• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 23: Royalty

Author's Note:

Wow, a new chapter and this one was not easy to write. I had to come up with names and that's not my strong side.

As you all can see, I added two more races in this magic world; sea ponies and panthers, I thought it would be fun.

When it comes to the Sombra or 'Umbra in my story' and the Crystal empire, there was no evil ruler so no exile in ice.

Back in Equestria, Celestia and Luna was standing by their own personal train with some guards, they were ready to travel to Dragon kingdom. Luna was making sure that all their luggage was brought on board the train while Celestia was talking to Raven Inkwell, their personal assistant.

“Alright Raven, while we are gone you are in charge and don’t worry, we’ll be back in around eight days.” Celestia whish that they would be back sooner but they had to stay for the funeral and Spike’s coronation.

Raven nodded her head in understanding. “I understand princess, when do you want me to send the letter to Twilight and her friends? About Spike’s mother.”

Celestia had to think for a moment. “Garnet’s funeral should be in three days, send it in four days.” Raven would do that. “Do you have any questions?”

Raven adjusted her glasses. “Yes, how many guard are you taking?”

“Teen, captain Sky Scraper, captain Shadow. Eight guards, four of mine and four of Luna’s” Raven wrote that down on some piece of paper. “Are you sure you can handle things while I’m gone? It can be hectic sometimes.”

Raven gave Celestia a assuring smile. “Don’t worry princess, this is not the first time I have been in charge of the castle and your duties.”

Celestia couldn’t help but smile, Raven has help her more than once. She should have more faith in her. “That you have.” She then saw that all their luggage’s was on board. “I guess it’s time for us to leave.” She then gave Raven a hug which took the earth pony off guard. “Take care of the castle Raven.”

Raven had trouble finding her words, considering she was blushing. “Ssssure.” Then Celestia let her go. “What about Fredi, should I even tell him?” She asked once she stop blushing

Celestia thought for a moment. “I think will leave that to you.”

Raven wasn’t too happy to hear that. “So, no pressure then.” She said with annoyances in her voice.

Then Luna Spoke. “Sister, we are ready to departure.” She said while the guards was stepping on board.

“Alright Luna, see you in eight to ten days Raven.” Said Celestia as she entered the train wagon, then the locomotive started to move and they were on their way to the dragon kingdom.

Up far north, not far from the Equestria border was the most dazzling kingdom which the populations was crystal ponies, the crystal empire. The ponies there had lived in peace for centuries and hadn’t been in a war for over 2000 years, the royal family had made sure of that.

Inside the giant crystal castle, which was the home of the currently ruler, the staff was busy with their daily routine and the guards was guarding the place. There was one ponies that didn’t do his duty and the was captain of the guard, Shield. He was currently running through the halls of the castle to his destination, queen Umbra’s room.

Once he got there he open the door and saw that she wasn’t there, Shield then heard the water running so he ran over to the bathroom and went in.

The others guards had no idea what was happening, but then they heard; “WHAT THE HELL SHIELD? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM?” Now they knew.

Shield step out of the queen’s room with a red face, he was more red then a tomato. “Did you seriously walk into her majesty bathroom while she was showring?” Asked one of the guards that was standing guard near her room, Shield just gave the guard an angry look which made the guard giggle.

Then door open and standing in the doorway was a very angry and wet Umbra, she had a towel wrapped around her, her breast was keeping it up. “Shield, you better have a VERY good reason for bursting into my bathroom while I was in the shower since I told you not to disturb me.” She wanted to strangle him right now.

Shield just handed her a letter he had in his hand. “I’m so sorry my queen but I got this letter from sir Drake.”

She was now curious. “Sir Drake?” Shield nodded, she snap the letter from him. “If he wrote us a letter then it had to be important, have you read it yet?” She asked her captain who just shook his head. “Good.” She open the it and started to read, once she was done her face became grim. “The nerve of that bastard.” She said while crumbling the letter, she was again furious.

Shield back away a little. “ Your highness?” He asked her in a scared voice.

Umbra managed to calm down, a little. “Shield, get my private train ready, queen Garnet has been murder which means I have a funeral to attend.”

Shield couldn’t believe what he heard. “Queen Garnet is dead? How?” He asked Umbra.

“It doesn’t say but I’m guessing it’s Joserth work, that jealous bastard.” That made sense to Shield. “Get some guards to accompany me to Wiacaster, you’re in charge while I’m gone.” Shield just saluted and left to do what she said. Umbra took one more look at the letter. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that crazy bastard would go to war just get the throne.” Umbra then disappeared into her room to get dressed.

Deep in the water far from the town of Manehattan was the city of Atlantis where over time ponies had adapted to live under water, they were the rulers of the sea. For years they have lived in peace with the upper world and the sea ponies hope that it would last forever.

It was your normal day in Atlantis except for captain of the guard, Clialla. She was a blue pony with white hair/tail and she was wearing her guard uniform, swimming around the reave just outside the city, she was searching for someone. “Would you please stop hiding from me princess Sannan, your mother want to leave to Wiacaster as soon as possible.” She said while looking around for the princess.

Not far from the captain was the princess, she had pink fur and her hair/tail was golden, was hiding behind a rock and she didn’t want to be found. The young was only fourteen and there was one thing she hated more than anything, that was traveling to the surface. The surface had so many scary thing while the ocean was calm and she knew what was in it, she didn’t want to leave.

Sannan was sitting behind the rock with her legs up to her chest and her arms was wrap around them, her eyes was closed to and she hope that she invisible. “Found you.” Sanna open her eyes and look up, there was Clialla looking down at her with a smile on her face. “Did you really think you would hide from me?” The princess didn’t think, she just swam to get away. “”Hey, get back here.” The captain swam after.

Sanna swam as fast as she could but it was no use, the captain was to fast and Sanna could feel a pair of hands around her arms. “Let go of me, I don’t want to go.” She said while trying to get free, it didn’t work because the captain was to strong.

Clialla held the princess in her grasp. “What wrong with you princess, what do you mean you don’t want to go?” The captain asked.

Sanna gave up trying to fight the captain. “The surface, I don’t want to go there, I like the ocean.” She then started to cry. “I hate mother for forcing me to go, I DON’T WANT TO.” She screamed that last part.

Captain Clialla new how she felt, she didn’t want to leave the ocean the first time either, her captain had to force her. “I know how you feel princess, I was scared of the surface my first time but I assure you, there’s nothing scary up there.“ She said in a clam tone.

Sanna just look away. “Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I want to go.

“Well, you have to. Now let’s headed back, your mother is worried about you.”

Sanna doubted that, her mother didn’t care about her but she her meaning was pointless, her mother never listen to her. She just swam back with the captain, Sanna didn’t look forward to her first meeting with the surface and dragons.

In another part of the planet, high up in the mountains was the kingdom of the griffons and their ruler king Zephyrus was standing by the window in his room, looking at his kingdom. A kingdom he inherited from his father when he died and Zephyrus was a strict ruler, if you broke his rulers you would be punished.

Then someone knock on his door. “Enter.” In walk another griffon and he was wearing armor, he saluted. “What is it captain?” Zephyrus asked the griffon.

“You majesty, I have received a letter from sir Drake.”

Zephyrus was intrigued as the captain walk over to him and gave him the letter, the king open the letter and couldn’t help but laugh. “I can see that Joserth has made his move and it’s about time.” He then tore the letter apart. “We are not going to Garnet’s funeral, you may go.” The captain saluted and left, Zephyrus then look out the window again and smiled. “So, it’s has begun, I don’t feel sorry for her son.” The king look out his window and smiled. “I’m looking forward for what is going to happened.”

In another place of the plant was the Zebra empire who was most famous for their potion making then begin warriors, and they didn’t mind.

In the royal palace lived the royal family, king Omban and queen Nishi with their soon, prince Khaba. Prince Khaba had black fur with white stripes like his father but his mane and tail was golden like his mother. The young prince was currently in the local lab in the palace with royal shaman, mixing potions.

“Now remember my prince, a few drops is more then enough.” Said the shaman to Khaba.

Khaba was holding a vial and was trying to pour some green stuff into another vial that one the table, he stuck out his tung as he tried to not to pour everything in the vial, he managed to get some drops into it and he was pleased with himself. Then all off sudden liquid became yellow and then it started to bubble and before they knew, it explode in the prince face.

Khaba couldn’t help but hung his head in shame. “Not again, I guess I never be as good as my mother.” He said with sadness in his voice.

Khaba felt a hand on his shoulder, it was the shaman Sanni. “Don’t worry about it my prince, it took your mother years before she was any good, you just got to have patience.” It didn’t help with Khaba’s mood, he still felt like a failure. “Why don’t do and clean up your face while I clean up the mess you made.” Khaba said nothing as he walk over to the sink.

As Sanni started to clean up, the door open and queen Nishi walk in. the queen fur was golden as her mane and tail, it was like she shined like the sun. Sanni was too busy to notice.

“Sanni.” The queens voice scared him so much that he dropped some bottles on the floor, they shattered. “I’m sorry Sanni, I didn’t mean to scare you.” She said as Sanni started to clen up the mess.

“Don’t worry about my queen, the bottles was empty.” He said with a smile as he cleaned it up.

Nishi nodded her head, she then saw her son who was washing his face. “Khaba.” Her son didn’t answer her, she wonder why. “What’s wrong with my son Sanni?” She asked the shaman.

Sanni look over to the prince. “I think his sad that he messed up a formula, it blew up in his face.”

Nishi understand, being a shaman isn’t easy. She walk over to her son and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright my son?” She asked him.

Khaba didn’t answer her right away. “No mother, I’m not alright.” He turn to face her and Nishi heart broke, her son was crying. “I can’t make a damn sleep potion without it blowing up in my face, I’m a failure.”

Nishi did the only thing she could think of and that was to give her son a hug and try and comfort him, he return the hug. “You’re not a failure Khaba, everyone makes mistakes, even I did.”

Khaba sniff a few times. “You expect me to believe that? Your perfect, you don’t do mistakes.”

Before Nishi could answer her son, Sanni spoke. “That’s not true my princes, you mother made many mistakes when she was at your ages. I should know, I was there.”

Nishi look over at her old teacher with annoyance. “We don’t need to hear about my past Sanni.” The shaman just smirked. “Now for the reason I’m here.” She let go of her son. “We have to travel to Wiacaster for a funeral, queen Gaia has passed away.”

Khaba wasn’t too happy to hear that. “Do I have to? I don’t like funerals.” He said in a sad tone.

Nishi patted her soon on her head. “I know you don’t like them, I don’t either but it’s our duty to show our respect when royal dies.” It didn’t help her soon mood. “There one up side, her soon is the same age as you, maybe you could be friends with him.” Maybe. “Now, head to your room and get packing.” Khaba decided to do as his mother told him, he headed to his room.

Once the prince was gone, Sanni spoke. “I can’t believe queen Garnet is dead, I’m guessing it’s Joserth work.”

Nishi didn’t answer right away. “Probably, but the letter didn’t say. I guess we have to find out when we get there.” She look over to Sanni. “I also want you to come Sanni.”

The shaman bowed. “I would be an honor my queen.” He then exit the room.

Nishi let out a heavy sighed. “I really hope there will be no war.”

Deep in the jungle far south was the kingdom of the panthers, a proud warrior race who live for combat. They usually fight with their claws and fist but there was some exceptions, those who wanted to fight with weapons, like swords and spear.

The panther king was kind ruler by the name of Kuro and he believe in never to lie to his people, he was black from head to top, even his hair was black and that made him a feared fighter, in the dark. King Kuro was now standing on a balcony looking over the courtyard where his captain was training the new recruits, captain Nox was a red panther with a scar over his right eye that went all the way down to his mouth and he’s best warrior in the kingdom, the only one who could beat Nox and that was Drake.

The king look as Nox tried to explain how a fighter should stand when, it didn’t go well. “For the last time recut, you supposed to stand with your fight closer together not so far appeared that anyone can kick you in the balls.” He told one of the recut, Kuro couldn’t help but chuckle, the captain took his job seriously.

Then a maiden open the door to the balcony and step out. “I’m sorry to interrupt to your majesty, but you got a letter from sir Drake."

The maid handed the letter to Kuro, he took it, open it and read it, he didn’t like what was written. “I’ can’t believe he did it, that coward.” The king look over at the maid. “Get ready my personal train, I’m heading to Wiacaster.”

The maid bowed. “Right away my king.” She then left.

Kuro let out a sad sighed, he knew that Joserth would something but not this. I feel bad for prince Spike. He look over the courtyard and he could see that Nox was still yelling at the recut. “Captain Nox, stop yelling at the poor recut and gather some guard, were heading to Wiacaster.”

Nox saluted. “Right away my king.” Kuro nodded as he headed inside the palace to pack. Once the king was gone, Nox look at the recut with narrow eyes. “You got of easy but don’t think this is over.” He then headed inside the palace himself.

Once Nox was gone, the recut fell on the ground and passed out, he was just glad it was over.