as Redheart remained absolutely baffled by the pony’s behavior, struggling to her hooves and standing motionless.

“What... in Equestria was that?”

“It’s a little hard to explain, but, you see, Whisper has problems controlling his magic.” She took a moment to pry his hooves from his chest and return them to their proper place. “Gently...” she murmured as his grip began to tighten again. “It’s going to be all right, Whisper. Just think about me, ok?”

“Ok, I’ll try.”

Now that he’s awake, he’s going to have problems with there being so many ponies around. “Redheart? Would it be possible to, maybe, take Whisper home?”

“Fluttershy, it’s only been two weeks. His injuries were very serious, and even with the aid of magic, I don’t think he should be moved.”

“But... can we at least look?” Redheart wanted to be firm and put her hoof down, but a combination of sympathy for the mare who had devoted nearly every spare second to the stallion and fear for what might happen should his magic go off gave her pause, pushing her to relent.

“All right, let me just...” she started, taking a step forward and stopping as Fluttershy shot out a hoof, halting her advance. “Actually, you should probably be the one to do it, given his... reluctance to accept my assistance.” She left and returned a short while later with a bowl of warm water and a washcloth, setting them on a rolling tray and leaving the two alone.

“Ok, Whisper, I’m going to take off the bandages now. Oh, and let me know if it hurts, ok?” He cracked an eye open, scanned the room, and gave her a nod, relaxing a little as she gently began to undo the wrappings around his chest. A soft gasp led his eyes to her face, her mouth covered by a hoof as she beheld a large scar across his chest from the surgery. “Oh, Whisper...” If only I could have been stronger, then... he wouldn’t have to carry this...

“It’s ok, Fluttershy. It’s my own fault, I deserve it for...”

“Don’t say that! Don’t say it, you don’t... you don’t deserve any of this...” When are you going to learn... how scared I am of losing you? Every day I hoped you’d wake, and every day that you didn’t... All it took was a passing of such a terrible thought to bring her to tears, and the scar that sat locked in her bleary gaze sent glistening dew streaming down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I didn’t mean... please, don’t cry.” I really wish I knew more about what to do about things like this! I was just trying to take responsibility for what happened... I can’t just sit here, but what can I do? Regardless of the lingering pains in his chest, Whisper sat up with a grunt, placing a hoof over his stomach and waiting a moment, pleasantly surprised that the pain quieted quickly due to Celestia’s magic. Fluttershy sat shuddering softly, not wanting to think about how much he was suffering on her account. Had she not been there, or been somewhere just slightly different, all of this could have been avoided, and as these thoughts and many like them threatened to drag her down, a soft, gentle, warm, and wet sensation traced a reverse path along the streams from her eyes.

“Whisper, are you...” He didn’t answer right away, tilting her face slightly with a hoof so he could get the other side, gently lapping away the tears. This is... so strange, and sweet. It’s much more comforting than I thought it would be... The corners of her mouth slowly curled into a smile, knowing that however uncommon and irregular his method was, his focus was simply on making her happy. He had almost finished when a fresh wave, born of joy, pushed out further tears and bid him continue. Is it... wrong that I’m enjoying this? Whisper, you’re so silly... And I like that. This is... nicer than your hoof. Just as she was going to force herself to say something, albeit with great reluctance, he pulled away and replaced his tongue with a gentle hoof, holding it in place a moment before dropping it down to her chest.

“It’s going to be ok, just like you told me. So please, don’t cry, Fluttershy.” Soft and beautiful, clear and warming, her laughter seemed to echo within his heart. So, I really can... make her happy? That’s so great, I’ll have to lick her face more often if it makes her laugh.

Oh, Whisper... I missed this. I’m so happy you’re awake. “Um... would you like to, maybe, go back to my house?”

“Will there be other ponies?” It was, unfortunately, a question that she knew he wouldn’t like the answer to. She wasn’t a unicorn, and he couldn’t control his magic, so teleportation wasn’t an option. It occurred to her that, even if he was frightened, Twilight likely could cover the distance easily, but something inside her pushed against it. I want... to help him through this myself. I know I won’t be able to teach him everything, but this... maybe I can be strong for him.

“Whisper, do you trust me?” Not answering right away, he glanced down at the floor, her lack of a direct answer confirming that they wouldn’t be alone. Even as kind as the ponies sounded when the spoke to him, including that white unicorn that had frightened him into speaking, he couldn’t shake the deep-seated worries boiling within. His heart steered his thoughts back to the mare sitting beside him, reminding him that despite everything that had happened, she was still there, unafraid and full of forgiveness. He swallowed hard and prepared for a leap of faith.

“I trust you, Fluttershy. I’m scared, but I’ll... I’ll do whatever you ask. I want to go home.”

Sullen, sour, gloomy: all things which could not be applied to Rainbow Dash’s general state of mind, but were quite apt to describe her temperament that night. Between waking up to Storm, spending the afternoon in, perhaps, one of the most romantic little hideaways she knew of, and being forced not to partake in Silver’s many brews, Dash had started to crumble under the tension of her desires and emotional exhaustion. Storm offered a comforting hoof, and grew further concerned as she shrugged it off, scooting away a little and continuing her ongoing staring match with the table, currently undefeated and defending its title with pride. Applejack noticed from afar, and after a whispered conversation with Silver, cantered over and sat beside the mare.

“Ah don’t think yer gonna win, Dash. Ah know you can be competitive, but that table ain’t moved in months.”

“Shut up...” Silence followed in the wake of her uncharacteristically harsh reply, which she knew was uncalled for and they knew she instantly regretted, judging by the way she let her head fall to the table with a thud. “Sorry.”

“Ah ain’t gonna get on yer case, ‘cause ah don’t think that’s what you need, sugarcube. What’s botherin’ you, anyhow? You’re gonna bring rain with a face like that.” Too drained to give their rivalry any notice, she turned to Applejack with desperation and asked what she’d been wanting to know for months.

“How they hay do you do it, Applejack?”

“Uh... do what, Dash?”

“That! You’re totally acting like being pregnant doesn’t affect you at all! Don’t you miss, you know... doing it?” Applejack was entirely confused by the statement, though she quickly realized that if Rainbow Dash was holding herself back, her current attitude was entirely understandable, and thus she turned her attention to Storm.

“Storm, ah’m right disappointed in you. You shouldn’t be deprivin’ yer mare like that, especially not now.”

“What the hay are you talking about?” he replied, confused and wondering how he had become the target of frustration.

“Ah’m talkin’ ‘bout giving Dash the release she wants.” Rainbow Dash and Storm both shared looks of mutual bafflement, and the lights suddenly came on as Applejack realized that neither of them knew what many considered basic biology, her suspicions soon being confirmed by her friend’s surly reply.

“Oh, gee Applejack, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that I’m pregnant?” Dash snapped, her temper flaring as the needless taunting quickly elevated her volatile spirit.

“Sugarcube, ah’m every bit as pregnant as you, an’ ah enjoy a good romp nearly every other day. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little fun, so long as you don’t get too wild.” Whoa nelly, ah think ah broke somethin’. “You mean you two really didn’t know?”

“Wha... but... but Twilight didn’t! And how the hay would I know?”

“Uh, school perhaps?”

“Do I look like the type who would pay attention? I didn’t even finish school! Hey, wait a second... Storm? What’s your excuse?”

“Hmmm, I’ll go with ‘spent most of his teenage years in a secluded retirement home with the only ponies around being three times his age at the least.’ You seriously think I’d have asked my grandpa about that?” It really didn’t matter to Rainbow Dash at that point, who was too entirely consumed by the thought of being able to slake her appetite for a midnight masquerade to care about the petty details. There was a whoosh, followed by a flurry of feathers as the two pegasi shot out the side door and into the night, leaving one chuckling earth pony staring at the now vacant seats.

“Ah wonder if they caught the ‘not too wild,’ part. Dear Celestia, ah hope nopony over there is sleepin’, ‘cause the house may not be standin’ come mornin’.”

Slowly, Fluttershy helped the still quite sore stallion out of bed after cleaning away the blood from the bandages. The scar didn’t look nearly as bad once it had been washed, and even if it did, Fluttershy was simply reminded that, whether he knew it or not, he cared deeply enough to put his life on the line. Fluttershy stood beside him a moment, letting him use her for support, though she nearly fell over as he pushed against her more forcefully than she was expecting. After a few moments, she backed away, allowing him to take a few tentative steps around the room.

“Whisper? How do you feel?”

“I’m really stiff, and my chest still hurts, but I think I can walk all right. How far away is your house?”

“Oh, not far, really. Maybe a fifteen minute walk?” Fifteen minutes? The number sounded like a death sentence, as it would be much more exposure to ponies than he would be used to. But a promise was a promise, and he really did want to leave, so he steeled himself and nodded. Fluttershy suppressed a laugh as he all but glued himself to her side, staring fearfully at the portal into the world of scary ponies. Oh Whisper... we really are going to have to work on that, but not just yet. You did just wake up, after all. Let’s see, I wonder if there’s anything I can do to help? “Whisper, can I ask you a question?”

“Ok. What is it?”

“When you were sleeping, were you scared of the ponies you heard?”

“Not really. Oh, except that one you got mad at. She was... really happy, and it scared me.”

“Oh, that was just Pinkie Pie. She’s really nice, but she can be a little, um... a lot to handle, sometimes. Whisper, I need you to trust me, ok? Here,” she paused, gathering her tail into her hooves and holding it out. “Bite down on my tail. Just do it,” she followed up with, noting the questioning glance and smiling a little. Seeing no real reason to complain, he gathered a large mouthful and stood awaiting orders. “Now, close your eyes.”

“Ok, what next?”

“Now we walk home, of course! Keep your eyes closed, and it will be just like when you were asleep. I won’t let anypony touch you, ok? You can trust me, Whisper. I won’t let you down.” Cracking open the door, they both stepped out and began their journey, a frightened unicorn placing absolute trust in the pegasus that was leading him step by step towards safety, comfort, and rest.