• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,257 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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Nummer fünf :5 A hero with the bat

I went to look for Mumen Rider and then I couldn’t find him in all the normal places of the city, I instead I eventually find him and he is in a Japanese bar with special soup and he is enjoying it it seems.

“Mumen Rider” I say and then sit next to him, I adjust my red wig so that it is nicely on my head so he can’t tell my Bald.

“How do you know me?” he askes.

I breath. “I am from another world that is not this world also. I was from Earth then somehow I went to a costume con and then I ended up in Equestira this world of ponies and then I come through the portal they have to here and I am here now. But I don’t know how I come here, and then you and the other heroes also come here and I don’t know how and they don’t seem to know, also.”

“Oh” Mumen Rider replied. “Yes I also don’t know how I come here but I didn’t, come from any pony world called Equestira, I just come from earth suddenly when I fall asleep then I appeared.”

“Is a good thing your here also” I say. “Because here got monsters attacking and is good to have heroes to defend Canterlot, they must be attacking for a reason but, I don’t know it, maybe you can help I can bring you to Canterlot high school then you can go to school there too.”

“Sounds like a plan” he answered.

“Ok cool” I say.

“Yes, cool” he replies.

I trade my contact with him then I can call him any time.

“Oh by the way you never, tell me your name” he said.

I smirk. Yes I haven’t yet, but I will now. “My name is Georg Filipe Mendoza. But you can also call me Saitama because that was the character I was dressed up as then somehow I ended up here and have all his powers, so you can call me that too.”

“Ok cool I will just call you Georg because is your name” Mumen Rider says. “You seems strong so maybe we can fight monsters together what do you say”

“Yes we can, so, I will see you in school tomorrow” I say.

“Yes you will see me in school, I will be there” he answers.

“Ok, cool” I say back. Then I leave the bar and I decide to go back towards school but, then I realize I lost my way I don’t know where is back to school.

Metal Bat is wondering down town and looking for what to do and how he get here. He only remember waking up on the street and realize this is no longer where he come from, but is a new whole world he never see before because people, are of all colors of the rainbow, not be to racist.

“This is a waste my time I was suppose to see my sister’s competition now I am here I don’t know how to go home. I will beat up any monster I see on the streets.”

Suddenly there is a monster on the street, it is a man dressed in a gym clothes but he have a round head like a globe that sprays mist.

“I am Globehead and I had my head stuck in a globe and now I am monster” he says then he sprays mist at Metal bat, but, Metal Bat is not having it.

Then he smashes his bat on the monster’s head then the globe cracks and he dies.

“You don’t mess with me not now” he says with the angry eyes and he twitch one eyebrow.

From below him suddenly a familair monster pop up and is Elder Centipede, Metal Bat have faced him once before in the city but then he was interrupted by Garou. But, now Elder Centipede
Was here too and he was attacking the city, he come up from underground and one yellow building immediately disappear underground.

“Someone help!” A woman screamed.

“Is time for rematch then” Metal Bat said.

He swung his bat on his shoulder and he make that twitch eyebrow face. He ran and then jumped at Elder Centipede and ready his baseball bat. He hit the monster in the center of the forehead and then hit it more and keep trying. Elder Centipede roar and slide around, than Metal Bat is knocked off. The hero get back up then flying jump into the centipede again and continue to bit him with his bat but, his armor is too strong and even the bat cannot go through.

“Is you again I remember you” Elder Centipede says. “I was fighting you and you cannot bit me, now somehow I wake up in this world, now I serve Monster king Hungrizzard, I will destroy this town and to I’ll make it into destruction.”

“Not if I kill you” Metal Bat answered.

“You cannot get passed my armor” Centipede says. “I am too strong.”

He shakes from side to side and manages to knock Metal bat off his back then he proceed to spin around and charge at him with full speed.

“Oh yeah watch this” Metal Bat spins his bat then he holds it out in front of him. As Centipede come in for to attack, Metal Bat holds his bat against the monster and he is pushed against the ground as Centipede pushes against his bat.

The Elder Centipede was too strong and push he did Metal Bat and he was flung back into a building and he crashed through one of the window. There is a woman scream and he jumps back out.

“Not what I wanted to see today” Metal Bat says. “You will regret throwing me into that Building.”

He rush to the Centipede again and he dodges his face then repeated, strike his body all over, he managed to damage one leg, but then the body is like inpenetrable and cannot be broken through.

“You cannot win.” Elder Centipede tells him and then laughs. “My armor is too strong. If you want to win you must hit harder. The new monster association in this world is better than you think. Maybe they not as strong as Orochi but, they still know one or two about you heroes. You cannot win.”

“You said that so many times” Metal Bat says.

“But you still think you can” Centipede replies.

“You willing bet you” Metal Bat answers.

Centipede laughs again then he goes behind a tall building, then, from nowhere he smashes through it and brings it to rubble and charges Metal Bat. Metal Bat hits the rubble away with his metal bat and destroys them, then he blocks Centipede again but, it is of my no use because Centipede was strong.

“I don’t know why you hero are here too but, is no difference King Hungrizzard’s plans will work today for and you cannot do anything and even you never plan about it.” Centipede said. Then suddenly he stopped and he slide back from Metal Bat. “Our plan is already done. I will take my leave now. You cannot win.”

“Again you say that.” Metal Bat says, but then, Centipede is already retreating back underground in a hole he created when he came out.

“Just what are you monster planning for this town?” Metal Bat shoulder his bat.

“You will see soon.” Elder Centipede replies then he goes back into the hole with a smile on his face.

Metal Bat watch the hole for a while then he breath. And then he looks annoyed. “Whatever, not like, I don’t have enough to worry in this town already. I must find a way back so I can see my sister’s at the piano.”

Then he walks back and he tries to wonder how he got here to this strange world with strange colorful people.

“I’m not racist” he says to the sky.

When Fluttershy came to, she realize she was underground somewhere.

“Where am I, so some underground place?” she says then look around.

It is all dark and there are more people around her and everyone is tied up with rope and she is also tied up.

“I want to go home is dark here” Octavia says next to her and she is scared of the dark..

“And I am me too” said Sweatie Belle. She is also scared.

“Why are we here” Fluttershy askes, then looks around.

There is nothing she can see around, and it is quite dark. Only there is a green light by the ceiling and it blinks. It is only a small square room and there is nothing else in the room is only cement everywhere.

Sunddenly there is a buzzer sound from the light and then part of the wall opens up and from it is a squid monster and he have lots of brown tentacles from his head and he is all brown like rotten seaweed.

“I am Seaweed Tentacles” he says. “I am a monster because I ate too much seaweed and then suddenly now I am like this. You are all here because, you are prisoners of the monster association here and we are going to keep you here as to if we can determine the superheroes from rescuing you. We can use you as, hostages and then they will not bother us. Enjoy your stay here.” And then he leaves the room and the wall closes behind him.

“Oh no we are, Hostages here, what are we going to do now we cannot Escape!” Sweatie Belle starts to cry.

“Don’t worry” Fluttershy said to her. “Georg is a superhero too I’m sure, he will come to rescue us.”

“Georg the new kid with the Bald?” she asked. “What is he going to do he is Bald how can he be powerful.”

“I guess you will have to wait and see when he comes and rescues” Fluttershy answers.

And then she look at the wall of the dark room that cannot almost see anything because, of darkness. Then she thought of Georg and how he will come Save them because he has powers. He just went on a date with her surely he will come look for her soon because, no one will go on a date if they don’t like them. She trusting him that he will come and rescue them soon.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading please tell me what hero you want to see, in thext chapter, I hope you like! I like to write is fun please, follow me and like my story, thank you!