• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 15: The Reporter

It was a new day in Wiacaster and Spike was walking towards his mother room, why? He and his mother was going to be interviewing by Drake’s sister Tydha , who was a reporter. Garnet had a talk with Spike the other day and ask him if he wanted to let the citizens of the dragon kingdom that her son had return and why he was going in the first place, Spike didn’t mind.

Spike was a little nervous right now, when they were done everyone would know that he is a prince, he’s life would change, again. Once he was outside his mother room, he knock on the door. “Come in.” He open the door and walk in.

Once inside Spike could see his mother sitting I her bed reading a book, she look up from and saw her son. “You don’t have to knock on the door when you want to enter, you can just walk in.” She told Spike.

Spike walk over to a chair by his mother night table and sat down by it. “I know but I didn’t want to disturb you.” Garnet couldn’t help but smile of how kind her son was. “What are you reading?” He asked her.

Garnet just threw the book on the floor. “Just some romance story that’s not suitable for kids. So, are you nervous?” The queen asked her son who just nodded. “I understand, it’s not easy to get interviewed. Just relax and be yourself.” Spike would try.

“So, this reporter. Do you trust her?” Spike asked his mother.

Garnet didn’t hesitated. “Yes. Tydha is an honest reporter who write the truth and beside, she is Drake, Diner and Rilda’s younger sister.” Spike remember that Drake has seven siblings, just why?

“I just hope that the citizen of the kingdom will accept me, they don’t know I even exist.”

Garnet could hear that her son was nervous. “I am pretty sure they will if not, they are going to have a problem with me.” Spike couldn’t help but smile, she cared for him.

Outside the castle stood Tydha, her camera was hanging around her neck and she had a bag hanging on her shoulder. “It’s been a while since I have been here.” She mumble to herself. She then walk up the stairs.

Once at the top she was meet by a giant door and two guard that was standing guard, they gave the dragoness a suspicion look. “My name is Tydha and I’m a reporter from Morning Star Daily and I’m here to interview the queen, and her son.” She mumbled that last part.

The guards didn’t react at first but they eventually open the doors for Tydha, she walk in. “I have had warmer welcome than this.” She said to herself as the guard watch her as she walk in.

Once inside Tydha was welcome with a giant hall. ‘I still don’t understand why everything in this castle has to be so big, one can be lost in her.’ She thought to herself as she look around, there wasn’t many there, just some guards. Then Tydha saw someone she recognize, her sister Rilda entering the hall.

“Tydha, I’m glad you could come.” Said Rilda with a smile as she walk towards her little sister.

Tydha had normal looking face on her. “Yes, where is the queen and the prince? I would like to interview them, my boss isn’t very patience at the moment.”

Rilda just giggle at little. “Let’s me guess, he was excited when he heard that Drake approached you about this, right?”

“You can say that again.” Tydha then rubbed her forehead. “Can you take me to them?” Rilda just gave her sister a nod and then they walk to the queen’s room.

Once the sisters was outside the queen’s room, Rilda knock on the door. “Come in.” Said the queen.

Rilda poked her head in. “My queen, Tydha is here.”

“Good, let her in.” Rilda disappeared and in walk dragoness Spike hadn’t seen before.

Tydha closed the door and bowed. “Queen Garnet, is an honor.” She stood up and saw Spike. “and this must be the prince.” She bowed again.

Garnet just rolled her eyes of what Tydha did. “For pet sake Tydha, stop bowing already and let’s get this interview going.”

Tydha smiled as she stood up. “If you say so.” She then open her bag that was hanging on her shoulder, she took out a writing pad and a pen. Alright, let’s get the obviously out of the away, for over eighteen years you have never mention that you have five children, why hide this?”

Garnet was excepting that. “That’s a fair question.” She let out a sighed. “The reason I keep Spike a secret is because I didn’t want him to die like the rest of my children, they died before they were hatched and there was no way I was going to let that happened to him.” Then tears appeared in her eyes. “I have lost enough.” Tydha just nodded as she wrote in her pad.

Spike just watch as Tydha asked his mother a question that was difficult to answer. “How dare you.” Both dragoness was surprised by what Spike just said. “You can’t just ask my mother a question like that, have you no heart?” He started to become a little angry.

Tydha didn’t show any emotion. “Heart? Not really, I am a report after all.”

Garnet saw that her son was getting angry. “Spike calm down, it’s okay.”

“Okay?” Spike got of his chair. “She just asked you a question that was disrespectful, she made you cry for fuck sake.”

Garnet didn’t like that her son was swearing. “Spike, watch your mouth.”

Spike stomp his foot. “No, she didn’t care about how you would react at all when she asked you what happened to your children, she didn’t care at all.”

Garnet wanted to yell at her son but she didn’t get the change. “Your son is right my queen, I should not have mention your children and for that I apologize.” She then bowed.

Spike and his mother was surprised that Tydha said that. “It’s okay Tydha, no harm done.” Spike couldn’t believe how calm his mother was, it was like she didn’t care at all anymore.

Tydha straighten up. “Why don’t I ask you some other questions. “What do you expect…”

After about twenty minutes Tydha was done with the interview, she had also taken some picture of Spike, some of them were with his mother.

“I think have everything I need,” She then stood up. “I will head back and tell my boss about this, tomorrow this will be in the paper.” She then bowed and walk out of the room.

Spike said nothing as he jump of the chair and walk out, he was still made at Tydha after what she asked his mother. Once outside he just started to walk, he didn’t care where he was going. Then all off sudden he crashed into someone which made him fall on his butt. Spike look up and saw a red dragon in armor looking down on him.

“I am so sorry my prince, I didn’t see you there. Here, let me help you up.” The dragon help Spike up. “Again, I am so sorry.” The dragon then bowed.

Spike dusted of some dust on his clothes. “It’s okay. Who are you?” He asked the dragon as he look at him.

The dragon got up. “Where are my manners, my name is Mideos and I’m captain of your mother’s guards here in the castle.” He told Spike.

That made sense to Spike. “So, why haven’t I seen you before? I have been here over a week.”

“Yes, I have been on vacation for last two weeks and I just got back to work which reminds me I HAVE work to do.” He then bowed again. “If you will excuse me prince Spike.” He then left leaving Spike alone. Spike just watch as he walk, he then deiced to head to his room.

While the queen and the prince was getting interview, Drake and the rest of the Dragon knight, expect Pethayrth, was searching the castle for the spy. They were currently looking through the rooms of the guards, Drake and Tomias was looking through one room.

Drake flip a bed in frustration. “Damn it, another dead end.” He let out a frustrating sighed.

“Did you really it would be this easy to find this spy?” Said Tomias as he look through a closet.

“Of course not.” Drake turned around to face his fellow dragon. “I promise the queen to find this spy and I don’t intend to let her down.”

Tomias couldn’t help but feel sorry for Drake, he have been a Dragon knight for over 300 hundred years and he took it very seriously. As long as Tomias can remember he have never let the royal family down, expect the one time the king was poison, Drake was part of the Knight’s that was there.

Then a guard appeared in the entrance to the room they were searching. “Sir Drake, Tomias, the twins has found the spy.” Both dragons gave each other a surprised look before they ran out.

Once they arrived they saw the twins holding Fredi by both arms, he look horrified. Tomias was the first one to speak. “Fredi is the spy?”

Fredi started to panic. “What? No, I have no idea what’s going on.”

Then Raldrin came out of his room, she was holding papers, a pen and a magic power that they used to send letters with. “Then how do you explain these?” She asked him.

Fredi look at the stuff. “That’s not mine, I would never spy on the queen or the prince, someone planted them in my room.” He tried to break free but the twins was too strong for him.

Then Zaldren started to twist his arm. “Do you expect us to believe that?” Fredi cry out in pain.

Drake didn’t like what Zaldren was doing to Fredi. “Stop that.” Zaldren did that. “Take him to a interrogate room where I and my brother can question him.” The twins nodded and started to walk with Fredi.

Once they were gone, Raldrin spoke. “Do you think it’s Fredi?” She asked Drake.

Drake didn’t answer right away. “I don’t know but I am going to find out.”

Fredi was currently sitting in one of the interrogate room they had in the castle and he was terrified, he had no idea how the pen and paper with magic powder had ended up in his room. Off all the queen’s guards Fredi is the newest, he had been a guard for one year. Sure, he had been placed in the garden and it was a boring place to patrol but he would never betray the royal family, he hates Joserth.

Then the door open and in walk Drake and his brother Diner, Fredi tense up and started to sweat. The brothers sat down in two chair on the opposite of the table that Fredi was sitting by, both of them look at the guard and he started to sweat even more.

Hen Drake spoke up. “Care to explain yourself Fredi.”

Fredi had trouble finding the right words. “Iiiii have no idea how those things came from, they are not mine, I would never spy on the queen or the prince. You have to believe me.”

Drake said nothing and Diner just listen to him talk. “Then how did Raldrin find the pen and paper in your room?” He said while placing the paper on the table. “There are written details about prince Spike after he arrived at the castle on them, how do you explain that?”

“I don’t know.” Fredi look at the paper. “That’s not even my handwriting, someone planted them there.” He was near crying.

Drake didn’t believe him and was about to jump over the table to beat the truth out of him when diner spoke. “He is not lying.” Drake look over to his younger brother. “He is speaking with fear in his voice, which means he’s not lying.”

“Are you sure?” Drake asked his brother.

Diner nodded. “Yes, if he was lying I could tell and you know it.” Drake did believe his brother. Ever since Diner was little he has learn to listen to other talk, how their heart acted when they spoke, he was a walking lie detector.

Drake look at Fredi again who tents up again. “I am going to trust my brother on this.” Fredi could breathe easy again. “But,” There always a but. “we still have to find our spy and we have found ours.”

Diner and Fredi wasn’t sure if they heard right. “WHAT? I thought you just said you believe your brother that I wasn’t the spy.” Drake nodded. “Then why are you saying I am the spy.” That was a good point.

“Let me ask you something Fredi, are you loyal to the royal family?”

Fredi didn’t answer right away. “Of course I am, I don’t want that asshole Joserth to get the throne, I hate him.”

Drake look over to his brother who nodded his head. “Alright.” He look back at Fredi. “Listen Fredi, I am not saying you are the spy but we still need to find him/she.” Fredi was lost but Diner knew what his brother was talking about.

“You want Fredi to act like the spy so we can catch the real one, Right?”

Drake just smiled. “That’s right, the real spy planet the stuff in Fredi’s room so we would think that Fredi is the spy, we are going to play his/she’s game and by doing this he/she have to let down his/she guard. Are you up for it Fredi?”

Fredi was entirely sure, he wanted to find the really spy but there was one question he wanted to ask. “Am I fired?” The brother was surprised of that question. “I want to know if get to keep my job, I like being a guard, even that I have to patrol the guard all the time.”

“Of course you can keep your job as a guard as soon as we have found and arrest the spy you can come back. But, we have no idea how long it would take.” Drake told him.

“Where would I go? For all we know Joserth can have spies all over the kingdom.”

Fredi made a good point, he couldn’t just hide in the dragon kingdom. Then Drake got an idea.

“You don’t have to hide the kingdom, you can hide in Equestria.” Fredi and Diner gave him questionable look. “Here is what we are going to do, we let the twins escort you to the train station so you can ‘go to jail’, but on the way there you beak lose and surprised the twins knocking them out and escape. Then flee to Equestria and hide there.”

That wasn’t a bad idea. “Just where in Equestria should I hide?” Fredi asked Drake.

Drake just smiled. “The old castle in the Everfree forest.”

Fredi wasn’t sure he heard right. “You want me to hide in one of the most dangerous forest in Equestria and in the old castle there?” Drake nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it.” He slammed his head in the table. “I hope that the queen and princess Celestia thinks it’s okay.” He said while groaning.

Then Diner spoke up. “Who should we tell about this?” He asked his brother.

“The Dragon knight and the queen, with princess Celestia.”

With that sorted out they decided to set this plan in motion. Drake went to tell the queen while Diner told the rest of the Dragon knights, Garnet approved of the plan and she also would let Celestia know of the plan, with that the twins escorted Fredi out to the train station to escort him to the prison. One the train Fredi managed to ‘overpower’ the twins and escape, he then flew to Equestria to hide there.

Author's Note:

Another crappy chapter, I hope you all understood what was going in it.

In the next chapter, we are going back to Equestria to see what Celestia and Luna are up to.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.