• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,257 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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Last chapter(30) The real wizard

Two years later.
It is morning when I wake up in bed and I stretch my arms but, accidentally do it too hard and the bed frame behind me breaks.
“Oops” I say.

“What is it, Georg?” Fluttershy said beside me.

I look over to her and she is so pretty and cute. I kiss her cheek just because.

“I accidentally broke the bed frame with my stretch but, it is not too bad. We can still sleep” I explained.

“Ok, that’s good” She replied and closed her eyes again.

It was nice to have her with me. Know that I didn’t do anything funny to her ok? I just invited her to sleep with me. That’s all. We just slept together, nothing weird. It was just so nice to have a girlfriend that I didn’t want to let go of her so fast. And it was nice to see her sleeping next to me if makes me feel loved that she would like to sleep with me.

Now at this point I’ve been in Canterlot two whole years and on this day exactly two years ago, I defeated King Hungrizzard and ended the Monster attack on Canterlot. I am now Fifteen year old. Since then their have only been a few attacks but, not so frequent and it is good to just relax sometimes, like now. Fluttershy has been my girlfriend all this time and it is so nice to be her boyfriend and she loves me even though I am Bald and with my disabilities. She loves me for what I am.
“Georg, Fluttershy you have to get up for breakfast or you’ll be late for school” Rainbow Dash came into the room already dressed to go. “Stop sleeping”

“Ok I’m getting up” I say. Then I stand up and I grab my cloths to change into.

“Me too” Fluttershy said. She also grabs her cloths next to the bed. Did you know she sleeps in her underwear? Today she is wearing a pink one that matches her hair.I have no issues with that she also has an amazing body but, I shouldn’t say too much because, it is my personal secret because, she is my girlfriend.

Rarity made for me a yellow jacket and a jumpsuit underneath and also yellow pants and she made sure they are fireproof. I am tired of having my cloths be burned off by Monsters. I have also grown accostumed to my Bald but, I still wish I had my hair but, their is no good way to have it anymore. Oh, I should also fill you in that their is now a Hero Association in this world, I told Principal Celestia about how their was a hero association in One Punch Man and that they could make the school the headquarters for sending the Defenders out so she said it was a great plan, the best ever, and she agreed to make it. So now we have a building behind the school that is made of strong metal that can withstand earthquakes, lava, tornados, psychic, missiles, acid, claws, teeth, strong arms, lasers, tsunamis, and even meteors. Those heroes that waked up here with me, they cannot find a way home so, they have also decided to join the Hero Association to protect this world. One Punch Man’s world will just have to do without them at least they still have the real Saitama and Blast wherever they are.
There are also now more heroes since the Association was created besides the Defenders. Even Rarity’s sister and her friends, the Crusaders are also heroes now and they use machines to help them fight Monsters. I have also made many new friends of heroes now and they also all go to school. I know Flash Sentry who is also a hero now and he can use music to use sound waves that can hurt, I know, I’ve ask him to try it, while it cannot kill me, it irritates my ears. Then their is Arctic Ace and he has blue hair and he can use ice powers which is quite cool, with the pun intended.
Oh yes, also they have installed hero ranks in the Hero Association, just like with One Punch Man except we don’t have Blast so I was offered to be S Rank number 1 but, I turned it down because, I don’t like a high position like it, so I pretend their is a strong hero, Blast as hero 1 and Tatsumaki is number 2. The rest of S Rank are the Defenders, so Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack,Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. Because their is no Sweet Mask, Fubuki is A Rank number 1 and for some reason, she is quite upset she is in this world. I think she wants to go back for something in the One Punch world. So for me, I took the rank of C rank number 1 and Mumen Rider is number 2. He goes to school with us now, so he is also a hero at school. So much has happened since I’ve been here and I've never been happier in my life. The only thing now to make me happier if I have hair again but, I have come to the terms with it and… Fluttershy likes my Bald, so that is not too bad as I think!

With all this in store now the town is so much safer and things get rarely broken now and their is a security system down in the sewers now that we can prevent Monsters from gathering their and becoming a Monster Association in King Hungrizzard’s place. When they act on their own they are so easy to deal with, not just for me but for everyone and it is great.

“Georg stop dreaming and hurry” Fluttershy said. She had already put on her tank top and her skirt. I watch her for a while then I go brush my teeth and change to go to school.

It was on our walk to school when we get our first problem from Monsters. But this Monster looked familiar. It was Cockroach man from One Punch Man. I recognize him because, he is of a roach body and still has the face of a human. He came out of an alley on all six legs then he stood and tried to run for us.

“Fluttershy get down” I said. I wanted to protect her.

“No this one I can handle, Georg” She replied. She smiled at me and it was so pretty.

She put a hand to her head and suddenly their are eagles coming down from above. Cockroachman tries to swat at them with his hands but, their beaks pierce his shell.

“Stop I am Cockroach Man and I don’t even know why I am here!” He said.

And then Fluttershy whistled and the eagles transformed. They grew four more wings and their beeks became bigger and they began to do more damage to Cockroach Man. I remember Fluttershy using this power once on another Monster but, I actually forgot she can do that, that she can transform animals to make them very powerful to do what she needed to do to save people. In no time Cockroach Man was completely picked off by the birds and they returned to normal and flew away.

“See no need to strain yourself always Georg, I can handle things” Fluttershy said. She put a kiss on my cheek and it was so nice I decided to kiss her more but, then I stopped because, people on the street began looking at me. Maybe they thought I was a creep because of my Bald, then we keep going. And almost to the front of school their is a rumbling.

“Now what?” I ask.

The sky turned dark and the clouds begin to swirl. The sky turned grey and then blue and then a light began to come from the sky as the clouds swirled around like, it was becoming a portal or it looked like one.

“What’s going on” Fluttershy asked. She hides behind me and holds my hand.

“I don’t know but, its probably a Monster” I replied her.

Then from the portal now their are two hands that are coming out. They look like the gloves of Bugs Bunny from Looney Tunes and they even have the black lines on them. It looks fake but then, a cloak follows the gloves and it is a blue cloak that almost matches the blue sky now.

“Humans of Canterlot I am now here, your master” It said. The cloak has a black hole where the head should be and I cannot see in it. “I am Phantom Wizard and I am the one who brought people from other worlds and I let them wake up here and now they are here to stay, humans or Monsters or even anime characters!”

“It is you, you are the one” I said to him. I am not sure if he can hear me because, he is in the sky.
“Yes you human from the real human world, not the cartoon human world” He said to me. So he could hear me even from their.

“Why did you bring me here and us?” I asked. I liked it here now but, I did want to know the reason for me being here.

“I have my reasons but mostly, because I want to play god, ha ha” He answered me. His voice is a bit annoying like, it sounds like with a scraping on sandpaper and then with a base drum. “I was lost in the cosmics of space for very long and in time I have gained the powers of the cosmics and I am all powerful now after I have absorbed stars and now, I can control all things like time, reality and space and to be able to bring who I want to where I want, if I want you in Jurassic Park I can bring you their and if I want you in Fast and Furious I can bring you their!”

“He is too evil, we must stop him” I said.

“I agree” Fluttershy replied. “But how?”

“With punching” I said and I raise my fist to get ready.

I get ready and I jump at Phantom Wizard but, suddenly I find that I cannot reach him, it is as though their is a barrier in front of me but, I don’t see anything. Then I am thrown back to the ground and I break the road and people start panicing around me. I am unhurt and I just stand up and wipe the road from my face.

“I brought you here you think you can defeat me with one punch like Saitama from One Punch Man?” Phantom Wizard laughed at me. “I gave you his powers to see what you would make of yourself in this world but, it seems like it was a good idea since now you are a strong hero and I will continue to watch and see what happens as I bring more people into this world now to test you”

“What do you want to test me about?” I asked him.

“To see if you really have what it takes to be a hero not just for fun, but for justice” He answered. “Now I will go but, it is nice to see everyone and be ready because, it is not over for everyone at all”

And then Phantom Wizard went back into his portal and the sky returned to daytime blue again and the birds come back and people stop panicing and begin doing what they were doing before but, now I am not sure what he is planning. Why did he make me a hero just to test me, and why me? I don’t know and I have no answers even though I am quite smart now, being in school for two more years.

“Georg is this a good thing?” Fluttershy asked me.

I am not sure what to tell her and I have no words to say this. “It is good that he gave me powers but, I don’t know his plans and I feel they are nefarious” I said.
But now when he is gone, their is nothing I can do yet. So to go to school and carry on my day will be my next action but, I have a bad feeling it is not over. But since I am a hero now I will do whatever it takes to continue to learn to be a better hero and not just for myself, but for all of Canterlot so that everyone here will always be safe, and that they can count on me and the Defenders and the Hero Association. That is what it is to be a hero, to do good always in the face of space wizards also.

Author's Note:

And the story is finished here, thank you for reading and I finished my first story this is exiting! I hope you like the story and I am sorry for my grammar and english again I am trying to continue to improve I guess, the school system fails in this.

I have given a sneak peak a little on Arctic Ace which is MLPfan1's OC and he will be featured in the next story in the rest of Georg's adventures so stay tuned I hope I can do so much better with my second story when it comes out, please help me more with your comments and I will try to improve with what you say thank you everyone!
Continue to be safe in the virus

Comments ( 3 )

Amazing final! Looking forward to seeing the sequel!

Where can I read Cinders of war?

Cinders of war is a person he is the one who do the Bloodlines andHero for Fun also. You can search his name to find

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