• Published 15th Mar 2020
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A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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el numero (4) a Hero dates

Its been getting normal, for going to school now. I always go with Rainbow Dash and then go home with her, and we're in most classes together so I see her alot. Her black eye was getting better and people were laughing at her less and also me because, I now had a wiig that was still on my head and not burned.

“So Rainbow about talking, to Fluttershy” I ask.

“Right, I did talk, to her and she said she finds you cool and wouldn’t mind try to go out with you” she answers in math class.

“Your the wingman, Rainbow!” I say.

“Thanks” she replies. “She’ll meet you after school the outside the front.”

I was so happy the rest of the day that I barely pay attention in class but, I at least manage to get by, my classes enough for the day. Rarity was still making my suit so I still have my yellow jacket and pikachu shirt to go in. I have given her a photo of Saitama so she can make an exact replica for me, somehow my phone still had great reception in this world, I don’t know what models they use but is different, from mine, which is iphone X. They’re have three buttons while mine don’t have any, cause iphone X is face scanner, no more finger button.

Normally I have verizon but now it seem to still work, though I’m not sure where, the signal is come from.

After the final bell rings for the day, I leave my class all excited and I Rainbow Dash sees my excite.

“Someone is very happy” she says.

“Of course” I answered. “You scorer me a date with a cute and pretty girl why will I not be happy.”

“Guess so” Rainbow replies. “Go have your fun.”

“I will” I answer then I go out of class.

Because of my Saitama powers I can also move faster and I am outside school in a few seconds matter. Their is Fluttershy waiting for me and she smile and look away when she sees me. I walk to her and adjust my wig and I try to look tougher.

“Hi Fluttershy” I say.

She looks shy and she giggles. “Hi Georg.”

“So you want to go out, with me?” I ask.

“I um wouldn’t mind to try” she answers.

I day, “Cool we can go watch a movie or something.”

“A movie is nice” Fluttershy said, then we leave school together.

This is my first date and I don’t know what to do. I learn most of my manners from anime so Saitama also never have a girlfriend or date so I also don’t know how to react and do. At least I have my wig but Fluttershy did say, that I look good Bald too. We go to the nearby mall and is there that I learn that Fluttershy knows her way around town. She brings us to the cinema and is that is where we watch a movie. Is a strange movie where there is a robot that gain a mind of is own and is to terrorize the town, but then, there is a hero who is save the day by destroying the robot.

I don’t know any of the actors and actresses but it was an entertening movie. It didn’t make much since also that the robot suddenly gain its mind but then it did, so whatever. It was enjoying.

Throughout the movie also I didn’t know what to do to Fluttershy. She was so cute and pretty but I don’t know how to say what. I thought maybe I try to hold her hand but, I also don’t know how she will think of it so I don’t.

“Um what did you think of the movie Georg?” She asks me.

“I think it is of interest.” I reply.

Then the both of us stand there and not sure what to say to each other. I hit my head and think. I still don’t know what to do on a date. Normally you expect a thirteen year old to know how, to date, but I didn’t because I was not like a normal person.

“So Fluttershy” I ask, but not sure how to ask. “Did you enjoy? Our date?” I am nervous.

She open her mouth but then no words come because, suddenly, there is a monster that breaks through part of a building outside the cinema and people fall from it. I quickly run and I catch them and bring them next to Fluttershy to safety.

Today monster is another squid but this one is just a big squid, it doesn’t have legs and hands, its just big.

“I am Monstrosquid and I am here to eraducate the human life!” He shouts. “I was once fisherman but then, I was thrown into the sea and I merged with a squid and now I hate humans. Come out and die.”

“Fluttershy you must hide for cover” I tell her. “I will face it.”

“But is dangerous, Georg” she says.

“I can do it.” I say again then I approach the monster. But from a Building next to it I see a man and is a familiar man, he got a silver bat and he looked not happy. I couldn’t believe it it is Metal bat my favorite hero from One punch man. I don’t know why they are all here coming suddenly.

“Hey you I don’t know how I got here but I don’t like monsters breaking the city.” He make that weird expression that he makes in the series. “I’m going to beat you up.”

“What are you going to do?” The squid laugh at him. “You only got a bat and I am giant.”

Why suddenly the town I want to live in got so many monsters and s class heroes? I don’t know how to answer the question. But then Metal bat jumps of the roof and he smash the Monstrosquid in the center of the head and his face is flatted in the one hit and he falls to the ground and break a few trees.

“Piece of cake” Metal bat picks up his bat and he walks away. “I must find out how to came here to this place, I was eating tokoyaki and then I woke up here. I don’t even know where this is.” And then he wanders of to look.

“A lot of heroes here these days, Georg” Flutershy said behind me.

“So this is not normal too” I say. “I wonder why.”

All these monsters must be coming from somewhere around here and they cannot just be destroying for nothing. There must be a plan if they keep attacking every day.

So now I’ve seen three heroes that are not from here and from One Punch man, somehow they are here too like, me, maybe someone is bringing them here, too. Perhaps that is.

“Well are you ok Fluttershy” I ask.

“Yeah I’m ok” she answers, then she smiles and is cute. “I um enjoy our time together. Maybe we can, um do this something again?”

I smile back and I say yes. “I also think I enjoy our time.”

I still wasn’t sure should I hold her hand or do something else or even do anything so, I still don’t. And we stand there and be awkward for a while.

Fluttershy spoke first. “Um I think I should go home, before its late, bye Georg.”

“Oh ok bye Fluttershy” I say, then I watch her go.

She walks very cute but then I hit myself because I never did anything and only go watch a movie with her.

“Lol good work Georg” I say. “Some date you had at least it was nice to be with her.”

I turn around and get ready to go home but then another monster appears and is a fish monster with arms and legs.

“You are the one they are calling Saitama” he laughs at me. “I am Fishmonger and I can”

Then I launch his head off with one punch.

“You guys ruin my date time” I tell its body.

Technically they didn’t is my own fault that I never do anything else on our date but it was nice to put the excuse on something else.

As I walk away and wonder just how this world work, there is, a small monster that is the size of like an elephant baby and is standing in a corner beside the mall and the Building, it watches me and it had also watched Fluttershy. It looks worried but, then it also found out an information.

“This boy is a trouble” it says to itself. Its name was Terryzard, which was a lizard monster, he had turned into one because one crawl into his mouth when he sleep and then it fused in his stomach and he is now lizard. “But he seem to have weakness.”

Terryzard had watch Fluttershy go home and he realize the boy Georg likes her. He was too strong and can kill on one punch but, perhaps if they have the girl he like, then they can, do something about him beating them one punch.

“I must report to King Hungrizzard” Terryzard says to itself then he go back to the sewers he come from.