• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,604 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...

Unwanted Protection

Chapter 4: Unwanted Protection

When somepony thrives on being assertive, one can’t help but notice it in the world around them. Iron Will had experienced not one, but two shivers run down his spine that day, the second waking him from sleep, and he couldn’t help but silently cheer for whoever was using the power of assertion to such a degree, while also taking solace in the fact that he wasn’t on the receiving end. Angel, on the other hoof, was receiving the dressing down of his life, which he was fairly certain was over, while whatever strange, effeminate stallion had walked in remained firmly glued to the ceiling, terrified on multiple levels as his suspicions of the origins of the shout he heard earlier were proved correct. This sweet, gentle mare had a side that he never, ever wanted to evoke. Ever.

“Now, go... to your bed... and don’t let me see you again tonight, Angel. You are in a lot of trouble.” No further goading was necessary, as Angel bolted out the door and into his outdoor house, eager to be away from the burning teal eyes that he was pretty sure would have roasted him alive if he had stayed a second more. Fluttershy took a moment to try and calm herself before turning back to Whisper, who was watching her every move. His mane and tail were hanging down, and Fluttershy was again impressed with how long they were, though she didn’t take long to stare as she hovered a short distance away. “I’m so sorry about my pet bunny. He’s been very bad today, but I didn’t think he’d do anything like this. Are you alright?”

All right? Her voice is almost as dangerous as mine. “I’m scared. Please, don’t yell at me. I know I shouldn’t have come inside, but I just... wanted to see you again.” Fluttershy couldn’t adequately describe her elation at his unspoken words, but she became quite aware that Whisper was in a position where he couldn’t run away.

I wonder if maybe it would be ok if I... no, it’s too soon for that! What would Rarity think... And everypony else? I mean, dancing is one thing, but kissing somepony on the first day? Not even Rainbow Dash did that. But... as scared as he is, I... don’t want to miss the chance. She beat her wings just a little harder, closing the distance and stopping just inches from his muzzle, staring into his eyes that could see the war being fought within her mind. He could feel her breath brushing against his face, and it was as enthralling as it was terrifying, letting somepony be so close. I... I can’t, I just can’t do it. Not like this...

“H-here, let me help you down.” Blushing furiously, she turned her attention to digging him out, the mixture only half set and fairly easy to scoop away. Curious, she paused and gave the mixture a lick, noting the sweet taste of honey and resuming her work before nearly falling to the ground as the idea of eating him out passed every so briefly through her mind.

“Um, are you ok?” Her answer came out as an unintelligible squeak, as she herself blushing much too hard to do anything other than stare at the floor. “If it’s a problem, you can just leave me here... It’s not that uncomfortable, I’ve slept in worse.” Shaking her head a few time and taking deep breaths, Fluttershy calmed herself enough to resume working. How Angel had managed to stick such a large amount of the gooey paste to the ceiling was a mystery, but then again, he had also devised the trap to get Whisper up there in the first place, so she didn’t dwell on it too much. She did, however, notice the rope still leading to what she guessed was a hoof, and she momentarily left her post to grab a knife and cut through the cord. She waited a moment or two, but he stayed put, so she returned to the kitchen in time to hear a rather wet sounding thud come from behind her, the unicorn coming free and landing face first.

“Ouch... my nose.” The pain soon drifted to the back of his mind as he rolled over, finding himself staring up at Fluttershy who was sitting beside him with glassy eyes.

“I’m... sorry you fell, I didn’t mean to make that happen.” Whisper pried one of his hooves free and slowly brought it towards her, before watching a rather messy blob of honey glue drip down, causing him to halt for fear of getting her dirty too. His hoof’s retreat was again halted as Fluttershy caught it, bringing it to rest upon her cheek, savoring the warmth despite the sticky substance that now caked one side of her face. Whisper was helpless to do anything but stare in awe, his view of himself clashing with the unmerited kindness he was being shown and failing to overcome it. His eyes closed, bringing the sensation in his hoof greater clarity as he treasured the moment, sweeter than the honey that caked his coat and mane.

I don’t know anything about this stallion, but I... really would like to know more. He’s so gentle, so kind... I don’t have any trouble speaking to him at all. I think... I like him. Oh dear, what am I thinking? It’s only been a day, Fluttershy. You can’t be thinking like that. But... he’s so soft. Fluttershy had watched a few old romance videos, but even she knew that they weren’t real. In truth, she didn’t really know much about relationships at all, not having talked with anypony about her feelings until recently. All she knew is that she felt something, and she didn’t want to be shy about it. Being afraid had robbed her of so many joys, and she wasn’t about to let this one slip away.

What is... Whisper opened his eyes, his wonder turning into something he hadn’t experienced before as she began rubbing her face against his hoof, nuzzling it and quite obliviously making a rather sticky mess of her face. The sweet taste of honey tempted her tongue, and her wings slowly stretched out as she delicately began cleaning the hoof now held in her own. What’s... happening to my body... my heart? And what could this beautiful mare see in me that would make her... oh no. No, please... Regardless of if a unicorn understood their own physiology or not, their body would react to stimuli all the same, and as his horn shone with a brilliant green light, he yanked away and fled to a far corner, trembling as he fought to stem the slow build of magic in his horn.

Oh no, I scared him again! “I’m... I’m sorry, Whisper, I didn’t mean...” she started, beginning towards him when the glowing green letters again flashed across her vision.

“Stay back! I don’t... want you to get hurt...”

“Whisper, I don’t understand...”

“My magic destroys everything! So please, just... stay back until I... have myself under control.” Dang it, why is she still walking over? “I said stay back!” She came to a stop, staring at the quaking stallion with sorrow.

“Why...won’t you let me help you?” For the first time, she became afraid as the stallion whirled on her with blazing eyes, grief running down his cheeks in the form of tears.

“Because I don’t want you to die!” I knew it, I shouldn’t have come. I shouldn’t have let her near me, because she’s wrong. I am a monster, even if she can’t see it. Fluttershy fell back with a soft cry of shock as he bolted out the door and into the night, the faint glow of his horn disappearing amongst the trees and leaving her alone in the womb of silence. Her own tears began to fall as she looked at the remnants of the honey on her hoof, before pressing it to her cheek and wishing her hoof was his.

“Whisper... I just wanted to help... I’m sorry. I’m sorry...”

It was odd, to Dawn, to hear her parents wake with a groan after sleeping late. If sleep really was so important, then why were they clutching their heads, and stomachs, after she graciously let them sleep an extra hour? It was conclusive evidence for staying up later so as to avoid such side effects from being too well rested. Were she a little more learned about alcohol, she would have been able to recognize a hangover, but alas she still had much to learn. Silver stopped by their room first, greeting Dawn and continuing to the couple that were doing their best not to moan too loudly for fear of hurting the other’s head.

“I take it you two aren’t acquainted with hangovers.”

“Ugh, Silver, I thought that stuff we took last night was supposed to fix everything.”

“Did you drink anything afterwards?” Twilight cracked an eye open to look at Cerulean before responding.

“We might have snagged a little more...”

“I seem to recall explicitly tell you both no more after taking the sobering agent. No wonder you both look so trashed,” he said with a chuckle, levitating two vials towards them which they gratefully received, downing instantly and laying back to wait for them to kick in. “I will admit, I’ve never given anypony the hangover cure after they’ve taken alcohol with the sobering agent, so this will be interesting to see.”

“A warning next time would be nice.”

“What, you’re still my test subjects, aren’t you? Now pipe down and tell me how you feel, it should be kicking in.” It was indeed, and having never felt the hangover cure, they both found the sensation thoroughly unnerving, like someone had stirred up a whirlpool in their stomach while putting their limbs to sleep, their outer extremities tingling as the substance worked through both the sobering agent and what remained of the alcohol. Were it just a single drink it would have been fine, but as Silver hadn’t served any more that night, it was clear they had taken in more Dragon Liquor.

“Cerulean, remind me to teach Discord a lesson when we see him next.”

“Only after I’m through with him,” he chuckled half heartedly, before rolling to face Dawn who was watching with piqued interest. “Dawn, are you hungry?”

“Brekkist! Me wants brekkist!”

“But that means I have to move,” Twilight pouted, burying her face in Cerulean’s mane and holding him close. “Silver, could you take Dawn with you? I’d like a bit more time in bed.”

“Sure thing, Twilight. Come on, missy, I hear Luna has a thing for pancakes.” The thought of syrupy goodness prompted the filly to abandon her analysis and scamper after the stallion. Cerulean lay his head back down, content to simply spend a few more minutes wrapped in Twilight’s embrace, but a shift and a song bid him roll over, matching the tempting smile of the mare standing over him.

“Sunshine, sunshine, Cerulean’s awake...” The view was just as pleasant as she turned around to finish the chant, though he couldn’t help but comment, not being one to place many restraints on his speech.

“I’m having flashbacks of last night.”

“Yes, well, Cadence isn’t here so I don’t have to worry,” she quipped.

“Clap my hooves...” he continued, bringing his hooves swiftly to her flanks, enough to make a sound but not enough to cause any kind of pain.

“Do a little shake...”

“Celestia, I do declare Dawn to be my favorite foal. Her appreciation for pancakes almost surpasses my own.” The filly had already downed ten, ignoring her slightly distended belly and piling liberal amounts of syrup upon an eleventh. “Silver, where are her parents?”

“Likely otherwise engaged, as is tradition in my castle, it seems,” Celestia answer for him, laughing softly as her sister cast her gaze to her plate.

“Yes, well, her brother certainly seems to think so. I find no faults in Shining Armor, save his inability to lock a door.” Having said her piece, she applied herself to her pancakes, not about to be outdone by the sugar fiend that was finally beginning to show signs of slowing. After powering through twelve, the overstuffed filly flopped down on the bench, sucking on a syrupy hoof and snoring around it. Shining Armor, Cadence, Twilight, and Cerulean entered at the same time from opposite ends of the hall, and a room wide blush ensued as silent confirmations met unspoken inquiries.

“Cerulean, if you were with anypony else, I’d give you a high hoof, but since you’re with Twili...” Shining Armor began, trailing off as he dared not speak on the subject in any greater detail than embarrassed allusions.

“Understood. I won’t feel offended, not after...” Cerulean replied, shaking his head.

“Yeah, let’s just... not talk about last night.” The pact was made then and there, with everypony speaking in one accord, content to let what happens in Canterlot stay in Canterlot.

Due to encouragement, rigorous effort, and a newfound taste for Silver’s ethanol wonders, Rarity had managed to ease her frustrations while still maintaining her chastity. Sure, she would admit to anypony that waking up in the morning with a crippling hangover and the remnants of the previous evening's meal left unattended on the floor wasn’t the most ladylike behavior, but it was better than caving to her primal urges, at least to her. Besides, nopony had ever...

“Morning, sis, are you in... ugh, what is that smell?” Sweetie Belle called out, cracking open the door and spying the evidence of over-indulgence. “Oh, that’s just gross, Rarity.” Sweetie Belle was forced to cover her nose as she entered, her voice prompting Rarity to give a luxurious yawn and sit up, blinking sleepily before the scent caught her nostrils, drawing her eyes to the testament of her newfound vice.

“Yes, quite. Would you mind cleaning that up for me?”

“Wait, what? No way, do it yourself. Sheesh, what do I look like, a maid?”

“Oh, now that is a darling idea. Hmmm...” Her silent musings continued as she climbed out of bed and set about dealing with the mess while Sweetie Belle tried desperately to remember for what reason she had even intruded that early in the morning.

“Dang it, sis, I’ve completely forgotten why I woke up early now. It was important, too!”

“It doesn’t have anything to do with Applebloom’s attempts at makeshift style enhancements, does it? It took forever to get the glue out of your mane after last time.”

“No, I made sure she never does anything like that again. I mean, it did look pretty good, but still! I like being able to comb my mane.” It was quite surprising to suddenly be smothered with affection in the form of a well meaning hug, but she accepted it readily, returning the motion.

“Sweetie Belle, just know that I am proud of you. You may not have taken to fashion as I had hoped, but you’re still my little sister.”

“Thanks, sis, but... where did that come from?” she asked, pulling away.

“I was just happy that you care about your appearance enough to fuss over your mane.”

Right, I should have known. “Rarity, I’ve always cared about it, I just... can’t do anything right when it comes to fashion. I tried my best, but I can’t do anything with that dumb fabric or make up.” It was truly a tragic situation, to care so much about beauty yet be unable to help oneself. “Oh yeah, I remember now! Silver and the others are coming back today, so I wanted to sing something special! Would you be able to find the time to, maybe... help me look better?”

“Sweetie Belle, not even the largest diamond in the world could keep me from saying yes. Drop by whenever you are ready, and I shall make you shine like the stars. Without glitter glue.” This time, Sweetie initiated the hug.

“Thanks, Rarity. You’re the best sister I could ask for. But... if I may say one thing...”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Take a shower before I come back, ok?”

Fluttershy would readily have traded the sadness that hung about her shoulders for something as simple as a hangover in an instant, the feeling coming in swift upon her awakening. She went about her chores automatically, paying scant attention to anything, even Angel’s numerous attempts at apologies. Time went quickly while she worked, but as the clock struck ten, she found herself alone on her bed, wondering what it is she could have done better, and what it was that went wrong. Angel answered the knock on the door, letting Crimson in and pointing urgently at Fluttershy, who she immediately sat down beside on the bed.

“Fluttershy? Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I... think I hurt Whisper.”

“Hurt... what?” Fluttershy couldn’t help but cry softly as she recounted their meeting in the forest, the fears he spoke of and finally his late night appearance, where he ran away. Crimson listened intently, though she was just as confused as Fluttershy and not able to offer much advice, save the one thing that she knew quite a bit about. “Fluttershy, when a unicorn’s horn glows like that, and they aren’t casting a spell, it’s because they’re... well, aroused. The magic witihn begins to gather inside the horn, and...”

“I know that, I’ve tasted it before.” It was mentioned so casually that Crimson temporarily lost the ability to think. “Twilight’s was really, um... really good on scones.” Were she not so utterly dumbstruck by the mare’s nonchalant admittance to indulging what some ponies considered risqué, bordering a fetish, she would have commented that the mare’s statement confirmed her suspicions that Twilight was indeed delicious. Realizing she had gotten off topic, Fluttershy returned to the crux of the matter. “What I really want to know is why he thinks his magic can only break things and hurt other ponies. I thought magic was something unicorns did on purpose, and I just know he would never hurt somepony. Not intentionally, I mean.” After a false start or two, low level cognizant functions returned, allowing Crimson a coherent response.

“That’s something only he can tell you, Fluttershy. And from what it sounds like, it may take a while before he’s comfortable with that. In the meantime, you need some serious cheering up. Why don’t we go meet up with the rest to welcome my brother and the rest back?”

“I’m sorry, I can’t... I know he probably won’t be there, but I promised Whisper that I would meet him in the forest. If there’s even a chance...”

“Well, what are you sitting around here for? Why not get a head start? Don’t worry, I can explain to the rest, I’m sure they’ll understand.”

“Oh, thank you, Crimson.” They went their separate ways at the door, and Fluttershy made good time flying to the pond. She arrived early, and even though she didn’t expect him to be, her heart fell as she found the tranquil pool abandoned. It was quite cool, and with nothing else to do save bide her time, she lay back on the surface of the waters and prepared herself to wait. Not one hour, not two, but as long as it would take.