• Published 18th May 2012
  • 9,609 Views, 981 Comments

Song of Whispers - Wintergreen Diaries

Fluttershy befriends a pony who refuses to speak, believing his voice causes only disaster.

  • ...

Song of Broken Silence

Chapter 33: Song of Broken Silence

After having a thoroughly traumatized Sweetie Belle lament the bereavement of her first kiss, Rarity decided that some good, old-fashioned sugar therapy was in order, and seeing how ice cream could sometimes be a mare’s best friend, she laid aside her work to tend to her sister, offering what wisdom she could while fighting to keep her inner struggle out of visible sight. If there was one pony she didn’t want to know about her night with Carrot Top, it was Sweetie Belle, and she quickly diverted her attention from herself and into cheering up the once downcast filly. Halfway through her desert, Scootaloo and some of her other friends walked in, and Rarity gave her a nod, watching her sister dash off before returning her attention back to the pink mare who sat down across from her, finishing Sweetie Belle’s dessert before it went to waste.

“So, Pinkie, you certainly seem cheery.”

“Well, duh! Why wouldn’t I be? Being happy is way better than being sad.”

“I cannot argue with such infallible logic, but you seemed...” she paused, having difficulty determining if she even held the mare’s attention. I may as well be as direct as possible... “Pinkie, what did you mean by what you said to me in the shower? Did you have something on your mind?”

“Oh, um... well, maybe, but I’m not worrying right now, so it’s no biggie!” she exclaimed, giggling profusely.

“Pinkie, you know you can talk to your friends if you have a problem, right?” Rarity pressed, unable to shake the feeling that there was more going on than Pinkie was letting on, and as the mare paused for just a fraction of a second, her hoof dipped into the ice cream dish to collect the excess syrup, Rarity knew she was right.

“Of course, Rarity!” Pinkie asserted, throwing her hooves wide and sending a small spray of chocolate syrup to the ground. “I mean, that’s what friends are for, right? Laughing, and talking, and having loads of fun! I have to get back to work now, so see ya!”

“Pinkie, wait.” Pinkie’s stood still for a moment before whirling around with her ever-present grin still intact. “Why don’t you come with me to Sweet Apple Acres? There’ll even be a new pony to play with.” The fact that she didn’t launch into the air at the mere mention of the new pony, whom she still hadn’t been introduced to other than testing his taste, sent off all kinds of warnings, and she actually paused in what appeared to be deep thought.

“Yeah, ok, I guess I can skip out on baking. Mrs. Cake? Is it ok if I take the rest of the day off?”

“Of course, Pinkie. We’ll take care of everything here. Go have fun with your friends.”

Limitations placed on one’s conduct are foreign to somepony who thrives on chaos, so it was sometimes difficult for Discord to know how much he could liven up the lives of the many boring ponies going about their mundane tasks before pushing things just a bit too far. Surveying the scene, he found little more than good, clean fun and happy spirits, which was about as exciting as to him as dipping one’s muzzle in paint and proceeding to watch it dry. The obvious conclusion? Mess with Applejack. If nothing else, she’d get upset and chase him a little.

Hmmm, let’s see now... oh, I have just the thing! Applejack was busy setting baskets around her next mark, and as she picked another up, she turned to find that one was missing. Glancing around, she didn’t see anypony acting suspicious, so she placed another and prepared to resume, only to find the one she had just set down had also mysteriously vanished.

“Applebloom, are you stealin’ mah baskets?” Applejack called out, wondering if it was revenge for pulling her away from her friends.

“What’re you talkin’ ‘bout, sis? Ah’ve been collectin’ the ones from the last tree!” she retorted, expertly balancing a loaded basket on her head as if to prove her point.

“Well, somepony’s messin’ with mah baskets, ah think. Ah know ah can’t be goin’ that crazy...” Applejack muttered, looking around. With a sigh, she turned to grab another basket only to find they were gone, and upon looking back, she found a whole cart’s worth under one tree. “Discord...” The draconequus was nowhere in sight, and with a sigh, Applejack began removing the extra baskets to the base of a different tree, uttering dire warnings against further unwanted roaming.

“Applejack, why’re you talkin’ t’ the baskets?”

“‘Cause they keep actin’ silly, Applebloom, that’s why!” she asserted, setting down the last of the extras and eyeing each tree with a glare, silently commanding everything to stay put. Discord was watching with glee as she prepped to rain down a shower of apples, and he snapped his paw once, folded his arms across his chest, and sat back to watch.

“What ‘n tarnation?” Applejack murmured, turning to face the tree she had just given a solid buck, only to have no apples fall. “Oh ho, gonna be difficult, are ya now? Watch this, Applebloom. Ah’m gonna teach this tree a lesson!” Second buck, no apples. Third buck, one apple. “Ah’ll right, Discord. If that’s the way you wanna play, then take... this!” Summoning all her strength, she braced herself and planted the tree with a mighty buck, splintering the trunk with a resounding crack as the tree toppled over, falling with a crash. Applejack stood staring a moment, horrified at the loss of a good tree. “Discord! That’s gonna be yer face when ah find you, ya hear me?” she shouted, scoring the ground with a hoof.

“Applejack, that was amazin’! Ah didn’t know you could buck a tree down flat!” Applebloom exclaimed in awe, rushing over and inspecting the stump. Her sister’s praise temporarily dispelled the frustration, at least until she moved to the next tree, reared, bucked, and found herself buried as every leaf fell from the tree and all of the apples remained contentedly at their place of rest.

“Oh, if you could only see the look on your face, Applejack. Priceless!” Discord chortled, slithering over and placing a claw around her shoulders.

“Trust me, Discord,” she started, sounding bored, before whipping around, mistaking him for a tree, and winding him as she acted accordingly. “Still think it was priceless? Now, stop messin’ with mah orchard!” Luna broke off her discussion with Whisper and cantered over to Discord, who remained on his back as he conjured new ploys with which to harass the ponies present.

“Art thou having fun?”

“Oh yes, quite! It’s hilarious the way she thinks a single buck would keep me from spreading chaos.”

“And what might be next on thine devious mind, hmmm? More jokes at my sister’s expense? Perhaps a bit of fun with Rainbow Dash?”

“Actually, I was thinking it might be fun to mess with the newest addition to the random stallions appearing in Ponyville and bedding with the Elements.”

“I advise against such things, Discord," Luna warned, growing annoyingly serious. "Everypony is quite protective of Fluttershy, and if you do anything to upset Whisper, you’ll have everypony here after you.”

“That sounds absolutely delightful!” Discord chortled, brushing himself off and eyeing his next victim.

“I know not why I even deign to bother... Don’t do anything too drastic, or I shall be after you as well. He’s such a sweet little colt...”

“Good job, Whisper!” Fluttershy stooped to pick up a few of the stray apples that had missed the baskets after Whisper’s buck. Every encouraging word seemed to fill him with more excitement, and while she knew he was going to be plumb exhausted by sunset, he was too busy dashing from apple to apple, making sure not a single one was lost. He allowed his inner energies to go idle for a moment as Fluttershy loaded a basket onto his back, and together they moved them to cart. Taking a moment to rest, she watched him dance through the leaves, his mane swishing to and fro as he sang on the inside. It filled her with as much affection as it did worry, the fact that such an energetic stallion would take an interest in somepony as quiet as herself, and she found her anxieties bubbling to the surface despite her efforts to cram them down.

Whisper’s never been anything but kind to me, but I wonder... if things will always be like this? She shook her head, trying to expel thoughts she knew she shouldn’t be having. Whisper ceased his antics just long enough to wave her over, signalling he was ready to begin working on the next tree, and she crammed her misgivings down and trotted to meet him, her smile confusing the stallion who sensed something else present, however faint it was.

“Fluttershy, is everything all right?”

“Oh, well, um... mostly. I’m fine, I think, so don’t worry about it.” Whisper’s stare became uncomfortable as he tried to decipher what exactly she meant, and while she knew it wouldn’t help, she again found herself hiding behind her mane.

I can’t tell what this is, but it isn’t good. It’s not very strong, and it’ll probably go away, but I don’t want to just wait for it to leave. There’s got to be something... “I’ll be right back.” Cantering away, he sought out Cerulean, who had resorted to using magic to aid in his harvesting endeavours, a stomp of his hoof sending out a blunted pillar slamming into the base of the tree, every bit as effective as his hooves. “I’m jealous.”

“Whisper, trust me... the spell you taught me is far more impressive than a bit of ice.” Whisper sat down, blowing the hair out of his face so he could see better.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s there or not, I still can’t even lift things. I mean, if I could use magic, then I could make Fluttershy happier right now.” Remembering both of his conversations the day prior, he glanced over at Fluttershy, who immediately averted her gaze.

“Whisper... I don’t think Fluttershy needs magic right now. She just needs a little reassurance that...” Cerulean paused, unsure of if Fluttershy wanted their conversation to be kept secret or not. “Whisper, is it exciting for you to be with Fluttershy?”

“More than anything. I mean, I know I get a little crazy exploring, but...” he paused, not bothering to fight the longing within just to be with the mare and make her smile. “There’s nothing better in the world than being with Fluttershy. Why do you think I’m trying so hard? I want to tell her that...” He accepted his brother’s embrace, but it wasn’t the pony he wanted a hug from.

“There’s a really old saying, ‘actions speak louder than words.’ Think about what makes her happy, and find a way to show her.” Whisper nodded slowly, wracking his brain to try and find a solution. He idly scratched at the earth with a hoof, tracing random lines before stopping cold.

“Thanks, brother. I think I have just the thing!” Bending down, he grabbed a small branch and trotted over to Fluttershy, who didn’t look up as he approached.

I hate worrying him like this, but I can’t just make it go away... I know what Twilight said is true, but I just... A scratching noise bid her open her eyes again, and she glanced up to find Whisper with a stick in his mouth, sketching in the dirt as he had when he first saw Discord. He finished the first form, which resembled himself, and moved on to the second, drawing Fluttershy a short distance from his first sketch. As he put the finishing touches on her mane, he straightened up, looking at the drawing and then to her.

“Do you see the problem?”

“Um... I... No, I’m sorry...” she said softly, head drooping as she tried to understand. He motioned her over and bid her sit beside him, and as she took her seat, he scooted a little closer so there was no distance between them.

“Here, I’ll show you.” He slowly drew a circle that encompassed the faces of both ponies before setting down the stick and beaming over at her with shining eyes. “See? They’re much too far apart. But I can’t fix that on my own.” Whisper gave her muzzle a gentle nudge with his own while he wrapped his hooves around her, and together they closed the distance.

Discord watched in silence from the tree they were huddled under, and as the kiss ended, they took a break from harvesting, Fluttershy curling up against Whisper’s chest and whispering words of thanks as her worries were again beaten back. Not even the king of chaos could bring himself to disrupt the pair, the sickening sensation of love thick in the air and too plain to deny, and thus he quietly left the two and wandered off, sitting by himself as he experienced a rare moment of deep contemplation. Luna had been watching the proceedings with great interest, and she cantered over to the disgruntled draconequus with curiosity.

“What is this? Discord, this is quite unlike you. Art thou not going to continue thine pranking?”

“Some things are not meant to be disturbed.”

“Hmmm, it would seem that my sister is having more of an effect on you than I thought,” Luna mused, sitting beside him and looking out at the other ponies just in time to see Celestia having a bit of fun herself, teleporting an entire tree out of the way as Storm attempted to buck it, his hooves missing their mark, no longer present, and landing him flat on his stomach as he lost balance. “And you on her, it seems,” Luna concluded, chuckling as Rainbow Dash high-hoofed Celestia.

“So it would seem,” Discord replied a faint smile coming to his face as he shrugged off the contemplative and reverted to normal while Celestia replaced the tree and cantered over.

“Hast thou a special love for trees that thou wouldst steal, sister?” Luna asked, noting Celestia’s beaming features and greeting them with her own.

“Well, I wouldn’t...”

“Trees?” Discord interjected, teleporting atop a nearby gala tree. “Let’s see... rooted, unmoving, boring, and in this one’s case, tasty.”

“Your point?” Celestia offered, trotting past and paying him no heed.

“Oh, no point at all, your highness, I was just struck by the similarities you share with them.”

“You find my sister to be tasty, then?” Luna teased, laughing at her own joke before realizing that Celestia had stopped moving, a blush rising to her cheeks as she slowly turned and gave Discord a warning stare.

“Oh, come now, Celestia. A smile it much more fitting for a princess, and I said not a word,” he said gleefully, appearing atop her back and lounging as if laying in a hammock before being hastily bucked from his perch. Luna was now intrigued by the development, and wasn’t about to drop it.

“Sister, is there truth in my words? Art thou... really...”

“Luna, some things are not for a little sister to know,” Celestia said quickly, knowing that her words carried no weight.

“So you are kissing that... abomination?”

“No, I am not!”

“Well, now, that’s not entirely true,” Discord corrected, adopting an aggravatingly condescending tone. “Do you mean with regularity, or one night stands? It is an important distinction to make.”

“Discord! Don’t you...” she started before she felt a sudden weight land on her back, and she put the reigns on her anger and smiled sweetly, offering but a single chance for the draconequus to escape a day on the surface of the sun. “Discord, I would have you not filling my sister’s mind with ridiculous notions... understood?”

“And what shall I receive for my good behavior, hmmm?” He was promptly bucked from her back, and he adopted a lounging position on the ground as Celestia towered over him.

“If I’m feeling generous, your life, perhaps.”

“How unbelievably stingy for a princess with everything, but I suppose a beggar like myself should take what he can get,” Discord murmured, staring up at the princess and gauging her words. Luna watched with growing concern as Celestia leaned down, whispered something she couldn’t make out to the now chuckling draconequus before cantering off, blushing lightly and prompting immediate investigation.

“Sister, thou hast explaining to do! Come back!” A tremendous gasp halted the procession, and Discord had no time to react before a certain pink catastrophe was upon him, fierce, jovial insanity burning within a pair of clear, blue eyes.

“Why, if it isn’t my favorite mmph!” he started, before he was unceremoniously “tasted” quite thoroughly. Applejack immediately covered her sister’s eyes as many of Pinkie’s friends pulled wry faces at the scene. Whisper, however, had just two questions on the subject.

"Um, Fluttershy? Who's that pink pony kissing Discord? And why is the white alicorn making a scary face?"

“T-that’s Pinkie Pie, and she, well, probably likes the way he... tastes,” Fluttershy managed. Whisper watched as she pulled up for air, said something really quick about chocolate milk, and then went back for seconds, all while Discord tried not to let the bubbling laughter tear forth as he glanced over at where Celestia stood with a regal glare stamped on her features, eye twitching slightly. Whisper was quite content to watch the strange proceedings, at least until Pinkie spotted him from afar and came bounding over, at which point he immediately became defensive.

“No, wait, I don’t want to be tasted! I don’t taste good, really!”

“Huh? Oh, nonono, I’m not going to taste you again, silly. That was a one time thing, and besides, you tasted like salad, and that’s boring! Maybe if I had a big thing of ranch dressing to dip you in...” she trailed off, her mind overclocked on just how she’d find such a thing in the middle of an orchard.

“Fluttershy, help! She wants to dip me in something and eat me!”

“Whisper, I don’t think she really wants to eat you. Just calm down, it’s...”

“What’s that, a big bowl of ranch? Consider it yours, Pinkie,” Discord chortled, a tremendous earthenware bowl arising from the dirt and filling itself with creamy ranch style dressing.

“Discord, a word?” Celestia called, and he gave one last glance as Pinkie disregarded boundaries and hefted Whisper into the vat amidst much non-verbal protest while Dawn pranced around the perimeter, singing praises of the only recently discovered "salad frosting," a delightful substance that turned something bland and healthy into a tolerable meal.

Pinkie Pie, you are such a delightful mare... Nothing like this pony that will likely have my horns simply for trying to have a good time. Discord's musings came to an end as Celestia and himself wandered off, with Luna none-too-stealthily trailing them to make sure nothing strange happened, or at least to ascertain if anything would. Whisper emerged from the white goop with a gasp, scrambling to clear his vision only to find the Pink mare equally coated and making little attempt to eat him as expected, but simply splashing like it was some kind of bath.

“Pinkie!” Applejack cried out, rushing over. “You’re goin’ t’ scare him!”

“Scare him? Name one thing that’s scary about taking a bath in salad dressing!” Pinkie countered, pointing a gooey hoof.

“It ain’t about the dressing, it...”

“Well, of course it’s not just about the dressing! You can’t have dressing without salad, and with the new pony here, it’s perfect!” Whisper could only stare dumbly as Pinkie argued her viewpoint with logic not of Equestria, blinking as the creamy substance ran from his mane. A familiar, comforting voice came from behind, and he turned to find a very apologetic looking Fluttershy peeking over the rim of the bowl.

“I’m so, so sorry, Whisper. Are you... ok?”

“I’m a mess,” he pouted, lifting his hooves for her to see before dropping them back into the mire.

“Yes, you are,” she giggled softly, leaning over the side and blushing as she licked his nose. “You’re pretty tasty, though.”

“Oh, really? I wouldn’t mind if you tried to eat me.” Did I? Yes, a smile! Woohoo! “You know... I’d feel better if you were here with me.” Fluttershy hesitated for just a moment, staring at the offered hoof, before accepting it with a soft squish, climbing over the bowl and sliding in with a plop next to her stallion. It struck her just how odd the setting was as a whole, something she never would have dared to try not all that long ago, but sitting in the soothingly cool bowl of dressing, looking back into shining scarlet eyes, she knew it was thanks to the stallion who playfully splashed her that she had grown as much as she had.

“Whisper? Thank you.” He paused, hoof raised, before Fluttershy took the initiative, splashing him back and squealing as the strange fight escalated. A lull occurred after a few moments, and as Fluttershy examined herself, and then Whisper, she found a spark of his exuberance had found its way into her heart, and the time they were sharing at that moment fanned it into a fire. Disregarding everypony present as her affection for Whisper blotted out any thoughts of social repercussions, she beamed over at him, wiped the excess from his mouth, and pulled him into a deep kiss, the kind they had only shared once. Ranch covered wings spread wide as her friends tried to appreciate the tender moment despite such an utterly preposterous venue.

“What... what was...”

“You said it would be ok if I tried to eat you, right?” Fluttershy whispered, knowing full well her audience was horrified but too enamored to care. These worries can all just buck themselves. Oh dear, did I really just think that? What in Equestria has come over me? She paused a moment, looking from face to face and blushing deeply. She looked intently into Whisper’s eyes, searching to find herself in the reflection. “Whisper? I’m sorry for making you worry before. I’m going to try and be strong for you, but can you... just tell me that I’m...”

“The best pony ever, the one who taught me that the world isn’t so scary afterall?” His hooves wrapped around her middle, sliding underneath her wings as he drew her close, gently pressing his cheek to hers. “You’ll always be my one and only special somepony, Fluttershy. Always.” It was too much for Fluttershy’s heart to handle, and she pressed in for another kiss, filling everypony with utterly conflicted emotions at the confounding happenstance laced with lethal levels of adorable.

“Sis, what ‘n tarnation am ah seein’? Ah don’t know whether t’ get a camera or run away screamin’,” Applebloom muttered, having broken free only to find that she wasn’t sure she wished she hadn’t. Applejack couldn’t answer, but simply shook her head at her sister’s expert summary.

“Hey, no fair! I want a ranch pony to taste!” Pinkie lamented quite loudly, instantly galvanizing Fluttershy into maximum Whisper defense mode, and she quickly stood between the two.

“Now, don’t you get any ideas about kissing Whisper, Pinkie. I, um, will do anything to stop you, so, well, please don’t make me... do anything.” Pinkie complied, just not in the way Fluttershy had imagined, and Whisper’s jaw dropped as the crazy mare took his place, planting Fluttershy with a tremendous smooch and effectively paralyzing the hapless pegasus. Rarity, who had fallen far behind do to an off comment about how Discord may have been present since she knew the princesses were at the farm, arrived at the scene just in time to see the fateful connection, and as Whisper caught Fluttershy to keep her from drowning in the gooey mess due to a sudden loss of strength in her limbs, Rarity spoke for everypony present.

“...I simply do not have the stomach for this,” she murmured, covering her face with a hoof.

"Rarity, you've gotta come join us. The dressing is great!" Pinkie exclaimed, motioning wildly not just to her favorite dressmaker, but to everypony else as well.

"As marvelous as bathing in, eh... that... sounds, I simply must decline your... generous offer.” Pinkie wouldn’t have it, and Rarity took a step back as Pinkie bounded out, slowly marching towards her and giggling like crazy. “Pinkie, I am warning you, if you lay a single...”

“Please, play with me...” Rarity stopped cold, shocked by the sudden shift, and seizing her opportunity, Pinkie expertly lobbed Rarity directly into the center of the bowl and dove in after her. Rarity was beside herself, limbs frozen as she felt the dressing oozing around her ears, dripping from her snout and mane.

“Pinkie, you and I are going to have words later,” Rarity said flatly, staring pointedly at the mare who spurned her frustration with an amiable grin.

“Yeah, sure! I love talking. Come on, everypony!” she shouted, looking from face to face.

“Oh, what the hay, why not?” Storm remarked, using his wings to launch himself into the air and landing with a splash, high-hoofing Pinkie Pie and waving to Rainbow Dash. One by one, the sizable bowl became crowded with ponies splashing and laughing, all save Silver, Applejack, and Applebloom, who simply shook their heads in disbelief.

“Come on, Applejack! It’s really not so bad,” Rainbow Dash called out, wiping her eyes and leaning over the rim.

“Sugarcube, ain’t no way I’m climbin’ in there.”


“What’d you say?”

“I said you’re scared, plain and simple!”

"Chicken!" Dawn repeated, attempting to splash some at Applejack but merely sending a small spout into her own face.

“No ah ain’t, now...” Applejack started before Dash's jibes became irksome enough to cast aside personal cleanliness.

“You totally are!” Silver didn’t even bother trying to restrain her as his wife joined the fray, and he could only smile as the princesses returned, adopting a formal tone as he addressed them, all while Discord fought back tears of pride at his handiwork.

“Welcome, your highnesses. Would you care for a bath?”

After an hour whipped past at startling speeds, Discord’s bowl was abandoned in a mass exodus of dripping, laughing ponies who made their way towards the barn, where Whisper was introduced to the fascinating pony technology known as a hose. He regarded the large coiled snake with fright, having seen a few in his roaming and found them to be of ill temper, and it wasn’t until Applejack turned the knob, grabbed it by the neck, and proceeded to shower everypony with a much needed cleansing torrent of water that he relaxed. She rolled her eyes as Storm and Rainbow Dash regarded each other’s dripping forms with looks even Whisper could understand, and after being cleaned himself, Applejack was about to move on to Fluttershy after having been cleaned by Silver when a silent request gave her cause to smile.

“What’s that now? Well, sure, ah don’t mind if you give it a try,” Applejack agreed, hoofing the hose over to the eager stallion who nearly caught her hoof in his haste to snatch it up, and Fluttershy suddenly found herself fixed with eyes that burned with youthful mischief.

“Whisper, now wait just a... eeek!” The spray didn’t just come from one angle, but many as he danced around her, cleansing her coat and mane of salad dressing. She found minimal success with her feeble attempts to block the spray, and succumbed to her fate, giggling and sputtering. “Ok, that’s enough, I think. I’m all clean.” Whisper stared at her for a moment, and she could swear he was grinning even with a mouth full of hose.

“What about right... there!” He doused her with a short spray, trotting a little closer and spraying her again.

Oh, so that’s how he wants to play? Well, he doesn’t know that I know how to stop any stallion. I was a model, after all. Fluttershy again reminded everypony present save herself that she had a rather unbecoming habit of becoming lost in the moment, to a point where she would take certain actions that fit her personality about as much as Rarity gluing rocks to her face. “Oh dear,” she started, adopting a sultry tone that brought a stunned hush over the yard, “it’s so cold and wet...” She took a step forward, whipping her mane back and leering at a stallion who, no matter what his level of ignorance, was entranced by the mare slowly walking towards him. “If only I had a nice, hot stallion to... heat things up... Make it just a little...” she paused, drawing her lips to his ear and whispering, “steamy...”

The hose fell to the ground with a small splash as his mouth fell open, a soft green light from his horn reflecting off of Fluttershy’s damp coat as she slid her hooves around his neck, and he couldn’t stop a shudder from passing over him as she gently nibbled on an ear. Pulling away, she held his gaze as she lowered her head, and while he wondered if this was some kind of prelude to rolling in the hay, or mud, as it were, she broke the spell by snatching up the hose and dowsing the hapless stallion with a torrent of water, not stopping until he ran out of range. “And let that be a lesson to you, Whisper!” she called out cheerfully, feeling quite proud of her assertive behavior and treasuring the messages being sent, and she indulged another kiss as Whisper came trotting back before turning around and realizing that she had forgotten one minor detail; all of her friends were watching.

“I... he... but...” Her face soon matched her mane, the sudden heat in her cheeks flooding through the rest of her body as embarrassment gripped her. “...oh dear.”

“Fluttershy... that was, uh...” Applejack started before Rarity began clapping her hooves with avid enthusiasm.

“Simply marvelous! Fluttershy, that was truly magnificent, the way you stood up for yourself. In fact, I doubt even I could have done that any better!” she declared, trotting over and giving Fluttershy a mighty embrace. “You make this mare proud, Fluttershy. I shan’t ever worry about you handling yourself again.”

“Um, thank you, I think,” she replied, glancing anywhere but her friends. I can’t believe I did something like that in front of everypony... again. And yet, as she felt a gentle pressure of a cherished hoof on her cheek and smiled, she could almost feel the joy radiating from the stallion standing before her, and Rarity gave them both a wink before trotting away.

“Storm, why are your wings like that?” Rainbow Dash asked, setting Fluttershy’s recovery time back by another few minutes as she turned to find both of her friend’s wings outstretched.

“Really, must you even ask that?” Rarity interjected, having stopped upon hearing the question. “This is Fluttershy we’re talking about, perhaps the only pony whose feminine wiles could even come close to comparing to mine.”

“Well, look who’s all full of herself! I bet I could get more stallions looking than you, easy! I’m a show mare, remember?”

“Yes, well, you’ve also put on weight, so...”

“All right, that’s it!” Rainbow Dash yelled, struggling against Storm’s hooves. “Lemme go! I’m gonna teach that mare a lesson!”

“You ain’t the only one, sugarcube,” Applejack defended, trotting over to her cyan friend and stomping a hoof. “Rarity, that’s just downright mean, an’ you know it.”

“Hmmm, perhaps,” she conceded, nodding to both of them. “You both have your charms, and I meant no real offense. I’ll tell you what, I’ll make you both maternity dresses for my apology, and perhaps a little something to spice up the night?”

“Sold!” Storm declared, squeezing tightly as Rainbow Dash ceased her struggle and imagined the possibilities.

“Ah already asked you fer some, an ah ain’t gotten it yet,” Applejack pointed out, cringing as she realized her blunder.

“Really, sweetheart? Now, that’s right kind of ya,” Silver said with a laugh, drawing his blushing mare close.

“Dangit, that was supposed t’ be a surprise!” she groaned, leaning against him before looking back to Rarity with a wide grin. “Ah think you’re almost back to yer old self. You better be sure t’ do somethin’ nice fer Sweetie Belle. That ring sure has changed you fer the better,” Applejack chuckled, cantering over and patting Rarity on the shoulder before trotting away with Silver to see if Granny Smith needed any help setting up for dinner. Rarity fell uncommonly quiet, jolting Fluttershy from her shame and bidding her wander over to her friend.

“Um, Rarity? Is everything all right?”

“Yes, I... was just thinking, is all...”

“Oh, all right then... Don’t think too hard, ok?” Fluttershy urged, turning away and scrambling to keep up with her stallion as he dashed away.

“Hello~! Anypony home?” Pinkie chortled. It took several waves of a hoof and a bubbly voice to yank Rarity from her introspection, and she blinked a few times and straightened up only to have Pinkie jam her ear against Rarity’s muzzle.

“Pinkie, may I ask what you’re doing?” Rarity inquired, pulling her head back and wiping her snout.

“Well, you said before that you had words for me, and words come from the mouth, and since your face was super duper serious, I figured it was really important and wanted to listen extra close!” Pinkie quipped, staring back expectantly.

“Pinkie, I was simply... Nevermind, do not worry about it,” Rarity replied with a sigh, shaking her head and trotting away to meet the rest as Pinkie watched from where she sat, letting slip a sigh of her own. She watched everypony pitching in to set up dinner in the orchard, but rather than join them, she returned to the barn, found a large pile of hay to lie down in, and closed her eyes, hoping a quick nap might make smiling at dinner a little bit easier.

That evening's dinner taught the ever willing to learn Whisper a number of things. Firstly, alcohol makes ponies act very silly, doing illogical things like dancing on the table, chasing one’s tail, eating said tail upon capturing the elusive beast, bucking trees that weren’t there, and so forth. It also made a certain beautiful mare, currently latched to his foreleg, pleasantly affectionate, giggly, and clingy, which only added to the wonder of an evening of revelry. The atmosphere, the laughter, the food, the ponies... Whisper couldn’t imagine a happier place, and thus it was that he decided he rather liked parties, and would have to brave the tavern very soon.

It struck him as odd that Pinkie Pie, whom he was warned beforehoof had a penchant for antagonizing ponies she had only recently met, all but ignored him, paying much more attention to one fashionista who became more and more receptive to the party mare’s antics in proportion with the amount of alcohol consumed. She had arrived later than expected, shortly after Applebloom left, but nopony paid the detail much notice, as she quickly switched onto maximum party mode. Fluttershy had only consumed two drinks, and it was enough to make her quite a bit louder than was usual for her, but Whisper couldn’t bring himself to complain. How could he? As he opened his heart and listened past the voices, almost everything he could sense was boundless joy. Oddly enough, it was Pinkie and Rarity that were giving off the strangest vibes, but not wanting to spoil the tone of the evening, he left the matter alone.

“All right, everypony, can I have your attention?” Silver called out, causing a lull and eventual quite. “It seems we’ve all let ourselves go a little bit tonight...” he started, waiting as a few rousing cheers shook the trees. “There are plenty of rooms here on the farm, so I’d like to extend an invitation to all of you. Free hangover cure for anypony that sleep here on the farm. Sound reasonable?” There was unanimous agreement, and the temporary halt was all it took for everypony to realize that they were worn to the bone from a good day of work in the fields. Silver stood by the door, handing out vials and graciously accepting compliments on his brews, but as Whisper and Fluttershy approached, he leaned in close and whispered something to the stallion too soft for Fluttershy to hear. He tilted his head a moment before nodding, and heading inside.

“La la... la la la~! Teehee, thanks, Whisper...” Fluttershy murmured as he held open the door, supporting her weight and moving her towards the bed. “Oh my, Whisper, how rude,” she giggled, standing by the bedside and giving him an irresistible smile. “You can’t just... offer to bed with me like that.”

“Fluttershy, I wouldn’t... I mean...” Throwing her hooves around him, she pulled him onto the bed with her, giggling uncontrollably and nuzzling his cheek. Nuzzling turned to tasting, and before he was overcome by whatever the primal urge welling from within was telling him to do, he carefully extracted himself and was immediately assailed by sadness from the mare.

“Whisper? Where are you going? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, come... come back, please.”

“Fluttershy, it’s ok,” he immediately soothed, holding her close. “Silver asked to see me, but I wanted to make sure you were safe here in bed first. I’ll be back soon, so don’t fall asleep without me, ok?”

“Ok... don’t take too long, though.” Parting with a tender kiss, he ignored the glowing of his horn, as well as the thoughts that fueled it, and returned outside where Silver sat with a small cask, and Cerulean beside him.

“Hey there, Whisper. Take a seat,” Silver said cheerfully, patting the ground beside him. Whisper obeyed, eyeing the cask with great interest. “Whisper? Tell me, what is it you want most?” Bewildered, he cast a curious eye to his brother, who nodded that he should answer.

“Well... I mean, I don’t want to sound ungrateful... I’ve found more than I ever thought I would have, but...” He paused, glancing back towards the house.

“Cerulean tells me you’ve been practicing your magic, trying to learn how to control it so you can talk normally. Why?”

“Because I... I want to tell Fluttershy that I love her. I want to sing for her, laugh when she laughs... I just want to make her happy.” Silver repeated the words for Cerulean to hear, who nodded his approval before making an offer that seemed too good to be true.

“Whisper... it’s not a permanent fix, but if there was a way to, just for a little while, give you a chance at being able to talk to Fluttershy, would you take it?”

“It’s not like the horn ring thing, is it? Brother, you know that was too scary for me...”

“No, no, it’s nothing like that,” Cerulean quickly assured him, sitting beside him and wrapping a hoof around his shoulders. “Silver can probably explain better, but let me just offer this little bit of advice, Whisper. I think that part of your problem with magic is that you’re trying to force it out. For most unicorns, just knowing the spell and releasing the magic accordingly is enough, but you... you’re different.”

“I don’t like being different. I wanna be normal.”

“Whisper, while it may be buried deep, your talent is likely just as special as the rest of your magic. I know it’s been hard for you, being so afraid, but dad... he gave all of us kids a piece of his gift, and you got most of it.”

“Wait, dad? I have a dad? Do I have a mom, too?” Cerulean cursed himself for his mistake in bringing it up, but it was too late to take it back.

“Whisper, some day... you’ll get to meet them. They live very far away, but listen close, Whisper. I want you to try something next time you attempt to use magic. Think of Fluttershy.”

“But... don’t I need to be thinking about the spell you showed me?”

“You have all the knowledge, baby brother,” he replied affectionately, giving him a tight squeeze. “Just try it. I have a hunch it will help. Think back on all the memories you’ve made with her, and let that guide your magic. Now, that being said...” he trailed off, motioning for Silver to do his part. He lifted the cask with magic, filling an empty cup with a small amount of Zap Apple moonshine and levitated it over Whisper.

“What is this? It smells really good, and it’s really... really pretty,” he sent, staring in awe at the faint array of lights dancing from the clear fluid.

“It’s a drink that draws out the deepest desires of the heart. If your truest desire really is to speak to Fluttershy, this may just show you the way.”

“But... but what if I...” he started, looking over at Cerulean with pleading eyes.

“I can wait outside the door. If anything happens, I’ll be right there to save you. You don’t have to be afraid of anything, Whisper.” No further messages came as Whisper fell into a deep contemplation. Was a single night of freedom worth the risk? He had all but leveled her house once in his fear, had toppled a tree on them both, and repeatedly proved that his magic had only ever served to worsen the lives of those around him. Cerulean could see his eyes scrunched tight as the most painful memories threatened to overcome, and he offered one last word of advice, learned through his own trials which had all been made worthwhile by the act of one pony giving him a chance.

“Whisper... don’t forget the good times. Life can seem like an endless string of bad things, but sometimes, it’s the one pony that makes the difference. Fluttershy can be that pony for you, but not if you refuse to let go of the past, and try to build a new future.” Like a floodgate, the myriad of pleasant memories that had been repressed by fear came rushing back. Fluttershy giving him tea for the first time, when they watched a movie and shared popcorn, when she laid with him in the great darkness during his long sleep, and perhaps his two most cherished memories came to the forefront: the time they had danced, lost in their own world, and the very first time he had been allowed to touch her cheek. Even before he tilted back the glass and drank deep, he made a promise to himself that he would speak. It may not be much, it may not even make sense, but he was going to try.

“Thank you, Silver. And you too, big brother,” he said silently, giving Cerulean a massive hug and peering back at Silver through his hair, beaming. “Now, I have to go. I told Fluttershy that I wouldn’t keep her waiting long.”

“Well, what’re you sitting around for?” Cerulean cried in mock horror, shoving Whisper lightly away. “Get back to your mare, Whisper. They never like to be kept waiting.” Not bothering to send a reply, he trotted back into the house, and cracked open the door to where he left Fluttershy as quietly as possible on the off chance she was sleeping. She was, perhaps, the opposite of sleeping, the pain of seperation combining with the alcohol to push her to new limits of frisky behavior, and Whisper was promptly tackled upon setting hoof inside the door. Cerulean discretely closed the door, commenting to Silver as he passed that he wouldn’t stay much longer if he heard anything other than talking, sharing a soft chuckle as he sat down and rested his head against the wall.

Come on, Jade... Just a laugh... He listened quietly for a time before his eyes snapped open, filling with tears of indescribable joy at the sound he heard.

“You were gone way too long, mister. Now, you’re in a lot of trouble~!” Her words and actions didn’t match up, but Whisper couldn’t rightly complain as she stood over him, leaning close and, surprisingly, not going for his lips but nuzzling his cheek. “Did you... have fun today?”

It’s so strange... normally, I’d be having a lot of trouble thinking like this, but right now... All I can think of is you, Fluttershy. Recalling his brother’s words, he let the memories come forth, and he slowly wrapped his hooves around her neck, pulling her in close. “Fl...” No amount of alcohol could have staved off the wave of elation and shock, and she pulled away, staring in disbelief. “Flu... Flu... ter... shy?” His words came slowly, and were hesitant, timid, soft, and beautiful to the mare whose name was spoken.

“W-Whisper? You... you’re...” He stood up as she back away, wonder shining in green eyes that were filling with tears of joy that only spurred him to greater efforts.

“Can... can we... dance?” Just like before...

“Whisper, I... yes. Yes, we can dance...” she managed, trembling as he stood and pulled her close. His nose touched lightly to hers as her hooves squeezed tighter, and even though she was crying, he knew it wasn’t the sad kind. Her one selfish wish, one that she hadn’t held for long, had been granted too suddenly for her to prepare, and with every step, every brush of his soft fur against her chest, she felt her love grow. It was almost too much, like she was about to burst, and a faint light caused her to open her eyes and behold Whisper with awe. “This is...”

“Don’t... be scared...” I’m not, so... please, don’t be afraid. Just like in the forest, his chest had begun to glow, right over the heart, and as she pulled away, she could see tiny tendrils of light begin to form.

Whatever this is, it can’t be bad. Whisper... She gently pressed her lips to his cheek as the light grew brighter, and she put her muzzle close to his ear, yielding with total acceptance. “Whisper... I’m not afraid.” They continued to sway as she pressed herself against him, and she gave a soft gasp as the magic stream reached inside, directly into her heart. There was no pain, no discomfort, just an overpowering sense of understanding as a pathway was built between her heart and his. Every ounce of love that he couldn’t verbalize flooded her mind, body, and soul, and as she felt his shoulders begin to shake, she knew that he was feeling the same.

It’s so much... this love is so strong, I... I can’t... Unable to think of anything else to do, she cracked open her eyes, placed a hoof on his cheek while he placed his on hers, and they both leaned in to a passionate kiss. Every fiber of her being lit up as the physical sensation was amplified by the love flowing freely between the two, and unable to stop herself, she let out a soft cry of joy, only to find afterwards that breathing had become very difficult. It’s too much... I can’t... keep from...


“Y-yes?” she said softly, barely able to find the strength to speak as the light shifted from white to a soft, rose colored pink to match her hair.

I’ve wanted to give this to you for so long, Fluttershy. I hope this is... everything you wanted it to be, because I... have everything I could ever want right here in my hooves. He kissed her once more, smiling faintly at the soft noise she made, before closing his eyes and letting the magic flow as it wished. The ground around his feet began to glow, and a moving melody drifted through the air. His tongue loosened by the magic within, he held Fluttershy close and began to sing.

“You would not believe my surprise...
When I found a mare that dared...
to look into these eyes.
Blood red and full of fear,
I thought for sure you’d disappear...
and run away... but you stayed...

Remember the first time I touched your cheek?
you’re so beautiful and brave, and yet so very meek
you’ve helped me realize,
that all the fear I hold inside is just a lie...
and I’m more than just a beast~

This is a song~ about a monster...
who found his hope... amongst the trees~
This is a song~ how from the water...
rose a mare... who reached for me...

Through every sorrow and every tear...
you never left my side, were always near...
even when I ran away,
you found a way to make me stay...
despite a broken wing... I still heard you sing...

“You’re all that I need,” as you are mine.
I didn’t even need to ask to see a sign...
the love you showed me there,
blushing from behind your hair...
a love that cannot hide...
so I sing of what’s inside!

This is a song~ about one’s kindness~
such affection... you’ve always shown~
This the song~ of broken silence~
such gratitude... I’ve never known~

a home, a heart,
a brand new start
I’ll never run away from you again...
a monster no more,
though I don’t know what’s in store,
with you I’ve felt new life begin!”

Just before the Whisper sang the final words, a faint flash lit his flank as he used his talent to the fullest. Where once there was only soft, velvety green fur, a pair of intertwining pink hearts lit by white light appeared. Whisper himself became choked, nearly unable to sing the final verse as two souls became intertwined, his magic nearing its limit. He closed his eyes, held her close, and let the final words dance softly from his lips as the last notes filled the room.

“This is a song... about a whisper...
a hush so soft... who heard me cry?
This is a song... of how I met her...
The one I love... my Fluttershy...”