• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...

Too Much, Too Soon

Chapter 23: Too Much, Too Soon

It was just Scootaloo’s luck. After caving and accepting that she most readily displayed her graceful finesse through choreography, she finally figured out a use for it that she could convince herself was within Rainbow Dash coolness standards; stealth. Perhaps it was born of necessity, as she had a growing secret that nopony could know, lest her reputation be tarnished forever, and so it was that she slipped past her parents, slinked past the living room, and had almost made it to the door when Bright Hope cheerfully waved her off with an enthusiastic squeal, landing her in the spotlight reserved for interrogation.

“And just where do you think you’re going this early in the morning?” Flying Grace questioned, trotting over to the filly who began to call her secondary talent into question.

I can’t say anything to mom. If she found out, my life would be over! Gotta think... Grace had ways of communicating outside of speech, and Scootaloo realized very quickly that anything less than the truth would be detected, eviscerated, and swiftly followed by unpleasantries. “I’m going to Carousel Boutique?” she offered, bracing for laughter but receiving only the “you just blew it” face. “I’m serious! I need to talk to Rarity about something!”

“Oh? And what could...” No, it can’t be! Is she really... Employing her legendary self-control, she managed not to wake the household and half the neighborhood with a gleeful cry, and instead feigned indifference, waving her daughter off. “If that is how you wish to spend your time. Am I right to assume that you will be spending more time with Sweetie Belle and the rest?”

“Uh, yeah? Mom, what’s that look for?”

“Hmmm? Oh, nothing, don’t worry about it. Have fun.” Torn between pressing further and leaving while her secret was still seemingly intact, Scootaloo stood still a moment before rolling her eyes and trotting out the door, knowing that any battle of wits versus the reigning queen of jibes would be fruitless, yielding only needless aggravation. Arriving at her destination a short while later, she nervously glanced around to make sure nopony was looking at her before giving the door a succession of sharp taps. She heard a none-too-happy groan, a short silence, and then the approach of leaden hooves, culminating in a very unhappy Rarity giving a very concerned filly a very, very disinterested look of apathy.

“Scootaloo?” Ugh, I shouldn’t have had those last two... three? Glasses of wine. My head... “What could you possibly want at this atrocious hour?” she whined, clutching her head and leaning against the door in a manner far from dignified.

It really is as bad as Sweetie Belle says... Man, I am so glad I don’t want a special somepony if this is what happens. “I’m really sorry for bothering you so early. I just wanted to catch you before you got too involved with a project of some kind.”

“Scootaloo, trust me, I likely will get very little done today. I’ve been... distracted as of late, shall we say. Oh, where are my manners? Do come in.” Staggering back inside and sifting through the cabinet, she found a vial of Silver’s hangover cure, downed it, and sang silent praises to Applejack’s prize as she felt normalcy return. “Ah, much better. Now then, Scootaloo, what can I help you with?”

“Well... I... uh, you see...” Ugh... this is so embarrassing. “Could you... maybe... do something with my mane?” Rather than answering, Rarity turned back to the fridge, rifled around a little more, and pulled out a second vial, staring at the indecipherable label. “Uh, what are you doing?”

“Clearly one dose was not enough to clear my head, so I am contemplating taking another to ensure lucid thought. I could have sworn you asked me to work on your mane, but that’s just silliness. Come now, what did you say?”

“That’s exactly what I asked!” Scootaloo shouted, growing defensive. “Ever since... well, actually, I don’t remember when it started, but... You did Sweetie Belle’s hair so nice, I just... wanted to try it myself. It’s stupid, I know.”

“Stupid? Why, it’s nothing of the sort! Your mother would be thrilled to mmph!” Rarity found further speech difficult due to the maroon ball of yarn that Scootaloo had deftly jammed into her mouth in her desperation.

“No! You can’t tell anypony, and especially not my mom! Ugh, I’d never hear the end of it! She’ll start teaching me manners, enforcing proper etiquette, and... and... I couldn’t take it! I just want... to see what it’s like a little more...” As much as everything she said basically railed against Rarity’s persona, she couldn’t well resist such a request, and Scootaloo soon found herself sat in front of a rather large mirror while Rarity worked her magic. Already embarrassed that she was even giving in to her ladylike side, Scootaloo kept her eyes screwed shut until the transformation was complete. “I... I look...”

“Quite stunning for a filly your age, I will say. You’ll have colts drooling at your hooves, I shouldn’t wonder.” As revolting as the thought was, and as loathe as she was to admit it even to herself, much less anypony else, she liked what she saw. Unfortunately, if it received the Rarity seal of approval, then the colt thing was probably accurate, and thus to Rarity’s deep chagrin, she frantically ran her hooves through her mane and hopped out of the chair. “How could... why in Equestria would you do that?”

“I don’t want other ponies staring at me, duh!”

“But... then... why would you bother having me do your mane if you were only going to look at it yourself?”

“That’s the whole point, Rarity! I was doing it for me, not anypony else. If I want to look good, it’s because I want it, not because I need other ponies’ attention. Oh, and remember, you can’t tell anypony! I don’t want them thinking I’m into girly stuff. Anyways, uh... thanks again. Bye, Rarity!” Her curiosity sated, the filly proudly stepped out of the boutique with a freshly ruined mane, leaving Rarity alone to ponder her words.

It was nopony’s fault, really. It is simply a known fact that idle hooves are prone to wander, and this proves doubly true when said hooves belong to an energetic stallion suffering from a mild case of cabin fever and anxious about the impending doom of being forced to meet new ponies the very next day. True, he would concede that it wouldn’t be as terrible as he would have first assumed, being that the first family he was to meet was his brother’s, thus he knew everypony but a lavender mare that he described as “adorably crazy and alluringly dangerous.” It confused poor Whisper, making him doubt his knowledge of both words and their meaning, finding nothing “alluring” about nearly destroying the town. And he was to receive magic training from this mare? There was only one solution: cling to Fluttershy, absorb comfort, don’t scream.

Oh, Fluttershy... I’m so nervous... I know it’s not until tomorrow, but I just can’t stop thinking about it. That mare sounds crazy, and there’s a little filly there. What if I do something that hurts her? I can’t... Quickly being overcome by a cavalcade of negative thoughts, he wrapped his hooves around his sleeping mare, letting her body warmth and the sensation of her gentle breaths on his neck wash over him like a soothing, magical shower. All it takes is you, Fluttershy. With you, I’m sure it’s going to be ok. Thank you. Shifting slightly, he gently brought his lips to the mare’s cheek, held it for just a few seconds, then pulled away and resumed his hold, accidentally slipping his hooves not around Fluttershy’s shoulders, but her wings.

Mmmm, that feels nice... Wait, what is... yeep! Not used to having her senses slapped into wakefulness with stimulating feathery euphoria, Fluttershy didn’t really know how to respond. Certainly, he wasn’t doing it on purpose; this she could easily ascertain from a single glance at his face. Jumping rails, or perhaps abandoning them completely, Fluttershy closed her eyes once more, gave her now doubled heart rate due notice, and did her best to pretend she was still asleep. Ok... it’s ok... he’s just... holding me, and there’s nothing wrong with that. I bet if I asked, he’d... no! Go away, naughty thoughts!

They’re... they’re so soft... Softer than the softest soft I’ve ever touched. They’re... really nice. I wonder... if it would still make her scared if I touched them like I did in the forest?

I... I know I really... well, probably... maybe shouldn’t, but I think I wouldn’t mind it... just a little. With her mind made up and tension building in her wings from a steady torrent of delightfully steamy thoughts born of curiosity and affection, with perhaps just the tiniest smidgen of carnality, Fluttershy made her subtle invitation, pressing her wings just a little bit more against his hooves that had very obediently kept themselves from straying. There was a moment where nothing happened, and as Fluttershy nearly began to regain control of her mind, Whisper swallowed his fear of a reprimand and gently pressed back, negating any headway Fluttershy had made towards unaroused rationality as he slowly began to stroke her plumage.

She squeaked, just like in the forest! Oooh, I better stop... But why... do I want to keep going so badly? It doesn’t matter! Fluttershy doesn’t like her wings being touched, so I need to stop!

Wait, he stopped? Already? But... but... It was then that Fluttershy remembered how she had responded the last time, and the realization that, even in the face of what likely no other stallion would resist, Whisper was still thinking about her. Whisper... thank you so much. But, right now, it’s really ok... Please, try again. I won’t get angry this time, I promise. Filled with gratitude that Whisper was nothing like the stallions that had assailed her after she sang in the tavern, she decided to make her offer one more time. He accepted, and Fluttershy wasn’t ready.

I can’t believe I’m letting him touch my wings! Bad Fluttershy, bad! Get your thoughts out of the naughty box! Oooh, but it feels... so nice... Fluttershy was doing her very best to maintain her appearance of being asleep, knowing she couldn’t possibly begin to justify her indulgence to her friends but was every bit as interested in the action as Whisper. Oh goodness... Whisper, it feels amazing. Just... just a little bit more, I think. Yeah, a little bit more touching would be ok. Unwilling to restrain her wings further, she shifted a little so both wings could spread. As she hoped, she felt hesitant hooves slowly trace a path along the inside of her wing, and what she meant to be an innocent squeak came out as more of a sharp gasp, the resulting pleasure far more intense than she anticipated. I need to stop. I don’t want to stop. I need to stop. I don’t... I want...

Ok, that’s... that’s enough. I don’t want to make her mad again. As much as he was enjoying his mare’s delicate expressions of joy and the strange sensations it was working within his own body, Fluttershy’s feelings came first. At least, while self-control remained intact, something that became infuriatingly difficult as the now ignored wing moved without him touching it, coming to a rest gently over his muzzle. Oh, come on! I’m trying to be good! As gently as he could, he lifted the wing from his nose, held it aloft a moment, and slowly withdrew his hoof back to his chest. There, now just stay... Fluttershy! You’re making this really, really hard!

That’s... that’s enough... I need to stop. It feels really good, but I don’t think... no, not just yet. She had just begun to withdraw her wings, preparing to reveal that she was indeed awake when Whisper’s curiosity overcame his fear of a reprimand, and Fluttershy froze as his tongue made connection with the inside of her wing, all but paralyzing her as her body caught fire and a terribly frightening desire, physical and emotional, threatened to overcome all that remained of innocent Fluttershy. Just pull it away. That’s all I have to do, just pull my wing away, and... ohmygoodness! Ohmygoodnessohmygoodnessohmygoodness! Breathing stopped, any hope for coherent thought fled, and motor control tapped out as Whisper finally caved to a question that had steadily been growing in his mind; what happens if you nibble on a wing? Apparently, the brain explodes, judging by the mare’s wide eyes and trembling form.

“Fluttershy?” When did she wake up? “Fluttershy, are you ok? Say something!”

“Yeep!” Whisper shook his head, wondering how she had even hit such a note and glad she hadn’t been very loud. I... he... my wings... biting...

I knew it, she DOES think with her wings, and I just bit them! That’s the only explanation! “Just hold on, Fluttershy! It’s going to be ok!” Fleeing to the kitchen, he filled a small sack with ice from the freezer and raced back to a still barely breathing mare, locating the spot he had simply meant to taste and promptly pressed the ice onto the wing.

“I’m not ready to wrestle!” Whisper was deafened by the cry and soon found himself alone on the bed, the mare locking herself in the bathroom and quickly hopping into a cold shower, trembling as the soothing cascade fought an uphill battle returning her body temperature to normal. Trying to organize her thoughts was like trying to capture the likeness of Ponyville on canvas by dipping a hedgehog in paint and using it like a brush, as the only thing left within her head were fragmented sentences and various adjectives to describe the sensations that had very nearly tipped her past some kind of line, and she refused to contemplate what awaited on the other side. Green letter messages began pouring in from the other side of the door as a frantic Whisper attempted to placate a rage he couldn’t sense, but believed to somehow be there as he couldn’t imagine anypony being happy after having their thinker so callously bitten.

“Fluttershy! Is your wing ok? Did I break it? Can you think? Can you breathe?” There was a momentary pause as Fluttershy’s eyes darted from message to message, realizing that as riled as she was, Whisper was on the verge of losing it in a different way. “Wait, did we wrestle? Did we make a baby? I didn’t mean to make a baby!” Frantic hoofbeats of a stallion who’d lost any semblance of playing it cool sounded from the other side as he tore around the house with frightening speed. With a sigh bringing much needed oxygen, Fluttershy let her head gently knock against the wall.

“A date? Yes! It’s been so long since we had one of those!” Rainbow Dash was more than thrilled with the idea of getting away from town for a while, spending some quality time with her husband, most stallionly stallion of all stalliondom, or at least in her eyes. “Did you have something in mind? Oh man, this is gonna be awesome!” A rumble not born of hunger shook her stomach as she was quickly reminded that her and Storm would not be alone. “Yeah, I know, you two are coming too. Yeesh, you two are already a massive pain in the oof! Ok, I’m sorry! Freaking... making my point,” she muttered, mood slightly soured but quickly perking up as she was held close.

“Unfortunately, I’m a little rusty on the whole ‘date’ thing, so I’m still working on an idea. I’m also open to suggestions, if there’s something in particular that you’d like.”

“Nah, I’m fine with wha... wait, I’ve got it! Storm, don’t worry about a thing, I know just what we can do! Oh my gosh, this is gonna... I’ve gotta get my mane done! Stay right here!” Not waiting for an answer, she shouted her exiting salutations to her family, took flight, and arrived at Carousel Boutique within minutes. True, her max speed had been somewhat diminished by carrying twins, but given that she used to train with weights, she was still faster than most anypony she knew. “Hey, Rarity, you home?” Dash shouted, not bothering to knock and letting herself inside.

“Yes, dear, I’m back here.”

Wow, she sure sounds pretty drained. A short time later, Rainbow Dash peered into one of the mare’s workrooms and let her jaw make a break for the floor. What the hay? I’ve heard her mention “organized chaos” before, but this is just... how can she even stand this? Admittedly, the room was in quite a state of disrepair far beyond what Rarity would usually allow, though instead of fixing the dreadful atrocity, Dash found Rarity sitting in the center of it all, quite undisturbed and actually piling more clutter onto the floor, shuffling masses of fabric, toppled mannequins, and countless balls of yarn with her magic. “I can see you’re kinda busy making a mess, but could you possibly spare some time to do my mane up all fancy?”

“A date with Storm, perhaps?”

“Oh yeah, it’s gonna be awesome! There’s this totally...” How freaking insensitive! I’m such a... grrr, no time to kick myself, the twins will cover that for me! “Sorry, Rarity. I shouldn’t...”

“It’s quite alright, Rainbow Dash. You have a stallion, and enjoy him to the fullest. I see no issue with that. Come, let’s attend to your mane.” She rose from the threaded mire and led Rainbow Dash to her room, sitting her in front of her opulently large mirror and getting straight to work. Both mares maintained their silence, Dash scrambling to find something encouraging to say and Rarity contemplating Scootaloo’s seemingly innocent words from earlier that morning.

It wasn’t for no reason that she was named the Element of Generosity; she couldn’t even imagine just focusing on herself. To be sure, she had moments where she might have gotten a little overexcited and acted in haste, but more often than not, she did have other’s needs tiered before her own. And yet Scootaloo had done her hair, and promptly messed it up, for the sole purpose of pleasing herself. Rarity just couldn’t understand it.

“Do you think it's... unethical to do something when it can only benefit yourself, Rainbow Dash?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Exactly as I said. Take your relationship with Storm, for example. When you two kiss, even if you want it for yourself, it still benefits him as well. And right now, you’re having your mane styled because you know he likes it. But... is it wrong to take an action that has no benefit for others, only oneself?”

“Wow, getting all heavy on me, Rares. Hmmm...” Rainbow Dash paused to give it due thought, though being a pony that put herself first many a time, it didn’t really take long. “I don’t think it’s really an issue as long as it’s not hurting anypony else. Like if you’re hungry, and you want to eat, you eat. It’s not gonna affect anypony else, but it satisfies a natural desire, and then you’re fine! You gotta take care of yourself, because if you don’t, how are you gonna help others?”

“I suppose... I can see some truth in that.” “Satisfies a natural desire?” You just had to say it like that, didn’t you Rainbow Dash... I was really hoping for... I don’t know... I think I’ll ask Twilight when I get the chance, and after that, I’ll... I’ll make my decision.

“What a morning... I had such a nice plan, too... Well, before I started thinking with my wings...” Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile a little, remembering Whisper’s timid advances. I don’t really regret it, or anything. Whisper was gentle, and I wouldn’t want anypony else touching them, and even though it was too much to handle, it was... well, amazing. I kind of... want to do it again, but I should probably wait. A sudden cessation of noise made Fluttershy’s gut turn, fearing the worst. Oh no... Whisper, don’t run away! Not bothering to dry herself, she bolted from the bathroom, found the interior of her house abandoned, and raced outside with a heavy heart. “Whisper? Whisper, where are you?”


Oh, thank goodness... He’s still here, somewhere. “Whisper, come out! I’m not upset!”


“Whisper, don’t you...” Fluttershy started before dropping silent. Now was not the time to be firm, not with a stallion who is likely thinking he just did something terrible. The area around her cottage didn’t offer many hiding places, and given his affinity for the bed, she quietly made her way over to the stream. Whisper... Even when you’re upset, you’re just... As expected, she found her stallion huddled up under the bridge in front of her house, hooves over his eyes and shaking lightly. “Oh, Whisper... it’s all right, don’t be sad.” He slowly lifted his teary gaze, being met not with fury as he expected but gentle compassion.

“You... you yelled at me... I didn’t... know what to do, I...” Fluttershy held out her hooves, and Whisper eagerly threw himself at her mercy, having the spent nearly the entire time she was in the shower dreading being sent away. “I’m sorry... I tried not to touch them, I really did!”

“Shhh...” she hushed, even though he wasn’t really speaking. “It was my fault, Whisper. I... was the one moving my wings.”

“But... wait, you were awake?” Not relishing the idea of admitting her indulgence but knowing that she had no right to withhold the information, especially given the toll it took on Whisper, she squeezed him a little tighter and found herself instead begging his mercy.

“I’m sorry, Whisper. I didn’t mean to scare you, I just... well, it felt really nice, but then it was too much, and I wanted to pull away, and...” And I turned it into something that wasn’t kind... “I had no right to shout like that. Can you... forgive me?” She hated having to say those words, because it only drove home that she had, intentionally or not, hurt another pony.

“I thought... I was going to have to leave... I don’t want to be all alone again... I won’t ever touch your wings again, just please... don’t send me away!” Anything but that... Wait, no, don’t cry! Don’t cry, Fluttershy... What else could she do? There was no other response save shed a few tears of her own. Fluttershy knew she had been the driving force behind the whole thing, from the moment the innocent stallion first touched her wings; everything had been her doing.

“Never... I’m never, ever going to send you away, Whisper. I’m so, so sorry... I wasn’t... trying to be so mean...”

“You weren’t mean, Fluttershy. I’m the one who bit you.”

“Whisper, I... I liked that... I liked it too much, that’s why I ran away.”

She liked it? But... that doesn’t make any sense! I mean, I did too, because I thought it made her happy, but... “Didn’t I hurt your brain? I didn’t think I bit it very hard, but then you stopped breathing. Are you sure you can think right still?” Fluttershy couldn’t help but laugh a little through the tears at the stallion’s ignorance, which fortunately wasn’t interpreted as offensive. “What’s it feel like, Fluttershy? When I touch your wings?”

Oh dear... um... “It’s like... well, it’s probably about... how it’d feel if I... I, um... touched your horn.” Oh goodness, even saying that makes me feel naughty. I really did let things get out of hoof...

“My horn?” Whisper had never really paid any attention to it, except for when it was busy creating disaster and generally scaring him half to death, so the notion that it could actually be good for something other than ruining his life was intriguing indeed. He brought his hoof up and tapped his horn a few times as if expecting it to bite back or something, but he felt very little by way of stimulation. “That wasn’t exciting at all. You sounded like you were having a lot more fun with your wings.”

“Well, of course it’s not fun when you do it, silly. It has to be from somepony you care about.” Fluttershy was quickly learning that she, in her innocence, explained things in such a way that prompted action. Or perhaps Whisper was just eager to explore everything life had to offer. Either way, she was put on the spot as he contemplated the message, became terribly excited, and beamed back at her with anticipation.

“I wanna feel my brain go all funny. Can you touch my horn? Please?”

It had been quite a long time, at least six months, since Storm had seen Rainbow Dash do her mane specially for him, so she really couldn’t hold the way he stared open-mouthed as she waltzed through the door against him. No, she rather enjoyed the attention, since that was the entire point of spending nearly an hour in the chair at Rarity’s house. Dash wasn’t blind to Rarity’s struggle, but her focus at that moment was her big, strong, tasty stallion who, after five months of abstinence that only recently had been broken, had worked up an appetite almost as large as hers. She took comfort also in the fact that the first thing he did once coherency returned was not make some suggestive comment about rolling in the hay, but draw her close and enfold her in his wings, whispering softly in her ears.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash. Always thinking of me...”

“I’ve learned a thing or two from the smartest dunce I know,” she whispered back, snuggling closer. And you always make this worth it, Storm. You think about me just as much. “I’d like... to show you something awesome, but we may be gone a while, so let’s pack something to eat.” Don’t do it, Storm. Don’t ruin the...

“I hear the telltale signs of a picnic. Dash, you hopeless romantic.”

Moment... gone. “You just had to go there...” A nibble on her ear made it infuriatingly difficult to justify frustration, at least not an emotional kind; the regular kind came from Scootaloo as she entered the room, saw her brother being disgustingly mushy, nearly obscenely in her mind, and quickly sent her cheery slobber-ball of a baby sister to go break it up, setting the filly on Storm’s head and turning the tables as Hope made a mid-morning snack of his storm-colored mane.

“Scootaloo, one of these’s days, you’re going to be a lady. And one of these years, you’re going to find yourself with a coltfriend. And on that day, I will embarrass you so thoroughly that you will never need to wear blush on stage again!” Storm threatened, increasing in volume as he felt foal spittle run down through his hair and down his cheek. Hope remained blissfully ignorant of the discomfort she was causing her mammoth of a brother, finding his well kept hair to taste slightly of flowers and have a most delightful texture, and her usually gargantuan grin took a slight hit as she was lifted off. “Hope...” It’s just not fair, sis. Really? Eyes shouldn’t be able to stretch that wide.

“Don’t worry, Storm. I’ll be right there helping you with Scootaloo, though I don’t think it will be years, given how much time she’s been spending toying with her mane.” Scootaloo suddenly found the notion of prodding her brother and traitorous idol further to be unnecessary, her cheeks already burning upon the revelation that her secret was known, and by the coolest mare to fly in Equestria! Leaving Hope to fend for herself, Scootaloo bid a swift retreat, with Dash calling after her. “You know, I’m sure you could score a nice colt if you let Rarity...”

“She’s not touching my mane again!” Storm gave Rainbow Dash the go ahead, and they both called out in unison, receiving a momentary silence followed by a slamming door for their troubles; it was all the payment then needed.

“Again?” It was at that point that Scootaloo decided to ask Applebloom for her talented hooves to apply themselves closer to her home. Her room was the only one in the house not soundproofed, and her embarrassment was only made more complete by the laughter assailing her ears.

This is just great! Rainbow Dash and Storm both know my secret? Now I’ll never hear the end of it! What’s next? Etiquette lessons from mom and a... Scootaloo’s mental processes ceased to scoot, not slowing to a halt but rather crashing face first into the dirt, any motion that may have been confused with working neural function comparable only to the subsequent digging of an Applejack-approved furrow with her muzzle. Mom... if she finds out from them... Pride could be cast aside in the face of losing her very way of life, and she tore back downstairs just as the last of Dash’s laughter trailed off, ready to throw herself at the mare’s mercy and accept any torturous punishment in exchange for safeguarding her secret. “Dash, Storm, you absolutely, cannot let mom know that I’m... that I’ve...”

“Tell me what now, hmmm?” Graceful in speech, movement and name, Flying Grace cantered slowly over, stopping behind her daughter who lay prostrated before her siblings. Storm looked down at his sister with a rare look of sympathy, holding his smile for a few seconds before letting it curl into a twisted grin.

“You’re on your own, Scoots. I am very late for a most important date. Shall we?” Without further ado, Storm shot Rainbow Dash a look of fiendish delight and the two pegasi disappeared in a gleeful flurry of feathers and snickers, leaving one tomcolt to receive a forcible introduction into the ways of proper marehood. Her lamentations were heard, and almost... almost enough to cause just a slight tinge of remorse in Storm, but as the wind chilled what remained of the drool in his mane, he held his head high, flying contentedly above the moral high ground.

Sometimes, life throws choices at a pony who is completely unprepared, or ill-equipped, to deal with the sheer magnitude of the decision at hoof. Fluttershy found herself struck by both, Whisper’s sudden interest in such an intimate gesture throwing her off balance. Being somepony who always tries to be kind, seeing the wonder shining in the stallion’s eyes as he tried to contemplate what having his horn touched could possibly feel like only made the decision harder to make. His smile slowly faded as he sense the growing conflict inside of Fluttershy, who was now unable to meet his gaze.

It’s not fair of me to say no, after getting him to touch my wings like that. But I’m scared... I don’t want to frighten him again, and after what just happened... Her chin dropped to her chest as she reached her conclusion, and she closed her eyes, bracing herself for the onset of rain. “Whisper, I’m... I’m sorry, I just can’t do that yet.” I knew it... he looks really sad. I’m sorry, Whisper... I...

“Why? Why not, Fluttershy? I touched your wings, so it’s only fair, right? I wanna know!”

“I don’t want you to get scared again. If I touch your horn, your magic might... well, I don’t know what will happen. I just can’t bare the thought of doing something that will hurt you...” But I am. My words, what I did this morning... it wasn’t kind. Not if this is what came of it... Fluttershy screwed her eyes shut tighter in an effort to stave off the tears pressuring the corners of her eyes. “I’m... I’m sorry...” I should... never do things that make me say those words... She cracked open her eyes, staring through the moisture at a stallion who likely didn’t need tears to summon the rain; she had never seen him so blatantly dejected. Her shoulders began to tremble as she closed her eyes once more, feebly trying to reject the image but unable to deny what she knew to be true.

Maybe... maybe I should. I can’t stand seeing him like this. It hurts... And it’s all my fault... Whisper, I... Further introspection was forbidden as she slowly felt Whisper’s comforting embrace and familiar scent, a gentle tug pulling her to his warm, soft chest.

“I... think I understand.” Fluttershy didn’t. In fact, the sudden change left her emotions even more scattered than they were when it looked like he was on the verge of tears, but she didn’t have time to try to conjure a response. “As... as fun as touching your wings was, it really... scared me when you ran off. You must be scared the same thing would happen with me, aren’t you?” He slowly felt a feeble nod, prompting him to drop his muzzle and give her a comforting nudge. “I hadn’t really asked before, but when we kiss, or I lick your face, or even sometimes just touch you at all, I get this strange feeling in my horn... It’s really scary. I feel almost like it’s going to explode, and if that...”

He released his grip, keeping one hoof around her back and using the other to tilt her head up so he could see her eyes. “You’re trying to protect us both from my magic, aren’t you? I... I’m still really curious, but I think what I should say is... thank you, Fluttershy. Thank you for thinking about me first.” He approached her lips slowly, hesitating for just a fraction of a second before gently bringing their muzzles to a connection. The sadness he felt within the mare quickly melted, and was replaced with relief, joy, and thanksgiving as one of the nagging questions in the back of Fluttershy’s mind was answered before she had even needed to ask.

While Whisper’s mental state may resemble a five year old colt much of the time, that single moment proved his capacity for maturity not possible within a colt so young. Clueless? Absolutely. Unknowledgeable on basically everything around him? Affirmative. Capable of understanding love, even if he couldn’t describe it? As they held their kiss, Fluttershy’s heart was soon wrapped in an exuviating blaze of affection; the answer was yes. She wouldn’t have thought it possible, but that kiss, only their third, was even sweeter than the first, and she relished every moment of the action, imbued with a love solely for her.

Whisper... I’ll make it up to you someday, you’ll see. Words just aren’t enough to show you, but one day... well, you’ll get to touch my wings again. Until then... Sniffling, Fluttershy stared back at Whisper through blurry vision, pawing weakly at her eyes though only managing to clean one side before her stallion realized it was his cue, and she gratefully accepted his tongue’s assistance in the matter. “Whisper? I’d like to do something special today. I was thinking we could have lunch at the pond. Does that sound nice?”

Exuberance caused his hooves to suddenly constrict, though he had fortunately learned that she was fragile and thus required somewhat delicate treatment, leading him to employ just enough self-control that it wasn’t painful. Getting to spend time outside the cottage, but away from other ponies, with Fluttershy? Whisper was fairly sure that, given their restrictions, there wasn’t anything better. It was a gorgeous morning, and Fluttershy found it incredibly difficult not to simply stare at the stallion as he romped back into the house, around the house, outside of the house and back in.

“No peeking! Lunch is going to be a surprise, if that’s ok, so shoo!” His muzzle was finding itself prone to frequent and sudden changes, the resulting frown due to his eviction from the kitchen quickly righting itself from tender kiss on his nose. He then proceeded to trot circles around the living room as anticipation of a relaxing afternoon with the best mare ever overrode any other thoughts of, well, anything and everything else. While it felt like he was milling about for quite a while, in truth it was just past ten minutes, the idea being something she had been contemplating for a while, and thus all she needed to do was prepare some food. With everything ready, she grabbed a basket, packed the sheet, plates, food and drinks, and cantered over to Whisper.

“Would you like me to carry the basket?”

“Promise not to peek?” she giggled, assuring the stallion she didn’t doubt his trustworthiness by setting the basket down in front of him. “Thank you, Whisper. That’s very sweet of you.” Beaming around the handle of the basket, they set out at a brisk trot, Fluttershy carrying the conversation as Whisper bantered right back, the seemingly one-sided conversation as observed by anypony that may have been watching holding so much more meaning than could be derived simply by listening with the ears. However, if by some chance one could hear the heart, the song sung would have been the same for each, two hearts yearning as one.