• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 21: A Voice From the Past

Of all the dragons who heard Drake say, ‘death magic,’ Raldrin was the only who knew what he was talking about.

“Death magic? Please tell me your joking Drake.” Said the dragoness.

Diner and the others was just confused. “Can one of you please tell us what death magic is?” Asked Diner.

Drake was still in shock so Raldrin decided to explain. “Death magic is a type of magic that is forbidden and the only dragon I know of that knows death magic it is Drake former master, Kinar.”

Tomias and the other had heard that name, he was former Dragon knight and one of the best, he had save the former king and queen many times.

Then Tomias spoke. “Isn’t he dead?”

Drake got up. “He should be considering he died one hundred years ago.”

One hundred years ago was one of the bloodies battle in dragon history, they were at war with the griffons, many were life’s were lost on both sides and Drake’s master Kinar was killed in battle but they never found his body, so they assumed he was dead.

Drake look at the guards. “Take the body to Pethayrth room, maybe she can find out if this death magic is real.” Both guards saluted, they then took the body and headed to Pethayrth room. Drake then look at Raldrin. “How is prince Spike doing?” He asked her.

Raldrin shook her head. “Not good, he saw his mother body and he didn’t take it well.” The others couldn’t imagen how the prince was doing right now, seeing your mother dead body, it could change a dragon. “Should we talk to him?” Asked Raldrin.

“No, I think she can do it.” Said Drake as he look at the entrance, the others also look at the entrance and there stood Rilda.

Rilda was flying as fast as she could over the house in Wiacaster, her destination, the castle. After a guard had told her that the queen had died, Rilda hurry up to get dressed, grabbed some crystals, tell the guard to be there when her children woke up, then fly as fast she could to the young prince.

Rilda really hope that something didn’t happened to Spike, losing his mother was a pain she knew too well, she had lost her father and she mourned a very long time before she got over it.

Rilda landed in front of the castles door and saw that it was open, there was some guards standing by the doors and they didn’t stop her as she walk in, they didn’t dare.

When Rilda entered the main hall she saw her two brothers, Raldrin and some guards, she then heard Drake speak. “No, I think she can do it.” I guess he meant her.

“Where is prince Spike?” He asked them all.

Raldrin pointed at the hallway. “In his room.” Rilda said nothing as she walk past them and towards Spike’s room.

Once Rilda was gone, Drake spoke up. “I believe that our prince is in good hands.” He then started to walk. “Now I have to write a letter to Celestia and let her know what happened.” He was gone.

Rilda arrived at Spike’s room and she could see two guards standing there, guarding his room. “Let me in, I need to see the prince.”

The guards didn’t move. “I’m sorry Rilda but we were told not to let anyone in, not even you.” Said one of the guards.

Then Rilda grabbed both of them and pulled them close to her face. “Listen and listen closely, Spike just lost his mother and he need someone to talk to him. Now, if you two don’t let me in you two will end up in the hospital with every bone in your body broken. Do I make myself clear?” Both guards was terrified, the had forgotten that Rilda could be very terrifying. They decided to let her enter Spike’s room.

The first Rilda saw was darkness, the curtains blocking out the moon. Rilda then heard crying and it was coming from behind the bed, she walk there and saw Spike, he was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, he legs was up against his chest and his arms was wrap around them, he was also crying. Rilda got down and gave Spike a hug, he happily return it because he need a hug.

Both dragons had no idea how long they hug but Spike had finally managed to calm down a little. “Why? Why did she had to die like this?” He said between tears. “Why Rilda?”

“I really don’t know Spike, I wish I knew but I don’t.” She then took out two crystals from pocket, one was pink and the other was red. “Here, this is from you parents.” She handed them to Spike.

Spike took them. “Crystals?” He was confused.

Rilda nodded. “This are recording crystals, you can record messages into the for so other can listen to them later, your parents made one each. The red one is from your father while the pink one is from your mother, I was instruct to give them to you when they died, a task I wish I never had to do but here we are.” She then stood up. “I will give you privacy while you listen to them, you only have to press them into your hand and they will play. I will back later.” She then left the room leaving spike alone.

Spike really wanted her to stay but he was now more interested in the crystals he got from Rilda, he decide to listen to his mother crystal first. He took the pink one and squish it with is hand, his mother voice came out from it.

“My dear Spike if you are listing to this message which means I am gone, you have almost been in the castle for three weeks and it have been my best weeks in a very long time, I am so happy to have a son like you.” There was a moment of silence before she counited. “The reason that I record this message is that you have to stay strong, I will die one way or another and I wish I could be there when you become king, but that’s not going to happened.” He then heard her sighed. “I wish I could be there to comfort you when you are feeling down, but I can’t and that makes me sad.” Silence again. “My last words to you is that you can’t let you uncle to became king, he is a greedy bastard and he will go to war against the other races and you are the only one who can stop him.”

“Than for the pressure mom.” Spike mumble to himself.

“And remember that your mother will always love you and I will be with you in your heart and remember to be your own king. Also remember that I will always love you.” Then the message was down.

Spike shed a tear but this time it was out of happiness. Then it was his father crystal, the one he was most curious about, considering he had never meet his father.

“My dear son,” His voice was gruff. “if you are hearing this that means I am dead and for that I’m sorry. I wish I could be there when you return home but I guess that’s not my fate, you see, my brother has always been jealous of me because I am the older brother. He always wanted to be king and therefore I have a feeling he will try and kill me so I’m recording this.” Spike can’t believe that his uncle would kill his own brother for the throne. “I have watch you grow up through the letters that Celestia send me and I’m glad you have grown up to be a fine dragon, but I am not so happy by the way Twilight Sparkle is threating you, she is always commanding you to do stuff for her, can’t she do things herself?” His father sounded a little frustrated which made Spike smirk a little.

“Anyway, I will leave you with these words when you became king, trust your heart and never let anger cloud your judgment. If you let anger take over, then you are not a true king. I love you, my son.” Then the message was over.

Spike started to cry again but this time it was out of joy, he may not have know his father but he cared for him and so did his mother. Spike as happy and lucky to have such wonderful parents.

Celestia was sleeping peacefully in her own bed when a scroll appeared right approved her head and landed right in her face, it woke her up. “What the…?” She slowly open her eyes and look at the scroll in front of her. “Who send that at…” She look at the clock and it was a few minutes over 4 am, she sat up and took the scroll, she open it and started to read it with tired eyes. Her eyes widen and she was awoken when she saw what was written in the scroll. “You got to be kidding me.” She got up from her bed. “I have to talk to my sister.” She fetch at bathrobe from her closet, she put it on and went to find Luna.

The night princess was sitting in the throne room, she was trying not to fall asleep from boredom. She didn’t understand why they had to have a night court, ponies are usually asleep at night, she had a few visitors but that was days ago.

Luna let out a yawn and was about to fell asleep when the doors to the throne room open with a bang, that scared Luna. “I wasn’t asleep.” She said with a high pitched voice as she sat up. Luna then saw that it was her sister and she didn’t look happy, at all. “Tia, what’s wrong?”

Celestia walk over to her little sister and handed her the scroll. “Read this.” Luna did.

When Luna was done reading, she was furious times 10. “THAT BASTARD, I’M GOING TO KILL HIM.” Her voice shook the entire castle, the guards that was working wonder what just happened. Some ponies in Canterlot woke up by Luna’s shouting.

Celestia had to cover her ears thanks to her sister yelling. “Luna, you need to calm down.”

Luna didn’t want to calm down. “Hell no, I will not calm down, I want to kill Joserth. He murder Spike’s mother for fuck sake.” Fire was actually coming out of her eyes, by pure fury.

Celestia placed both hands on her sister’s shoulders. “I understand that you are angry Luna, I am also angry.” She hope that Luna would calm down.

Luna raised an eyebrow when she heard that. “You don’t look angry at all.”

Celestia’s face change to calm to angry very fast. “Oh believe me,” Luna became very afraid when she saw her sister’s expression change, it was now pure anger. “I am, but we can’t be angry now.” She managed to calm herself down. “Spike need us and anger is not the way to help him.”

Luna didn’t want to admit, but Celestia was right. “Fine.” She look at the doors. “Guards.” A night guard came in. “Get me captain Shadow.” The guard saluted and disappeared.

It didn’t take long before a female bat pony with purple hair/tail appeared, she saluted. “Is there something I can do for princess Luna?” She asked the princess.

“Yes, me and my sister are heading to Wiacaster, get ready our private train.”

“At once your highness.”

The sister’s watch as Shadow disappeared. “That’s taken care of, I guess I have to go and pack.” Luna look over at her sister. “What about you? Are you going back to sleep?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, I’m also going to pack, we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Luna watch as her sister walk out of the throne room. “That we have.” She hope that Spike was okay.

Author's Note:

I hope you all like this chapter, I suck when it come to sad stuff.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.