• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 17: Ember

It was new day in the dragon kingdom and the citizen of the different town woke up with a shocking news in the paper, queen Garnet had a son by the name of Spike. Most the citizen welcomed him but there was those who was angry at the queen for lying to them, then they read she send him away to protect him, she didn’t want him to die like the others. They weren’t that angry after reading that.

There was one who want to take advantage that the queen had a soon and that was lord Torch, he was a giant green dragon with two horns on his and one of the most powerful dragon in the entire kingdom. He was currently wearing a fancy suit that made sure that his wings was free.

“Come along Ember, we mustn’t let the queen wait.” He told his daughter.

Ember was a young dragoness, she was blue with light blue scales, she also had horns on her head.

Torch and his daughter was currently walking towards the castle with soldiers, for protection. Torch had arranged a meeting with the queen, he wanted to have his daughter to marry Spike so he could part of the royal family as father in law.

Ember on the other hand didn’t want to meet prince Spike, for all she knew he could be a spoiled brat. “Do I have to? I would rather stay at home and read then meet this prince Spike.” Ember was wearing a beautiful blue dress that father insisted that she use, she hate to wear a dress.

“Now, now Ember. We have to show our appreciation to our queen, she have gotten her son back.”

Ember didn’t like what her father was talking about, he was always scheming and this time it had to involve the royal family and her. She didn’t like it at all.

Once they arrived at the castle, Torch told the guard why he and his daughter was there, they let him in but his guards had to wait outside, they did.

To their surprised Drake was waiting for them in the main hall. “Lord Torch, Ember. I’m here to escort you to the queen.” Both of them bowed. “But first, I want to talk to your father Ember, alone.” Ember was a little worried when she heard that but she nodded and left the hall.

Once they were alone Troch spoke up. “So, what do you want to talk to me about?” He asked Drake.

Drake walk up to Troch so they were face to face, he then started to speak in a threatening voice. “I don’t know why you are here Torch but I know your game, you probably want something from the queen.” Then Drake’s eyes started to glow red. “If I hear that you have insulted her or something in that direction, I will find you and kill you. Are we clear?”

This is not the first time Torch has been threaten by Drake, the last time was when Troch tried to be king by dating queen Garnet right after her husband died, Drake was furious when he found out and he couldn’t believe that Torch would take advance of a mourning widow. And the worst part, Drake never made empty threats.

Torch managed to swallow that big lump he had in his throat. “Crystal clear.” He knew better then get on Drake’s bad side.

Drakes eyes stop glowing, he then smiled. “Good. Now, let’s find your daughter, the queen is waiting.” Drake started to walk towards the queen room. Torch on the other hand had trouble walking, his legs was like jelly right now.

Once they were at the queen’s room, Drake open it so Torch and his daughter could walk in. Garnet was lying in her bed staring out of the window, there wasn’t much to do when one couldn’t walk.

“Lord torch and his daughter is here my queen.” Drake told her.

Garnet look over at Torch with hatred in her eyes, she hadn’t forgiven him for trying to marry her right after her husband had died. “Torch.” She said with venom in her voice. Garnet’s eyes soften when she saw Ember. “It’s nice to see you again Ember.” She said with a smile on her face.

Torch and his daughter bowed. “My queen, is so good to see you again.”

Garnet just rolled her eyes of what he said. “Just get to the point Torch considering you didn’t write in your letter why you wanted to meet me.”

Torch stood up and cleared his throat. “Yes, but I would like to talk alone with you.”

Garnet didn’t like that. “I’m guessing you want my son to keep your daughter company.” Torch just gave her a creepy smile. Garnet just rolled her eyes, again. She knew where this was going and she didn’t like it, but she was going to play along for now. “Very well. Drake, tell one of the guards to escort Ember to my son, he is in the throne room.” Drake just nodded and walk out to find a guard.

“My I ask why your son in the throne room.” Said Torch.

“He’s there because he wanted to try and sit on his father throne, he wanted to try and feel like a ruler, Torch.” Garnet said that last part with some force which made Troch a little nervous, she might be sick but she is still very scary.

Then Drake came back with guard who was to escort Ember to Spike, the young dragoness didn’t want to but right she didn’t have a choice, she had to listen to her father and she hated it.

Once Ember had left there was only the queen, Drake and Torch left which confused Torch. “I thought we would talk in private, my queen.”

Garnet just smiled. “Don’t you know what the dragon knights job is? To protect me.” Torch look over to Drake who was also smiling, this was not going to be easy.

Spike on the other hand had no idea what was going on in his mother room, he was busy testing his father chair in the throne room, it wasn’t going well. “How did my father sit on this? This cushion is too hard, my butt would go numb after sitting on it for too long.” He said while rubbing his butt on the cushion.

Rilda, who was with him, just watch and she was also wondering if he was telling the truth about the chair. “Is it really that bad my prince?” She asked Spike.

Spike jump off the chair. “Just sit on it and you will find out.” He told Rilda while pointing at the chair.

Rilda became a little nervous. “I can’t do that, this chair belongs to your father.” She told him while holding up her hands, she didn’t want to sit on the king’s chair.

“My father isn’t around so he can’t actually be mad at you.” Rilda had to adimet that Spike had a point there. “Just do it Rilda, I don’t want to command you to do it.”

Rilda appreciated that Spike said but still, she really didn’t want to sit on the king’s chair, just to find out it was painful to sit on. Spike was still waiting for her to do it and eventually she gave up, she was up the chair and sat down on it.

It felt wrong to sit on the king’s chair but she knew what Spike meant, it wasn’t good to sit on. “You are right my prince, isn’t that good to sit on.” She told him while trying to get comfortable, it wasn’t easy. “I’m guessing that you don’t want a throne that is this bad to sit on.” She said to Spike.

“Hell no, I don’t want a chair that is that bad.” Rilda couldn’t help but smile of what he said, but she didn’t like that he swear.

Then the doors to the throne room open and a guard walk in, Rilda got of the chair very fast. “Excuse me prince Spike, I need to speak to Rilda.” Spike and Rilda gave each other a confusing look as Rilda walk over to the guard. “I’m sorry to interrupt you both but the queen ask me to find you, she wanted princes spike to keep lord Torch company until they are done talking.”

Rilda wasn’t too happy when she heard torch’s name, she hated that bastard for what he tried to do right after the king died, she didn’t hate Ember. “Where is she?” The guard step aside and there stood Ember, she didn’t want to be here that’s for sure. “Young Ember, I’m guessing that your father wanted you to be here.” She said while bowing.

Ember couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Yes, I rather be at home and read.”

Rilda couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, let me just ask the prince if want’s to hang out with you until your father is done talking.” She then walk back to Spike.

Ember’s curiosity took over, a part of her wanted to see who the queen’s son really was. She poked her head into the throne room and saw Rilda talk to a purple dragon with green spikes, he had to be older than her, or so she thought. To be honest, Ember thought it was some fat ugly dragon but the prince, she couldn’t help but think that he was kind of cute and he didn’t look like a creep.

“My mom wants me to what?” Spike wasn’t too thrilled to hear that his mother wanted him to keep a dragoness he didn’t know company until her meeting with this Torch guy was over.

“I can understand that you are a little upset my princes but I assure you that Ember is a kind girl, you have nothing to worried about.” Rilda assured him.

Spike didn’t entirely believe her, for all he knew this Ember could be a totally bitch on the other hand he didn’t want to disappoint him mother by saying no. Spike then took a deep breathed and look towards the doors and there he saw the most beautiful dragoness he had ever seen, she blue like the sky and her dress made her even more beautiful, Rarity had nothing on this dragoness.

Rilda was a little surprised to see the young prince blush, she didn’t think he would fall for ember this fast, she didn’t think he would fall for at all. But it was very adorable. Ember on the other hand thought it was funny that Spike blushed when he saw her, she just giggle.

“You can leave us.” Rilda told the guard who saluted and left leaving the three dragons alone. “Why don’t we take a walk through the garden on this fine day.” Spike and Ember agreed.

Spike and ember was walking side by side through the garden while Rilda was walking behind them, none of them knew what to say. Spike wanted to say something but every time he look over at ember he couldn’t help but blush, he felt like an idiot. Rilda could see that it was awkward between them and she hope it wasn’t, she wanted Spike to have someone special one day and maybe Ember would that one.

Then ember spoke up. “So, what is it like to be a prince?” She asked Spike.

Spike, who was in his own thoughts was complete taken off guard by Ember’s question. “Huh? What?” He didn’t hear her which made Rilda to place a hand on her face, she then shock her head. She couldn’t believe that he didn’t listen to her.

“I asked you, what is like to be a prince?” She asked an again.

Spike didn’t answer right away. “Well, sometimes when I wake up I still think it’s a dream. I never thought I would be the prince of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom.” Ember could understand him, she would probably react like he did. “To be honest, it’s kind of boring.” She didn’t expect him to say that. “I spend most of my time on the castle and I have only been out once.”

“That’s because your mother don’t want to lose you prince Spike.” Rilda told him.

Spike look at her with some annoyance. “I know that but that doesn’t mean I have to like been lock up in the castle every day.” Rilda had to give him that, she would probably feel the same.

Then ember spoke again. “So, you don’t have to do royal stuff?”

Spike shock his head. “No, my mother do that stuff and beside, I’m not sure if I am cut out to do that stuff, sound boring.” That made Ember laugh.

Drake on the other hand was not laughing, for the last five minutes he have to hear Torch try and convince the queen that her son should marry his daughter. Drake just wanted to toss him out of the door with his head first, so his face would hit the dirt first.

“To hell with your idea Torch, I am not going to force my son to marry Ember and besides, I don’t think she would like it either.” Garnet told him.

“My daughter does whatever I tell her and I don’t see what’s the problem, I am one of the most powerful lords in the kingdom, I have connections.” Torch told the queen.

“Oh, you have connections alright, shady connections.” Torch didn’t expect her to know that and Garnet saw that. “What? You really didn’t think I would know? I might be sick and I can’t leave me bed but that doesn’t mean I know things, just like you I have eyes and ears all over this city. I am also done with this conversation. Drake, show him out.”

That made Drake smile. “With pleasure.” He walk over to Torch and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Time for you to go.”

Torch wasn’t to happy how did went. “You will regret this queen Garnet.”

“Oh, I regret this meeting. Now, get out.” Garnet told him while pointing at the door.

Drake then lead Torch and he wasn’t happy at all, he didn’t want this to end like this. One way or another, his daughter would marry the prince and he would take advance of that, that’s for sure.

When it came to Spike and Ember, it didn’t go so well. They tried to make conversations but it go so well, they had no idea what they would talk about. They tried to get to know each other but they didn’t know what to talk about. Then a guard came to get Ember, her father was leaving so meant she had to do. She waved goodbye to Spike and he waved back at her, letting out a sad sighed.

Spike then notice Rilda was giving him a disappointing look. “What?”

She walk up to him. “You know that you just missed your change to get to know a very nice dragoness, you know that right?” She told him while stopping beside him.

Spike look down on the ground. “I know that but I didn’t know what to say to her.” He look at the door she walk through. “I wanted to tell her that she was the most beautiful girl had ever seen since Rarity, and I blew it.” He then started to walk, he just wanted to get to his room lie down on his bed.

Rilda couldn’t help but feel sorry for the young prince, but maybe they would meet again and it would work out of them.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the crappy ending and the romance part, I suck at those.

I think we are going to Ponyville in the next chapter to see what main 6 are doing.