• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,257 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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Nuevo19) Magic and surprise visiter

I cannot believe it because, I am still lost in the sewers I am hearing their is a lot of fighting going around somewheir and sometimes the floor is shake but, I don’t know is from which direction each time I am at a crossroad in the sewers I am going the wrong way it seems because, I am no closer to finding anything. Also haven’t had a monster in a while and I am bored. I have Saitama’s powers from One Punch man but, what is the point if I cannot use his powers in the sewers to fight Monsters and rescue the Hostages. Ah I think of Fluttershy and I am happy. She is so pretty and cute and I hope she is still ok because, she has been a Hostage for so long already and Rarity’s sister Sweaty Belle is also down here with Fluttershy hopefully they are ok.

I continue to a staircase it leads down besides the sewer water and it smells again and I hope it doesn’t get in my cape because, is hard to wash of. I haven’t thought of it I suddenly have a good idea. What if I just proceed straight down maybe, it will be easier for me to find out where if I just go through the floor. With my strength I push into the floor then I use my hands to dig and I am going through the floor that is like of made like sand and It is easy to go. It is like swimming.

I accidentally dig through a Monster because, he was their when I wa digging it is like, some mole monster like a man but mole. He exploded because, of my hands. And than suddenly their is a blue barrier in my face. I stop and I look at it it is like above the ceiling and I can see below the ceiling and their is some Monster stand their.

“Your magic?” I asked.

“Yes it is me” the Monster said.

Then I realize Is not standing. The monster is just a head and it have a hat and a beard and looks like Merlin from the disney Arthur movie. And it is floating not standing.

“Your in my way” I said to it.

“Yes it is my Purpose Georg Filipe Mendoza” it reply.

“How do you know my name” I asked.

“I am know of a lot of things from my increase knowledge and of King Hugrizard” the Monster answers. “I am Magic face and I am one of the lootenants and I am sent to elmimate you because, you are a tread and I have study your strength and weakness”

“Really? What is my weakness?” I asked.

“Your Bald” Magic Face said and he laugh.

I hear that am I am engaged. He has made fun of my Bald and I don’t like when anyone do that I am to young to be Bald and I am because, I have somehow gain Saitama’s powers and his looks I feel my face has also become a bored face over the time I am here because, nothing is strong enogh to beat my One Punch but, I do like to have the One Punch because, then I am can end the fights very fast like what I am going to do to Magic Fade.

“I was once a great magician when I was in a younger time with knights and dragons and ladies and castle” Magic Face said. “Then I was accuse of witchcraft in the future of that and they wanted to behead me, they behead me but, somehow my magic had saved me and I am now a Monster that will terrorist human for trying to kill me back when I was in the young time. Now you will feel my rath and my magic power thst is sure to defeat your super strength.”

I poke my finger into the barrier because, I am to be curious to know what is the barrier of. When I poked it it melt in my finger then it just break into nothing and is gone. So that is what it is now I know and Magic face is also surprise and I am not because, I know I am strong because, I have Satama’s powers.

“How did you break that so quick I am Magic Face I have strong magic” Magic Face said. He cannot believe.

“It was easy because, you don’t know me” I told.

“I will try more I have more magic” Magic Face replied.

He use more magic walls and he try to squize me but, it didn’t work because when it touch me it is, immediately, stopped and I am not even squeezed.

I continue to used my finger to break all his magic walls is even one finger can do it I would think is to be of harder of my hands can hit. I even just not use my finger then I, will walk through his wall and it also breaks and It cannot crush me that he tried to use them to squeeze me from all sides but it cannot do it.

“No I am a Monster Excetutive! I cannot be so easy to be beaten I know your strengths and weakness!” Magic Face said. “King Hungrizzard is given me the information to win”

“He didn’t tell you all my all because, he probably also doesn’t, know” I replied. “I am more powerful then you can known”

“I cannot believe” Magic Face answered.

He make more magic and he springkle dust in my face and it was supposed to do something but, I am feeling nothing from the dust but then it all explodes in my face and I still feeled nothing and it was really weak and I don’t even feel like to sneeze from the dust and Magic Face is very shocked that his mouth dropped and his head float away back because, he have no body and arms I cannot tell exactly his shock But he is shocked.

I cannot see his eyes also but, he most be angry that he cannot kill me of easily. Magic Face continue to fire magic is now a fireball of blue at me and I just use my hand and each one is, cannot to hit me but, I can walk to him closer and he cannot do anything ot hurt .

“You must die I am a lootenant!” He says.

“You will tell me wher is the Hostages” I ask. “Then you can live because, I can let you”

“No I wll not tell you I am powerful I will win” Magic Face answered.

“You try another” I said with my fist.

He thinks of he can beat me but, he is not able. Because I know I have Saitama’s powers. Saitama is unbeatable. It also feels different before I gain Saitama’s powers and before My Bald, I was weak and skinny and I have been to be beaten by other kids in the school lunch break and they always beat me even if I fight back and my punches cannot won’t do anything to them. I go home with many black eyes at some times and then the teachers would not do anything to the kids. Maybe it is racism maybe they are lazy but, I don’t now what it is and now I am actually powerful the kids will stop picking on me, if I can get back from Equestira somehow. Still I know, a hero cannot beat other kids, so I will not One Punch them but, at least they cannot will be able to hurt me.

I continue to walk to Magic Face and he continue to throw fireball of fireball at me and nothing can still happen to me because, I am strong. Then now I am close enough I am standing right in front of Magic face and he is still throwing fireballs tme in the close rang and his beard is also catching on with magic fire but, he is desperate to win and he doesn’t put it out. Actually he cannot put it out because, he is only a head and he has no hands to do it.

“No you cannot win please don’t kill me I am strong I must win!” Magic face said.

“You know what if you tell me where is the Hostages I can not kill you instead” I replied the head.

“You I don’t believe you because, humans are liars you see what they do to me they cut off my body” Magic Face said“I cannot tell you is the Hostages location”

“Humans are not bad they are only not sure” I told. “I am bullied a lot but now I have friends when I waked up in Equestira like some of your Monster friends and I am trying to find a way back but, because you have taken the Hostages I must also rescue them because, that is what heroes do. Is to save Hostages and to bring justice everywhere”

“No you humans are no justice!” Magic face replied

Then he continue to use his magic on me and I am irritate because, what can he do against me is weak. It is like when of paper is flinged against me it is weak but, it is irritate. I take one step to him and then, he is floated backwards suddenly. It seems he doesn’t want me to reach him that is his plan to keep moving back as I approach, I saw through his plan instantly, he is not good, at hidding. But He didn’t realize Ican take more then one step at a time very fast and not just one step forward at a time and it is running and he didn’t anspect I can do that it seems for some Reason.

I ran at him and it is fast because, I have Satama’s powers and I can move faster than a human without super powers and Magic Face is shocked. He use more magic walls but, is like paper against my skin it is weak and it is of irritate. And then I have my fist stretched out to him and with a single punch I am through his face and their is s new whole where his face was and his hat is fallen on the floor and I cannot be stopped by Monsters like this. If this kind is a lootenant like the other Monster I fought earlier up above, then saving the Hostages will be easy. The only thing, I don’t know where their kept still because, all the mmonsters refyoze to tell me. But I surmassed that I must go lower down to find near the king who is lower down some where I hope I cannot get more lost.

I don’t know more to do so I decided to continue with my digging under to find the lower levels to maybe find the Hostages. The ground is shake as I am digging and it feels it can cave in something because, of how fast I am digging.
Hopefully I can find Fluttershy soon she is needed to be saved.

Fubuki waked up and all around her is dark and she is lying on a cold floor. She was also naked but she forgot why. Then she remembered she was going to surprise Saitama in his house but, then next thing is she is waking up here in this dark and cold place and it smells bad like a sewers.

“What is the place?” She asked and she shivers.

Then from the corner is a spider Monster and it has a human face woth a big noss. He smile at her then try to crawl but, Fubuki pick it up in her mind then she smashes him against the wall and he splatters and their is the spider guts on the floor and he is dead. His leg is twitching and because he is an insect his body is alive some what for a while to stay there.

“Their are monsters here” she said.

Fubuki stood up and Fubuki check for exit. Their is a door on the side with a metal handel and she tries it. It can open.

Their is a rush of something in the next room which, is a tunnel and is windy and she is cold because, she is naked even if she can use blizzard powers but at least, she has clothes than.

“Why am I here?” She asked.

She was suspposed to be wormed and cozy instead of cold and dark. She was going to plan for a good time and then this happen. Maybe she must fine a Monster to see how she is here and not elsewhere.
Then from the tunnel very fast is a very big bear and is running to her. Fubuki use her telekeneses to try and stop it but, the bear just push and then her hold on it was lost.

“What is this big bear” she said.

Then Big Bear is smashing into her, she use her Barrier to block some but, it still hit hard and she cough blood from her mouth and then she has hit the back wall and it cracks.

As the Big Bear stands near her and looks as her Fubuki’s eyes is blurry and she lose consciousness and she is fainted from the attack and she doesn’t know what is about to happen.

Author's Note:

How do you allthink? I ship fubuki and Saitama I think their good let me know! I hope you like! Please comment and like if you like and let me know of what I can improved!