• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,249 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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Its) 14: Zombie cannot die but can be fought

I ventured down another lower level in the sewers and I still am lost so bad that I don’t even find the stares that I came from because, I can’t remember where it is. I am so lost. This is bad because, I also still have no site of the Hostages and I don’t know where to find them and I am thinking though that they must be hidden on a lower level so that it is not easy to get to and that is also near the boss maybe. I hear a few monsters have said King Hungrizzard I remember that name from the rat monster I forgot who.
Maybe If I can find that king I can turn the tide and I can find the Hostages and then we can leave the sewers and so I need to get a new wig so I can not be Bald. I hate being Bald.

As I figure where to go I suddenly hear there is a rumbling under me. I feel it shaking and then I feel that the ground can anytime collapse. Some fight is going on but, I don’t know what is. Maybe is someone who is needing help but, how do I even go anywhere. I cannot figure out and I am still lost. I wonder where the other heroes are everyone split up for some reason is ridiculous. If we were walking togeter maybe we can already fond the Hostages and Fluttershy. I think of Fluttershy and she is so cute and pretty and I actually miss her presents. I wish she was here with us fighting with us to find the Hostages but then, she is a Defender so I wonder what is her combat power maybe she is like Sunset, she have weapons of something.

I stop wondering and I keep going, there is still to discover in the tunnels. Their is more rumbling under the floor and the place shakes. Boulders fall from above and hit me but thanks, to my Saitama powers for some reason I still don’t know how I got them I am unhurt.

Then a fly monster appeared from above and drop on my head and it tried to suck my blood in my head but when its nose hit my head it broke. The fly fell off and grab is face.

“How do you break my nose?” He ask. “I am Suckerfly and I am a monster because many flies attacked me and I am now one but, you are invisible! Your head cannot break!”

“Yes I am powerful and strong because, I am the hero powers of Saitama” I said.

“Who is Saitama?” He askes.

I breath. “Saitama is the hero of the anime and manga of One punch man and he is very strong that he can win in a one punch of anyfight because he is strong.”

“I don’t believe in the one punch you will show me” Suckerfly try to suck my blood. I smashed him and his blood is over the side of the tunnel sewer.

“Gross” I said and I wipe my hands on my cape and then I continue. I need to find a way through here.

Maybe if I can punch down.

I punch down and the floor below it collapses and then I am falling with the floor and I am seeing many levels and my shockwave is destroying everything from my punch and I see monsters getting killed by debree. I thought I see Rarity getting violated by a something with tentacles on the way down but it was so fast to fall so I am not sure.

I also saw a big monster with foir arms on one side with spikes and is just standing their waiting but also, I am falling too fast to pay attenton.

And then I finally reach where my two foots can land and I am ok and safe and the debree around is falling next to me. There is some that hit my head but then, it just breaks, over my head because, I am strong. And then they rest land around me and I am still safe.

“Phew I am safe” I say.

Then a big mosnter with the muscles jumps from behind and, he grabs my cape and pulls me and slam me into the ceiling and my head goes through but, then he pulls me down and he is shocked.

“How are you still not hurt?” He ask. “I am so strong. I am Muscular Glasses and I have glasses and many muscles but, I train too hard one day and now I am a mosnter with the eyesight that is bad. Why do you have Bald you look young.”

I am angry when he said that so he is dead in one punch and his muscles are against one side of the sewers and their is much blood.

“I hate it when people notice my Bald” I say.

“Maybe I should terrogate so that I can know where is the Hostages” I now realize. I keep killing them so fast. Maybe if I know where to go after that I can go to the right place.

I continue and this time I want to am looking for enemies monsters so I can ask them where is the Hostages. It also makes me wonder what I want for dinner tonight maybe I’ll ask Rainbow when I find her if I find her in this sewers. I was thinkingh some steak with cheese on the with the shredded type.

Zombieman is by hisself and wondering down in the sewers looking for the Hostages and he is smoking. Both is from the cigarette in his fingers and then also he has tree holes in his chest from where a toad monster spit fireballs through him and his chest is on fire and smoking.

“What are you that you still are alive to my attacks!” The toad monster asks.

“I am zombieman” Zombieman replied. “I am a monster killer and your a monster you will die today because, I will find out why I am here, then you will all give back the Hostage, then I will wipe you all out because, you are monsters and I am the monster killer zombieman”

“Oh no please dont I have kids” The toad monster asked.

“No is not able” Zombieman replied. Then he use his axe after his smoke then he chop the monster’s head off and it rolls on the floor like how his fireballs rolls just now.

Zombiemans been wondering through the tunnels for very long already and still, he is no sign of the Hostages. He still didn’t know why he is appeared in this world and wake up here but, he was hoping he could find someone to tell him already but, unfortunately the other heroes from this world those colorful people, no racist, they were split up as soon as they entered this sewers. Typical he thought to himself just like his heroes back in his world each of them wants to do something on there on and their is no way to stop them from thinking how they want to behave. Even himself and now he was actually hungry for some pork balls and another smoke. The porkballs have to wait.

He is going for another smoke when zombieman sees a something on the floor it looks like a glowing orb rising from the ground.

“What is this” He asks but, no one is around him.

Then without his warning it the blew up in his face and then his meat is strown around the room because, it was an explosion.

Zombieman’s head is the first to come together then his body from under his head. At first their is nothing else but, then, more lights come from below the ground and is somehow floats near him and then he is prepared for more as their, is more explosions and his meat is blown everywhere again and it is a lot of blood.

“Ha haha ha!” A voice is coming from above his head as Zombie man’s head reform itself again.

A man in rags floats down from on top and his got a crown like a small crown that is looks fake but, it is a crown. He has a bedhseet cape and his is raggy all over.

“I am Homeless Emporer” He said. “One day I met God when I was going to die and he, gave me this powers to destroy all humanity so that, they may be gone from this world and I am to do it because, I am have been chosen! I am allying with the monsters because, we have the same goal!”

“You are sick” Zombieman said then his pistols appear from within his hands as his body formed and then he fired at the Homeless Emporer.

The bullets striked the Emporer in the hand but, the light comes out from his palm and then the bullets disappear in a flash of light. Zombie man knows this is serious trouble now how can he beat this man.

“Come regen and fight me” Homeless emperor said then around him, their is more light balls.

Zombieman reform himself again and took out his pistols but, as he fired, their is a homing in of lights and their are explosions all around him and his meat is blown everywhere again. He almost have no time to even react each time as their are more lights to destroy his body that for once he is happy, that is cannot be destroyed completely.

“You can reform but, I will keep destroying you as you come back and you cannot win” Homeless Emporer laughs. “King Hungrizzard and God will get what they want”

“No way are you serious it is really God why will God help to give someone like you the power to kill it doesn’t make so since” Zombieman asked him.

“But is true” Homeless replied. “It is really God because, I know it is him now and I believe”

“No way” Zombieman answered.

“It is true and you will die to not know the truth” He replied.

“No is not over yet” Zombieman reform then he roll away as the more light exploded near him and he is still reforming as he roll then with his hands, their are more pistols in his hands and he fires at Homeless.

Homeless raise his hands and their is more light balls and they take his bullets but, Zombieman just keep firing his guns and their are a lot of bullets to have to deflect with his balls. But he is able to do it with his balls and he is unhurt.

“You cannot defeat me” Homeless laugh. “I am Homeless Emporer and I am chosen to defeat you by the king”

“Where is the Hostages?” Zombieman asked then fired his guns more until one run out of bullets then, he toss it, aside and he took an axe from his bake.
“You will never know what is the truth” Homeless laugh more.

Then they flew at each other with Zombieman has his axe and Homeless have more lightballs coming out from his hands. They meet in the middle of the sewer tunnel and their is an explosion as Zombieman’s axe didn’t do anything and again his meat is blown all over the room but, this time the tunnel collapses and rocks drop every where and their is buried under the rocks as he try to reform and it is hard to reform.

Zombieman’s arm reforms but, then Homeless destroyed it with his balls again then, it try to reform again, then it is blasted again, then again then again then again then again.

“You cannot win you will be doom here!” Homeless Emporer laughed.

Zombieman also know as his head try to reform on a rock. Their is no way he can win this, their needs to be a hero that can win this for them otherwise they cannot win here and they will all die and the monsters will win and the Hostages will never be free. He remember the Bald boy that came with them. He was supposed to be strong. Maybe he can do it. But who was he again? Zombieman cannot remember.

Author's Note:

Please comment to tell me what you think and what to expect! I hope you like I haven't have comment in very long time since long ago please help tell me if you like!