• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,257 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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Neun (9): Alone and Sunset

Sunset Shimmer is looking down the one pipe of a sewer slope and she holds her nose. It is smelly and there is dark below and she cannot see the bottom don’t know, should she go down or not. In the end she decided to go down so she slid down the side, where there is no water, then she touches the bottom in a splash and she falls to her arms and everything is under the smell water And now she stank.

“Gross” Sunset spat water out and push her dirty wet hair out of her face. Everything is smelly and life felt Bad now.

The ahead path lead to a side where is a ladder out of the water. Sunset went to it and climb up, her hands slipping on the ladder because, it is wet. She almost fell off again but, she manage to hold on and make her way to the top and she is safely on ground. Sunset found she is now in a long walkway and there is a railings and one door on the side that is of steel and is locked, she cannot go that way.

“I wonder what is through here” she says. Then there is a ringing sound. Something like a something hitting the railings. “Who is there?” she asked.

There is no reply, but, then she realize if is someone not replying her, then it must be a monster. She got ready to fight. When still nothing is coming towards her she decided to approach it. She walked down the walkway and slowly to keep an eye in case something can ambush her.

Her powers were nothing like what her friends were could do because, all she could do was read minds and even compel them to do something but, she first had to made contact to do that. Just in case she had also brought a shovel with her, with the end is a red handle and the front is a spades shape and it was quite heavy which might be a good Weapon if she swung hard enough. Ahead there is the skrittering noise and then from the darkness of the walkway there is a monster. It has one big eye in the center of its head and its mouth had many teeth all square and separate not one piece of teeth. It was yellow and it pointed its finger at her and it smile.

“I am Eyezone and I am have a bad smell under my arm pits. And my zits there turn me into a monster. Now I surve King Hungrizzard!” it says.

“Where are the hostages?” Sunset asked.

“I will never tell you” Eyezone replied. “But you will die now and I will be rewarded and made a lootenant!”

He charged at Sunset and she swung her shovel. It missed and the Eyezone grabbed her left leg and pulled her down, then he climbed on top of her and hold both her hands down and smile at her, opening his mouth big. Sunset tried to swing the shovel, but here was too narrow and she cannot. Instead she reach her legs under the monster and she kick him and he flew back as she stood. He ran at her again but, this time Sunset move the shovel away and she place a hand against his forehead. Instantly she see the past of the monster and how he had bad BO then, he never wash himself properly, suddenly his zits under the arm begin to grow and turn more yellow. Somehow they take over his body and he began a monster. Sunset put some memory into its head then he stop attacking her.

“Leave here and don’t be a monster anymore” She said.

“Sounds like a good idea” Eyezone answered. “I think I will go become a…”

“Hotdog salesman” Sunset told.

“Hotdog salesman” Eyezone said and then walk away.

“Easy enough” Sunset said and she continue down with her shovel. Perhaps it will not be so hard to get through past the Monsters and she can find the hostages and Rescue them. After the walkway Sunset finds herself now she is in a big room with a hole that leads further down and there is a waterfall dropping past her from the water she was in earlier but, she is standing above it because there is a walkway. The walkway leads around in a circle in two paths but, it meet again at the other end and there is another tunnel there.

From above her sundenly there is a few legs of insects that grab her and she screamed and cut with her shovel at them. She cut off two of the legs and then the rest cannot Support her and she fell back to the floor and look up. Above her is a two headed grasshopper with spider legs and it descended in its Web and it land beside her and open both mouths.

“We are Grassspidder” the both heads say at the same time. “One day we were a grasshopper and spider blood radioactive spill on us and it merged us into this monster and we become smart. Now you will die and be our food.”

“There is no chance” Sunset said and arm with her shovel. She smash it on one head and the monster fell back one few steps. It rear up on the back legs and then it pounced on her and Sunset block with her weapon. She push up with it and the monster was pushed back but Sunset jab the sharp end of the shovel into its body and she manage to cut a bit through the exoskeleton, but it was a tough exoskeleton. The grassspidder again attack her by throwing its whole thing onto her to try to stab her with the legs, but Sunset, managed to move away and use the shovel to keep it from reaching her. She then reach out and try to touch it but, the monster spit web at her from its mouths and she had to duck and move to the other side of the round circle walkway to not get web.

“Come back and fight like a man” Grassspidder say with both heads at once.

“No thank you I am no man” Sunset replied and kept stepping back and back as she try to figure out what to do to win. She needed to touch it first but, with its legs she cannot touch it unless she want to get stab in the face or something. She needed to more use of the shovel. With the shovel Sunset ran back to Grassspidder and then as it swing its one leg at her to stab her Sunset, she ducked under and cut it with her shovel and the leg fell off. Grassspidder took a step away from her and wanted to spit more web but, Sunset was already grabbing the end of the cut off leg and she held him as his past was flash through her eyes and she know of his old insect life. She found he was of a happy life when he was a grasshopper just eating grass and crops. So she use that to play on him.

“You can go out there and just live again without all this violence. Just eat plants” She said.

Grassspidder at first never move but when Sunset let go of his end of the leg, he stopped attacking, then both heads nodded and he look to the sewers. “Yes I will thank you” he replied.

And Sunset let him go because, that was how she could always stop a crime or monster. As Defenders of Canterlot, there job was to keep everyone safe, even if is to keep monster from killing people and to let them live there lives normally. Sunset let them go because once she compelled them they would not stop until they die. At least she thought so.

With another monster dealt with it was nice to her to know that there was less monsters down here in the monster association which means there was less resistance to getting to the hostages now, wherever they were. She remember the lock door behind her but, then she realize is that is too early in the swers to be the one. The monsters wouldn’t put that of it so close to where they enter, hostages would probably be closer to the King. They must be further down into this lair that the monsters have. Sunset held her shovel and she contiued on. Maybe she was actually close. Or actually now she think about it, was probably a good idea to ask one of the monsters or at least search there memories for it.

“Oops” Sunset said. “Oh well I’ll just keep going and to see what happens.”

After the circle room with the waterfall of dirty water, Sunset found she walked into another walkway room, but then, this one led into a looks like a path of a maze with concrete all around her. She followed the path and it turned and twisted around and there was no other Way but forward because, it was only one way ahead. Sunset forgot how long she was walking in the almost square tunnel but then, she began hearing a sighning somewhere ahead. It sounded like someone was about to give up in life. Maybe it was the Hostages.

“They must be over their” Sunset said. Then she keep walking.

When the she got around the next Corner, there was, not the Hostages, but it was a monster. This monster was just all white and there with a face that look sad and it looked like a bananaman.

“Oh you are the one Sunset Shimmer” The monster said its voice was like the low and bored kind.

“Yes I am who are you where do you keep the Hostages?” Sunset asked.

“I won’t tell you” The monster answers. “Because, I don’t care to not because I don’t want to.”

“Ok but I will get it from your head anyway I have powers” Sunset said and walk to it.

“You can just try” The monster answered.

“Your not going to try to stop me from?” Sunset asked. She was confused a bit because, the monster didn’t seem to like going to Attack.

“I said you can try” He said again but, he never moved.

Sunset approached the monster slowly and she carefully hold her shovel. When she was close she very fast reached her hand out to touch the monster on his white banana body. But then as she look through its memories she only see white, nothing else.

“What how come you have nothing in your mind?” Sunset asked confused.

“Because all everything is meaningless. I am Empty Alone the monster of Nihelism” he said to her. “I was born of negative emotion from all the people who are depressed and I appeared in a garbage one day and have no meaning since, Since then King Hungrizzard has given me a good status and all I must do is keep you from getting the hostages.”

“Then I will use this” Susnet said and she hold her shovel to hit.

“You can tray also but, you will fail” Empty Alone answered.

The monster stood up and Sunset try to hit it with her shovel but the monster angel his head down and he use the top of his banana head to deflect her shovel. With a flick his head the monster knocked Sunset back and she stumbled back and her tried to attack again but each time, her attack was deflected. Sunset was in trouble. Normally if she could just touch the monster she can compel them to stop with there good Memories but, this one had nothing in his head and she cannot compel a nothing.

“Oh no” Sunset said. “I am in trouble now.” And she tried to swing her shovel again.

Author's Note:

Is and the bosses are read y to fight there foes in the heroes, who will win? lol I hope you like!