• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...

One Night Changes Everything

Chapter 30: One Night Changes Everything

How does one reconcile having their hopes dashed to pieces, followed by the most frightening threats they had ever received, only to have the one who broke them show up unannounced in their house the very next day? Carrot Top simply couldn’t understand what Rarity could possibly be thinking, but she was too drained to care. The warmth of another’s touch, contrary to popular belief, was something she hadn’t felt in some time, and she wouldn’t have fought it anyways, even if it had been somepony she detested. Convinced her tears had run themselves dry, she looked up through burning, bleary eyes to a pony that was as confusing to her as she was beautiful.

“As much... as I like having a... a mare in bed with me, it’s rather... mean to tempt me like this, don’t you think?” Rarity shifted, her mind not having been anywhere close to anything sensual until the mare had said something. In truth, it was, perhaps, the most suggestive setting she’d allowed herself to be in, and thus she released the mare and scooted far enough away that another pony could have lain between them.

“I apologize, I was not attempting to lead you on.” Neither of them said anything, each gauging the other to try and figure out what they were thinking. Rarity soon grew frustrated with failed telepathy and, with a sigh, made the first step towards reparations. “I... may have been a bit forceful in my... warning against carnal advances, so for any undue emotional distress I have caused, I’m sorry.”

“Yes, well, that’s the last time I try to lend my hoof to the more elite members of society. Clearly, the lower rung is where I belong...”

“Stop that.” I know not why, but I find this mare’s self pity most aggravating, and I won’t abide it. “I may consider myself an upper class mare, but believe me when I say that many of the ponies I seek to impress are quite hollow and worth little more than showering me with praise. The fact that... you are as broken as you are means I woefully misjudged you... You were trying to help, weren’t you.” Carrot Top closed her eyes, not responding immediately.

“I was... really hoping that the carrot wouldn’t be enough...” It was lewd, and offensive to Rarity’s sensibilities, but what the mare was really saying was that she didn’t want to be alone, and that was something Rarity could commiserate with.

If it... weren’t for my commitment, to myself and to Sweetie Belle... the decision I made the moment I donned this ring, I’d... readily give you want you want, Carrot Top. Though... maybe there is another way. “I know that my friends are not the type of ponies you usually hang out with. In fact, it’s a little bizarre that we stick together as well as we do, because honestly, we come from many different walks of life. Especially that hard-headed Applejack! Trust me when I say that we’ve had more than our fair share of squabbles...”

“What exactly are you...”

“I’m organizing a party for this evening, and I would like you to attend as my guest.”

“You’re... you’re serious?” Carrot Top replied hesitantly, sniffing. “I know for a fact there are several ponies there who won’t want anything to do with me, Applejack first and foremost, so why... would I go?”

“Because...” Rarity started, pulling the stubborn mare upright, “A night spent with others isn’t a night spent alone. Even if it’s tinged with pain, or disappointment, it’s time where, for just a few precious hours, one can forget their troubles. Or, perhaps, that is simply how I feel. Besides... I know of a mare that could likely be a great encouragement to you.”

“Yes, because there’s totally going to be another slutty mare that spends most every night longing for somepony to bed.”

“Well, she used to, until she found somepony worth staying with.” Carrot Top said nothing, continuing to stare down at her hooves. “I wouldn’t dream of forcing you, but the offer stands. I will stop by here again tonight to hear your final decision. Do think about it.” Rarity stood to leave, but one final, pointed question bid her pause.

“Why the buck are you trying to help, Rarity? You can’t stand mares like me. If it’s guilt or pity, I don’t need any from a prissy mare like you.”

“As of recently... I’ve found that helping others is a better use of my time than spinning dresses for fame.” Prissy? On the outside, I suppose so. “I don’t think we’re really that different, you and I, as much as it pains me to say it.” With that, Rarity made her exit, leaving Carrot Top to ponder her words. The mare needed time, and Rarity had some thinking of her own to do.

Fluttershy couldn’t really say when she had fallen asleep, or for how long, but she awoke quite refreshed with a hankering for a nice cup of tea. Knowing she hadn’t been giving Angel near enough attention, she arose, set some water to boil, and trotted outside where she found her ill-tempered friend looking surprisingly demure, sitting by the pond and staring at his reflection. It was rare that he become contemplative, and she didn’t really want to interrupt, but she extended an invitation for him to join her anyways. He quietly agreed, plodding inside and plopping down on the couch.

“Would you like something to eat? I bet your favorite salad could help cheer you up!” He nodded once, offering no additional demands or complaints, and Fluttershy set about fixing her specialty which, fortunately, she had nearly all the ingredients for. Carrying the dish out, she set it down and watched him set in, slightly worried that he didn’t even pause to point out the missing cherry on top. This is very unlike him. I guess I really haven’t been giving him enough attention, but I would have expected him to be angry, not all quiet. He paused about halfway through his meal, looking up at his caretaker for a moment before gently shoving the bowl towards her.

“You want me to eat the rest?” He nodded once, pointing to what remained. “Did you not like it very much?” He shook his head, pointing again. “Are you full?” Another head shake. Fluttershy couldn’t figure it out, at least not until he cast an eye towards the bedroom where Whisper lay sleeping, a place he use to frequently do the same. He offered no resistance as he was gathered into caring hooves and held close. “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy, Angel bunny. I’ll tell you what, if you’re nice to Whisper, you can sleep inside with me tonight, ok?”

Finally, the mare gets it! I was afraid I was going to have to scrape the bowl for cream and draw her a map. Still... if it means I can be with her, and not spend another night outside, then I guess I can handle being just a little mushy. His purpose achieved, he quickly reverted to his old self, popped out of her hooves, and set about devouring what remained of his special meal, though he did feel the tiniest pang of guilt as Fluttershy suppressed a smile and walked away. He followed her into the kitchen, and she turned as he tapped on one of her hooves, holding up just a single leaf of lettuce.

“You’re so cute when you’re generous.” It was a bit much for the bunny’s image, but under the circumstances, he fought the urge to snatch his paw away and munch it himself, though he still maintained a look of boredom as Fluttershy ate it out of his paw. She had just begun to pour herself some of her favorite rosehip tea when a knock on the door bid her set the kettle down, and who else should she find at the door but Rarity. “Oh, do come in. I just brewed some tea, and I made extra, if you’d like some.”

“That sounds lovely, but won’t I startle your stallion if I enter?” she replied, scanning around the room.

“Um, well, he’s sleeping right now. He got really tired after practicing magic with Cerulean, so he’s getting some rest. If you’re quiet, it should be ok.” Not one to pass up a nice spot of tea with her old spa buddy, she agreed readily, trotting inside and setting herself on the couch, gratefully accepting her drink, immediately blowing steam from the top of the cup. “So what did you need, Rarity?”

“I was just curious if you had made a decision on whether or not you were coming, and your stallion as well. I’m sure he could have a good time if he gave it a try.”

“That’s probably true, but I haven’t had a chance to ask him yet, he... oh!” she stopped suddenly, turning as the sleepy stallion staggered out of the room. “Whisper, are you ok?”

“My head hurts,” he sent, adopting a pouting face not becoming of his physical age but entirely appropriate for his youthful personality. He glanced over at Rarity as Fluttershy rose to meet him, shrugged it off, and followed his mare back into the livingroom. “You still really like my mane, don’t you?”

“Hmmm? Oh dear, I was staring, wasn’t I?” Rarity muttered, shaking her head. “Well, it really is quite fabulous, so of course I do! I must say, you seem quite a bit less frightened than I expected you to be.”

“After... this afternoon, I don’t think anypony will scare me quite so bad,” he replied, shuddering as he remembered the terror of wearing a horn limiter. While not quite ready to brave heading to town on his own, meeting ponies individually had, on the whole, become much less frightening when compared alongside being thrust into a world of absolute silence.

“Whisper? It’s actually good that you’re awake, because I have a question for you. Would it be ok if I went to a party with Rarity?”

“A party? What’s that? Can I come, or would there be other ponies?”

“A party is like... like a big gathering of friends. You eat tasty food, and dance to music, and, well, everything is really fun. But yes, there will be a lot of ponies you still haven’t met yet, which is why I didn’t ask if you wanted to go.” He could feel just how badly she wanted to go, the excitement bubbling under the surface readily apparent, and not just in her heart. And yet, it would mean his being alone for a space of time he couldn’t guess.

I kind of want to go, but... I’m still really tired, and my head feels like it’s been microwaved. “Fluttershy, it’s ok if you want to go. I’ll probably just sleep some more, but can you spend a little time with me first?”

“Yay! Thank you, Whisper, and of course I can spend some time with you. When’s the party, Rarity?”

“Well, originally I had told everypony seven thirty at the barn, but given the time, I'd say closer to eight is our best bet. That will give Pinkie somewhere close to an hour and a half to prepare by the time I make it back. Will that work?”

“Yes, that’s fine. Oh, this is exciting! I can hardly wait.” They bantered a little bit more while Rarity sipped her tea and Whisper rested his head in Fluttershy’s lap, and after draining her cup, Rarity bid them both farewell and set about making her rounds, doling out her final invitations before reporting back to Pinkie that the party was on, and everypony was coming. Fearing she would fall into a sugar coma just by looking at the mounds of sweets Pinkie had baked, Rarity bid her farewell, noted that it wasn’t long before the party was to begin, and steeled herself for yet another visit to Carrot Top’s abode.

The faint crackle of static added its voice to the first eager crickets heralding the darkness of the evening, Whisper’s reward in the form of a movie having ended some ten minutes past. Fluttershy glanced at the clock, finding herself excited to see her friends and yet unwilling to move from bed. Whisper had enjoyed the movie, for however much he had stayed awake for it, but soon found the comfort of a warm lap to lay his head and a soothing hoof running through his mane to be too great a narcotic to keep his tired eyes open. A faint smile arose from his lips as Fluttershy kissed his cheek, cradled him a few moments long, and gently eased herself out of bed.

Don’t worry, Whisper. Someday, you’ll have a party of your own. Oh, I really hope he’ll be ok at home alone for a bit. “Sleep well, Whisper.” Turning off the television and the lights, she stepped out into the night and made for Sweet Apple Acres. She heard the sounds well before she made it to the barn, and even though she was used to Pinkie Pie’s parties, she had clearly pulled out all the stops in an attempt to make the event what she felt the Grand Galloping Gala should have been. Sweets enough to feed everypony present for likely a week, her special punch which even Silver had to admit was divine, complete with a smaller bowl Gummy could have to himself, streamers galore and enough confetti to constitute a rainbow colored blizzard: it truly was a marvel. The queen of parties herself bounded over, grabbed Fluttershy by the hoof and whirled her into the throng of dancing ponies, and any worries soon melted away as she enjoyed a time of fun with all of her friends.

All her friends save Rarity, who was strangely absent from a celebration of her own planning. Fluttershy excused herself from the dancing ponies and made her way over to Applejack who was watching the scene from afar with Rainbow Dash, neither of them wanting to get too rowdy given their condition.

“Hey there, sugarcube. How’re you likin’ the party?” Applejack called, waving her over. “Ah haven't seen Pinkie this excited in quite some time.”

“Yeah, she really outdid herself this time. It’s almost as crazy as your engagement party was, Applejack,” Dash chimed in, devouring a slice of cake and washing it down with some punch.

“It’s a lot of fun, but has anypony seen Rarity?” Fluttershy asked, continuing to look from face to face.

“‘Fraid not, Fluttershy. Ah was hopin’ to... yer kiddin’...” Applejack’s expression soured like milk left on the countertop on a hot summer day as the mare in question made her entrance, with a certain orange maned earth pony in tow. “What in tarnation is she doin’ here? She better keep her filthy hooves off of Silver, or there’s gonna be trouble.” Between her low growl and narrowed eyes, Fluttershy knew it was both pointless to try and calm her friend and that she spoke the truth. Carrot Top hesitated at the door, looking straight at Applejack before turning to leave when Rarity barred the way. “Rarity... with that mare... she’s got some explainin’ t’ do.”

Shooting Applejack a glare of her own, Rarity led her charge over to where Crimson and Big Mac were having a merry time indulging in dissipation, but a few whispered words induced and instant calm, and quietly excusing herself, Rarity left Carrot Top with Crimson so she could deal with the glowering farmer in the back. “This was supposed t’ be a party fer friends, Rarity, not floozies that organize hostile stallion takeovers.”

“Has it ever occurred to you, Applejack, that Carrot Top may be more than she seems?” Rarity countered, defending her unlikely guest.

“Yeah, it has, but that don’t make what she’s done any different, and I ain’t heard any kind o’ apology, so you’ll have t’ fergive me fer bein’ a little put off by the fact that she’s here.”

“Applejack, don’t be like that,” Fluttershy urged, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Remember how much you didn’t like Crimson, but she had a reason for, um, being like that too. So maybe just try to give her a chance?”

“Always the kind one, Fluttershy,” she murmured, sighing. “Ah won’t say nothin’ so long as she behaves. Ah’ve gotten mahself into trouble jumpin’ t’ conclusions many a time, an’ ah don’t really want t’ repeat it again. Ah’ll go apologize fer givin’ her the evil eye, ok?”

“Ever the lady, Applejack,” Rarity quipped, donning a faint smile as her stubborn friend rolled her eyes and cantered off through the crowd. “Thank you, Fluttershy. Where’s Whisper, is he not with you?”

“Well, he didn’t ask to come, and he was really tired. I left him home, but... I wish he was here.”

“Dear, you didn’t have to come if you didn’t want to.”

“But you sounded really excited, and I really do want to spend some time with you, and Rainbow Dash, and Twilight, and everypony else,” she replied, shaking her head and looking around the room at a sea of familiar faces. “I may be pretty shy, and I spend a lot of time at the cottage, but it’s always really nice to spend some time together like this. Don’t worry, Rarity. Next time, I’ll bring him for sure.”

Finding his head, which was now no longer pounding, not in the lap of his mare, no longer present, bred mixed emotions within Whisper as he awoke. The house was dark and silent, much like the forest all the nights he had spent alone in the wild, and for no other reason than that he didn’t feel like sitting still, and moving would make noise, he hoisted himself out of bed, waited for the head rush to wear off, and trotted out into the living room. He hadn’t expected to find Fluttershy, but he was disappointed nonetheless, and stood still for a time, not having any idea what to do. At least, not until a sudden soft, furry foot landed itself on his hind quarters, prompting a soft yelp, which shook the windows but did no immediate damage, and bid him turn to find Angel on his back, glaring at the unicorn for his unnecessary magical punishment. Hauling himself upright, he pointed at the door, giving Whisper a look more condescending than he would have guess possible with such a cute, furry face.

“You want me to go outside?” Using his paws to mimic wings, he flapped them a few times and pointed again. “Oh, you want me to go find Fluttershy, right?” Nodding once, Angel hopped over and threw open the door, looking expectantly at Whisper. “But... what if she doesn’t want me at the party? She said she wanted to hang out with her friends...” Whisper suddenly found that Angel contained quite a bit more strength than he would have guessed, and a firm tug on the stallion’s mane brought him to the bunny’s eye level, where he gave the unicorn a sharp rap on the forehead and pointed one more time, as if to say “go now before I have to get nasty.”

Whisper complied, but what Angel hadn’t planned on was accompanying him most of the way. Having no idea where the barn was, never having been there, Angel soon found himself being carried in the most undignified manner he could possibly imagine, and no amount of struggling seemed to loosen the fur around the scruff of his neck from the blasted unicorn’s teeth. Whisper, on his part, was bewildered over how so much anger could be contained within one tiny rabbit, but as they entered the orchard, all such thoughts came to a halt.

To fully understand Whisper’s amazement, first imagine a world where food was scarce, each and every day a struggle for survival in a land fraught with dangerous beasts, scarce water, and the horrible monstrosities known as ponies. Now, imagine being yanked from such a wasteland and thrust into a modern pony orchard, with more apples than could ever possibly be eaten by a single pony. Whisper’s trot slowed to an awed walk as he found himself nearly breathless at the bounty of the earth, growing in unnaturally straight lines and brimming with fruit. It was simply too much for his mind to fathom such wonders, and he stopped his advance, closed his eyes, and took a deep draft of the fruity fragrance swirling all around him, marveling that ponies could create such a utopia.

His revery was shattered by the fury of an enraged bunny, and he dutifully continued towards the sounds he could clearly hear echoing through the night. Deciding he had tormented the critter enough, and he would likely never be forgiven, he set Angel down and watched as he took off, disappearing quickly into the night. He approached the building cautiously, using all his knowledge of stealth to make sure he wasn’t noticed. Sidling up beside the building, he slowly rose and looked in through a window, his mind blown by the sheer number of ponies and levels of excitement being displayed.

Fluttershy has this many friends? This is crazy, there are like... a lot of ponies in there! And they’re all acting like... like... And then suddenly, the light went on. They’re having fun, just like me. Chancing another peek, he watched in amazement as ponies danced, sang, ate and all around had a great time. A group of little fillies and a purple creature he didn’t quite recognize where making an absolute mess of themselves, pelting each other with all manner of gooey sweets, and above all else, as he scanned the room and saw Fluttershy, he could see just from her face that she was having a blast. And yet, there he was, alone on the outside. Sinking back down, he placed a hoof against the barn, feeling the bass from the music shaking the building. I want... to be sharing this with you. I’m tired of being afraid, of being on the outside, but I can’t... I can’t even talk yet... He placed his other hoof to the building, opening his eyes as something inside shifted. I’m done hiding. I refuse to be afraid any longer. I’ll find my voice, my song, and when it’s safe, Fluttershy... you’ll be the first pony to hear it. He gave one last look inside before trotting away, the fires of determination stoked and ready to forge a new path; one where fear had no part or portion.

“Ewww... Spike, that’s gross! There are ladies present, you know,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as Spike’s tongue made short work of the dessert covering him from spine to claw.

“Gross? I’m clean now, and you’re still covered in pie, Sweetie Belle. I’m just glad I’m not you. Rarity is gonna have a fit when she sees what...”

“Sweetie Belle! What in Equestria... your mane! I spent nearly an hour on that!” Rarity wailed, rushing over. “Now, what have you got to say for yourself? I may be generous, but that’s just insulting the way you tossed aside your beauty for... this,” she muttered, drawing back a bit so as to not get any on her.

“Spike started it.”

“Huh? Wait, no, no I didn’t! Scootaloo threw the first pie!” he countered, pointing an accusing claw at the filly who was completely unbothered by her regression back to her normal mode of operation.

“Well, you were the first one to attack Sweetie Belle. Actually, now that I think about it, did he even come after us, Applebloom?”

“Ah don’t think so. Spike, what’ve you got against Sweetie Belle, anyhow? You should be ashamed o’ yerself.”

“Wha... but... I don’t... why do girls always team up like this?” he shouted, holding his head.

“Spike, there are better ways to show affection than ruining my little sister’s mane like this. Come, Sweetie Belle, let’s get you cleaned up before your performance. You two as well, and I daresay I may need your assistance, Applebloom.”

“Sure thing, Rarity! Spike, don’t ruin anypony else’s mane while we’re away, alright?” Twilight, who had observed the proceedings from afar, chuckled as her student’s jaw came unhinged, making repeated attempts to close but not getting more than a fraction of an inch.

“So Spike,” she started, cantering over and sitting beside him, “did you learn anything yet?”

“Yeah, I did. Fillies are a total pain in the tail!” he huffed, folding his arm across his chest.

“But that’s what you said yesterday.”

“I guess I learned it twice, then. Seriously, none of your friends are this annoying.”

“Slumber party. The whole Miss Smartypants escapades. And I don’t even need to remind you about my brother’s wedding when nopony believed a word I said.”

“Oh... right. Ok, fine.”

“Come on,” she encouraged, nudging him and motioning for him to follow. “Let’s get you ready. You’re playing the piano, right?”

“Yeah... I’m a little nervous, I haven’t had much time to practice.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll just cast a noise cancelling spell so you can get some warm up time in while the ladies are away. Besides, I think you could stand to be spruced up a bit too.”

“Does that mean...” As they neared the makeshift stage where Sweetie was to sing, Twilight bid him stop, concentrated her magic, and soon he was sporting not just his favorite stache, but a tuxedo to match. “Now, come on. You want to be at your best for Sweetie Belle, I’m sure.”

“Why does everypony keep talking about us like that? It’s not like we’re a couple. Sheesh!” Setting himself down on the stool, he wriggled his fingers, looked over the music, and gave Twilight the nod. Ugh, not you too, Twilight. “Do you have a spell to wipe that ridiculous smile off your muzzle, Twilight? I swear, sometimes you’re just as bad as Rarity.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you. Don’t worry too much, I’m sure you’ll do fine.” Erecting the sound barrier and ignoring his mumbling, she gave the dragon his space and returned to mingle, wondering if there were any truth behind her teasing. Around an hour later, Rarity returned with the fillies, looking every bit as fabulous as the moment they arrived, and Pinkie stopped the record so that everypony could enjoy a live performance. Casting a quick spell on Spike to calm him down, he played almost as flawlessly as Sweetie Belle sang, resulting in rousing cheers and cries for more after every song.

Rarity found her concentration broken as she looked over at Crimson and noticed that she had completely lost track of Carrot Top, though it didn’t take long to find her. She was sitting on a hay bale outside the barn looking into the fields, her thousand yard stare undisturbed by Rarity’s approach.

“While I can appreciate natural beauty, I daresay that you don’t seem to be taking much notice of it,” Rarity mused aloud, seating herself beside the mare. “Did... somepony say something to you?”

“No, everypony has been far kinder than I would have expected,” Carrot Top replied softly, blinking a few times and lowering her gaze to the ground. “I appreciate you introducing me to Crimson, but her story... has only made me think more than I’d like, rather than bring me any comfort.”

“I see. I apologize for my assumption, then.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t find comfort in coming, Rarity,” the mare corrected, a faint smile lighting her otherwise sullen features. “You were right, that getting away even for a little while was worth it. Even though I’m thinking now, on the whole, I’ve been less absorbed with my problems. I think... I need to start repairing some of the friendships that I’ve let fall through.”

“What’s this, a mare of ill repute indulging serious thought? I must say, I find such a change rather becoming of you, Carrot Top.” Rarity’s smile was brief, as she saw it wasn’t shared.

“I never said that I stopped wanting it, Rarity. It’s not that I feel better, more that I feel... I don’t know, convicted or something. Seeing so many ponies inside, so different and yet sharing such a bond... I’ve all but severed myself from such things.”

“Sometimes, all it takes is one pony reaching out to make the difference. Come back inside, Carrot Top. I shan’t have you moping about out here when there is booze to drink and sweets baked to perfection. I believe there were some rather classy cookies inside that require our immediate attention.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll stick to something more my status, like mud pie.”

“Oh, now that does sound dreadful. Is that even a food?” Rarity asked, holding open the door as Carrot Top let slip a small laugh.

“Looks like there is a thing or two I can teach a prissy mare like you.”

Ok, this is as good a place as any. Whisper had made his way back to the cottage, the path from Sweet Apple Acres being fairly easy to remember, before wandering into the surrounding woodlands. He didn’t want to travel so far as the pond at night, but he did manage to find a small clearing in the trees that would present minimal hazards should his magic get out of hoof. Picking up a small branch from the forest floor, he set it in front of him and closed his eyes, trying to remember everything Cerulean had taught him that afternoon. Unlike when he listened to other ponies emotions, or shouted, or whatever it was that was happening in the forest, his magic fought him every step of the way. A green aura lit up the scene as he attempted to lift little more than a twig, but rather than rise from the ground, the brittle stick collapsed, snapping as it was assailed by Whisper’s uncontrolled magic.

Brushing it away, he grabbed another and tried again, straining to let his magic out slowly, and again crushing an object he simply wanted to lift. Frustration rose and the magic suddenly flowed much easier, but he quelled it, calming himself and repeating his failure again and again, slowly draining his strength with each try. After somewhere around fifty times with not even the slightest hint of success, he looked around him at the ring of broken sticks, a smoldering anger at his ineptitude rising from the pit of his stomach. Yanking over another stick, he threw caution to the wind, letting his embitterment run freely as he poured out another dose of magic, but instead of simply snapping the branch, it burst into flames, and his startled cry blasted the pieces back, extinguishing the fire.

It wasn’t the fear of lighting the forest ablaze, or that he had hurt somepony with his outburst, but an indescribable terror over what he had seen that threatened his resolve, and for a time, he sat staring at the ground, deep in thought. Seeing the flames had stirred something deep in the recesses of his mind, but as he remembered back to the party, and how happy Fluttershy had been, he knew he had to continue. Calming his heart and mind, he shook off his fears and continued in practice until he was forced to stop, his chest heaving from expending far more magic than Cerulean would ever have allowed. The lancing pains in his head came back, and knowing he was likely to get an earful from Fluttershy if she were to see him, he trudged back to the cottage, climbed into the shower to wash away the dirt, and collapsed under the downpour, his head resting against the wall as his body dictated a necessary shut down to recover.

Carrot Top had, on occasion, hung out with Berry Punch, so she knew a buzz when she felt one, but given her usual mode of conduct in basically every situation, she feared what would happen should she exceed more than a few drinks. Rarity, on the other hoof, was well past buzzed by the time the party drew to a close, and Carrot Top was beginning to grow quite tired of supporting the drunken mare as they made their way back through town, and thus posed the near delirious fashion queen a question.

“Rarity, as much as I love a good workout, I prefer a more enjoyable way of going about it,” Carrot Top strained, supporting likely half, if not more, of her new friend’s body weight. “Is there any chance I can convince you to just spend the night at my place?”

“Oh, now doesn’t that shound delightful!” she replied, convinced in her head that she wasn’t as drunk as she was letting on. Not bothering to follow up her question to make sure she wasn’t just saying so, Carrot Top deviated from their path and gratefully set Rarity upright, the mare swaying a bit but proving quite capable of carrying herself. “Any reason you made me carry you if you can walk?”

“Now that’s no fun! Beshides, I am... a lady, remembher?”

“Clearly, I forgot, your highness,” Carrot Top replied, allowing a grin as Rarity tottered inside and looked around in a daze. “Couch is all yours. I’ve had enough for one night, so make yourself comfortable. There should be an extra blanket in the closet if you need one, though in your case... I doubt you’ll need it.”

“Come now, you expect shomepony as refined as myshelf to sleep... on a couch?” Ignoring the inquiry and labeling it as further teasing, Carrot Top waved her off and flopped gratefully into bed, burying her muzzle into her pillow and letting slip a long sigh.

It’s certainly been an interesting evening... I still can’t believe that Applejack apologized, after I’m the one that led an army of mares against her husband. Seriously, what’s with those ponies? Still... She rolled onto her back, staring at the ceiling for a moment before again closing her eyes. It wasn’t so bad... And I’d probably do it again. But now that I’m here alone, it’s gonna come back... Hopefully, I can just get to sleep before I feel it. Already warm despite the cool breeze wafting in through the window, the mare forsook her covers and settled deeper into her bed, wondering if she really would be so lucky as to drift off quickly. A sudden weight on the bed accompanied by the squeaking of springs bid her open sleepy eyes - eyes that held nothing but confusion as to why Rarity saw fit to stand over her with a faintly glowing horn. “Rarity... I’m really, really not in the mood for teasing. Just go to sleep.”

“I believe... I said that I require a bed,” she murmured, giggling as she let her eyes roam.

Seriously? I walk you home, give you a place to stay, and you demand I give you my bed? I can be giving sometimes, but that’s just... “Fine, whatever, Rarity. The beds all yours, I’ll sleep on the couch.” She attempted to sit up when firm hooves shoved her back down, and any semblance of fatigue fled as her sensual nature flared, waking her completely. “Rarity, what are you...”

“Shhh...” she hushed, pressing a hoof over the mare’s lips. “I like to be generous.” Carrot Top swallowed hard as the mare’s hoof slid away and began twirling her mane.

“What... what about what you...” Her words cut off as Rarity leaned in close, her mouth hovering from Carrot Top’s for just a moment before pressing in deep. Common sense told Carrot Top to push her away, to stop what was happening, but she couldn’t find the strength. Hesitation lasted for but a moment before she pressed back, cursing her hooves even as they ran the length of the mare’s body, tracing her curves as she felt her most carnal desires flaring within.

Rarity, this is too much... There’s no way I could... bring myself to stop now, so I’ll at least make this worth your while. Elation replaced trepidation as she slid her tongue along the length of Rarity’s horn, relishing the the heat that coursed through her veins and the moans of a mare who had clearly kept things bottled inside for a very long time. Any last fragment of self control disappeared as Rarity pulled away, and without breaking eye contact, used her magic to shut the window. It's time for me to show... some generosity of my own. But... I'll make sure you still have something left to give, Rarity.

With an unintentional slam, a partially inebriated Fluttershy closed the door much louder than she had meant to. Not wanting to deal with the lights and having plenty of lunar glow lighting her path, she noted the light on in the bathroom and the sound of running water, paying it little heed as she climbed into bed. Alcohol, unless she drank enough to make her pass out, made sleep difficult for the mare, and even as tired as she was, she found herself staring at the ceiling and wanting her snuggle buddy to arrive and whisk her away to the land of dreams. She glanced at the clock, noted the time, and closed her eyes, lamenting the lack of a stronger breeze to cool the heat of dissipation.

“Ouch, what on...” she mumbled as a soft blow landed on her shoulder, and she pried her face from the pillows to find Angel pointing urgently at the door to the bathroom. “Ungh, he’s just taking a shower, Angel.” Her attempts to hug the bunny was avidly resisted, to a point that Fluttershy’s concern began to outweigh her fatigue. Angel pointed again to the bathroom door, and she cantered over, hesitating to bother him but knocking softly as Angel folded his arms across his chest, a sure sign he wasn’t about to budge.

“Hey, um, Whisper? Sorry to bother you, but is everything ok?” She waited for a time, and knocked again after receiving no message. “Whisper? Please, if you’re in there, can you tell me you’re alright?” After receiving no reply, she gently cracked open the door, staring inside for just a moment before rushing to the shower and throwing open the door, finding a terribly soaked Whisper still unconscious under a shower that had long since exhausted its supply of hot water. Slamming a hoof into the knob, she quickly shut off the flow and gathered the stallion into her hooves, checking for external signs of trauma of some kind but finding no indicators as to why he wasn’t responding. His breathing was shallow, but stable, and he was freezing cold from being under cold water for what Fluttershy guess to have been at least half an hour.

It was fortunate that Whisper was approximately the same size as Fluttershy, or she wouldn’t have been able to move him much at all. She pulled him out and dried him off, testing his pulse and breathing a sigh of relief that, as far as she could tell, he wasn’t in any immediate danger, but he’d have a dreadful cold it she didn’t warm him up soon. Cursing the alcohol that attempted to hinder her motor control, she managed to get him into bed, and without a thought crawled in beside him, ignoring the cold and shaking not from the discomfort, but the fear that whatever had happened was due to her leaving him to his own devices.

“I’m sorry, Whisper... I would never have... never have left if I had known this would happen...” Without thinking, she squeezed him tighter, and a moment later he stirred, coughing a little as consciousness slowly returned. “Whisper? Whisper, are you ok?” Her eyes tried to follow his message, but it was fragmented, and the letters faint. He let out a whimper and feebly brought a hoof to his head as a terrible headache set in. “Is there anything I can do to help? Anything at all?” Again a fragmented message tried to communicate, but she couldn’t understand. His eyes cracked open, staring at a mare who was clearly beside herself with worry and on the verge of tears, and rather than try again with what little magic remained, he removed his hoof from his head and gave a weak tug at her shoulders.

“You just... want me close?” He tried to nod, lowering his head, but not feeling the strength to bring it back up, let it sink into her chest. Fluttershy understood, and cradled him in her hooves, trying to be strong in his stead despite a mind wracked with uncertainty. No more messages were attempted, and he soon found himself mercifully within the realm of sleep. Fluttershy lay awake late into the night, making sure that his condition remained stable, and after two hours, she finally allowed herself to sleep, planting a kiss on his cheek and offering one last, heartfelt apology before caving to the urge for rest with Angel curled up beside her.