• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,257 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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brojdvadesetpet, 25: The Defenders defeated

The group of Defenders and the two Hero Association heroes walk together towards a bigger tunnel entrance than before. This one has some torches on the sides. Then two torches come to life with fire hands.

“We are the Troches brothers!” They said. “We have been given life by fire and we became Monsters you will not pass”

“Oh really!” Sunset said. “Watch”

Then Rainbow ran past them and their fire is extinguished. Then Metal Bat hit them with his bat and they flew into a pile and Pinkie threw confetti on them and they blew up with a barrier from Rarity around them to amplify the explosion around them. When the smoke is cleared they are completely not there anymore.

“So easy now!” Pinkie said.

“As a team we can fight” Appejack agreed.

They keep going eventually, to find a passage that can lead deeper straight and into another big room this time it has a chasm with water from above and at the end is a throne that is gold and is also a sofa and their is a giant lizard sitting their and he is very big bigger than most of the Monsters so far.

“Welcome heroes I have been waiting” he said. It is, “I am King Hungrizzard And I new you will all be here to face me to find the Hostages”

“Where are the Hostages?” Sunset asked him.

“Ah you will not have them because, here is where you will die” Hungrizzard replied.

Then he laughed and the room shaked. From two grills on the sides of the throne are monsters of allshapes and sizes and they come to fight the heroes.

“We are ready” rarity said.
Everyone got to fight and the monsters all came from everywhere and everyone split off to battle. They punch and kick and use there powers and each monster is dying easily and, each hero and Defender is using there powers strongly.

Sunset use her powers to convince them to stop them she is thrown a sword from Metal Bat who picked up from a knight monster. Now Sunset has a weapon and, she can also fight without only her powers. Zombie man manage to pick up his guns from inside himself and he can shoot while monsters tear him apart he just grows back. And he is fighting more.

“Where are the Hostages?” Rainbow Dash ran through three squid monsters then stop at Hungrizzard’s feet. “You will tell us so we can rescue them”

“No Hostages for you” Hungrizzard told. “You will all die here”

“Well see about that” Rainbow kicked at his face

Hungrizzard blew out his belly and he is fat and then Rainbow deflected off it and she hit the wall and she broked a hole in it and only her feet are sticking out.

“Ha you heroes are weak get ready” he said then from the sides suddenly their are more monsters coming in that are not the normal one

Actually, these monsters were the Monster Excetutives that they were not beaten from earlier and they are still here.

“We return you did not beat us” Sludgemind said then he immediately attacked Rainbow as she is in the wall she cannot defend and he is slimed all over her and she cannot move out of the hole.

“You will let me go” Rainbow argued.
“No you will die” Sludgemind replied.
Applejack saw her needing help then she tries to run their but, from above, their are feet that appears and she is pinned to the ground when Metallo basher lands on her and their is a groundbreaking stomp and debree flies up as she is under him now.

“I will have my revenge” Metallo says.

Barriers come up around Metallo and knock him off and it is from Rarity but, suddenly their are seaweed appearing around her arms and legs and it pulls her up and spreads them appart. From under her Seaweed Tentacles appears and he is also ready for the fight.

“I am back” He said. “You will all lose now”

“No not yet” Rarity said.

She tried to use her barriers but, she cannot move she is stuck with the seaweed.

“I’ll save you” Pinkie says.

She readies her sprinkles but, when she trows it, their is a appearance of another Monster and he is Pop Up from before. Her spinkles cover him and it explodes and then more Pop Ups appear and he is smiling from all of them.

“Looks like, it is your end also” Pop Up told her.

“Oh you are back” Pinkie replied.

“Yes I told you you must kill me if you want your answers you cannot win” Pop Up said.

Pinkie tries to throw more at him but, their is a tornado now and she is suddenly sucked up into it and she is now spinning in it. Their is a clown face appearing on it and he is, also smiling.

“I am also back but, your Twilight Sparkle is not here for me to win” Psyclown said.

“And me too” Empty Alone said behind Sunset and she turn to see him standing their and he is expressionless because.

“You are still alive” Sunset said as she is grabbed from behind now by two Pop Ups. “Let go”

“It is over you can see” King Hungrizzard said. He laughs. “My Monsters are all still alive and you are all weak. We will take over the top and you and the Hostages will never see the sunlight again”

Metal Bat rushed to him but, Elder Centipede burst from below him and swallows him and then stop next to Hungrizzard. Zombie Man is the last one and he pulls out his guns but, he is bombarded by Homelss Emporer who is also arrived from beside the king. Now the heroes have all been beaten.

“Good work my Excetutives” King Hungrizzard told them. “Now you must gather them and we will have more prisoners”

The monsters gather the defeated Defenders and they are placed by the king’s stairs to him. As a team they were no match so that means their is nothing to stand in his way now. The Monsters can take the surface and their is no chance for the humans and they will finally pay for what they have done to all of them, for betraying, for ridiculing, for outcasting.

“Their is still Twilight Sparkle. She is out their” Psyclown said.

“We will find her and we will defeat” Metallo laughed.

“She will be easy we will have her” Homeless Emporer added. “But wait what about Tatsumaki we have to find her”

“Yes I have heard about her from you” Hungrizzard answered. “She is the next danger to face. But you Excetutives have defeated the Defenders and the two awaken heroes easily. Together you can take her”

“Yes then we will” Pop Ups said.

“We will defeat her too” Elder Centipede adds.

“Then we will go and find her to kill her after Twilight Sparkle” Psyclown replied.

“Wait Magic Face and Jalapeno man have not come” Seaweed Tentacles said. “Their was also that boy hero the one with the Bald”

“Yes it seems Big bear and Witch Queen are also not here” King Hungrizzard answers. “And Heil Mary is also not. She was sent to fight Mumen. Could they have been defeated it is not possible”

“Then we will go find all of them and report” Metallo said. He is ready for the fight.

“Yes in the mean time keep the Defenders prisoner here. Put them with the Hostages that they cannot escape now” Hungrizzard ordered.

“Yes King Hungrizzard” Seaweed Tentacles said picked up all of them to bring to the prison to keep them.

“The rest will find the other heroes and you will kill them” King Hungrizzard ordered. “We have enough Hostages if can kill you will do it”

“Then go to defeat them and we will rule the humans” King Hugrizzard said.

He watch his Monster excetutives go and he knows they will win because, they have already defeated the Defenders. What more can go wrong now. He will win.

Author's Note:

I hope my english is getting better I am trying my best. I hope you like!