• Published 15th Mar 2020
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A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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Numero veintiocho(28) The final battle part 2

I watched as Twilight and Fubuki lifted more Pop Ups off the floor then Tatsumaki made a storm and they were flying around but, Psyclown stopped her storm and used his tornado instead and the Pop Ups are still flying but, it now threatens my friends.

Metal Bat is sucked up and then Metalo jumps up in his new form and he punches Metal Bat so hard that he flies from the tornado and cannot even be sucked back in and, he crashes into a building and it breaks and I am sure more people have died because of that but, I cannot feel Like I have failed again, those that are still alive, depend on me to save them and I have to be a hero that is not perfect but, a hero that can save even in the darkest of situation and to be able to be a strong hero for justice not just, for fun. I have learnt that now because, of my best friend Rainbow Dash, that being a hero for fun is not good enough. I have waked up in this world with Saitama’s powers somehow from the convention and I thought it would be so fun to just have this power and go to school and do what I want and occasional to save people from Monsters but, now there's so much more to that that with great power, I am not copyrighting Spiderman, comes great responsibility and I have to do what is right because that is what a hero does.

“You have nowhere to go” Homeless Emporer said. He has more balls to throw.

ZombieMan pulls out more desert eagles to fire at him but, each ball takes one bullet and their are still more that is able to be thrown and Zombie man and Applejack are bombarded but, Applejack lifted a car and it took the balls but, she is thrown clear and she is hurt now I see her arms are bleeding, that is not good.

“We need to deal with him next he is the most dangerous” I said.

“Yes I agree” Tatsumaki agreed. “I will make an opening for you Georg”

“Ok” I replied. “Let’s do it”

Tatsumaki flies over and she holds his balls back and he creates more and then starts making a big one over his head. Rainbow runs around and he starts to shoot at her but, then Pop Up grabs her legs from below because, he is a goffer he can dig.

“Oh no, I need some help” Rainbow said.

“You will not get it” Empty Alone answered.

Rainbow faced him but, she cannot move away and he headbutts her and she faints and, the Pop Ups claw at her body.

“No I need to help her” I said.
“I will help her you take Homeless Emporer” Pinkie replied.

She threw her cofetti at the Pop Ups and they blow up but, they grow even more because, they can multiply.

“You cannot kill” A thousand and forty six Pop Ups said at once. “I have told you so many times but, you keep trying”

“Georg I cannot hold it so long!” Tatsumaki said to me. “You must stop Homeless Emporer first”

“But Rainbow is getting clawed” I replied.

“That or everyone will get hit by the balls” Tatsumaki answered.

I knew what I had to do, Rainbow was in trouble but, Tatsumaki was right and as a hero now I had to make that choice to do the right thing even when it doesn’t look like it I must first save everyone to save Rainbow and then the Hostages and the city from the Monsters. I use my strong legs and with my strength I run very fast and the balls are not down yet because, Tatsumaki can hold them up still. Homeless Emporer is shocked that I am already in front of him in such a distance because, he didn’t expect me to do to his. He points his finger at me to fire more balls but, I step to one side and the balls he fires miss me and it hits the ground and their is debree in the air and I am even closer now. He tries to jump but, I punch him in the leg and immediately his leg, is blown away and he is now a cripple. He falls to the ground at my feet and he is now unable to get up because, he is missing his leg and he cannot get into a stand because, he is not used to have only one leg.

“It is over Homeless Emporer” I said.

“No I can still win this I am strong and given by God” He replied.
He tries to shoot me again and this time I punch his hand. Now his hand is gone and then I grab his other hand and break his fingers now, he cannot shoot any more balls at us. “No it cannot be”

“Now it is over for sure” I said. And it is time to Help Rainbow before she is clawed to death.

As I go over to the Pop Ups to help, Tatsumaki Fubuki and Twilight arrive at Homeless Emporer who now cannot move. “Look who is weak now” Tatsumaki said.

“I will finish him for what he did” Fubuki says.

“He will not hurt anyone again” Twilight said.

Together they use their psychic and they form a even bigger ball above him. It is purple and green and blue and then it combines to form a purple because, the colors can blend. And then with lowering their hands the ball falls on Homeless Emporer and he is immediately vaporzed in the blast and the ground explodes and their is debree flying around and King Hungrizzard is hit in the head by one and he is not affected because, it is like dust on him because, he is so big now with releasing some of his power and he is unaffected. When the light is gone Homeless Emporer is also gone and their is a hole in the ground now that leads lower into the sewers.

I am now running to Rainbow and I see the Pop Ups are coming towards me now and they try to claw at my face but, their claws don’t even leave claw marks on my face and I punch two of them with my hands and they blow up and don’t come back. They are still shocked like is there first time to see it and they cannot believe it again even though, I did that just now when I was fighting some of him.

“We need to do something drastic to win” One pop Up said to another.

“Yes we need the special move” Another Pop Up replied to him.

“What special move” I ask. Now i am curious as to what they can do because, they resemble Black sperm from the manga who can split and Atomic Samurai cannot defeat because, the more he cuts them the more they are of them. His special enemy. But what most people don’t know is black sperm can combine besides just, split. Together they make golden Sperm who can be very powerful to fight and is now formidable. I don’t wait to see because, Rainbow needs me. I punch the Pop Ups around her and they are gone instantly and she is free again but, she is badly hurt and bleeding everywhere.

“Rainbow are you ok” I ask.

“Not really” She replied. She cannot even walk without a limp.

Things are not good looking for the Defenders. Applejack is out of action because, her arms are bleeding. Rainbow is bleeding bad, Metal Bat is somewhere I hope he is not dead after Metallo attacked him.

“We can still win Rainbow” I said. And we can because, I have Saitama’s powers.

“I know Georg” Rainbow answered. “I need to go sit out you have to win this”

“Ok I will” I replied.

Rainbow left the battlezone and I am now standing there facing at least a million Pop Ups now and they are moving closer together. I knew that they would try to combine.

“They cannot” Tatsumaki said.

She is back next to me and as she floats she cast her psychic and the Pop Ups begin to be unable to move and they are having a hard time now.

“Finish them Georg” She said.

I agree and as Fubuki and Twilight come back and all of the psychics are used to stop them from combining I am able to go to them and I punch all of them one by one and they are gone completely with each punch and now they look afraid because, they cannot stop me from punching. I will bring justice for what they did to Rainbow, my best friend.

“You attack my friends and this town, now you will pay” I said.

Because of this place, I have come to know what is friendship and I will do what it takes to stop them from taking this away from me and I will protect this town with my life. With a step back I draw my fist up and then I bring it forward and it looks very big against the Pop Ups because, of how powerful it is.

“Serious series giant punch” I said.

“Oh no” The Pop Ups say at once.

Their is a flash and in that one moment the Pop Ups are all blown away like in an explosion and they are vaporized on the spot as my fist is going to touch them with just how powerful it was. Even the clouds in the sky move away and look as though something had flown through them very quickly. When the flash is gone, the Pop Ups are also gone with it and their is not even one left standing. The remaining Monsters are fearful now but, King Hungrizzard does not seem any less fearless. He is still standing their. He hasn’t done anything.

“Empty Alone you will kill him” King Hungrizzard said.

The white Monster sighed and he looked more depressed than before if that is possible. He walked towards me on his short legs and it looks like he is reluctant. But he is a Monster. A Monster will deserve to die here because, of what they’ve done to the city and the Hostages. And to Fluttershy. I will do this for her.

“Watch out, Georg” Sunset said. “He is resistant to my mind control because, he feels nothing but depression”

“That is fine” I replied. “He will feel my fist in his head”

“You can try but, I’m quite thick” Empty Alone said. “Now witness the strength of nothing. See my special attack, Null void empty cannon”

Empty Alone took a step and then with his hands he cupped them around his mouth and from his sad shaped mouth, a black ball is released and it starts to eat everything in front of him like the road and everything. Sunset starts to get dragged towards it and I grab on to her. Tatsumaki, Fubuki and Twilight manage to stay away because of their psychic, Rarity used her barriers to avoid it also. Applejack and Rainbow are safe further away because, they are hurt and shouldn’t be in battle now. I look at the expanding black hole and I walk closer, because, it was time to end this. I am not affected by the pull and I walk closer. Empty Alone, if he can look shocked, look shocked that I was walking close to his ultimate attack.

“How are you doing this” He said.

“I have the powers of Saitama” I answered. “And you are going down town”

I punch into the black hole and the force of my attack is able to rip the hole in it even though it is beyond time and space and it breaks in half and then so does Empty Alone in the same instant that my punch connects. He drops to the floor and he is now dead.

“Way to go Georg!” Sunset said.

Now only Psyclown and Metallo Basher are left. And they look like they don’t want to try fighting me too. But King Hungrizzard order them to do it anyway.

“We will take the clown” Tatsumaki told me. “Three psychics can be enough to show him who the real strong psychic is, you take Metallo”

“Ok” I replied.

“Now it is time for my ultimate too then” Psyclown said. “Are you ready for it”

His tornado began to grow bigger and his arms and face became more monstrous and he looks more grotesque like a clown that came from underground or something and his teeth are sharper now and he has a third eye. Metallo was already in his metal industrial revolution form, so he does not change, but he already looked more powerful earlier when he broke through the psychics. But I have a different power from that so I approach him.

“Oh so you are approaching me then come and try” Metallo said. “Spin tower roaring blaze!”

He began spinning and from his body he released fire and it became into a flaming tower that was coming to me. As Tatsumaki and Fubuki and Twilight began using they’re powers on Psyclown, he fights back and their is a lot of color flying around them now and everyone is trying to break each other. Rarity and Sunset watch and they can almost do nothing in this powerful situation.

“Georg watch out” Rarity said.
She created her barriers are Metallo reached me when I wasn’t paying attention and then the flaming tower hit it and it broke instantly and she was thrown back and now she is bleeding from her mouth.

“I’m sorry Rarity I was careless” I said and I hope she will forgive me. I need to stop making mistakes.

I look at the tower and it looks intimidating but, I face my fears of going into the fire and I ready my punch. My cat had died in a fire a long time ago and since then I do not like buildings on fire but, my friends need me and I have to protect them at all cost and that means going into the fire tower.

“Serious series serious punch” I said. And I punched at Metallo.

My fist breaks the tower in the fire and Metallo instantly stops spinning and he realizes how powerful I was just before his whole body explodes and their is metal everywhere and he is now gone.

“No way” Psyclown said.

“Yes he is strong” Tatsumaki told him.

Then suddenly his tornado is wrapped in a green ball and he cannot get out now. Twilight adds her powerful psychic, now in her Midnight sparkle form again to be more powerful. Fubuki adds hers also then they begin to reduce the size of the ball.

“No I cannot lose, I cannot” Psyclown said.
But it is too late for him and the ball closes down and he is crushed in their psychic completely and when they release it, their is only a puff of wind and their is no more Psyclown. The Monsters have been defeated and all that was left was the king, Hungrizzard.
It was close to the end now and this was the final battle.

Author's Note:

I feel so on a roll now with so much typing I am happy it is close to the end, I cannot believe I have almost Finished one story! Please tell me what you think and if I am improving because, I think that I am and I hope I am!