• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...

Song of Healing

Chapter 15: Song of Healing

Restoration of a friendship that had once been thought to be hanging by a thread drove away the remnants of pain that desperately clung to the hearts of two mares sitting at the edge of the pond, conversing quietly about past lessons and good memories. Rainbow Dash wasn’t entirely convinced about the green stallion who had Fluttershy wrapped around his hoof, or so it seemed, but the more she listened to the untainted wellspring of joy bubbling out of her friend as she recalled what few memories they had shared together, she found herself increasingly at ease, and curious to boot. For Fluttershy, who hadn’t even appeared to show interest in anypony until her primary love interest was taken away, to suddenly be so taken...

Fluttershy, you’re adorable. Seriously, it’s little wonder your dancing is even more powerful than charm magic. “So, you met here, right? What were you doing out here?”

“Running away from all those crazy ponies from the tavern! Honestly, I sing one song and they... grrr, I don’t even want to think about it. I mean, if that’s ok with you.”

“No, that’s fine. So, was he watching you from the trees or something?”

“Huh? Oh, no, he was in the pool with me.”

She says that like it’s nothing, but if I were here with Storm... Well, I’m pretty sure there’d be only one thing on my mind. It’s such a romantic place. Sunlight filtered through the break in the trees, lighting the pond and sending refracted beams of light dancing across the trees with every minor splash. Wild flowers of all kinds dotted the soft grass, and the water was crisp, cool, and refreshing to the palette. “Bathing with the stallion before you even asked his name? Wow, Fluttershy, and I thought Twilight moved fast.”

“Rainbow Dash, stop that,” Fluttershy muttered, blushing profusely and smiling inwardly. “He nearly ran away twice when he woke up, just from me being there. It really wasn’t the best first meeting.”

“Well, maybe you should bring him back here for a picnic when he wakes up. That is, if me and Storm aren’t here. Seriously, this place is amazing! Still, though” she paused, shooting her still rosy-cheeked friend a malicious smile, “won’t do you any good if your wings aren’t healed. What’s a date without a little action?” Fluttershy said nothing, doing her very best to keep her mind from remembering what had happened the second time. Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash had known her a very long time, and thus picked up on her obvious cover easily. “I was kidding on that last part. You better not be letting him touch your wings this fast. Seriously, Applejack would have a fit.”

“Um, it’s actually, well... too late for that.” Teehee! Rainbow Dash, you sure make funny faces. Nervous giggles sounded like funeral bells in Dash’s head, being unable to reconcile this new information, made worse by a rare bout of playful teasing from an otherwise tame mare. “Oh yes, it’s really nice. He was very gentle.” Blushing unashamedly, she let the thoughts drift through her mind for just a little bit, but as she felt the tension rise in her wings, she re-focused on the thunderstruck mare who was staring slack jawed in her general direction, though the lights were definitely off upstairs. “Oh dear, I think I, um, broke Rainbow Dash.”

She’s... already gone that far? No, it isn’t possible! It’s Fluttershy! She can’t even think about that kind of thing without... well, ok, she did take up pole dancing for a while, but that was different! What kinds of things is this stallion pushing her into? “Fluttershy, he isn’t forcing you to...” Fluttershy was appalled at the thought, though she quickly caught herself before anger could set in. Rainbow Dash had already been through enough, and being pregnant didn’t make things any easier, Fluttershy was sure.

“No, Rainbow Dash, he hasn’t forced anything on me. He wouldn’t do that, not ever.”

Great, that’s even worse! That means that she’s the one initiating it! What happened? Where did I go wrong? I don’t even know who, but I’ve seriously failed somepony! Wait, it’s... “Cerulean, you’ve tainted my Fluttershy...”

“Rainbow Dash? Your face looks really scary. And what do you mean, ‘tainted?’ Cerulean didn’t do anything to me either.”

“Do I need to give you protection, Fluttershy?” Testament to the mare’s innocence, she simply shook her head and defended her stallion, missing the intention entirely.

“Look, I know Whisper may have accidentally blown up my house and knocked over a couple of trees, but he’d never try to hurt me on purpose.” A rather painful looking, and sounding, self-inflicted smack in the forehead alerted Fluttershy that she must have spoken out of place. “Don’t do that, Rainbow Dash. He’s really not...”

“I meant do you need pills to keep from getting pregnant!” The proverbial tables were indeed turned by the statement, indicated by flushed cheeks, stiffened muscles, and a notable lack of oxygen intake. Tired of verbal abuse, the mare’s lungs called a strike and didn’t cave until her cheeks moved from red to violet. “Breathe, Fluttershy.” Conceding to a compromise, her lungs resumed their duties with gusto, seeking to make up for lost time by initiating a long, loud gasp, followed by the beginnings of hyperventilation. “Well, that answers that question. If you tried right now, you’d probably pass out, the way you’re going.”

“R-R-Rainbow D-Dash!”

Fluttershy, if you were any other pony... man, it’d be so much fun... “Ok, ok, I’ll ease up. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Attempting to escape reality and the burning sensation that had taken most of her muzzle by storm, Fluttershy plunged herself into the pond, staying submerged for a good fifteen seconds before bursting forth, showering Dash and bidding her perform what could only be seen as a discreet, foal-friendly cannonball. Splashing ensued, and bringing with it a moment of simple happiness, shared between two friends relishing an escape from the world, and the restoration of bonds that were never truly broken at all.

Stitching is easy when lucid, a challenge when inebriated, and nigh impossible when one’s mind is filled to the brim with thoughts that shouldn’t be, but are, and have no intention of leaving. Rarity knew that her seeming dive towards alcoholism was simply a ruse, a facade, meant only to cover the real problem until such a time came as she could indulge her natural desires unashamedly, within the confines of marriage after an extraordinarily marvelous ceremony during which she would shine like a star in a fabulous dress of her own design. Because, really, who would be better qualified to design such a masterpiece?

“Anypony else if I can’t focus,” she muttered, slicing the sloppily threaded stitches and starting again. The needle was just about to dive deeper when her magic pulsed inside, her mind wandering yet again and ensuring that even if she walked away right that second, her horn would remain alight. “As highly fashionable as you are, sometimes I sincerely wish I could simply remove you,” she murmured, staring over her glasses at the horn reflected in the mirror. “Yes, I’m aware it wouldn’t help in the slightest. Do not worry, you may stay, naughty though you may be.”

I’m talking to my own reflection? I dare say I must take a break. Insanity may be manestream, but it is terribly uncouth, and I shan't stoop to it. Standing with a sigh, she let her eyes roam around the room, taking in every hue of fabric and every scrap of parchment, each with her own unique, original design. Opalescence had, yet again, raided the yarn, though she left her be due mostly to the fact that it had sparked yet another idea. Taking a quick glance around the shop and, noting that nopony was around, she trotted back into her room, double checked to make sure that she was indeed alone, and pulled out a box from underneath her bed.

I can hardly wait till I can make use of these myself. I wonder if maintaining a dignified countenance breeds greater desire... Her musings continued as she sifted through the incredibly risqué articles, left over from her foray into clothing of a more erotic nature. While she still took custom orders here and there, after the disaster and fame from Cerulean’s “show” in Canterlot she decided that she wouldn’t pursue a niche in that corner of the market any further. Maybe... I can let my mind wander, just a bit...

Selecting a lacey saddle of deep violet, complete with garter and fishnets with matching frill, she triple checked her surroundings and set about her “beautification,” the very action heightening her desires and causing a blush as she refused to look in the mirror. She shuddered as the lace wrapped between her legs, the simple, dull motion becoming temptingly seductive to her elevated senses. Rarity slowly turned to face the mirror, knowing even as she did so that it was likely a poor idea; it was. “I’m... quite ravishing, I must admit.” If just getting “dressed” felt that amazing, then I can only imagine... what another’s hoof would feel like. Or even... my... No, I cannot let that thought continue. I must be strong, and... and keep waiting. Always waiting...

Inventory was boring. Between checking the barrels, ingredients, placing orders and mailing bills, Silver had worked up quite a thirst. Applejack read his mind the moment he sat down with a grateful sigh, doting on her stallion with a glass of cider while similarly cursing him for being in such a tasty, forbidden business. Sure, she’d never trade the treasure growing inside for anything, no matter how delectable or valuable, but that didn’t change the fact that five months of abstinence from alcohol had only sharpened her desires for it. Silver wasn’t blind to her wistful, longing gaze being cast upon the mug in his hoof, nor had he asked that she supply the gift; it was simply her way of showing she cared, and he accepted it readily.

“Sweetheart? Thank ya kindly.”

“Ain’t nothin’ at all, sugarcube. You do plenty fer me, it’s only fair ah return the favor. Love ain’t about gettin’, anyhow.” Gratitude prompted a kiss, which prompted a more passionate kiss, which prompted a swift intervention of self-control, due both to the fact that Bangles could walk in at any moment and because Applejack had other things to discuss. “As much as ah’d love t’ taste you a little more, ah...”

“Sounded just like Pinkie?” Hmmm, that frown is... amused?

“Is that what you were thinkin’? See if you get any lovin’ later,” she teased with a chuckle, knowing full well that Silver had, thus far, evaded her infamous “taste testing” and intended to keep it that way. “Actually, ah was thinkin’ ah’d go see Rarity. Somethin’ has been off with her ever since Whisper’s magic went all crazy, an’ ah want t’ make sure she’s ok.”

“Well, what are you doing here, then? Go on, git!” That frown is... a frown. Whoops. “I meant ‘I think Rarity could use a friend right now, sugarcube, so why don’t you go pay her a visit?’”

“That eager t’ get rid o' me?”

“Only so you can come back.” A few more kisses, one last glance at his cider, and she began her journey towards Carousel Boutique, though a sudden spark of inspiration bid her deviate towards Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie was happily baking treats in preparation for the pre-tavern rush. As decent as the desserts offered were, nothing could possibly match Pinkie’s bizarre, consistently tasty treats. “Afternoon, Pinkie.”

“Oh, hey, Applejack! Guess what?”

“Uh, what, Pinkie?”

“Ok, so you know how the sleepy new guy is, you know, asleep? I figure if I bake something extra tasty, the smell will jolt him right back awake, and then we can throw him a party!” In her own crazy way, Applejack knew Pinkie was doing her best for Whisper too, and thus didn’t bother alerting her that patients in a coma can only hear, nothing else.

“I’m sure he’d like that, Pinkie. Now, do you happen t’ have any crumpets? Ah wanna surprise Rarity with somethin’ nice.”

“Of course we do, silly. This is a bakery, remember?” Bouncing over to the counter, Pinkie loaded some of the fancy treats into a plain white box and wrapped it with violet ribbon. “There you go, Applejack. Tell Rarity hello for me. Or, actually, why don’t you invite her to the bar? Something tells me she’s going to need a teensy push to come tonight.”

Strangely perceptive as always, Pinkie. Yer somethin’ else, ah’ll tell ya. “Thanks, sugarcube. Have a good afternoon!” Making straight for the Carousel Boutique, she stopped outside the door with her hoof raised. Ah wonder if ah can surprise her, that’d make it even better. Opening the door as quietly as she could, she cracked it open and scanned the interior. Upon seeing nopony, she called upon the powers of silence and creeped inside, beginning her search with stealth that would have made Gale proud. Hmmm, she ain’t in the main room, or that perpetual mess she calls... what was it, “organized chaos?” Maybe she ain’t home. That would be a real let down, but ah guess I can check her room. Still maintaining perfect silence, she drew up to the door and beamed with anticipation as she heard a shuffle from the other side. Her hoof lighted on the handle, her eyes narrowed with focus, and as her mind told her it was time, she yanked open the door and leapt into the room.

“Surprise, Rarity! Ah brought you...” What... what in... Rarity was, at that point, posing for herself in front of the mirror, her plot in full display for her audience of one. “Whoa, nelly! Sorry, Rarity! Ah didn’t mean t’ intrude on... wait, what the hay is goin’ on?” she inquired, shifting from shell-shocked to apologetic to rightfully worried in quick succession. “Why are you wearin’... what the hay is that? Ah don’t think ah can even call it clothin’, as little of it as there is ridin’ between your... hindquarters.” Actually, it looks rather pleasin’ t’ the eye, ah will admit. Wait, it don’t matter none! “You better not be expectin’ somepony, ‘cause last ah heard, you ain’t married, sugarcube.”

“You don’t... need to remind me, Applejack.” Compassion replaced condescension as Rarity sank to her haunches, shamed and much too embarrassed to face her friend. “I only... wish there was somepony to... to appreciate my beautiful body...”

Rarity, it’s a lot more than that, an’ ah know it. “As much as ah love it, alcohol can’t fix everythin’, ah’m afraid,” Applejack murmured, drawing up beside the mare and laying sitting beside her, a gentle tug bidding the mare yield to her comforting embrace.

“I was... doing so well... I really did think I was starting to get it under control, but after what happened at Fluttershy’s cottage, it’s all coming back. No, it’s even stronger now, Applejack. And I... I don’t know how much more I’m going to be able to take.”

“Hush now, Rarity. It’ll be all right, you’ll see. Ah ain’t gonna let you struggle alone, an’ neither are your friends.”

Applejack, I really do want to accept those words, but I... it’s all the times you all aren’t around that scare me the most. And I fear... I already am starting to push you all away again.

“Now stop that frettin’.” Time t’ work on my motherin’. “Listen, ah know it’s tough. You know how much ah struggled too, an ah ain’t about to let you abandon your dream just ‘cause it’s hard. Cry it out if ya need to, mah shoulder is all yours. But after that, you’re comin’ t’ the tavern an’ ah’ll serve you whatever ya fancy. Ah think a night away from this place and with our friends will do you a world o’ good. How’s that sound?”

“You certainly know how to make it difficult for a lady to sulk.” Thank you, Applejack. I am in your debt yet again. For being so generous, it feels... nice to have something given back. “I suppose... I could stand for a spot of blush.”

“You got it, sugarcube. Oh, but two more things. First, ah think you may want to take off... what is that stuff called?” she asked, motioning to Rarity’s admittedly alluring piece of sensual attire.

“Lingerie, my dear mare. Pray tell, what else is on your mind?”

“Do you think, maybe...” Ah can’t believe ah’m gonna ask this... But if it’s for Silver, then why the hay should ah feel embarrassed? Gettin’ fancy is fun every now an’ again! Well, ah can’t right call it “fancy,” ah don’t think. Oh well, it don’t matter! “Could you design somethin’ like that fer me?”

“So... he’s been upstairs all afternoon?” Twilight nodded to Cerulean’s inquiry, setting down the book she was none-too-enthusiastically glossing over in light of her mind being occupied with more pressing matters. Twilight had explained her theories on the how and why Spike was upset, but she drew a blank on the logical “what to do next” stage.

“I know he probably just wants more time with me, but there’s so much already packed into my day that it just seems... overwhelming to try and add more. And yet...” she paused, letting out a defeated sigh, “I know that any excuse I make will fall flat. I know what needs to happen, but I just don’t know how to go about it.” Her sullen expression was soon turned to joy as Cerulean gave her the answer she was seeking. “Cerulean, you’re a genius at stating the obvious. Thank you,” she murmured, leaning against his chest and placing a hoof over his heart.

“I’m not sure what the proper response to that is, but a certain young dragon needs his teacher. Go on, Twilight. He’s been waiting his turn for a long time.” She nodded once, racing upstairs and slowed as she approached Spike’s bed. He lay facing the wall, and had, to her knowledge, not moved all afternoon since they had spoken earlier.

“Spike? Hey, are you awake?” He took a while to respond, nodding slowly but saying nothing. Spike... I’m sorry. Just like I neglected Cerulean before, now I’ve gone and done it to you, too. Well, no more. I’m going to make an effort for you, my number one assistant. Spike was about to protest at being wrenched from bed, but as he felt himself clutched tightly to Twilight’s chest, he remained silent, claws hanging limply at his sides for a time before slowly reaching around and returning the motion. “I’m sorry you’ve had to wait so long, Spike. Come on, let’s have a night just to ourselves. How’s that sound?”

“Twilight? But, what about...”

“Nope, no excuses. You’re my assistant, and your task for the night is having fun! Now, what do you want to do?”

I just want to be with you, Twilight. To be noticed, like I am right now.

“Hey, I know! Let’s go to the tavern and grab something good to eat.”

“Can I get cake? And pie! Oooh, an ice cream sundae sounds delicious right now...”

“I suppose I can set nutrition aside for a night,” she chuckled, squeezing once and releasing him. “Whatever you want, Spike. Tonight, I reward my number one assistant for years of friendship and service.” A very short while later, Twilight’s teleportation landed them outside the tavern, and she quickly made good on her word, cheerfully indulging every gluttonous whim and sharing in his laughter. I wish... that I could do this for you every night, Spike. I miss what we used to have, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll have the ability to do things like this...

“Twilight? Are you ok? You look like you’re about to cry...” She quickly wiped her eyes and refocused.

“Don’t worry about it, Spike. Everything’s fine.” Fine... somehow, I hope that’s true. “Hey, look! Sweetie Belle is gonna sing!”

“Really? Oh man, this is going to be awesome!” Like Rarity in a field of gems, such was Spike’s facial expression as the filly’s crystal clear voice rang out over the crowds, the conversations quieting to a respectful murmur as goodwill made vocal resonated within everypony present. A connection was made as Twilight slowly began to understand what was happening, and what she could do to help.

He looks so happy... Maybe more time with me isn’t what you truly need, Spike.

Fluttershy... I know that you want me to come back, but... but if I do, then what’s going to happen? Here, I’m safe. I can’t hurt anypony. It’s dark, but every voice I hear is nice, and life doesn’t seem so scary. But it’s making you sad, isn’t it... I don’t know how to get out of here. Please, Fluttershy, I want... I want to learn more about your world, more than I want to be safe, so... can you lead me back? I’m lost... Huh, who’s there?

“Whoa, new pony! You have a lot of hair! I wonder how you do that? Hey, guess what! When you wake up, I’m gonna throw you a party!”

Scared. Very, very scared! Who is this? She’s loud, and excited and... sounds too happy!

“Do you like cupcakes? I know I do! Here, smell this!”

Smell? I’m asleep, I can’t smell anything.

“Huh, that didn’t work? I could have sworn... Hey, I know! Maybe you just need a taste test!”

But... but I can’t taste anything right now! Regardless of his internal rebuttal, Pinke promptly mashed a cupcake into the slumbering stallion’s muzzle, much the way she had when Cerulean first came to Ponyville.

“There, how’s that taste? Good, right? Come on, wake up!”

No, not with you in the room. You’re even more scary than... well, actually... Whisper had found that he could hear more than just sound as he lay in bed for those two weeks. It was difficult for even him to understand, but it was like he could hear other pony’s emotions. And this mare sounded like... Uh... is it even possible to have that much happy? I think I’d explode, and it wouldn’t be from magic or anything, even.

“Hmmm, that didn’t work, huh? Well, I can’t let you waste a perfectly good cupcake.”

Cupcake? I wonder what kind of food that is. Wait, waste? What is she talking about? It was fortuitous that Whisper lay asleep at this point, as Pinkie eagerly went about lapping up the frosting, both inside and outside the stallion’s mouth. Her scientific assessment of flavor was soon interrupted by one very startled, and instantly fuming Fluttershy.

“Wha... Pinkie Pie, what are you doing to Whisper?!?” That... but she... those are my lips!

Fluttershy? Yay, save me! Wait, doing? Now I’m all curious.

“Shhh, don’t shout, Fluttershy! He’s sleeping, silly. And I was just cleaning his face and testing his taste. He tasted kind of like... fresh salad, with frosting! You should totally try it next!” Pinkie really didn’t know precarious her position was as Fluttershy fought tooth and hoof not to explode in front of Whisper, though it really wouldn’t have been much different. He could sense just how truly upset she was.

“You... stole my first kiss with Whisper?”

Run away, crazy mare! She sounds really, really scary! It had taken quite a while for Pinkie to understand the significance of muzzle connection, but after an attempted taste test of Silver went awry, Applejack’s ensuing threat and explanation managed to make an impact; it’s amazing how having one’s life on the line suddenly increases the powers of comprehension. Unfortunately, it was Fluttershy, not Applejack, and thus the full weight of Pinkie’s peril hadn’t quite set it.

“Kiss? Oh, nonono, I was taste testing! Why would I kiss Whisper? He’s not my special somepony, so that wouldn’t make any sense at all! Anyways, you can finish up. I think there’s still some frosting left if you...” The stare, one of the few things that could penetrate the dense layer of jubilance surrounding Pinkie’s brain, bid her beat a swift exit from the room, leaving the cupcakes by the bedside.

“I can’t believe she would... oooh, that makes me so mad! She better not ever touch your lips again, or I’m going to...” Whisper heard a soft thump that sounded like hooves connecting with his bed, though it was much too soft to constitute any kind of punishment and thus he prepared to listen further. “Whisper? It’s getting... really lonely, being by myself. I heard from your brother that you loved singing, back when you were small. So, I wrote you a song. Please, listen closely, ok? I, um, worked really hard on it.” Rather than simply hear the words, he pushed deeper and listened to her soul, and what he heard... was beautiful.

“You got scared and ran away...
Nothing I said could make you stay
you were just looking out for me...
We got hurt, but you’re my friend
every wound I’m sure will mend
on the day that you can see...

All I need: you in my hooves,
my single greatest treasure;
the one who brought my heart to life,
you, my dearest Whisper.

In a world of complete darkness, a single, distant light appeared. Whisper reached out with all his strength, and as every word graced his ears and her yearning touched his soul, the far-off star grew ever brighter.

I want to feel your gaze,
see into your heart and be amazed,
I used to wonder, but now I’m sure;
I want to feel the butterflies,
so please, can’t you open your eyes?
we don’t have to be alone anymore...

Hear my heart; overflowing
for this love, there is no measure
This is my song of healing,
just for you... my sweetest Whisper...

“Please... come back...” A single tear trickled down her cheek as she gathered the stallion into her hooves, holding his limp form close as her heart cried out, begging for her friend to return. She felt a twitch, but it only intensified the pain, knowing that it was a cruel trick of her mind. It wasn’t until she felt soft, gentle hooves slowly return her embrace that she knew the wait was over, and the telltale green letters danced across her vision once more.

“My stomach hurts, but... I think it’s because you gave me too many butterflies.”