• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 8: The Dragon Knights

The rest of day went good for Spike, he spent most of the time with his mother and he enjoyed it. When night started to come, Spike decided to explore the castle by himself but that was a mistake, he eventually got lost. “Where am I?” He had no idea.

Spike could ask someone but there wasn’t anyone around, no guards or maids around. He was about to head back the way he came from when he heard something, it heard like someone was fighting. Spike’s curiosity got the better of him so he decided to follow the sound.

It didn’t take long before he arrived at a place that look like a training ground that was almost as large as the garden in Celestia’s castle, there he saw six dragons, he recognized five of them. There was Drake who was punching and kicking a punching bag, Tomias was using a bow and arrow, Nallir was flying around the place, at least he thought it was her, she was flying so fast that Spike had trouble seeing who it was. Nallir brother Zaldren was using a spear, then there was Raldrin who was practicing her magic which look pretty powerful. Then there was the dragon he didn’t recognise, he had red and his scales was black, he almost look like Drake, which was black and had red scales, Spike figured out that they had to be brothers, he was currently sitting in a corner meditating. They had to be the dragon knights that Pethayrth mention, he didn’t see her which was weird.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Drake spoke up “Prince spike.” Drake was walking towards him. “What are you doing here?” Drake asked him as he stop by him.

Spike’s cheeks became red. “I wanted to explore the castle by my own,” He then look down on the ground in shame. “but I got lost and then I ended up here.” He then look around the room. “What is this place?” He asked Drake.

Drake spread out his arms. “This is the dragon knights private training room, this were we train to get stronger so we can protect the royal family.” Spike couldn’t help but think how cool that was. “If you want to I can tell you about them.”

Spike just smiled. “Sure.”

Drake couldn’t help but smile himself. “First of we have myself, I’m the leader of the dragon knights, I’m all round fighter and I’m the strongest when it comes to magic, I’m probably stronger than Celestia but that’s a story for another time.” A dragon that is stronger than Celestia? Spike wanted to hear that story. “Then we have Raldrin, she is my second in command and her magic is almost as strong as mine.” Somehow Spike believe him when he saw Raldrin fired beam from her mouth destroying a giant rock. “Tomias is a master with the bow and when it comes to the twins, Nallir is probably the fast dragon in the entire kingdom.” Spike was amazed by that.

“I wouldn't say that.” Spike was taken off guard when Nallir just appeared right in front them. “I haven’t raced every dragon in the kingdom so I can’t say that I’m the fastest.” Spike couldn’t help but think how modest she was, the opposite of Dash.

“Just how fast are you?” Spike asked her.

Nallir rubbed her neck. “I can break the sound barrier.”

Spike’s eyes widen when he heard that, the only one he know who can do that is Rainbow Dash. “Really?”

Nallir nodded. “Yeah, I did when I was young, about three hundred years ago.”

Spike’s mind was blown. “Don’t tell that to Rainbow Dash, she going to be so jealous and probably challenge you to a race.”

“Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty and she has the biggest ego in Equestria, not a good combination if you ask me.” Nallir then started to stretch her body. “Don’t worry young prince, I have no intention to challenge her or accept her challenge if she challenge me.” She then went back to her flying faster than Spike could blink.

Drake couldn’t help but chuckle of Nallir behaviour. “I’m sorry about that Spike, she is like that sometimes.” Spike didn’t mind. “When it comes to her brother Zaldren, he probably one of the best when comes to handling a spear.” They watch was Zaldren used the spear as a master.

“What about the dragon in the corner that is meditating?”

Drake smiled. “That’s my little brother. Hey Diner, come and say hey to the young prince.”

Diner got up and started to walk towards them, while he was walking towards them Spike notice that Diner didn’t open his eyes, he wonder why.

Diner stop right in front of them, he then placed a hand on his chest and bowed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you prince Spike.”

“Why are your eyes closed?” Spike didn’t know.

“That’s because I’m blind.” Diner answered him.

Spike started to panic when he heard that. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”

Then to Spike’s surprised, Diner just smiled. “Don’t worry about it prince Spike, your aren’t the first one to ask me that question.”

Spike felt a little relief. “I still feel bad for asking you that out of the blue. But, how did you walk over here? You doge many obstacles on your way here.”

“I use my other senses to see, just like a bat, I also use my magic sometimes.”

Spike was amazed by what he heard. “That’s so cool.”

Diner just smirked. “I haven’t heard that one before. If you both excuse me, I’m heading to my room to meditate, it’s a little to noise here.” He then walk out the door.

Drake just started at the door. “You have to excuse my brother, he doesn’t talk much.” Spike didn’t mind. “Why don’t I escort you back to your room.”

“Yes, that would be great.” Spike then let out a big yawn. “I’m starting to get tired.” So they walk out of the room.

While Drake and Spike walk back to his room, Spike decided to ask Drake something. “So Drake, do you have any more family? I know that Rilda is your sister and Diner is your bother. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

”Don’t worry, I want to answer. I have three younger brothers and four younger sisters.”

Spike wasn’t sure if he heard right. “Did you just say you have seven siblings?” Drake nodded. “Why? How?”

Drake couldn’t help but laugh a little of Spike’s reaction. “You can blame my parents for that, they always wanted a big family. Maybe they went a little overboard.” Spike couldn’t help but wonder who his parents is.

Spike couldn’t help but wonder who his parent is. “Hey Drake, what about Pethayrth? Why wasn’t she in the room, don’t she trainer with you and the others?”

“She is healer, not a fighter. She can fight but isn’t that good.” Drake answered him.

“I guess that makes sense.”

Once they arrived at Spike’s room, Drake headed to his own room, Spike open the door and walk inn. Once inside Spike closed the door and headed to his bed, he climb on it and fell face first. “What a day.” He then fell asleep.

A little later that night, in a different part of the castle, Celestia poked her head out from the door to the room she was using, she was looking to see if anyone was around. After she had used her teleport spell to the royal castle in Wiacaster, she had spent most of the day in her room to regain her magic. Right now she was sneaking around the castle halls to a special room, when she got there she was ready to knock but she never got the change.

“Just get in her Celestia, I still don’t understand why you sneak around every time you visit the castle.” Said the voice on the other side of the door, which was male. Celestia just rolled her eyes as she walk in, once inside she saw Drake lying on his back in his bed. “I wish you could stop sneaking around when you are here, they know we are a couple.” He told her while she was closing the door, he also could see that she was wearing a white nightdress.

“I know that but it’s still embarrassing that have to make fun of use.” She walk over to the bed and slip under the duvet, she then snuggled on his chest. “I have missed you.”

He kissed her forehead. “I have missed you too.” He then put his arms around her so she was more comfortable.

In another part of the kingdom in a secret location sat a lonely dragon in his office, he was currently looking out of his window seeing the sun setting. He felt at peace in this moment but then someone knock on the door.

“Come in.” He said in a gruff voice.

The door open and another dragon walk inn. “My lord.” The dragon said while getting down on one knee.


“Our spy at the castle has confirmed that the young prince has return, should we take care of the queen now?”

There was a moment of silence. “No, we stick to the plan. We wait, let them bond before we kill her.” Said the lord.

The other dragon got up and bowed. “As you wish.” He then left the room.’

The lord then smiled. “So, my nephew has return, I can’t wait to crush him.”

Author's Note:

I know it's a not a good chapter, just live with it.

There are those who wonder who is going to become Spike's wife, she hasn't appeared yet.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.