• Published 15th Mar 2020
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A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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11Hoofdstuk Elf) Pinkie and the mole

As I arrived at another break of road in the sewers I found it points, to three ways in the sewer. Again I don’t know where to go so, I point down each one and see of is which of my fingers is straighter when I point. I decided my finger was straighter when it was in the middle tunnel so I follow it in the sewers. Just as I step, there is a something from above and it wrap on my shoulders and it tried to eat me but, I cannot be eaten.

“What are you my jaws should have crush you!” Amonster head said to me in front of above me.

“I am Georg Filipe Mendoza and I am here to rescue the Hostages” I say then with a punch I punched at the jaws and the whole monster head blew up and add to the dirty sewer and the water.

I don’t know what they, hope to accomplish because, this is the seventh monster I have, Found in this sewers already and, there seems to be no end but, they just keep attacking me like they think they can win or something, They are so wrong about that.

“Rar I am Honduras!” One more monster said at the end of the tunnel and he had two hands of flowers and white powder coming down from his head. “I am one of the strongest of, you will be defeat, by me, and then King Hungrizzard will promote me to lootenant!”

He sprayed me with the powder from his, hands. Then I blinked and I sneeze so hard that all his petals blew away and his head too and he fell dead.

I rub the powder from my eyes then I see, that there are two more tunnels at the end of the sewer tunnel. I make complain noises and then I stretch out of my finger again to determine where to go.

Tatsumaki didn’t like is her dress was with dirt as she floated wander in the sewers to find out why she has woken in this palace. She still have no information on why but, she knew there was a monster association in this sewers and they will maybe have the answers to as why she is woken here.

“Hum why they are weak here” she said and she exploded another monster head as it jump from the darkness to try to attack and it died. She wiped her sleeve which has the blood of monster on it. “I must know of why I am here”

From under her there come a monster and it grabs her legs and it pulls her. But Tasumaki doesn’t move because, she is psychic.

“Why are you so strong” the monster asked. “I can see your pantys when you float”

“You shouldn’t look at woman’s underneath” Tatsumaki said and she was angry. She grabbed the monster in her psychic then she ripped in half from its arms and the sides. The monster soon died.

“I need to know why I am awake her” she say to herself.

Their is so far no monster who can tell her where she is because, she is offended by them. As she float down the sewers she suddenly appears in a big square room and it has many squares coming from the ground like is a pattern.

“ I see a door over their” she said and she looked to the side distance where, there is a hole in the wall and there is a metal door in the hole. With her powers she open it with telekenesis and then she floated in as she looked what is inside. It is all dark but, it is a square room and there is no features and there is a door on the other side.

Inside their is three monsters and they are teardrops in shape and they look evil. When they see Tatsumaki they run for her and they try, to kill her immediately. One jump immediately and with her force psychic, Tatsumaki stops him and then the other one is spit a glob at her but, it also stops against her force psychic because, she use a Barrier. The third monster try to grab her but, Tatsumaki grabbed him instead and, she used, to throw into the other two then she crushes them all together with her telekenesis and then there are like one shape and it is bloody and crushed.

She humphed and then she floated on, it was too easy and she needed to find the in charge who is a King Hungrizzard and find out why she is here.

Pinkie Pie had just finish blowing up some monsters with her confetti when their then is a rhino monster and he is big with a horn. And muscles. And have there is a chinese word on the Belly.

“I am Rhino wrestler” he said and he growled. “I have woken in this world once day then, somehow, the monster King Hungrizzard is awake to ask me to join him so I am now in this monster association instead of the one I am normally from!”

“Oh cool is a another monster” Pinkie says. “Ready for fight?”

The big rhino charge at her with his feet and Pinkie threw her confetti from her secret bottles of confetti under her shirt and skirt, she kept a lot around to use. The cofetti exploded in his face but, then there is not enough to hurt and he continues to charge at her.

“I was once a great wrestler! And I always want to be a stronger so that I can, beat you heroes!” He said. King Hungrizzard made me stronger as I am now a rhino wrestler!”

“Oh cool” Pinkie said as she throw more confetti at the Rhino.

Rhino wrestler deflect the confeve with his hand then nothing happened and he, then charged at Pinkie to try to ram her with his horn but, she rolled away and avoided.

“I have impenetrable!” He said.

“Ok I will try harder” Pikie answered.

Pinkie pulled more of her confetti from inside and she let it glow in her hand and then, with his power, she threw it and it scattered and colorful and blew up all around Rhino. This time the monster is brought up his arms to block because, the explosions, were stronger and he was bombarded with it and it damage his skin because it was more powerful from Pinkie’s charge. His skin was made black and there was like it was bubbles coming out because, it was seared.

“How did you get through my armor” he asked.

“Is my magic” Pinkie answered. “You didn’t think you know I was so strong right.”

“No as know I know I am stronger so as long as my horn I still have it, you cannot” Rhino Wrestler charged with his feet and try to grope her with his horn. Pinkie cartwheel away and with her confetti, she threw more, and it damaged Rhino more and his wrestler red suit was no, torn into many pieces. With more punching he tried to kill, her but, it didn’t work because, Pinkie jumped everywhere and avoided. With more confetti more of Rhino wrestler’s skin was blow and away and it was weakened to nothing. When he was Defeated he fell at Pinkie’s feet and he was smoking.

“You have beaten me your explosions is too strong I cannot wound not win” he said. “Even in this world is heroes to stop me”

“You cannot have won because, my explosions is strong” Pinkie answered and she smile.

As she left the defeated Rhino wrestler smoking to die she continue down the tunnels of the swers and she look for any sign of the Hostages. Their is still none but, then, she finds a scrap of a red cloth but, then she realize is just from Rhino.

“Silly me” she said to herself and she threw the cloth into the water that is smells. When she continue in the tunnels there is one area after when there are plenty of holes in the sides in a round room because, is where water converges to drop down under a grate floor that she can see through because, it is all across the floor but she can still walk.

From the holes there is a scratching and two monsters come out one is a looks like a mole with a big claws and the other is like a fly but, has teeth and arms instead of legs and their is four eyes instead of two and they are bigger than normal size.

“I am Pop Up” the mole monster says.

“And I am Let Flygones be Bygones” the fly monster said.

“And we will defeat you hero” they both say together.

“Oh more monsters can you tell me, where is the Hostages?” Pinkie asked.

“Will we only tell you if you can kill us” Let flygones be Bygones answered.

“Ok then I will defeat you to answer my questions” pinkie replied.

Pinkie took more of her confetti from her jars and she sprinkle them at the monsters. But monsters move away very fast but when she detonated some of it is was landed on the mole and fly and then the explosions took away the mole’s hand and the flies one Wing and they both fell and were in pain.

“Will you answer now” Pinkie asked.

“I said you must kill” Pop Up replies.

Let flygones be Bygones got up and walk to Pinkie with is hands and try to bite her but, Pinkie cartwheel away and with her confetti she threw it into Let Flygones be Bygones mouth and he swallowed.

“Oh no” he said.

“Too late” Pinkie said back.

With the explosion of confetti there is insect guts all over the room and it fall through the grate and into the water below, people, might have stomachache after it goes into the water.

“You have kill my friend and now you must I kill you so that I can avenge him because, he was my friend and you are evil” Pop Up said his one arms is still missing.

“Then you must tell me where is the Hostages?” Pinkie said.

“I said you must kill” Pop Up repeat again.

“Then I have more confetti” Pinkie replies.

She threw more confetti across at the mole monster and he jump but then his legs got blown off also from the explosion. The pop Up was only a body and one arm and head and tail left when he was landed on the floor.

“You haven’t seen yet” Pop Up told Pinkie.

From the floor where is pieces of his arms and legs are they suddenly bubble and then there is a shouting scream sound and then the bubbles is vibrate and grow bigger. Before Pinkie there is now four Pop Ups and they all look the same.

“Pop goes that weasel” Pop Up said with all four.

“But your a mole not a weasel” Pinkie said.

“Is almost the same thing” Pop Up Answered.

“Oh” Pinkie replied. “Ok cool”

The four moles jump to Pinkie to scratch her with there claws and one got her across the skirt and she drop one of her confetti bottles. Pinkie quickly think and she touched it as it fell then she rolled away and the bottle exploded and took the four Pop Ups with it. Before she could celebrate the pop Up leftovers is vibrate again then, their are Twenty two Pop Ups suddenly around her in the room with the grate floor.

“Oh oh” Pinkie said. “This is a tough one”

“Your not so tough now right” One of the Pop Up said.

They all jump with there claws at the same time but, Pinkie rolled under them in a gap and then she threw her confetti in the air and before it can touch, she already detonate them and their is a explosion of blanket in the air and all of them except one blew up but, they come together again and they all poop up around Pinkie again.

“Oh that is why your name is Pop Up” Pinkie said.

“Yes that is why” All the Pop Up replied at the same time. Now their is fifty seven of them and they are filling up the whole room with the grate floor. Pinkie have no more space to roll around and that means she cannot dodge them again to threw her confetti. Their must be another way to win somehow. It was hard.

Pinkie she look down and their is no way so she knows one way because, it is dangerous she didn’t think to do. As all the Pop Ups surrounded her she took out one bottle of confetti in each hand she ready herself. They each all smile and then they jump at her to want to tear her apart. Pinkie Timed it right and when they were close she smashed both bottles on the grate floor and then as it spread out and around and down the grate Pinkie, detonated and the whole floor was rusty so it disappeared with the explosion. Pinkie and the Pop Ups fell through the floor and they are falling into the water that is pooled below.

Author's Note:

Oh no things are heated up and is soon to be overwhelming for our herros I wonder what will happen next?