• Published 15th Mar 2020
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A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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no3 > when the hero rises

“You see what you done Georg” Rainbow says.

She rubs at her black eye that is still there after one day.

“I say I was sorry” I say.

“Now people are laughing at me for my black eye you gave” she replied.

“Well is the same as when they laugh at my Baldness” I answer.


The yesterday also I had fought another monster and this one was called Sombrerinasty, he had able to spray taco juice from his mouth and eyes and cover parts of Canterlot but I stopped him with one my punch to, and then the city needed to be cleaned up. Ever since coming here I’ve seen one monster on one day and I am sure their will be another one today.

“I don’t know where they are all coming from but it must be from somewhere” Rainbow said.

“Yes I agree” I agreed with her. “Mumen rider have also come from somewhere. I must find him and ask him how he came here to Equestira human world”

“After school you will go. We still have class” Rainbow says.

“Yes I will go after, Maybe I can find Mumem Rider and bring him here so he can come to school too.”

“That’s a good idea Goerg. Hey also, a question I wanted to ask you is you like Fluttershy?” Rainbow asks.

“What how did you know that?” I answer.

“I always see you look at her,” Rainbow says and smirks at me. “Your to obvious”

“Yes you caught me, yes. I like her, She’s cute and pretty, she’s quite the hot” I reply.

“And she says your Bald is nice” Rainbow says.

“Yeah but I don’t know, I don’t know if I can ask her out” I replied.

“She’s one of my best friends, I will ask her on behalf” Rainbow tells me.

“You don’t have to”

“But I will”

“Oh ok” I say.

“I’ll be back” Rainbow says then she speeds off. She literal speeds off. As in she was ran faster than a normal eye could blink.

“Huh?” I say to myself out of my mouth. I thaught I emagined it, but maybe not. But then I remember that in the show they all gained super powers from the gems and then it all made since suddenly. “Maybe the girls can be. super hero too.”

I don’t know what to do at the moment so I go to my next class which is biography. Maybe learning about the human body will help me find out why I can become Saitama’s powers.

Under the Buildings of Canterlot is a secret connections of Sewers and there is alot of garbage down here and dirty water, something slithers out from under water and then goes forward, it is a monster.

It goes until it reaches a waterfall then it falls off into the bottom, which is very deep, at least seventeen stories. At the bottom the monster swims then it stops at a big longue chair where a fat monster lizard creature is sitting with a crown on is head.

He is the leader of the Monsters and is called Hungrizzard and he is fat.

“What you have to report to me Sandwich Lizard?” He ask.

The smaller lizard monster poke his head out of the water and spit it. “I return with news King Hungrizzard there is a human in Canterlot that can kill our with one punch his name I heard is Georg or Saitama. He is nothing like the other heroes who appear. He is strong”

“Well how strong is he, it dpesnt matter what he iss strong because we will defeat him and be able to take over the school” Hungrizzard said. “Sent out more monsters to fight this Georg. He can't possibly be stronger than our strongest monsters, right”

“Yeah boss he can't” the smaller lizard said. “We can beat this Georg person for real”

“Good” Hungrizzard says. “Now send out the next monster! We will show Georg that we will not be scared of his one punching powers”.

“Huzzah” the smaller monsters cheer.

So back up on the surface I am getting some food as well as looking online to see if I can buy a wiig because I don’t like being Bald even though I am Saitama. I don’t know if I want to try the wiig shop again in case it burns up my next wiig. With the monsters gone for now I feel like I can relax and get to know the place a little better since it’s not my home and I am a starnger here. Yeah.

The only one who still like my Bald is Fluttershy and she’s very cute and pretty I hope Rainbow can tell her properly that.

Suddenly before anything I can there is an explosion outside and everyone in the cafeyteria ducks down and look around wildly.

“Another monster attack?” The student Melody says.

“Not another one” student Snails says also.

“We need heroes!” Pinkie Pie says next to me she come out of nowhere.

“Time to ready for more fun.” I said. I throw my arms together then I go outside for the main door. I lost my suit when I fought Turtle Fandrongo, so this time I am wearing a normal clothing which is a yellow jacket over a yellow pikachu shirt and then jeans and red sneakers. I also need to make a
New suit maybe Rarity can make one for me tomorrow, I’ll ask.

Outside is a insect creature like a stag beetle and a little bit like Bug god from One Punch man. It is kicking the side of the School.

“Hey” I call it from where I am. “Stop destroying the school.”

“Oh? Or what are you going to do to me? Kill me?” The monster says. “I am the Stagger and I was once human until I love bugs so much that one day I woke up as one. You are no match for my new powers”

Suddenly there is a man on the other side of Stagger and I recognize him because he is from One Punch man, it’s Zombieman the undying hero, what he he also doing here? Like Mumen rider their not suppose to be here.

“I will kill you” he tells the monster.

“Ha, you look, even weaker than the first guy” the monster says.

“But, I am stronger” Zombieman replies.

He pulls out his axe but the monster is faster, he closes the distances and then his stag horns are already cutting through Zombieman and he falls to the floor.

“See you cannot win” Stagger says.

“It’s not over, he’s Zombieman” I say. “He can die and die and die again and again but you cannot kill him even if you do. He’s been genetically enhanced by the House of evolution and he will regenerate from everything, you can throw.”

“Oh really, then I will, kill him more” Stagger answers.

He punches the Zombieman’s body repeatedly and the road starts to break apart. Then suddenly a monkey monster jumps down from above and tries to smash me, but all is done is break the floor under me and I am still ok.

“That attack should have flattened you, what are you, who” he says. He’s got orange hair and a flat face with many teeth. “I am Harangutan, and I will make your life miserable and treat you badly like my zookeepers, once did to me, that is why I became a monster, from their bad treatment. I was treated well at first then I was treated badly.”

I punch him and he immediately dies and falls to the ground with a hole in his chest.

“Easy enough” I say.

I look back to Zombieman and he is still getting punched by Stagger but I know him enough from One Punch man, he can handle it, so I go back into school because Lesson is still going.

Meanwhile Stagger finishes punching and he takes one step back and, he looks at the rubble on the road and there is only a broken body there inside.

“You are said to generate but you don’t seem able to after my fast attacks” he says. “I shall now terrorize the town.”

Suddenly there is a gunshot and an axe swing and Stagger’s arms, are gone.

“What?” He asks.

“You were warned” Zombie man has peeled himself off the floor and he says.

Then he chops with his axe again and Stagger loses a leg.

“No have mercy” the bug monster said.

“None for you” said Zombieman and then he cuts through Stagger’s face then wipes his face and smokes. “Strange way to start my Day in this strange world…”

Sombieman only remembered waking up and then he was looking at funny looking Buildings and multicolored people, not to be racist. He still had, all his weapons and then there were monsters here too so whatever, wherever their were monsters he would kill.

What puzzled him was that strange Bald boy from earlier he didn’t know, the boy seemed to know him somehow. Maybe he known he from somewhere but, he forgot who he was. Maybe he knew a way back home, so Zombieman went into the school, and threw his cigarette one the pavement outside.
“Are you sure I can have this?” I ask.

“Is all yours Georg” Rarity gives me a nice wiig with a red hair. Is not my normal hair but at least is hair.

People were still laughing at my Bald like they were laughing at Rainbow’s black eye. It was good to be able to cover it.

“Hey whose that?” She pointed at the behind me.

I look to who she is pointing at and is Zombieman who is walking down the school hallway thankfully not holding any guns.

“He seems to be looking for something” Pinkie Pie says. “I wonder what.”

Zombieman stopped in front of me then squinted. After a while he walked away and he look around some more.

“I wonder what” I also say and then I go with them to my next class.