• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,217 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 9: Spike and Twilight

It was new day in the dragon kingdom and Spike was sleeping peacefully in his bed, that was until the sun shined through his window and right in face. “Stupide sun, I want to sleep more.” He tried to cover himself but notice that he wasn’t sleep under his duvet. “What the…?” He then sat up and notice that he had sleep in his clothes, again. “Not again, Rilda is going to be mad at me.”

Then someone knock on the door. “Why would I be mad at you prince Spike?” It was Rilda. “Can I come inn?”

Spike didn’t answer right away. “Yes, you can come inn.”

The door open and Rilda walk inn and she wasn’t too happy when she saw Spike sitting on the bed with the clothes he was wearing yesterday. “Really prince Spike? You sleep with your clothes again?” She said while placing her hands on her hips.

“Hey, this time I have a good excuse, I was so tried last night that I fell asleep right away.”

Rilda then crossed her arms. “And who’s fault is that?”

Spike look down on the bed in shame. “Mine.” He mumbled to himself.

Now Rilda felt bad. “Well, it’s in the past, let’s look to the future. Your mother had invited you to breakfast.” She said while walking to the closet to get some new clothes for Spike.

“I don’t understand why she invite me, I would have come either way.” He said while getting of his bed.

“She is doing that because she trying to be a good mother, remember, she lost eighteen years.”

Spike felt like jerk now. “Hey, is possible I can invite Celestia?”

Rilda was silence for a second before answering. “I guess so, I don’t see any harm in it, I think your mother will be okay with that.” She said while picking out clothes for Spike, she then heard that the young prince went into the bathroom. “I really hope that she’s okay with it.” She mumble to herself.

In another part of the castle, Drake had just woken up and notice that someone was hugging him, he look down and saw that Celestia had cuddle up against his chest, she was sleeping peacefully. Drake couldn’t help but feel bad that he had to wake up sleeping beauty from her sleep.

“Celestia, time to wake up.” It didn’t work, she didn’t move at all so Drake decided to pop her nose, that got her to move but she didn’t wake up. “For pet sake Celestia, wake up.”

She then snuggled even more into Drake. “Five more minutes.”

Drake couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “It’s already morning and I would really want to get up and have some breakfast.” That made Celestia to open her eyes which made Drake to look into her eyes. “Did anyone tell you have very beautiful eyes?”

Celestia kissed his cheek. “What a charmer.”

Drake just smiled. “I try.”

Then someone knock on the door. “Hey, love birds.” It was Raldrin. “Prince Spike has invited Celestia to breakfast so pry yourself of Drake and get your butt in gear.” They then heard her walk away.

Celestia and Drake just started at the door. “Why do she have to be so direct?” Celestia asked Drake.

Drake just chuckle. “I don’t know, it’s what’s makes her so special.”

Celestia decided to get out of bed. “Special isn’t the word I would use.” Once her feet touch the floor she realised something. “Oh crap, I forgot to wear a bathrobe.” She look down on her nightdress. “I can’t walk out like this.”

“Don’t worry, you can use one of mine, there are in the clothes.” Celestia wasted no time heading to his closet to get one, when she but the bathrobe one she notice it was a little bigger than her but at the moment she didn’t care, she then head out the door to her own room to get dressed so she could have breakfast with Spike and his mother leaving Drake alone. He just started at door. “Wow, ungrateful.” He was about to get up when Celestia came back and ran over to him to give him a kiss on the cheeks as a thanks, she then ran back out. Drake couldn’t help but smile.

Once Drake had gotten dressed, he headed to the cafeteria where the guard eat to get some breakfast. He could see that the rest of dragon knights was already there, even Pethayrth was there which Drake thought was strange considering she eat by herself, he decided to ignore it and find some food.

After getting food he sat down with others at their table, he was going to take a bit of the steak he had when notice all of them was staring at him, Pethayrth had big smile on her face. Well, not everyone, Diner just keep on eating his breakfast.

“What?” He was clueless why they started at him.

Pethayrth spoke up first. “Don’t give us that crap, what happened with you and Celestia yesterday?”

Drake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Seriously? What are you guys, kids? Nothing happened, she just stayed over in my bed, that’s it.” He then went back to his food ignoring them all.

Pehayrth leaned back in her chair and started to pout. “Your no fun.”

Then Nallir spoke. “What did you expect Pehayrth, Drake isn’t the funny type.” Drake wasn’t offended. “Let’s talk about what happened yesterday with Raldrin, I heard that you meet Celestia’s student.”

Raldrin stop eating to look at her friend. “Really? You ask about that now, why didn’t you ask yesterday?” She asked Nallir.

“We didn’t see until the evening and even then you were busy with your magic, it was a little difficult to ask you yesterday.” Nallir answered her.

Raldrin went back to her food. “There isn't much to tell, she wasn’t very smart considering she attack one of the guard yesterday. I mean, she is supposed to be Celestia’s personal student, she should be smarter.”

Then Tomias spoke up. “She isn’t Celestia’s student anymore.” That got everyone to look at him. “You guys don’t know?” All six shock their heads. “I heard it from the guard that watches over her that Celestia said she wasn’t her student anymore, probably a punishment for what she did.”

None of them expect to hear that. “Wow, I didn’t think Celestia had in her.” Said Raldrin while the others agreed.

When it came to the breakfast with Spike, his mother and Celestia, none of the talk. There was a tension between Celestia and Spike’s mother which made Spike regret inviting Celestia, he didn’t want here to be any bad blood between them.

After they were done, Spike decided to walk with Celestia to the garden where she was going to use her spell. Rilda was following them from a distance.

“I’m sorry about breakfast Celestia, I didn’t know my mother was mad at you.”

Celestia just waved it off. “Don’t worry about it Spike, as you said you didn’t know.”

Spike look down on the ground. “But still…”

Celestia stop, she then look at Spike. “Listen to me Spike, you were just nice nothing more and I appreciated that.” That made Spike smile.

When the got to the garden, Celestia got ready. “Well, this has been fun but it’s time for me to head back to Canterlot. Are you going to talk Twilight?”

“Yeah, when you had left.” Then started to rub his arm. “I just hope she won’t act like when I left.”

Celestia placed a hand on his arm. “Don’t worry, I had a talk with her yesterday and I’m pretty sure I managed to talk some sense in her.” Celestia then took a few step back. “Well, it was good to see you again Spike but it’s time for me to leave. Until next tme.” Celestia’s horn started to glow and then she was gone leaving Spike and Rilda alone.

Then Rilda spoke up. “Well, are you ready to talk to Twilight young prince?”

Spike let out s sighed. “As ready I can be.” They both headed towards the prison.

Twilight on the other hand had just woken up from a rough, she look up at the celling and saw that she wasn’t in her own bed. “That’s right, I got arrest yesterday.” She remember everything that happened yesterday, that she attack the some guards, a dragoness managed to talk to her, acting like a child before queen Garnet and princess Celestia, the one with Celestia hurt the most. Twilight pulled her legs over the edge to bed and rube her face with both hands. “What a jerk I was yesterday.”

“That you were.” That voice scared Twilight, she didn’t expected anyone to be in the same, it was probably a guard that was watching over her, she then notice some food and a cup on a plate by the door to her cell, it was bread and some water, she got up to get it. “I’m surprised that I got food, considering how I acted yesterday.” She said while looking at the guard who was the same as yesterday, he was reading the newspaper.

“Were not heartlets, you may have insulted our queen but are still going to feed you.”

Twilight couldn’t help but smile, it was a small smile but a smile. She went back to her bed to eat her food.

Outside the prison stood spike and Rilda, Spike was just staring at the door, he was nervous and he didn’t know why.

“Are you nervous young prince?”

Rilda’s voice snap Spike back. “Yes and I don’t know why.”

“Maybe it’s because you don’t know what to say, she have taken care of you for eighteen years.” That made sense to Spike. “Do you want me to talk to her first?”

Spike thought about it. “That’s not a bad idea. Yeah, you can do that.” Rilda bowed and then she entered the prison.

The guard that was guarding near the prison was a little worried when he saw that Rilda was about to talk to Twilight first. “I’m not sure that was wise prince Spike.” The guard told him.

Spike just gave the guard a confusing look. “What do you mean?”

The guard was surprised when heard that Spike didn’t know. “You mean Rilda hasn’t told you?”

Spike was still confused. “Told me what?”

“Rilda was once a Dragon knight.” Spike didn’t expect to hear that. “But she gave it up about five years ago and became a maid.”

“Why did she quit?” Spike asked the guard.

The guard just shrugged his shoulder. “Don’t know, I only think the queen, sir Drake and the others know the reason. And Rilda of course.” Spike couldn’t help but wonder why Rilda gave up being a Dragon knight.

Twilight was just sitting on her bed eating her food and drink her water from the cup, it wasn’t the food she was used to but it was still food and she wasn’t about to complain. Then the door open and Twilight could heard someone walk in, she could see who it was. “I would like to speak to the prisoner.” Twilight could hear that the person was female. “Sure, she is in cell three.” That was the guard.

Then Twilight heard footsteps and they were coming towards her cell, she then saw a pink dragoness in maidens outfit and she didn’t look happy, at all. “So, your Celestia student.” She then studied Twilight. “Can’t say that I am impressed, getting yourself arrest by attacking the queens guards, telling her majesty that you own her son, despicable.” Twilight just look away in shame. Rilda took few step closer. “Now, listen here Twilight Sparkle, the prince is on the other side of the door and he want to talk to you.” Twilight wasn’t sure if that a good idea. “I don’t like but I won’t question his decision, if you even try and tell him that he belongs to you or if you try and grabbed him,” Rilda’s gaze became very dark which made Twilight back away in fear. “I will snap that horn right off and use it as a toothpick, nod if you understand me.” Twilight nodded her head like crazy. “Good,” Rilda took a few step back. “I will go and get the prince.” Rilda walk off and Twilight needed a new set off underwear.

Spike entered the prison and walk over to Twilight’s cell, Rilda stood by the door, he could see her sitting on her bed looking down on the ground, she was probably thinking. “Hey Twilight.” The unicorn look up at Spike and a small smile appeared on her face when she saw him.

“Hey Spike, I can see your doing well.”

Spike smiled. “Yes, it’s been an experience living as a prince.”

“I guess it has.” Then the silence came, none of them knew what to say to each other, then Twilight spoke up. “I’m sorry Spike, I’m sorry that I tried to stop you for leaving.”

“Why did you do it?” He asked her.

Twilight let out a sighed. “I guess I was affair that you was going to leave me, you have been living with me for eighteen years after all.”

“You had to know that I was going to leave eventually, right?”

Twilight look down on the ground again. “And that’s scared me. I also was used that you were doing things for me,” She look at him again with tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry Spike that I took advantage of you all these years.”

Right now Spike just want to hug Twilight but he knew he couldn’t and it broke his heart. “Please Twilight, don’t cry, I guess I’m to blame too.” Those words surprised everyone in the in the room especially Twilight, she didn’t expect to hear Spike say that.

“Don’t say that Spike, I’m the one who took advantage of you.”

Then Spike snap at her. “I know that Twilight but I was the one who was naïve, not you.”

Then Twilight stood up. “That was the problem Spike, you were naïve and I took advantage of that.” Twilight sank on to the floor. “I was supposed to take care off you but in the end you took care of me. Celestia was right, she should never have given me your egg in the first place.” She got up and walk to bed to lie down. “I’m sorry for all the pain I put you through.” She just pull the blanket over herself. Spike decided to leave her alone.

Spike and Rilda was walking back to his room in silence. Spike couldn’t help but feel bad for Twilight, it was like she was punishing herself.

Then Rilda voice brought him out of his thoughts. “Are you okay prince Spike?”

Spike let out a sighed. “Not really, I fell bad for Twilight and why does it fell like this my fault.”

Rilda stopped and place her hands on his shoulders. “It’s not your fault that Twilight acted the way she did yesterday or the time she took care of you, it’s her own fault. She let it happened, she and princess Celestia, the princess should have done something.”

“Maybe, but why does it feel like it’s my fault? Is because she took care of me these eighteen years?” He asked Rilda.

“Maybe, but you should not blame yourself young prince. Twilight did it, not you.”

Spike knew she was right but it didn’t help.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the crappy ending.

I will jumping a few days in the next chapter.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.