• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...

Very Best Friend

Chapter 14: Very Best Friend

Morning turned to afternoon, and Fluttershy sat on the edge of a bed much too uncomfortable, and unfortunately familiar. For that brief moment that she saw Celestia’s magic, a flicker of hope that he would wake roared to life, but slowly faded away as she was again left alone with Whisper. Her determination was never called into question, but it was still a growing struggle to face each day with a smile. On top of having her heart out on a limb, held by a comatose stallion, she knew that things weren’t right between herself and Rainbow Dash. Her own harsh words echoed through her mind, and as she looked outside, she took a deep breath and turned, leaning over her charge.

“Whisper? I need to go out for a little while today. You see, one of my friends is really sad right now, and I need to go cheer her up. But don’t worry, I’ll be back here tonight. Get better soon, ok?” Planting a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, she gave him a warm smile, fighting against the bittersweet that she struggled to not let be seen. She really did believe everything was ok, but a growing sensation of loneliness was creeping in, every word of affection seeming to have no effect, every song unheard. “Please... wake up soon, Whisper. I want... to be held again, if that’s ok.” Sliding off the bed, she stretched her still-sore legs and trotted away from the clinic, making straight for Rainbow Dash’s house.

In truth, she really didn’t know what to expect. Dash was upset, that much she knew, but a growing regret for her uncharacteristically harsh response to her friend’s frantic outburst prompted her to urge a little more energy into her limbs, but she slowed to a stop as her gallop sent throbbing pains through most of her body. Rainbow Dash, I didn’t mean what I said that day. You have to know that... Hardly a day went by when the two didn’t have some kind of contact, but it had been well over a week now since that day in the hospital. She again found herself moving faster than she should have been, ignoring the pain as her heart urged her onwards.

Procrastination not befitting royalty of a thousand years overtook Celestia, and not wishing to let her student or her husband wallow in anxiety, she extended her visit well into the afternoon. It mattered little how many ponies bowed a knee to her, because spending time with her star pupil was one of her deepest joys. The respect, honor, praise and comfort of the royal life were comforts she would readily yield for just a few moments of quality time with Twilight and her friends. But as her beautiful sun began to journey past its zenith, her inevitable return to the daily grind loomed nigh.

Twilight, you have little idea how badly I wish I could stay here with you. The life of a ruler is gruelling, but you... your letters are what give me hope right now. Every trial, every solution, and every step in between: I cherish reading about them, and even more hearing them face to face. You make me proud, Twilight Sparkle. “I really would love to stay longer, but I’m afraid duties back at Canterlot are calling for me. Thank you for letting me spend some time with you all.”

“Really, we should be thanking you, Celestia,” Cerulean replied with a grin. “Your words really have been an encouragement. Don’t worry, we won’t let Jade sleep forever. Whether he likes it or not, he’s got a lot of ponies pulling for him, and we aren’t going to give up.”

“Anything less and I would be quite disappointed. You make this princess proud, you two. Twilight, I expect a letter the moment Jade’s condition improves.”

“Of course, princess.” With no more excuses, Celestia took flight, rising above the town and soaring out of sight. It was ill-placed, Twilight knew, to bring up what she knew was an unpleasant subject in the wake of a pleasant afternoon, but as she glanced at Cerulean, she knew the glow was already starting to fade.

“I’d like to go spend a little time with Jade, if that’s ok.”

“Of course, Cerulean. I’ll take the horn limiter and head back home with Dawn. There’s something I’d like to talk to you about later, though, if you don’t mind.”

“It’s about my parents, isn’t it.” Dropping quickly from cheerful to hollow, the change in his voice spoke volumes, and he quickly righted his expression as Twilight gave him a comforting kiss, much to Dawn’s disgust. Cerulean held the position until an authoritative bonk on the noggin bid him relinquish his wife’s lips, and with some reluctance he pulled away, shooting the dictator atop his head a mock scowl before levitating her onto Twilight’s back. “I’ll warn you now, just... thinking about my homelife makes me upset. It’s not going to be a happy discussion, but if you’d like to know, I won’t hide it.”

“You and I both know that you tend to help everypony but yourself, holding things in until they erupt. I’d rather avoid a meltdown, if possible.”

“You’re right, of course. Honestly, even if I memorized the dictionary, you’d still be smarter than me...”

“Oh, but you’d be so eloquent! You could talk sciencey to me,” she teased, batting her eyelashes and speaking in a sultry tone that bid several nearby ponies to reassess their opinion of the mare from “plain town-wide-destructive crazy” to “possibly sexy town-wide-destructive crazy.”

“As much as I would love to have your semitendinosus firmly clenched within my fetlock while running my coronet along the inside of your gaskin and up to the more enjoyable areas near the...” He paused here, both to appreciate his mare’s shocked gaze and traitorous glow of her horn. Apparently, "sciencey" also included biology. “You weren’t... kidding about talking...” It was too much for Cerulean, who was quite glad Dawn had been transferred as it gave him free will to flop onto his back, rolling onto his sides and letting glee rob his lungs of air. Twilight was too busy trying to fight off the rush of blood to her cheeks, and the flood of steamy thoughts, to give him a reprimand, and instead allowed herself to, for once, be the object of amusement. His laughter was payment enough to make the humiliation worth it, at least for the first few minutes, after which she decided to turn the tables, low blow that it was.

“Keep that up, and I’ll start making checklists for you again.” Cerulean instantly quieted his unrestrained hoots of derision to well contained snickers, though tears of mirth still streamed from his eyes as his body quaked under his colossal effort not to be subjected to the drudgery known as “scheduling.” “Don’t take too long, Cerulean. It’s going to be nap time fairly soon.”

“Story time!” Dawn squealed, spurring Twilight towards the library as the thought of literary wonder gracing her ears and tantalizing her mind filled her with enthusiastic anticipation. Such feelings of anticipation were shared with her father, though for different reasons, and he waved goodbye before taking wing towards the clinic, his wings requiring more magic due to the heat of the outdoors but at the same time feeling refreshingly cool on his back. Nodding to Softheart who was working reception, he made his way back to his brother’s room and pulled up a chair.

“I know you’re probably still scared of me, but... I would like to just talk, if that’s ok.”

There are many things that can be labeled “cute” in the world, most of them small, cuddly, fluffy, or Dawn. However, as Twilight approached the door and heard laughter of a voice not belonging to Spike, she motioned Dawn remain quiet and snuck around to the window, slowly raising her head and peering in to find a scene that made her heart skip a beat. Firstly, Spike was reading of his own accord. Secondly, he was enjoying it. Third, he was hanging out with somepony that wasn’t Rarity. All three of these things threatened to necessitate a mental reboot, but a sudden rush of varied emotions reduced mind-blowing to confusingly adorable as Spike and Sweetie Belle bantered back and forth, running lyrics and tunes by each other and laughing all the while.

This is the most I’ve seen him laugh in a long while. I know things have been hard on him, what with me being so busy and all, but I... maybe this is what he needs. “Friends of his own, just like I did...” she whispered, a growing affirmation cementing the idea in her head. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to give him the time, but there was only so many hours in the day, and the filly atop her head devoured time like Rarity did gossip. “Spike, I’m sorry I haven’t been there like I wanted to... ouch! Dawn, don’t hit your mother!”

“No sad, mom. Look! Mmmwah!” she exclaimed, mimicking a kissing noise and pointing in the window. Twilight gave the scene just a moment before dashing inside, Dawn clutching her mother’s mane tightly so as to not give the ground any undeserved affection with a kiss of its own.

“Spike, what the hay is going on?” Spike had spooked the moment the door opened, falling backwards as Sweetie Belle looked up at Twilight with innocence, honestly having no idea why attempting to remove a small bit of feather from the dragon’s eye was cause for alarm. Twilight calmed considerably as a delightfully honest and rational reply was given to her exclamation, though she did find it suspicious that Sweetie Belle decided it was time for her to go. Spikes excitement faded as the door closed, and he was about to ascend the stairs before Dawn tackled him, grinning widely as she scrutinized the dragon.


“Uh, no thanks, Dawn. I don’t want any kisses.”

“No, not me kiss. You kiss Belle!”

“Wha... no, wait, I didn’t! I wasn’t even thinking about that!”

“It sure looked like you were,” Twilight chimed in, noting the immediate blush and expected discomfort at the statement. “Spike, what’s really going on here?”

“Nothing! Nothing is going on with anypony! She just wanted a book, ok? Sheesh!” Extracting himself from Dawn, marched upstairs and curled up in bed. Dawn quickly contented herself playing with blocks, and Twilight ascended after him, laying next to his bed and waiting a few moments to see if he would talk of his own volition. After hearing nothing but slightly accelerated breathing, Twilight attempted to open communications.

“Spike, if there’s anything you’d like to talk about, I’m here.”

“Yeah, for two seconds.” Even when something is expected, it doesn’t make it any less painful. Spike’s words were like getting shots from the doctor; the hurt is anticipated, but this knowledge does little to diminish its effects.

So, it’s true, then... “Spike...” He curled up a little tighter, causing Twilight to cringe and drop her gaze. No, now isn’t the time. “I’m sorry for upsetting you.” Spike listened as she returned downstairs, rolling over just a little to look back at her as she went.

I just... want to be noticed, Twilight. I’m not angry at you, honest...

Waking to a kiss was just fine by Rainbow Dash, given that it was coming from Storm. Unfortunately, the slobbery, suckling sensation on her hoof, which she didn’t let anypony get near save her stallion, snapped her eyes open to find a very innocent Bright Hope obliviously gnawing on her fore hoof as an afternoon snack. Surmising that she had fallen asleep on the couch after her morning meal, she blinked sleepily and let out a massive yawn, removing the foal’s makeshift pacifier and absent-mindedly wiping it on the couch.

“So, you’re finally awake. I know you’re prone to sleep in, but one in the afternoon is a little extreme, don’t you think?” Storm trotted over, attempted to displace Hope from Dash’s lap only to have her assume a death grip on his foreleg, and offered a comforting wing as Dash’s smile attempted to shrivel. This was unacceptable, and after a small barrage of kisses to the side of her muzzle, it returned to life, rueful though it was. Scootaloo, who had been watching Hope from afar, entered the room with a blatant look of disapproval and disgust, which she quickly regretted as the couple pushed it further.

“Ugh, stoppit, you two. My mind had been violated enough since Storm came to town, but that doesn’t mean you have to make it any worse!”

“Scootaloo? Is that... jealousy I hear?”

“What? No, Rainbow Dash! That stuff is just gross.”

“Oh, like make up?”

“No, that’s not so... I mean, yes! Disgusting, just like... you know, make up, and stuff...” Her voice trailed off as she succeeding in covering her true feelings about as well as a napkin would cover a roaring inferno. Storm regained Dash’s attention and returned her mind to the subject at hoof.

“Come on, Dash. You need to confront this. Remember when you freaked out at Crimson? Things turned out just fine.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know... All right, time to tackle this thing head on!” This mentality was nearly translated physically as she stood, trotted to the door, threw her wings open, and gave false start, being prepared to shoot out into the sky only to find herself face to face with her timid friend. Her wings quickly ceased being a means of propulsion and saved herself a rather painful crash by being stand-in air brakes. Dash took a moment to stare, every bit as shocked as Fluttershy, who was simply glad she hadn’t had a Rainboom status head-on collision.

“F-Fluttershy? What... what are you doing here?”

She looks like she’s doing better. That’s really good, but I still... feel really bad. “Um, I was wondering if we could talk, maybe.”

Even after I freaked out, she still... “You... want to talk?” It’s feels like so long since I got to see you, Fluttershy. I guess... I’m the one who isn’t very strong. You look fine to me. “Did you want to come inside?”

“Don’t do it, Fluttershy!” Scootaloo called out from the livingroom. “She’s in one of her slobbery moods again!” A rather annoying din sounded out following the statement as she had herself a good tussle with her brother, cementing Dash’s suspicions that the comfy, chaotic house within which she stood was not the ideal place for a heart-to-heart chat, sound proof walls or not.

“Tickle her hooves, Storm!” Dash yelled back, shaking her head and giving Fluttershy an apologetic glance as the bickering turned to piercing squeals of laughter, Scootaloo hitting notes not only hard to hear, but painful and higher than even Sweetie Belle dared to sing. “Sorry, Shy. I’m going to have to retract that offer. Maybe we could go to your place?”

“Well, that would work, I think. I might be all busted, though. Maybe...” Fluttershy started, dropping silent as a rather painful sounding crash sounded from within, followed by a rather peeved groan from Storm Blitz.

“Scootaloo, you better not hurt anything important!” Rainbow Dash hollered, fearing for her stallion’s well being.

“Why not? You aren’t doing anything with it anyways!” Shocked, embarrassed, and starkly aware of that cold fact, Rainbow Dash refrained from rushing back inside to give her sister a lesson in respect, choosing to instead accelerate their swift exit.

Just rub it in, why don’t you... Man... I so don’t need that on my mind right now! “My house isn’t going to be much better, Fluttershy. Let’s go before anything else...” Another crash, followed by resounding laughter all around as Ponyville’s biggest pony leapt into the fray, caused vibrations in the earth that both pegasi felt. “Too late. Yeah, let’s go.” The matter decided, the duo left the craziness of Grace’s rambunctious family and began making their way through town, adopting an easy canter in light of Fluttershy’s recent injuries. She looked up as Dash gave a squeal of excitement, stopping her as she examined her friend’s unbandaged wing.

“They took the bandages off? Does it still work? Can you fly?” Fluttershy hadn’t meant her momentary silence to be the torture that it was for Dash, who was busy projecting her love of flying onto her friend who, if it came down to it, would happily have lived life as an earth pony. Well, except that it felt nice when Whisper touched her wings, and with that thought and a smile she answered the frantic mare.

“The doctor said I probably shouldn’t fly just yet, but I should stretch it out. It’s really nice that our wings heal so fast, but it was a really bad break, and it still hurts if I move it much. I can move it to right... ouch! Right here.” Dash was crestfallen, staring at the wing that was only about halfway out; she could only imagine the horror. “Don’t look so down, Rainbow Dash. I should make a full recovery, and I don’t mind walking, really.” Her words had little effect, the weight of her injuries and dire warning steadily reducing what little strength of will Dash had managed to rally since she awoke.

I can’t... break down here. “Fluttershy, is there somewhere quiet we could talk?”

She sounds really desperate. Quiet... “I know of a place, but it will take a while to get there on hoof. Actually, I don’t know if I can find it without flying, so maybe it’s not such a... what on... Rainbow Dash?” She gave a start as she felt Dash’s arms around her. Pregnant or not, and regardless of the reprimand she may receive from Storm later, she held Fluttershy close and took off. Soaring over the town and coming to a pause, her tone wings easily carrying them both, Fluttershy felt the her friend’s grip tighten a little as she looked out at the horizon.

“Tell me where to go.” The voice was so quiet that Fluttershy had to to take a moment to reassure herself that she actually had heard it at all.

Rainbow Dash, are you... really that upset at me? At Whisper? Oh, please don’t... let this be the end... “It’s... right down that way,” Fluttershy murmured, pointing a shaking hoof towards the forest. Tension led to mutual silence, Fluttershy pointing out directions and Dash changing trajectory, eventually leading them to the place where her life had been irrevocably changed; the pool where she had first met Whisper. As they landed, the only sounds that could be heard were sparse bird song and the rustling of the leaves, both ponies remaining silent and within each other’s hooves even after they had touched down. Cyan hooves squeezed a little tighter, and Fluttershy took the leap and spoke first.

“Rainbow Dash? Do you see that little pond over there?” she asked softly, releasing her grip a little as Dash did the same, turning towards the tranquil pool. “That’s where me and Whisper first met. This place... is special to me now.” I’m avoiding the problem... Extracting herself from Rainbow Dash, she slowly walked over, dipping a hoof in the water and watching the ripples dance across the surface. I don’t want to admit... how cruel I was, saying I might not forgive her...

I’m scared, Fluttershy... I don’t have any idea how this is going to turn out, or what you’re feeling, or what you think of me right now. “Do you...” I know I flipped out, that I spoke without taking the time to understand... “Are you still...” I just wanted to protect you... Dang it, I was going to be strong for you, but I... “still my friend?” Fluttershy froze upon hearing the question, her hoof still partially submerged and her heart torn in two.

I... made her doubt that? I’ve done something terrible... “Rainbow Dash, I... I’m so sorry...”

No, she can’t mean... she just can’t! This can’t be right! Screw jealousy, I’d rather some time then none at all! “You can’t... can’t leave me, Fluttershy... Don’t hate me, please...” Hearing her life-long friend sound so broken was too much, and as she heard the mare fall apart, the brokenness in each soft cry became her own.

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t...” Fluttershy whispered, swallowing hard as she barely managed to choke the words out. “I could never, ever hate you! How could you...”

“You said you wouldn’t forgive me!” The quaking sobs increased as even saying the words made it seem like that much more of a possibility. “I’m trying not to hate Whisper, I really am! But I... just can’t stand seeing you hurt! And when I walked in, and saw you in bed, I...” I couldn’t stand it. All I could think of was how much I had failed you, not being there to protect you. “After everything we’ve been through... after you’ve helped me so much... are you really going to just...” Fluttershy, please don’t... I still have so much... I need to learn from you. Even if you don’t need me, I... I need you...

“I’ve... regretted those words ever since I said them, Rainbow Dash.” Every one of these tears is my fault... “I was so scared, and worried about Whisper, that I... I just wanted to protect him, no matter what.” I felt like I had driven you away, Dash. It hurt... so much... “But I would never... give our friendship away, not even for him.” Please, forgive me... I wasn’t being kind... “I’m so... so sorry, Rainbow Dash. This never... should have happened...” As the threat of having years of history wiped out in the blink of an eye slowly faded, hope began its uphill struggle for dominance, and Fluttershy again found herself hastily embraced.

That sense of protection... did you learn that from me? I never... wanted to confront this, but I... I can’t keep it in any longer. “This makes... twice I’ve failed you, Fluttershy...”

Twice? But... I don’t even count this one. “What do you mean?”

“I let you fall...” Where once it had looked like her usually confident, stalwart friend was beginning to calm down, the tears doubled as years of self-inflicted guilt poured out. “The day... we both got our Cutie Marks, we... I knocked you off your cloud. I heard a scream, but I... I didn’t... even look back...” That one, single revelation tipped the scales, giving Fluttershy the strength she needed to look past her own shame and into the pain of the mare in her arms. To Fluttershy, who had been bullied, teased, and humiliated most of her life, Rainbow Dash's constant support was the breath of life that gave her hope in the worst of times.

Kindness, Rainbow Dash... You’ve always shown it to me through your loyalty. “I’ve never...” You have always looked past your own needs in place of my own, but everypony makes mistakes... “ever blamed you for that, Rainbow Dash.” You may think you did something terrible, but... “If I hadn’t fallen that day, I wouldn’t have found the world I love so much. I've never felt betrayed by you, not ever." And it’s that same loyalty that you taught me that gives me the strength to keep hoping for Whisper. He needs a friend like you, Dash, and I... want to be that pony. She squeezed a little tighter, moved her mouth close to her ear, and gently washed away every lingering trace of anxiety and regret. “I don’t need to say ‘I forgive you’ because there isn’t... anything to forgive. So instead, what I need to say... is thank you, Rainbow Dash. You’re my very best friend, and that won’t ever change.”