• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,217 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 29: The Royal Ball part 3

“What do you mean you’re not going?”

It’s been a day since Twilight and her friends got their invitation to the royal ball and all have accepted the invitation, expect Twilight and Fluttershy. Ever since she got the envelope she just sat on her couch and look at it, lying on the table, she hasn’t open it. All Twilight could think off was that she didn’t deserve to go, not after what she did and said about Spike.

“Yes Rarity, I said I’m not going to the ball.” Said Twilight who was sitting on a chair by the table in Rarity’s kitchen, she was staring at the cup of tea that was in front of her on the table. “Why is that so hard to believe.” She said while looking up at her friend.

Rarity was sitting on the other side of the table with a cup of tea on her hand, she still couldn’t believe what she heard. “I heard what you said Twilight but I still have trouble understating why.” Twilight told her the reason which Rarity thought was just stupid.

Twilight started to rub her forehead. “Have you forgotten what I did a month ago?”

“Yes, I remember.” She took a sip from her tea. “You traveled to Wiacaster to take Spike home, lucky princess Celestia managed to talk some sense into you.” She placed the cup on the table. “I still can’t believe you did that.”

Twilight gave her friend an annoying stare. “I know already, you have mention it for a month now. It’s not funny anymore.” Rarity just smiled. Twilight decide to change the topic. “What about Fluttershy? Do you think you can convince her?”

Rarity just shook her head. “No and to honest, I’m not sure if I can. I know she wants to go but traveling to a land where dragons rules, that is going to be hard for her. Even if it’s for Spike.” Twilight knew what Rarity meant, Fluttershy have been afraid of dragons for long time. They thought she would get over her fear after incident on the mountain. “But there’s still six days left until we have to answer.” Rarity look into Twilight’s eyes. “I really hope you will go, for Spike.”

Twilight really wanted to go. “Spike isn’t the only problem. Princess Celestia and my parents is probably invited and I really don’t want to face them, they were very angry at me, especially my mother.” She slammed her head on the table. “She can be very scary when she angry.” A chill went through Twilight’s spine.

“Aren’t you overreacting a little? I have meet your mother and she look like anormal pony to me.”

“She act calm around ponies, it’s just an act.” Rarity couldn’t help but roll her eyes, she still think that Twilight is overreacting. “Anyway.” Twilight lifted her head of the table. “I better head home, I have some think to do.” She stood up. “Thanks for the tea and I will see you later.” She then headed for the door.

“Take care Twilight and I hope you accepted Spike’s invitation.” Twilight waved goodbye as she disappeared out the door. Rarity just stared at the door with a somber look, she hope that her friend would go. “Now,” She stood up. “I just have to try and convince Fluttershy to go.” That wouldn’t be easy.

It was two days before the royal ball and four ponies was standing by Ponyville train station, they were waiting for their train to take them to Wiacaster and a certain pink pony couldn’t stay still. The pink pony was jumping up and down with a big smile on her face and it starting to annoy her friends.

“Pinkie, would you please stop jumping up and down, it’s starting to get very bothersome.” Said Rarity to her friend.

It didn’t help, she kept hopping. “I can’t help myself, were going to a party and we can see Spike again.”

Rarity just shook her head. “It’s like the Grand Galloping gala all over again.” She really didn’t hope that would happened, that was one night she wanted to forget.

Then the impatient one decided to ask a question. “Where is Twilight and Applejack? If we miss the train because of those two…” Said Dash who was sitting on one of her suitcase, she had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot.

“Twilight left yesterday and I have no idea where Applejack is or what she is doing.” Said Rarity.

Then Fluttershy spoke up. “Twilight left yesterday day? Why.” She asked Rarity.

“She said she wasn’t ready to face her family or princess Celestia so decided to take the train yesterday, she should be arriving in Wiacaster at any time now.” Rarity told her friend.

And right one cue, a train stop at Wiacaster train station and a very tired purple unicorn step off the train. “I think I will never get used to this train ride, 22 hours is a long time on a train.” She rubbed her eyes with both hands. “Even with bed.” She grabbed her luggage. “I wonder who is going to meet me here.” She said to herself.

Twilight was about to start walking when a female voice spoke up. “Well, well. What do we have here?” Twilight actually froze. “Twilight Sparkle, the pony who tried to kidnap prince Spike, who is now king.” Twilight slowly moved her head in the direction of the voice and standing not far from her was Raldrin, she had a big smile on her face. “You know, I didn’t believe that you would arrived three days earlier than the others, I guess I was wrong.” She then walk over to Twilight and look directly into her eyes. “Are you going to try and kidnap king Spike this time?” She asked the unicorn who just shook her head, she had no intension do that. “Good.” She step back a little. “Now, if you will follow me and I will lead you to the hotel where you will be staying.” She turned around and started to walk, Twilight followed her.

While Twilight had to deal with Raldrin, her friends had to wait for the train and Applejack. When Applejack arrived, all of them was surprised that a unicorn stallion with grey fur, red mane/tail who was walking beside her. Even Zecora was curious.

When they both stop by the girls, Rarity decided to ask a question. “Applejack, why are Abyssal Shield with you?”

I you all are wondering who Abyssal Shield, he is one of the guards that keep the peace in Ponyville.

“If you really want to know Rarity, he’s my date for the royal ball.” Eight eyes widen, they didn’t know that Applejack was dating somepony. “Why do you all look so surprised? On the invitation it said that we were allowed to bring a date and he’s my.”

All of her friends was still in shock, until Dash spoke. “Wait, how long have you two been dating?” They didn’t know.

“Around two months.” Said Applejack.

“And why haven’t you told us?” Dash asked a good question.

“I didn’t tell you because of her.” Said Applejack while pointing at Rarity. “The last thing I needed was her to make a big deal of it and tell the entire town, like she always does.” Rarity had a reputation for spreading gossip.

Rarity placed a hand on her chest. “I would never do that.” Her friends gave her a look that said that they didn’t believe her. “Alright, you don’t have to look at me like that. I might gossip from time to time, but I would never do that to a friend and you all know that.” She had a point.

“Whether you had said anything or not, me and Abyssal agree to not tell anyone, not until we were ready.” Abyssal nodded in agreement.

Every one of her friend was in shock, not that Applejack didn’t said anything to them. No, they were in shock that she had managed to keep it a secret for two months. Zecora was also in shock which was a little difficult to tell, conserding she had a hood on her head.

Then Rarity spoke. “Well, I have to say that I’m a little hurt that you didn’t tell us, but I’m more impressed that you managed to hide it for us for two months. You usually have a hard time holding a secret.” That was right.

Applejack just shrugged her shoulders. “There’s a loot you don’t know about me, I can keep secrets if I want to.” Her friends was speechless. “Can we drop that I have a date to the ball and focus on more important things, like that.” AJ pointed at the luggage’s behind Rarity, which was a least two meter high. “Do you really need all that stuff Rarity?” Applejack asked her. Even Abyssal thought it was overkill.

Rarity look over her luggage. “Of course I do, a lady need her clothes and makeup.”

Applejack slap a hand on her face, she couldn’t believe Rarity said that. “We are going to be there a week, you don’t need that much luggage for that and beside, there’s no way the princesses are going to let you bring that much luggage.” As soon Applejack said those words, they all heard a train whistle, Celestia and Luna’s personal train was arriving.

When the train stop at the station, Luna step off to greet them. “Twilight Sparkle friends, please board the train so we can departure, we have a long train ride.” She then notice two meter high luggage mountain. “Who does this belong to?” She asked while pointing at the luggage.

“That would be me.” Said Rarity.

“I’m sorry miss Bell but you have to leave some it behind, we don’t have room for all that luggage.” He told Rarity who was devastated.

“Told you.” Said Applejack with a smug look on her face as she walk past her friend.

Abyssal wasn’t entire sure what just happened, he hasn’t meet Applejack’s friends before so he wasn’t sure what to believe. He eventually followed Applejack on the train. Luna didn’t notice the other's enter the cart, she was too busy with Rarity’s luggage.

“You can’t be serious princess Luna, I need all my luggage.” Rarity really didn’t want to get ride of some of her luggage.

Luna walk over to her with a serious look on her face which made Rarity back up in fear. “We are only going to be gone a week and you don’t need all that luggage, either you get rid of some of it or you’re not coming at all. That’s final.”

Rarity could see that was no way she could win this. “Fine, I will get ride of some my luggage.” She said in a defeated tone. “Just give me a minute.” Rarity walk over to her luggage and managed to find two suitcases, one with some clothes and one with some personal stuff, she teleported the rest back to her house. She then entered the cart with Luna right behind her, then the train was on its way to Wiacaster.

Author's Note:

I did it, I managed to write a new chapter.

I will and write the royal ball in the next chapter, no promises.

Abyssal Shield belongs to Shadow Hero.