• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,217 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 25: The Funeral part 2

Spike was sleeping peacefully in his bed when the sun shined through his window and right into his face, the prince didn’t like it so he turned around. Spike tried to go back to sleep but it felt like someone was breathing on him, Spike open his eyes and look right at Celestia, she was sleep on her side. The sight of the sun princess scared Spike a little, he sat up and was about to wake Celesta up but then he notices something, she was sucking her thumb.

Spike just started at Celestia, lying in his bed sucking her thumb, what should he do? Should he wake her or let her sleep? Should he tell Celestia that she is sucking her thumb in her sleep? Spike had no idea.

Celestia then started to move which means she was waking up, she then open her eyes. “Morning Spike.” She then sat up and let out yawn while stretching her upper body. “I guess I feel asleep in your bed, I hope you don’t mind.” Spike didn’t mind, he wasn’t sure what to say and Celestia saw that. “Spike, is there something wrong?” She asked him.

Celestia scared Spike a little. “No, no. Well… there is one thing.” Should he say it? “Did you know that you were sucking your thumb, while you were sleeping?” He did.

Celestia’s eyes widen and her face became red from top to bottom, she then buried her face in her hands with embarrassment. “Oh no, I can’t believe I still do that.” She then let out a groan. “I did it when I was a kid and it stuck with me.” Celestia removed her hands to look at Spike. “Please don’t tell Luna, she would tease me for the rest of my life if she found out.”

Spike gave her an assuring smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” Maybe not now, maybe later.

Celestia was glad to hear it. “Good.” She then deiced to ask about yesterday. “Are you feeling any better?” She hope he was.

Spike look down on the bed. “Not really, I just miss her so much which is weird, I barely knew her.”

Spike then felt a hand on his shoulder, Celestia was smiling. “There is nothing wrong with that, you knew her for three weeks and that’s more than enough and beside, you will be king in a few days.”

Spike couldn’t help but groan when he heard that he would be king soon. “You had to mention the whole king thing, I wasn’t even think about that.” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle. “Thank by the way, for being there when I need some comfort.”

Celestia smiled again. “You are more than welcome Spike. Well,” She then got out of the bed. “I better get back to my room. I need to change my clothes.” She look down on her dress. “The funeral isn’t until tomorrow and I’m not wearing this dress today.”

Celestia was about to walk to the door when someone knocked. “Prince Spike?” It was Rilda. “Are you up yet, is it safe for me to come in?”

Spike look at Celestia with a nervous gaze, the sun princess just nodded. “Yes, you can come in.”

The door open and Rilda walk in. “I really hope you haven’t sleep in your clothes again, I’m getting tired of…” She stopped talking when she saw Celestia, she didn’t expect to see her in Spike’s room. “Oh, princess Celestia, what a pleasant surprised. What are you doing in prince Spike room?” She asked the sun princess.

Celestia decide to tell the truth. “Spike just needed some comfort yesterday and then I ended up sleeping in the same bed with him, I was just about to leave.” She then walk past Rilda and exit the room.

Rilda just started at the door and then at Spike, she couldn’t help but wonder what really happened. “Nothing happened yesterday, I just missed my mom and Celestia stayed to comfort me.” Spike in somewhat sad tone, Rilda decided to trust him.

“If you say so.” She then walk over to his dresser. “Why don’t you take a shower, it’s almost time for breakfast and if you remember, you have invited the others rulers to breakfast.” Spike remember that he did that yesterday and then his stomach made some noise, he was hungry.

In another part of the cast was Nithia as she had just left her own room and was heading to her daughter’s room, which was right beside hers. Nithia approached the two guard that was standing by the door. “Is my daughter still in her room?” She asked the guards.

The two guards saluted. “Yes my queen, she hasn’t left her room yet.” Said one of the guards.

Nithia nodded her head as she knock on the door. “Sannan, are you up yet?” Her daughter didn’t answer her. “Prince Spike has invited us to breakfast and I don’t want to disappoint him.” Still no answer. “Are there Sannan?”

The queen the heard movement. “I don’t want to eat breakfast with you so go away.”

Nithia was shocked that her daughter said that. “Excuse me? You don’t want to eat breakfast with me?” She was a little hurt. “You open this door right now.” Back to silence. “Sannan?” The queen tried to open the door but it was lock. “I said open this door.” Nithia then heard a door open and closed. “Are you ignoring me by hiding in the bathroom?” No answer and the queen had enough. “You will open this door right now or I break it down.” She said with some force in her voice.

The two guards wanted to say something but they didn’t want to anger their queen even more. “You are terrible mother.” The three sea pony look in the direction of the voice and standing not far from them was queen Nishi with her arms crossed and she had a disappointing look on her face, she didn’t like how Nithia was acting. Two guards was standing behind her.

Queen Nithia just gave Nishi a blank look. “Oh great, it’s you.” She said with some anger in her voice. “What do you want?” Nithia asked her fellow queen.

“I was on my way to the dining room to eat breakfast when I heard you yelling at your daughter, you can’t talk to her like that.”

For some reason, Nithia just got a little more angry. “She is my daughter and I can talk to her the way I want.”

Nishi couldn’t believe what she just heard. “Are you even listing yourself right now? ‘She is my daughter and I can talk to her the way I want?’ I would never say that to my son and you shouldn’t talk about your daughter that way.” Nishi walk over to Nithia so they were face to face. “If we weren’t allies, I would smack you in the face. You doesn’t deserve to be a mother.” She then walk off and her guards followed her giving Nithia an angry look.

Nithia was speechless, no one had ever talk to her the way Nishi had, she didn’t know how to feel. She was angry they way Nishi talk to her, she was also a little sad because she was right, she was a terrible mother. “Is she right? Am I a terrible mother?” She asked her two guards who gave each other a worried look, they didn’t know if they should answer her or not. Nithia could be scary when she was angry.

Then one of the guards dared to speak. “My queen, I would say you are a terrible mother but you can’t talk to the princess they way you did. It’s not right.” The other guards eyes widen he couldn’t believe what his fellow guard said what he said.

The queen look at the guard who spoke. “What’s your name?” She asked him.

“it’s Kirri you majesty.” Said the yellow sea pony guard, he hope he wasn’t in trouble.

To their surprised, Nithia smiled. “You like to say what’s on your mind, don’t you?” Kirri nodded his head. “I like that.” She then look at her daughter door. “I’m going to get some breakfast but I will return with some food for my daughter, can you two tell her that I want to talk to her, if she want to.” Both guard told her that they would, the Nithia walk off to get some food.

Spike arrived at the dining hall and saw that only two had arrived, Luna and Umbra, they were sitting on each side of the table, near where Spike would sit. They were eating and talking at the same time. Both of them looking in Spike’s direction when they heard the door open.

Luna was the first one to speak. “Hey, it’s prince Spike.” She said in a teasing tone, Spike just gave her an annoying look. So did Rilda, who was standing behind the prince. “All joke to the side, why did my sister enter her room this morning with the clothes she had on her yesterday?” Luna asked Spike.

“She sleep in the same bed as me,” He look down on the ground. “I was crying and she stay with me the night to comfort me.” Luna and Umbra didn’t expect to hear that, but they were glad that Spike told them. Luna felt bad for teasing him.

Spike went over and sat down by the end of the table, where his mother or father would sit, it didn’t feel right. While Spike was eating, the rest of the royals arrived. They didn’t talk that much, they were think about the funeral which was tomorrow.

Later that day.

Spike was sitting on a bench in the garden behind the castle, he told Rilda he wanted to be alone for a while. Rilda respected his whish but he had to have a guard that could watch him from afar, Spike didn’t mind that as long as the guard didn’t bother him. Spike just watch the flowers that was in the garden, he did this sometimes when he lived in Ponyville, just be lost in his own thoughts.

Then a new voce spoke. “I can see that you don’t want to be here either.” The new voice scared Spike a little, he was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice someone walk up to him. Spike look to his left and saw Nithia’s daughter standing not far from him, he had forgotten her name. “Is okay for me to sit beside you?” She asked Spike who just nodded his head. “Thanks.” She sat down beside him on the bench. “I needed to get out of the castle and away from my mom.” She then frowned. “I REALLY don’t want to be here, I hate the surface.” Spike had managed to read about the sea ponies, the live underwater, not far from Manehattana and they usually trade with the ponies there. Other than that, he knew nothing about them only that they don’t interact much with ponies on the surface. Spike then notice her mother walking towards them. “Speak of the devil.”

“Sannan, can we talk?” The queen asked once she reached them. “You never gave me an answer."

Sannan didn’t look at her mother. “That’s because I don’t want to talk to.” She said with some anger in her voice.

“Sannan, I REALLY want to talk to you, just the two off use.” Nithia really hope that her daughter listen to her.

Sannan let out annoying groan, she knew that her mother wouldn’t leave her alone until she talk to her. “Fine,” She got up. “let’s go to my room and talk.”

They both left leaving Spike alone and he couldn’t help but be jealous of Sannan, she may have a rocky relationship with her mother, but she as alive, that was something. Then Spike remember that his mother funeral was tomorrow and he didn’t want to say anything, it wasn’t because he wanted to, he didn’t know what to say. Spike just sat at the bench until the night arrived, he then headed inside to get some sleep.

Then the day arrived, queen Garnet funeral. The funeral was held at the local graveyard and almost the whole town was there to pay there respect to their fallen queen, Spike thought it was nice. The coffin was carried by six of the dragon knight, the only one who didn’t carried it was Pethayrth. They offer Pethayrth to carried the coffin but she said no, she couldn’t save the queen so she saw her self not worthy to carry it. All those who were there was dressed in black, like they should.

Once the coffin was lowered into the hole, the priest said some words, that the queen would find peace in the afterlife. Then it was time for the other to say something, Drake was up first. The leader of the Dragon knights said that he had know the queen since they were children and that she also had a kind heart when she was young, she was a kind queen. The other royals said the same as Drake, mostly the same. It was almost time for tossing the dirt on the coffin but before that, Spike and the other had to tosse roses on the coffin. After the roses, Spike threw some dirt and said his last goodbye to his mother. He couldn’t hold back the tears. Lucky for him, Celestia was there to comfort him.

Author's Note:

Another crappy chapter.

I would like to apologize the ending to this chapter, it was difficult to write the funeral.