• Published 7th Nov 2020
  • 4,237 Views, 208 Comments

King Spike - Norwegian boy

Spike finds out that he is the son of the king and queen of the dragon kingdom

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Chapter 19: Night Trouble

Another week went for Spike as the new prince of the dragons and considering he didn’t have to do anything, he felt exhausted when night arrived, he didn’t know why. Not every day was exhausting, he spend more time with his mother, they started to play games together.

Spike was currently with his mother in her bedroom playing chess and he was winning. “And that’s checkmate.” Spike had managed to trap Garnet’s king, again. Garnet was siting in her bed while her son was also sitting in the bed.

Garnet look at the gameboard in disbelief, she was over four hundred years old and her son, who was only eighteen years old managed to beat her in chess, for the tenth time. “How is this possible? How can you be so good at chess?” She asked her son.

Spike just smiled. “Twilight, she taught me how to play.” His smiled disappeared and he became sad after he said that.

Garnet knew what was wrong. “You miss Twilight, don’t you?” Spike just nodded. The queen let out a sighed, she didn’t like to see her son like this. “Tell you what, why don’t you send a letter to Twilight and her friends and invited them to the castle.” She didn’t want them to come but she really didn’t want to see her son sad.

Spike look at his mother. “Really?” Garnet smiled and gave him a nod which made Spike to hug her. “Thanks you, you’re the best mother a boy can have.”

Garnet hug her son back. “I try.” Spike then let go of her and jump out of the bed, he then ran out the door, he had to plan. Garnet just giggled of her son enthusiasm.

As soon as Spike had left, Rilda enter Garnet’s room. “Why is the prince in such a hurry?” She asked the queen while looking at the door.

“I said that he could invited Twilight’s and her friends, I think he is going to his room to plan.” Rilda nodded in understanding. “Can you help him Rilda?” Garnet asked the maid.

Rilda bowed. “I would be my pleasure.” Rilda then notice the chessboard, she could see what had happened. “I can see that young prince won again.” She had trouble containing her laughter.

Garnet look at the chessboard and she just wanted to throw into the wall. “Yes, I had no idea he was this good. I guess Twilight Sparkle is good for something.” She really didn’t like the purple unicorn.

Rilda then decided to put away chessboard. “If I remember correctly, you said to Twilight that if she ever came back while you were queen you would throw her back in jail.”

“And I meant it but I will make exception this time, I don’t want to see my son sad.” Garnet look down at her hands. “What kind of mother would I be if I made my son sad?”

Rilda stood up with the chessboard in her hands. “I know how you feel my queen, I have made my children sad more time then I can count.”

Garnet look at Rilda “How are you two children doing? I haven’t seen them for a while.”

“They are as energetic as ever. Navire, he is trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Camry, she is still in school, I don’t think she like it there but she has to, whether she like it or not.” Rilda then smiled. “And I love them with all my heart and that will never change.” Then her expression became more serious. “But, if the ever take Joserth side they will be grounded for the rest of my life.” Garnet could see that Rilda was serious and it scared her. “Well, I better go and help the young prince.” She then left.

Garnet just started at the door and she was a little afraid, she forget that Rilda could be very scary when she is angry.

In the mess hall sat Drake and his brother Diner, they were eating. The real reason they were there? To try and find the spy. It’s been over a week since Fredi as ‘caught and escape’ and they still had no idea who the real spy was.

“Anything?” Drake asked his brother, Diner just shook his head. “Damn it, this like finding a needle in a bloody hay sake.” Diner couldn’t help but worry about his brother, he was possessed in finding the spy, he didn’t want to let the queen down.

Then a green dragon walk over to them. “Sir Drake.” Said the dragon while saluting.

Drake just gave the guard a blank look. “is there something you want Jedra?” He asked in a hostile tone.

The dragon Jedra became a little afraid. “I just wanted to know what happened to Fredi, where is he?”

Diner saw that his brother was in no condition to answer. “As far as we know, he is hiding somewhere in Equestria and before you ask, no, we can’t go there and look for him. I am pretty sure that princess Celestia and princess Luna wouldn’t approve it.” Jedra just nodded his head and walk away. “I hate lying.” Said Diner when Jedra was gone.

“Me to brother, but we have to so we can find the real spy.” Drake then rubbed his eyes, he then yawned.

“When did you have a good night sleep?” Diner asked his big brother.

“I have no idea, a week?”

Diner was worried about his brother mental state. “Brother, you need rest.”

“I sleep when I’m dead.” Drake told his brother with a yawn.

Diner placed a hand on his shoulder. “Go home and try and get some sleep, me and the others can handle things here.”

Drake had to admit it, sleep sounded good right about now. “Alright, I’ll head home and try and get some sleep but I want you to come and get me if anything happened, got it?” His bother nodded. “Good.” Drake got up and headed home.

The night had arrived and Spike was lying in his bed with a smile on his face, after he got back to his room he had started to plan what to do when Twilight and the other arrived, if they could. Rilda had help him and she told him that she knew someone who could deliver their invitation, now he had to wait.

Later that night when everyone in the castle was sleeping, except the guards, a dark shadow was flying towards the castle. The shadow flew towards the queens window, the shadow used his claws in the wall so he wouldn’t fall. The shadow look into the window to see if he woke up Garnet, she was still sleeping with made the shadow smile. He then took out a crystal from his pocket on his jacket and used it to deactivated the spell on the window, he then open the window and got in.

Once inside the room the shadow used his dragon eyes to see in the dark, he could see the queen lying in her bed sleeping peacefully. He walk over to her with a smile. ‘It’s nothing personal queen Garnet, it’s just business.’ He then took out something from his jacket and walk over to the bed.

In another part of the castle was Diner, he was walking through the halls of the castle, why? He had trouble sleeping and that was because he was blind, it’s a little difficult to know when it’s day and night.

Diner then notice he was right in front of prince Spike room, which means he was near his mother and something was wrong there, he could fell someone there. Diner ran towards the queen’s bedroom and there was a guard standing there, the guard saw Diner running towards him not understanding why.

Before the guard could ask, Diner open the door. “What are you doing to the queen?” The guard had no idea what was going on, then he look into the room and he was horrified what he saw. Standing over the queen was a dragon he hadn’t seen before and he was holding a syringe to the queen’s neck, when the dragon saw Diner and the guard he jump out the window and started to fly.

Diner look at the guard. “Lock down the castle, no one gets in or out. Protect the prince and get my brother.” Before the guard could reply, Diner flew after the culprit.

It took a few second before the guard reacted, a dragon had just killed the queen.

Author's Note:

That's right, the queen is dead. What will happened next?

Also, I'm going to give the chapters name from now.