• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...


Chapter 13: Preparation

“Whoa, I can hear the ocean! Ack, sand in the ears, gross!” Cerulean chuckled as Jade desperately shook his head to one side, the symphony of the sea within the shell abruptly ended by an earful of grit, though he quickly resumed listening to the music upon clearing his ears, staring off into the distance in wonder. He was suddenly swept onto his brother’s back, the shell falling to the ground as he lost his grip. “Wait, Cerulean, I lost my shell!”

“Use your magic.” The jade unicorn blew a tuft of his admittedly long mane out of his face with a sigh, wondering how many times he was going to be forced to explain that his magic wasn’t any good for trifles like picking up objects.

“You know, we have hooves for a reason, Cerulean.” The abandoned conch shell was enshrouded in a blue aura, and Jade was gleefully reunited with his newest treasure.

“So how are you liking the beach, Jade? This your first time, right?”

“Liking? Try loving, this place is amazing! The sand feels great, and the water’s so blue...” A deep breath sounded, and Cerulean slowed to an easy canter, closing his eyes half way and listening to the melody ring out, the area below his hooves shimmering with a soft, green glow.

“Open skies, everlasting seas
sand in my ears and a nice cool breeze
you know, I think I’m starting to believe
in paradise~!

Running through the dunes
romping on the shores,
everything I see
leaves me wanting more~!

So many wonders,
so much excitement,
filling my heart so full...
So gratifying,
logic defying,
this place whispers into my soul~!”

Unable to contain himself any longer, he abandoned his perch and tore off straight towards the waves, attacking the sea and wrestling the shallows, his laughter carrying on the wind.

“Such a sweet sound...” Cerulean slowly stirred back into wakefulness, clinging to the memory as his brother’s laughter echoed through his mind. “Jade... I’ll find a way to make you laugh again, somehow.”

“And you’re not going to do it alone.” Surprised that his musings were heard, he met Twilight’s soft, violet eyes with gratitude, silently thanking fate for allowing him such a gift. “Princess Celestia should by soon with the horn limiter. Hopefully, that will be enough to help Jade overcome his fear of speech.” Cerulean brought a hoof to his muzzle, tapping it thoughtfully. Given the temperamental nature of Jade’s magic, it was clear that he was going to have to learn how to control it eventually, and the sooner the better.

“I wonder... Twilight, my brother has never been adept with regular magic, but things like levitation should be manageable by any unicorn, right? Would you mind, perhaps, helping me teach him magic when he wakes up?”

“You’re asking the Element of Magic if she’d like to teach magic to a pony who is skilled in a type of magic she knows little about? Do you realize how silly a question that is?”

“I suppose I could teach him myself, but...” Seeing that Dawn wasn’t around to give her father a good knock in the head, Twilight served as her substitute, giggling as Cerulean rubbed his forehead with a rueful smile. “Guess you meant the other way around.”

“You got it right in only two tries? You’re so smart...”

“I married you, that’s gotta count for something, right?”

“That was almost an acceptable defense, save how you turned it into a question.”

“Aye. Well, come on, Twilight. I’m sure Dawn is already awake and eagerly awaiting some kind of sugary breakfast,” he chuckled, throwing back the covers before a hoof over his chest bid him stop.

“Nope, not just yet. I want my snuggle time,” she commanded, snatching the stallion into her hooves and nuzzling his cheek. “And... as much as you’re smiling, I know better. It’s going to be ok, Cerulean. You don’t... have to be strong all the time.” He hesitated a moment before returning the embrace, cradling Twilight’s head with a hoof and letting slip a slow, drawn out sigh.

It's really that obvious? Either way, thank you for looking out for me, Twilight. Words can carry different meanings, varying by context, intonation, and a myriad of other things. Actions vary much the same, and as Cerulean leaned in to a deep kiss, Twilight’s senses were flooded not with any kind of carnal desire, but a wealth of unspoken thanksgiving. It was a moment when two ponies shared in something deeper than any physical touch could hope to convey: a love tempered by years of laughter and tears, fair weather and foul. Twilight’s glassy eyes and gentle smile let Cerulean know that the feeling was mutual, and he brought a hoof to her cheek and touched his horn to hers, enjoying the tranquility born of peace. Peace that could not last, as dictated by his daughter’s growling gut, her impromptu teleportation above the bed, and subsequent descent from the skies, landing on her father like a rock.

“Brekkist, daddy! Hungry!” Cerulean found the air forcibly evicted from his lungs with a whoosh and a groan, though his tickling hooves soon had the fiendish filly on the run. Eggs were cracked, the batter mixed, the fruit sliced, and doing just as Lemon had taught him, he made extra servings as if by some bout of clairvoyance he knew that Celestia would show up midway through the meal. She eagerly joined in on the proceeding, relishing the time away from the palace, the politics, and the ponies that truly believed they contained more wisdom after fifty years than Celestia had gathered over more than a thousand years. Fully satisfied, they quickly rinsed the dishes and bid Spike farwell, trotting out the door and into a fine autumn day, not too windy and carrying with it the last remnants of summer.

A familiar feeling of comfort, and lack of a desire to do anything but remain warm and safe in the embrace of her fortress of a stallion, bid Rainbow Dash refuse the sun victory in prying open her eyes. No, stubborn as usual, she silently screamed her defiance by burying her face in his soft chest fur, knowing that every second she spent in bed was a moment of isolated tranquility away from the world that invoked a mire of emotions she didn’t feel equipped to deal with. She wanted to forgive Whisper, as much for Fluttershy as for Cerulean, but every time she saw her friend laying in bed, bandaged and broken, it invoked the worst kind of anger.

Perhaps more worrisome was a new emotion breeding, something she hadn’t anticipated ever feeling save any motion towards infidelity from Storm, which she knew beyond a doubt would never happen. Time dragged on, and eventually Storm stirred into wakefulness, taking a glance at the mare pressed to his chest and silently sheltering her in his wings. He chose to say nothing, as did Dash, the course of the day already known but the outcome still riding on the wind. Wind that apparently carried the scent of breakfast, as even sound-proofed walls couldn’t keep the delightful aroma wafting from the kitchen from encouraging mutual growls from their stomachs and a gentle reminder to Dash that she was taking care of three.

“Storm?” Her desire for comfort and reassurance was met even before she bid him speak, his confident gaze being more than enough. No matter what happened between her and Fluttershy, even if the whole of Ponyville should turn against her, she found solace in the simple fact that there would be one pony that would always be there. The longer she held his gaze, the more it shifted towards alluring, her pent up “frustration” being at an all time high after some five months of abstinence. How Applejack managed to maintain herself, she’d never know, but it occurred to her then to ask, loathe though she was to bow to her rival in such a way.

“Was there something that was going to follow my name? Or is it just that melodious?”

If only that smirk made you less attractive, then maybe I could get my mind under control. “Come on, let’s get some breakfast. We’re starving, and my mind is starting to wander.” No more than usual... Unsure of exactly how unstable his wife’s temperament was at the moment, but guessing that it could be somewhat precarious given the recent events, he refrained from superfluous teasing and helped her out of bed, knowing that such things would likely be coming from his family the moment the exited their den of solitude. Such notions were proved accurate, Scootaloo’s laughter mingling with Hope’s as it filled the house.

Not a fan of the wooden chairs at the table, Rainbow Dash opted for the comfort of the couch, laying on her side and listening to the family banter, a sweet sound to one who hadn’t had one of her own until Storm had swept her off her hooves. Her mind wandered off to the destructive green unicorn once more, though in a slightly different light; if he really was Cerulean’s brother, and if Fluttershy really was enamored with him to the point of driving her to jealousy, then she had to concede that maybe what he needed was a home, not a beating. Her eyes opened halfway as she felt two tiny hooves press against the outside, with four more on the inside repeating the motion. Hope beamed up at Dash with her ever-present smile, babbling her encouragement. The twins offered their comfort as well, the sensation of their hooves not a frustrated buck, but more like an embrace of sorts.

“You’re right, Hope. And you two as well... I think my temper could use a good rest.”

Once, years back before everything took a turn for the crazy with the arrival of a blue stallion, Spike had savored the silence of an empty library, seeing that it meant he wasn’t being run ragged by a lavender mare obsessed with all things magical. Time marches on, and things begin to shift, even the motions of the heart. So, as Spike descended the steps and looked at the library’s main floor, abandoned by the other occupants in exchange for a bright and sunny day to be shared with the ruler of Equestria, a stirring within the heart of a young dragon edged in a curious notion.

“Is this... really where I belong?” Being with Twilight’s all I’ve ever known. I don’t want anything more, really! I’m really happy here... right? Even in his young mind, the fact that no answer came was reason enough to question the internal assertion, and as he sat down on the couch, he found himself seeking answers to questions he had never realized he had. During the dragon migration, I realized that I don’t want to be like other dragons. Scales or not, I’m a pony on the inside, and so I stayed. But now... He glanced over as Peewee landed beside him, looking up at the dragon with worry. “Twilight hardly pays any attention to me anymore, Peewee. I’ve always been her number one assistant, her close friend, but now all I do is clean and send letters. I mean, I’ve always done those things, but I can’t... remember the last time she took some time just for me...”

A nudge from the young phoenix bid him remember that he wasn’t alone, but it was of little comfort. How could he reconcile the growing distance between himself and the one mare that ranked above Rarity in importance? It occurred to him to ask the princess, since she knew so much about, well, everything, but she was with Twilight and Cerulean, so any letter would inevitably be known, and he didn’t want Twilight to worry. Being a mother, as he often had a front row seat for observing, was extremely hard work, so he resolved to find the answer on his own. This, however, was a task easier said than done, given that he had no idea where to begin.

“Huh? Now, who could that be?” Spike mused, staring at the door as the knocking receded for a short while before being followed by a familiar voice.

“Hello? Twilight, Cerulean, is anypony home?” Nearly tripping in his haste to open the door, Spike managed not to injure himself nor upset the floor by way of an undeserved beating with his face, whipping open the door to find a cheerful Sweetie Belle on the other side. “Oh, hey there, Spike.”

“Hi, Sweetie Belle! Did you need help with something?”

“Yeah, actually. I need a book. You think you could help?”

“Help? I’ve refilled these shelves more times than I can count. Come on in, I’ll find whatever you need in no time!” Is it just me, or did I sound a little excited there?

“You sound pretty animated today. Something special going on?”

Awww, man. It wasn’t just me. I’m just... glad to see somepony. “No, not really,” he replied, taking special care to keep his voice casual. “So, uh... what is it you’re looking for?”

“Well, I want to try my hoof at writing my own songs. Lyrics are easy, but I don’t know anything about writing sheet music. So... I guess I need something about writing music?”

“Music, huh? Wait, I know I saw something like that recently, it was...” Sweetie Belle watched with amusement, and slight worry over the dragon hurting himself, as Spike shot from shelf to shelf, carrying the ladder hither and thither. “You know, I’m really not in a hurry. I don’t have anywhere to be until I meet up with Applebloom and the rest this afternoon.”

Dang it, I’m doing it again. Why am I freaking out so bad? Come on, Spike. It’s not like she’s Rarity. Forcing himself to breathe evenly, he suddenly found an even flow of oxygen to lungs and brain increased memory, and he quickly located the text he sought, handing it to Sweetie Belle with a nervous smile. “Here you go. Sorry it took so long.”

“Long? You found it in less than a minute, Spike. Are you sure you’re ok?” Why is he squirming like that?

“Y-yeah, I’m fine.”

“Ok, if you say so. Thanks for the help, Spike!” She turned to leave when the dragon’s voice gave her pause.

“Wait a second!” What the, where’d that come from? I don’t even know what I was going to say next. Man, she’s looking at me. In the inner battle of honesty and denial, the latter was winning easily, Spike being too disturbed by his own sentiments to want to ask what was really on his mind. But yet, he had spoken. It wasn’t much, but maybe it would be ok, just this once, to seek comfort somewhere other than Twilight. “Would... maybe, uh...” Oh well, here goes nothing. “Do you think we could hang out a little bit?”


What? Really?!?

“Learning with you will make it more fun, and it beats sitting at home anyways. Besides, since you hang out with Twilight all the time, I bet you already know a ton of stuff.” With nothing but his own trepidation to get in the way, he grabbed some parchments and two quills, sitting beside Sweetie Belle who had made herself comfortable smack in the middle of the floor. Spike hadn’t ever really been given to reading, much to Twilight’s dismay, but he couldn’t deny a tinge of excitement as Sweetie cracked open the first page.

Of the many words that could be used to describe Ceruelan, “quiet” was not normally one of them, but he maintained nearly complete silence as Twilight chatted away with Celestia, the purpose of the ruler’s visit completely set aside. Dawn was sure not to let him drift into anything she considered sulking, and he actually found himself rather enjoying the stroll through town, due mostly to Twilight’s ecstasy at being able to commune with her beloved teacher, something he knew she missed even more than unlimited study time. In the warmth of the sun and the cool of the breeze, Cerulean could almost be content, but there was something missing.

“Right, Cerulean?” She waited a couple of moments before her animated smile slowly fell. “Cerulean?”

“Huh? Sorry, Twilight, I was just thinking.”

“I’m sorry, I guess I got a little carried away. It’s just...”

“I know, Twilight. It’s fine, I know how much you miss your teacher,” he murmured, drawing close giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Stop being so understanding, you’re making me feel even more selfish... “Go ahead, Cerulean. I’ll be quiet.”

Twilight, I was... happy just listening. “Princess? I know I explained a lot in my letter, but I was wondering... if the horn limiter has any side effects. Jade very nearly...” He paused, the mere thought of losing his brother bringing an uncomfortable lump to his throat. “He nearly died, so if there is any chance it could hurt him further, I want to know now.”

“Well... if he were to somehow overload the device, it may explode. It would require a tremendous amount of magic to do so, and I think it should be safe, but if he were ever to pour all of his magic into it at once, it could be disastrous. Also, a unicorn’s body uses their magic to aid in healing, so it would be unwise to use it until he has completely recovered from his injuries.”

“I see...” I guess... it will be a while longer yet before I get to hear your voice, little brother. “Celestia, would you... like to see him?”

“I would. Lead the way, Cerulean.” Conversation trickled to a minimum as a somber air hung over the proceedings, and it wasn’t long before they were all gathered within Jade’s room greeting Fluttershy and gathering around the bed. Celestia’s eyes traced over the gentle stallion’s bandaged chest and fair features, wondering what cruel stroke of fate had landed such pain upon not just this stallion, but all of Cerulean’s family as a whole. I sometimes wish that I didn’t have so much magic... I could wake him right now, but that... that should be his choice, not mine. If he wakes before he’s ready, I fear for what may happen. She glanced accross at Fluttershy, who was watching her expectantly, and then back at Cerulean and Twilight. Maybe I can intervene, just a little... A bright, golden light shone from Celestia’s horn, washing over Whisper and accelerating the healing process. This is all I can do for now. Forgive me, Cerulean. “Sleep well, little one... and know that when you come back home, your friends are waiting here for you.”

After offering Fluttershy a few words of encouragement, the group made their exit, leaving Whisper in the mare’s care. “Cerulean, it is most unfortunate what has happened, but at least your brother is still alive. I shouldn’t think he will sleep much longer, not with such a wealth of support. Still, don’t you think your parents would like to know?”

“No, you can’t. Don’t tell them, your Highness, I’m begging you.” Celestia knew plenty about Crimson and Cerulean due to Twilight’s letters, but as she cast her eyes towards Cerulean, she knew that the gaping hole in her information was likely there for a reason. The obvious rift between the stallion and his parents wasn’t something any amount of wisdom she could conjure would ever come close to bridging. Twilight’s heart fell along with Cerulean’s spirits as he closed his eyes and grit his teeth. “He doesn’t... need to be pulled into that kind of emotional warzone.”