• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,257 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

  • ...

Chapter 20- A lucky save

Author's Note:

I am sorry for the long wait I am thinking of how to type, I am sorry I am so long I hope you still are reading and will like! I will try to think of what to do faster! Thank you for reading and to like!

With the ground shake, Rarity was going to drown by Seaweed Tentacles but, she manage to lose the tentacles around her body then she push her head out of the water then she realize they are both falling and there is a water fall under them because, the ground was disappeared umder them and they were falling and so was the water. With her magic, Rarity make diamonds to stand on and then the water splash on it and she slip again and she make another this time away from the water.

She is so smelly now and her clothes and makeup is ruined she have eyeshadow running down her face and she is disgusted. There was even a rotten fish in her shirt and she had to throw it down with disgust and it was smelled. Now she smell like dead fish also.

From under her diamond magic suddenly a seaweed tentacle was wrapped on it and Seaweed Tentacles swung himself up and he looks angry.

“You were lucky to of saved” he said. “If the ground didn’t break you are dead already”

“But I am not” Rarity answered.

Then she make more diamond magic and she push and she tries to get Seaweed tentacles off her platform. He use his tentacles and he rapped aroundthe sides and he tries to get aorund to bite her with his mouth.

But Rarity use her special skill with her hands she shoot out diamond shurikens like sharp and it spins, then it cuts through Seaweed Tentacles tentacles and they are shredded because, they are only seaweed. But then more grows from him fast and then they go around Rarity again and as she bring up barriers around herself they squeeze in because, seaweed is thin and she cannot guard them. As he raped his seaweed around her Rarity is struggling because, she cannot get awayagain but, at least she is not drowning this time though, one is around her neck and she is finding it harder and harder to breath. So is like the same thing. She did one thing. She remove the barrier they are standing on and they plunge.

Again the seaweed around her is loose and she managed to use her hands and she fire more shurikens through Seaweed tentacles she try to, aim for under his seaweed and hit is body wheir his mouth is. She see blood is flying out of him and she manage to throw another this time is a big one is a lot of magic to use, but, it cuts his tentacles again then, she turn it sideways to make it a barrier and she push very hard and she created more around him and then on his sides and as he try to get around she create more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and then it is like a ball, with all her Might, she can throw it far back on top where shecannot see the top anymore because, they are falling for a long time already. Then when he is out of sight Rarity canbreath and she is tired and suddenly she is back in water it is rising higher. She created a barrier to lie on top of the water
And she lies there she is very tired and it felt like she was fighting Seaweed tentacles for so long, she cannot defeat him but, now he will have to find her first but, hopefully she will find something else first. Specifically is the Hostages.

Applejack was also drowning hard because, Metallo was muscular. But also with the rumbling from somewhere beneath the ground below is breaking and the water managed to drain but, then they are also falling deep. Metallo let go of her neck and Applejack can breath. And she rub at it. Then he tried to hold on to the wall to climb, but Applejack grab his shoulders and they both fall but, before theycan keep falling their is a platform that is a bridge that is stone to lead into tunnels on the sides. They land their and it is broken and they roll to the left side of the bridge as the middle is brocken.

Applejack rub her face with her hand then she stand up again and she is a bit wobbly from the lack of air but, she can still fight she is strong.

“You haven’t won” metallo said.

“Yes I know” applejack replied.

She wiped her blood of her mouth then she ready her fist. With the debree on the floor she lifted up some and threw at Metallo, but he punched all away and run at her.
Then as he reached her she punched him in the knee and he went down one and she, continue to punch him repeatedly on the face and is left to right and she keep at it and his chin metal is cracked and he tries to punch her back but, Applejack duded under his punch and she lift up his arm then with her strength she through him over the side and she watch as Metallo Basher fell off and he looks angery. The fall probably wouldn’t kill him because, he is strong it probably won’t kill her also but for now, she had a break And Applejack sat down on the bridge at she rub at hier bruised face and she wipe blood from her nose and mouth and she is tired. She has already almost drowned today and she almost got killed by a Monster that is stornger than anything she has fighted before and it was really a tough battle but for now, she has won even if he will come back so for now, she can, continue to look around for the Hostages and than get them out of this hole.

“Just you wait Hostages and Fluttershy and Sweaty Belle we will find you” She said. And she decided to see where the tunnels can go.

Sunset got knocked down again when Empty Alone hit her face and she is on the ground and her left eye is bruised and black and she cannot open it. Empty walks to her and he stands between her legs and his face is in a unhappy face because, it doesn’t seem like the face can ever move and when he speaks is from somewhere but, his mouth still doesn’t move.

“Just give up like I have” Empty said. “Their is nothing to life of a purpose. Just be empty and alone like me”

Sunset run at him again and she slam his shovel on him and it deflect again and she use it to spin around to hit him in the side and it also deflects then Empty reach to her and he swing at her face and Sunset is punched on the face. Then she is fallen and her shovel is beside her. Empty punch her in the face two more times then Sunset is hurt.

Sunset groaned and push herself. She is hard to get up but, she can still manage. Her powers doesn’t work against Emtpy Alone and it is hard to hit with a shovel because, he has some kind of hard skin that can deflect. Then suddenly their is a ground quake and a hole appears between them. Sunset watch as Empty is getting further and further away from her and she cannot do anything about it and she cannot defeat him also now that she is too far from him.

“Oh you are far now Sunset” Empty said. “But oh well their is no purpose to life so is ok I will see you again because, I am meant to be able to beat you”

Sunset watch him get further then she look around. Her platform now is alone and their is nowhere for her to go. She is stuck on a platform and around her is a drop into blackness and she cannot see so means that if she is dropped she will probably die below. She has to find another way to get off her.

She look down and the side of her platform is brocken and their is many jutting out rocks and she see not another way to get off the platform and perhaps going down is the way because, perhaps the Hostages is in the lower sewers. She decide to climbed lower to look for the bottom and she is able to move lower as she grab for the ground that is able to stick out for her hands. Empty Alone is above somewhere now and Sunset is disappoint that she cannot have won him because, she cannot read his mind and she cannot influenced his mind because, their is nothing in his head. He has no passion he has no love he has no wants he cannot be able to be convinced to do anything but, for some reason he served King Hungrizzard. Sunset was angry at the king. She have to find him and stop him because, he has convinced these Monsters to fighter for him and he has also the Hostages that are somewhere below in the sewers at least Sunset thought is also below because, why would they put them on top where is easy to reach from the above ground. It will probably be Deep and hard to get too.

And then is at one of the ground parts Sunset’s had slips and it is wet from some sewer water running nearby and, she is falling into the black and she is swinging her arms. It was scary for a moment but she cannot find anything to hold and she was going to die if she hit the ground that is way below somewhere that she cannot even see.

And then she can accidentally catched on to the hole in a wall and her arm is almost dislocated but, she manage to hold on and she is saved because, their is a random hole, in the sewer wall. Sunset can see their is a path below her to be able to drop to that is sticking out of the side and in the pit that she was falling. She drops down and she landed on her feet but, her shovel is now on top somewheir with Empty Alone or somewhere and she didn’t, know where it is now. But she was weaponless if she had come to another of the Empty alone kind of Monster than she will be in trouble because, their will be no way to of harm them.

But if she have to fight she will because, their is no way to find and get the Hosgages if not for them to be down here to find. Sunset wonder what her friends are and if they are doing better at finding them. She realize they have no system to know how the each other are doing because, they won’t know if anyone finds the Hostages or if worse they are dead also. But Sunset trusted her friends they cannot be dead, especially not Georg because, Georg was so powerful and he was a hero to save. He would save them probably if not, one of her friends. But probably Georg.