• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 7: Celestia Arrives

It was your normal day for a guard in city of Wiacaster, just walking around the garden patrolling. A lonesome guard was doing just day. “Man, this was not what I had in mind when decided to become a guard.” He mumbled to himself.

Then all off sudden the guard could fell magical surge coming from nor far from him. “Huh, that’s weird.” He decided to investigate.

Once he got closed to the entrance to the castle he could feel the magic getting strong and then in a blinding light, which made him covert his eyes with his hand, Celestia appeared.

Celestia collapse right on the ground while breathing heavily. “I hate this spell.”

“Princess Celestia.” The alicorn look up at the guard. “We have been expecting you.”

Celestia managed to stand up. “Yes, I got a letter that my student managed to herself arrested by attacking queen Garnet guards.”

The guard nodded. “That’s correct, we have been order to escort you to the queens room but something tells me that you want to talk to your student first.”

Celestia wiped off some dust that she had gotten on her clothes. “Yes, she have some explain to do.”

The guard nodded. “Very well, follow me.” He started to walk towards the castle and Celestia followed him. The two guards that was guarding the entrance to the castle gave her a look that said that they didn’t want her here, she couldn’t blame them.

The guard who was responsible for the prison was enjoying his newspaper, then I he spotted something he didn’t like. “Crap, the rent is going up.” He look up from the paper and look over to the cell where Twilight was, she was currently trying to talk but nothing came out from her mouth. “What do you think about that?” He asked the unicorn who still couldn’t talk. “Yeah,” He went back to the newspaper. “I think it suck to.” Then the door to the prison open, the guard look up again and he saw Celestia walk in with another guard right behind her. The prison guard couldn’t help but think how entertaining this would be.

Celestia walk over to the desk where the prison guard was sitting. “I would like to talk to my student.” She then look over to her cell and saw that Twilight was talking but nothing came out from her mouth. “What’s going on?” She asked the guard.

The prison guard look over to the cell. “Ever since they brought her in she just keep on talking that the prince belong to her and she wanted to talk to him, it was so annoying that I placed a silence spell on her cell,” He went back to newspaper. “she is still talking but at least I don’t have to listen to her.” Celestia nodded in understanding while the other guard couldn’t help but smirk, he thought it was funny.

“Can I still talk to her?” Celestia asked the guard.

“Yes, just walk over to her cell and I will remove the spell but we have to be here.”

Celestia didn’t mind that as she walk over to Twilight’s cell with an angry expression, it didn’t look like her student was afraid that she was there, she look happy but that was going to change.

The guard removed the spell and they could hear Twilight again. “I’m so glad you’re her princess Celestia, you have to get me out from here so I can bring Spike home.”

Celestia was in shock when she heard that, Twilight talk like she owned Spike. “Bring him home? Your talking like you own him.”

Twilight just nodded. “Yes, I own him, I have owned him since I hatched him.” Celestia was in lost for words while the two guards just want to beat the living crap out of her, no one were allowed to talk about their prince like that. “Just get me out of this cell so me and Spike can go…”

That was the last straw for Celestia. “JUST SHUT THE HELL UP TWILIGHT.” Celestia is usually calm but right now she was furious, she wasn’t going to let Twilight speak any more and for the unicorn, Celestia had never yelled at her before. “I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you but you have to stop, Spike dosen’t belong to you, he came here by his own free will and you are not allowed to just take him away, that’s called kidnaping.” Twilight was about to speak but Celestia wasn’t going to let her. “Don’t you dear question me Twilight, I had enough of you right now, your acting like a naive little girl and I want to know why.” Celestia was breathing heavily, it’s been while since she have been this angry at anyone.

“I’m not naïve, Spike doesn’t belong here he belongs with me.”

Then it dawn on Celestia, she knew now why Twilight was acting like this. “You’re afraid, afraid of losing Spike. You had him for so long that you don’t want to lose him.”

Twilight wasn’t convinced. “That’s ridiculous, I’m not afraid of losing him, I never lost him in the first place.”

Celestia eye started to twitch. “Stop being in denial and admit that you are afraid of losing Spike.” Twilight had to take a few step back right now, Celestia look furious. “When I gave you Spike’s, I hope that you could teach him, take care of him, I realised now that was a mistake. You never took care of him he took care of you, he cooks for you, you make him clean the library, you just boss him around like a little slave.” Celestia look into Twilight’s eyes with a look that made her blood freeze. “I should never have given you Spike’s egg in the first place.” Those words crushed Twilight soul, she never thought that Celestia would say those word to her. “Until you understand that Spike’s is not yours, you are no longer my student and you’re not allowed to enter castle anymore.” She then took a step back. “I will not help you get out of this prison, you can stay here and think about what you did.” She then walk over to the guard who’s mouth hang open. “I’m ready to talk to queen Garnet.”

The guard who had brought Celestia was still in shock over what just happened, he managed to nod his head as he walk out, Celestia followed him.

Twilight was lost for words and utter crushed, she had never seen Celestia this angry before, ever. But Celestia was right, she was afraid to lost Spike. Twilight never thought about it before but she had treated Spike like her own personal slave when she should have taken care of him. Spike did everything for her, cook, clean the library, fetching books for her, he did everything for her and she let him. Twilight just sank to the floor in shame.

The guard who was guarding her was still staring at the door. “Wow, I think you got of way to easy there unicorn.” He look over to Twilight’s cell and she didn’t say anything, she was quiet. “Did you lose your will to speak?” He asked her as he walk over to cell and boy was he surprised when he saw her just sitting on the floor, looking very sad. “I guess Celestia’s word hit hard.” Twilight just gave a weak nod. “Well, as long as you don't speak, I don’t really care.” He went back to the desk to read the newspaper.

Celestia walk after the guard, they were on their way to queen Garnet room and Celestia didn’t have the foggiest idea what to say to her, Celestia couldn’t imagen what Garnet thought about Twilight right now or her. She took a deep breath and knock on the door.

“Come in Celestia.” The princess actually started to sweat as she open the door and walk in.

Once inside Celestia saw Garnet sitting in her bed, her face was facing the window, Celestia closed the door. Then the silence came, no one them said a word.

Then Garnet spoke. “Eighteen years ago I gave you Spike’s egg to protect him and it was the most difficult decision I had ever make, I hope that you could give him to someone that would care for him but instead of you gave him to a pony who is delusional.” Garnet look at Celestia and she wasn’t happy. “Explain yourself.”

“I really don’t know what happen, when I saw Twilight hatch Spike’s egg I thought that she would care for him.”

“You thought wrong.” Garnet snap at her. “When she arrived she said that my guards attack her first but I’m pretty sure she attack first considering we had witnesses and my guards said it, she then ran from them. I want to talk to her but apparently I wanted to arrest her, what do you teach your student?” Garnet asked Celestia.

“She is afraid.”

Garnet raised an eyebrow of what Celestia said. “Do you mean she is afraid to lose Spike?” Celestia nodded. "Spike doesn’t belong to her.”

“I’m fully aware of that but according to her she have owned him since he was hatch.”

Garnet had to restrain herself not to jump out of the bed, run down to the prison and strangle Twilight. “I regret handing you Spike’s egg, you said that he would be safe from Joserth but instead you gave him to a unicorn who was not fit to take care of him. Spike told what he has done to her over the years, he cook for her, he cleans the library for her, he buy grocery for her, he act like a servant for her and you did nothing to stop her. It was one thing to read that in your letters but hearing him say what Twilight made him do, that was heart breaking.” Garnet look back to the window. “You can stay here for the night but in the morning I want you gone. Talk to one of the guard and he can show you where you can sleep.”

Celestia bowed. “Thank you, is possible I can talk to Spike? I think he will be glad to see me.” She asked Garnet as she stood up.

Garnet didn’t answer right away. “If you want to, I’m not going to stop you. Now, leave.” Celestia didn’t hesitate to leave the room.

Once outside she closed the room and then she could breath, that went better than she expected.

Then a voice spoke up. “I see that you are still alive.” The voice scared her, it was the same guard that have escorted her.

“Are you still here? Shouldn’t you go back to your post?” She asked him.

The guard couldn’t help but snort. “Oh please, this is the most fun I had in years, all I do is patrol the garden, is so boring.” The last part was said with whining.

Celestia was sure what to think about this guard. “Yes, it can be boring at times. It is possible you can show me to prince Spike room.”

That got the guard to freeze up, he had no idea which room the price was in. Lucky for him someone ells knew. “Don’t worry Fredi, I will show her.” Celestia and the guard look in the direction of the voice and it was Tombias.

The guard saluted. “Tomias, sir.”

Tombias held up a hand. “At ease soldier, you can go back to your patrol.” The guard did as he was told, crushing while he walk, he didn’t want to go back patrolling the garden. “I do apologize about Fredi, he doesn’t take his job seriously at times.” Tomias told Celestia.

The sun princes just smiled. “Don’t worry about it, I know how he fell. You said that you can show me where prince Spike’s room is.”

Tomias nodded. “Yes, follow me.” He started to walk and Celestia followed him. “It’s been a while since you have been here Celestia, how’s life threating you?”

Celestia let out a heavy sighed. “For the moment, not good. Twilight acting like she own Spike and coming here just to bring him home, then she just attack queen Garnet guards, I don’t even know why she did that.”

“She thought that the queen would arrest her when she arrived at the castle.” Tombias told her.

“Yes, I heard that from the queen but I still don’t believe it.” Celestia then started to massage her head to prevent a headache. “I’m not looking forward to explain this to her parents, they are going to yell at me.” She wasn’t looking forward to that.

They eventually stop. “And here we are.” Tomias told Celestia as the stop by a door. Celestia look down the corridor and saw that hadn’t walk far from the Garnet toom. “Her highness wanted to be close to the prince.” Celestia nodded in understating.

It took a minute before Celestia knock on the door, she didn’t know why. “Come in.” Said Spike’s voice so Celestia entered.

Once inside she saw Spike sitting in his bed, he was currently reading a something, probably one of his comics. Celestia didn’t understand why he like them, she had tried to read some of them herself but it wasn’t her thing.

Spike look up from his comic and smiled when he saw who it was. “Princess Celestia.” He got of his bed and ran over to her to give her a hug.

Celestia happily return the hug. “It’s good to see you Spike, or should I say prince Spike.”

Spike let go of her. “It still sounds weird when others are calling me a prince.”

Celestia could help but agree with him. “I know what you mean Spike,” They walk over to the bed to sit down on. “I had trouble with that when I was younger.”

“Really?” Spike asked her as they sat down, Celestia just gave him a nod. “That’s sounds weird.”

“It’s true, when I found out that my parents was the rulers of Equestria I actually passed out and that’s the truth.”

“I found that hard to believe.”

Celestia just shrugged her shoulder. “I happen, Luna took it better than me, she just started to jump up and down like a little girl would do.” Celestia then smiled. “I was kind of jealous of her back then.”

“I have trouble seeing you jealous.” Spike said with a tease in his voice.

Celestia just huffed and look away. “Well, it happened.” She look over to spike and saw that he had trouble keeping his laughter so she just started to laugh herself, it felt good to laugh. “I have to ask Spike, have you talk to Twilight yet?”

Spike mod went from happy to sombre when he got that question. “Not yet, mom said she wanted to talk to her first.” He let out a sad sighed. “I don’t understand why she have behave so strange these two days.”

“She is afraid to lose you.” Spike look at Celestia with confusion. “I had a talk with her when I got here and I understood why she was acting so strange, she was afraid to lose you.”

Spike couldn’t help but frown. “That’s just stupid, she can’t expect me to stay with her forever.”

“That’s what’s she believe.” Spike was again confused. “Let me explain, when Twilight managed to hatch your egg by using her magic, that went out of control, I thought she could take care of you, I was wrong. At first she did managed to take care of you but as time went on and you got bigger, the roles changes, you started to take care of her. You did everything she asked you to do, do her laundry, cook for her, bring her books, you did everything because you were so naïve that you didn’t realized it.” Spike look hurt when she said he was naïve. “I’m not trying to hurt your feelings Spike but that’s the truth and deep inside you know it.”

Spike look down on the floor. “Your right, somehow I knew it and I didn’t do anything about it.” Then Celestia saw some tears falling on the floor, she didn’t expect Spike to cry. “I’m really pathetic.”

Celestia placed an arm around him to try and comfort him. “Your not pathetic Spike, I think you just wanted to help Twilight the best you could.” She then frowned. “I still wish she could do stuff herself not relying on you all the time.” Spike felt a little better and Celestia decided to ask him another question. “How is to be living here, like a prince?”

Spike wiped away the tears. “It’s okay, a small part of me still have trouble believing it’s real.” Celestia couldn’t help but giggle a little. “I have to know something princess,”

“Spike, you can just call me Celestia now. The whole princess seams a little stupide now considering you are a prince now.”

Spike nodded. “Alright then Celestia, I want to know who is the pony who was spying on me and Twilight.”

Celestia tilted her head to the side in confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean Spike.

“When Drake came he said that he keep an eye on her, considering I’m the only dragon in Ponyville that means you had a pony to do it, I want to know who that was.”

Celestia was speechless, she didn’t expect Spike to figure that out. “How did you figure that out?”

“I had a loot of time to think about it last night, I didn’t get much sleep.” He told her with some embarrassment in his voce, Celestia was just impressed.

“I guess you have the right to know, it was a pony named Steel and lets just say that he’s good when it comes to blending in with others.”

Spike just nodded, again. He decided to ask another question. “Since you are here, I’m guessing that Luna have to raise the sun and the moon by herself, right?”

Celestia then leaned in and whispered. “Let me tell you something Spike,” She then look around the room to see if there was anyone around. “me and my sister is not actually lowering/raising the sun and the moon, it’s all a gimmick.”

Spike couldn’t help but laugh. “Your kidding, right?” He saw that Celestia was kidding. “But, I have seen you raise the sun.”

“it’s not actually a spell, my horn just glow.”

Spike was lost for word right now, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “How? Why?”

Celestia let out a sighed. “It happened after our parent left and left my and my sister in charge of Equestria. One day I was just out walking just when the sun was about to rise, I was cold so I used a spell on my to make myself warmer, some ponies saw me use the spell while the sun rises and they started to say that I raised the sun. I tired to stop them but it was to late and before I knew it, me and my sister raised the sun and moon when ponies were around.”

“So, you have lied to them all these years?” Celestia just nodded of Spike’s question. “That’s not very nice.”

“I’m not proud of it, nor are my sister, I think we kept the lei alive just because we didn’t want to disappoint the ponies in Equestria.” Celestia then let out a yawn. “I would love to talk more Spike but the spell I used to get here took a lot of magic and I’m a little tired, I’m going to find a room and try and get some rest.” Celestia then stood up. “We can talk more tomorrow before I have to go back, dose that sound good to you?” Spike gave her a nod. “Good.” She then walk to the door. “See you tomorrow Spike.” She then left, leaving Spike along.

Spike then lay in his bed, he couldn’t believe that Celestia and Luna had been lying for so long, I guess he could understand why. He then let out a heavy sighed, there was one thing he didn’t look forward to and that was talking to Twilight.

Author's Note:

Another bad chapter, there was a loot of talking in this chapter.

Alright, The Corest apparently want's me to kill Twilight, that's not going to happened. Twilight isen't my favorite character from the show, I'm not going to kill her for what she have done in this story, that's just wrong.

If there's anyone who wants to have their dragon oc in the story then send me a pm, I'm might have some ideas.

Tomias belongs to Ebonis.