• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...

Strengthening Resolve

Chapter 31: Strengthening Resolve

It was a clash of emotions unlike anything Rarity had ever experienced, waking up the next morning. The pounding in her skull from the all-too-familiar sensation of hangover was set in direct opposition to the physical relief from her foray into night time revelry. Unfortunately, as she slowly sat up, she found herself bombarded with a million thoughts at once and startling clear memories. The physical ailments couldn’t hope to top a consuming guilt as she came to terms with what she had done.

The party... the alcohol... last night... everything happened as I hoped it would. I knew it could end like this, that I might be overcome, and I... wanted to be. I willingly stacked everything against myself, gave myself all the excuses to make it a reality, and then I... I gave in. She knew she had no right to be angry with Carrot Top, as she was all too aware she had started it, and she drew the sheets closer as bitter tears woke her slumbering companion, who could only lay still and curse her own weakness. Carrot Top knew that Rarity was of a split mind, on one hoof wanting to let her wildly passionate side run loose, but her other side wanting to keep it bound in chains. While the mindset wasn’t something Carrot Top could fully understand, the mare falling apart beside her was something she had expected would happen, but been too weak to stop.

How could I be so full of conviction one moment, only to turn around and throw it all away? My dreams... all gone... I can never undo last night, and how can I... Everything, even her sobs came to a halt as her eyes came to a rest upon her purity band, laying abandoned on a floor. It was a stake to the heart, a stark representation of exactly what she had allowed to come to pass. Strength fled from her limbs as she slumped back, weeping softly for what she’d lost. “It’s all gone. Years upon years of clinging to my dreams... shattered in one night...” Carrot Top felt a lump rise to her throat as she blinked back tears of her own.

I tried, Rarity. It wasn’t much, but I tried... Carrot Top’s feeble attempt at self justification fell flat as she watched the mare’s tears soak the sheets. I never wanted this, Rarity. Please, there has to be something I can do... I can’t undo last night, but maybe... maybe I can save the future. Slowly rising from the bed, she walked over and carefully picked up the purity band, turning it in her hooves for just a moment before approaching Rarity’s side. “Rarity... all is not lost,” Carrot Top said softly, bringing her hoof over and preparing to return the band when Rarity knocked it away, her face contorted in rage.

“Do not speak to me like you could possibly understand, Carrot Top! I remember everything, and I assure you, there is no stallion in the world that could possibly consider me pure!” she howled, glaring fiercely as her disgust for her actions threatened to rob her of rational thought altogether.

“If you’re so damn confident you’re as ‘unclean’ as me, then answer me this, Rarity: why the hay did you do it last night, huh? It wasn’t just because it felt good! You know how I know? There’s lust, and then there’s passion. I’ve seen a bucking lot of both, and last night was the latter!” Carrot Top shouted back, restraining the urge to knock some sense into the mare. Rarity’s glare slowly melted as the words sunk in, but she didn’t respond other than falling as silent as she could. “I may not... be your special somepony, but there was something else, wasn’t there...”

“I wasn’t... nearly as drunk as I appeared last night.”

“I figured as much,” Carrot Top conceded, letting slip a small sigh of relief. “It would certainly explain your sudden recovery of motor control upon arriving to my house...” Rarity nodded, continuing to cry softly as she came to terms with just how much blame she carried for what had transpired.

“I can’t begin to tell you how truly grieved I was, seeing the condition I put you in, so I... pushed myself to a point where I knew I wouldn’t have the strength to resist. I wanted to give in, Carrot Top. I cannot blame you, especially not after pushing you to drink as much as I did...” She didn’t have a chance to continue as Carrot Top threw her hooves around the unicorn and fell apart, a crushing sense of unworthiness accompanying the gratitude that came from the most selfless act of kindness she had ever had bestowed upon her.

I’ve never been like you, Rarity, even if it is... something I always admired. Maybe that’s why I gave in, why I wanted... to have you, just for a moment... But how could you... possibly justify sacrificing your dream for somepony like me? “It doesn’t... bucking make sense...”

“No, I suppose not,” Rarity murmured, returning the embrace. “Tell me, Carrot Top, why are you so fixated on eroticism?”

“Because I like it.” The unicorn stared blankly for a moment before shaking her head, unwilling to accept the statement at face value.

“I hardly believe that’s all there is to it.”

“No, it isn’t,” Carrot Top said softly, herself becoming contemplative as she wiped her eyes and pulled away. “There are a lot of reasons why, Rarity, but I think you’re after the more ‘deep,’ philosophical one. There’s nothing special about growing carrots for a living. I mean, honestly, what kind of pony is going to find that impressive? So I figured I’d find something else I could do to make ponies happy, and found that I was exceptionally adept at seeing another pony’s ‘needs’ are met. Every moan, every shriek and plea for more...” she paused, noting with faint amusement that Rarity appeared to be confused as to whether she should feel touched or revolted. “I like giving something to others, and sex is the most enjoyable way for me, ok?”

“I... see.” Well, I certainly can’t dispute the enjoyable part... “It doesn’t matter... I can’t share your perspective, despite how much I wish I could, and now I’ve defiled myself... Given something I can’t take back...” Rarity cringed as she felt the purity band slide into place once more, and she turned to find Carrot Top looking not sensual, but caring.

“Just because... you gave in to something you craved, it shouldn’t mean you can’t dare to dream. I still do,” she said with a weak, airy laugh, staring at her hooves. “If a pony... can’t accept you because you made what you believe is a mistake, then ask yourself, is that really the type of pony you’d want to try and live with for the rest of your days? Living a life with a constant need of unalterable perfection? That sounds more like a curse to me.” Rarity’s heart longed to accept it, but her mind pointed accusing hooves at her from all directions.

“But... I’m still...”

“Still Rarity.”

“Yes, but I’m...”

“Still bucking prissy, now stop cutting me off!” Carrot Top commanded, receiving a haughty look of indignation. “Good, at least you still have enough left in you to act like a snob,” she teased, Rarity’s mock outrage taking a slight hit as her scowl faltered. “Rarity... stay on the path you’ve set for yourself. In your mind, you fell, and I’m... truly sorry for playing a part in that, but that doesn’t mean you have to walk away from it. I... made sure that there was no penetration for a reason; I wanted you to still have something left to give...” Her gaze hardened as she put her hoof down, leaning closer and making sure Rarity knew she wasn’t going to budge. “I won’t let you walk away from your dream. Not everypony... can be as strong as you, walking the path you’re on.”

Rarity couldn’t help but wonder if she was speaking from experience, or just displaying an unexpected bout of wisdom. “We can only do as we feel is best. Each pony walks their own path, and I don’t hold yours in contempt, far from it. It’s going... to be hard, and it’s going to hurt, but Rarity... Look me in the face and tell me that you feel all hope is lost for you.”

“I... cannot. Carrot Top, I want to believe you, but it... it is difficult to reconcile what I know is true and what I feel inside...” A hoof tapped gently against her purity band, bringing a faint smile to her face as she grabbed hold of what little hope she felt remained. Even if... I cannot rightfully say that I have remained completely chaste, can I still seek to live as I used to? To pursue the path of a noble lady... Oh, but it’s going to be difficult with such vivid memories... “Do you think... that maybe we could...”

“Nope, not a chance,” Carrot Top interjected, not even letting the mare finish. “You were... astonishing for a first timer, I’m not going to lie. Nice blush, by the way, “ she commented as Rarity pointed her eyes elsewhere, though she was unable to hide the flush in her cheeks. “But you and I both know that any remedial lessons would just cause you further regret, and it kind of ruins the experience to wake up to a gloomy cloud of self-loathing, you know?”

“Listen to you, sounding so confident when we only started talking yesterday...”

“You did take things a bit quickly, even by my standards.” Rarity’s ears shot straight up, twitching as she suddenly realized that should word ever escape, her friends would give her no end of grief. “I know that... this may sound wrong, but... thank you, Rarity. I enjoyed being able to make somepony happy again, even if... it didn’t end the way I would have liked.” She watched as Rarity slowly stood, standing still for a moment before turning to face the mare.

“The outcome wasn’t ideal, no, but... perhaps this will somehow work out for the best. Truly, I have no idea how that could possibly be, but I can hope... I can dream. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I wish to sulk in the privacy of my own home. I wish you well, Carrot Top. Oh, and do feel free to drop by, so long as you leave your carrots at home.”

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that. Your horn was plenty enough to keep me for a while.” Not having any comeback save her cheeks deepening a shade and a slightly glowing horn as one of the more steamy memories came filtering back, she shook her head and gave one last half-hearted glare before trotting back home. She gently closed the door behind her, leaned back against it as she slid into a sitting position, and burst into tears as the effects of the encouraging words wore off and she was left with nothing save her fragmented dreams and crushing guilt.

What... have I spent my life chasing? A dream... a sweet, childish, wonderful dream, but... one that could only benefit myself. Is it selfish to want such a thing? To want perfection to simply find me... She knew it was, and as she looked around at a shop filled with dresses that screamed excess, pomp, and elitism, she was struck by how little all of it seemed to matter. What is praise from somepony I’ve never met before? What is being on the cover of a magazine... Glamour has its place, but it seems... I’ve been walking the wrong path. This isn’t the life I want, and I’ve simply been waiting for somepony to come and whisk my worries away.

“My, but that sounds... selfish,” she murmured, listening to her own voice. Praise from strangers isn’t anywhere near as gratifying as giving something back to somepony I care for. In my pursuit of beauty and fame, I seem to have... deviated from what I truly find enjoyable. Her tears slowed to a stop as the voice within her heart cried out over the choking despair. Like a photo album, every moment she’d spent exercising her selfless nature flashed before her, showing her the way. Her morality, the longing for a special somepony, and her high standards weren’t meant to be given up, as they were part of what made her the mare she wanted to be. But the selfishness of sloth, of wanting her dreams given to her with minimal effort, and the chasing of empty, materialistic pursuits...

“I daresay I’ve fallen quite a bit farther than I would have liked to admit... And I...” she paused, glaring at nothing in particular for a moment before heaving a sigh. “If I hadn’t... wound up in another mare’s bed, I doubt... I would have realized this, and I would have continued on chasing the wrong things. In the end... this is likely a much less harsh reality to face... than finding perfection and falling short.” It didn’t stop the pain, and it certainly didn’t heal a heart that had just been shattered, but amongst the debris she may just have found the true essence of her beauty; a giving heart. Picking herself up, she held her head high, determined to become the mare she wanted to be, to hold herself to the same standard of purity, and strive to use her talents for the good of others, not amassing fame and fortune.

She knew that she would likely feel the aftershock come nightfall. There was simply no way to recover from such devastation in a day, but as fervor slowly simmered down, her first priority became easing the pounding in her skull, and she noted ruefully that she was low on her supply of hangover cure upon delving into the fridge. Downing a vial, she sighed softly as the headache receded, after which she cantered to the shower, switched it onto a cool setting first, and gasped as the frigid downpour robbed her of breath. After the shock wore off, she upped the heat and let the worries wash away with the sweat from the previous evening.

Carrot Top’s encouragement, especially coming from a mare such as that, had managed to lead her to find a truth buried within, one that gave her a hope that transcended the pain of falling. In fact, she found herself humming happily to herself, feeling strangely refreshed, and she made a point of finding a way to thank Pinkie for throwing such an amazing party. What Rarity didn’t expect was to suddenly find Pinkie inside the shower with her, and she couldn’t help but scream as she cracked open her eyes to find the party mare herself beaming up at her, her body trembling with excitement that her mortal shell could scarcely contain.

“Woohoo~!” Pinkie cried, matching the duration of Rarity’s scream before devolving into giggles at the mare’s surprise.

“Pinkie, what in Equestria are you doing in my shower? This is a private activity, one that I do not share with other ponies!”

“Why not? It’s just like playing in a pool or running through the streets on a rainy day!”

“Clearly, the subtle nuances of romance are lost on you,” she replied with a sigh, her droll tone having no effect on Pinkie’s ecstasy. “Again I ask, why are you here?”

“I just wanted to give you a extra big, super duper thank you for helping me throw that party! I mean, that was, like, the best party since... a really long time! I had sooo much fun, and it was all your idea! Now, all that funny stuff that was rattling around in my head isn’t bugging me anymore, and I’m totally excited about it!”

“You’re, eh... quite welcome, dear.” Goodness, Pinkie, but you are a lot to handle in the morning... “Was there something else?”

“Nopey dopey! Sorry, I’ll let you get back to getting clean. Oh! And I left some cupcakes in the kitchen for you. Later!” With that, the mare bounced out and away, leaving the door wide open and Rarity wondering what exactly had gotten the mare so excited, given that parties were nearly a weekly event for the mare. Still, her worries had been pushed down further still, and she found herself grateful for the untimely, and slightly unsettling, intrusion. Finishing up and drying off, she cantered out to the main room and sifted through the work orders that had been piling up as her struggle had mounted.

“No play for me anytime soon, it seems. All right, let’s make things fabulous!” Within minutes, she was absorbed in her work with a focus she hadn’t felt in ages, and she was whipping out stunning dresses with ease. A renewed vigor coursed through her veins, and she made a mental note to make something special for Carrot Top when she had the time, which, given her backordered state, may be in weeks, not days. Nevertheless, she was not by this intimidated, and she applied herself wholeheartedly.

Morning birdsong sounded like a dirge to Fluttershy, the rooster’s crow like funeral bells. Whisper lay asleep in her embrace, just as he had when she had fallen asleep, and though his breathing was stronger, the fact that he was still asleep worried her greatly. Yet, as much as she wanted to feel some comfort herself, to see those green letters form a coherent sentence, she grew frightened as her mind conjured horrible scenarios that could cause such a thing to happen. A sudden intake of breath caused her to flinch, and she waited to hear something shatter as Whisper woke with a sneeze, but his body was too tired, his magic still not fully restored, and himself too exhausted for anything to be translated magically. Unfortunately, this was even less comforting than the sound of breaking glass would have been.

“W-Whisper? Are... are you ok?”

“I... think so...” The words formed slowly, like it as difficult for him to manage. Fluttershy knew it was selfish to want to pry further, and for a time, she didn’t, choosing to hold him in silence. “I’m sorry... for worrying you. I’m really... ok.” His hooves pushed weakly against her chest, and she pulled away a little as he leaned forward, kissing her for just a moment before his head dropped down to her chest.

“Whisper, what happened while I was gone?” She waited ten seconds, twenty, and on to a minute, but no messages came. She glanced down to see if he had passed out, but his eyes were opened halfway, and he glanced up at her for just a moment before breaking eye contact. “Whisper, if you could, um, please talk to me.”

If I tell her that this is what happened from trying to practice on my own, she’ll probably try and stop me. I need to keep going, but that means I have to hide it. I don’t know that I can... But I have to try. For her. “I’m...” What can I say? I don’t want to tell her something that isn’t true. I’d be really hurt if she did that to me, but... “I can’t talk about it.” It was a weak reply, one that begged to be dissected and pulled apart, and while not always the most forceful pony, Fluttershy wasn’t about to accept that for a moment.

“Whisper, you need to tell me. Did somepony do this to you?”


“Did you do something naughty?”

What, like rolling in the hay? He struggled away and opened his eyes fully, quieting her anxious questioning with a single, pleading look. “I’d never do anything like that with somepony else. Fluttershy, can you trust me?” Simply knowing the correct answer doesn’t always make it easy to give. Fluttershy knew that he had never given her a reason to doubt, had always remained faithful, and always thought of her first, but as she saw him wipe a slightly runny nose, her concern clashed with her better judgement.

“Whisper, I...” I don’t know what to think. I don’t know what to say. I... Her thoughts paused as he shifted forward, bringing his muzzle forward and gently pressing his lips to her forehead, holding them there for a while before nuzzling in under her nose. “Ok... I’ll trust you Whisper, but please... whatever it is that you’re up to, be careful. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful from now on, and Fluttershy? Thank you. Everything is going to be ok.”

“Silly, that’s what I’m supposed to say, you know,” she murmured, returning his nuzzle and placing a hoof over his cheek. They shared a little more time together before Fluttershy was forced to go about her usual chores, during which Whisper continued to doze. He didn’t awaken again until some time after one in the afternoon, and when he did, the first thing he did was ask for food, followed shortly thereafter by a request for Cerulean to make a house visit. It wasn’t long until the blue unicorn was standing by the bedside, and at Whisper’s behest, Fluttershy left the two alone.

“It must be serious if you don’t want Fluttershy around, Whisper. What’s going on, little brother?”

“I tried to practice more magic yesterday...”

“I see. That explains why you’re so out of it today. You didn’t stop until you collapsed, I’m guessing.”

“How did you...”

“Trust me, I’ve exhausted myself many a time, just like you. Whisper, magic is as important to a unicorn as it is dangerous. If you ever run yourself completely dry of magic, you may die. You have to be careful, and especially as much trouble as you have controlling it, well, you tend to let a lot out at once. How long were you practicing?”

“I... don’t really know. I had a horrible headache, and it was really hard to stand. I remember climbing into the shower, and then I woke up here, in bed. I thought my head was going to split open or something...”

“Why, Whisper? Why are you doing this to yourself? Take it slowly, just...”

“I wanna talk!” Whisper noticed the softness fade from his brother’s features but he didn’t stop. “I know Fluttershy wants to see me get better. I wanna sing again, and laugh like when I was at the beach! I have to get better for her, so I can make her happy!”

“Tell me, Jade...”

His voice... got really scary.

“Is Fluttershy... pushing you to this?”

“No, not at all. She actually wants me to stop. Brother, why are you acting so scary?” Whisper couldn’t have known, not having no memory of home, but what Cerulean saw was a parallel between Whisper’s position and his parents. It was like poison oak to the soul, and it took all his self-control to maintain an even expression.

“I’m sorry, Whisper. I’m probably wrong.” Whisper saw past the feeble apology, as the war within his brother was still raging full force. “Don’t over do it. Please, for my sake, don’t strain yourself.”

“I won’t, not like this again. I... brother? Brother, wait!” Even after Cerulean closed the door, the messages kept coming, but he didn’t want to be seen in what he knew was likely an unjustified rage. Watching his parents’ relationship crumble had torn him apart then, and he wasn’t about to sit by and let the same happen to his little brother. Rationally, he knew there was simply no way a mare like Fluttershy could do something like that, but fear, by its very nature, is often unmerited.

“Cerulean, is everything ok? You look really upset...” Covering his face to give himself time to calm down, he took a deep breath and managed a neutral expression.

“Fluttershy... please, don’t hurt him.”

“Hurt him? I would never do that! Cerulean? Wait, what do you mean?” she called out as he walked to the door, pausing with it half way open and looking over his shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy. You didn’t deserve that... Can you forgive me?”

“Yes, of course, but, um, can you at least tell me what I did?”

“You didn’t do anything, Fluttershy. Just...” I shouldn’t even say it. She wouldn’t dream of it, Cerulean, so get that through your thick skull and stop acting like such a bucking jerk. “I was... reminded of something really painful,” he answered, turning to face her and trotting back over. “Jade has... been through a lot. And seeing you two together gives me hope for him. He doesn’t belong with anypony else, but sometimes... it’s hard not to let doubt creep in. I’m not... the strongest pony out there.”

“Um, well, neither am I,” Fluttershy said softly, matching the stallion’s rueful smile.

“I think you’re a lot stronger than you think, Fluttershy. I don’t think many would stay with a pony that could blow their house up with a single shout.”

“And, well, not many ponies would forgive somepony who, well... you know...”

“Heh, I suppose not,” he answered, chuckling softly. “Who knows, maybe I’ll even find a way to forgive her...”

“Who, Bangles? I thought you already had, though?” He shook his head, contemplating telling the mare, but as he saw his brother peek out from the room, he decided against it.

“No, Fluttershy, not Bangles. I’ll tell you at some point, just not now. Again, I’m sorry for getting so bent out of shape. Now, I believe my brother could use some pampering.” He raised his voice at the end to make sure Whisper knew he had been noticed, and as expected, he immediately closed the door and hopped back into bed. “I swear, that brother of mine...” Fluttershy looked up at Cerulean as a slow grin spread across his muzzle, and despite her curiosity at his enigmatic words, she said nothing, bidding him farewell as he took flight towards the library. And, taking Cerulean at his word, she returned to find Whisper playing innocent, and she was soon laughing beside him as they set the issue on the shelf, and there it stayed for the rest of the day.

On most days, Twilight didn’t particularly care to have her magic studies interrupted. While setting Spike off into the wide world of friendship filled her with almost as much pride and excitement as it did worry and anxiety, it also gave her a little more freedom in her studies, although she had to admit that the library had quickly fallen into disrepair. Yes, Dawn had made the most of it, finding books not just entertaining to scour for pictures, but also a good substitute for building blocks, herself having masterfully crafted several large forts under which to hide and play. Her magical developments seemed to be slowing down, which meant that her mind was progressing to a point where her magic had to be focused, and unexplainable magical feats were becoming few and far between. This was fine with Twilight, as she didn’t particularly care to have to be ready with a ward every time a tantrum was thrown.

However, she was in high spirits after the prior evening’s party, and given that Rarity hadn’t stormed over in a rage, she assumed that all was well on that front, and thus regarded Cerulean with curiosity as he gently closed the door behind him, let out a slow sigh, and plopped down beside her, resting his head heavily on her shoulder.

“Hmmm, now let me think... I just know there was a cure for the frumpies here somewhere...” she muttered, concealing a smile as she flipped through the pages. “What’s on your mind?” He willingly explained, and he couldn’t help but smile and nod as she rolled her eyes. “First, I’m proud of you for keeping your temper under control. Dash can be hard enough to handle sometimes. Secondly, I’m glad you didn’t do or say anything ill-tempered to Fluttershy. Given Whisper’s condition, she’s probably frightened enough, and I don’t even want to think about what Dash would try if you had freaked out. That being said... come here,” she said softly, holding him close as she remembered how hard it was for Cerulean to recount to her the details of his home life.

“You know... I kind of wish that I could get that out of the way... Whether it ends poorly or not, I can’t stand having it hang over my head. But... I can’t take the risk of letting Jade find out he has parents, only to have my mother push him away because he can’t speak.”

“Would she really do that?” Twilight asked, shaking her head. “The more I hear about her, the more I want to give her a lesson. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t really help resolve the problem.”

“Keep in mind she also believes he’s dead,” Cerulean added, wondering for what reason he was defending somepony he despised. “I’ve learned to cope with pain... but I can’t stand seeing Jade hurt any more. And... I really want to hear him laugh, too.”

“If he has even a smidgen of your tenacity, he will. He’ll find a way, just like Crimson, just like you.” Comfort turned to a more physical nature, and Twilight decided that she could postpone her studies for a while, but they had just made it to the bed when they realized two things. Firstly, leaving Dawn unattended was a bad idea, and Spike wasn’t around to tend to her. Secondly, the front door had opened and shut, signalling that somepony was inside, though they didn’t have long to wait, as Dawn made it quite clear.

“Spike? No noise, mommy and daddy thumping!”

“Thumping?” Twilight murmured, barely containing a laugh.

“Well, it’s better than bucking, right?” Cerulean replied, chuckling softly as Spike made his way up the stairs, rubbing his forehead. “Twilight, you are more learned in the field of biology than I, so correct me if I’m wrong, but is that not the imprint of a young filly’s hoof on young Spike’s forehead?”

“Very astute, Cerulean. Spike, what’d you say?” Twilight inquired, sharing her husband’s smile.

“Apparently, Sweetie Belle doesn’t like it when I compare her vocal warm-ups to... shoot, what did I say? I think it was something about stepping on a cat’s tail.” Sympathy was the opposite of what he received, Cerulean laughing unashamedly as Twilight the Teacher struggled to keep a straight face long enough to instruct her student.

“Spike... whatever would...” she paused, looking away and covering her muzzle with a hoof, shaking as she did so. “What would possess you to say something like that?”

“We tease each other all the time! I didn’t know she was going to freak out like that,” he defended, rubbing his head with a claw and wincing.

“And from this you learned...” she continued, offering a hoof and helping her stallion upright.

“Well... sometimes teasing is ok, but some things shouldn’t be made fun of?”

“Excellent work. Now, I’ll write out a letter later. First, go ice your head so the swelling goes down. Sweetie Belle will likely feel bad when she sees the mark she left. Secondly, apologize. You shouldn’t let things sit if you can take the initiative and fix something. Oh, and Spike? Is there any way you could watch Dawn for a little bit?” The young dragon faked a retching motion before rolling his eyes and waving as he left.

“Yeah, yeah, as long as I can do it sitting down.” The barrier went up behind him, and he grabbed his ice for his head, some ice cream for comfort, and sank into the couch, soon becoming lost in thought as he mulled over how much crazier, fun, and fulfilling his life had become since stepping out and mingling with ponies closer to his age. Sure, as far as years go, he was older by a good amount, but inside... Well, it was hard to say, but hanging out with Applebloom, Ruby, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just felt right. As he licked the spoon clean and prepared to dig for another scoop, he stopped as he realized that, for the first time in a while, he had found peace despite thrusting himself into a whole new lifestyle, and it was the lavender pony he had to thank for helping him make the change. And, if he was to repay that by watching their daughter so they can “thump,” well, he could tolerate that.

“Ice creams! Gimme!”

“Dawn, you can only have some if you promise not to tell Twilight, ok? I don’t want to get in trouble.”

“Kay~!” Knowing it would be futile to attempt to limit the filly’s sweet tooth, he gave her the rest of his portion and laid back with a sigh, having a moment or two of peace before Dawn, in a rare bout of generosity that was to be savored, thrust a rather large spoonful into the dragon’s mouth before continuing her meal. She glanced back over as Spike coughed and sputtered, noting not to show such gratitude in the future to a dragon who clearly didn’t appreciate her giving nature, and merrily demolished the rest herself as Spike wondered how the hay Twilight and Cerulean could manage their little bundle of giggling crazy.

“A walk through town? At night?” Fluttershy repeated, wondering if she had read Whisper’s message correctly, but judging by his vigorous head nodding, she had. “Well... I guess I don’t mind, but, well, how do you feel? Does your head still hurt?”

“Nope. I feel a lot better, after all that sleep.”

“That’s good to hear, Whisper. I was worried. Can you stand up?” Whisper all but leapt from the bed, though he had planned on his legs being fully awake, but after being in bed all day they were slightly stiff, and gave out the moment he touched down. Fluttershy immediately rushed to his side to make sure he was all right, only to find him shaking with silent laughter at his own error.

“Oh, ouch, tingly! Tingly pokies!” Accepting Fluttershy’s offered hoof, he righted himself and sat still for a moment before gingerly testing a hoof, pressing down. “Ok, I’m all better now. There should be less ponies out at night, right?”

“That’s right. Most anypony that’s out is going to the tavern at this hour, so there shouldn’t be many ponies on the streets.” She started to lead him out when a question flashed across her vision. “Well, a tavern is a place where ponies can go to eat and drink. There’s also a place for ponies to sing, if they’d like.” His curiosity piqued, he bolted ahead with energy not befitting one that spent most of the day bedridden, but Fluttershy accepted his recovery with glee and adopted a faster pace, though she slowed to a comfortable canter as they entered city limits.

As usual, Whisper bombarded her with a steady slew of questions, and she patiently answered them all, letting him explore a few of the closed stalls and even letting him pull a cart around a little bit, which he found to be one of the best things ever. He was reluctant to leave his wheeled friend, but he soon became distracted by the newest ponyism, and the next, and more after. As Fluttershy predicted, there were few ponies about, and those that did take notice of the couple paid them little heed.

“Fluttershy? What’s that noise I hear?”

“That’s the ponies inside the tavern. It’s a very lively place, and it was a little much for me when I first went. It’s ok, though. Most of the time, everypony is really friendly inside. Come on, we can peek in through the window.” Bolstered by the excitement in the mare’s voice, she led him over to the window and placed a hoof around his back to keep him from shrinking away.

“I think... that’s the most ponies I’ve ever seen at a time.” Giggling quietly, Fluttershy reached over and gently closed his mouth with a hoof, seeing that it was having trouble doing so of its own accord.

“Now let’s see... that over there, that’s the bar. They serve drinks for adults there that make your brain do funny things. This area, closer to us...” and on she went, pointing out all the wonders of the tavern that she had, sadly, not been able to enjoy since taking Whisper in. “And that there is the stage. Oh, look, Sweetie Belle is about to sing! She’s got a great voice.” Whisper’s ears twitched with anticipation, and a voice rang out over the crowds, clear and strong. Enchanted, the stallion closed his eyes and let the music wash over him, tapping his hoof in time with the beat that he could feel in the earth better than he could hear with his ears. He found himself longing for more as the song drew to an end, but then she selected another and started fresh.

Eventually, they moved on, exploring the rest of the town before heading back. Whisper, due to having slept most of the day, wasn’t all that tired, so Fluttershy allowed him to stay up later than normal while she turned in, and he promptly pulled out the crayons and got to work. Whisper, rather than simply using colors, had started to push more towards realism, and as he admired his work, which amounted to little more than a foal’s sketch, he glanced back towards Fluttershy’s room, reaffirming that no matter what it took, or how long or hard it was, he was going to keep practicing. Turning out the light, he quietly slipped away into the night, repeating his routine without frustration, only a drive to succeed. Stopping a good deal sooner than he had the first time as he felt himself start to tire, he snuggled in next to Fluttershy and closed his eyes, eager for the next day to begin; a day that would bring him one step closer to breaking free.