• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,257 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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Chap18 : Applejack and metallo

Applejack is also lost in the tunnels because, she finds it all looks the same she doesn’t tell from wall to wall. At least she didn’t lose her hat earlier, She has to fought a monster that has a beaver nose and duck tail but, she manage to win she collapsed the Tunnel wall onto it and she crush it. Now she cannot go back how she can come in but, she will have to find the Hostages once she find them, she will go out other exit with them and if their is no excites, then she will have to, use her strength then she will tear a new hole to the wall to go up.

“It is stinks” She said and she hold her nose because, it is a sewer and sewers is where the sewage water goes from the toilet aboves them. She use her hat then she can, fan her self with the air and to remove some of the smell from her face.

From nowhere in front of her from the darkness is a toad monster and he have four legs and two tails and he try to grab her from the darkness. Applejack bend down and she suddenly stood with her arms is both facing forward and it is bent a the elbow to make a L shape with her arms and she bend one knee to have a good feet under her and she stretch forward a little bit and when the frog monster touch her arms, it is smashed against her powerful defense and his body squish then it exploded backwawrds in-froont of Applejack and their is blood and gut on the walls on her in front of her and the floor too and he is been obliteration immediately when he touch her.

Applejack knew the monsters is no match for her super strength because, she is very strong both on the defense and the offense she cannot be hurt as assily as the normal human because, she has the power and she can also lift really anything that is heavy because, she can. She had yet to find a monster or human that can rival her strength not even Rainbow who can run very fast and can hit hard because, of her speed, can match her strength if Rainbow is to hit her even at fast, then she cannot defeat the defense still. That was how strong Apple jack was.

“Now I must find the Hostages before they die of no air or hunger” She said.

Their is still no sign of anything since the frong monster and Aplejack found she is going deeper in the sewers when she founds a hole in the ground it is a circle. She found water going down one side of it and it led deeper. She must know the Hostages are somewhere underground lower so she decided to jump down. She don’t even use ropes or to climb and she fly throw the dark and then her feet hit the ground and there is a crack and shockwave to send out and it breaks all the walls around her and their is also a splash because, their is water below her and the water is now to her ankles pooling from above the streams. Her drop shock waves break some of the walls and their is more water to gush out across over her and she is now wet and smelly. She don’t care much for the wet but, it smelled back but, at least she wasn’t any Rarity. She knew Rarity would faint if is happens and she also think it is strange that she even came down into the sewers with them, she thought she will stay on top.

“Well I am deep now and I wonder where to go now to find ther Hostages” Applejack said and she must find a path way. There is two, one is behind her and one is in front of her and they have grates so she have to punch her way through one of them but, before she can their is a sound of something heavy falling and that only means is from where she can and Applejack looked up. Above her is a big monster man thing and he is falling right on top of her. Instead of Running, Applejack stood her feet and she ready her defense again. She reach both arms forward then she stretch her arms in the L shape and wait. The monster hit into her arms and she almost crupple below him but, with just enough strength Applejack threw it off her and she threw to the left and she fell on one knew, that was very heavy and she felt hurt.

“My arms” She said and she rub them she is pained.

The monster flew into the wall on the side where their is water dripping and it breaks even moar and now water is poring into the below and it is from her ankles and now it is at her knees and water is still coming in the place might flood the longer she is here and she look at the grates on the path ways. If the water is too high she cannot go those ways and, if they are passed that she has a trouble because, she doesn’t have the ability to breathe under water and that would be struggling and she also didn’t know, maybe her friends are on the other paths and they will be stuck with the water also.

The monster stood up on his feet and he haves metal that seems to be screwed into his skin and his head is also has a metal helmet and the jaw and he has a lot of muscles more muscles then Applejack and she had a thing for big muscles and the monster seemed hot to her but, he was a monster so she cannot let it. But perhaps if she found a human outside that is like that is cool to have. He is big and is like a big rock and he is twice her height about.

“I am Metalo basher” he said to her. “I am a monster associate executive and I have been signed to fight you Applejack that is strong with power”

“So you know me” Applejack replied with a question.

“Yes I know you and we all know you because, we have studied your above world to know, how to taek you all down because, the above world is belong to us because, we are more powerful then humans” Metalo answered her. “And You Humans have ruined the world already so long. I use to be a metal worker in the metal working factory and I work with metals to make into things to be able to make items with metal, then one day before I finish my shift I am pushed into the metal machine by my coworkers is humans and then I fell into it I thought, I will die because, it will grind metal so I try to save myself and I push against the sides with all my might until even is my bones that is breaking in my arms and legs when I push because, I cannot die yet because, I have life to go. Then to my unknown, the metal that falls around me has screws that is rusty and then as it stabb me from above the rust join with my system I don’t know where that metal is from but is not, normal rust and I am suddenly fill with power and then more metal join around me and I find myself being unable to detach the metal and I am suddenly stronger. I escape the metal machine and I use it to kill my coworkers who push me in and I watch as there faces are grinded in the below grinder and then is a lot of blood and I am happy. Now I see that this factories only can pollute the world and kill friendships I cannot continue to let humans be above world you must now be pushed to below world and we take the top from you”

“That’s no good but, I cannot let you do that their are people to be saved and you will danger them all, I will stop you” Applejack replied.

“Then you will die I am Metalo Basher I am the strongest Muscles in heir sewers” he says.

He crush his fists together to make it smash. Applejack move her hat on her head to behind her is attached with a string then she ran at Metalo basher. He was bigger
But when Applejack jump at him she useher shoulder and she knock into him hard and then he is flung to the wall but, he seems to be ok. Applejack know she can hit him harder but, with the water is rising she cannot, run as fast in the water.

She clashes with Metalo Basher again and they lock fingers and they try to push each other forward but, not of them give way. Metalo tries to headbut her but, Applejack moves her head to the side and he misses and then she headbuts his metal jaw and leaves a den but, he doesn’t seem to notice much except his one eyes got closed.

“That hurt” He said then he smile.

“You are strong I will tell you that” Applejack told. “But I am stronger because, I am a defender you are now a monster”

“You humans is all the same always, think you are better than us because, you are here first” Metalo replied. “Well monsters were first because, last time before humans, their are monsters all over the above ground. Then when humans, monsters hide. But no more hiding now, we will defeat you and we will take back what is our”

“I cannot let you you will, be defeated” Applejack said.

Metalo Basher let go of one of Applejack hands then, he punch her in the chest. Applejack flew back out of the water their is a splash and then, she bounced on the other side of the floor then she bounce again and hit the wall and she broke it, their are debree that is falling from above her and they land in the water which is, still filling and is now to her thighs.

“You are strong” Applejack brush the dirt from her hair.

“You are also very strong” Metalo Basher smile and punch his fists.

Then they fought each other again and they punch each other a free times and they each take punches from each other, then, they also trade blows to trade with each other one by one to see who can get hurt faster but, both of them still fighting strong but then, suddenly, Matalo hits Applejake in the mouth then she feels something dislocked and she flew back into the water and her mouth hurts especially is when, she can talk.

“Ow” She said and it feels it was hurt bad. Now her mouth is bleeding down to the water around.

“I made you bled I guess I am stronger” Metalo laugh at her.

“Oh no it is just bleed I can still fight” Applejack said.

The water now is getting higher and she worry if is more higher then, she will be unable to stand in the water because, Metalo is taller then her and he will be able to stand still because, he is taller and the water will not rose to his head yet. She needed to find how to go through the grile or the defeat of Metalo Basher.

Applejack leaned back then she pulled at the wall and she rip out the whole wall and she held it in her hands and over her. Then she throw it at Metalo with her strength, she run at the same time and to fight because, he will of distracted. Metalo punch through the wall and it is detroyerd but Applejack fly through it as it is breaked, then she, kicked with her foot and she hit him the chest and she continue to punch him repeatedly she see his chest having her hand marks as she punch and she continue to punch and punch and punch and punch and punch but, before she can finished she found, the water is already rose to her neck and she is starting to float and she lose the footing and because, she gannot get her footing she is not able to punch with her strength and Metallo know it and he smiles at her. Then he grab her around the neck and push her face under the weather. Applejack tried to get up to breath but, she cannot get past Metallo’s hands because, she don’t have the right footing and he still have.
“Now you are going to drowned and you cannot find your Hostages maybe the water is also rise to kill them” Metallo said and continue to choke her under water. “Looks like I am stronger”

Applejack blow bubbles from her mouth she had to fight back but, she didn’t know is to how at the moment. She needed rescue.

Author's Note:

Things are to look tough for Applejack will she make it?